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riv oNw, Veterans i Administration Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Vol. 25 No.4 Pages 53—62 Speech training aids for hearing-impaired individuals: L ® Overview and aims LYNNE E. BERNSTEIN, PhD, MOISE H. GOLDSTEIN, Jr., ScD, and JAMES J. MAHSHIE, PhD Speech Processing Laboratory, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD 21218 and Department of Audiology, Gallaudet University, Washington, DC 20002 Abstract—Prelingual profound deafness typically results vocabulary. As older children and adults, the quality in aberrant or unintelligible speech production. For of their speech is often not adequate to permit fluent approximately 70 years, researchers and engineers have interaction with hearing people (30). The use of attempted, with little success, to provide electronic aids electronic speech training aids to improve their for speech training . Recent computer and signal process- speech has long been a goal. ing technology has provided the impetus for several This paper discusses speech characteristics of the groups to implement new speech training aids . Following deaf; reviews computer-based speech training aids; a review of deaf speech characteristics, several current and describes the development of 2 interrelated computer-based aids are described. Included among those reviewed are two interrelated speech training aids which computer-based aids developed at The Johns resulted from collaboration among the authors. Hopkins University. A description of the hardware implementation of those training aids is given in a companion paper by Ferguson, Bernstein and Key words: acoustic/physiological signals, computer- Goldstein (this volume [11]) . A second companion based speech training aids, electroglottograph, fundamen- paper by Mahshie, Alquist-Vari, Waddy-Smith, and tal frequency, hearing impaired, microphone, pneumo- Bernstein describes software, and clinical experience tachograph, Speech Practice/Training Stations. with the Johns Hopkins aids (also this volume [32]). INTRODUCTION BASIC ISSUES In the United States each year, 1,000 to 2,000 Speech intelligibility of deaf speakers children are born with profound deafness or experi- Several investigations have attempted to deter- ence profound hearing impairment before they begin mine the characteristics and intelligibility of speech to learn speech and language (41) . These by the deaf. Osberger and McGarr (43) suggest that prelingually, profoundly deaf children benefit only while differences in the frequency of occurrence of minimally from hearing aids (2) . As young children various speech segments (i .e., consonants and vow- (i.e., ages 18 to 48 months), they typically have els) are reported across studies, overall consistency aberrant vocalizations and virtually no productive in the quality of segmental productions has been observed. Deaf speakers of English typically do not Address all correspondence and requests for reprints to Lynne E. make use of the full inventory of vowels (of which Bernstein, PhD, Center for Auditory and Speech Sciences, Mary Thornberry Bldg., Gallaudet University, 800 Florida Avenue NE, there are approximately 15). Among the most Washington, DC 20002. commonly used vowels are the midvowels /A, a/ 53 54 Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Vol. 25 No. 4 Fall 1988 and the low front vowels /ae, E/ (25,47,50,52). This Perhaps one of the most noticeable aspects of the pattern of production is the result of a tendency to speech of deaf speakers is its characteristic vocal substitute more central vowels (i.e., those produced quality. While the specific factors contributing to with the tongue in a more neutral position), for such atypical quality are unclear, common voice those requiring more extreme articulatory gestures quality descriptors used to characterize deaf speech (1,36). An exception to this generalization was are "breathy voice," "tense voice," and "nasal reported by Carr (8), whose 5-year-old hearing- quality." impaired subjects produced a wider range of vowels In addition to recording the various speech errors than those observed by other researchers. made by the deaf, investigators have realized that it Analyses of various speech inventories reveal a is important to determine the effects of the various consistent pattern of consonant production . Gener- speech errors on intelligibility. In general, negative ally, hearing-impaired children tend to produce correlations have been reported between segmental front consonants /b, p, m, w/ more often than back errors and intelligibility: as the number and types of consonants (e.g., /g,k,h/), probably because the errors increase, intelligibility decreases (21,46). front consonants are more visible for lipreading. However, attempts at determining the effect of The more commonly observed speech errors include: suprasegmental errors on speech intelligibility have confusion of the voiced-voiceless distinction (e.g., led to somewhat equivocal findings. For example, /b/ confused with /p/); substitutions of one conso- Hudgins and Numbers (21) report a correlation of nant for another; inappropriate nasality; difficulty 0.73 between speech rhythm and speech intelligibil- in producing consonant clusters (e.g., "spr" in ity, which is similar in magnitude to the correlation "spring"); and, omission of word-initial and word- they report between total consonant errors and final consonants (6,19,21,27,28). intelligibility, and higher than the correlation re- In addition to articulatory patterns that differ ported between vowel errors and intelligibility. from normal, deaf children also tend to exhibit Others have reported lower correlations between atypical voice fundamental frequency, duration (or speech timing errors and speech intelligibility (29). rhythm), intensity, and voice quality patterns. A clear picture has yet to emerge concerning the Prosodic characteristics such as stress and intona- role of aberrant phonatory characteristics in speech tion are normally conveyed through control of voice intelligibility. Some research has suggested that fundamental frequency, duration, and amplitude. inadequate phonatory control, such as intermittent Among the most common temporal aberrancies are: phonation, pitch breaks, loudness breaks, and exces- slower than normal speaking rate (20); prolonged sive changes in fundamental frequency, are strongly speech sound segments (7); and, more pauses of correlated with speech intelligibility (46) . Ling (29) greater duration than produced by normal-hearing and others (40,48) argue that control of phonation speakers (4,23). In addition, deaf speakers typically and respiration, and the basic speech postures that fail to produce temporal distinctions that are com- underlie suprasegmental speech characteristics, is monly used by normal-hearing individuals to mark fundamental to correct production of both segmen- consonant voicing (e.g., the distinction between /b/ tal and suprasegmental speech characteristics. and /p/), and lexical stress (e .g., the distinction In summary, it appears that both segmental and between "the produce" and "to produce"). suprasegmental speech errors are common among Among the most common disruptions affecting deaf speakers, and that these errors are related to the deaf speaker's fundamental frequency are: use reduced speech intelligibility. of average fundamental frequency that is higher than normal (18); use of a restricted fundamental Auditory feedback in speech production frequency range leading to a monotonous quality development (20); and production of occasional pitch breaks (35). The normal-hearing child, or the aided child with In addition, deaf speakers often exhibit difficulty in hearing loss in the mild-to-severe range, receives producing fundamental frequency patterns that sig- auditory feedback for his/her speech production. nal lexical stress as well as in grammatical distinc- This feedback is in the service of both speech and tions (e.g., question versus statement) (44). language acquisition. The extreme difficulty with 55 BERNSTEIN et at. Speech Training Aids: I. Overview and Aims which the profoundly deaf child (with no additional Other sources of failure can be suggested. For handicapping conditions) achieves intelligible speech example, although developmental considerations in- and language can be attributed to a lack of adequate dicate that the most effective use of training aids auditory feedback . This premise is supported by the must be made during the years of childhood, and fact that some prelingually, profoundly deaf individ- especially during the preschool period of language uals do achieve intelligible speech, but that achieve- acquisition, most aids appear to have been designed ment is typically the result of prolonged individual without regard for the specific linguistic, cognitive, speech training with a skilled therapist (40) . In- and attentional attributes of young children . In early cluded among successful speakers are several blind devices, speech information usually was displayed in and deaf individuals who communicate via the a manner similar to that used by engineers and Tadoma methods (9). Tadoma users, who receive speech scientists, such as, time by frequency plots speech information by placing their hand on the face for voice pitch (e.g., the Visipitch from Kay and neck of the talker, can receive and process Elemetrics), or spectrograms (47). speech at low to normal rates . These individuals, Another problem has been the restricted accessi- who achieve speech communication via the bility to speech training aids outside of therapy. somasthetic channel, have achieved intelligible Although a student might progress during a therapy speech despite profound deafness and blindness and session, carryover is typically minimal. In order to have served as "existence proofs" in justifying the effect carryover, extensive practice is required. implementation of various technologies for speech Osberger, Moeller, and Kroese (42) point out that, training. However, it is worth noting that there are "Often, a child is seen for individual speech therapy only about 10 to 20 Tadoma users and that extensive only once or twice a week for a brief session, or the one-on-one training is required. child receives instruction with a large group of other children" (p. 146). Thus, even if therapy involves a Computer-based speech training aids potentially effective speech training aid, its benefits A number of comprehensive reviews of speech are likely to be limited if that aid is available only training aids for the deaf have appeared over the when the therapist works with the child. past several years (5,26). The overview here is Problems encountered in using speech training concerned with computer-based aids, but a state- aids may also be the result of placing laboratory ment by Braeges and Houde (5) helps put the equipment in the hands of individuals who do not development and use of all electronic speech training have specific technical expertise. In their 1973 aids for the deaf into perspective: discussion of speech training aids, Nickerson and Stevens (40) note that, "Some of the devices that A speech display which would be useful in teaching have been developed have been rather difficult to speech to the hearing-impaired has been the goal of use because they require careful and frequent adjust- applied speech science for the past five decades, and the number and variety of aids that have resulted from these ment" (p. 448). Until relatively recently, the use of efforts are overwhelming. Since the beginning of the computers has also involved the necessity for techni- modern electronic era (1920), there have been more than cal expertise. However, the current widespread use 100 different speech training aids developed. Almost all of personal computers provides a far different of these have been considered, by their developers, to be context for developing speech training aids from any significant contributions in the area of speech training. that existed until now. The personal computer is a However, few of them have been formally evaluated. machine that has been engineered for use by Very few have had a significant impact on teaching individuals without specific technical expertise and speech to the deaf, and none have come into widespread has become highly familiar to both children and use (p. 222). adults. Braeges and Houde (5) outline some reasons for this outcome, including "erroneously high expectations Evaluation of speech training aids of both teachers and engineers," and the absence of In general, speech training aids have undergone "clinically developed and tested procedures for only limited clinical evaluations . Some commercial- using speech aids" (p . 222-223). ly-marketed aids appear not to have been evaluated 56 Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Vol. 25 No. 4 Fall 1988 at all. Evaluation is needed in at least 4 areas to nasalization, and second formant frequency as a determine: 1) whether and how speech is improved function of time, presented in a manner that would as a result of work with the aid; 2) whether and how be familiar to engineers . Nickerson, Kalikow, and the therapist benefits from use of the aid; 3) whether Stevens (39) state: "A disadvantage in the use of or not design of the aid takes into account percep- time functions is the fact that many features cannot tual, cognitive, and attentional characteristics of the be represented simultaneously in an integrated fash- user for whom it is intended (for example, the ease ion. Showing several time functions in parallel on with which the aid is used at various age or the same display is a possibility; it is not clear, developmental levels must be determined); and, 4) however, that the viewer can make effective use of whether the signal processing capabilities of the aid such a display" (p. 127). An additional limitation of help the user develop the desired speech characteris- such displays is that they make no provision for the tics (5). cognitive/attentional characteristics of children, con- Providing a review of computer-based speech forming rather to formats used in the laboratory. training aids involves the use of product descriptions Data collected on use of the system showed that and other materials not ordinarily cited in publica- improvements were made to varying degrees along tions. The aids described below were selected for all the dimensions for which visual information was discussion on the basis of the availability of pub- provided (3). Improvement was greater for specifi- lished or presented information that address the cally trained utterances than for spontaneous or points of evaluation mentioned above . Only in the elicited untrained speech. The system was used for case of the Bolt, Beranek and Newman experimental providing diagnostic information, and students used system (40) have published reports dealt, to some the system extensively both with and without super- extent, with all the main areas of evaluation listed vision. It was concluded that a computer-based above. system could be a valuable tool if used in an The Bolt, Beranek and Newman System . The first "effective speech program" with "adequate teacher computer-based speech training aid was developed preparation." around a Digital Equipment Corporation PDP-8E The IBM-France Speech Training Project. A minicomputer (40). This was an experimental sys- speech training aid has been under development at tem, and no commercial system resulted directly IBM-France. In 1979, it was placed in the National from its development. The system consisted of 3 Institute for Deaf Children in France. The stated sensors (voice-microphone, accelerometer on the goal for the aid was "to visualize the child's voice," throat, and accelerometer on the nose) ; a preproces- and several of the graphic displays involved presen- sor, the computer, and various output displays. The tation of acoustic parameters on plots with time preprocessor included a pitch extractor, a spectrum versus a second dimension, such as intensity or pitch analyzer, and a nasal detector. (22). Some software was written for speech training Several visual displays were designed to appeal to by means of playing games in which the child must school age children : 1) a "ball game"; 2) a "vertical exercise voice pitch control to move an object spectrum"; and, 3) a cartoon face (39) . The ball around the computer monitor. The developers sug- game software was written so that a "ball" could be gested that the best software designers might well be made to expand or contract as a function of the children's teachers, and so developed only a loudness. The same ball could be driven through a limited variety of display software. hoop by control of voice pitch. The vertical spec- Several technical displays are available as part of trum appeared as a changing 2-dimensional shape, the system; for example, displays of linear predictive in which frequency was displayed symmetrically coding and autocorrelation coefficients . This soft- along the y-axis, and amplitude along the x-axis . A ware is considered "too complex for a deaf child, cartoon face was used to display voicing, fundamen- but might prove useful for the training of speech tal frequency, loudness, and "s"- or "z"-detection teachers, or for teaching basic acoustics concepts" by varying individual attributes of the cartoon as a (22). To our knowledge, this system has not become function of the various speech features . A time-by- a commercial product, nor are clinical evaluations speech-attribute display was also implemented, pro- available, although the designers have presented viding amplitude, fundamental frequency, voicing, several technical reports at conferences (10) . 57 BERNSTEIN et al. Speech Training Aids: I. Overview and Aims Matsushita Electric Industries and Rion Compa- The aid uses an Interstate Voice Products nies Aid, Japan. The explicit goal of the Japanese Vocalink SRB speech recognition board. Use of the system is to provide a training aid that provides board for speech training involves the therapist who information about "all" acoustic-phonetic speech works to elicit the child's best speech tokens . Tokens characteristics (38). Like the Johns Hopkins aid, are stored as templates, and subsequent drills use a whose goals were developed independently, the goodness-of-fit score between the stored target and Japanese aid is comprised of 2 interrelated systems, each utterance produced during the drill . The child one for the clinic and the other for the home. The is given visual feedback in the form of, for example, aid extracts: speech intensity, pitch, spectrum, the a bar graph in which the length of the bar cor- voiced versus voiceless distinction, neck vibration, responds to the overall goodness of the utterance. noise vibration, nasality, tongue position, expiratory The ISTRA project has involved evaluation of the airflow in front of the mouth, plosiveness, and goodness-of-fit metric, as well as clinical work with fricativeness. Sensors are attached by adhesive to the a small group of children (24). The goodness-of-fit nose and throat of the user . A microphone is metric was compared with judgments by a panel of mounted in front of the mouth on a headset . An listeners. The average inter-judge correlation was artificial palate is used to detect tongue position and 0.77. The correlation between human judgments and movement. A hand-held sensor detects airflow. The goodness-of-fit scores was 0 .78. These results are graphics for this system provide simultaneous dis- interpreted as evidence that the speech recognition plays of one or more of the input signals . For board is an adequate substitute for a therapist in example, tongue position is shown by a 2-dimen- making determinations of the overall goodness of sional graph of the palate and voice pitch is utterances during speech training drills. displayed as a time-by-frequency plot. Testing of ISTRA has involved hearing-impaired Training is based on stored models that conform children and normal-hearing, functional-misartic- to the desired articulatory or phonatory targets . The ulating children. Results suggest speech improve- trainee can observe the similarity of his/her produc- ments for both trained and untrained words for tions to those of the stored models in terms of the both the hearing-impaired and normal-hearing chil- display parameters. Also, a small flower opens or dren. shuts as a graded indication of a "goodness" metric The Orometer at the University of Alabama in calculation. Birmingham. Fletcher and his co-workers at the The systems were used at the National Rehabilita- University of Alabama in Birmingham have devel- tion Center for the Disabled in Japan . Training oped a system called the "orometer" based on the involved subjects between the ages of 18 and 20 notion that "appropriate measures and visual dis- years. The investigators (38) report improvements in plays of articulatory actions can serve as an alterna- intelligibility for subjects who worked with the tive speech-learning modality, to parallel auditory- system and a therapist; for those who worked with vocal learning of speech by hearing persons" (p. the system alone, however, no adequate description 526) (13). of evaluation methods is given. The orometer uses computer processing of input The Indiana Speech Training Aid (ISTRA) . Cur- signals to generate visual displays . Signals available rently, a project is underway at Indiana University to the orometer are derived as follows : 1) Position, to develop an aid based on speaker-dependent configuration, and movement of the tongue are speech recognition (24). The ISTRA project builds obtained from optical sensors placed along the on earlier work (42) at Boys Town Institute for Com- midline of a pseudopalate. The pseudopalate is a munication Disorders in Children (50). The Indiana thin acrylic plate shaped to the individual wearer's effort is based in part on principles of behavioral palate. The optical sensors (as many as 8), are pairs psychology that suggest that intelligible speech can be of miniature narrow-beam light-emitting diodes and learned through reinforcement of successive sylla- phototransistors . 2) The pattern of tongue contact able, whole-word, or phrase approximations to the against the roof of the mouth and the teeth is desired speech behavior. The model for this approach obtained by using an array of as many as 96 metal is the speech therapist providing the child with in- electrodes in a grid pattern on the pseudopalate . A formation about the "goodness" of each utterance . 10 kHz common signal is applied to the speaker's 58 Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Vol. 25 No. 4 Fall 1988 wrist and the tongue contact completes the signal assessing, monitoring, and modifying phonatory path. 3) The positions and movements of the lips behavior associated with speech production by the and lower jaws are monitored with the aid of a deaf (31). Feedback for non-visible phonatory be- video camera and special signal processors . The havior was considered clinically important because camera detects light reflectors or light-emitting those behaviors involving adjustment of non-visible diodes on the speaker's lips and face, and on canti- structures (such as the larynx) are more likely to be levers attached to the upper and lower teeth . Posi- inaccurately produced than those involving more tion and movement of up to 16 light sources can be visible structures (such as the lips). determined. 4) Acoustical signals from 2 micro- The system incorporates 3 components : 1) trans- phones relay data directly to an audio tape recorder, ducers for detecting the extent of vocal fold contact and to a 32-channel filter bank for computer storage (the electroglottograph), airflow rate (the pneumo- and subsequent production of digital spectrograms tachograph), and the acoustic waveform (a micro- (12). phone); 2) a specially-designed parameter extraction Two reports provide information about the clini- device for extracting fundamental frequency, laryn- cal use of the system to modify the speech of deaf geal articulation and vocal quality parameters from individuals. Both are case studies . In the first study the transducer signals; and 3) a POP 11/34a com- (16), an 18-year-old profoundly deaf male was fitted puter system. The system provides deaf speakers with a pseudopalate. Following pre-training tests, with feedback concerning their phonatory behav- the subject was given about 20 hours of direct iors, rather than feedback based on the acoustic articulatory instruction and practice . Post-testing consequence of such behavior. The rationale for this was done immediately following training, and again strategy is that providing feedback for speech 10 months later. The conclusion was that feedback behaviors themselves is more direct, and therefore from the linguapalatal contact patterns can lead to a likely to be more effective for eliciting new speech more accurate production of place and manner cues; patterns. however, intelligibility was still very low after The system also provides detailed assessment training. The 10-month post-test indicated that gains information. For example, it was possible to obtain were maintained over the intervening period. a detailed analysis of fundamental frequency (Fo) The second case study involved a 3-and-a-half- characteristics of a speaker during connected speech. year-old deaf child (15). A video display was used to The system permitted characterization of Fo mean present images of tongue position resulting from the and variance, as well as description of distribution child's vocalizations and those of a clinician. Train- skewness, and extent of Fo modulation. Such mea- ing consisted of nine 20-minute sessions . The find- sures were considered important indicators for both ings were generally positive, indicating that the diagnostic purposes and as a means of assessing training provides transfer of information from change associated with intervention. visual perception to motor performance . Further- Training results obtained with college-age deaf more, the subject was able to use an adult model to students showed that deaf speakers are able to use learn timing control and articulatory gestures. feedback to modify fundamental frequency charac- A study of 10 children with severe-to-profound teristics of their speech and to learn about the hearing impairment and 10 control children with appropriate physiological adjustments of the larynx normal hearing investigated interplay between lip associated with production of a voiced-versus- position and lip-positioning skill (14). Given visually voiceless segmental distinction (e.g., /b/ versus /p/) displayed lip position, both groups achieved lip- (33,34). While the results were encouraging, and position targets with high accuracy, suggesting that suggested that such an approach to correcting the feedback was adequate for the hearing-impaired aberrant phonatory aspects of speech production are group to perform about as well as the hearing feasible, the system was not designed for use with children, despite great differences in speech motor young children; nor was it practical to replicate for practice. use outside the laboratory. The Gallaudet University Speech Training System. Systems for Vowel Training . We know of 2 A project was initiated at Gallaudet University to current efforts to develop computer-based aids for explore the use of a computer-based system for vowel production. One, referred to as the "Vowel 59 BERNSTEIN et al. Speech Training Aids: I. Overview and Aims Corrector," is at the University of Nijmegen in The speech training is, therefore, to provide information Netherlands (45). This aid provides feedback in to substitute for the information normally available terms of position of vowels on a 2-dimensional plot. through the auditory channel. Position of speech tokens on the plot is obtained The STS and SPS were intended to be used by using a statistical technique known as discriminant children as young as 2 to 3 years of age . As analysis, which is applied to the output of 15 suggested above, these young children typically have one-third-octave filters between 250 and 6,400 Hz. little or no vocabulary and frequently no control Report of an informal test of the Vowel Corrector over phonation. A method in wide use for speech indicates that children, 8 to 14 years of age, were training with these children was devised by Ling able to interpret the display and enjoyed working (29), who outlines a series of stages through which with it. the child is guided, with each stage composed of the A second aid is being developed at Old Dominion training of "subskills." The first 2 stages are University (52). This aid makes use of an analog concerned with suprasegmental characteristics of speech parameter extractor to obtain pitch, loud- speech: spontaneous vocalization and vocalization ness, and the output from a 16-channel bandpass on demand, control over voice duration, production filter bank. Vowel spectra are converted, via a of repeated syllables on a single breath, control of spectral principal-components analysis (53), to a vocal intensity, and control of vocal pitch . Later display based on a correspondence between princi- stages build on earlier ones and focus on segmental pal-components and levels of red, green, and blue. speech characteristics . Games for the STS and SPS As speech is analyzed in real time, each 20-msec- were devised to complement therapy following sample is displayed as a color bar whose height Ling's approach. corresponds with the amplitude in that sample . The Physiologic and acoustic measures can be used to color bars flow across the screen from left to right achieve estimates of some activities underlying as new ones are added. Testing with normal-hearing suprasegmental characteristics, such as rate and adults suggests that vowels can be identified in terms quality of phonation (17), and control over the of their color patterns, and talkers can produce breathstream. Training of suprasegmental speech vowels that match target color patterns. characteristics with the STS and SPS is through use of simple voice-driven computer games. The goal of The Johns Hopkins Speech Training Aid the software design was to present the child with During the past several years, an effort has been familiar visual images that are voice-controlled—for under way in the Speech Processing Laboratory of example, a balloon rising and falling in relation to The Johns Hopkins University to develop 2 interre- loudness—rather than technical displays, such as a lated computer-based speech training aids for pro- time-by-intensity plot. However, some software does foundly deaf children. One of the aids, the Speech incorporate time by voice pitch displays . Several Training Station (STS) was designed for use in a games provide direct feedback in real time for school or clinic. The other aid, the Speech Practice characteristics such as voice pitch, intensity, dura- Station (SPS), was designed to be used by the deaf tion, and rhythm. child at home. The rationale for design of a home Other games were designed to give the child system was that deaf children need much greater feedback after each vocalization. These games were opportunity to receive guided practice and feedback intended to promote automaticity, since the desired than they can possibly receive in typical school or goal is for the child to be able to control articulation clinic therapy. without the direct visual feedback. The software for The STS was designed with the intention of training suprasegmental speech characteristics is providing therapists and children with information described in detail in Mahshie et al. in this volume from acoustic (i.e., microphone) and physiologic (32). measures derived from instruments such as an Although most work on the Johns Hopkins aids electroglottograph (EGG) and pneumotachograph has, to date, involved development of software and (PTG). It was posited that the normal-hearing child hardware for training suprasegmental speech charac- depends greatly on audition in developing control of teristics, the overall design of the aids takes into phonatory and articulatory activity . A role for account the processing requirements for complex 60 Journal of Rehabilitation Research and Development Vol. 25 No. 4 Fall 1988 tasks such as speech recognition. A detailed account speech practice at home is feasible, and might result of the system is given in Ferguson et al. in this in speech activity unlikely to occur otherwise. volume (11). Software has been written to facilitate setting up home practice sessions. After use of the STS in the DISCUSSION school, parameters are set for use of the SPS in the child's home. The child is given a floppy disk Attention in this paper has been focused on the containing those parameters . Records of home capabilities of various computer-based speech train- practice are stored on the same disk and returned to ing aids. However, engineering efforts alone are the school by the child. unlikely to result in intelligible speech by the deaf. It Development of the STS and SPS at The Johns is anticipated that if these aids are to be effective, Hopkins University. A basic tenet for development they must be used with a therapist working within a of the STS and SPS is that a successful speech curriculum. Development of curricula requires care- training aid can be achieved only through the fully planned and executed clinical investigations. participation of a group of individuals with expertise Thus, the currently favorable technological climate in clinical practice, speech science, and engineering, must be regarded as only the necessary, but not and with the participation of deaf children. A team sufficient, context for development of speech- of such individuals is responsible for the STS and training aids for the deaf. SPS. Introduction of training aids that use sophisti- Engineering for the STS and SPS took place in cated signal analyses based on knowledge of acous- the Speech Processing Laboratory at Johns Hopkins tic phonetics and/or speech physiology, implies the University with one full-time engineer and several need for therapists with adequate understanding of graduate and undergraduate electrical engineering acoustic phonetics and speech physiology of deaf students. Children began to participate as soon as speech. Introduction of such aids also implies the the first versions of training games were written in need for education of those who are in a position to software. A STS was placed in the Kendall Demon- purchase training aids for clinics and school sys- stration School at Gallaudet University where it was tems. We believe that these needs cannot be ad- used on a regular basis (32). A second STS remained dressed adequately in the laboratory alone but must in the Speech Processing Laboratory and was used be addressed by the larger professional community. for engineering development and therapy sessions involving children from the Baltimore, Maryland area (32). By bringing children into the laboratory ACKNOWLEDGMENTS on a regular basis to work with a therapist, the engineers and investigators were able to constantly The work reported here was supported by NIH/NINCDS evaluate the evolving system . Problems with using (NS-4-2372). software or hardware were immediately apparent and the nature of speech training and deaf speech was demonstrated to nonclinical personnel. During the various design phases of the STS and REFERENCES SPS, all of the team members were brought into decision processes. Thus, clinicians, investigators, 1. 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