The FINITE STRING Newsletter 1983 ACL Membership List Membership List Earl Allen Douglas John Arnold John A. Barnden 4100 Winfield Avenue Languages and Linguistics Computer Science Ft. Worth, TX 76109 University of Essex indiana University Following is a listing of the 1983 Elizabeth Allen Wivenhoe Park, Colchester Bloomington, IN 47401 members of the Association for Computer Science Essex, CO4 3SQ, ENGLAND Robert F. Barnes Computational Linguistics as of University of Maryland John Aronis Philosophy, Bldg 15 the time Issue 3-4 of the AJCL College Park, MD 20742 Computer Science Lehigh University went into production. Personal James Allen Carnegie-Mellon University Bethelehem, PA 18105 members are listed first, ordered Computer Science Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Naomi S. Baron alphabetically by last name. Insti- University of Rochester Stephanie August Brown University, Box E tutional members follow, ordered Rochester, NY 14627 UCLA/Hughes Aircraft Providence, RI 02912 alphabetically by country, province Jonathan Allen 7824 McConnell Avenue (for Canada), city, and then insti- M.I.T. Los Angeles, CA 90045 Joseph Barone tutional name; for the United Room 364419 PO Box 53 States, the sorting is by ZIP-code. Cambridge, MA 02139 Fernando AvilaMurillo Monmouth Junction, NJ 08852 A.P. A-32 Wanted: Addresses for the Sture Allen Hermosillo, Sonora Frederick B. Bart members whose names appear at Haakansdal 86 83190 MEXICO 2217 Cheyenne Street the end of the Personal Members S-417 44 Goeteborg, SWEDEN Golden, CO 80401 wlaisrtidnge. d Informattoio n the ACL should Secretary- be for- JLeinngsu istics AIIwood JCoodae n B75a96c henko T2h00o45m as Woodside i. Bartold Treasuer. Goeteborgs Universitaet Naval Research Laboratory Harper Woods, MI 48225 Washington, DC 20375 Erik Dahlbergsgatan 11B i. Bateman Personal Members William Badecker S-411 26 Goeteborg, SWEDEN Centre for Computational Psychology Maria Tereza Aarao Lori Alperin Johns Hopkins University Linguistics Softmedia Pesquisa e 1096 Vistavia Circle Baltimore, MD 21218 UMIST, PO Box 88 Desenvolvimento Decatur, GA 30033 Manchester M60 1QD, ENGLAND Norman I. Badler Rua Rego Freitas, 530-B7 Richard Alterman iadeleine Bates CIS-Moore School D2 Sao Paolo, Brazil 01220 Computer Science Bolt Beranek and Newman 441 Clifford S. Van Abbott Buren Street UBenrikveleerys,i ty CA of Ca9l4i7f2o0r nia UPhniilavdeerlpshiita,y of PAP ennsylvania 19104 Ca10m bridge, Moulton SMtAre et 02238 Green Bay, WI 54301 Al127a n Brahms Altman Way 3E4l0l2 en S. A. WinsBtoani,l ey No.108 Jorge Batista Russell J. Abbott Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Tulsa, OK 74135 7055 SW 147 Ct Computer Science Miami, FL 33193 CNaolritfohrrniidag e, State CA 91330U niversity RNaotbuerratl- Language A. Amsler and R. Computer I. Bainbridge Science Edwin Battistella Knowledge-Resource Systems Teeside Polytechnic English Jun'ichi Abe SRI International Borough Road, Middleborough University of Alabama Behavioral Science Menlo Park, CA 94025 Cleveland, ENGLAND University Station Faculty of Letters Birmingham, AL 35294 Hokkaido University Sophie Ananiadou M.H. Bakalla Sappporo N-10 W-7, 060 JAPAN ISSCO 3 Old House Court J. Baudot 54 route des Acacias Church Lane, Wexham, Slough Linguistique Giovanni Adamo CH-1227 Geneva, SWITZERLAND Bucks, ENGLAND Universite de Montreal VCiNLRa e ssico Nomentana Intellettuale 118 Europeo D12o90n2 D. Old Anderson Chapel Rd 6L4a0u ra Taylor Blumer Court, Balcom No.510 CP Quebec, 6128 CANSuAc.DA,A Montreal H3C 1J7 1-00161 Rorna, ITALY Bowie, MD 20715 Mountain View, CA 94043 John S. Bear R. Adams Galia Angelova Catherine N. Ball Artificial Intelligence Center Birdsell Road Institute of Mathematics SMS Inter. Div. SRI International Francestown, NH 03040 PO Box 373 15 Valley Stream Parkway Menlo Park, CA 94025 1090 Sofia, BULGARIA Frazer, PA 19355 Robert Bechtel Roger Addelson Academic Computing Alena Appelova Bruce W. Ballard 8051 Nightingale Way Loyola University SIovenska technic, kniznica Computer Science San Diego, CA 92123 6525 Sheridan Road Drienpva 36 Duke University Donald A. Becker Chicago, IL 60626 CS-880 23 Bratislava Durham, NC 27706 German CZECHOSLOVAKIA Giovanni Adorni Henry Ballard University of Wisconsin Istituto di Eletrotecnica Douglas Appelt 4208 Camino Ticino 818 Van Hise Hall Via All' Opera Pia 11A ASRrI tificial International Intelligence Center San Diego, CA 92122 Madison, Wl 53706 1-16145 Genova, ITALY Menlo Park, CA 94025 Jerzy Banczerowski Lee A. Becker Thomas Ahlswede i, V, Arapov Instytut Jezykoznawstwa Engineering & Computer Science 4161 West Byron Belrnozskaja 10-2-210 Uniwersytet Poznanski Tulane University Chicago, IL 60641 SU-111524 Moscow, USSR Marchlewsiego 124/126 301 Stanley Thomas Hall Glenn Akers Armar A. Archbold PL-61 874 Poznan, POLAND New Orleans, LA 70118 Kurzweil Alpha Systems, Inc. Natural-Language and Steven Bankes Henry F. Beechhold 411 Waverley Oaks Road Knowledge-Resource Systems Rand Corporation, ISD/1 13 Perry Drive Walham, MA 02154 SRI International 1700 Main Street West Trenton, NJ 08628 B.E.P. Alden Menlo Park, CA 94025 Santa Monica, CA 90406 Daniel Beeghly 1 Copford Lane Robert Archer Jacek Bankowski Ford Product Development Group Ashton Theynes, Long Ashton 803 La Sell Drive Instytut Informacji Nauk. PO Box 2160 Bristol BS18 9NF, ENGLAND Champaign, IL 61820 Technicznej i Ekonomicznej Dearborn, MI 48123 Yawar All Yigal Arens ul. Zurawia 3/5 Barbara Begier Computer Science Computer Science PL-00 926 Warszawa, POLAND SrodowiskowyOsrodeklnformatyki University of Toronto Univ. of Southern California Robert F. Barends Politechnika Poznanska 10 Kings College Road SAL 200 8600 Fathom Circle, No.2408 IP M. Sklodowskiej-Curie 5 Toronto, MSS 1A4, CANADA Los Angeles, CA 90089 Austin, TX 78750 PL-60 965 Poznan, POLAND 58 Computational Linguistics, Volume 10, Number 1, Janury-March 1984 The FINITE STRING Newsletter 1983 ACL Membership List John M. Bennett Meyer Billmers Alain Bonnet Victoria R. Bricker Basser Dept Computer Science Digital Equipment Corporation ADEC/ENST Anthropology University of Sydney 200 Forrest Street (MR01-1/M2) Departement Informatique Tulane University Sydney, New South Wales Marlboro, MA 01752 46 rue Barrault New Orleans, LA 70118 AUSTRALIA 2006 Jean-Louis Binot F-75634 Paris cedex 13, FRANCE Peter Bright Paul Bennett 35 Quai du Longdoz John G. Bordie Aerospace Corporation Centre for Computational B4020 Liege, BELGIUM 14454 Merriltown Road PO Box 92957-M1-114 Linguistics H. Andrew Black Round Rock, TX 78664 Los Angeles, CA 90009 UMIST, PO Box 88 Manchester M60 1QD, ENGLAND Inst. Linguistica de Verano Maria Christina Borges David Brill Casilla 2492 New York University System Development Corporation David B. Benson Lima, 100 PERU 251 Mercer Street, Room 507 MD 72-27 WCaosmhpiuntgetro n Science State University John B. Black New York, NY 10012 2500 Colorado Avenue Pullman, WA 99164 Psychology Colin Hugh Borland Santa Monica, CA 90406 Yale University African Languages lan Benson Box 11A Yale Station University of Cape Town Daniel Brink 7 Lambert Jones Mews New Haven, CT 06520 7700 Rondebasch English Barbicon Arizona State University London EC24 8DP, ENGLAND Glenn David Blank REPUBLIC OF SOUTH AFRICA Tempe, AZ 85287 101 I Eagle Heights Jan Borota John E. Benson Madison, Wl 53705 Ceskomalinska 17 Barry J. Brinkman 769 Avenue ,E Apartment 1 Battelle Columbus Division Richard Blasdell CS-160 0O Praha 4 Bayonne, NJ 07002 505 King Avenue 5467 Vanderbilt CZECHOSLOVAKIA William Benzon Mobile, AL 36608 Volodya Borschchev Columbus, OH 43201 Language, Literature and Ted Briscoe Tom Blenko ul. Tallinskaya, d.2, kv.156 Communication Linguistics Computer Science SU-123458 Moscow, USSR Rennselaer Polytechnic Sidgwick Avenue Troy, NY 12181 University of Rochester Steven Bossie University of Cambridge Rochester, NY 14627 Computer Sciences Laboratory Jared Bernstein Cambridge, CB2 3QG ENGLAND 511 Menlo 8th Park, Avenue CA 94025 5S0aa n . ChumSasceroo,t t Francisco, Blois CA Apt 94132 11-K TeMDxaSlals as , 238, InstrumTeX nts PO 75266 Box 226015 90E.7 A. Varsity Briss Avenue Pamela Bernstein Columbus, OH 43221 840 Wellington Avenue, No.517 Eugene Blum Beth Antoinette Bottos Elk Grove Village, IL 60007 4 Seagull Lane Computer Science Benny Brodda Port Washington, NY 11050 Carnegie-Mellon University Institute of Linguistics DLoIMmSiI nque (CNRS) Beroule iichal Blumenstyk Pittsburgh, PA 15213 SU-ni1ve0r9si ty 19 Stoocfk holm, Stockholm SWEDEN BP 30 1-29A Virginia Drive Laurent Bourbeau F-91406 Orsay, Cedex, FRANCE Fairlawn, NJ 07410 1501 Ducharme Avenue Florian Brody Genevieve Berry-Rogghe Robert J. Bobrow Outremont Schottenfeldgasse 20/7 Computer & Information Science Bolt Beranek and Newman Montreal, Que, CANADA H2V 1G2 A-1070 Wien, AUSTRIA Temple University, Bldg 03824 50 Moulton Street Goerge F. Bowie, III Philip D. Brooke Philadelphia, PA 19122 Cambridge, MA 02238 1820 South Alston Avenue 59 Beacon Street Robert C. Berwick Daniel G. Bobrow Durham, NC 27707 Boston, MA 02108 MIT AI Laboratory Xerox PARC Ronald Jay Brachman JoAnn M. Brooks 545 Technology Square, Rm 820 3333 Coyote Hill Road Artificial Intelligence Lab. 332 S. Silver Lane Cambridge, MA 02139 Palo Alto, CA 94304 Fairchild Research & Development Sonderland, MA 01375 Robert i. Best Julian E. Boggess, III 4001 Miranda Avenue, MS 30-888 Ruven Brooks 16016 9th Avenue, NE & Lois C. Boggess Palo Alto, CA 94304 ITT Advanced Technology Center Seattle, WA 98155 Star Route, Box 220-6 Deanna Bradshaw 1 Research Drive Robert Bethel Columbus, MS 39701 1702 W. Clark Shelton, CT 06484 1536 Pickwood Avenue W. Mark Boggs Champaign, IL 61820 John S. Bross Fern Park, FL 32730 Computer Science Frank Roberts Brandon 604 Howard Road Sooda L. Bhatt Carnegie-Mellon University 709 W. 9th Street West Chester, PA 19380 800-9 Hyde Park Avenue Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Quanah, TX 79252 Brian J. Brown Hyde Park, MA 02136 Branimir Boguraev Jana Branicka Gamle Kongevei 148 Carlo Biagioli Computer Laboratory Lomnicka 4/1 N-3000 Drammen, NORWAY Istituto per la Documentazione Cambridge University CS-949 10 Nitra Giuridica (CNR) Corn Exchange Street CZECHOSLOVAKIA E. K. Brown Via Panciatichi 56/16 Cambridge, CB2 3QG, ENGLAND Stefano Breccia Language and Linguistics University of Essex Firenze, ITALY Christian Boitet Scuola Superiore G.R.Romoli Wivenhoe Park Doug Biber GETA, CNRS ERA 293 strada prov di Coppito, Kn 0,3 Colechester CO4 3SQ, ENGLAND 132 Sierra Bonita Avenue BP 68, Domaine Universitaire 1-67010 Coppito (AQ), ITALY Pasadena, CA 91006 F-38402 St. Martin d'Heres Jeutonne P. Brewer Gretchen P. Brown Janusz S. Bien FRANCE Arts and Sciences Computer Corp. of America 4 Cambridge Center Institute of Informatics Roger Boivin Univ. North Carolina Cambridge, MA 02142 Warsaw University 5482 18e Avenue Greensboro, NC 27412 PKiN p.850 Montreal, Que, CANADA H1X 2P4 Victor Briabrin Mark Brown PL-00 901 Warszawa, POLAND Leonard Bolc Computer Center 3255 Descanso Drive Marie A. Bienkowski Institute of Informatics Academy of Sciences of USSR Los Angeles, CA 90026 EE&CS Department, U-157 Warsaw University 40 Vavilova Street Charles Browne University of Connecticut PKiN p.850 SU-117333 Moscow, USSR 428 Estante Way Storrs, CT 06268 PL-00 901 Warsaw, POLAND Steve Brich Los Alarnos, NM 87544 Alan W. Biermann Veronica Bonebrake NCR Corporation Nils C. Brubaker PO Box 2425 Rt.3, Box 235B Corporate R&D, WHQ-5E 12643 Black Saddle Lane Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Leander, TX 78641 Dayton, OH 45479 Germantown, MD 20874 Computational Linguistics, Volume 10, Number 1, Janury-March 1984 59 The FINITE STRING Newsletter 1983 ACL Membership List Bertram C. Bruce Richard Cantone Steve Chandler Philip R. Cohen Bolt Beranek and Newman Navy AI Center English Fairchild Lab for AI Research 50 Moulton Street' NRL- Code 7510 University of Idaho M/S 30-888 Cambridge, MA 02238 Washington, DC 20375 Moscow, ID 83843 4001 Miranda Way Robert i. Bryan Amadeo Cappelli B. Chandrasekaran Palo Alto, CA 94304 Mathematics Via C. Battisti 35/A 2053 luka Avenue Robert Cohen Nebraska Wesleyan University 1-56100 Pisa, ITALY Columbus, OH 43201 Condor Computing Corporation Lincoln, NE 68504 Sandra Carberry Wei-Hsing Chang 28832 Shody Lane Ernst Buchberger 50 Darien Road 4142 Cranford Circle Laguna Beach, CA 92651 Medical Cybernetics Newark, DE 19711 San Jose, CA 95124 Robin Cohen University of Vienna Jaime G. Carbonell Paul G. Chapin 224 St. George Street, No.302 Freyung 6 Computer Science Linguistics Program Toronto, Ontario A-1010 Vienna, AUSTRIA Carnegie-Mellon University National Science Foundation CANADA M5S 1A7 Fridolin Buechel Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Washington, DC 20550 John Colarusso Birmannstrasse 7 Elizabeth Carlock Gene B. Chase Anthropology CH-4055 Basel, SWITZERLAND 105 Carteret Court Messiah College McMaster University Erik Bugge Clemson, SC 29631 Grantham, PA 17027 1280 Main Street West Frank C. Carman/ll Hamilton, Ont, CANADA L8S 4L9 Recau Chin-Chuan Cheng NY Munkegade liT Advanced Technology Center Linguistics Robert R. Cole DK-8000 Aarhus, DENMARK One Research Road University of Illinois 5707-C Harpers Farm Raod Harry Bunt SHhoemletorn , C. CT Carney 06484 707 S. Mathews Avenue Columbia, MD 21044 Computational Linguistics Carney Associates, Inc. Urbana, IL 61801 D. Wells Coleman Research Unit 6000A West Broad Street Daniel Chester Linguistics Tilburg University, POB 90153 Richmond, VA 23230 Computer & Information Science University of Texas at El Paso NL-5000 LE Tilburg NETHERLANDS University of Delaware lE Paso, TX 79968 Marillyn L. Carney Henry G. Burger The Computer Company Newark, DE 19711 Grant M. Colvin The Wordtree 1905 Westmoreland Street David N. Chin 1220 Waldron Avenue 7306 Brittany PO Box 6987 5300 Van Fleet Avenue, No.4 St. Louis, MO 63130 Merriam, KS 66203 Richmond, VA 23230 Richmond, CA 94804 M.J. Connolly John F. Burger Hardy Carroll Martin S. Chodorow 50 Tarleton Road 21173 W. Hillside Drive 618 Axtell St. 218 .E 74th Street, Apt.5R Newton Center, MA 02159 Topanga, CA 90290 Kalamazoo, MI 49008 New York, NY 10021 Chantal Contant Edward I. Burkart John Carroll Key-Sun Choi 3110 Ed-Montpetit English Language Institute Computer Laboratory Computer Science App. 15 The American University Cambridge University Korean Adv Inst Sci & Technol Montreal, Quebec Washington, DC 20016 Corn Exchange Street PO Box 150 Chongyang CANADA H3T 1J9 Cambridge CB2 3OJ, ENGLAND Seoul, KOREA A. Conway James R. Burman John B. Carroll Maxim Chomyakov Psychology 723 W. Maryland Avenue St. Paul, MN 55117 409 Elliott Road Avangardnaya ul. 14, kv.5 University of Bristol Chapel Hill, NC 27514 SU-125493 Moscow, USSR 8-10 Berkley Square Nancy Burns David Carter Thomas Christaller Bristol BS8 1HH, ENGLAND 404-A Buena Vista University of Cambridge Research Unit for IS and AI Henry R. Cook Austin, TX 78746 Computer Laboratory University of Hamburg 5611 Catoctin Ridge Drive Roberto Busa, SJ Corn Exchange Street Mittelweg 179 Mt. Airy, MD 21771 CAAL Aloisianum Cambridge CB2 3QG, ENGLAND D-2000 Hamburg 13 W. GERMANY David Cooper 21013 Gallarate, ITALY Jim Carter Wei-Hang Chu 143 Magnolia Avenue Alan Buseman Computational Sciences Solo Systems Millbrae, CA 94030 JAARS University of Saskatchewan 3025 Orchard Parkway Gary Cooper Box 248 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan San Jose, CA 95134 2501 Hilgard Waxhaw, NC 28173 CANADA S7N 0W0 Kenneth W. Church Berkeley, CA 94709 Clifton H. Butcher Patrick Cassidy Bell Laboratories, 2D-518 Robin Cooper Steward Towers 705 735 Belvidere Avenue 600 Mountain Avenue Linguistics, 1128 Van Hise 200 Fort Meade Road Plainfield, NJ 07062 Murray Hill, NJ 07974 1220 Linden Drive Laurel, MD 20707 Christiano Castelfranchi Mark Clardy University of Wisconsin Roy J. Byrd Via dei Monti Tiburtini 509 20745 Zuni Road Madison, WI 53705 IBM TJ Watson Research Center 1-00157 Roma, ITALY Apple Valley, CA 92307 David Copp PO Box 218 Maria Luigia Ceccotti Douglas Clark, Jr. 74 Sussex Avenue Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Istituto di Linguistica 23765 Calla Azorin Morristown, NJ 07960 Computazionale Nicoletta Calzolari Via della Faggiola 32 Mission Viejo, CA 92692 Francisco Corella via Tevere 17 1-56100 Pisa, ITALY Dee L. Clayman Symantec 1-56100 Pisa, ITALY Mats Cedvall Classics Department 306 Potrero Avenue Fred Cameron Datalogilaboratoriet Brooklyn College, CUNY Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Access Centers Inc. Sturegatan 2B Brooklyn, NY 11210 Marcel MroC 3000 Scott Blvd, Suite 109 S-75223 Uppsala, SWEDEN William Cline Eq. Informatique Linguistique Santa Clara, CA 95050 Stefano A. Cerri Foreign Languages Universite Paris VII, Tr Cntrl J. Campbell Dipartmento di Informatica Alexander Hall 2 PI Jussieu, 8e Etage 6015 Oakland Ave So University of Pisa East Michigan University F-75251, Paris cedex 05 FRANCE Minneapolis, MN 55417 Corso Italia 40 Ypsilanti, MI 48197 Sally Cordes Enrique J. Cansino 1-56100 Pisa, ITALY Joel Cohen Burroughs Corporation PO Box 710 Stephen W. Chan Mathematics & Computer Science Terminal Systems Group/ASDO Bacolod City 6001 325 Casitas Avenue University of Denver 11010 Roselle Street Philippines San Francisco, CA 94127 Denver, CO 80208 San Diego, CA 92121 60 Computational Linguistics, Volume 10, Number 1, Janury-March 1984 The FINITE STRING Newsletter 1983 ACL Membership List Daniel W. Corwin Deborah A. Dahl Natalie & Joseph Dehn David C. Dodson Wang Laboratories Linguistics 15 Ruby Road 68 Appledore Avenue One Industrial Avenue University of Pennsylvania West Haven, CT 06516 Wollaton, Nottingham NG8 2RW Lowell, MA 01851 619 Williams Hall CU Rodolfo Del Monte ENGLAND John Josef Costandi Philadelphia, PA 19104 Dipartimento di Scienze John M. Doherty PO Box 29 Hartvig Dahl Ambientali - Santa Maria 1240 Wisteria Drive Pacific Grove, CA 93950 Box 88 Universita di Venezia Ann Arbor, MI 48104 G.D.L. Costin Downstate Medical Center Venezia, ITALY John Donald Summer Inst. of Linguistics 450 Clarkson Avenue Marc T. M. DeMey 1409 Viejas View Lane 7500 West Camp Wisdom Road Brooklyn, NY 11203 Logika en Kennisleer Alpine, CA 92001 Dallas, TX 75236 Veronica Dahl Rijksuniversiteit Gent Cameron Donaldson Garrison W. Cottrell Computer Science Blandijnberg 2 Harris Corporation, Government Computer Science Simon Fraser University 9000 Gent, BELGIUM Information Systems Division University of Rochester Burnaby, BC, CANADA V5A 1S6 Anne DeRoeck PO Box 9800 Rochester, NY 14627 David Dahlbacka 13 Alma Street Melbourne, FL 32901 Karen Courtenay 301 Country Fair Drive, Apt.60 Wivenhoe, Colchester Gerard F. Donlon, Jr. 67 Bartlett Street Champaign, IL 61821 Essex, ENGLAND 2 Morrison Court Andover, MA 01810 Ingetraut Dahlberg Jean-Pierre Devaud Cambridge, MA 02140 Carl Covell Woogstrasse 36a 3918 North Fremont Bonnie J. Dorr PO Box 97 D6000 Frankfurt 50 Chicago, IL 60613 84 Hillside Avenue Somerville, MA 02143 W. GERMANY Henrietta DeVeer Arlington, MA 02174 James Reid Cowie Kathleen Dahlgren 752 West End Avenue, No.14F Cynthia Ann Dorsey 235A East Clyde Street Pitzer College New York, NY 10025 12572 Argyle Drive, Rossmoor Helensburgh G84 7AY, SCOTLAND Claremont, CA 91711 William DeVries Los Alamitos, CA 90720 Edward J. Coyne Brian Dalio 37 Carl Street Tamas E. Doszkocs 4600 Connecticut Avenue--207 71 Keene Street San Francisco, CA 94117 9627 Lawndale Drive Washington, DC 20008 Providence, RI 02906 Kieren Devine Silver Spring, MD 20901 David J. Cranmer Fred J. Damerau Computer Science Ray C. Dougherty 14 Lakeside Circle Nash Road Queens University 100 Bleecker Street, 27A Riverside, RI 02915 Purdys, NY 10578 Belfast BT7 1NN New York, NY 10012 NORTHERN IRELAND James M. Cretsos Art Dana Robert J. Douglass Merrell Dow Pharmaceuticals 1670 El Camino Real David Dewan Computer User Services-MS B296 2110 East Galbraith Road Menlo Park, CA 94025 24 Manchester Road Los Alamos National Laboratory Newton Highlands, MA 02161 Cincinnati, OH 45242 William J. Daniels Los Alamos, NM 87545 Jim Critz 43 Maple Leaf Circle Simon Dickens Linn H. Downs 3275 Kipling Street Penfield, NY 14526 Logica UK Ltd. Burroughs Corporation 68 Newman Street Palo Alto, CA 94306 Douglas D. Dankel, II London W1A 4SE, ENGLAND Burroughs Place, No.2F51 RCoo15rb telratn d, Glenn E. StNYr eetC romack 13045 CGIUaSin nisvviellres, ity - 512 oWfel lFL Florida3 2611 Hall CGTE o10l0l een FergSusyosn tems Diegnan WesDtreirvne Division T6De3e rtrroyi t, Beechcroft Downs MI 48232 Road Donald E. Crook Mark David PO Box 7188, M/C B213 Ipswich, Suffolk Burroughs Corporation 77 Francis Avenue Mountain View, CA 94039 ENGLAND 4820 Adohr Lane Cambridge, MA 02138 Cay Dietrich William P. Doyle Camarillo, CA 93010 James E. Davidson IBM TJ Watson Research Center 60 Pineapple Street, No.7H George R. Cross Teknowledge PO Box 218 Brooklyn, NY 11201 Computer Science 525 University Avenue Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Raimund Drewek Louisiana State University Palo Alto, CA 94301 Martin Dillon Ernst Klett Corporate Planning Baton Rouge, LA 70803 Carol C. & James S. Davis Library Science Computational Linguistics J. Norwood Crout 6583 Brock Street Univ. of North Carolina Rotebuhlstrasse 77 Artificial Intelligence Corp. Dublin, OH 43017 Chapel Hill, NC 27514 D-7000 Stuttgart 1, W. GERMANY 100 Fifth Avenue Patrick A. Davis Michael DiLoreto Stephen Drucker Waltham, MA 02254 218 Christopher Street Merrie Computing Company 5577 Taft Avenue Roberto Armino Cuervo Montclair, NJ 07042 21632 Glen Peak Cove Oakland, CA 94618 Conde de Aranda 21 Paul H. Davis Diamond Bar, CA 91765 Arthur G. Duncan Madrid 1, SPAIN 640 Anderson Boulevard Michael R. Dilts General Electric • David Curran Geneva, IL 60134 9 Melrose Street Corporate R&D Schenectady, NY 12345 30 West 39th Avenue Thomas F. Deahl Arlington, MA 02174 Vancouver, BC 815 Carpenter Lane Mauro diManzo George S. Dunham CANADA V5Y 2N9 Philadelphia, PA 19119 Istituto di Elettrotecnica 3840 Harrison St. Steven Cushing Richard C. DeArmond Viale Causa 13 Washington, DC 20015 90 Bynner Street, No. 4 Linguistics 1-16145 Genova, ITALY Frank Dunn Jamaica Plain, MA 02130 Simon Fraser University David A. Dinneen 3714 Holt W.R. Cyre Burnaby, BC, CANADA V5A lS6 French & Italian Austin, TX 78749 9955 Alabama Road Dennis M. deChampeaux University of Kansas Richard P. Duran Bloomington, MN 55438 ADAC Laboratories Lawrence, KS 66045 Educational Testing Service Zbigniew Czech 2424 Hellyer Avenue John Dinsmore Princeton, NJ 08541 Computer Science Institute San Jose, CA 95138 Computer Science Aldo Duro Silesian Technical University Nan Decker Southern Illinois University via .F Nicolai, 91 PstrowskJego 16 25 Surrey Carbondale, IL 62901 1-00136 Roma, ITALY PL-44 100 Gliwice, POLAND Cambridge, MA 02138 Wayne R. Dobson Don Dwiggins Bruce D'Ambrosio Edward DeGregorio 6362 Douglas Street Logicon OSD 2156 Ward Street, No,4 Country Drive, RFD West Vancouver, BC 21031 Ventura Blvd Berkeley, CA 94705 Kenyon, RI 02836 CANADA V7W 2E9 Woodland Hills, CA 91364 Computational Linguistics, Volume 10, Number 1, Janury-March 1984 61 The FINITE STRING Newsletter 1983 ACL Membership List Marc Dymetman Markus Erni James L. Felty Margot Flowers & Michael Dyer Artificial Intelligence Center Stockenstrasse 36 Prime Computer, Inc. 3532 Boelter Hall SRI International CH-8903 Birmensdorf MS 10C-17 University of California Menlo Park, CA 94025 SWITZERLAND 500 Old Connecticut Path Los Angeles, CA 90024 Dean Earnest Ross Errington Framingham, MA 01701 Kathleen Flynn Burroughs Corporation S.I.L., Nasuli Robert S. Fenchel Linguistics 3519 West Warner Malaybalay, 8ukidnon 339 Island Drive, No.4 Univer. Southern California Santa Ana, CA 92704 PHILIPPINES 8201 Madison, Wl 53705 Los Angeles, CA 90007 Caroline a. Eastman Dominique Estival Giacomo & Irina Prodanof Ferrari A. Dean Forbes Computer Science & Engineering 315 S. 46th Street, No.6 Istituto di Linguistica 820 Loma Verde Avenue Southern Methodist University Philadelphia, PA 19143 Computazionale Palo Alto, CA 94303 Dallas, TX 75275 Via della Faggiola 32 John B. Eulenberg 1-56100 Pisa, ITALY Jean-Marie Fortin WMPO e.sNt. Box EAacsttono n, 895 MA 01720 E1as2t 50 Lansing,D aisy Lane MI 48823 KaU rel mlyna Fiala 23 OBfafniqcuee de de la terminol,l angue francaise du Quebec David A. Evans CS-141 00 Praha 4 700, boul. Saint-Cyrille Est H. P. Edmundson 5536 Beverly Place CZECHOSLOVAKIA Quebec, CANADA G1R 5G7 Computer Science Pittsburgh, PA 15206 Nicholas Findler Elaine Fossati University of Maryland Roger Evans Computer Science Box 70607 College Park, MD 20742 Graduate P/H Arts D Arizona State University Sunnyvale, CA 94088 Mats Eeg-Olofsson University of Sussex Tempe, AZ 85287 Carol L. Foster SLil-la 223 Sigridsgatan 50 Lund, SWEDEN 1 Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QN Edward Finegan 2033 Greenwood Place ENGLAND Linguistics, GFS 301 Huntsville, AL 35802 Jurgen Ehlers Sandra Eveland Univ. of Southern California Libellenweg 9 IBM Los Angeles, CA 90089 John Fought D 7000 Stuttgart 80 Linguistics Dept. M76/F47 Linda Fineman W. GERMANY 609 Williams HalI/CU 555 Bailey Avenue 2752 Middleton Avenue, Apt.271 University of Pennsylvania Susan Ehrlich San Jose, CA 95150 Durham, NC 27705 Philadelphia, PA 19104 Wang Laboratories iartha W. Evens Timothy Finin One Industrial Avenue 2026 Orrington Avenue Computer&Information Science Fumi Fowells Lowell, MA 01851 Evanston, IL 60201 University of Pennsylvania 1979 Jeanette Drive Kurt Eiselt Philadelphia, PA 19104 Pleasant Hill, CA 94523 Catherine Exarhos Information & Computer Science 2524 Davison Avenue Pamela K. Fink Edward A. Fox University of California Richland, WA 99352 Southwest Research Institute 203 Craig Drive Irvine, CA 92717 6220 Culebra Avenue Blacksburg, VA 24060 Joel L. Fagan Marc Eisinger San Antonio, TX 78284 Samuel Fox 59G Hasbrouck Apartments IBM France Kathleen Finn 6708 N. Seeley Ithaca, NY 14650 49 rue Auguste Lancon 2718 N. Pershing Drive, No.3 Chicago, IL 60645 F-75013 Paris, FRANCE Scott .E Fahlman Arlington, VA 22201 Gert K. Frackenpohl 6410 Wilkins Avenue Richard P. Ejzak Pittsburgh, PA 15217 Louise B. Fish Inst fuer deutsche Sprache 916 Ohio Court 83-43 118 Street Postfach 5409 Carol Stream, IL 60188 Leonard M. Faltz Kew Gardens, NY 11415 D-6800 Mannheim 1 Kerstin Severinson Eklundh 2155 W. Farmdale, No.4 Gene Fisher W. GERMANY Kummelnasvaegen 34 Mesa, AZ 85202 Information and Computer Robert France S-132 00 Saltsjo-Boo, SWEDEN " Michel Fanton Science 902 .E Franklin, No.3 Stig Eliasson 12 rue Montalivet University of California Chapel Hill, NC 27514 Noreens vaeg 96 F-75008 Paris, FRANCE Irvine, CA 92717 Stephen Frank S-752 63 Uppsala, SWEDEN MIA Farghaly Gordon Fisher 7437 Kathydale Road J3a2m2e s 4th Elkin Street O9m4n0i trans East Meadow Company Drive JaMmaetsh ematics Madison & CompuUtneirv ersity Science Baltimore, MD 21208 Brooklyn, NY 11215 Palo Alto, CA 94303 Harrisonburg, VA 22807 Dick H. Fredericksen Donald A. Elliott Luciano F. Farina W. M. Fisher 77 Jefferson Avenue 5916 Bradley BIvd Romance Languages - Cunz 248 Texas Instruments White Plains, NY 10606 Bethesda, MD 20814 Ohio State University MS 238 Robert Frederking 1841 Millikin Road PO Box 226015 Computer Science Jeremy EIIman Columbus, OH 43210 Dallas, TX 75266 Carnegie-Mellon University 9 Ardern Road Manchester 8 M8 6WN, ENGLAND Arthur i. Farley Beatrice Fitter Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Robert S. Engelmore Computer Science 3P9h5il2a delphia, Pine Street PA 19104 Michael W. Freeman University of Oregon R&D/SDC T5Sea2Pamk5lou n eol wledge UnivAletros,i ty S. CA Epstein 94301 Avenue CEh1u3rg2ei1n set, opher Virginia OR 97403 Farrar Avenue 3HL5oagn5ea 0n and CoWu. nty Taxation Flake Amazon Dept Drive,o f Assessment Apt.3 BPO Paoulir, roughs Box PA 517 19301 Corporation Bell Communications Research Columbus, OH 43212 Eugene, OR 97405 Michael J. Freiling 600 Mountain Avenue Daniel C. Fass Margaret i. Fleck Tektronix Corporation, 50-662 Murray Hill, NJ 07974 5 De Vere Lane Box 301, Village Hill Road PO Box 500 Mary S. Erbaugh Wivenhoe, Colchester Williamsburg, MA 01096 Beaverton, OR 97077 Linguistics Essex CO7 9VV, ENGLAND Charles R. Fletcher Eric D. Frey University of Oregon Robin Fawcett Psychology Chestnut Hill Road Eugene, OR 97403 4 Windsor Crescent University of Colorado Amherst, NH 03031 Lars W. Ericson Radyr, Cardiff CF4 8AE, WALES Boulder, CO 80309 Werner Frey NYU Courant Institute Dianne L. Fecteau Thaddeus P. FIoryan, Jr. Keplerstrasse 17 251 Mercer Street 805 Green Pond Road 1522 Wistaria Lane Institut fuer Linguistik/ROM New York, NY 10012 Rockaway, NJ 07866 Los Altos, CA 94022 D-7000 Stuttgart 1, W. GERMANY 62 Computational Linguistics, Volume 10, Number 1, Janury-March 1984 The FINITE STRING Newsletter 1983 ACL Membership List Barbara Friberg B. J. Garner Randy G. Goebel Cordell Green SIL - Kotak Pos 164 Computing and Mathematics Computer Science Kestrel Institute Ujung Pandang Deakin University University of Waterloo 1801 Page Mill Road Sulawesi Selatan Victoria 3217, AUSTRALIA Waterloo, Ontario Palo Alto, CA 94304 INDONESIA Curtis W. Garrett CANADA N2L 3G1 Peter Greene Joyce Friedman 6918 Wildwood Court Harold Goldberger 15 Martha Lane 221 Mt. Auburn Indianapolis, IN 46268 19 rue Charles V Evanston, IL 60201 Cambridge, MA 02138 Leanna Gaskins F-75004 Paris, FRANCE Steven L. Greenspan Alan Frisch 10149 Cass Place Richard S. Goldhor Cognitive Science, C-015 School of Social Science Cupertino, CA 95014 Intelligent Designa University of California at University of Sussex Michael K. Gavin 100 Fairview Avenue San Diego Brighton BN1 9QN, ENGLAND Computer Science Belmont, MA 02178 La Jolla, CA 92093 David Frost Box 1910 Neil M. Goldman Patrick Griffith Psychology Brown University USC-ISI 102 Glebe Avenue Middlesex Hospital Providence, RI 02912 4676 Admiralty Way Ottawa, Ontario Mortimer Street Marina del Ray, CA 90291 CANADA K1S 2C3 London Wl, ENGLAND JCeoannve-rCgleanutd e Technologies, Gavrel Inc. Fernando Gomez Joseph E. Grimes Rebecca i. Frumkina 220 Laurier Ave West, Ste 740 Computer Science DMLL - Morrill Hall Institute of Linguistics Ottawa, Ontario University of Central Florida Cornell University Academy of Sciences of USSR CANADA K1P 5Z9 Orlando, FL 32816 Ithaca, NY 14853 Semashko 1/12 SU-103009 Moscow, USSR Jean Mark Gawron Carolyn J. Gongwer Ralph D. Grishman Kazuhiro Fuchi ArUtniifviecrisailt y Intelligence of Edinburgh 30Pe9or ia, Clara IL 61614 CNoemwp uter York ScUinenicvee rsity ICOT Mita Kokusai Bldg 21F Hope Park Square, Meadow Lane Bradley A. Goodman 251 Mercer Street 4-28 Mita 1-chome Minato-ku Edinburgh EH8 9NW, SCOTLAND Bolt Beranek and Newman New York, NY 10012 Tokyo 108 JAPAN Gerald Gazdar 10 Moulton Street, Dept. 45 Ralph E. Griswold Osamu Fujimura Social Science, Art Building Cambridge, MA 02238 Computer Science Bell Laboratories, 2D-545 University of Sussex James W. Goodwin University of Arizona Murray Hill, NJ 07974 Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QN Computer & Information Science Tucson, AZ 85721 ENGLAND Linkoeping University Kevin Gross TIeBtMs unosuke Japan, Japan Fujisaki Science Inst. Manfred Gehrke S-581 83 Linkoeping, SWEDEN 54 Breck Avenue Kenneth Goodwin Brighton, MA 02135 No. 36 Kowa Building Fachbereich Informatik 5-19 Sanbancho, Chiyoda-ku Universitaet Hamburg 77 Brookwood Road Louis Gross Tokyo 102, JAPAN Rothenbaumschaussee 67-69 Mercerville, NJ 08619 28 Russell St. Judith W. Fuller D-2000 Hamburg 13, W. GERMANY Daniel B. Gordon Arlington, MA 02174 723 Upper Johnson Circle Dedre Gentner 2066 Ashton Avenue iaurice Gross St. Peter, MN 56082 Bolt Beranek and Newman Menlo Park, CA 94025 Universite de Paris VII, LADL Thomas W. Fuller 50 Moulton Street Reena Beth Gordon 2 Place Jussieu CHI Systems, Inc. Cambridge, MA 02238 40 Ocean Parkway F-75231 Paris Cedex 05 FRANCE 100 Edward Burns Place J. Germain Brooklyn, NY 11218 Barbara J. Grosz Goleta, CA 93117 Webber College Letizia Gori Artificial Intelligence Center Mike Fullingim Babson Park, FL 33827 Piazza Magenta 49 SRI International 1-57100 Livorno, ITALY Menlo Park, CA 94025 Wesleyan Mission - Alia Febo-Basilio Ghicopoulos Box 21 Facolta di Lettere George Gosline Alexander Gruz Pangia, SHP Dipartimento di Italiano 1514 35th Avenue 263 Congressional Lane Papua, NEW GUINEA Universita di Salonicco Seattle, WA 98122 Apt.210 Francesca Fusconi Thessaloniki, GREECE Kathleen M. Goudie Rockville, MD 20852 Ufficio RRL-Elsag SpA Helen Gigley Texas Instruments Luis F. Guadarrama Via Hermada 6-Sestri Pon Computer Science PO Box 10508, MS 5739 Apartado Postal 22-424 1-16154 Genoa, ITALY Lubbock, TX 79408 Mexico City 22, D.F. University of New Hampshire Brian R. Gaines Durham, NH 03824 James Gough, Jr. MEXICO Computer Science Information&Computer Science Franz Guenthner W. Gillespie & Jill Quirk York University Georgia Inst. of Technology Englisches Seminar PO Box 232 4700 Keele Street Atlanta, GA 30332 Universitaet Tuebingen Monarch, Alberta Downsview, CANADA M3J 1P3 Philip B. Gough Wilhelmstr, 50 CANADA T0L 1M0 Oliver Gajek Psychology D-7400 Tuebingen, W. GERMANY Allesandro Giorgi Linguistics University of Texas Giovanni Guida University of Texas Istituto Psicologica, CNR Austin, TX 78712 Politecnico di Milano Via dei Monte Tiburtini 509 Austin, TX 78712 Arthur C. Graesser Piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32 1-00157 Roma, ITALY Annie Gal Psychology 1-20133 Milano, ITALY 5611 Northfield Road Philip Gleason California State University Raymond Guindon Bethesda, MD 20817 209 Vassar Street Fullerton, CA 92634 Psychology Rochester, NY 14607 Janine Gallais-Hammond iadeleine Graitson University of Colorado 20 avenue Reille Peter Glickert NIH/DCRT, 12A-3043 Boulder, CO 80309 F-75014 Paris, FRANCE 140 Twelfth Street SE 9000 Rockville Pike Samuel L. Gulden Patricia Galloway Washington, DC 20003 Bethesda, MD 20014 108C Christmas-Saucon No.14 Mississippi Department Bonnie Glover Michael M. Granaas Computing&Information Science of Archives & History 1314-1/4 Barrington Avenue 426 Fraser Hall Lehigh University PO Box 571 Los Angeles, CA 90025 University of Kansas Bethlehem, PA 18015 Jackson, MS 39205 Kurt Godden Lawrence, KS 66045 Andrew Gullen Anne v.d.L. Gardner Computer Science Robert Granville Computer Science 286 Selby Lane General Motors Research Labs 14 Bond Street University of Toronto Atherton, CA 94025 Warren, MI 48090 Boston, MA 02118 Toronto, CANADA M5S 1A4 Computational Linguistics, Volume 10, Number 1, Janury-March 1984 63 The FINITE STRING Newsletter 1983 ACL Membership List Mary Ann & Raymond D. Gumb Sally Handy-Zarnstorff Daniel G. Hays Carl E. Hewitt Computer Science Bell Laboratories Psychology MIT AI Laboratory, Room 813 Calif. State Univ. Northridge 101 J.F. Kennedy Parkway University of Alabama 545 Technology Square 18111 Nordhoff Street Short Hills, NJ 07678 Huntsville, AL 35899 Cambridge, MA 02139 Northridge, CA 91330 Barbara F. Hanson David G. Hays F. R. Higgins Takao Gunji 1340 Shasta Avenue 25 Nagle Avenue, Apt 3-G 3 Laurel Lane Language and Culture San Jose, CA 95126 New York, NY 10040 Amherst, MA 01002 Osaka University Peter Harasym Benjamin D. Haytock Jim Hightower 1-1 Machikaneyama-cho, Office of Medical Education Computer Science 4947 Browndeer Lane Toyonaka-shi, Osaka 560, JAPAN University of Calgary Allegheny College Rancho Palos Verdes, CA 90274 Michael D. Gunther 3330 Hospital Drive NW Meadville, PA 16335 Archibald A.:Hill IBM Corporation Calgary, Alta, CANADA T2N 4N1 Kolbjorn Heggstad Box 8120 201 Perry Parkway, Suite 4 Shoshana Hardt University of Bergen Univ. Station Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Computer Science Stromgatan 53 Austin, TX 78712 Cheng-aing Guo SUNY Buffalo D-5000 Bergen, NORWAY Jane C. Hill 5 Maple Street 4226 Ridge Lea Rod George .E Heidorn 135 Summer Street Athens, OH 45701 Amherst, NY 14226 IBM TJ Watson Research Center Amherst, MA 01002 Norman Haas Brian Harris PO Box 218 Michael Hillinger 3485 Alameda 4 School Translators & Interpr. Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 TSC, A Houghton Mifflin Co. Menlo Park, CA 94025 University of Ottawa Wolfgang Heinz Box 683 Robert A, Haas Ottawa, Ontario Delugstrasse 9/4/4 Hanover, NH 03755 CANADA K1N 6N5 Bolt Beranek and Newman A-1190 Wien, AUSTRIA Donald M. Hindle 10 Moulton Street Larry Harris Hermann Helbig Box 119 Cambridge, MA 02238 Artificial Intelligence Corp. VEB Robotron Greenwich, NJ 08323 100 W. Fifth Street Christopher Habel PSF 330 Elizabeth A. Hinkelman Waltham, MA 02254 Bleibtreustr, 36A 8012 Dresden, 348 Ripplewood Drive D-1000 Berlin 15, W. GERMANY Marion O. Harris GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Rochester, NY 14616 Oak Street Carole D. Hafner Morristown, NJ 07960 Gyorgy Hell Daniel J. Hintz Computer Science BME, Nyelvi Intezet c/o Tom Dixon General Motors Research Mary Dee Harris Muegyetern RKP Route 1 Laboratory Mathematical Sciences H-1111 Budapest, HUNGARY Leon, KS 67074 Loyola University Warren, MI 48090 New Orleans, LA 70125 Peter Hellwig Akihiro HiraM Dorothea Robin Haines Germanistisches Seminar Systems Development Laboratory Box 1170 Steven D. Harris Hauptstrasse 207-209 Hitachi, Ltd. 2000 Center Street RFD 1, Box 343 69 Heidelberg 1099 Ohzenji Asao-ku Berkeley, CA 94704 Riner, VA 24149 W. GERMANY Kawasaki 215, JAPAN Eva Hajicova Betty i. Hart David H. Helman Lynette Hirschman Hvozdnicka 1049 1903 North 77th Street Philosophy R&D Activity, FSSG CS-100 00 Praha 10 Kansas City, KS 66112 Case Western Reserve Burroughs Corporation CZECHOSLOVAKIA Steven Hartman University PO Box 517 Austin Hale 1442 Gary Drive Cleveland, OH 44106 Paoli, PA 19301 Carbondale, IL 62901 Graeme Hirst Summer Inst. of Linguistics Kozetta Henderson David Hartzband Computer Science PO Box 2270 BBDO-Chicago Metro Manila, PHILLIPINES Digital Equipment Corporation 410 N. Michigan, 7th floor University of Toronto ZK02-2/N59 Toronto, Ontario Per-Kristian Halvorsen 110 Spit Brook Road Chicago, IL 60611 CANADA M5S 1A7 Xerox PARC Rufus S, Hendon Nashua, NH 03062 Nancy J. Hoar 3333 Coyote Hill Road 804 Still Hill Rd. T.C. Hasler Main Street Palo Alto, CA 94304 Hamden, CT 06518 11 Priory Walk Haydenville, MA 01039 Russell Ham London SW10 9SP Gary G. Hendrix Jerry Hobbs Information International Inc. ENGLAND Symantec Artificial Intelligence Center 5933 Slauson Avenue 306 Potrero Avenue Bill Hasling SRI International Culver City, CA 90230 Sunnyvale, CA 94086 1030 P Castleton Terrace Menlo Park, CA 94025 Henry Hamburger Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Steve Herbst Wolfgang Hoeppner Mathematical Science Christa Hauenschild c/o Honeywell University of Hamburg George Mason University SFB 99 - E2 4 Cambridge Center, 9th floor Mittelweg 179 4400 University Drive Universitaet Konstanz Cambridge, MA 02142 D-2000 Hamburg 13 Fairfax, VA 22030 Postfach 5560 Robert Hertz W. GERMANY Bruce Hamilton D-7750 Konstanz, W. GERMANY English Cecilie Anne Hoffman 213 Moonstone Jostein H. Hauge California State University 2883 Kipling Manhattan Beach, CA 90266 Bergen Universitetet Long Beach, CA 90840 Palo Alto, CA 94306 John R. Hammen Harald Harfagresgt. 31 Michael Hess Diane Hoffman PO Box 12931 PO Box 53 AIIgemeine Sprachwissenschaft 2580 S. University, No.903 Seattle, WA 98111 N-5014 Bergen, NORWAY Plattenstrasse 54 Denver, CO 80210 David Hammond Hans Haugeneder CH-8032 Zurich, SWITZERLAND Thomas R. Hofmann PO Box 894 Sebastianiplatz 14 Arild Hestvik Faculty of Humanities Belvedere, CA 94920 D-8262 Neuotting Utleirveien 35D Toyama University Lindsey Elizabeth Hammond W. GERMANY N-7000 Trondheim, NORWAY Gofuku Centre for Computational Philip J. Hayes Thomas T. Hewett Toyama, JAPAN 930 Linguistics Computer Science Psychology Douglas Hogan UMIST, PO Box 88 Carnegie-Mellon University Drexel University 13625 Middlevale Lane Manchester M60 1QD, ENGLAND Pittsburgh, PA 15213 Philadelphia, PA 19104 Silver Spring, MD 20906 64 Computational Linguistics, Volume 10, Number 1, Janury-March 1984 The FINITE STRING Newsletter 1983 ACL Membership List Alistair D. C. Holden Susanne M. Humphrey John Thayer Jensen Baldur Jonsson Elec. Eng. Computer Sci. FT-10 2123 Arcola Avenue PO Box 358 Tomasarhaga 22 University of Washington Wheaton, MD 20902 Yap, TT 96943 107 Reykjavik, ICELAND Seattle, WA 98195 Harold Huntley Karen Jensen Larry i. Jordan C. W. Holeman Telecommunications Sciences IBM TJ Watson Research Center 3122 Marwick Avenue 1160 Chase Avenue, No.3125 SRI International PO Box 218 Long Beach, CA 90808 lE Cajon, CA 92020 Menlo Park, CA 94025 Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Aravind & Susan Joshi Lew Hollerbach Jeffrey F. Huntsman Jean-Claude Jequier Computer&Information Science John Wiley & Sons, Inc. English 5201 Cote St. Antoine R. 268, Moore School Higher Education Group Indiana University Montreal, Quebec University of Pennsylvania 605 3rd Avenue Bloomington, IN 47405 CANADA H4A 1P2 Philadelphia, PA 19104 New York, NY 10158 Patrick Alan Hutchinson Peter Jirku Mary Lu Joynes Heather Holmback Department of Computation Biomathematics, Czechoslovak 6621 Bishop Drive Max Planck Institute for UMIST, PO Box 88 Academy of Sciences Waco, TX 76710 Psycholinguistics Manchester M60 1QD, ENGLAND Videnska 1083 Berg en Dalseweg 79 Ruth Hvidberg CS-142 20 Praha 4, CZECH. Paul Juell NL-6522 Nijmegen, NETHERLANDS Computational Linguistics P. P. Joag Mathematical Sciences William Holmes Uppsala University Regional Computer Centre North Dakota State University Biochemistry Sturegatan 13B (5 tr) Poona University Campus Fargo, ND 58105 Washington Univ. Med. School S-75223 Uppsala, SWEDEN Poona-411007, INDIA Brenda Jung-Hough 660 Euclid Avenue Eero Hyvonen Bob Johnson 1575 Dorsey Lane St. Louis, MO 63132 Koivuviita 6A Kirk Computer Systems San Jose, CA 95120 Se June Hong SF-02130 Espoo 13 Box 1976 Zbigniew Jurkiewicz IBM TJ Watson Research Center FINLAND Yellowknife, NWT Institute of Informatics PO Box 218, 31-206 CANADA X1A 2P5 Warsaw University Nancy M. Ide Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 David .E Johnson PKiN p.850 Box 520 Jan Horecky Vassar College IBM TJ Watson Research Center PL-00 901 Warszawa, POLAND Linguistic Institute Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 PO Box 218 Michael B. Kac Slovak Academy of Sciences Peter Illing Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 Linguistics Nalepkova 26 1116 North Vine Eric J. Johnson University of Minnesota CS-800 00 Bratislava, CZECH. Denver, CO 80206 3644 Partridge Path No.3 142 Klaeber Court William C. Hornet Ann Arbour, MI 48104 Minneapolis, MN 55455 Pierre Isabelle 2110 D.H. Hill Library 4405 Isabella, App.2 Eric Johnson Ray Kajma North Carolina State Montreal, Quebec 4737 SE 38th Avenue 2223 Murray Hill, Apt.1 University, Box 5007 CANADA H3T 1N5 Portland, OR 97202 Cleveland, OH 44106 Raleigh, NC 27650 Roderick .L Johnson Atsuko Isatsu Panayota Kalamvoka John Y. Hou Centre for Computational Systems Development Laboratory 33 av Monterey Oriental Studies Linguistics Hitachi, Ltd. 2163 Luxembourg Ville University of Arizona UMIST, PO Box 88 Tucson, AZ 85721 1099 Ohzenji Asao-ku Manchester, M60 1QD, ENGLAND Luxembourg John M. Howie Kawasaki 215, JAPAN Ronald W. Johnson iarilyn A. Kalan 503 Crestland Avenue Arata Ishimoto 6302 Wissahickon Ave 2815 Sore Center Road Columbia, MO 65201 Industrial Administration Philadelphia, PA 19144 Willoughby, OH 44094 Xiuming Huang Science University of Tokyo Samuel V. Johnson Iris a. Kameny Node, Chiba, 278 JAPAN Cognitive Studies Centre 1986 15th Street 1029 Via De La Paz, No.328 University of Essex David J. Israel Troy, NY 12180 Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Colchester CO4 3SQ, ENGLAND Bolt Beranek and Newman Phil Johnson-Laird Ryotaro Kamimura 10 Moutton Street Charles T. Huff MRC Applied Psychology Unit 203 Eiwa Hanabatake Cambridge, MA 02238 Computer & Information Sciences 15 Chaucer Road Oho-Machi Tsukuba Gun Ohio State University Vjaceslav Ivanov Cambridge CB2 2EF, ENGLAND Ibaraki, JAPAN 2036 Neil Avenue Academy of Sciences Richard C. Johnston Nitaya Kanchanawan Columbus, OH 43210 Trifonovskaya d.34 kv.262 PO Box 925 Faculty of Humanities SU-129110 Moscow, USSR D. Lynn Hughes Cotati, CA 94928 Ramkhamhaeng University 320 N. Murieta BIvd Paul Jacobson Philip H. Johnstone Bangkok 10240, THAILAND Livermore, CA 94550 5O2ak2 NorPartk, h IL Humphrey 60302 Modern Languages Dorothea S. Kane Mary Hughes University of Bath 8819 .E Emperor 4771 Berkeley Terrace, NW Harri Jappinen Bath BA2 7AY, ENGLAND San Gabriel, CA 91775 WaMsihchianegl ton, N. Huhns DC 20007 SPOI TRA Box 329 NEadnucyc ational Jokovich Development Center Constantine Keniklidis SF-00121 Helsinki 12 FINLAND 918 President Street Engineering PO Box 2909, M/S 2201 Univ. of South Carolina Lieven Jaspaert Texas Instruments Brooklyn, NY 11215 Columbia, SC 29208 Torenhoflaan 67 Austin, TX 78769 Ronald M. Kaplan John Hulbert B-3110 Rotselaar, BELGIUM Mark A. Jones Xerox PARC Hillside Lustleigh Ronald A. Javitch Computer Science 3333 Coyote Hill Rd. South Devon TQ13 9TH PO Box 67 - Station H SUNY Stony Brook Palo Alto, CA 94304 ENGLAND Montreal, Qua, CANADA H3G 2K5 Stony Brook, LI, NY 11794 S. Jerrold Kaplan Jon Hull Thomas L. Jenkins Nine K. Jones Teknowledge Computer Science OMNITRANS Rt. 2, Box 2357 525 University Avenue SUNY Buffalo 940 East Meadow Drive Stafford, VA 22554 Palo Alto, CA 94301 4226 Ridge Lea Road Palo Alto, CA 94303 Randall .L Jones Hans Karlgren Amherst, NY 14226 Hanne Jensen Humanities Research Center Kval Institute for Information Christopher Hume IBM A/S 3060 JKHB Science 75 Pine Street 10 Vester Soegade, Room 320 Brigham Young University Soedermalmstorg 8 Belmont, MA 02178 DK-1646 Copenhagen V, DENMARK Provo, UT 84602 S-104 65 Stockholm, SWEDEN Computational Linguistics, Volume 10, Number 1, Janury-March 1984 65 The FINITE STRING Newsletter 1983 ACL Membership List Laenu A. Karp Han-Kon Kim Hisashi Kobayashi Anthony S. Kroch 214 Watchung Terrace Language Research Institute Science Institute, IBM Japan Linguistics Scotch Plains, NJ 07076 Seoul National University 21 Mori Bldg 618 Williams Hall Kevin Karplus San 56-1 Shinlim-dong 1-4-34 Roppongi, Minato-ku University of Pennsylvania Electrical Engineering Kwanak-ku, Seoul, 151, KOREA Tokyo, JAPAN 106 Philadelphia, PA 19104 Phillips Hall Jonathan J. King Sakir Kocabas Friedrich Krollman Cornell University Symantec 48 Norfolk Road Bundessprachenamt Ithaca, NY 14853 306 Potrero Avenue London, E6, ENGLAND Horbeller Strasse 52 Lauri J. Karttunen Sunnyvale, CA 94086 Dietrich Koch 5030 Huerth, bei Koeln Artificial Intelligence Center Margaret King Zentralinst. f Kybernetik u W. GERMANY SRI International ISSCO Informationsprozesse AdW d DDR Jed Krohnfeldt Menlo Park, CA 94025 54 route des Acacias DDR-1086 Berlin 6834 Brookhill Drive Robert T. Kasper CH-1227 Geneva, SWITZERLAND GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC Salt Lake City, UT 84121 Computer Science Barbara Kipfer Dan D. Kogan Robert Jeffrey Krovetz 221 Angell Hall 60 Cornfield Road System Development Corporation 7400 Lakeview Drive, No.105 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 Milford, CT 06460 2500 Colorado Avenue Bethesda, MD 20817 Boris Katz Robert S. Kirsner Santa Monica, CA 90406 Gilbert K. Krulee MIT AI Laboratory Germanic Languages Eva Koktova 545 Technology Square 310 Royce Hall, UCLA 9 Kvetna 1576 Computer Sciences Cambridge, MA 02139 Los Angeles, CA 90024 CS-390 01 Tabor Northwestern University Evanston, IL 60201 Derek Kaufman Richard I. Kittredge CZECHOSLOVAKIA 3640 South 2175 East Linguistics Janet L. Kolodner Henry Kucera Salt Lake City, UT 84109 University of Montreal Information&Computer Science Slavic Languages Henry A. Kautz CMAonNtAreDaAl, H3QC uebec 3J7 GAetolragnitaa , GIAn st. 30332 of Technology BPrroovwind ence, University RI 02912 Computer Science University of Rochester Judith Klavans Johannes A.G.M. Koomen Karen Kukich Rochester, NY 14627 IBM TJ Watson Research Center Computer Science 520 Montview Place PO Box 218 Ray .R Hylan Building Pittsburgh, PA 15221 XMearrotxi n PARC Kay Yorktown Heights, NY 10598 University of Rochester Olga S. Kulagina 3333 Coyote Hill Road Ewan Klein Rochester, NY 14627 Institute of Applied Palo Alto, CA 94304 School of Epistemics Tatiana Korelsky & Zholkovsky Mathematics University of Edinburgh 316 Eastwood Avenue Miousskaja pl. 4 E. Robert Keller, II 2 Buccleuch Place Ithaca, NY 14850 125047 Moscow A-47, USSR Renaissance Consulting Edinburgh EH8 9LW, SCOTLAND RD 2- Box 386 Andras Kornai Susumu Kuno Harvard, MA 01451 Louise H. Klein Computing Centre 47 Glendale Road 9R2o8be rt S. Casitas, Kelly Apt.D 5B5e0r keley, Coventry CA 9470R7oa d APcusazdtaeszmeryi of ut Sciences 72 ArBtehlumro nt, E. MA Kunst 02178 Sheldon Klein H-1025 Budapest, HUNGARY Tempe, AZ 85281 Comparative Literature Gerard Kempen CUonmipvuetresirt y Scoife nce Wisconsin iichiko Kosaka 924 Van Hise Hall University of Nijmegen, Psych. 1210 West Dayton Street 28 Riverside Avenue University of Wisconsin Montessorilaan 3 Madison, WI 53706 Apt 3-G Madison, Wl 53706 Red Bank, NJ 07701 NL-6525 HE, Nijmegen David Kleinecke Michel Kuntz NETHERLANDS 2784 Glendessary Lane Kimmo Koskenniemi 25 rue Gazan James Kenevan Santa Barbara, CA 93105 Vaenrikki Stoolin katu 9 A 15 F-75014 Paris, FRANCE SF-00100 Helsinki 10 Computer Science Paul Klingbiel FINLAND Juergen Kunze Illinois Inst. of Technology Building 57, Apartment 5 Zentralinst Sprachwissenschaft Chicago, IL 60616 2435 Sumatran Way Karen C. Kossuth AdW der DDR, Bereich V Mason 217, Pomona College Robert Khan Clearwater, FL 33575 Leipziger Strasse 3-4 Claremont, CA 91711 Challenge Systems, Inc. Jerzy Kolendowski DDR-108 Berlin, DDR 1299 Commerce Drive Srodowiskowe Centrum Oblicz. Donald W. Kosy Howard Kurtzman Richardson, TX 75081 CYFRONET- KRAKOW 182 W. Waldheim Road Psychology, El0 Fox Chapel, PA 15215 Tom R. Kibler Reymonta 4 MIT Wang Laboratories PL-30 059 Krakow, POLAND Ilona Koutny Cambridge, MA 02139 OLneo well, Industrial MA 01851 Avenue 4R9od7g7er Battery Knaus Lane, No.411 FHur-edi1 144 u. Budapest5,2 IX/110 HUNGARY ZIofnias tytut Kurzowa Filologii Polskiej UJ Ferenc Kiefer Bethesda, MD 20814 Juergen Krause Golebia 20 Institute of Linguistics Jacqueline Knight GF Ling Informationswissensch PL-31 007 Krakow, POLAND Hungarian Academy of Sciences 105 Waterside, Peartree Bridge Inst f AIIgemeine Sprachwiss Szentharomsag utca 2 Milton Keynes MK6 3DF Postfach 397 Yutaka Kusanagi H-1014 Budapest, HUNGARY ENGLAND D-8400 Regensburg W. GERMANY Literature & Linguistics i1U1na1i7v serasittyo CL Kikuchi of Pittsburgh TGeFearchchahnrbdie rsecihceh Hochschule .E Knorz Informatik Darmstadt WWoDall-fdg8far0nig0e 0dh ofstr. Muenchen E. Kreitmair 5 70 SUIabnakirvuaekrira s-imtyu ra 300-31, of Tsukuba JAPAN Pittsburgh, PA 15260 Karolinenplatz 5 W. GERMANY Toshio Kushida James Kilbury D-6100 Darmstadt, W. GERMANY Stuart J. Kretch Sakuragaw-a-ryo Jansastrasse 7 Francis .E Knowles 1428 Cedar Bluff Hitachi-shi D-1000 Berlin 44 Modern Languages St. Louis, MO 63011 213 Kokubu-cho WEST GERMANY University of Aston Tillie Krieger Ibaraki 316, JAPAN Paul W. Kilpatrick Costa Green 272 Halfway Tree Stan Kwasny English Birmingham B4 7ET, ENGLAND Baton Rouge. LA 70810 Computer Science College Station Beverly Knystautas Kerstin Kristoferson Indiana University University of Puerto Rico 9516 Ewing Drive Valhallavaegen 137 101 Lindley Hall Mayaguez, PR 00708 Bethesda, MD 20817 S-115 31, Stockholm, SWEDEN Bloomington, IN 47405 66 Computational Linguistics, Volume 10, Number 1, Janury-March 1984 The FINITE STRING Newsletter 1983 ACL Membership List Tjoeliong Kwee Robert H. Larson Aarno Lehtola Svein Lie General Linguistics 2624 Wooster Court Otakaltio 1 B 13 Nordisk Institut University of Amsterdam Vienna, VA 22180 SF-02150 Espoo 15, FINLAND University of Oslo Spuistraat 210 - III Andrew Russell Latto C. G. Leininger Blindern, Oslo, 3 NL-1012 VT Amsterdam, NETH. Mathematics 1536 Park Place NORWAY C.D. Lackey Harvard University Wichita, KS 67203 Mark Lighterman PRC-GIS Cambridge, MA 02138 Alan V. Lemmon 9230 S.W. 59th Street Box 330 Joachim H. Laubsch GTE Laboratories Miami, FL 33173 Fort Monmouth, NJ 07703 Institut fuer Informatik 40 Sylvan Road .E Jay Lindsay William A. Ladusaw Universitaet Stuttgart Waltham, MA 02254 TSC Houghton-Mifflin Linguistics Azenbergstr 12 Michael J. Lemon Box 683 University of Iowa D 7000 Stuttgart 1, W. GERMANY 299 N. Sycamore Hanover, NH 03755 Iowa City, IA 52242 John Lawler lE Paso, IL 61738 S.E. Lipsett M. Lafon Linguistics Winfried Lenders PO Box 80554 E.D.F. 1076 FB Hauptstrasse 128 San Diego, CA 92138 2 rue Louis Murat University of Michigan D-5300 Bonn 3, (Holzlar) Kenneth C. Litkowski F-75384 Paris, Cedex 08 Ann Arbor, MI 48109 W. GERMANY 396-201 No. Summit Avenue FRANCE Scott W. Layson Matthew Lennig Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Jacques E. LaFrance 25B Sixth Street Bell-Northern Research Diane Litman Mathematical Science Oral Roberts University Cambridge, MA 02141 3 Place du Commerce Computer Science Tulsa, OK 74171 Judith Hash LeBon lies des Soeurs University of Rochester 2152 Boisjoli Montreal, Que, CANADA H3E 1H6 Rochester, NY 14627 Robin B. Lake SOHIO Research Sillery, Quebec Marjorie Leon Robert Litteral 4440 Warrensville Center Road CANADA G1T 1E5 4311 Linden Street Box 59 Cleveland, OH 44128 Michael Lebowitz Silver Springs, MD 20906 Ukarumpa via Lae Wilf Lalonde Computer Science Leonardo Lesmo Papua, NEW GUINEA RR 2 Columbia University Istituto di Scienze Thelma Litsas Kinburn, Ontario 406 Mudd Building dell'lnformazione 8360 Greenboro Drive CANADA K0A 2H0 New York, NY 10027 Corso M. D'Azeglio, 42 The Rotunda, No.1002 Rolande i. Lamarche Koenraad Lecot 1-10125 Torino, ITALY McLean, VA 22102 Universite de Montreal 3732 Keystone Ave, No.2 Yves Lesperance Yong-quan Liu PPMF Primaire-Pavillon MtRoyal Los Angeles, CA 90034 Computer Science Institute of Linguistics, CASS Case Postale 6128, Succ.A Edward T, Lee University of Toronto 29 Xue Yuan Lu Montreal, Que, CANADA H3C 3J7 Mathematical Sciences Toronto, Ontario Beijing Charles Lamprey, Jr. Memphis State University CANADA M5S 1A4 PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA 10 Patricia Court Memphis, TN 38152 Lori S. Levin Rick Lively Gales Ferry, CT 06335 Hans Lee Linguistics 1445 W. Jessamine, No.309 University of Pittsburgh Herbert J. Landar Computer Science St. Paul, MN 55108 Pittsburgh, PA 15260 English Michigan State University R. Bruce Loatman California State University East Lansing, MI 48824 Leon S. Levy 9903 Snowbound Court Los Angeles, CA 90032 Howell Lee 2D Dorado Drive Vienna, VA 22180 David Landeck Townhouse 13 Convent Station, NJ 07961 Abe Lockman 1624 Argonne Place, NW Amherst, MA 01002 Barbara Lewandowska Computer Science Washington, DC 20009 K. P. Lee Pawla Gdanca 10 A/16 Hill Center, Busch Campus S.P.J. Landsbergen Gould. Inc. PL-80 336 Gdansk, POLAND Rutgers University Treurenburgstraat 15 40 Gould Center Barbara Lewandowska New Brunswick, NJ 08903 Eindhoven, NETHERLANDS Rolling Meadows, IL 60008 -Tomaszczyk Staffan Lof Carol .L Lane Kenneth R. Lee Institute of English Hjortronvaegen 19 5305 Hesperus Dr. 15 Kindle Lane University of Lodz S-590 54 Sturefors Columbia, MD 21044 Levittown, PA 19055 Kosciuszki 65 SWEDEN PL-90 514 Lodz, POLAND D. Terence Langendoen Richard Lee Robert G. Logan CUNY Graduate Center 7870 Americana Circle 201 Andrzej-Maria Lewicki Bell Laboratories, Room 3K-419 33 West 42 St institute of Polish Glen Burnie, MD 21061 Crawfords Corner Road New York, NY 10036 Univ. M. Curie-Sklodowska Patrick W. Langley Egbert Lehmann Plac M, Curie-Sklodowskiej 4 Holmdel, NJ 07733 Robotics Institute Hermann-Sack-Str. 2 PL Lublin, POLAND Cynthia Loiselle Carnegie-Mellon University D-8000 Muenchen 2 Gene Lewis 114 N. Whitney Street Pittsburgh, PA 15213 W. GERMANY Computer Science Amherst, MA 01002 Sitaram Lanka Hubert Lehmann North Texas State University Christopher Longyear Computer & Information Science Mozart-strasse 11 Denton, TX 76203 English GN-30 University of Pennsylvania 6922 Meckesheim M. Paul Lewis University of Washington Philadelphia, PA 19104 W. GERMANY c/o Instituto Linguistico Seattle, WA 98105 Francois Laplace Winfred P. Lehmann de Verano Franco Lorenzi Villa Antionette 3800 Eck Lane Apdo. 74 via S. Sebastiano 37 32, rue de Plaisance Austin, TX 78734 Guatemala City, GUATEMALA 52044 Cortona (Arezzo) F-88800 Vittel, FRANCE Wendy G. Lehnert Miles A. Libbey ITALY Mark Vincent Lapolla COINS-Graduate Research Center 88-16 173rd Street Donald J. Loritz Linguistics University of Massachusetts Jamaica English University of Texas Amherst, MA 01003 Queens, NY 11432 University of North Iowa Austin, TX 78712 John Lehrberger Mark Liberman Cedar Falls, IA 50614 Don Larner 56 89th Avenue Bell Laboratories, 2D-551 Julie B. Lovins 5700 Harrison Chomedey Laval, Quebec 600 Mountain Avenue PO Box 987 Kansas City, MO 64110 CANADA H7W 3G8 Murray Hill, NJ 07974 Mountain View, CA 94042 Computational Linguistics, Volume 10, Number 1, Janury-March 1984 67