Evaluating central auditory processing Rachel & Stark, PAD Dinison of Conimunicatin Setenons ‘and Dixcrdass, Joho €, Kenney tnattvie Baltimore, Marwlard Lynne #. Bernstein, PAD Department of Electr! Enignser’ akas Hoplans Unicersity Baliraore, Maryland children N ORDER TO evaluate canal avi tory pence eileran, i ino tant Seat en agiee upon a Gefnition af tat tem. As Keith (1981, this das) tas pointed ont, a vesily ol lecak such as central cuditory peseaptton ard auditory perceptual skilis have heen used Incerahangenbly with contra? cxditors processing, none having, been precisely clined, These Lerms may ly ondertoed. fesvolerrice te the analyson af signals that awe Veru Lacsduced by the peripheral anitry systesn uur fo te ecules al processes tele lang ick nati from sigcals presented in the wa lary snodalily. Weletvely Tee i kes, Tewever, wuut the analysis or soding of andlitney sigonls in tae auditory boeynnd the pevipheral level. or abont tke urological preceses involved, Tus een ‘eal uuicny prncesing refers west fe quently tu payobologicaly and behave ally defined plunwanens measure in vel tion to an audi sigeal, Exemplar ate discrimination, ialealifesten. speed of 56 res TS LANGUAGE BERS? JON D8 provsiing. seqnoncing, and shee. Inenveny. Viehavienul ling designed to evaluat these plhenamara has heen put Towaced witsispusadigms provided by cxperiyental paychlogy sa speech fedeaoe, Clinicians cucrent wndersaneing ‘of shildven's processing of auditory strat ‘bused almost exclisvely on daze from studies f behavioral response: Lo auditory slinl Tiereat in eortral aultary pronessing among rnecch-anguage gathelagits bos Ineo motivated by the hypothes's tat there are wiuseand-efect celetionships bulareen efits in anditory pzacesing cn Uke one hand end sanguage aed Language Taser Tearing disnders ie vialdsen on the thar, Sone inestigolars, reasoning thal language depen an the abi» process the spoveh waveform, suggast Unt audi tory provesting deficits and, in pur ilar, Allis in the szoccesng of ruply change Ang stimuli are evure bask ce pelmary in hnatore thas angxaige srders (alla: & Piocey, 19/4, 975) Th fal, thove ia presoat tle supp lov this Typathene fameriews Speech Sangiage-Aieatinng Aaweitinn [ASHAL EMO}. pan review the praatlee of exan ining owunpeeel auditory abities sul as suman Jsallztlon, sultry Hale fusion, fo the dzeiminainn nf te segueneces i Tangitage- or Tearning-dieurered ahildren appeare te have litle chignostie. value Snch pracedhnae du ol provide informs tion abt Ue ansnner ia sais elle pues Jingustin nfarzatien, cor do Urey help one to determine low wud speech prooessing many differ nese and lenguene-cicabled een ‘Spovel-hingonge patholagints ace more vvoncursed with Fae manner to whieh bil Aven proves ageech a8 opposd tn sone spevelt puns, In this article, therefor, behaviorally desive eprecations, in ner nal and hoiguage-disardered eller, relating peenily to spooek preoesng tnd bo Ue oomnprelension of speech, are cuplasivad. Infermatinn abant non Speers prneeasng is cole =a only wt iV selovant to the pinblem of speech perception, ‘Mos uf the avai able iururatiow about speech pevneprion is Fucus ge the proce fe of eceding tke sguveh sigaal fale phesemes fle, cousin's and vowe's, The smallest units ul amos used in how guage to sigaal dillerencee ic. mcuring. Swudies of adult speceh perception have ‘congentrated on phonwxae paveplon ane stvgies of otldren have largely tolloweel that tradi, ENISTING CLINICAL, SPHECIE PERCEPTION StS OF ‘Tinieal tats ul speech prsception lave, as their goal, asessmont ul sgeeeh smn Aiseeinination and andilory memory for spurth matorials, Thuy derive fran effrls Uidingonao langue danedars ix. oral hreacing ealdaen ave 10 evaluate the yi formance of bearing aids in bea!Ing fnupaicul blldven, Some vrusaver may take place, vever, ia that speech language pathologists ru.y hename inter teled in taste doviod (or use in andivlogie practice and uadiologite may bane intecested in tests doviod for diagnostic purpuses ia sperct-lanennge. palhclogy. Examples of tasts use Dy spoecl-la- guige patholngals ate: the Wepcam: Aueitery Diserigiratlon Test “Wepmian, 1978}, the GolduacrFristee-Wondenek Disgrostic Auditory Diseciuiualion Test Furls 1,1, aad 111 (Goldman, Frist, & ‘Waulovek, 1974bi, the Glman-Friso Wooden Auultory Meanory ests (init aan, Fristoe, & Waedoook, LOY) the Auditory Saqenticl Menuury suatet of Le Hhinois Test of Payeholingiate Abil (es ITPA (Kirk, McCarthy, & Kik, 1892}, The Guldiaueeliritoe- Wndenc fests employ lage rovortier! materials Examples of tes poly sssucted wil, heating aid evaitatlan are: the Ward Talelligibifty of Piotnie Wenlifiation (WITT Test oss & Leveson, 1870, 1971, sed the 2aunetially-Baaneed Lost of Speed Disurinination [ue Children (U1K-50} Haein, 1945}. Yerformanceon these tte likely tbe influenced by sack variables ap alten, loved of vuculstod activity, and vigilance, Ir addition, the lasts employing pictures ‘may tap sual seat euguilive. proceisae ‘eg. those invelved In cong ie «pe lures aswell a Eo spoceh sand dlierdm(- lise), Pleally, the tests ate likely 10 ‘ello! huguistv ube such se aaming, sword recngeiir, wd Ue abiity to Ella verbal divpatlone “Thos te tests are aot Janguago-ftee and ace nol lets uF speech perecpiion onl ‘Mure cccenlly developed speech per capo tess ave endeaverod to deal with thi peas er by erntllng fo toe level of Tingulstie ali Mealty «tet materi, Some hava incoepeated snnsence sTlables usu means of removing che fferis of elil= cdret’s sconantio ar syntactic krawledge, ‘These tess elude the Spvech Pureeplivn iat Neise Test (SPINY FEMint, J8TBL whieh the feces of predleian] ty of sealenas and of sigualtusise eis wee ext mate: ‘the Navthwestern Univers Chil rea’s Pereeption of Specel “Test INU-CHIPS) Flt vr ah, 1870: Eliott & Kate, 1980}, a tet of word ruuderetanding in which items “som the vovabulary of &-year-old eben fave used, Noceastive att indicate perforscanee thal improves wit ae imqiet her sat In acsy ovis, 5-10 1u-year-ldl clea, + the Nozsonco Syllable "Vast (Hesniols, Dba, Huffsung, & Levit, 1975) 2 lest of syeeel) discretion, also sdmlniteved it quiet aul wise, hat voles reliable rests with ohlldeen 8 ears unl rider (ess & Cilber, 1681) ‘swell adults + aditivtive feature aealyeis of speach sound discrinination (Guenigskneeht 2 Lee, “based nna angel ideal fecian tat in which both real words ud neaense cumuranevniel-coee sonual (CVC) sy lubivs ure employed frei Fen shis teat iaioatod et items differing in only nne ghuxwlis featuraara mre cilfcue fore hildien te dizeriminate that items dilferlng in ‘hvo ur more fentuces EXPERIMENTAL. PROCEDURES HUM ASSESSING SPERCH PENCUNTION Tests that employ wo:d or sontence ‘male's ie subject Lo He ebjoctcn thot they laa linguistic abilities, al xyuuess ppeseention shires. Soe algo Kelth, this fue) The ws: of cangonve syllable pits Trou w sual sul, ur the ocher bond, may sake it posible to iawestigane the effects YOEICS Ds LARHIAE: ORDERS Pt of Une ghyseal azoustie acupetios a tha Spacch signal ox speeeb perengtlon, fn sch toas liken are ser to listen to syllables tha eapld accu: in a meanineft ‘word, yel are not meaniagfol in Uta sees, Cimpmter-generated <yllebles 1 lloras wal spa plies aay be sels fan, in generating these eine, senile fnmutie properties such ay Surmant Fre forneius (eineentealions of anergy in sven [rugaeney 109.008), formant tens Haut flanges in Trecheney. in thse feuengy concemestins aver time}, und olee nest fim (time of iiliation af ‘alring in relation to the releareaf a step consonant) may be siried in systematic ‘Tho ascech waveform is 2 complex sie wl, Haat Tes kmowe, etl how the ‘The speech waveforms tea comple sdgnal Ha ald nut knuson exoetly ham the signal is deeded fu ueemad cedults, signa) ig decoded in noceaal adults Faily ftoling resecled that, contrary ty the ‘espsstations of phaneticians, te soumds of spokes lagange du aul ‘uals or “betas om a sling” but rater ‘uur i paculel over the enue ct units syllable «ve or greater. Ft luni tina from sound to phoneme were « dls arale process, iL would be Lar easier 10 tonderstand and describe it. Tastee, Tor example, the potter of energy charactor- fing the slap gonsonanis change ws 31 Tunolom ef the Fallewting vowsl in CYC «lables sherman, Coop: Shuiksreber, { Seuddert-Kermedy, 1991, ve a dive Eoperioental stndies of normul el oi’ sgreck, percoption, sxe rebstively event. The past LB yes ave wlinested The majrity af eneb sud. It oma that Aevclopencate] seach Has oesived oxy minor vllentan fram sqeccis sceul st, pevlape henge of the erronouze nssump- tion shat ehildsen du aot alin signifi tantly from adults. This assumption eceived support [rien seitial smdios of infant specel) pertwplion. ‘ese stacics, fnvulvigg oper veditioning or physic- luyicalancelioring teclmiques, dessin slraled “hat nora sau ene dlscrtm- tite between certain ylionemee mach as ditt do (a. Bias, Siqeland, Joscrsk, & Vigorito, 1074; for» vaview 220 Kul, LO7EL Mare eewsn! studies of infants Ise sliowa Ul sise speech diceriainations fre at present am ate infsuoy (Fes, ‘Winn, & Monte 1977), and oreslinguiee tie studies suggest Un for some sounds, infact’ diseririvation Is rated to their Jangoage envinament (eile, Cavin, & Wikon, 1978}, burthermore, initial ns suinphivan that early disoriatetive aili- Ues ae sfcie baeetuut or the ace Stun of specie nat phaeringy Ii ‘erent been snestinned Gategeviea! perception Altnengh most ali tion has boon pad re infant spuuels geronotlan, » szoup uf stulies live Deen eoménctod willy chil den bubween the nges of apypusianeels anid J years af age. Moat of the stu et Thave Followed the proveluees ised to est falegivies! parseplion in adolts <Liber- nan et al. L867}, Categnrcal perception relers lu axle nf peteoption in which ‘he ability ta dlzerimicate between svunals appeacs finite tothe ability to label them dliferenily. Siudies uf Ui phenomenon se synthesize”slmull, whioh ere wade io aller equ) physical steps frees ore ‘hor ere to atother. Thus Fe exemple, simulae continuura msy Eo created sn thatthe seas patterns xppropriate tho sylablo jaf change wralually ike the patter appropelaie foe Te syle def, Hssver, won subjects are asked fa Iibel those stim thay respond as thengh they only hee the endpui Zaon- ems, ha) ara ja, weal Leoquectly do ot hear any amhigitave sounds ie Uhe transition fromm ane ta fae alher: Wes the nme subjects ace asked ty Alerlmiinie Tetsseen quire of steel: from adjaernt pofnts on the eontinuna, soy shen that Thay samot as easily dieriminate pais whe they come fram the sae phos lass fog, dient examplee nb fc! soln they eure finan diorent phoneme less er. fb? versus ea), Current uudestacaliag of exegorical reception bes heen coasideinbly selted, finee it was Rr disonvener. Many min clions have bees srade in the original Inleryreslions of thie perceptual ea ‘lUhoug’ ealexosiea) perception can no loager be ulfered as the sole explanation Tee speach pereeptany it provides useil staf data for eamparlsons ceraes age, & fucker nf eesearelines have eqestinnedd cwhuther tie labeling ad diserimination ‘onulrons ean in adult subjees woul Alin bechserv in ulus ofall ges, Tr fact, éecelopmental changes we observed derass apo for normal chibl-en oie gon hetsveen the ages of 8 “and 10 yeurs uf age, bul oven in adoles- ener, children dilfer Lr wd oe cer tein measures. For example, ay eileen progress fam wrly childhood anil ‘luldhood. thsi ability toceategraiae stim ull eousstonlly fen phystea” contiouia Improves {Berestein. 198%: Grevalev 1478; Kratce, THT Simos & Mouicin, 1976: Zlatin & Koenigsknesb, 1973}. 13h crluinutoe ako improves’ with age Tnyrovenueut ie shown in tests far phon ome wont wud Tor putes of stimu at Atfer aecuscleally bu aze within the sean Phonawe class (Rene, 197i File Loogiuott, Mayer, Ka, & Zncker, 1983}. Desoristios of dovalopmanta. changes in the spoosh pecovption of normal ebil- fees. are iespintunt for onderstouding, shllarea with developers divin, Whecaas differences hetscnen norinal ang Impaired chiieren of a partiesiar age ese wee Urought <u cepreseat neurological thavsteee dillevence, iis now beer ng appareal that mpaised children may bbe exhibiting slevelopmental lage in spoccl: perception. ‘Their yessanses are sicailar ‘u Une of younger qoemal chile dren aed ave not necesstily coviu. Categorinel prenmgtion lax nal bee investigated in langhage-irmpaloed hill cdron, Preliminary daca Troma a gina af specifically longuago-impaited childzen studied by Tallal und Stark (unpublished ala) suggest Ul tele pettunane is over than that of age-matched actmal fntrachikren,sncnay resemble that of tach younger children “The Sndizys from aarmaal children are sxnewll perplexing fn relatin lo toune cf the erste nt false sls. ‘Thee formance of these chilsien al ages & teu 8 yous epmears to be less accurate bua Ut of sural prebngeistic infants Few some hun umes. The tak presented the ele nid, henwever, inonlous vag Yo I68 We CARUAER 2spnazs JUNE 1084 tiveflinguislie prosestnt and_ decision making al ennch differs love. than that demanded of the infin, Tue iter action Fetwecen wudilory ond vugalive/Igutstic process uy Ine meat several afFcted i ‘ngngu-tsbled oaildcen. Sequencing, vate processing, and serial memory Inca recent projoat Stash & Tal, 1081; alll & Stuck, L981}, andiory prncessing capabilites, including ideatiteatien. so quenning, vale processing, mud seve) ‘eetory for nensenac lable sine +5 vowel zylblee} were suidled in enzmal tad epecidelly hingiage-impaived ‘SLTp ubildee., Tar subject grenns, ane debeyed, fn Tanguege development and te vier fleveloping langnage urunally, were 5 Teetad for the pmaicel, The ehikien con sidered forthe SL. gicup were alfciently immpsied in receptive and oxprasive len- age to bave Denn placed jn seaucls oe Glaser for tha eomtmunieatively inn pated. he ehildeua iu oth geonps were required tu hove gornal val sensnry anal riviur Functioning, ta hove demorstraved cura] Sepring, lo Nave no history of Searing impairment, and to. be within rormal Tints im nemverbw iutelhigenoe {pecformaties 9 lessreen 86 and 125 en the WISER (Weebl, 3874] or. the euler Frechorl and Primary Sea‘e of Tollligeaoe [3 HPSI][Wecheler, LOS). I dditinn, the scbjects woro cegazmed 0 resent ‘either sigas of neurloglal fmpaitment nor 9 bistury of newsologic doit ur lesions Thiers five Il obiideen and 36 worl nhildren, aged 3 to a year, who me the hove srileria wove Wet. The chile ‘dre solected fur Uke two sujet group vara given an extensive battery of expant- ‘ental teste, This bitter’ Ineloded pec cept toss tll weve nd ministered inches swclitery gud visual rapa as well as ‘voes-medally fanditary 9s visu each test inchuded a sLanuics pair shiek might be nudity, visa, tactile, or euiemodal ig naline. These pairs wero prewated in binary seqwenece or sucies bithin a procedure named the Repetition ‘Method éUalel & Licsey, 1974, 15). The child wae required bo give nonverkal responue by pressing one af to panels it respuune to each of the memhere of use ‘mils pais. Hach tet included a nus boar of subtests that were als given in the samo aedot: Thozesublwasof the Rep tition Method. were: {x} Peceotton, in srl the eid Jeane In push one bat lon i re890ng@ lo one membor oF. stinu- lus got, auch as one nf bo sonwense syllables ot ane of tiv tenes, th) ds9acia Mon, whieh the lonacily sete pre sertel ina ranelom griey veal 3 thmeaned the children pusied te ution asociated vwtl the sale tne, or othar element preseated ie) Segre, su wih the ‘lervents were presented 3 sudan order (waa ata tne andthe ebldees rushed the ‘en baottons awotiatesl with te signals rosemed, in the ssquanon im which the fgeals were prevoated: and (d} Serial -Mernorg, it whlch sheclemerts were pre seuled i yandoms ender 3 ty 7 at tie, fond the children. again Lellowec chase Tonger sequences iy thers huston-roskiay vemonees, Special Sequencing, Subtexts (Uate-Provosing Subtest, in which eon sorwt-voael Cormant transition rule Intervals between stimuli were vaste, were presentnd, ab well ay 4 standard Senurneing Subtest. the elidenn failed ‘he stuadaed Serpuencing Saest for sexu leat items, they were given a Soe/ Differon: Discrimination Subtest as ruuns of exploring tho ecasnns Fo: filoro Lhe Soguoneing Subtest level, The eaxklzen were ab given su oral sensorlmotce Lst ballon, « nourodevetnp manta hotly, and a sees of wsual san ning or eanollaou teats in whdels they tere eequind tp aelet ane mine eters, digits, words, nonsenen shapes, andl Ferns prowaled ammuny sila ters, These tests Fesulled in apprurimately 428 inden ent vorlables thal ere avatahle fo campaviso, inahuding 28 demographle "able, Mow er pie lil rages egution Congdon Vaca egmsion “Hen! cna dab AD me BE, ene moni: Ua asf enbimats a =n eh aes vinalanferwee ah 88800 eons ater Beene id dr estan oe ag a nS LANGUAGE DFRUBIENS JN aior web, Zunily, snd vec bistory wks ‘The SI children wore fr:ind to diffe signiftcaney fine the normal children un ll of the eohlests of spaen peroeplinn {hal wore admasistned wich ssntkastad speerh stimnll (lep cansonan--vowel lm, and on all of the eubteet excent the casio: Adeuttintion Subsest shen compuzable euvurded cual s [atop eawcant vowel solibles) ere mplayer. Thus the findings indi thal SLI shildven ware signiieastly Her tp normal elle in speceh process sng capabilites, Tt war then asked whither He specu provi ud Iuggoage Cites uF the foteeal ot the SLT chilean yeere ance Tated sith ane aneher. ‘The ress are snminacized in ‘Table 1. Table 1 indicutoe that rom the entice we ub over AOD war bles, 4 auditory perceptiun variables ve Aedbuted rau to “predict” of level of receplice language in the SLE eileen thai, these variahles were most highly cnrselatnd with receptive largmaye A Rate Prucessing variable, sumely soquoncing of the syalliticsyllutes tunes fda7_prewurted ill a very. chor Toneetimits ine (12 ma) vas Bea In corer of impartanes ofthese variables “Ve mullite for this vasnble in ection lo level of reuptive uymaye, however. sen unly 6 Many SUT shen ei not teach etalon level of parfoe-range en a test nf Towerlavel Amosiation subtest in which the seme eyablos were presented ‘ono aw timer thus they were cat able to ppeveved to the Rae Peucesiug ask invebe 1g Use same syllables. The value of the fmnbiple # as ineracsed 78 hy the adden of two speech pocceptien tests “Ths fie lea rasan assnoation tet forthe syllables /ba/ and {do with a 40 ms vee) formant Leumit and wu 80 as ‘vowel fortunt truer, It addon, a rotapeah auditory. prenaption variable, namely, Asiselaton for 280 ms tones, ono ‘oe (Fandomontal Froquonoy of 100 U2} and one high (Furlamental frequusey of 50 TEs}, also xaude n sigaiisant conti iui to preilion 1 eeoeptive nnginge feoy%¢ In these children. AML nf the SLL children excapt ene were aa. te eespemed vith 9 eer wa these in minimal lovel of naccaey er Asst Uk Toate Lindioutest ite illment reat fe the evel eblldeea. Fron te act af ‘oeee 400 vaults, A viseal cancellation veish‘es and a elle diseriaction test som the cuurudevuluymaental bully contributed asest fu peudielion a ees live huigonge soores bv ancinal hildee, Avekury spewh peronplian eadlles it should he noted, ware ako quite highly fortalated sith receptive Janyuage in these: anrmal cildze, but ol ae bighly correlated ws Le ature udvarce, reading related wlayel eunoallalion caviahles ‘These latter vattales incl salestioe anal marking senres Fat rellezed anole fulge of phonemno-geanheme coteeenon- fence, as well as the ability to saulyze vwores auvurdiyy tw tele component plhemes wt lables Optimum perfor fang on these vieaal caneallaioe tate tay oll nee on the rnsmal elven’: wall-deve oped! speech orception sbil- Fes. he SLI shildeer, where spoosh per ception srores sere pucrer than Ure uf the rwraual elikires, sere not able to esr ell on the reac ing-velated vienal feancellation tasks. Ir has agen sania in ‘the studios that epeee poreeplion ai thas bon shaven in other stuicn that speech percopsion asltes are snuportant for loaning to read lies ace Smmportant for Teaswing to cose Shukovutler & Liberman, 17, "These seculls sua be regarded 28 pre Fiminayy, Fecawve qaullivariate statsical analysas of fa kivd uptimatly cence iasiy mora subleots fie, mmngh mace favorable ratio of numb 9 aniiccts te nucuber of variables} thaa yeve avihble In is projet. Troseever, rhe results dy sggest thal ustclutions involving spaech ncessig and hunguasge eomprelension, coven if saiable, woul by open ko inter: relation as evidence of itive mune Tint lug or deviant development uf speech yrovessng in the SLI chien, Additinnal ecklewoe fot w fallny atuuly ofthe SII shildven i relevac te Unik Tatu: issus (Bernstein & Ste, in yee. ‘TheSequoneing, Rate Precering, av Ser fal Memory Susste using ayathetie spacch tomlin? and ie?) warn repeated with childeew ‘roma both xroups iu the provicns projet alle wn interva, Bil Wo years. Ar the thine af Tolle up ‘Tltce 2, tbe SL chiltran showed some progrese 1m limgcnge development asexmn- J with the Tine ol init contact (Tice 1} However, the mjority of tise kisren wveze tll signlNeanily Serguage senpaieed, At Time, perfarmance wae a 1 meat veiling level Toe sequencing ene sate provessing on the past of subjects fm butte groups, indiareg. a? qerovplaad Urselupmenr sceurred in both fae nora nd he ST eliren, Nother the SLI ane the normal sildees, huwever, pottormed at selling level ou the Seiad Memary Subtest. All childeen intyroved with ‘eso tu the Serial Metnory Subtest frox. Time] Tine 2 Howaver, significant ageand language Tty cect in eeliva te the Sark Mea.ory Subtest ware nal proce in the dota ftom Thaw 2. hee resol suggest that speeak procesing in the SIT children may ba telaled lo x maturational yg ssthoe thon a oeaeul rervons system lesen, The ly; may bein perceptual learning valle that i some tuze peripheral proces, as suggested by ‘wn Ui ea Quinn (198), IMPLICATIONS ‘Tho daca fren the alll-Stark studies suggest that petrapilon of seized ewense syllables may be eorrelaved sii Tungunge compeeemsion in hoth acm andl Sli ot Geen fous & to & yoats oA ‘The exact nate af this euieiuadip, shui it be substantiated ia fueter werk, revutins lb be determined. 1 # pale that ewupon uf lmmguage end the abisey tm dently, to sequence sd bo romera er sexes cf speach eveets pvesewell iw Ube auditory modality. cavelnp together in Dots uosueul and SL eildzen, Certainly the ‘ongitwina) cells Found by Le stein and Stork (lv prep) ieleale that fear'y peeceptual defi ts des no prevuat Janguae development. Hoth linguage uuderstunding and spoceh procesing may reflect higherlewe) perveplual laening Both may veanlre higher-level coguitive dlovisions anche part of then’ lia exeain sof development. 4 study by Bain, "Tal, Obs, and Ras (1952; sugzart, fee example, that ancinl wel hungangs lenpaired childaen may nat lifer in 6 i ois LANCEAGE RBOBDERG NE Hs speech Cinrimintion. sbiities when the experimental pasidigen invitees line istic und euguil:ve pucoessing ne when ‘tural puvel stip are presente “The tudles reportad thus far du aol role ‘oul a couse] ralationship butween speeckt perception and develorsunl of longuage scomszckenson, Te wv entirely paslo, Ihowaver, shal Lolli speech perception abilities and Iaagnage comprofension rele ta sther variables not well under Stoo. Care might ian the quality af Tanguage experivauol by the old, and sepees of touruunetoorleal ard nenroply- ‘ologie developmea, cspec'aly is the lett easier Further inwestigation of tke develogr nent af speech processing :s Iangncge- {impaired ebidleun i pee hy the Tack ab x vulusive thensetion. frames for fuck, alu. Do children fast perceive Single aenestic eatazes and gradually Invegsete them into Eulure aumpleses That racy be identiied ay plowennes In or do they pereeive syllables peal paly gradually acer tbe billy to “unpack” taase larger wails pos- pally and apcording tu the sete of ‘individual features of hiv: they ave com posed? At wha wages do esl cen begin to rrsteeive dilleceat alleahnnes of a wives Ehoneme se elraging to te aucay ule Feit linguage? At what ayes are dey feapable of roeayuizing 4 equivalent lhananee ancl splables produced by dif fevent sgeakers nein dhilocent contents? ix thor wards, when and hove do they Fora ‘equivalence sla? 1 seeas likely tat reach In this area vl rar peegress further ont a mee eating with those ances of the develop tment of spuseh peenaptton evolves. Te the rmauntiae, the fmpartanes of the experi ‘eel wosk that hasheon eaied out ths Toy civtel assessment aul interes ‘ln ma bn considered. ‘The secliqucs That Feve heen sed in assosing sacoch powering, althongh Fro ‘icing formation nf invest, ava not yet ‘ppropriate for use in a elniol diggnoetic slum, However, in the course of the ‘Talal Stavk and Sturl-Berystein ste, grea: deal war ‘errued about the Tan- unge-disablal ohildenss who typically tuvpifest speech processing detety when taumnpaved with aonmally deve'uping eli Aten om experimental testing ‘These eld lal tore severe wep sive Usa seoeglive language lepairment. Thoir receptive difeclries shomld out, however, be underestimated. While Uieir contd recognition sbi toed. ta le high, and saperin to wer linge bile ting thoie perortauney on (oe Taken Test WDetlensi & Vagools, JR62; Diimoni, 1978), a seoeptve tes! that provides ite ‘catescual mpport and in which shu la gnoge pesented is highly aonrediundant, ‘war quite severely inipuired. To patna, their soores on Part TV af the Token Test, that punta planes greater steer on aul- uy memory, were lor oe also Tall, 1875, 1 sas observed Ua, wha these Toa sguige-disabled oblldeen were expected to rexpnd fe tequests and instretians in the lesstonm, thet: performance was :unch poorer than would be prodivted uy the hasis of their vanverslignal ability. In stualions where they kev the topic of ‘unrersitn. and thor they could “3% {helr nnd recognition sty te uly