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19-F-0307 FOIA Request PDF

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'• \ 9- F- 0301-- MuckRock News DEPT MR 62340 41 lA Highland Ave Somerville, MA 02144-2516 62 340-79498555@requests.muckrock.com Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency - DARPA FOIA Office 1155 Defense Pentagon Washington, DC 20301-1155 November 9, 2018 This is a follow up to a previous request: Eloise Adams 362 Stratford Court Bourbonnais, Illinois 60914 (815)-450-0096 Freedom of Information Request/Privacy Act Request To: DARPA FOIA Request Liason Officer, This is a request for records under the provisions of the Freedom Of Information Act and Privacy Act. Please process this request under both statutes to release the maximum number of records. I request copies of all electronic videos and documents, files, correspondence, or other records pertaining to the DARPA, National Security Administration, Department Of Defense, DARPA Office of Science and any Department of Defense/DARPA Funded academia universities conducting research on behalf of DARPA, DARPA Office of Science, DOD, and the NSA. Records of inquiry on DARPA, Academic Universities and Technology Institutions on behalf of the a Department Of Defense, RFID chips and Nanotechnology implantation, EMF RF Microwave Scalar-Directed Energy Weapons Used and rested on me, Eloise Adams, for Department Of Defense / DARPN DARPA Office of Science research purposes for the years 2015- November 2018 in Kankakee County; also any communications systems, integrated circuit systems, military computer software, testing and measurement equipment, sensors and components, -power electronicss, SIGINT, MASINT. ELEINT. HUMINT. COMINT or any military warfare intelligence technology and Amy directed energy weapons for which my name, Eloise Adams, is attached to for the years 2015- current 2018 in the county of Kankakee, Illinois for the cities of Bourbonnais, IL., Kankakee, IL, BRADLEY, IL., Momence, Illinois, Manteno, IL, Watseka, IL, Matteson, 11, Chicago, IL. and other areas within Illinois .. The requested documents will be made available to the public and this request is not being made for commercial purposes. I agree that I will boat up to $30 fees; if necessary please notify me in advance if fees are expected to exceed the amount. Should you have any questions and/or concerns, please contact me at (815) 450-0096. Under penalty or perjury, I hereby declare that I am the person named above and I understand that any Page I o/6

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