Robert Burns World Federation Limited Limi ted 1901 The digital conversion of this Burns Chronicle was sponsored by Professor Patrick Scott and The Greenock Burns Club to commemorate their Centenary Anniversary The digital conversion service was provided by DDSR Document Scanning by permission of the Robert Burns World Federation Limited to whom all Copyright title belongs. A..NN""CTA..L .$ jurns "lfirenief e I I (INSTITUTED 4TH SEPTEMBER, 1891.l Edited by D. M'NAUGHT, Kilmaurs. No. X. Price: January, 1901. One Shilling & Sixpence PUBLISHED BY THE BURNS FEDERATION, KILMARNOCK. PRINTED BY BELL & BAIN, LTD., 41 MITCHELL STREET, GLASGOW. The rights of translation a11d reproduction are reserved. ~uher praftdian cf tJ!rltnt Office, [rabe ~tarks ~ratttlr allh Sfatianers' ~all ;!ltgistntian. SPECIALTY IN WHISKY. . "Auld co\\\e," As Supplied to the British Royal Commission, Victoria House, Chicago, Le-iding Clubs, Hotels, aiid Wi·ne JJierchants at home and abroad. As a Scotch Whisky there is nothing finer than "Auld Scottie," made from the purest selected material, and blended with the greatest of-care. Invalids requiring a genuine stimulant will find in "Auld Scottie" Whisky one of the purest form. -For medicinal purposes it equals old Brandy. The "LANCET" says-" This Whisky contains 41 ·75 per cent. of absolute alcohol. equal to 86-28 per cent. of proof spirit. The residue, dried at 100° C., .amounts to 0·25 per cent. It is a well matured and excellent whisky." NO HIGHER MEDICAL TESTIMONY IS ENJOYED BY ANY _BRAND. As a guarantee of the content_s, every bottle is enveloped in wire and bears the Proprietors seal in lead, without.which none is genuine. THUS- COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, CHICAGO, 1893. IJITERNATIONAL EXHIBITION,' GLASGOW, 1888. First Award at "World's Fair, Chicago, for Purity and Quality, 8uperior Excellence, Mellowness of Flavour, and Highest Standard of Merit. REGISTERED PROPRIETOR: JAMES MENZIES, .~LAS~OW, omces and Stol'es-68 BATH STREET. _Bonded Wal'ehouse-H.M. CUSTOMS, No. 9, GLASGOW. ADVERTISEMENTS. GLASGOW &S OUTH-WESTERN RAILWAY~ SCOTLAND AND ENGLAND. ·~·- t:\7;I1PT "HDE iGreLcAt SRGoOuWte AbeNtwDe eSnO SUcoTtHla-WndE aSnTdE RENng RlaAnIdL, WcoAnnYec tCinOgM atP CAaNrYli sgliev wesi tha the Midland Railway, the principal termini being St. Enoch, Glasgow, and PcShatei.s sPlteeayr,,n BcGrrraaedesfn,o oLrcdko, ,Ln Aedeyodrns,, ; SA ahrnedfdrfo iaes lsFda,un Bl, lr aiKsntiodlml E. axBrnpaoetdhcki,t ,Bi oiDursmu Smin'efgrrvhieiacsme, ,i& sL cgo.,ni vdaeonnnd ,b &eLtciwv. eerepno Goll,a sMgoawn , DINING CARS (First and Third Class) by the Morning and Afternoon Expresses, a(Sndt. SEnLoEchE) PanIdN LGON DCOAN R(SSt. b_Pya tnhcera Ns)i.g ht Expresses, in each direct.i on, between GLASGOW AccNoemwm oadnadt ioImn pbryo thvee Mdo rnCinOgR, ARfItDerOnoRo n,C anAdR ERvIeAnGinEg SEx pwresistehs. Lavatory fpraosms P tahGsrsloaeusngggohew rts,h beoe rht weNeaoertnr t ohSf c ttohhtelera enBodf u,a rnandr esE aCnlgloolawunneddt rbytyo, tathnriadsv, ehtlho elvd miearo s sAot fyP Tri co(utBuruirsretn sTs'qi cBukeier ttsRh ptoloau catene)d.. Tickets are also valid for break of jou!"ey at Dumfries (Burns' Burial,place). CLYDE WATERING PLACES. The Glasgow and South-Western Line to Princes Pier Station,'Greenock, is the most lmcaonanidvnset anaiinneednd t tfbhoyer tvIhisesli atConordsms tpooaf n tyhS'ecs oWmtlaaangtednr,i ifnitcoge nPatln aFdcl eefsre ootm no tfh wSeht Feicaihmr thepr lsoa,fc eaCss lyardlesgeo u albanyrd tcWhoene"ns teCecrotnilou nHmsi bgaahr,e" · "Lord of the Isles." " Isle of Arran," &c. All Passengers' Luggage is removed from the Trains to the Steamers, and vice·versa, free of charge, by a special staff of attendants provided by the Company. GlasPgoa•ws eenng reorsu theo. lding Through Tickets to ·o r fro.m England have the option of visiting ISLE OF ARRAN, MILLPORT, & CAMPBELTOWN. The most direct and expeditious route to the far-famed Island of Arran is by the Company's new swift Paddle Steamer,~· Glen Sannox," via Ardrossan; and to Millport, Campbeltown, &c., via Fairlie, where the Company's Trains run alongside the Steamers. AYRSHIRE COAST & THE LAND .O' BURNS. Passengers desirous of visiting the Ayrshire Coast Towns and places on the Ci\mpany's Line, which are full of associations of the Poet Bul'Ill!, and famous in history and romance, will find that the Company provide an excellent service of Express Trains from Glasgow Sanadlt cPoaaitssl,e yA,r cdoromspsaonse, dW ofe scta Krriilabgreids eo,f Ftahierl ime_, oLst armgos,d eIrrnv itnyep;e T, rtooo nK,i lPwriensntiwnigc,k S, taevnedn sAtoynr,, taoll Poifn wmhoirceh, pPliancwesh ecrarny ,b eB arerarhcihlel,d Nweiwth iLnu tchee, haonudr .S trTahnerraee ri.s aFlsroo ma s eSrtvriacner oafe rF Satseta Tmrbaionast" connections are formed to Ireland via Larne, the open sea passage being only 80 miriutes. GOLFERS will find Liriks of the highest order at .Johnstone, Stevenston, West oKf iltbhrei dvea,r iLoaursg Ls,i nBkosg sseidrev,e dG abiyle tsh, eB Caroamsspiaen, yT'sro Torna, inasn, ds ePer tehsetw Giucikd.e tFoo trh ed eGsoclrfiipntgiv Re ensootretss issued by the Company free of charge. HOTELS. theirT ohwen C momanpaagneym heanvte. HTohteesel sH aott eGlsl awsigllo bwe f(oSutn. dE rneopclhe)t,e Awyitrh, alaln md oDdeurnm cfornievsen, iuenndceesr and comforts. · Excellent cuisine and a moderate tariff existing throughout. GLASGOW, 1901. DAVID COOPER, General Manager. I .; ADVERTISEMENTS.'· MAIR & DOUGALL, 't!Ulbolesale .malt '.lLtquor .mercbantst :JBottlerst ant) :aeratet> 't!Ulater .manufacturerst ANN FIELD BOTTLING STORES,. GLASGOW, 11 ' . Were entrusted by George R. Mackenzie, Esq., Contractor, with the supply of Bass & Co.'s Bottled Beer for the Glasgow Exhibition, as also the Aerated Waters for the K Bar; and also by James M'Donald, Esq.,. with the supply of Mineral Waters for the East End Exhibition. . We have always on hand a Large Stock of .Beers and Stouts, being the largest bottlers· of Bass in Scotland, and are prepared to supply both Town and Country .C ustomers on the shortest possible novice. MALT LIQUOR DEPARTMENT.-Bass', Allsopps', Salt's, and the leading Scotch Beers; Reid's, Barclay & Perkins', Guinness', and Findlater's Stouts; Jacob's Pilsener, Henninger's Lager Beer and Devonshire Cider in the finest condition for Hbme and Export use. A large Stock is always kept in Bins, of successive dates, so ·as to meet the requirements of the Trade. · MINERAL WATER DEPARTMENT.-Mineral and Aerated Waters, Ginger Hop, Ginger Beer, and Non-Intoxicating Hop Bitter Beer, and other Non-Alcoholic 'I Be,•erages. These have stood the test for years, and cannot be surpassed for Purity, Flavour, and General Excellence. . · , · We beg. to draw the attention of the Trade and the Public to the Superior Quality of the Auld Scotch Ginger Beer, ·the Sparkling Kola Champagne, and also to the Ginger Pop, a Delicious Beverage manufactured solely by us, and protected by Registration under the Signature David Hamilton. · .· Orders sent by Post, or given to the various District Salesmen, will have prompt and careful attention. . NOTE.-In consequence of the many Imitations of our Ginger Beer Label, we are now supplying our Auld Scotch Brewed Ginger Beer with Name Branded on Stone Bottles without Labels. . Telephone No. 3216. Telegrams~"Bottlers, Glasgow." ANN FIELD BOTTLING WORKS,- 35 to 41 ANNFIELD STREET, AND 9 to 37 BRANDON STREET, GLASGOW. Export Branch, 93-,97 WEST CAMPBELL STREET. Telephone No. 4277. 2 · ADVERTISEMENTS. Burns memorial t£ Collage Ko mes AT MAUCH LINE. i.: Patx>ons. Hrs GRACE THE DUKE OF HAMILTON. liis GRACE THE DUKE OF, PORTLAND. THE MosT NoBLE THE MARQUIS .OF BUTE. LORD ROSEBERY. , THE EARL OF GLASGOW. SIR CHARLES TENNANT, BART, J. G A. BAIRD, EsQ., M.P. And others. Honox>ary Px>esident. JAMES BAIRD THORNEYCROFT, EsQ., OF Hi:LLBOUSE, , NETHERPLACE, MAUCHLINE. Px>esldent. COUNCILLOR HUGH ALEX~NDER, EASTFIELD, RUTHERGLEN. Vice-Px>esident. BAILIE JOHN 'MARR, GOVAN. Honox>ax>y Tx>easux>ex>. .. THOMAS KILLIN, 168 WEST GEORGE _S~EET, GLASGOW. . Honox>ax>y Secretary. DR. JAMES F. GEMMILL, PARKLEA, DuMBRECK. SUBSCRIPTIONS SHOULD BE SENT TO THE HONORARY TREASURER. 3 ADYER'I'ISEMENTS. PORTMANTEAUS, BAGS, TRUNKS, and all kinds of TRAVELLING REQUISITES. ' FITTfD DRESSING BAGS AND OASES. SPLENDID SELEOTION. Large Assortment of Goods Suitable for Presentation. 'Jane.\! teath~:e Smatlwa,es an6. S\t"e' $006.s, a S~ec.\at\t\J . . /VHfRE's youR FATHE.R Jo11HNIE? l f1E's C.ONf TO LECKIE GRAHAM0S • ..;,,,..~~-. UMBRELLAS from 7;6 AW AllPROOF TO Buy COAT ANOUMBREL • i; L:i.test Novelties in Handles with. ' . I Sterling Silver Mounts from 10/6 1 WATERPROOFS, In all the Newest Styles and most Fashionable Materials. Ladies' from 18/6 to 38/6 . Gentlemen's from 25/6 to 60/- SOAKING RAINPROOF COAT, Yet Porous, Tailor Made; Splendid Fitting Garment, from 38/6 GOLF, TENNIS, CROQUET REQUISITES, From Best Makers at Makers' Prices. SADDLERY, HARNESS, HORSE. CLOTHING, BRIDLES, WHIPS, And all kinds of STABLE RE Q UIS IT ES, For all Home and Foreign Markets. lt\~hta\\6. ~'ess J\.c.c.out,ements, S~o,,ans, ~\,ks, Skean ~hus, ~'ooc.hes, Sjc.. COMPREHENSIVE PRICE LIST, POST FREE, ON APPLICATION.' LECKIE, GRAHAM & CO., 89 RENFIELD STREET, 55 BATH STREET, And 116 Union Street, GLASGOW. 4 I/ I, ,,.-.-. ·"''';' AllVERTISEMENTS. GLASGOW. Jfr. E }\18 GJ I ~ JI0llrEJ1. ~!II;R:JFl8}\1 Adjoins the Glasgow Terminus of the Glasgow and South-Western and Midland Railways. CONVENIENTLY SITUATED. MAGNIFICENT PUBLIC RObMS. SUITES OF APARTMENTS. LARGE AND AIRY BEDROOMS. ELECTRIC LIGHT EVERYWHERE: JJ.IJIE 11¥1~ .JI81lrEu ~JJ.rfIJIIJ0}\1 Adjoins the Railway Station. Situated in the immediate vicinity of Burns's Birthplace, Auld Alloway Kirk, &c. FIRST-CLASS HOUSE FOR FAMILIES· AND GENTLEMEN. HANDSOME PUBLIC ROOMS. SUITES OF APARTMENTS. LARGE AND WELL APPOINTED BEDROOMS. PASSENGER ELEVATOR. DUMFRIES. )J!JIE DUJtlN~IE~ }ISJFEli ~JJ.Ifl!Jll8}\1 Adjacent to Railway Station. HANDSOME PUBLIC ROOMS. PRIVATE Sl'ITING ROOMS. ELECTRIC LIGHT THROUGHOUT, Travellers proceeding to or from lrelaRd, via Stranraer and Lame-the Short Sea Route-and intending to break their journey, will find this Hotel well suited to their purpose. The above HOTELS are under the management of the Glasgow and South-Western Railway Company, the Tariff being based on the s~m~ moderate scale for each Hotel. BedJ:>ooms, ranging from 3/6 and upwards, including attendance, lights, and removal of Luggage to or from the Company's Trains. PHILIP BLADES, Hotel ManageJ:>. (G. & s.-W. R. Co.) ADVERT1SEMEN.1:S· HELENSBURGH Queen's· Kotel't '· ' STANDS IN ITS OWN GROUNDS, Overlooking !he Firth of Clyde. Near Craigendoran Station and Pier, and most convenient for the numerous Steamers calling there. Is nearest to Golf Course and the terminus of the ·g. West Highland Railway. .. '. ~u::iet and '.R,et:i:Ped fo'.1.'_ (}ia.m:iZ:ies. · (} Ji a.ZZs f O'l' '])Zsasu:'l's '])a'l't:iss. POSTING IN ALL ITS' BRANCHES. BILL I ARDS, H_OT, _COLD, AND SHOWER BATHS. . '·'~ ~, ;. . Satu~d.a~··· t~ .. ~ond.a~ ~e,ms. • H~:. SCHNAKE, Proprietor, Telephone No. 86. Telegrams-" Queen's," Helensburgh. < ~6. . I• ·:.'A 1' '. ':. t\DVERTISEMENTS. 1760. WILLIAM WALLACE .& CO., ~ KILMARNOCK,~ DISTILLERSt AGENTSt ~ BLENDERS OF HIGHLAND WHISKIES. fI CENTURY and a quarter's experience has enabled the firm to acquire a special knowledge of SCOTCH WHISKIES, and the adaptability of the various qualities for blending, so as to produce a mild-flavoured and Delicious Whisky. ... .'1 ···.l PROPRIETORS OF THE FAMED REAL MAC KA y WHISKY." II IN BULK AND CASES, FOR HOME AND EXPORT TRADE. SAMPLES AND PRICES ON APPLICATION. Excise Bonded War~houses-71 TICHFIELD STREET • . Office-56 PORTLAND STREET, KILMARNOCK~ .. .. 1 · . v .