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Preview 1991 6th International Congress Sheffield

6th IIiITERNATIONAL CONGRESS IIFOs: THE GLOBAL VIE\ff lrr9!ar August Sheffield 76, 77, 1g South Yorkshire England 1_991 6th II\ITERNATIONAL CONGRESS IIFOs: THE GLOBAL VIEW 6ltolAr August Sheffield 76, L7, Lg South Yorkshire Eigland 1_991 Congress Organisers BUFORA: THE BRITISH UFO give a further overview and penpecrve on the RESEARCH ASSOCIATION subject ofUFOS. UFO Brigantia subscriprion i:jo!-madon LIMITED IL\. Founded 1964. Registered office: 16 can be obtained by sending an S.1-E ro : 84 Elland Road, Brighthouse, weit Yoriciire. HD6 Southway, Burgess Hill, Sussex, RG15 9ST. 2QR. Incorporating the London UFO Research As- sociation (Founded 1959) andthe Bdtish UFO Association (Founded 1962). UFO-LINE AIMS: This new information service. o per-dle d by 1) To encourugq promote and conduct the IUN, is the ideal way of ke epin€ up-ro - date unbiased scientitic rcsearch of the UFO with all aspects of the UFO phenomenon. Dial phenomena throughout the United 0898 881907. Calls are 33p per minuie offpeak and 44p per minute peak. Kingdom. 2) To collect and disseminate etidence and data relating to UFO'S. MUFON: MUTUAL UFO NETWORK, 3) To co-ordinate UFO reseatch throu9hout the United Kingdom and to INC co-operute with otherc engaged in such The Mutual UFO Network lnc. is an inter- rcsearch thtoughout the wo d. national scientific organisation composed of people seriously interested in stud]'in€ and re- Membership is open to all who support searching the phenomenon known as UlOs by the aims of the association and whose applica- combining their mutual talents, areas of exper- tion is approved by the executive committee. tise and investigative effods. BUFORA publishes a number of booklets as Foundedin 1969, MUFON's success may well as the bi-monthly magazine UFO Times. be attibuted to the 'grass roots' natue of the Application forms and general information can organisation where a malority olthe leadership be obtained by sending an SAE to: BUFORA, and motivation is achieved at local le!el 16 Southway, Burgess Hill, SussexRH15 9ST. MUFON'S board oI consultants, most of whom are PhDs or MDs representing 45 aJeas of science. are readily available as an advisory IUN: THE INDEPENDENT UFO group to apply their expertise to UFO cises NETWORK under study and to conduct advaliced research The Independent UFO Network was in their respective field. A monthly magazine, the MLTFON UFO formedin 1987 out ofliaiEon between members of the West Yo*shire UFO Research Gloup Journalis our most significanr means ofsharing details of UFO sighting reports atld vital inJor- the Yorkshire UFO Network 04TYUFORG), mation related to the UFO phenomena with (YI"IFON), and Eeeeral independent UFO in- our members thrcughout the world. vestigators living in various pans of Britain. For membership and general information The IUN holds no particular viewpoint on the nature and origin of the UFO enigma and details write to: MUFON, 103 Oldtopne Road, Seguin, Texas 78155, USA. seeks to disseminate its research and investiga- tions via its magazine UFO Brigantia to help Contents 4 Congress organisers Walter H Andrus fr: The Gulf Breeze sightings 38 6 Foreword by fohn Spencer USA 6 Tdbute to Sir Patrick Wall Thomas E Bullard: Does folklore explain UFO abductions? 44 9 usa Congress services Bedil Kuhlemann: The UFO Stephen t Gamble: Computerising ro Phenomenon and its Meaning aata 49 $f,o SWEDEN Cynthia Hind: To believe or not to O-dd-Gunnar Roed: Proiect Hessdalen )) believe l2 AFRICA NORWAY Ken Phillips: The Aramnesis Report Kathryn Howard: On lhe Edge of 59 UK Earth 17 USA Budd Hopkins: What theyre doing to us 64 USA fenny Randles: Crop circles - the answet search for an 2l UK Paul Vanbrabant The Belgian UFO wave 70 BELGIUM Paul Norman: UFO update ftom down under 27 A Close Encounter of the Musical Kind AUSTRALIA 74 TInhocmiads eAn Cto ote: The Jamestown 55 AUSTRALIA Foreword John Spencer, UK pilots, military personnel. doctors, factorywork Johfi Spencet irs and rhose working the land have all shared in this globa.l phenomenon. Global in the sense of embracing all cul- tules. The UFo phenomenon, in what mightbe regarded as the technological perceplion of exuaterreslrial spacecraft, is to some degee a perception of the 'westem world' but even a cursory glance at the experiences of other cul tures such as aboriginal cultures, rural African and South American cultures, Eskimo cultures, native American Indian cultures and several cultures ofthe Far East all indicate something which, if ir is not the UFO phenomenon, is so close a cousin that distinction is virtually irrel- evant. ir Global its effect on people. The UFO phenomenon has been humorous at rimes, it On behalf of the Congess Organising has been awe-inspiring and beaulitul. it has Committee may I edend a welcome to all the been terrifying and lrightening and occasion- speakers and delegates to this most important ally it has resulted in injury and death. of Intemational ConFesses. Global in the sense oftypes of events. The I am delighted to have been invited by the UFO phenomenorl rangesft om distant sightings Committee to give rhis personal overview by seen by people to close encounters experienced way olintroduction to rhe Congress. the theme by people. From the "I saw a light and it went ofwhich is the Global Picture. away" dght througb to the "I saw a light and The scope of t}re subject has widened ended up inside it". greatly since the Kerlneth Arnold sighting of44 A great deal ot effort has been put into years ago which triggered off the so called sudying the phenomenon bu1 it has to be said moderlera. Perhaps mote than any subject it is thatfew results have been drawnftom it, at least global in every sense ofthe word. few results which are collectively agreed upon Globalin the sense ofcovering the whole even by specialists in the field. Many good ofthe Earth. No continentofthe globehasbeen people all across the world are trying hard but devoid of UFO sightings and presentations are tley are hampered bya lack ofinvolvement by Abemienrgic ma, aAdues atrat llia.h, isa ncdo nAgfriecsas. from Europe. manv" Ao l sthmea wll opraldr'ts oefs ttahbel isjnhevdo lv'ceommemn ml tihtiaers is. Global in the sense of embracing all of needed is closer work with the scientiJic com- time. Althoush t}le modern era stems lrom munity who must open up their minds to ihe 1947, researcE which must at ieast be regarded possibilities that the UFO phenomenon will as thought provoking has lookedbackwards as reveal; it will have far reaching effects on phys- lar even as primitive man's cave paintings ics, biology, psycholory, sociology, ml,tholosr, Global in the sense of touching pcople meteorolos/ and awhole host of'ologies'that lromallwalksof life. Some researchhas shown even Maureen Lipman's television son has not that there may be 'UFo-prone' individuals but yet dreamed of. I say a small part because this those characteristics are not confined to easily area has at least been tapped, with many scien- definable groups of people. From the less edu- tists, sometimes clandestinely, working with cated to the highly qualified. lrom the town us. drunk to United States presidents, reports of Almost completely untapped, but perhaps UFos have been received. Policemen, airline the mostimportantpaltofthe modern world in bot} the west and now the easl., is the environ- simply the work ofindividuals as ithas been in ment of industry and commerce which has the past. UFO organisations must not melely be much to offer ttFO research and much to gain administration bodies forthose individuah;but from its experiences - iI only lrom its spin-;ffs. true working enviro[ments for motivated The most responsible UFO grouos must groups. be looking towards a closer involvement and . We need to be more open minded; we closer funded research from these institutions have reached a position where, far from being whjch have, often quiedy, been happy to tund radicalthinking and opposing the closedmindi all sons of research in past years but which are otself in lerested establishmenl science we have now more thEln ever actively seeking radical now generated just that same mentalitu within thinking at every level. the UFO community itself. Most importantly, the subject must be Several groups across America. the UK opened up to the billions ofpeople around the and Scandinavia panicularly have become so uorld that barely know of its existence apart ultra-skeptic lhar rejection of the UFO phe- from lhrough sensationally biased media. ln nomenon is their only way forward. We must rhe 44 years sinceArnold's sighting there have not fall irlto that trap and we must be ready to been a plethora ofbooks written, bu l. these have le_am from the phenomenon, whatever aspect been mosfl ybookswrittenforspecialist!, books of mankind it is touchirs. written within a small club, for the members of Ofcourse scepticis; is vital, but it must be ap hsemnaollm celunbo.n V teor yt hfee wE ehnaevrea lo ppuenbelicd, uvpe tt,h aes rtuhee bbaellaienvceedo,n layn dto naocte lritmaiinte dle vtoe lp rWedeisdpoo sniotito knn so two tabloiqmedia shows, the public is fasainared by what the prope! level is yet. . the UFO phenomenon. One thing is certain. The roadahead of us We must leam to bridge a gap bel.ween the is Ionger tlan the road behind us. Let us make serious material and tabloid presentation if we sure that the steps we take on the road in the areto speak to all people at all levels andwiden future are more producrive than the steDs that rhe involvemenl. of the world at large inl.o *le we have already taken because, whatever the subject. We must have the subject-viewed as UFO phenomenon is, it serves no one Lo dis- respectable for discussion, without ridicule, in miss it.lightly or make it rhe preserve of all walks of life and all social environments. The subject must be nol. onlv on lhc aca- , It does not need to be treated with awe, it demic agenda of every university'but on cver-y does not need to be treated with revetence or coffee rable and bookshelf across the world. solemnity, it certainly does not deserve to be As regards the work to be done, we have trealed wirh ridicule but it does need to be relied far too much on individuals lo do $e addressed and its importance recognised. research. This one subiect more than anv other Perhaps it only holds the kev to a few has suff_ ered from a lack of s3nergr: lacking rhe atmospheric phenomena or perhaps it holds erta abiliries brought to research by wellho- thekeyto understanding Mankin's placein the tivated teams forging togetherrowards cofiunon Univ€rse; mentally. physically or-spiritually. goals. Until we know for certain which. we must not The UFO community must lodk lowards be dismissive. building those teams so tlat research is no[ Major Sir Patrick Watl Maior Sit Personal circumstances and other de- PatickWall rnands on his time have forced Sir Patrick to stand down. BUFORA owes him a debt of gratitude for his close involvement with the company over the years and we s/ish him v/ell for the futule. Never easily willing to lose a good mar, BUFORA'S plans are already aJoot for us to persuade him to at least let us have rhe benefit ofhis wisdom in the future without his having to undertale the obligations of ofic€l Si! Patdck had a long career as Conserva- Live MPforHumberside and in over 30yeJs in the House of Commons he furthered rhe cause of Ufologr with a number of questioos. As a NATO consultant, secuJity aspects of Major Sir Patrick Wall has been president UFOS \,!'ere a particular interest. Throughout of BUFORA since 1989 and it is with consider- the years his contributions to the subject have able regret that we have had to accept his been most interesting and vital. resignation at this Congress. BIIFORA'S SOTH NATIONAL CONFERENCE 19TH SEPTEMBER 1992 LONDON BUSINESS SCHOOL LONDON For furtlf,er deta s, send sJI gA-E to: BIIFOXA, 16 gouthway, Burgess Hin, Sussex RGIS 9ST ADVERTISEMEl\ITS vis ito rs to last yeart P hantoms ol the shy conr."ence win no doubt remember that there was some dilficulty in obtainingJood and drink in Shefrie-ld, especialy on the Sunauylu""f, t*". This year this probtem has been overcome. TH E SUR REy pu6lic house fierl uiioppo,ite tf," fitra.yt l11T-"l1xlf-!gli Fndred yards,or so&om rhe librarythearre. and rle'piopllio., Corinlu.ir, nas_speclatty opened Ior Congrcss delegates on Sunday Iunch time. Fullpub farilities w l be- ava abre plus a selection ofsunday lunches to suit mosr rastes. There is nownere.e.lse open.locauy at Sunday lunch time so all Congress delegales are advised to use THE 5URREY lor reheshments as well as paying it a visir on Friday and S;turday. THE SURREY (opposite library main entraoce) HOyE COI?IEP FooD, SALAD BAR, MANSFTBLD BBERS AND LAGERS A DIFFERENT STYLE OF PUB SPECIAL OPENING ON SUNDAY LUNCH TIME FOR CONGRESS DELEGATES UFO-CAIL Edite-d and ple_sented by Jenny Randles on behau of BUFO RA, UFO- CALL will keep you ahead of tle UFO headlines. The latest cases from^around the world, up to date rcsearch news, details o{ national and regional events are all on UFO-CALL. UFO CALL: 0898 121 886. Calls are 33p per minute off peak and 44p per minute peak. ENIGMAS ENIGMAS is published five tjmes a year by Stmnge phenomena Investigations (SplJ. lhrs magazne regutarty leatures articles on all aspects of rhe paraiormal, incllding UpOs, l^"l9-'c:l:11 l":jgC:t_:piritualism,tife after death ani so on. To obiain suUsi.iition aetaiis, prea*l send a large SAE to: SpI, 14 McKinlay Crescent, Alloa, Clackmannan.fri.", S"lrGna, fXfO SnX. UFORIA U,FORIA specialkes in all sorts ofufological memombilia such as posters, videos, models, t_shirts ano.so on. rora rree price list, ptease send a large SAE ro: UFORIA, 1, Woodhall Drive. Batley. West Yorkshire. HD6 2QR. UFORIA has a setecti-on of items on satd ai ftis C;;gr;;s ln the rheatre ent€nce hall. This incl:udes Commufiion memonbilia such as brand niil/ ,*il" port"rr. BRIGANIA BOOKS Brigantia Books.stocks one of the largest selections ofsecond hand and .ure uFo tiues in Britain. ior a lree 0ool lst Dlease send a Iarse SAE to: Brigantia Books, 84 Elland Road, Brighouse, West Yorkshire. HD6 2QR. halt. SPACELINKBOOKS Spac€link Books has in stock one ol the largest selections in Britain of llew UFO titles, both in hardback and paperback. Forafreeup-ro-dareiooklist ptease se nd a liige Seitoi blacetini aooLs, 1I5 Hollybush Lane, Hampton. Middesex. TW12 2eV. Spacelink books have a large selectio n of new titles o; sale at this Congtess in the theatr€ entrance Compiled by Onay Faiz WitI assistance from John Spencer and philip Mantle Design and layout by Mike Taylor WitI assistance from Darsha Hardy The UFO Phenomenon and its Meaning Beltil Kutdemann, Sweden Bettil Kuhlefiafifi Another psychological factor is the detri- (hoiect URD, meltal effect of the 'official' attitude to the UFO-Sweden existence of the UFO phenomena, with regard ICUR) to the willingness of the observers to report on thei! experienc$. 'You do not want to have your sanity questioned by reporting something which does not exist,' is the attitude. we need to compile and summanse our findings in appropriate ways and communicate them to scientific authorities, mass media and to the general public, so that the message hits hone. UFOS are lor real. The UFO phenom- enon does exist! The Phenomena and its Meaning Beftil Kuhlemonn rcprcsents Szaeden. He whatisthe mear ngof the phenomenon? belieaes the UFO phenornenon do6 exist. In order to come to an understanding of We must not iEnote the importance ot this question, and the answer to it, we must repo ed sensory petceplions dutinC UFO elevate ourselves to a 'lofty' position, and, from expeiences, he arCues: although they here, dig through all the bits and pieces of the elude scientific delinition, they constilute different tlpes ofphenomena (assembled, per- aital wo d eaidence, haps incorrecfly, under the label of the UFo phenomenon) and search for and test possible Different Levels of Perception pattems. What do we then find? Under the label of UFO phenomena, a Well, an invitation to work on tle devel- wide spectrum of phenomena are assembled, opment of our own consciousness (individually including UFOS arld flying saucers. and collectively) for the refinement ofhuman- Basically, however, v/e are only able to ily and its relations to nature. [oward a cosmic study the (reported) characteristics of those brotherhoodincluding of course a new attitude phenomena on a very superficial level. toward peace. A truly esoteric and spiritual Scientifl cally-proved findings are unfor- invitationl tunately scarce and some of the experiences of the observers belong to domains where Mv" Life with the Phenomenon instrumented scientific investiSations cannot My lile *ith the phenomenon starled very be carried out (such as intuitive 'hints', extra- early (without including any specific UFO ex- sensory perception, telepathy). periences) and went on all throughout my late The psychological aspects of our5+ senses adolescence and into early adulthood with suc- is thus a very important factor in UFO resealch. cessive consciousness development steps When observers report on their UFO ex- leading to a comprehensive and coherent pedences, it could be r"aluable to define the cosmological world-view and philosophy of estimations of difrerent characteristics in inter- life. vals rather than by defrnite figures, in order to A Brief autobiography make the data of the reports on the UFO phe- nomena more comparable and compatible Bertil Kuhlemann was bom in 1931, and internationally. is married with one child- He has held different

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