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1995 N.E.W.R.L. Frequency Flyer Newsletter PDF

19 Pages·1995·2.6 MB·English
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Preview 1995 N.E.W.R.L. Frequency Flyer Newsletter

Reserved For NE ,-. ,-, ,_. _ ~ - . ·~ ~ -·-· .-. ,-, • t a I -. I I - 4'.._ ~. - ~ t_,,t 11 I·•-, I I !_..~.-. ..- . '-· .-. ·-· • ··-· - •. -•• '! • -· .... .-- ,,,. ~ (ti , _ ~ The N.E.W. Radio League P.O. Box 22130 Green Ba>-', vJI 54305-2130 PRES IDEl-IT: r' la r K O 1 : o n u 1 l i a s I'. E 9 P Q ) VICE PRE3IOE!H: ChltcK V..ileeler <Al i.as N~3IIIIIIIIIIIIE)(N9I IE) TREFISURE1' - MiKe Wi l 1 i: <Al ias KESQV) SECRETARY: Todd Schmeling •:Alias KE9PvD THE 147.270 FINE CONTROL OPERATORS: KBSALN Andy Nemec KESPW Todd Schmeling KE8PQ MarK Olson KFSDB Joe Biese NSIIE ChucK Wheeler <Please Contact One Of These Fine Control Operators If You Have A Problem Concerning The 147. 270 Repeater ) N.E.W. R.L. CALENDAR The t··let ls Each Tuesday Evening At 7:30 p.m. On The 147.270 and 145. 110 Repe.:.ters. N. E.W.R.L. MEETINGS Are Held The First Wednesday Of Each Month At 7 :30 p.m. MAY 4th . ..... . .. . Midway Motor Lodge JUNE ls t . ... ..... Midway Motor Lod9 e J ULY 6th ... . . .. . . Midway Motor Lodge AUGUST 3rd . . .... . Pizza Meeting SEPTEMBER 7th . ... Midway Moto1• Lodge The N.E.W.R .L. Would Like To Welcome Our New Members <as of March 1st ) Jamie Brien NSRPW Lawrence Diegel KA9TCC Bobbie Harmon N8UGF Bob Riehl in NO CALL Barb Sch me l ing NSSVF Joseph Tenor f·-J8UPU I Also , IJf Col1rse, Wollld Like To Thank All Of The Old Merrbers <OM's ) ! W i t h o u t A 1 1 0 f You , 1·-10 n e Of Tt-1 i s Wo u 1 d Be Po s s i b l e ! THANKS FOR YOUR SUPPORT ! II II THIS IS ISSUE NUMBER ONE, OF THE N.E.W.R.L. NEWSLETTER, THE "FREQUENCY FLYER" 1 WE WILL BE STARTI~3 OUT WITH A QUARTERLY PUBLICATION, AND IF ALL GOES WELL .... WHO KNOWS? ANY AND ALL INPUT TO THIS NEWSLETTER WOULD BE HELPFUL AND GREATLY APPRECIATED . OF COUR'.3E , ANYTH Ir'IG THAT IS SUBMITTED IS SUBJECT TO THE DI SCRET I 01,l OF THE ED I TOR. <Me ) MY JJAME IS SAl,lDY COREY MY CALL IS NSRDC TO CONTACT ME WITH YOUR INPUT: IF YOU HAVE PACKET, I AM ON 145.07 IF I'M NOT AROUND, i·-JSRDC-1 WILL TAKE MY MAIL MY ADDRESS VIA THE U.S. POSTAL SYSTEM rs: 818 MARVELLE LANE APT.C GREEN BAY, WI 54304 OR MY PHONE NUMBER rs: 497-4858 <If I Arn Noi: A•.•.::i.ilable, Magoo [,Jill Cheerfull y TaKe A Message) PLEASE! ! ! DO NOT Ai: tempt To Coni:act Me On 11 Mei:ers ! POWER Swii:ch Is '.3t1per-Gl1..1ed OFF! !! M~' ED I TOR !AL DISCLAIMER Tr1e Opinions Expressed Ir1 The Edii:orials, Columns, Or Ari:icles, Are Opinions Of The Aui:hors Onl y , And DO NOT, Unless Oi:herwise Stai:ed, Express Or Impl y Endorserneni: Of The N.E.W.R.L. , Or By Any Other Individual Or Organ izai: ion. THANKS ! MY TOPTEl..J REASOl'..JS FOR THE i··I. E. LJ. R. L . i'IELJSLETTER ! 10. Something For~~ To Do When Nobody Will Connect To Me On PacKet. 9 . A Safe Way For Me To Entert&in Myself . 8 . Re ~ l l y Ne e d e d So me t h i n g To Ad d To My " L i s t 0 f Tt"oi n gs To Do " • 7 . Somewhere Other· Than Vo ice Or PacKet For lvle To MaKe Comments . 6 . Sometimes Keeps Me From Leaving Obnox ious Messages Late At Night . 5 . A Hidden Desire With in "MYSELF", Or Was That Witt"1in "ME"? Altholigh, I t Co 1~ l d H .3. v e Be e r1 LJ i t h i n " r " . ? • 7 . ? 4. Gave Me An Excuse To Do A TopTen List! 3 . Keeps Me From Leaving Obnox ious Beacons On PacKet. <?> 2. To ImPrOvE mY KEyBoArD sKiLlS . By ThE lJAY • •• AnYoNe l'leEd A gOoD t Yp Is T?? s ... And ••• THE r·..JUMBER Ol'..JE REASON FOR A NEWSLETTER 1 1. It Is Alsv Usef1.1l For Starting A Fire To Earn Your Boy Scout Merit s.~d g e ! ! ! ! ! THOUGHTS OF UPGRADING? Ha v e I Go t The Lo c at i o n s For Yo u ! April 9 Madison April 9 OaK CreeK April 13 West All is ****APRIL 16 Ashwaubenon <High School) April 16 Eau Claire April 30 Waui.1atosa May 7 Manitowac !'rlay 7 Cedarburg May 14 Medford May 14 Madison May 14 OaK CreeK May 18 West Al 1 is May 28 Waui.iatosa June 4 River Falls June 1 1 Marshfield June 1 l APPLETON June 11 Madison June l 1 OaK CreeK June 11 hmmmmmmmrrm •.. Must Be, "National Amateur Test Day" June 15 West All is June 25 Waui.iatosa Jll l y 9 Madison July 9 OaK CreeK July 9 South Mil wauKee July 20 West Al 1 is July 22 Eau Claire July 23 Eau Claire July 30 Waui.iatosa MONTHLY 1st Saturday/ Racine <except Jan. ,Ju 1 y, .and Aug.> MONTHLY 2nd Saturday/ Madison OaK CreeK MONTHLY 3rd Wednesday/West Allis MONTHLY Last Saturday/ Wauwatosa <except Decerrber> MONTHLY Last Saturday/TomahawK <January thru October only) UP TO THE MINUTE REPORT ON AREA SWAPFESTS! SUNDAY, APRIL 10: 22nd Annual MARA Swapfest Held At The Dane County Exposition Center Forum Building In MADISON, WI. Admission: $4.00 In Advance Or $5.00 At The Door . Tables Are $10.00 In Advance . Contact MARA P.O. Sox 8890, Madison, WI 53708. Or Contact Jim, K89AQQ, At <608>249-7579 SUNDAY, APRIL 17 : Hamfest And Computer Fair In ROCKFORD, IL. Contact P.O. Sox 1744, RocKford, IL 61125. Or (815)399-6995 SATURDAY, MAY 7: LaKeshore Hamfest And Computer Swapfest At Manitowac County Expo Grounds In MANITOWAC, WI . VE Testing . Registration For Exams Ends At 9:00 a .m. SATURDAY, MAY 7: OzauKee Radio Club will s ponsor its 16th Annual Cedarburg Swapfest at the Circle-8 Recreation Center, Highway 60 and County I. Contact: ORC S1Japfest Chairman, W70 N1018 Hampton Court, Cedarburg, WI 53012. Or phone <414>377-7468. SUl'-IDAY, MAY 22: MAYFEST 94, at the DuPage County C IL) Fairgrounds. Contact: G. M. R >s . of I 11 ino is, Inc., 2077 West Rooseve lt Road , Wheaton , IL 60187. Or phone <708)690-1492. SATURDAY, JULY 9: South MilwauKee Swapfest at OaK CreeK, WI. Contact : SMARC, P.O. Box 102, South MilwauKee, WI 53172. Or phone <414)762-3235 ext . 58. SUNDAY, JULY 31 : Racine Hamfest, Racine , WI . Contact: RMC, P.O. Box 3, Rae ine, WI . Or phone <41..1 )554-7565. SATURDAY, AUGUST 27: Northwoods Amateur Radio Swapfest, at Sugar Camp Town Hall, 12 mi 1 es north of Rhineland er, WI on Highway 17. Contact: Mary Berger , 367 Lois Street, Rhinelander, WI 54501. Or phone <715)362-9296. 17-18: SUPERFEST, Peoria, IL. SEPTE~EER , , , , ~­ \\Iba \ ..... .... . .. .. . · ·' . .. ........ ... .. . ·. ·~ : ~ AHSTC News Update Ashwaubenon, WI - The Ashwaubenon High School Tech Club repeater should be up around the beginning of May. All the components have arrive and they are being assembled by the fine young Ashwaubenon students, with the help of Andy, KBSALN, and a few other helpful hams. They are also now having a membership drive, in which the club dues will be going for a new, more deluxe contoller that the paid members will have access to the fuctions. The contoller doesn't have quite as many functions as the f\Ei....RL's RC-850 that is on the 147.270 MHz repeater in Green Bay , but it does have quite a selection . Chad, N9PAY, and Chris, N9PAW, have put together a large bulK mailing to every ham in the Green Bay area t hat they had addresses for. TaKe a looK at the letter and f ill out the enclosed form and support this worthy project and the Ashwaubenon students! If you didn 't recieve a application, and would liKe to help s uppor t the AHSTC Repeater, drop a note to Chad Stiles - NSPAY c/ o Ashwaubenon High School Tech Club 2391 South Ridge Road, Green Bay , WI 54304 Al so, f or your information, here is some information about the AHSTC repeater. Location: Ashwaubenon High School, Ashwaubenon, WI Ca llsign: NSPAW/R ERP: 250 watts of screaming RF Input Freq: 147.675 MHz Output Freq: 147.075 trl-iz PL Tone : 107. 2 Hz Tower height: 50 ft Ground Elevation: 639.9 Ft AMSL Repeater System Componants: Main Repeater - Motorola Mo-TracK <Go Batwing!) Ouplexers - Wacom Antenna - Diamond F-23A <8 dB) Feed 1 ine - 7/ 8th Hardline Control er - Home brew Sysops: Chad Stiles, NSPAY Chris LanKford, N9PAW Cont ol Ops : Jason Engebos, NSPAV Ryan Lardinois, NSNJK Andy Nemec, KBSALN For more information about the r epeater or AHSTC contact Chad, NSPAY. 73, OE Chad , NSPAY~WBSTYT.~MKE .Wl.USA.NOAM ~,JARNING : Th is Has 1·-Jot Been Ed ited <Mispel ling 's Should Be E:'{c •.1:: AHSTC Users Group Application Name------ -------- Call _ _________ Address ___ ____________________ _ City------------ Stace ___ Zip ___ Macro ___ _ Phone (·----'·------- Date _/_/_ Are you currently a scudent of Ashwaubenon High School? Y I N Have you ever been a scud.em of Ashu.:aubenon High School? Y I N Are you currently ajull-time student ar another school or college? Y I N Will you be using the cross band repeac funccion on any of your radios to link up with the 147.075 MHz repearer at anytime? Y I N ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• What areas of ham radio are you interested in? __ HF DX _ _ VHF/UHF DX __R epeacers __ A 1V __ Packets/ digital modes _ __ "Elmering" (helping ochers} _ _ Field day _ __ Contesting ___ Emergency Communications ___ Home brew __ Swapfesrs Nets ___ Foxhunting/RDF ___ Other _ __________ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Is there anything that you would like to see AHSTC do in the next year(s}? Is there anyching you would Wee to see changed?----------- - - ------

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