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16-Bit 4MSPS Fully Differential Pseudo Bipolar Input Micro Power Sampling ADC PDF

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Preview 16-Bit 4MSPS Fully Differential Pseudo Bipolar Input Micro Power Sampling ADC

(cid:2)(cid:17)(cid:14)(cid:14)(cid:20)(cid:2)(cid:14)(cid:13)(cid:18)(cid:12) (cid:4)(cid:14)(cid:13)(cid:8)(cid:17)(cid:7)(cid:16)(cid:15) (cid:10)(cid:14)(cid:13)(cid:11) (cid:5)(cid:9)(cid:19)(cid:6)(cid:15) (cid:3)(cid:12)(cid:15)(cid:16)(cid:14)(cid:17)(cid:11)(cid:9)(cid:12)(cid:16)(cid:15) ADS8422 SLAS512B–JUNE2006–REVISEDDECEMBER2006 16-BIT, 4-MSPS, PSEUDO-BIPOLAR, FULLY DIFFERENTIAL INPUT, MICROPOWER SAMPLING ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER WITH PARALLEL INTERFACE, REFERENCE FEATURES APPLICATIONS • FullyDifferentialInput withPseudo-Bipolar • DWDM Input Range-4Vto+4V • Instrumentation • 16-BitNMC at4MSPS • High-Speed,High-Resolution, ZeroLatency • 1LSBINLTyp DataAcquisitionSystems • 92dBSNR,-102dBTHDTypwith100-kHz • TransducerInterface • MedicalInstruments Input • Internal4.096-V ReferenceandReference • SpectrumAnalysis • ATE Buffer • REFIN/2Availablefor SettingAnalog Input DESCRIPTION Common-ModeVoltage • ZeroLatency The ADS8422 is a 16-bit, 4-MHz A/D converter with an internal 4.096-V reference. The device includes a • High-SpeedParallelInterface 16-bit capacitor-based multi-bit SAR A/D converter • SingleSupplyOperationCapability with inherent sample and hold. This converter • LowPower:155mWat4MHzTyp,Flexible includes a full 16-bit interface and an 8-bit option where data is read using two 8-bit read cycles if Power-Down Scheme necessary. • Pin-OutSimilar toADS8412/8402 • 48-Pin9· 9TQFPPackage The ADS8422 has a fully differential, pseudo-bipolar input. It is available in a 48-lead TQFP package and is characterized over the industrial -40(cid:176) C to +85(cid:176) C temperaturerange. HIGH-SPEEDSARCONVERTERFAMILY(1) TYPE/SPEED 500kHz ~600kHz 750kHz 1MHz 1.25MHz 2MHz 3MHz 4MHz ADS8383 ADS8381 ADS8481 18-BitPseudo-Diff ADS8380(s) 18-BitPseudo-Bipolar,FullyDiff ADS8382(s) ADS8482 ADS8370(s) ADS8371 ADS8471 ADS8401 ADS8411 16-BitPseudo-Diff ADS8327/28(s) ADS8372(s) ADS8329/30(s) ADS8405 ADS8410(s) ADS8472 ADS8402 ADS8412 ADS8422 16-BitPseudo-Bipolar,FullyDiff ADS8406 ADS8413(s) 14-BitPseudo-Diff ADS7890(s) ADS7891 12-BitPseudo-Diff ADS7886 ADS7883 ADS7881 (1) S:Serial SAR Output BYTE TEMPOUT Temp Sensor Latches 16-/8-Bit and Parallel Data +IN 3-State Output Bus CDAC Drivers −IN Comparator COMMOUT ½ PD2 RESET/PD1 REFIN Clock Conversion CONVST and BUSY REFOUT Intern4a.l0 R96e-feVrence Control Logic CRSD Pleasebeawarethatanimportantnoticeconcerningavailability,standardwarranty,anduseincriticalapplicationsofTexas Instrumentssemiconductorproductsanddisclaimerstheretoappearsattheendofthisdatasheet. PRODUCTIONDATAinformationiscurrentasofpublicationdate. Copyright©2006,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarilyincludetestingofallparameters. ADS8422 www.ti.com SLAS512B–JUNE2006–REVISEDDECEMBER2006 Thesedeviceshavelimitedbuilt-inESDprotection.Theleadsshouldbeshortedtogetherorthedeviceplacedinconductivefoam duringstorageorhandlingtopreventelectrostaticdamagetotheMOSgates. ORDERINGINFORMATION(1) MAXIMUM MAXIMUM INTEGRAL NOMISSINGCODES PACKAGE PACKAGE TEMPERATURE ORDERING TRANSPORT MODEL DIFFERENTIAL LINEARITY RESOLUTION(BIT) TYPE DESIGNATOR RANGE INFORMATION MEDIAQTY. LINEARITY(LSB) (LSB) Smalltapeand ADS8422IPFBT ADS8422I – 6 – 2 15 9· 948-Pin PFB –40(cid:176)Cto85(cid:176)C reel250 TQFP Tapeandreel ADS8422IPFBR 1000 Smalltapeand ADS8422IBPFBT ADS8422IB – 2 +1.5/-1 16 9· 948-Pin PFB –40(cid:176)Cto85(cid:176)C reel250 TQFP Tapeandreel ADS8422IBPFBR 1000 (1) Forthemostcurrentpackageandorderinginformation,seethePackageOptionAddendumattheendofthisdocument,orseetheTI websiteatwww.ti.com. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(1) overoperatingfree-airtemperaturerange(unlessotherwisenoted) VALUE UNIT +INtoAGND –0.4to+VA+0.1 V –INtoAGND –0.4to+VA+0.1 V Voltage +VAtoAGND –0.3to7 V +VBDtoBDGND –0.3to7 V DigitalinputvoltagetoBDGND –0.3to+VBD+0.3 V DigitaloutputvoltagetoBDGND –0.3to+VBD+0.3 V T Operatingfree-airtemperaturerange –40to85 (cid:176) C A T Storagetemperaturerange –65to150 (cid:176) C stg Junctiontemperature(T max) 150 (cid:176) C J Powerdissipation (TMax–T )/q J A JA TQFP48-pinpackage q thermalimpedance 86 (cid:176) C/W JA Vaporphase(60sec) 215 (cid:176) C Leadtemperature,soldering Infrared(15sec) 220 (cid:176) C (1) Stressesbeyondthoselistedunderabsolutemaximumratingsmaycausepermanentdamagetothedevice.Thesearestressratings only,andfunctionaloperationofthedeviceattheseoranyotherconditionsbeyondthoseindicatedunderrecommendedoperating conditionsisnotimplied.Exposuretoabsolute-maximum-ratedconditionsforextendedperiodsmayaffectdevicereliability. 2 SubmitDocumentationFeedback ADS8422 www.ti.com SLAS512B–JUNE2006–REVISEDDECEMBER2006 SPECIFICATIONS T =–40(cid:176) Cto85(cid:176) C,+VA=5V,+VAREG=5Vto3V,+VBD=5Vto2.7V,f =4MSPS,V =4.096V(measured A SAMPLE ref withinternalreferencebuffer)(unlessotherwisenoted) PARAMETER TESTCONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT ANALOGINPUT Full-scaleinputvoltage(1) +IN–(–IN) –Vref Vref V +IN –0.2 Vref+0.2 Absoluteinputvoltage V –IN –0.2 Vref+0.2 Common-modeinputrange (Vref)/2–0.2 (Vref)/2 (Vref)/2+0.2 V Inputcapacitance 30 pF Inputleakagecurrent 1 nA SYSTEMPERFORMANCE Resolution 16 Bits ADS8422I 15 Nomissingcodes Bits ADS8422IB 16 ADS8422I –6 – 2 6 LSB Integrallinearity(2)(3) ADS8422IB –2 – 1 2 (16bit)(2) ADS8422I –2 – 0.7 2 LSB Differentiallinearity ADS8422IB –1 – 0.7 1.5 (16bit) Offseterror –0.5 – 0.25 0.5 mV Offseterrordrift – 0.2 ppm/(cid:176)C Gainerror(4)(5) Vref=4.096V –0.1 – 0.05 0.1 %FS Gainerrordrift Vref=4.096V – 2 ppm/(cid:176)C Atdc 81 Common-moderejectionratio Atcode0000hwith[+IN+(–IN)]/2= dB 78 512mVppat500kHz, Noise At0000houtputcode 40 m VRMS Powersupplyrejectionratio At8000houtputcode 78 dB SAMPLINGDYNAMICS Conversiontime 0.180 m s Acquisitiontime 0.070 m s Throughputrate 4 MHz Aperturedelay 3 ns Aperturejitter 7 psRMS Stepresponse 70 ns Overvoltagerecovery 140 ns (1) Idealinputspan,doesnotincludegainoroffseterror. (2) LSBmeansleastsignificantbitandisequalto2V /65536. REF (3) ThisisendpointINL,notbestfit. (4) Measuredrelativetoanidealfull-scaleinput[+IN–(–IN)]of8.192V. (5) Thisspecificationdoesnotincludetheinternalreferencevoltageerroranddrift. SubmitDocumentationFeedback 3 ADS8422 www.ti.com SLAS512B–JUNE2006–REVISEDDECEMBER2006 SPECIFICATIONS (Continued) T =–40(cid:176) Cto85(cid:176) C,+VA=5V,+VAREG=5.25Vto3V,+VBD=5Vto2.7V,f =4MSPS,V =4.096V(measured A SAMPLE ref withinternalreferencebuffer)(unlessotherwisenoted) PARAMETER TESTCONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT DYNAMICCHARACTERISTICS 10kHz –114 Totalharmonicdistortion(THD)(1) VIN=8Vpp 100kHz –102 dB 500kHz –100 10kHz 93 Signaltonoiseratio(SNR) VIN=8Vpp 100kHz 92 dB 500kHz 90 10kHz 92.5 Signaltonoise+distortion(SINAD) VIN=8Vpp 100kHz 91.5 dB 500kHz 89.5 10kHz 116 Spuriousfreedynamicrange(SFDR) VIN=8Vpp 100kHz 109 dB 500kHz 106 –3dBSmallsignalbandwidth 30 MHz Maximuminputfrequency,fi(max)(2) VIN=8Vpp 2 MHz VOLTAGEREFERENCEINPUT ReferencevoltageatREFIN,Vref 3.9 4.096 4.15 V Referenceresistance 1000 MW INTERNALREFERENCEOUTPUT Internalreferencestart-uptime From95%(+VA),with1-m FcapacitoronREFOUT 25 ms Referencevoltagerange,Vref IO=0,TA=25(cid:176)C 4.088 4.096 4.104 V Sourcecurrent Staticload 10 m A Lineregulation +VA=4.75Vto5.25V – 1 mV Drift IO=0 – 6 PPM/(cid:176)C ANALOGCOMMON-MODE,PIN3 Outputvoltagerange IO=0 VREF/2-0.016 VREF/2 VREF/2+0.016 V Sourcecurrent Staticload 200 m A (1) Calculatedonthefirstnineharmonicsoftheinputfrequency. (2) ADCSamplingcircuitisoptimizedtoacceptinputsuntilNyquistfrequency.Dynamicperformancemaydegraderapidlyabovef . i(max) 4 SubmitDocumentationFeedback ADS8422 www.ti.com SLAS512B–JUNE2006–REVISEDDECEMBER2006 SPECIFICATIONS (Continued) T =–40(cid:176) Cto85(cid:176) C,+VA=5V,+VAREG=5Vto3V,+VBD=5Vto2.7V,f =4MSPS,V =4.096V(measured A SAMPLE ref withinternalreferencebuffer)(unlessotherwisenoted) PARAMETER TESTCONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT DIGITALINPUT/OUTPUT Logicfamily–CMOS VIH IIH=5m A 0.75· (+VBD) +VBD+0.3 VIL IIL=5m A –0.3 0.8 Logiclevel V VOH IOH=2TTLloads +VBD–0.6 VOL IOL=2TTLloads 0.4 Dataformat–Twoscomplement POWERSUPPLYREQUIREMENTS +VA 4.75 5 5.25 Powersupplyvoltage +VAREG 2.85 3.0 5.25 V +VBD 2.7 3.0 5.25 +VA +VA=5V,PD1=1,PD2=1 24 27 mA +VAREG=5V,PD1=1,PD2=1 12 14 +VAREG mA Supplycurrent +VAREG=3V,PD1=1,PD2=1 12 14 +VBD=3V,10pF/pin 0.55 +VBD(1) mA +VBD=5V,20pF/pin 1.8 POWERDOWN(2) +VA 2.5 3.4 mA Supplycurrent PD1=0,PD2=1,+VA=5V +VAREG 5 m A Power 17 mW Power-uptime (PD1,PD2):(0,1)fi (1,1) 5 m s +VA 5 Supplycurrent PD1=0,PD2=0 m A +VAREG 5 Power 40 m W (PD1,PD2):(0,0)fi (1,1),1-m FStorage 25 Power-uptime ms capacitorfromREFOUTtoAGND TEMPERATURERANGE Operatingfree-air –40 85 (cid:176)C (1) Thisincludesthecurrentrequiredforchargingtheexternalloadcapacitanceonthedigitaloutputsandismeasuredwithfourdigital outputstogglingatthesametime. (2) (PD ,PD )=(1,0)isreserved.Donotusethispower-downpinscombination. 1 2 SubmitDocumentationFeedback 5 ADS8422 www.ti.com SLAS512B–JUNE2006–REVISEDDECEMBER2006 TIMING CHARACTERISTICS FROM DIGITAL INPUTS Allspecificationstypicalat–40(cid:176) Cto85(cid:176) C,+VBD=2.7Vto5.25V (1)(2) PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNIT CONVERSIONANDACQUISITION t Acquisitiontime,internaltodevice,notexternallyvisible 70 ns (ACQ) t Pulseduration,CONVSTlow 20 ns w1 t Pulseduration,CONVSThigh 100 ns w2 t Period,CONVST 250 ns p1 t Quiettime,lasttoggleofinterfaceinputsignalsduringacquisitionbeforeCONVSTfalling (3) 30 ns q1 t Quiettime,CONVSTfallingtofirsttoggleofinterfaceinputsignals (3) 10 ns q2 POWERDOWN PD1lowforonlyADCreset(nopowerdown) 20 500 t Pulseduration PD1lowforADCresetandalsoADCpowerdown 1500 ns w3 PD2lowpulsedurationforREFOUTandCOMMOUTbufferspowerdown 1500 Pulseduration,allothersunspecified 10 ns (1) Allinputsignalsarespecifiedwitht =t =5ns(10%to90%ofV )andtimedfromafter90%oftransition. r f DD (2) Alldigitaloutputsignalsloadedwith10-pFcapacitorsat+VBD=2.7Vand20-pFcapacitorat+VBD=5.25Vandtimedtoreaching 90%oftransition. (3) Quiettimezonesareformeetingperformanceandnotfunctionality. TIMING CHARACTERISTICS OF DIGITAL OUTPUTS Allspecificationstypicalat–40(cid:176) Cto85(cid:176) C,+VBD=2.7Vto5.25V (1)(2) PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNIT CONVERSIONANDACQUISITION t Conversiontime,internaltodevice,notexternallyvisible 180 ns (CONV) t Delaytime,CONVSTfalltoconversionstart(aperturedelay) 3 ns d1 DATAREADOPERATION t Delaytime,CONVSTlowtodatavalidifCS=RD=0 225 ns d2 t Delaytime,datavalidtoBUSYlowifCS=RD=0 5 ns d3 t Delaytime,RD(orCS)lowtodatavalid 17 ns d4 t Delaytime,BYTEtoggletodatavalid 20 ns d5 t Delaytime,datathree-stateafterRD(orCS)high 12 ns d6 POWERDOWN t Delaytime,PD1lowtoBUSYrising 20 ns d7 Delaytime,PD1hightodeviceoperational(withPD2heldhigh) 5 m s t d8 Delaytime,PD2hightoREFOUT/COMMOUTvalid 25 ms Delaytime,powerup(afterAV =4.75V) 25 ms DD t Delaytime,datathree-stateafterPD1low 1.5 m s d9 (1) Allinputsignalsarespecifiedwitht =t =5ns(10%to90%ofV )andtimedfromafter90%oftransition. r f DD (2) Alldigitaloutputsignalsloadedwith10-pFcapacitorsat+VBD=2.7Vand20-pFcapacitorat+VBD=5.25Vandtimedtoreaching 90%oftransition. 6 SubmitDocumentationFeedback ADS8422 www.ti.com SLAS512B–JUNE2006–REVISEDDECEMBER2006 PIN ASSIGNMENTS PFBPackage (TopView) 1 D T P S T/ MM D D V E E FF A N N A N T S 2 EE V G G V SD O Y E D RR + A A + CR C B R P 48 4746 4544 4342 4140 39 38 37 REFIN 1 36 BUSY REFOUT 2 35 BDGND COMMOUT 3 34 +VBD +VA 4 33 DB0 AGND 5 32 DB1 +IN 6 31 DB2 −IN 7 30 DB3 AGND 8 29 DB4 CAP1 9 28 DB5 +VAREG 10 27 DB6 NC 11 26 DB7 AGND 12 25 BDGND 1314 15 1617 18 1920 21 22 2324 2D D 5 4 3 21 0 9 8 D CAPAGN AGN DB1 DB1 DB1 DB1DB1 DB1 DB DB +VB A. NC-Noconnection B. Pins9and13areinternallyregulated3-Voutputsandareexternallytobeconnectedtodecouplingcapacitorsonly. C. +VAREGcanbeconnectedtoa3-Vto5-Vsupply. D. Pin3outputsREFIN/2 E. Pin38canbeusedforADCpowerdownandpin37foranalogoutputpowerdown. TERMINALFUNCTIONS NAME NO I/O DESCRIPTION 5,8,12,14, AGND – Analogground 15,44,45 BDGND 25,35 – Digitalgroundforbusinterfacedigitalsupply BUSY 36 O Statusoutput.Highwhenaconversionisinprogress. Byteselectinput.Usedfor8-bitbusreading. BYTE 39 I 0:Nofoldback 1:LowbyteD[7:0]ofthe16mostsignificantbitsisfoldedbacktohighbyteofthe16mostsignificantpinsDB[15:8]. ThispinoutputsREFIN/2andcanbeusedtosetthecommon-modevoltageofthedifferentialanaloginput,(+IN+ COMMOUT 3 O –IN)/2. CONVST 40 I Convertstart.ThisinputislowtrueandcanactindependentoftheCSinput. CS 42 I Chipselect. CAP1,CAP2 9,13 O Decouplingofinternallygenerated3-Vsupply.Add1-m FcapacitorfromthesepinstoAGND. 8-BITBUS 16-BITBUS DataBus BYTE=0 BYTE=1 BYTE=0 DB15 16 O D15(MSB) D7 D15(MSB) DB14 17 O D14 D6 D14 DB13 18 O D13 D5 D13 DB12 19 O D12 D4 D12 DB11 20 O D11 D3 D11 DB10 21 O D10 D2 D10 SubmitDocumentationFeedback 7 ADS8422 www.ti.com SLAS512B–JUNE2006–REVISEDDECEMBER2006 TERMINALFUNCTIONS(continued) NAME NO I/O DESCRIPTION DB9 22 O D9 D1 D9 DB8 23 O D8 D0(LSB) D8 DB7 26 O D7 Allones D7 DB6 27 O D6 Allones D6 DB5 28 O D5 Allones D5 DB4 29 O D4 Allones D4 DB3 30 O D3 Allones D3 DB2 31 O D2 Allones D2 DB1 32 O D1 Allones D1 DB0 33 O D0(LSB) Allones D0(LSB) –IN 7 I Invertinginputchannel +IN 6 I Noninvertinginputchannel NC 11 – Noconnection Lowtruesignal.Alogiclowlongerthan1.5m sappliedtothispinpowersdownonlytheanalogoutputsthatinclude PD2 37 I REFOUTandCOMMOUT.(NOTE:ThecombinationPD1=1,PD2=0isreserved.Donotusethiscombination.) REFIN 1 I Referenceinput.Add0.1-m FdecouplingcapacitorbetweenREFINandREFM. REFOUT 2 O Referenceoutput.Add1-m FcapacitorbetweentheREFOUTpinandREFMpinwheninternalreferenceisused. REFM 47,48 I Referenceground Lowtruesignal.AlowpulseappliedtothispinresetstheADC;theongoingconversionisaborted.Alowpulseshorter RESET/PD1 38 I than0.5m sonlyresets,andonelongerthan1.5m sresetsandalsopowersdowntheADC.Notethatanalogoutputs REFOUTandCOMMOUTcanbepowereddownbyPD2,ifnecessary. RD 41 I Synchronizationpulsefortheparalleloutput. +VA 4,46 – Analogpowersupplies,4.75Vto5.25VDC +VAREG 10 – Regulatorsupply,2.85Vto5.25VDC +VBD 24,34 – Digitalpowersupplyforbus TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS INTERNALREFERENCEVOLTAGE HISTOGRAMOF262144 HISTOGRAMOF262144 vs CONVERSIONSOFDCINPUTAT CONVERSIONSOFDCINPUTAT FREE-AIRTEMPERATURE CENTERCODE(InternalReference) CENTERCODE(ExternalReference) (ThreeDevicesShown) 250000 234937 250000 235679 V 4.098 +VA= 5 V, 200000 +++InVVVt AABRRD=EE F=5GI NV3 = , V= 3, 4 V.0,96 V, 200000+++EVVVxtAAB RRD=EE =5FG IV3N = ,V =3, 4V.,096 V, Voltage - 4.097 DD23 ++VVABRDE =G 3 = V 3 V, 262144 Points, 262144 Points, e COUNTS 110500000000 Sigma = 0.325, COUNTS 110500000000Sigma = 0.319, nal Referenc 4.096 D1 er nt 50000 50000 UT - I 4.095 O 68 14024 13025 93 78 13793 12575 19 REF 0 0 4.094 FFFD FFFE FFFF 0000 0001 FFFD FFFE FFFF 0000 0001 -40 -25 -10 5 20 35 50 65 80 Code - Hex Code - Hex T - Free-Air Temperature -ºC A Figure1. Figure2. Figure3. 8 SubmitDocumentationFeedback ADS8422 www.ti.com SLAS512B–JUNE2006–REVISEDDECEMBER2006 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) OFFSETVOLTAGE GAINERROR SIGNAL-TO-NOISERATIO vs vs vs FREE-AIRTEMPERATURE FREE-AIRTEMPERATURE INPUTFREQUENCY 0.200 0.040 94 +VA= 5 V, +VA= 5 V, +VAREG = 3 V, +VAREG = 3 V, +VBD = 3 V, REFIN = 4.096 V +VBD = 3 V, B 0.150 0.030 REFIN = 4.096 V o - d 92 Offset Voltage - mV 00..015000 Gain Error - %FS 00..001200 NR - Signal-to-Noise Rati 889680 S +VA= 5 V, +VAREG = 3 V, +VBD = 3 V, REFIN = 4.096 V 0 0 84 -40 -25 -10 5 20 35 50 65 80 -40 -25 -10 5 20 35 50 65 80 1 10 100 1000 TA- Free-Air Temperature -ºC TA- Free-Air Temperature -ºC fi- Input Frequency - kHz Figure4. Figure5. Figure6. SIGNAL-TO-NOISE+DISTORTION EFFECTIVENUMBEROFBITS SIGNAL-TO-NOISERATIO vs vs vs INPUTFREQUENCY INPUTFREQUENCY FREE-AIRTEMPERATURE 94 16 94 dB +VA= 5 V, +VAREG = 3 V, +VBD = 3 V, oise + Distortion - 9902 er of Bits - ENOB151.55 o-Noise Ratio - dB 9923 REFIN = 4.096 V, fi= 18 kHz Signal-to-N 88 ctive Numb 14.5 R - Signal-t 91 AD - 86 +VA= 5 V, +VAREG = 3 V, Effe 14 +VA= 5 V, +VAREG = 3 V, SN SIN +VBD = 3 V, REFIN = 4.096 V +VBD = 3 V, REFIN = 4.096 V 84 13.5 90 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 -40 -25 -10 5 20 35 50 65 80 fi- Input Frequency - kHz fi- Input Frequency - kHz TA- Free-Air Temperature -ºC Figure7. Figure8. Figure9. TOTALHARMONICDISTORTION SPURIOUSFREEDYNAMICRANGE TOTALHARMONICDISTORTION vs vs vs INPUTFREQUENCY INPUTFREQUENCY FREE-AIRTEMPERATURE -85 125 -100 +VA= 5 V, +VAREG = 3 V, dB +VA= 5 V, +VAREG = 3 V, +VA= 5 V, +VAREG = 3 V, THD - Total Harmonic Distortion - dB -----11111--29911000505005 +VBD = 3 V, REFIN = 4.096 V DR - Spurious Free Dynamic Range - 1111100299110500505 +VBD = 3 V, REFIN = 4.096 V THD - Total Harmonic Distortion - dB ---111101550 +fiV=B 1D8 =kH 3z V, REFIN = 4.096 V, F -125 S 85 -120 1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000 -40 -25 -10 5 20 35 50 65 80 fi- Input Frequency - kHz fi- Input Frequency - kHz TA- Free-Air Temperature -ºC Figure10. Figure11. Figure12. SubmitDocumentationFeedback 9 ADS8422 www.ti.com SLAS512B–JUNE2006–REVISEDDECEMBER2006 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) POWERDISSIPATION +VAREGCURRENT +VACURRENT vs vs vs THROUGHPUT THROUGHPUT THROUGHPUT 180 12 25 +VA= 5 V, +VAREG = 3 V, +VA= 5 V, +VAREG = 3 V, +VBD = 3 V, REFIN = 4.096 V, 24.5 +VBD = 3 V, REFIN = 4.096 V, 170 Device not powered down 11.5 Device not powered down between mW between conversions A 24 conversions - Power Dissipation - 111465000 +VAREG Current - m 1011.501 +VA= 5 V, +VAREG = 3 V, +VACurrent - mA 223222..3525 D +VBD = 3 V, REFIN = 4.096 V, P 130 9.5 Device not powered down between conversions 21.5 120 9 21 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 0 1000 2000 3000 4000 Throughput - KSPS Throughput - KSPS Throughput - KSPS Figure13. Figure14. Figure15. DIFFERENTIALNONLINEARITY INTEGRALNONLINEARITY COMMON-MODEREJECTIONRATIO vs vs vs FREE-AIRTEMPERATURE FREE-AIRTEMPERATURE FREQUENCY 1.50 +VA= 5 V, +VAREG = 3 V, 2 +VA= 5 V, +VAREG = 3 V, dB 85 1 +VBD = 3 V, REFIN = 4.096 V +VBD = 3 V, REFIN M= a4x.096 V Ratio - 80 Max 1 on 75 DNL- LSBs 0.500 INL- LSBs 0 n-Mode Rejecti 6750 Min mo -0.50 Min -1 Com 60 +VA= 5 V, +VAREG = 3 V, R - 55 +VBD = 3 V, REFIN = 4.096 V R M -1 -2 C 50 -40 -25 -10 5 20 35 50 65 80 -40 -25 -10 5 20 35 50 65 80 1 10 100 1000 10000 TA- Free-Air Temperature -ºC TA- Free-Air Temperature -ºC f - Frequency - kHz Figure16. Figure17. Figure18. DNL 1.5 +VA= 5 V, +VAREG = 3 V, +VBD = 3 V, REFIN = 4.096 V 1 s B S 0.5 L - L N 0 D -0.5 -1 0 16384 32768 49152 65536 Code Figure19. 10 SubmitDocumentationFeedback

TA = –40°C to 85°C, +VA = 5 V, +VAREG = 5 V to 3 V, +VBD = 5 V to 2.7 V, fSAMPLE = 4 MSPS, Vref = 4.096 V (measured with internal reference buffer) (unless otherwise noted). PARAMETER. TEST CONDITIONS. MIN. TYP. MAX. UNIT. DIGITAL INPUT/OUTPUT. Logic family – CMOS. VIH. IIH = 5 µA.
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