(cid:2)(cid:17)(cid:14)(cid:14)(cid:20)(cid:2)(cid:14)(cid:13)(cid:18)(cid:12) (cid:4)(cid:14)(cid:13)(cid:8)(cid:17)(cid:7)(cid:16)(cid:15) (cid:10)(cid:14)(cid:13)(cid:11) (cid:5)(cid:9)(cid:19)(cid:6)(cid:15) (cid:3)(cid:12)(cid:15)(cid:16)(cid:14)(cid:17)(cid:11)(cid:9)(cid:12)(cid:16)(cid:15) ADS8471 SLAS517–DECEMBER2007 16-BIT, 1-MSPS, PSEUDO-BIPOLAR, UNIPOLAR INPUT, MICROPOWER SAMPLING ANALOG-TO-DIGITAL CONVERTER WITH PARALLEL INTERFACE AND REFERENCE FEATURES • 48-Pin7x7QFNPackage 1 • 0to1MSPSSamplingRate APPLICATIONS • ±0.7LSBTyp,±1LSBMax INL • Medical Instruments • ±0.4LSBTyp,±0.75LSBMaxDNL • OpticalNetworking • 16-BitNMCEnsuredOverTemperature • TransducerInterface • ±0.1mVOffsetError • HighAccuracyDataAcquisitionSystems • ±0.15ppm/(cid:176) COffsetErrorDrift • Magnetometers • ±0.015%FSRGainError • ±0.7ppm/(cid:176) CGainErrorDrift DESCRIPTION • 93dBSNR,-110dBTHD,112dB SFDR The ADS8471 is an 16-bit, 1-MSPS A/D converter • ZeroLatency with an internal 4.096-V reference and a • LowPower: 220mWat1MSPS pseudo-bipolar, unipolar input. The device includes a 16-bit capacitor-based SAR A/D converter with • UnipolarInputRange:0V toV ref inherent sample and hold. The ADS8471 offers a full • OnboardReference 16-bit interface or an 8-bit bus option using two read • OnboardReferenceBuffer cycles. • High-SpeedParallelInterface The ADS8471 is available in a 48-lead 7x7 QFN • WideDigitalSupply2.7V ~5.25V package and is characterized over the industrial –40(cid:176) Cto 85(cid:176) Ctemperaturerange. • 8-/16-BitBusTransfer HIGH-SPEEDSARCONVERTERFAMILY(1) TYPE/SPEED 500kHz 580kHz 750kHz 1MHz 1.25MHz 2MHz 3MHz 4MHz ADS8383 ADS8381 18-BitPseudo-Diff ADS8380(S) 18-BitPseudo-Bipolar,FullyDiff ADS8382(S) ADS8482 ADS8484 ADS8327(S) ADS8370(S) ADS8371 ADS8471 ADS8401 ADS8411 16-BitPseudo-Diff ADS8328(S) ADS8329/30(S) ADS8405 ADS8410(S) ADS8372(S) ADS8472 ADS8402 ADS8412 ADS8422 16-BitPseudo-Bipolar,FullyDiff ADS8406 ADS8413(S) 14-BitPseudo-Diff ADS7890(S) ADS7891 12-BitPseudo-Diff ADS7886 ADS7881 (1) S:Serial SAR Output BYTE Latches 16-/8-Bit and Parallel DATA +IN + 3-State Output Bus _ CDAC Drivers −IN Comparator REFIN CONVST Conversion BUSY and 4.096-V Control Logic CS REFOUT Internal Clock RD Reference 1 Pleasebeawarethatanimportantnoticeconcerningavailability,standardwarranty,anduseincriticalapplicationsof TexasInstrumentssemiconductorproductsanddisclaimerstheretoappearsattheendofthisdatasheet. PRODUCTIONDATAinformationiscurrentasofpublicationdate. Copyright©2007,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarilyincludetestingofallparameters. ADS8471 www.ti.com SLAS517–DECEMBER2007 Thesedeviceshavelimitedbuilt-inESDprotection.Theleadsshouldbeshortedtogetherorthedeviceplacedinconductivefoam duringstorageorhandlingtopreventelectrostaticdamagetotheMOSgates. ORDERINGINFORMATION(1) MAXIMUM MAXIMUM NOMISSING TRANS- TEMPER- INTEGRAL DIFFERENTIAL CODES PACKAGE PACKAGE ORDERING PORT MODEL ATURE LINEARITY LINEARITY(LSB) RESOLUTION TYPE DESIGNATOR INFORMATION MEDIA RANGE (LSB) (BIT) QTY. ADS8471IRGZT Tapeand 7x748Pin –40(cid:176)Cto reel250 ADS8471I ±2 ±1 16 QFN RGZ 85(cid:176)C ADS8471IRGZR Tapeand reel1000 ADS8471IBRGZT Tapeand 7x748Pin –40(cid:176)Cto reel250 ADS8471IB ±1 ±0.75 16 QFN RGZ 85(cid:176)C ADS8471IBRGZR Tapeand reel1000 (1) Forthemostcurrentpackageandorderinginformation,seethePackageOptionAddendumattheendofthisdocument,orseetheTI websiteatwww.ti.com. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(1) overoperatingfree-airtemperaturerange(unlessotherwisenoted) VALUE UNIT +INtoAGND –0.4to+VA+0.1 V –INtoAGND –0.4to0.5 V Voltage +VAtoAGND –0.3to7 V +VBDtoBDGND –0.3to7 V +VAto+VBD –0.3to2.55 V DigitalinputvoltagetoBDGND –0.3to+VBD+0.3 V DigitaloutputvoltagetoBDGND –0.3to+VBD+0.3 V T Operatingfree-airtemperaturerange –40to85 (cid:176) C A T Storagetemperaturerange –65to150 (cid:176) C stg Junctiontemperature(T max) 150 (cid:176) C J Powerdissipation (TMax–T )/q J A JA QFNpackage q thermalimpedance 22 (cid:176) C/W JA Vaporphase(60sec) 215 (cid:176) C Leadtemperature,soldering Infrared(15sec) 220 (cid:176) C (1) Stressesbeyondthoselistedunderabsolutemaximumratingsmaycausepermanentdamagetothedevice.Thesearestressratings only,andfunctionaloperationofthedeviceattheseoranyotherconditionsbeyondthoseindicatedunderrecommendedoperating conditionsisnotimplied.Exposuretoabsolute-maximum-ratedconditionsforextendedperiodsmayaffectdevicereliability. 2 SubmitDocumentationFeedback Copyright©2007,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated ProductFolderLink(s):ADS8471 ADS8471 www.ti.com SLAS517–DECEMBER2007 SPECIFICATIONS T =–40(cid:176) Cto85(cid:176) C,+VA=5V,+VBD=3Vor5V,V =4.096V,f =1MSPS(unlessotherwisenoted) A ref SAMPLE PARAMETER TESTCONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT ANALOGINPUT Full-scaleinputvoltage(1) +IN–(–IN) 0 V V ref +IN –0.2 V +0.2 ref Absoluteinputvoltage V –IN –0.2 0.2 Inputcapacitance 65 pF Inputleakagecurrent 1 nA SYSTEMPERFORMANCE Resolution 16 Bits ADS8471I 16 Nomissingcodes Bits ADS8471IB 16 INL Integrallinearity(2) (3) ADS8471I –2 ±0.7 2 LSB ADS8471IB –1 ±0.7 1 (16bit) ADS8471I –1 ±0.4 1 LSB DNL Differentiallinearity ADS8471IB –0.75 ±0.4 0.75 (16bit) ADS8471I –0.5 ±0.1 0.5 Offseterror(4) mV ADS8471IB –0.5 ±0.1 0.5 ADS8471I ±0.15 Offseterrortemperaturedrift ppm/(cid:176) C ADS8471IB ±0.15 ADS8471I V =4.096V –0.075 ±0.015 0.075 %FS Gainerror(4) (5) ref ADS8471IB V =4.096V –0.075 ±0.015 0.075 %FS ref ADS8471I ±0.7 Gainerrortemperaturedrift ppm/(cid:176) C ADS8471IB ±0.7 Noise 25 m VRMS Powersupplyrejectionratio AtFFFFhoutputcode 60 dB SAMPLINGDYNAMICS Conversiontime 670 700 ns Acquisitiontime 270 300 ns Throughputrate 1 MHz Aperturedelay 4 ns Aperturejitter 5 ps Stepresponse 150 ns Overvoltagerecovery 150 ns (1) Idealinputspan,doesnotincludegainoroffseterror. (2) LSBmeansleastsignificantbit (3) ThisisendpointINL,notbestfit. (4) Measuredrelativetoanidealfull-scaleinput[+IN–(–IN)]of8.192V (5) Thisspecificationdoesnotincludetheinternalreferencevoltageerroranddrift. Copyright©2007,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated SubmitDocumentationFeedback 3 ProductFolderLink(s):ADS8471 ADS8471 www.ti.com SLAS517–DECEMBER2007 SPECIFICATIONS (Continued) T =–40(cid:176) Cto85(cid:176) C,+VA=5V,+VBD=3Vor5V,V =4.096V,f =1MSPS(unlessotherwisenoted) A ref SAMPLE PARAMETER TESTCONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT DYNAMICCHARACTERISTICS ADS8471I –110 V =4V at2kHz IN pp ADS8471IB –112 ADS8471I –105 THD Totalharmonicdistortion(1) V =4V at20kHz dB IN pp ADS8471IB –107 ADS8471I –101 V =4V at100kHz IN pp ADS8471IB –102 ADS8471I 93 V =4V at2kHz IN pp ADS8471IB 93 ADS8471I 92.5 SNR Signal-to-noiseratio(1) V =4V at20kHz dB IN pp ADS8471IB 92.7 ADS8471I 91.5 V =4V at100kHz IN pp ADS8471IB 91.6 ADS8471I 93 V =4V at2kHz IN pp ADS8471IB 93 ADS8471I 92.4 SINAD Signal-to-noise+distortion (1) V =4V at20kHz dB IN pp ADS8471IB 92.6 ADS8471I 91 V =4V at100kHz IN pp ADS8471IB 91.1 ADS8471I 112 V =4V at2kHz IN pp ADS8471IB 114 ADS8471I 107 SFDR Spuriousfreedynamicrange (1) V =4V at20kHz dB IN pp ADS8471IB 109 ADS8471I 102 V =4V at100kHz IN pp ADS8471IB 103 –3dBSmallsignalbandwidth 15 MHz VOLTAGEREFERENCEINPUT V ReferencevoltageatREFIN, 3.0 4.096 +VA–0.8 V ref Referenceresistance(2) 500 kΩ Referencecurrentdrain f =1MHz 1 mA s (1) Calculatedonthefirstnineharmonicsoftheinputfrequency. (2) Canvary±20% 4 SubmitDocumentationFeedback Copyright©2007,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated ProductFolderLink(s):ADS8471 ADS8471 www.ti.com SLAS517–DECEMBER2007 SPECIFICATIONS (Continued) T =–40Cto85C,+VA=5V,+VBD=3Vor5V,V =4.096V,f =1MSPS(unlessotherwisenoted) A ref SAMPLE PARAMETER TESTCONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT INTERNALREFERENCEOUTPUT Internalreferencestart-uptime From95%(+VA),with1-m Fstorage 120 ms capacitor V Referencevoltagerange I =0A 4.081 4.096 4.111 V ref O Sourcecurrent Staticload 10 m A Lineregulation +VA=4.75Vto5.25V 60 m V Drift I =0A ±6 PPM/(cid:176) C O DIGITALINPUT/OUTPUT Logicfamily–CMOS V High-levelinputvoltage I =5m A +VBD–1 +V +0.3 IH IH BD V Low-levelinputvoltage I =5m A –0.3 0.8 IL IL V V High-leveloutputvoltage I =2TTLloads +VBD–0.6 OH OH V Low-leveloutputvoltage I =2TTLloads 0.4 OL OL Dataformat–Straightbinary POWERSUPPLYREQUIREMENTS +VBD 2.7 3.3 5.25 V Powersupplyvoltage +VA 4.75 5 5.25 V Supplycurrent(1) f =1MHz 44 48 mA s Powerdissipation(1) f =1MHz 220 240 mW s TEMPERATURERANGE Operatingfree-air –40 85 (cid:176) C (1) Thisincludesonly+VAcurrent.+VBDcurrentistypical1mAwith5-pFloadcapacitanceonalloutputpins. Copyright©2007,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated SubmitDocumentationFeedback 5 ProductFolderLink(s):ADS8471 ADS8471 www.ti.com SLAS517–DECEMBER2007 TIMING CHARACTERISTICS Allspecificationstypicalat–40(cid:176) Cto85(cid:176) C,+VA=+VBD=5V (1) (2) (3) PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNIT t Conversiontime 670 700 ns (CONV) t Acquisitiontime 270 300 ns (ACQ) t Samplecapacitorholdtime 25 ns (HOLD) t CONVSTlowtoBUSYhigh 40 ns pd1 t Propagationdelaytime,endofconversiontoBUSYlow 15 ns pd2 t Propagationdelaytime,startofconvertstatetorisingedgeofBUSY 15 ns pd3 t Pulseduration,CONVSTlow 40 ns w1 t Setuptime,CSlowtoCONVSTlow 20 ns su1 t Pulseduration,CONVSThigh 20 ns w2 CONVSTfallingedgejitter 10 ps t Pulseduration,BUSYsignallow t min ns w3 (ACQ) t Pulseduration,BUSYsignalhigh 700 ns w4 t Holdtime,firstdatabustransition(RDlow,orCSlowforreadcycle,orBYTEinput h1 40 ns changes)afterCONVSTlow t Delaytime,CSlowtoRDlow 0 ns d1 t Setuptime,RDhightoCShigh 0 ns su2 t Pulseduration,RDlow 50 ns w5 t Enabletime,RDlow(orCSlowforreadcycle)todatavalid 20 ns en t Delaytime,dataholdfromRDhigh 5 ns d2 t Delaytime,BYTErisingedgeorfallingedgetodatavalid 10 20 ns d3 t Pulseduration,RDhigh 20 ns w6 t Pulseduration,CShigh 20 ns w7 t Holdtime,lastRD(orCSforreadcycle)risingedgetoCONVSTfallingedge 50 ns h2 t Propagationdelaytime,BUSYfallingedgetonextRD(orCSforreadcycle)falling pd4 0 ns edge t Delaytime,BYTEedgetoedgeskew 0 ns d4 t Setuptime,BYTEtransitiontoRDfallingedge 10 ns su3 t Holdtime,BYTEtransitiontoRDfallingedge 10 ns h3 t Disabletime,RDhigh(CShighforreadcycle)to3-stateddatabus 20 ns dis t Delaytime,BUSYlowtoMSBdatavaliddelay 0 ns d5 t Delaytime,CSrisingedgetoBUSYfallingedge 50 ns d6 t Delaytime,BUSYfallingedgetoCSrisingedge 50 ns d7 t BYTEtransitionsetuptime,fromBYTEtransitiontonextBYTEtransition 50 ns su5 t SetuptimefromthefallingedgeofCONVST(usedtostartthevalidconversion)tothe su(ABORT) nextfallingedgeofCONVST(whenCS=0andCONVSTareusedtoabort)ortothe 60 600 ns nextfallingedgeofCS(whenCSisusedtoabort). (1) Allinputsignalsarespecifiedwitht =t =5ns(10%to90%of+VBD)andtimedfromavoltagelevelof(V +V )/2. r f IL IH (2) Seetimingdiagrams. (3) Alltimingaremeasuredwith20-pFequivalentloadsonalldatabitsandBUSYpins. 6 SubmitDocumentationFeedback Copyright©2007,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated ProductFolderLink(s):ADS8471 ADS8471 www.ti.com SLAS517–DECEMBER2007 TIMING CHARACTERISTICS Allspecificationstypicalat–40(cid:176) Cto85(cid:176) C,+VA=5V+VBD=3V (1) (2) (3) PARAMETER MIN TYP MAX UNIT t Conversiontime 67 700 ns (CONV) t Acquisitiontime 270 300 ns (ACQ) t Samplecapacitorholdtime 25 ns (HOLD) t CONVSTlowtoBUSYhigh 40 ns pd1 t Propagationdelaytime,endofconversiontoBUSYlow 25 ns pd2 t Propagationdelaytime,startofconvertstatetorisingedgeofBUSY 25 ns pd3 t Pulseduration,CONVSTlow 40 ns w1 t Setuptime,CSlowtoCONVSTlow 20 ns su1 t Pulseduration,CONVSThigh 20 ns w2 CONVSTfallingedgejitter 10 ps t Pulseduration,BUSYsignallow t min ns w3 (ACQ) t Pulseduration,BUSYsignalhigh 700 ns w4 t Holdtime,firstdatabustransition(RDlow,orCSlowforreadcycle,orBYTEinput h1 40 ns changes)afterCONVSTlow t Delaytime,CSlowtoRDlow 0 ns d1 t Setuptime,RDhightoCShigh 0 ns su2 t Pulseduration,RDlow 50 ns w5 t Enabletime,RDlow(orCSlowforreadcycle)todatavalid 30 ns en t Delaytime,dataholdfromRDhigh 5 ns d2 t Delaytime,BYTErisingedgeorfallingedgetodatavalid 10 30 ns d3 t Pulseduration,RDhigh 20 ns w6 t Pulseduration,CShigh 20 ns w7 t Holdtime,lastRD(orCSforreadcycle)risingedgetoCONVSTfallingedge 50 ns h2 t Propagationdelaytime,BUSYfallingedgetonextRD(orCSforreadcycle)falling pd4 0 ns edge t Delaytime,BYTEedgetoedgeskew 0 ns d4 t Setuptime,BYTEortransitiontoRDfallingedge 10 ns su3 t Holdtime,BYTEortransitiontoRDfallingedge 10 ns h3 t Disabletime,RDhigh(CShighforreadcycle)to3-stateddatabus 30 ns dis t Delaytime,BUSYlowtoMSBdatavaliddelay 0 ns d5 t Delaytime,CSrisingedgetoBUSYfallingedge 50 ns d6 t Delaytime,BUSYfallingedgetoCSrisingedge 50 ns d7 t BYTEtransitionsetuptime,fromBYTEtransitiontonextBYTEtransition 50 ns su5 t SetuptimefromthefallingedgeofCONVST(usedtostartthevalidconversion)tothe su(ABORT) nextfallingedgeofCONVST(whenCS=0andCONVSTareusedtoabort)ortothe 60 600 ns nextfallingedgeofCS(whenCSisusedtoabort). (1) Allinputsignalsarespecifiedwitht =t =5ns(10%to90%of+VBD)andtimedfromavoltagelevelof(V +V )/2. r f IL IH (2) Seetimingdiagrams. (3) Alltimingaremeasuredwith20-pFequivalentloadsonalldatabitsandBUSYpins. Copyright©2007,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated SubmitDocumentationFeedback 7 ProductFolderLink(s):ADS8471 ADS8471 www.ti.com SLAS517–DECEMBER2007 PIN ASSIGNMENTS RGZPACKAGE (TOPVIEW) D Y N S 01 2 3 4567G UC C BB B B BBBBD BN N DD D D DDDDB 48 4746 4544 4342 4140 393837 +VBD 1 36 +VBD BDGND 2 35 DB8 BYTE 3 34 DB9 CONVST 4 33 DB10 RD 5 32 DB11 CS 6 31 DB12 +VA 7 30 DB13 AGND 8 29 DB14 AGND 9 28 DB15 +VA 10 27 AGND REFM 11 26 AGND REFM 12 25 +VA 13 14 151617 18 1920 21 222324 N T CA D N N D A A DD EFI OU N+V GN +I −I GN +V +V GNGN R F A A AA E R NC − No internal connection NOTE: The package thermal pad must be soldered to the printed circuit board for thermal and mechanical performance. TERMINALFUNCTIONS NAME NO I/O DESCRIPTION 8,9,17,20, AGND 23,24,26, – Analogground 27 BDGND 2,37 – Digitalgroundforbusinterfacedigitalsupply BUSY 48 O Statusoutput.Highwhenaconversionisinprogress. Byteselectinput.Usedfor8-bitbusreading. BYTE 3 I 0:Nofoldback 1:LowbyteD[9:2]ofthe16mostsignificantbitsisfoldedbacktohighbyteofthe16mostsignificantpinsDB[17:10]. CONVST 4 I Convertstart.Thefallingedgeofthisinputendstheacquisitionperiodandstartstheholdperiod. CS 6 I Chipselect.Thefallingedgeofthisinputstartstheacquisitionperiod. 8-BITBUS 16-BITBUS DataBus BYTE=0 BYTE=1 BYTE=0 DB15 28 O D15(MSB) D7 D15(MSB) DB14 29 O D14 D6 D14 DB13 30 O D13 D5 D13 DB12 31 O D12 D4 D12 DB11 32 O D11 D3 D11 DB10 33 O D10 D2 D10 DB9 34 O D9 Allones D9 DB8 35 O D8 Allones D8 DB7 38 O D7 Allones D7 DB6 39 O D6 Allones D6 DB5 40 O D5 Allones D5 DB4 41 O D4 Allones D4 DB3 42 O D3 Allones D3 8 SubmitDocumentationFeedback Copyright©2007,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated ProductFolderLink(s):ADS8471 ADS8471 www.ti.com SLAS517–DECEMBER2007 TERMINALFUNCTIONS(continued) NAME NO I/O DESCRIPTION DB2 43 O D2 Allones D2 DB1 44 O D1 Allones D1 DB0 45 O D0(LSB) Allones D0(LSB) –IN 19 I Invertinginputchannel +IN 18 I Noninvertinginputchannel NC 15,46,47 Noconnection REFIN 13 I Referenceinput REFOUT 14 O Referenceoutput.Add1-m FcapacitorbetweentheREFOUTpinandREFMpinwheninternalreferenceisused. REFM 11,12 I Referenceground Synchronizationpulsefortheparalleloutput.WhenCSislow,thisservesasoutputenableandputstheprevious RD 5 I conversionresultsonthebus. 7,10,16, +VA – Analogpowersupplies,5-VDC 21,22,25 +VBD 1,36 – Digitalpowersupplyforbus TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS INTERNALREFERENCEVOLTAGE INTERNALREFERENCEVOLTAGE DCHISTOGRAM vs vs (8192ConversionOutputs) FREE-AIRTEMPERATURE SUPPLYVOLTAGE 7000 4.098 4.0972 6140 +VA= 5 V, TA= 25°C +VBD = 5 V 6000 4.0975 4.09719 +VA= 5 V, Frequency 2345000000000000 1621 +TfVISnVArpe=Buf= =Dt1 2 = 4M5= .M° 0S5C9iP d,V6Ss, cV,a,le Reference Voltage - V 444.0..009996675 Reference Voltage - V 4444....00009999777711115678 1000 4.0955 4.09714 426 0 4 1 4.095 4.09713 32766 32767 32768 32769 32770 -40 -25 -10 5 20 35 50 65 80 4.75 4.85 4.95 5.05 5.15 5.25 Code Supply Voltage - V TA- Free-Air Temperature - °C Figure1. Figure2. Figure3. SUPPLYCURRENT SUPPLYCURRENT SUPPLYCURRENT vs vs vs FREE-AIRTEMPERATURE SUPPLYVOLTAGE SAMPLERATE 43.25 44 43.5 ++VVABD= =5 V5 ,V, 43.8 TA= 25°C, 43 ++VVABD= =5 V5 ,V, A 43.2 fVSre=f =1 4M.0S9P6S V,, A 43.6 fVSre=f =1 4M.0S9P6S V,, A424.25 TVAref== 2 45.°0C9,6 V m m 43.4 m Current - 43.15 Current - 434.32 Current - 44014..155 Supply 43.1 Supply 42.8 Supply 394.05 42.6 43.05 39 42.4 38.5 43 42.2 38 -40 -25 -10 5 20 35 50 65 80 4.75 4.85 4.95 5.05 5.15 5.25 250 500 750 1000 TA- Free-Air Temperature - °C Supply Voltage - V Sample Rate - KSPS Figure4. Figure5. Figure6. Copyright©2007,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated SubmitDocumentationFeedback 9 ProductFolderLink(s):ADS8471 ADS8471 www.ti.com SLAS517–DECEMBER2007 TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICS (continued) DIFFERENTIALNONLINEARITY INTEGRALNONLINEARITY DIFFERENTIALNONLINEARITY vs vs vs FREE-AIRTEMPERATURE FREE-AIRTEMPERATURE SUPPLYVOLTAGE 0.75 1 0.75 ++VVABD= =5 V5 ,V, 0.8 Max TA= 25°C, 0.02.55 fVSre=f =1 4M.0S9P6S V,, Max 00..46 ++VVABD= =5 V5 ,V, 0.02.55 fVSre=f =1 4M.0S9P6S V,, Max DNL- LSBs-0.250 Min INL- LSBs--000...2420 Min fVSre=f =1 4M.0S9P6S V,, DNL- LSBs-0.250 Min -0.6 -0.5 -0.5 -0.8 -0.75 -1 -0.75 -40 -25 -10 5 20 35 50 65 80 -40 -25 -10 5 20 35 50 65 80 4.75 4.85 4.95 5.05 5.15 5.25 TA- Free-Air Temperature - °C TA- Free-Air Temperature - °C Supply Voltage - V Figure7. Figure8. Figure9. INTEGRALNONLINEARITY DIFFERENTIALNONLINEARITY INTEGRALNONLINEARITY vs vs vs SUPPLYVOLTAGE REFERENCEVOLTAGE REFERENCEVOLTAGE 1 0.75 1 0.8 Max TA= 25°C, 0.8 Max 0.6 0.5 fVSD=D 1= M5 SVPS, 0.6 0.4 +VA= 5 V, Max 0.4 TA= 25°C, INL- LSBs--000...2042 Min +fVSVre=Bf =D1 4M=. 0S59P V6S, V,, DNL- LSBs-00..22550 Min INL- LSBs --000...0242 Min fVSD=D 1= M5 SVPS, -0.6 -0.6 -0.50 -0.8 -0.8 -1 -0.75 -1 4.75 4.85 4.95 5.05 5.15 5.25 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2 Supply Voltage - V Reference Voltage - V Reference Voltage - V Figure10. Figure11. Figure12. OFFSETERROR OFFSETERROR OFFSETERROR vs vs vs FREE-AIRTEMPERATURE SUPPLYVOLTAGE REFERENCEVOLTAGE 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.2 +VA= 5 V, 0.08 TA= 25°C, 0.08 TA= 25°C, V 0.01.51 +fVSVre=Bf =D1 4M=. 0S59P V6S, V,, V 00..0046 fVSre=f =1 4M.0S9P6S V,, V 00..0046 fVSD=D 1= M5 SVPS, m m m Error - 0.050 Error - 0.020 Error - 0.020 set -0.05 set -0.02 set -0.02 Off -0.1 Off-0.04 Off-0.04 -0.15 -0.06 -0.06 -0.2 -0.08 -0.08 -0.25 -0.10 -0.1 -40 -25 -10 5 20 35 50 65 80 4.75 4.85 4.95 5.05 5.15 5.25 3 3.2 3.4 3.6 3.8 4 4.2 TA- Free-Air Temperature - °C Supply Voltage - V Reference Voltage - V Figure13. Figure14. Figure15. 10 SubmitDocumentationFeedback Copyright©2007,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated ProductFolderLink(s):ADS8471