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Preview 1863 Minutes of the Annual Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, for the Year

Asbury Theological Seminary ePLACE: preserving, learning, and creative exchange Conference Journals Methodist Episcopal Church, South 2017 1863 Minutes of the Annual Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, for the Year 1863 Methodist Episcopal Church, South Follow this and additional works at:http://place.asburyseminary.edu/mechsouthconfjournals Part of theAppalachian Studies Commons,Christian Denominations and Sects Commons, and theGenealogy Commons Recommended Citation Methodist Episcopal Church, South, "1863 Minutes of the Annual Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, for the Year 1863" (2017).Conference Journals. 19. http://place.asburyseminary.edu/mechsouthconfjournals/19 This Periodical/Journal is brought to you for free and open access by the Methodist Episcopal Church, South at ePLACE: preserving, learning, and creative exchange. It has been accepted for inclusion in Conference Journals by an authorized administrator of ePLACE: preserving, learning, and creative exchange. MINUTES OF THE ANNUAL CONFERENCES OF THE FOR THE YEAR 1863 . . , .. f. Itnn.: ~as~billt, SOUTHERN METHODIST PUBLISHING HOUSE. 1870. BISHOPS OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH, SOUTH. JOSHUA SOULE, D.D., NASHVILLE, TENN. JAMES OSGOOD ANDREW, D.D., SUMMERFIELD, ALA. ROBERT PAINE, D.D., ABERDEEN, MISS. GEOR.GE FOSTER _PIERCE, D.D., CULVERTON, GA. JOHN EARLY, D.D., VA. LYNCHBURG, HUBBARD HINDE KAVANAUGH, D.D., Ky. VERSAILLES, MINUTES . . ,. I.-KENTUCKY CONFERENCE. HELD AT SHELBYVILLE, Ky., Sept(')}1lber 16-24, 1863. BISHOP KAVANAUGH, President; DANIEL STEVENSON, Secretary. QUESTION 1. Who are admitted on trial? Ques. 14. What preachers have died during ANSWER. William F. Taylor. 1. the past year? John M. Johnson. 1. Ques. 2. Who remain on trial? No memoir. J. T. Smith, J. J. Johnson, J. W. Zimmerman, J. E. Letton, J. A. Humphrey, G. T. Gould. S. Ques. 15. Are all the preachers blameless in their life and official administration? Ques. 3. Who are admitted into full connec Their names were called over, one by one, tion? and their characters examined and passed, except T. J. Dodd, L. B. Piersall, H. W. Abbett, W. L. G. Hicks, against whom charges were pre C. Campbell. 4. ferred and sustained, but, having made his ac Ques. 4. Who are readmitted? knowledgment, his character was passed-and H. J. Perry. 1. L. D. Huston, whoRe case was referred to the Presiding Elder of Covington District for inves Qries. 5. Who are received by transfer from tigation; Robert Hiner joined the Illinois Con other Conferences? ference of the Methodist Episcopal Church i None. James Randall, withdrawn; and C. W. Miller, Ques. 6. Who are the deacons of one year? w hos& case was again referred to the Presiding None. Elder of the Harrodsburg District for investi Ques. 7. What traveling preachers are elected gation. and ordained deacons? Ques. 16. What is the number of preachers Thomas J. Dodd, H. W. Abbett, W. C. Camp and members in the several circuits, stations, bell. 3 .. and missions of the Conference? White probationers, 596 Ques. 8. What local preachers are elected. and Colored probationers, 302 ordained deacons? Robert I~. Thomas, Major Nelson (colored), White members, 14,401 Colored members, 5,428 Andrew Bridges (colored). 3. Ques. 17. What amounts are necessa!y for the Ques. 9. What traveling preachers are elected superannuated preachers, and the widows and and ordained elders? orphans of preachers, and to make uJ> the defi B. M. Messick, Duke Slavens, W. D. Power. 3. ciencies of those who have not obtamed their Ques. 10. What local preachers are elected regular allowance in their respective districts, and ordained elders? circuits, and stations? None. $33,860. Ques. 11. Who have located this year? Ques. 18. What has been collected on the fore W. C. Campbell, Clark Polley, J. C. Miner, S. going accounts, and how has it been applied? S. Deering. 4. Collected, $25,057 93 Ques. 12. Who are 8upernumeral'Y? Ques. 19. What has been contributed for the S. Noland, E. P. BucKner, J. F. Vanpelt. 3. Missionary, Sunday-school, and Tract Societies? For Missions, $1,290 59 Ques. 13. Who are superannuated? W. J. Snively, J. C. Hardy, G. W. Maley, Ques. 20. Where and when shall the next ses J. W. Ridgell. Samuel Veach, Isaac Collard, T. sion of the Conference be held? R. Malone, William Atherton, Thomas Hall, At Maysville, Ky. W. B. Landrum, L. C. Danley, Peter Taylor, Ques. 21. Where are the preachers stationed John Sandusky. 13. this year? (423) 424 Kentucky Oonference, 1863. LEXINGTON DISTRICT. COVINGTON DISTRICT. w: J. G. Bruce, P. E. B. Kavanaugh, P. E. Lexington: Covington: First Oharge, W. C. Dandy. Scott Street, J. C. Harrison, E. P. Buckner Second Charge and Georgetown, W. F. T. Sup. Spruill. Kenton Circuit, James H. Brooking. Frankfort, S. L. Robertson. Newport, H. P. Walker. Nicholasville, Duke Slavens. Alexandria Circuit, P. H. Hoffman. Versailles, Stephen Noland, Sup. Brookville, L. P. Piersall. Jessamine and Woodford, John.A. Humphrey. Falmouth, Orson Long. Winchester, W. W. Chamberlain, W. F. Taylor. Odd ville, Milton Mann. Mount Sterling, T. F. Vanmeter. Millersburg, S. X. Hall. Oxford, H. J. Perry. Cynthiana, Samuel Kelly. Leesburg and Salem, R. Lancaster one to be Carlisle, George S. Savage, H. W. Abbett. supplied. Warsaw, G. W. S\llith. Paris and North Middletown, T. P. C. Shelman. tmttenden, A. Miner, J. T. S. Smith. Burlington, J. W. Cunningham. W. McD. Abbett, Superintendent of the Ken Owenton and Eagle Creek' Mission, W. H. tucky Institute for the Education and Training Parker. of Feeble-minded Children. Home Circle, L. D. Huston, Editor. D. Stevenson, Agent for the Educational Fund. Millersburg High School, T. J. Dodd, Principal. HARRODSBURG DISTRICT. J. R. Eads, P. E. MAYSVILLE DISTRICT. El1canah Johnson, P. E. Harrodsburg, Joseph Rand. Lawrenceburg, George T. Gould. Ma.ysville, B. F. Sedwick. Perryville, William Bickers. Washington and Germantown, E. M. Cole. Maxville, D. W. Axline. Shannon and Sardis, L. D. Parker. Danville, Stanford, and Laneaster, :B. M. Mes- Mount Olivet, W. D. Power. sick. Flemingsburg, H. C. Northcott. Lancaster Circuit, W. G. Johns. Tilton, James E. Letton. Madison Circuit, John S. Coxe. Poplar Plains and Hillsboro, J. C. C. Thomp. Crab Orchard, to be supplied. , son. Somerset, J. W. Zimmerman. Owingsville, F. T. Johns. Pulaski, to be supplied. Shar;psburg and Bethel, P. E. Kava.naugh. Irvine, John L. Gragg. Lewls Circuit, W. L. Furniss. Orangeburg, J. W. Fitch. SHELBYVILLE DISTRICT. w: G. Merritt, P. E. MISSION DISTRICT. Shelbyville, to be supplied, J. F. Vanpelt, Sup. Elias Botner, Superintendtnt. Shelby Circuit, T. G. Bosley. London, to be supplied. Simpsonville, J edidiah Foster. Barboursville and Mancheste1', to be supplied. Taylorsville, G. W. Crumbaugh. Booneville and Proctor, to be supplied. Bloomfield, W. H. Winter. 'w. Williamsburg, to be supplied. La Graftge, C. Atmore. Yellow Creek, to be supplied. Westport, Jeremiah Strother. Mount Vernon" to be supplied. Bedford, T. G. Godbey. Morehead, to be supplied. Carrollton, J. J. Johnson. Morgan, to be supphed. Newcastle, W. T. Benton. Lockport, Thomas Rankin. Prestonsburg ana Piketon, to be suppli~d. Jackson, to be supplied. Floydsburg and Rollington, L. G. 'Hicks. Mount Pleasant, to be supplied. J o.hn S. Bayles, Chaplain in U.S. Army. Whitesburg, to be liupplied. Louisville Conference, 1863. 2.-LOUISVILLE CONFERENCE. HELD AT GLASGOW, Ky., September 30--, 1863. JOHN H. LINN, President j N. H. LEE, Se(Jf'etary. QUEfrrlON 1. Who are admitted on trial? Their names :were called over, one by one, ANSWER. Daniel S. Campbell, Daniel H. Lime- and their characters examined and passed. baugh, Andrew D. Gray. 3. Ques. 16. What is the number of preachers Ques. 2. Who remain on trial? and members in the several circuits, stations, Montgomery M. Hunter, W. R. Johnson. 2. .and missions of the Conference? Ques. 3. Who are admitted into full connec- tion? Louuville DMtrict. Dennis M. Spnrrier, Timothy C. Peters, Saml. P. Hines, William T. Reid, James M. Gray. 5. MWehmit·e.. _PWrohbi.t·e.. _ MCeo-ml'd'a -, lC-'roobl-'d· • . -LPor-'cs'l. Ques. 4. Who are readmitted? .;Louisville: None. Brook Street. ........... 225 1 Ques. 5. Who are received by transfer from Jackson St. (Col'd)'!'. . Walnut Street. ......... 300 1 5 other Conferences'? Eighth Street. .......... 228 16 1 None. Center Street (QoI'd). QEduems.u n6.d WWh. oB oartteo mthlee yd,e aTchoonms aosf Go.n eH yaerrairs?o n, BTShweetehll e~tlh ·S. .St...It.'r.e.ee..et..t. ... ............................ ..11 56..76. 2 .. ... ,. 2 Philip T. H~rdison, James J. Ruddle. 4. MCiqi ~l eMtoiwssnio ..n.. .......................... 1~92 22 13 5 Ques. 7. What traveling preachers are elected Jeffersontown· ............ and ordained deacons? Lou.isville Circuit. ........ -1-65 ------- Dennis Spurrier, Edmund W. Bottomley, T. U54:~ 2 13 G. Harrison, James M. Gray. 4. Ques. 8. What local preachers are electei and Hardimbwrg DMtriet. ordained deacons? Cornelius Daugherty, J. R. .C undiff, W. W. HardiASbqrg Circuit. .... '14 1 Big 8~ing .................. =1 80 75 6 Mayhew, Thomas D. Payne, J. T. CorneliWl, J. West oint .................. 17 61 'i B. Landrum. 6. Brandenburg. .............. 121 1 20 6 2 Hawesville .............. _ •• 418 10 32 6 6 Ques. 9. What traveling preacher-s are elected Hartford ..................... 448 64 5 and ordained elders? Whitesville Mission ..... 100 6 2 Owensborp Station ...... 148 45 21 13 John L. Brown, David A. Beardsley, John R. Owensboro Circuit. ..... 85 8 Strange, James L. Edrington, J. M. Lawson. 5. yelvington ................. 325 60 3 Calhoun·. ... , ................ Ques. 10. What local preachers are elected JluPeonviJIe ., ............. 400 94 4 2 and ordained elders? Cyrus H. Young. 1. 8001 210 402 25 34 Qlles.11. Who have located this year? W. S. Asbury, H. T. Burge, D. D. Moore. 3. Henderson Distriet. Ques. 12. Who are supernumerary? Henderson Station...... 137 6 '16 4 3 A. Akin, J. R. Strange, W. B. Edmunds. q. IieJ}derson Circuit...... 427 37 24 8 '1 Henderson Mi*ss..i.o..n... ...... .. .... Ques. 13. Who are superannuated? M.organfi~ld:" ... Silas Lee, John Randolph, William Childers, DIxon MISSIOn .......... . Madisonville Circuit.... 797 50 110 ii 10 George W. Taylor, Richard Tydings, John B. Rumsey...................... 375 35 10 I) Perry, Abram Long, E. B. Crain, Aaron Moore, Smithland................... 91 6 25 Alexander McCown, A. C. De Witt. 11. Salem.......................... 217 26 1 1 Marion........................ 317 72 26 1 Ques. 14. What preachers have died during Eddyville .................... 195 35 2 the past year? PrincetoJ}.................... 304 6 45 6 Smithland. .. _............. 140 53 10 6 None. 30001325 82518140 Ques. 15. Are all the 1?reachers blameless in their life and official admmistration? 426 Louisville Conference, 1863. Hopld'MVille District. Applied as follows: I I John B. Perry, $168 I White White Cord Cord Loo" Widow Knowles, 62 --------~~ ~ ~ ~ Widow Lewis, 60 Hopkinsville Station ... 98 16 187 2 ....•• Richard Tydings, 120 Hopkinsville Circuit .. . 200 28 77 3 2 Falling Rock .............. . 176 14 6 2 A. C. De Witt, 120 La Fayette ................ .. 177 7 30 9 2 A. Moore, 140 Cadiz ......................... . 240 36 102 15 4 Widow Wilson, 80 EEmlkptoirne . ..I.r.o..n..-.w...o..r.k..s."..'. . .... 269 48 258 112 6 Widow King, 92 Clifty Mission ............ . 326 28 3 2 Widow Kasey's child, 16 Russellville Station .... . 175 15 84 4 Widow Davi::l, 60 GRuosrdseolnlsvvilillele C* i.r.c..u..i.t... ..... .. .. 474 28 24 .. ..6.. . Special appropriation, 25 Logan ........................ . 524 83 485 61 2 John Randolph, 50 Franklin ..................... 427 12 74 6 9 Widow Denham, 60 Greenville* ................ . Rochester Mission* .. .. Bishop Kavanaugh, 406 3086 315 1330 208 39 $1459 Ques. 19. What has been contributed for the Glasgow District. Missionary, Sunday-school, and Tract Societies? Glasgow Circuit.. ......... 321 14 59 4 No report. Mammoth Cave ........... 250 50 6 Ques. 20. Where and when shall the next Brownsville Mission .... 131 2 Bowling-green Station'" session of the Conference be held? Bowlinr;-green Circuit 274 12 17 1 1 At Henderson, Ky. STcoomttSpVkIi nIsev i..l.l.e..*.. ..................... 834 57 .. .1..0. 1 1 Ques. 21. Where are the preachers stationed Albany"' ....................... this year? Wayne* ....................... Burksville* ................ CumberIand Mission ... 320 23 1 3 LOUISVILLE DISTRICT. Columbia"' .................... Jamestown*. ................ --------- Thomas Bottomley, P. E. 2130 106 137 2 17 Louisville: iBrook Street, W. H. Anderson. Bardstown DistrWt. Jackson Street, (colored,) to be supplied alnut Street, George W. Brush. Bardstown Station"' ..... New Haven ................. 143 13 28 Eighth Street, John H. Linn. Buffalo Mission ........... 179 7 3 {Center Street, (colored,) to be supplied. Bradfordsville , ........... :sao 5 150 3 Shelby Street, James H. Owen. Campbellsville ............ 333 5 10 J Taylor Circuit ............. 141) 15 12 1 Twelfth Street, Charles B. Parsons. Greensburg ................. 401 50 8 2 Portland, J.L. Edrington. Elizabethtown ............. 467 95 4 Bethel, William Holman. Millerstown ................ 434 19 14 2 Litchfield .................... 296 78 10 3 City Mission, L. B. Davison. Munfordville. ............... ~-l 9 5 4 Middletown Circuit, J. P. Goodson. Shepherdsville ............ 237 7 42 Jeffersontown, Richard Deering. 3254 158 419 8 21 Louisville, Robert Fisk. Salt River Mission, C. Y. Boggess. Recapitulation. Book and Tract Societies, A. H. Redford, Agent. ...... Missionary Society, E. W. Sehon, Secretary. Louisville District. ..... 1454 22 2 13 Hardinsburg " 3001 210 402 25 34 J. H. Bristow, Chaplain in U. S. Army, and Henderson " 3000 325 325 18 40 Hopkinsville " SOS6 315 1330 ~8 39 attached to Shelby Street Q. M. C. Gla~oW " 2130 106 137 2 17 Bar stown " -3-,25.4 -15-8 -41-9 --8 -21 HARDINSBURG DISTRICT. Total this year......... 15,925 1136 2815 261 164 Total last year. ......... 11,813 667 2768 171 138 J. D. Barnett, P. E. Increase ..... .......... -4-112~ -56.9 --47- -9-0 -2-6 Hardinsburg Circuit, James R. Dempsey. Big Spring, Artemas Brown. Ques. 17. What amo"Unts !),re necessary for the Brandenburg, James M. Gray. superannuated preachers, and the widows and Hudsonville, HenrY' N. Hobbs. orphans of preachers, and to make up the defi Litchfield Mission, James W. Taylor. ciencies of those who have not obtained their Hawes"fille Circuit,Samuel C. Allen. regular allowance in their respective diBtriets, Yelvington, George H. Hayes. circllits, and statwns? Owensooro Station, J. W. Cunningham. $2440. Owensboro Circuit, D. S. Campbell. Ques. 18. What has been collected on the fore Calhoun, T. J. Randolph. g-oing accounts. and how has it been applied? Hartford, R. B. "McCown. Collected, $1459 Whitesville Mission, Silas Spurrier. "'No report. Robert G. Gar-dner, Chaplain in U. S. Army. Missouri Conference, 1863. 427 HENDERSON DISTRICT. Scottsville, T. C. Peters. A. L. Alderson, P. E. Mammoth Cave, N. H. Lee. Brownsville Mission, to be supplied. Henderson Station, H. M. Ford. Franklin Circuit, Joel Peak. Henderson Colored Mission, to be supplied. Rochester Mission, to be supplied. Dixon Circuit, M. M. Hunter. Russellville Circuit, J. A. IJewis. Morganfield, W. W. Cook. Greenville, B. A. Cundiff, J. R. Strange, Sup. Char1eston, to be supplied. Rumsey, Henry C. McQuown. GLASGOW DISTRICT. Smithland Station, D. A. Beardsley. S. L. Murrell, P. E. Smithland Circuit, William T. Reid. Salem, F. B. Rodgers. Glasgow Station, D. Spurrier, W. B. Edmunds, Marion, James J. Ruddle. Sup. Eddyville, Thomas D. Lewis. Glasgow Circuit, T. G. Harrison. Princeton, P. T. Hardison. Columbia, D. A. Limebaugh. Jamestown, to be supplied. HOPKINSVILLE DISTRICT. Wayne, I. W. Emerson. W. H. Morrison, P. E klbany, to be supplied. Cumberland Mission, to be supplied. Hopkinsville and Elkton, J. C. Petree. Burkeville Circuit, to be supplied. Hopkinsville Circuit, David Mor~n. Tompkinsville, to be suppliei:l. Falling Rock, to be supplied. Campbellsville, to be supplied. La Fayette, Gideon Gooch. U. R. Seminary, C. D. Donaldson, Principal. Caaiz, J. F. Redford, Allison Akin. Sup. Empire Iron-works, S. P. Hines. BARDSTOWN DISTRICT. Hadensville, George R. Browder. J. So Woolls, P. Eo Russellville Station, A. A. Morrison. Gordonsville Circuit, R. Y. Thomas. Bardstown Station, James A. Henderson. Clifty, E. A. Davis. New Haven Circuit, George C. Crumbaugh. Logan, W. Alexander, H. C. Settle. Bradfordsville, Wm. Neikirk, G. W. Dungan. Southern Kentucky Female Collegiate Institute, Taylor, Silas Newton. E. Stevenson, Principa.l, Greensburg, John D. Onins. Elizabethtown, L. P. Crenshaw. BOWLING-GREEN DISTRICT. Millerstown, John L. Brown. To a. Frogge, P. Eo Munfordville, A. D. Gray. Shepherdsville, W. R. Johnson. Bowling-green Circuit, E. W. Bottomley. West Point, James M. Lawson. Woodburn, to be supplied. Buffalo Mission, to be supplied. 3.-MISSOURI CONFERENCE. HELD ~T FULTON, Mo., Ocwber 14-20, 1863. ANDREW MONROE, Prelfi.denti JOHN D. VINCIL~ Secretary. QUESTION 1. Who are admitted on trial? W. W. McMurry. ANSWER. _James O. Swinney. 1. Ques. 7. What traveling preachers are elected Quee. 2. Who remain on trial? and ordained deacons? John W. Adkisson, Samuel Alexander, Samuel James S. Smith, M. McIlhany, J. McE.win. 3. J. Huffaker, George O. Brown. 4. Ques. 8. What local preachers are elected and Ques. 3. Who are admitted into full connec- ordained deacons? tion? J ohc D. Reagan. 1. M. McIlhany, J as. S. Smith, Jacob McEwin. 3. Quee. 9. What traveling preachers are elected Ques. 4. Who are rea.dmitted? and ordained elders? None. H. A. Bourland, George Penn, John F. Shores Ques. 5. Who are received by transfer from C. W. Collett, Henry G. McEwin. 5. other Conferences? Ques. 10. What local preachers are elected Henry H. Hedgpeth. 1. and ordained elders? Ques. 6. Who are the deacons of one year? None. Missouri Cenference, 1863. Quee. 11. Who have located this year? New Bloomfield, George Penn. Joseph Dines, John Stone, William H. Saxton, Mexico, to be supplied: O. R. Bouton, R. R. Baldwin. 5. Ques. 12. Who are supernumerary? BRUNSWICK DISTRICT. C. W. Pritchett. Thor,nas Demoss, N. P. Hal .Andrew Monroe, P. E. :r sey. T. Hurst, George Fentem, oseph Devlin. Brnnswick Station, William Penn. Jesse Sutton. L. R. Downing, A. P. Lynn. S. J. Glasgow, William G. Caples. Huffaker, Jesse Faubion, W. W. McMurry, E. Keytesville Circuit, R. A. Ausan, I. O. Swinney. H. Hudson. 13. Bucklin, William F. Bell. Ques. 13. Who are superannuated? Linneus, W. E. Dockery. John F. Young, R. P. Holt, D. C. Blackwell, Chillicothe, to be supphed. William M. Wood, M. L. Eads. 5. Utica, B. F. Johnson. Carrollton. William Perkins, N. P. Halsey. Sup. Ques. 14. What preachers have died during the past year? ST. JOSEPH DISTRICT. Robert C. Hatton. 1. No memoir. Jl. B . .TOOtS, P. Eo Ques. 15. Are all the preachers blalIleless in St. Joseph Station, H. H. Hed.gpeth. their life and official administration? Weston and Platte City Circuit, R. N. T. Holli- Their names ~re called over, dne by one. and day. their characters examined and passed. New Market, to be supplied. St. Joseph, Daniel Penny. Ques. 16. What is the number of preachers Plattsburg, William A. Tarwater. and members in the several circuits, stations, Liberty, Henry G. McEwen. and missions of the Conference? Richmond, John C. C. Davis. No report, on account of the war. Millville, to be supplied. Quee. 17. What amounts are necessary for the Savannah, to be supplied. superannuated preachers, aJ;ld the widows and Oregon and Rockport. to be supplied. orphans of preachers, and to make up the defi Maryville and Albany, to be 8uppli~d. ciencies of those who have not obtamed their regular allowance in their respective districts, GALLATIN DISTRICT. circuits, and stations? William Ke#:ron, P. E. No report. Gallatin Circuit, S. Alexander, S. J. Huffaker, Sup. Ques. 18. What has been collected on the fore Spring Hill Circuit, to be supplied. going accounts. and how has it been applied? Trenton, to be supplied. Collected, $41 15 Milan, to be suppbed. Applied as follows: Greencastle, to be supplied. -Yrs. Newman, 41 15 St. John's, to be supplied. Ques. 19. What has been contributed for the Bethany, to be supplied. Missionary, Sunday-school, and Tract Societies? No report. BLOOMINGTON DISTRICT. Ques. 20. Where and when shall the next William .A. Mayhew, P. E. session of the Conference be held? Bloomington and Kirksville Circuit, W. Toole, At Richmond, Mo. H. B. Watson. Quee. 21. Where are the preachers stationed Macon City. William Warren. this year? Memphis, Louis Baldwin. Edina, D. R. Shackleford. ST. CHARLES DISTRlCT. Shelbyville, L. Rush, W. W. McMurry. Sup. Horace Brown. P. E. Paris, C. W. Collett. .M iddle Grove, Jacob McEwen. St. Charles Circuit, J. H. Pritchett. lluntsville, D. B. Cooper. Flint Hill, Tyson Dines. Thomasville, D. H. Root. Warrenton, George Smith. Bloomington High School, J. P. Nomn, Principal. High Hill, S. W. Cope. Danville, M. McIlhany. Wellsville, S. K. Fowler. HA.NNIBAL DISTRWT. Ashley, R. G. Loving, I'esse Sutton. Sup. Ne'Ultdn G. Berryman, P. E. LouiSIana, C. J. Vandeventer. A.P. Linn, Sup. Hannibal Station, John D. Vinci!. Auburn, Alexander Spencer. Palmyra, F. A. Savage. Canton Circuit, John R. Taylor. FAYETTE DISTRICT. Monticello, James Penn. Edwin Robimon, P. E. Waterloo, John W. Adkisson. Fayette Circuit, WiUiam M. Sutton. Emerson, to be supplied. New Franklin, John F. Shor~s. Hydesburg, W. M. Newland. Rocheport, Thomas J. Stair. Sharpsburg, John W. Penn, E. H. Hudson, SUp. Columbia., R. H. Jorda.n, James S. Smith. Flonda, D. Mason, Thomas Demoss, Sup. Sturgeon, George L. Sexton. Hannibal and St. Charles German Mission, C. Fulton, Charles Babcock, H. A. Bourla.nd. H. Schmidt, Alexander Albright. St. Louis, Kansas. MissiOlt, and Tm7le8see Conferences, 1863. 429 4.-ST. LOUIS CONFERENCE. [NO MINUTES FOR 1863 RECEIVED.] 5.-KANSAS MISSION CONFERENCE. [NO MINUTES FOR 1863 RECEIVl!:l).] 6.-TENNESSEE CONFERENCE. [NO SESSION HELD :m 1863, ON ACCOUNT OF THE W.A.R.]

posited in the old Blandford Cemetery, where they await the summons of the archangel's trumpet. W. Johnson. S. PEYTON PIERCE SMITH was born Jan. 12 1812 in Franklin county, Ga., and dedicated to God in baptism by the Rev. Lovick Pierce. He was religi_ously trained from his childhood' joi~
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