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Fojivara Teika's Hundred-Poem Sequence of the Shoji Era, 1200: A Complete Traustaton. with Inteoduction and Commentary. eves Authors] ber b, Morr ‘he Sousa of Asie Studies, Vol. 38, No.4. (Aug. 1979}. pp. 779-782 Stable URL: pias jeoronghitscs One WL Se RNUTIIN YS ALTUSOLSAL28.CORIU28 “te Fowra of ae Sinai is camenly pons Asso Li Asim Sis, ‘Yourus of ue JSTOR axbive tices yuu accepkoxe u: JSJOR's Terns nd Cols of Ube, wsdl a bape jsoronguivers ba, [STOR Tera ent Cafes ve provides, a, Ua es Jue blamed pur pease, yay WU Ua a ene fs aul eal eos ables, a so ty se met ke JSTOR see aly Toe ve pene oeroxuril Pleoe cumiaet epi veceu say free we Us wo, Buber vl aunty be use a yz jour ogyu ris {tel cony any pat ot 4 ASTOR fmsibue mun uml We sme vpn wai geo the sere nes ge acon, JSTOR 4a ialependen olor poll gaze doco neg poser ac al che etary joumul, Luc use infurug eating ISTOR, plese imate! supporto rpsteare trey Te ISCO AT 2 od Rests any ” Taare, tauake swith wis for sun Si sash 2 Be cg ar nasal ad Br git earnest tute Several naar Fates sunribave 49 she strengsh ofthe hook: Mazen bas ceed Uurler oman ers works quite exensvely and offen compass and cones his oor noalysis wth their he has collec an enormous mienber of excremely eile tearpley feom x sice vaiery of soicer; while che main “acct ofthe aook i 02 Seanderd Japanese, these are ny conceive eealsses of eepreseeaive fegioas] Aileces: Bisoricalpeapeceve i smerimes opin llrnate tener of he fax ‘Despice irs storcomings, chore ao douibe 12 ny rnd hae ths book is one of the bese reference gramates ever writen about a Language Nonuno ARN aia a lenge Vojiwats Lukas amabed-Paem Segue of te Ship Hine, 120 & Conny Traneacion, with leterlucian and! Commentary ly Rover 1. Ledeen, oly. Sophix Unser Cerne price MouogaapitNo. 33) 193. 120 pp. Illafeations, Foouboues, Apponis. Waeka Chics ar Quote ia the Texts Iiles, rT.00. his mage revene adinan oo Profesor Heme angong Yesigaron me Jspaneee snr poery of che Rtv’ =Clnrieal Per capri te sear represent, Fone Teka 11am 127), aan maken neil for che Fret ime in nglish a pene example ofthe hnndred poem xecnence Fyataedat. In 13° Sper ener Ga Toh cormminioned en sce cf unde pm epences. bat oF the twenty-three pareiparce in che Bie ae, wsich:nelded Tek ¢2hre es fen composieon of « hundsel ‘wide. (A late, ane less, ct of sequence We ompoaed by eleven paeis, azong whom wat ube cite ans wel-se, Kama 40 (Chésne| Teled’s coutsiaio sit ewe caapoit, Suns an G-Tech Eada, rearelatel inv eitzeey and carefully oeradiaet 40 radere who sna aot be ‘esyninte sich Prue Brower ear sr work: che ye of le Stila ‘Ae un Veikas Handed Pro Seon te $69 Fa parte thu inerceory eva far appear in Meanie Nios tre ere 1928, Tulle hy the gonone erate i che follwing ive, AA, gre Finer 1:6). Tewes of che sgok und the eapart wee wand haw he oil Fae the discovers, in sor mer 1972, oF holograph fragment oF che sequence birés [poem gi chrovih yu) im Tee's mancwering and thar of his ther, Eeywure Shumoei (141 s+. The Fingmene, hich inckedey comments and replies iy he ‘0 poets, repmaduced, ranseubed, ealaced, rl eeplines im theron hs appendix ‘he hook bis ae elegant fora ste epee ia Mamma ona ublearions: che pages are mf crs mom cualey paper, wich amp « mains ‘eae type. and Japanese charsrst nce Moco “rue pencil ergancation of potas ia tae {83 pabanhe varie alpha eon ehe sis sucess of such segucncts ac he Ut, ny Mina Shige ah. 24352, & sply, Sdn! Auabeatn Henna eee of he She. 5 Joresat oF Asus Stubs lusolfcflctng the Jivsions ofthe Imperial Anthologies, The hundred vids ate roupel a Followe: Spring (evenny poor), Scmuzcr (iesen poems], Ancunn ewecey poersi, Wneer (isn poem, Love cre poems) Travel (ee poems), ‘Menara Drelling (ve poems), Hinds (re poems, and (lebron (ve poe) Slevin chee genes rope Tels ngegrates ee sequence wih the penciptes of "tocinion ad progreaion” Fret nored iy Poof Jiichs Konah, and descr hed sa Bromer and Miner's eclyca'shoraie atvcle an ehe subject (eneard Jal af ete ender 91 LignSh. Le addicion eo error progressone within the Hager [proupiogs, andi such secure schniqee ae common imagery, dition, and pees tng (p. 293, Teka entances the efece of ce sequence ar a arifed composition Py sufi consisting sarking “design poems” fw m0 at) wach neato “ate [rouod poeme (12 Ir hs celation Proferoe Hower ncicaer tbe probable Tele of each vee an “dewign” (orn “background” 9, "pedminercly design yaoe moe), acd “procomisaney backgrouad” (ase js." Cadertping a) chase sehnical levies i &pavasive tone dha tes i aguance aa barmonius le “Telkom fr na ok aeuuey sud sucaem—in unique elle i Japanese cain? poetry, tu Loe sure, but in hin vane & sail un which Tall enetes by the fovecronan of hive aid of faba or petal gelatin,” runing, Uke belies throng hin ence” fp. 20) “Thme win ure inpacient with pectic wlan wo be dst comet, ltr eden of fan ela inn te foecie experi, ent he a eteption fr a pemcey epee is Tierny coe capper ano st ‘wiehout it. As eae cnueacion of Long ire erin, the pony Fe a a he Sbinfotiaia i alone canis che ans mudet, Weesr ot pan; ‘ila iment ne sae deny ody and ial of Use na. Chains of chic sequence, Gir example, iv Teka Gayuwme use of “alaive vacation Veeakasins ith which pt sinacinuty tnd is ud of a aie ph for fe seat (stn! Une addin tate. Tac of 3 babi sboet Mata. Poolsor Bowes Bus pss alinnn ct haa Uy veces poetic ounce, bejne whizh i hat vagie wot ot spyentiveuen wich was Less ea) te Te fur being dice ue ings fra ny iene ea. Ie ech unten Licerary sce aad suggestion which Professor Brower silly erate fr a spite of the alld diBcalis of woking fiom an unannoraced ces. “The Fld? Pron Sogn hears ome resistant Teika’s Kil ata (209) eighep eee eva hy 9 wanety of pee which Tel compiled uti the same pricipls of nrogracion, tnd which Brose ard Miner eeolred ws Fite Lake's Sapien Pr of Dar nw A Vhiranth Contes Pasi rate at Snes ‘tospo: Caiveracy af Tokyo Pree, 83). Inthe Kinds abs. Yeas pnp Se Andaccc: co shor Grom a stiecion of specie examples che proper uy 69 HO wut Srrving poetry, with a man ho fd clened che nial edly and wan Be ay bmming the ‘wdiog poet of che dap a gvide- The SW! dhl, the other had, ae wrcten by a pounger man so had pet to ake hs mark, wd hu wished sm ingeatiaie hassel aich farce emipetoe Go-Toka. This meant reving eon frasldil experimentation to a "mate taadional, balanced nea-ervacim 29) Fis prpone wan nou co instzuce but co impress, co demonetrae ty his ccs har he cull cone with dhe best of Gaus. (The sequence in tae cones of erkr maven relesicrabap with Dis aovecign is farther diacasenl by Profesor Hover 1m hic isis, Be-Ripeane Gor'Tra's Sects Teac: Ge-Teby mo fv Grn” than? Joona of Acai Sst, 92 [1/21 pp. 14 1E) The following Sea (1293) Go-Toba Book Ravens Jana! we omissions! Teka co help with the conpilasion of the eighth Tetpenal Ane shocogy. the SéibiaioeS, ia which thie of hix poems ftom che Hats Toem Segcene were inckted, "each eypieal oa linese raj rele”. 29). Ors em 4p. "a austerpinre of dpm, mpacer and dapat” (pe 20), 4 sign taut em ‘wich an “allsine vation” on a poe it che Meny@Aé explain. in she form ‘Rentay). The example aly shows Paofeetr Brvar’fechvigue of enslatin th short and Tong Tern nish soggesting the 5/3 Tah pacer af the June: Kee ims ‘These ira coer Sade sir [Whee Tu remy wea bones Kegesos tsb Ad brash my Tne sae Sees nestor ne “The Samo ford ais adjoin File obi ig. Spread over with twilight i ee snow Fr short che Bbewinel Pear Signs iss rewanling wots, ir see of ts hnevry. "The igeraduztion asl eomeentay ceeapculte MyWii suncerns which Inve engaged Professor Brower in his ealertesateh, While the specialise will swelenme chi book at aotber special Fragment inthe inuiace rant f Fojraca ‘Teil which Brower i painsukingly conerscang far us, the view wll Sod fe lef as 9 compact guide ca she wore and problas OI the comtly tadiion in Japanese poeery Rowean i, Memanut Waibiton Uae. St, Lat Mirror for due Muon. & Selection of Poesn hy SalgyS. Trvndlatal 9 WaLsnaat Lstiuts. New Vink: New Duscions, 3/8. vi, -2opb.Blblaxraghy, nea of Firs Lines $15.85 (lor; $3.92 (prpebs Despite che Tcezary lane of che poer priet Sagy5 (2328219), one oF she seat prntisioners of Japanese ik thiry-one-pleSe vst nd animation £930 saan leer poees and aetise, lee serious work baa been published in English oncerning bim and bis wusk. Profesor Willa LaFlaue nf Prineton Unisesiet hha publishad seveat rahe techoeal but ety testing aril inthe jot Fhatrs of Religions on cw reltionenip beewsea tligin ant sesthescs wt Sigy3's brting: Now be bat supplemented these sth @vniee poplar collection of tke Franslacions io Adio fr ss Mo. Roughly oe led and eghey Engrish ans lacons plas ena exes) ae inehnde, While thi seerion represents only sal sampling of the ne’ wink Gnigy@s own clsesimy, the Seuss, contalos aout fiseen undid and fry u.263) Protessoe LaFleur hile docs ie selection _Fereraus coc indicate hoch dhe 426A ee anvomplishmencs of this gece ofthe late Hea pos ‘Saigy® Wat une unly @ pore roach aleited by Iver generations, but x pte. <uleutal figure in sown sighe. By che Isurnanth ener hei ccc a Kd spiritual cammiarion inthe popula enn, at his pos pilgtimages wee see puradigss tv a poetic vocation leading ro enlagbeenmnt, [kis es Sup who

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