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ADA Volume 31 USER Number 4 December 2010 JOURNAL Contents Page Editorial Policy for Ada User Journal 222 Editorial 223 Quarterly News Digest 225 Conference Calendar 250 Forthcoming Events 257 Student Programming Contest “The Ada Way” 260 Overview of the 14th International Real-Time Ada Workshop A. Burns, A. J. Wellings “Multiprocessor Systems Session Summary” 263 T. Vardanega, M. González-Harbour, L. M. Pinho “Session Summary: Language and Distribution Issues” 266 S. Michell, J. Real “Conclusions of the 14th International Real-Time Ada Workshop” 273 A. Burns “Progress Report from the 14th International Real-Time Ada Workshop – IRTAW14” 275 Special Contribution A. Burns, J. L. Tokar (Eds.) “Ada and the Software Vulnerabilities Project: the SPARK Annex” 278 Ada Gems 291 Ada-Europe Associate Members (National Ada Organizations) 296 Ada-Europe 2010 Sponsors Inside Back Cover Ada User Journal Volume 31, Number 4, December 2010 222 Editorial Policy for Ada User Journal Publication Original Papers Commentaries Ada User Journal — The Journal for Manuscripts should be submitted in We publish commentaries on Ada and the international Ada Community — is accordance with the submission software engineering topics. These published by Ada-Europe. It appears guidelines (below). may represent the views either of four times a year, on the last days of individuals or of organisations. Such All original technical contributions are March, June, September and articles can be of any length – submitted to refereeing by at least two December. Copy date is the last day of inclusion is at the discretion of the people. Names of referees will be kept the month of publication. Editor. confidential, but their comments will Opinions expressed within the Ada be relayed to the authors at the Aims User Journal do not necessarily discretion of the Editor. Ada User Journal aims to inform represent the views of the Editor, Ada- readers of developments in the Ada The first named author will receive a Europe or its directors. programming language and its use, complimentary copy of the issue of the general Ada-related software Journal in which their paper appears. Announcements and Reports engineering issues and Ada-related We are happy to publicise and report By submitting a manuscript, authors activities in Europe and other parts of on events that may be of interest to our grant Ada-Europe an unlimited license the world. The language of the journal readers. to publish (and, if appropriate, is English. republish) it, if and when the article is Reviews Although the title of the Journal refers accepted for publication. We do not to the Ada language, any related topics require that authors assign copyright to Inclusion of any review in the Journal are welcome. In particular papers in the Journal. is at the discretion of the Editor. any of the areas related to reliable A reviewer will be selected by the Unless the authors state explicitly software technologies. Editor to review any book or other otherwise, submission of an article is publication sent to us. We are also taken to imply that it represents The Journal publishes the following prepared to print reviews submitted original, unpublished work, not under types of material: from elsewhere at the discretion of the consideration for publication else- Editor. • Refereed original articles on where. technical matters concerning Ada Submission Guidelines and related topics. News and Product Announcements All material for publication should be Ada User Journal is one of the ways in • News and miscellany of interest to sent to the Editor, preferably in which people find out what is going on the Ada community. electronic format. The Editor will only in the Ada community. Since not all of accept typed manuscripts by prior • Reprints of articles published our readers have access to resources arrangement. elsewhere that deserve a wider such as the World Wide Web and Prospective authors are encouraged to audience. Usenet, or have enough time to search contact the Editor by email to through the information that can be determine the best format for • Commentaries on matters relating found in those resources, we reprint or submission. Contact details can be to Ada and software engineering. report on items that may be of interest found near the front of each edition. to them. • Announcements and reports of Example papers conforming to conferences and workshops. formatting requirements as well as Reprinted Articles some word processor templates are • Reviews of publications in the While original material is our first available from the editor. There is no field of software engineering. priority, we are willing to reprint (with limitation on the length of papers, the permission of the copyright holder) though a paper longer than 10,000 • Announcements regarding material previously submitted words would be regarded as standards concerning Ada. elsewhere if it is appropriate to give it exceptional. a wider audience. This includes papers Further details on our approach to published in North America that are these are given below. not easily available in Europe. We have a reciprocal approach in granting permission for other publications to reprint papers originally published in Ada User Journal. Volume 31, Number 4, December 2010 Ada User Journal 223 Editorial The majority of the content of this last issue of 2010 is the result of the work of two groups of Ada practitioners which devote part of their time to the development and promotion of the Ada language within two of the topics where Ada is without doubts a strong technology: real-time systems and reliable software. In the first part of the issue, we present an overview of the 14th International Real-Time Ada Workshop (IRTAW), which was held approximately one year ago, in Portovenere, Italy. This overview provides not only the workshop’s session summaries, allowing readers to get the necessary insight in the fruitful discussions and results of the workshop, but also a post workshop report, by Alan Burns, of the University of York, UK, presenting how the workshop proposals are going through the Ada 2012 standardization process (since many times we wonder what happens to the Ada Issues that the workshop produces). IRTAW has been and still is a major forum for Ada evolution (and not only in the real-time arena); it is therefore with happiness that in the issue we also have the announcement of the next edition of the workshop, which will take place in September 2011, in the mountains nearby Santander, Spain. In the second part o the issue, we conclude the publication of the results of the work of the Software Vulnerabilities group, which produced the Ada annex (published in the September issue of the Ada User Journal) to the ISO Technical Report on “Avoiding Programming Language Vulnerabilities through Language Selection and Use” (ISO/IEC PDTR 24772.2). To finalize the work, in this issue we publish the annex concerning SPARK. I would also like to point out to our readers the forthcoming events section, where, before the IRTAW call for papers, we already have preliminary information concerning “The Ada Connection”, an event that combines the Ada-Europe 2011 conference and the Ada-Conference UK 2011, taking place in Edinburgh, Scotland, next June 20-24. In the Ada Gems section, the issue publishes the series of gems concerning the Distributed Systems Annex, by Thomas Quinot, of AdaCore, France. Last, but definitely not least, readers will find the wealthy of information in the usual news digest and calendar sections. In a final note, this last 2010 issue of the Ada User Journal should be reaching you already in 2011. Nevertheless, hopefully there was no substantial delay (except for the normal printing and distribution time). We are making our best efforts in putting the AUJ back in its scheduled publication date, and I would like to thank the Editorial Team of the Journal – Jorge Real (Deputy Editor), Dirk Craeynest (Calendar and Events), and Marco Panunzio (News Digest) – for all their volunteer efforts in achieving this. Our best wishes for 2011, Luís Miguel Pinho Porto December 2010 Email: [email protected] Ada User Journal Volume 31, Number 4, December 2010 225 Quarterly News Digest Marco Panunzio University of Padua. Email: [email protected] twitter-indeti.ca-facebook-RSS feeds, and Freenode IRC #ada channel and look for Contents more! ThomasLocke. If you speak (or at least understand ;-) ) The meeting is of course free. Ada-related Organizations 225 French, please visit us at: Ada-related Events 225 [contact Ada-DK at [email protected] Ada Semantic Interface Specification http://www.ada-france.fr/ —mp] (ASIS) 227 From: Georg Bauhaus <rm.dash- Ada and Education 228 [email protected]> Ada-related Events Ada-related Resources 228 Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2010 16:41:54 +0100 Ada-related Tools 229 Subject: Re: New site for Ada-France [To give an idea about the many Ada- Ada-related Products 231 Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada related events organized by local groups, Ada and GNU/Linux 234 some information is included here. If you Ada Inside 235 […] are organizing such an event feel free to Ada in Context 236 http://www.ada-france.org/ inform us as soon as possible. If you attended one please consider writing a I guess? Otherwise, this would have been small report for the Ada User Journal. Ada-related a literally cosmetic change. :-) —mp] Organizations Les voilà les accents! Good to see the correct characters. Workshop on Object- Oriented technologies and Video and PDF of From: J-P. Rosen <[email protected]> Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 11:50:24 +0100 Ada in High-Integrity presentations at the Subject: Re: New site for Ada-France Systems Ada-Europe 2010 conference Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada […] From: J-P. Rosen <[email protected]> From: Thomas Løcke <[email protected]> Date: Tue, 07 Sep 2010 16:54:41 +0200 Date: Tue, 19 Oct 2010 Ooops, yes of course, sorry for the Subject: Ann: Workshop on OO and Ada in Subject: Ada-Europe 2010 - the videos confusion. High Integrity Systems URL: http://ada-dk.org/? First open meeting of "Ada Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada page=news&news_id=194 in Denmark" There will be a workshop during SIGAda, Yesterday Jorge Real (Ada-Europe whose goal is to define a set of Ada General Secretary) informed me that the Ada-Europe 2010 conference talks are From: Thomas Løcke <[email protected]> restrictions that would make using Object now online as PDF's and/or video. Date: Thu, 04 Nov 2010 Oriented technologies with Ada more Subject: An open Ada-DK meeting! applicable to high integrity systems. The To that I only have one thing to say: URL: http://ada-dk.org/ workshop could lead to the definition of a Great! ?page=news&news_id=204 profile and to a document explaining and No less than 33 talks are available for December 7th, 2010 marks the day when justifying the profile, following the download, so if you're interested in Ada, example of the Ravenscar profile for the the first open Ada-DK meeting is being then the odds are good for finding concurrency aspects. held. something of interest to you. All those interested are invited: The "open" part means that the meeting is Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go pour not a member only affair, but that - to attend myself a cup of tea, grab a comfortable anybody interested in Ada is welcome, so - and/or send suggestions for possible chair and start watching some Ada talks. feel free to invite whomever you might restrictions (with justification) If all goes well, I'll come out of it a bit believe could be interested in spending an wiser. to [email protected] evening talking about Ada. A big thank you to Ada-Europe for The workshop will start with a summary We do not yet have an agenda for the making all this material available, and to of received proposals, followed by meeting, simply because we don't know the authors for permitting it. discussion and (hopefully!) agreement on how many are going to attend. It might be the content of the profile. [you can find the material at a smashing hit, a massive failure or http://www.disca.upv.es/jorge/ae2010/ something in between. Time will tell. If Those who are interested in the topic but outcome.html —mp] it's not a complete failure, I'm certain are not aware of all the issues are invited we'll come up with an agenda for the next to attend the tutorial on the same topic New website for Ada-France meeting. during the conference. The plan is to have one open Ada-DK More info on From: J-P. Rosen <[email protected]> meeting each month, on the first Tuesday http://www.sigada.org/conf/sigada2010/ Date: Wed, 03 Nov 2010 16:16:58 +0100 of the month. Subject: New site for Ada-France Please pass the word around, and see you Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada If you're interested in participating, feel in Fairfax! free to send us an email, and we'll inform Ada-France is pleased to announce the From: J-P. Rosen <[email protected]> you of the when and where. Or join the total revamping of its website, with up-to- Date: Wed, 08 Sep 2010 07:28:01 +0200 date information, new look-and-fill, Ada User Journal Volume 31, Number 4, December 2010 226 Ada-related Events Subject: Re: Ann: Workshop on OO and Candidate submissions will be judged on events giving visibility to worthy projects Ada in High Integrity Systems a number of evaluation criteria including: and languages. Ada-Belgium organized Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada two very successful series of - Coverage of requirements. presentations at FOSDEM 2006[2] and > […] Hope there will be some on-line - Syntactic, semantic, programmatic and FOSDEM 2009[3], earning a good publications after this meeting (just a design correctness. reputation for reliability and quality, and wish). - Clarity and readability of the code. is now seeking speakers for FOSDEM > […] 2011. Two speakers have already - Quality of design. This is definitely the intent. volunteered. - Ingenuity and cuteness of the solution. From: J-P. Rosen <[email protected]> [1] http://www.fosdem.org Date: Fri, 15 Oct 2010 12:25:35 +0200 - Time and space efficiency of the [2] http://archive.fosdem.org/2006/2006/ Subject: Material for the HR-OO workshop solution. index/dev_room_ada.html at SIGAda The winning submission will win a [3] http://people.cs.kuleuven.be/ Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada framed award, one free registration and ~dirk.craeynest/ada- I have made a page in preparation for the up to 3 reduced student fees for belgium/events/09/090207-fosdem.html High-Reliability Object-Oriented Ada representatives of the winning team to workshop at SIGAda: attend to the Ada-Europe 2011 For several years now, Ada-Belgium has Conference[3], accommodation and been running a dedicated mailing list for http://www.adalog.fr/hr-oo-workshop/ airfare for the team representatives, an the coordination of Ada at FOSDEM [4]. If you plan to attend, there is no exhibition slot in the conference program, If you would like to be a speaker or just requirement to send a formal position and visibility in electronic and printed attend the event, please subscribe to this paper, but it would be nice if you could media. mailing list and peruse the archives; send your views in advance as a proposal, traffic is low and the signal-to-noise ratio This year's competition is sponsored by as explained in the above page. is extremely high :) We can discuss Ada-Europe, AdaCore, and Atego. accommodation and catering issues as If you don't plan to attend, you are also To enter, and for the full specification and well as technical ones on this list. A welcome to send proposals and good details of software requirements, please proposal should consist of a 10-line ideas! go to the official web site of "The Ada summary of the presentation, a 10-line See you in Fairfax. Way", www.ada-europe.org/AdaWay. biography of the speaker and an optional small picture (in JPEG or PNG) of the About Ada-Europe Ada-Europe Programming speaker. Contest "The Ada Way" Ada-Europe is the international non-profit The deadline for the submission of organization that promotes the knowledge proposals for a Developers' Room at and use of the Ada programming From: Dirk Craeynest FOSDEM is ten (10) days from now on language in academia, research and <[email protected]> October 16, 2010 [5]. If you would like to industry in Europe. Ada-Europe has Date: Mon, 27 Sep 2010 20:22:27 +0000 be a speaker, please react now on the member organizations all over the UTC adafosdem list so we can arrange for a continent, in Belgium, Denmark, France, Subject: Press Release - Ada-Europe Kicks joint proposal for all Adaists. Germany, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, as Off First Programming Contest well as individual members in many other [4] http://listserv.cc.kuleuven.be/ Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada, countries. archives/adafosdem.html fr.comp.lang.ada,comp.lang.misc A PDF version of this press release is [5] http://www.fosdem.org/2011/ FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE available at www.ada-europe.org. call_for_mainspeakers_devrooms Ada-Europe Kicks Off its First Annual Press contact From: Dirk Craeynest Student Programming Contest "The Ada <[email protected]> Way" Dirk Craeynest, Ada-Europe Vice- Date: Wed, 27 Oct 2010 23:44 CEST President, Brussels, Belgium (September 28, 2010) - Subject: Again NO Ada at FOSDEM (was: [email protected] Ada-Europe[1], the international Call for speakers for Ada at FOSDEM organization that promotes the knowledge [1] www.ada-europe.org 2011) and use of the Ada programming [2] www.ada-europe.org/AdaWay Mailing list: ada-belgium-info@ language in European academia, research cs.kuleuven.be and industry, is pleased to announce "The [3] www.ada-europe.org/conference2011 Dear Ada-Belgium friend, Ada Way"[2]. This annual student Ada at FOSDEM 2011 programming contest aims to attract This is a short status report on what has students and educators to Ada in a form happened since we posted the appended that is both fun and instructive. Entries are From: Ludovic Brenta <ludovic@ludovic- Call for Speakers earlier this month. now open for the 2010-11 competition brenta.org> Based on the feedback we received, we and judging takes place in May next year. Date: Wed, 6 Oct 2010 02:28:49 -0700 PDT prepared a detailed proposal for an Ada Subject: Call for speakers for Ada at In line with the start of the football Developer Room during both days of FOSDEM 2011; deadline on season, this year's challenge is to build a FOSDEM 2011 next February. 2010-10-16! software simulator of a football match. Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada Our proposal, including the full list of The software system, programmed in The next FOSDEM[1], the Free and presentations and speakers, is available on Ada, will need to support a number of Open-Source European the Ada at FOSDEM 2011 web-page at gaming and football features including speed, tactical skills and player fatigue. Developers'Meeting, will take place on http://www.cs.kuleuven.be/~dirk/ada- Saturday 5 and Sunday 6 February 2011 belgium/events/11/110205-fosdem.html The submitted code will include a in Brussels, Belgium. The event is software core, implementing the logic of entirely free; speakers and attendees alike Unfortunately, earlier today Valentine the simulation, as well as read-write are unpaid but enthusiastic volunteers. wrote to the AdaFOSDEM mailing list: graphical panels for participating football The audience consists mostly of fellow "Hi all team managers. developers. FOSDEM is one of the major Volume 31, Number 4, December 2010 Ada User Journal Ada Semantic Interface Specification (ASIS) 227 bad news … Shouldn't be Asis.Text.Character_ was wondering about this type definition. they did not send a mail to say our Position be defined so that is can be used This leads into trouble when I try to build request was rejected… as an index in Asis.Program_Text? This it with Gela-ASIS, because with Gela- but as far as i can read … would imply Character_Position would ASIS, Character_Position and be a derived from Standard.Positive, and Line_Number are not subtypes (direct or :/ due to the way Character_Position is indirect) of Natural. http://www.fosdem.org/2011/news/ derived, as explained above, this would As the packages specifications seems to accepted-devrooms" imply the root implementation defined be raw copy of what you get from the link The list of accepted DevRooms does not type, should be instead, at least derived above, I suppose TenDRA is right. include Ada, so after very successful and from Positive or an ancestor type of well attended Ada DevRooms in 2006 and Positive. And you are right too, the accessors to be used to get text representation are indeed 2009, we once more didn't make it for Which is wrong? TenDRA with Gela- the Asis.Text.XTZ_Image. So there is no 2011. ASIS or the ASIS ISO reference (which I need for Character_Position to be a Thanks again, everybody involved with do not own, so I cannot check). subtype of the index type of the proposal this year. Comments and lightings welcome from Program_Text. So the ASIS specification Maybe we should reconsider and start any one owning a copy of the ASIS is not wrong either. looking for another event than FOSDEM reference, so that I can figure if I should By the way, another question: do you for next year… primarily patch Gela-ASIS or know a link to a working draft version of AdaControl. Valentine, Ludovic, Dirk ASIS 2005 ? From: Vadim Godunko The FOSDEM Team of Ada-Belgium (I know this can be inferred from ASIS <[email protected]> Issues list, just that this would be Date: Tue, 9 Nov 2010 06:18:16 -0800 PST cleaner… but I don't bother if there is Ada Semantic Interface Subject: Re: Asis.Text.Character_Position : none) inconsistency ? Specification (ASIS) Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada […] […] Here are official ASIS packages From: Simon Wright On inconsistencies in ASIS specifications: <[email protected]> type definitions and ASIS Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2010 19:20:40 +0000 http://www.sigada.org/wg/asiswg/ versions specs/asis20s.txt Subject: Re: Asis.Text.Character_Position : inconsistency ? From: Simon Wright Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada From: Yannick Duchêne <[email protected]> <[email protected]> > the source I am dealing with makes the Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2010 12:34:56 +0000 Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2010 09:04:11 +0100 assumption that Character_Position is a Subject: Re: Asis.Text.Character_Position : Subject: Asis.Text.Character_Position : subtype of Natural, and that is why I inconsistency ? inconsistency ? was wondering about this type Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada definition. […] […] GNAT ASIS is pretty clear (at least Hello Ada writers, I think the source must be making from the copyright notice) that most of unwarranted assumptions. I was trying to patch AdaControl the public part of package specs is from (http://www.adalog.fr/adacontrol2.htm ) the standard. From: Yannick Duchêne so that it can build with Gela-ASIS. This <[email protected]> ASIS.Text is about fragments of code -- is an interesting process of little Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2010 21:44:04 +0100 the part of the source text corresponding refactoring, as Gela-ASIS is clearly Subject: Re: Asis.Text.Character_Position : to an element -- in type Span. designed so that it make no reference at inconsistency ? Line_Number is the line in the source all to a specific compiler implementation Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada text, Character_Position is the position in (it do so defining an Implementation_ the line. […] But the compiler did not reject Defined_Type from which other discrete anything ;) So the responsibility must be types are derived). After a first attempt I I suspect you're supposed to use shared with the underlying ASIS library restarted again and felt something was Element_Image, Line_Image etc? too (remember, Ada is strongly typed, if wrong as I could not get something From: Yannick Duchêne there was no issue with ASIS-for-GNAT coherent about types. <[email protected]> too, this could not even compile with this Prior note: I do not own a copy of the ISO Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2010 20:03:41 +0100 one) ASIS reference, so I cannot tell who of Subject: Re: Asis.Text.Character_Position : From: J-P. Rosen <[email protected]> TenDRA or ISO is right or wrong. inconsistency ? Date: Sun, 07 Nov 2010 20:35:43 +0100 Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada What disturbs me, if I believe (as I feel it Subject: Re: Asis.Text.Character_Position : is) that Gela-ASIS heavily stick on the […] Gela-ASIS seems too, as the package inconsistency ? ASIS standard: Asis.Text defines two specification they used is a raw copy of Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada types, Character_Position and what you can get from there: […] I don't think there is a public version Line_Number. Character_Position is http://www.sigada.org/wg/asiswg/ of the current state of the ASIS manual derived from ASIS_Natural, which in intro.html (Randy will correct me if I'm wrong). turn is derived from ASIS_Integer, which, the latter, is implementation > […] I suspect you're supposed to use Note that there will be no ASIS 2005. defined. Element_Image, Line_Image etc? Given the current lagging of ASIS w.r.t. Ada, ISO took the decision to skip ASIS Also, ASIS defines a type … and Comment_Image and 2005 and to issue ASIS 2012, Asis.Program_Text, which is not Non_Comment_Image and approximately at the same time, and then implementation defined, and which is Debug_Image, Yes. keep both in sync. explicitly an unconstrained subtype of the But the source I am dealing with makes Ada's type Standard.Wide_String. the assumption that Character_Position is a subtype of Natural, and that is why I Ada User Journal Volume 31, Number 4, December 2010 228 Ada-related Resources From: Randy Brukardt SPARK libraries, the introduction of the […] <[email protected]> SPARKbridge feature. If you go to sourceforge.net and search Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 13:35:16 -0600 [webinar to be held on December 7, 2010 for 'ada' you'll get 138 results -- OK, the Subject: Re: Asis.Text.Character_Position : - 5:00pm CET —mp] first isn't appropriate, but the rest of the inconsistency ? first page of results looks relevant, I didn't Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada Ada code examples for check further. […] That's right. The only way to get educational purposes From: Georg Bauhaus <rm- access to the draft ASIS is to become a [email protected]> member of the ARG. We could use some From: R Tyler Croy <[email protected]> Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2010 14:18:00 +0100 additional ASIS expertise, so that's not Date: 12 Nov 2010 20:25:16 GMT Subject: Re: Finding code to read for out of the question. Subject: Finding code to read for educational purposes The SIs themselves are publicly available educational purposes Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada on www.ada-auth.org, so you can find out Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada […] about individual changes that way. I've commented on a GitHub support The GNAT distribution always includes ticket to ask them to support/index Ada an examples directory. code in their "Explore" functionality, but Ada and Education I'm wondering if there are any other good I think some programs in there will be sites to find collections of well about a few pages in length. Webinar on AdaCore's commented, well structured Ada code to From: Ed Falis <[email protected]> GPS 5.0 help me learn Ada properly? Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2010 07:11:23 -0800 PST Somewhere between simple one page Subject: Re: Finding code to read for From: Jamie Ayre tutorials and giant programs would be educational purposes Date: Thu, 28 Oct 2010 helpful. Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada Subject: GPS 5.0 webinar Source: LinkedIn Groups - Ada From: Jeffrey Carter <[email protected]> […] Programming Language Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 14:22:56 -0700 You might find the "Ada Gems" page at Subject: Re: Finding code to read for The GNAT Pro InSight webinar series AdaCore's site interesting: educational purposes continues with a presentation and demo of Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada http://www.adacore.com/category/ the new features introduced in GPS 5.0. developers-center/gems/ […] This release sees many enhancements to These are a set of small tutorials on the GPS IDE technology including You can find plenty of examples of Ada various topics having to do with Ada - improved support for C/C++ in addition code at http://www.adaworld.com/ and there are 90 some-odd ones there. Also, if to its already comprehensive support for http://www.adaic.org/. Many of them are you go to libre.adacore.com, sources are the Ada language, more powerful source libraries, so they're reasonably easy to available for all of the downloadable tools editing, improved ease of use, better tool understand. and components. support (GNATstack, CodePeer), and The Ada-specific search at AdaIC.org From: Marc A. Criley <[email protected]> enhanced documentation generation. might also be useful. Date: Sun, 14 Nov 2010 18:10:00 +0100 This webinar is open to all. If you would You can find both the PragmAda Subject: Re: Finding code to read for like to join us, please visit: Reusable Components and the educational purposes http://www.adacore.com/home/products/ Mine_Detector game (not giant, but a Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada gnatpro/webinars/ complete program) at The Ada sub-reddit [webinar to be held on December 14, http://pragmada.x10hosting.com/ (http://www.reddit.com/r/ada) has links to 2010 - 5:00pm CET —mp] From: Thomas Løcke <[email protected]> a variety of Ada related information, including Ada software projects, nearly Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2010 11:14:32 +0100 Webinar on SPARK Pro 9.1 all of which provide source code. Subject: Re: Finding code to read for educational purposes From: AdaCore Webinar webpage Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada Ada-related Resources Date: Fri, 12 Nov 2010 [fetched] […] Subject: Introducing SPARK 9.1 DSA Messenger URL: http://www.adacore.com/home/ I personally enjoy the Ada examples at products/gnatpro/webinars/ http://rosettacode.org From: Vadim Godunko The InSight webinar series continues with http://rosettacode.org/wiki/Category:Ada <[email protected]> a presentation by Angela Wallenburg on Some links from the Ada-DK website: Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2010 15:02:07 -0700 the new features of the AdaCore/Altran PDT Praxis joint offering – SPARK Pro. http://ada-dk.org/?page=basics Subject: Announce: DSA Messenger SPARK Pro combines the proven SPARK http://wiki.ada-dk.org example Ada language and supporting toolset with http://wiki.ada-dk.org/index.php/ Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada AdaCore’s GNAT Programming Studio Ada_Resources Hello, (GPS) integrated development environment, backed by unrivalled Another option is keeping an eye on I am pleased to announce new example of support systems. http://planet.ada.cx for various Ada use QtAda in distributed application - projects. Download, unpack, enjoy! DSA Messenger. It is simple multiuser SPARK Pro 9.1 is a major release From: Simon Wright chat application, which uses DSA including many new features – the use of <[email protected]> application personality of PolyORB to full range array subtypes, the relaxation of Date: Sat, 13 Nov 2010 12:27:49 +0000 split Ada application into several aliasing rules for record fields, the ability Subject: Re: Finding code to read for partitions and QtAda to implement client's to specify VC generation on a per-file educational purposes GUI. basis in metafiles, the introduction of new Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada Volume 31, Number 4, December 2010 Ada User Journal Ada-related Tools 229 You can download source code by 3. Intuitionistic fuzzy sets with the [see also "AVR-Ada 1.1" in AUJ 31-1 following this link: operations on them; (Mar 2010), p.9 —mp] http://adaforge.qtada.com/cgi-bin/ 4. Fuzzy logic based on the intuitionistic Arduino Ethernet Shield tracker.fcgi/qtada4/downloader/ fuzzy sets and the possibility theory; support for AVR-Ada download/file/1 5. Fuzzy numbers both integer and and found important additional floating-point ones with conventional From: Tero Koskinen information arithmetical operations; <[email protected]> http://adaforge.qtada.com/cgi-bin/ 6. Dimensioned fuzzy numbers; Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2010 17:53 tracker.fcgi/qtada4/wiki/Examples/ Subject: Arduino Ethernet Shield support 7. Fuzzy linguistic variables and sets of DSAMessenger for AVR-Ada linguistic variables with operations on URL: http://tero.stronglytyped.org/ them; Ada-related Tools 8. Dimensioned fuzzy linguistic I finally got my code working with Arduino Ethernet Shield and put it variables and sets; available at Simple components for 9. String-oriented I/O is supported; http://bitbucket.org/tkoskine/ Ada v3.10 10. GUI interface based on GTK+ (The arduino-ethernet/. GIMP Toolkit) with fuzzy set editors, From: Dmitry A. Kazakov Only receiving data via TCP client truth values widgets and renderers, <[email protected]> connections is supported, but I plan to linguistic variables sets editors. Date: Sat, 30 Oct 2010 21:45:32 +0200 improve the library as my time permits. Subject: ANN: Simple components for Ada http://www.dmitry-kazakov.de/ada/ [see also http://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/ v3.10 fuzzy.htm ArduinoEthernetShield —mp] Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada Changes to the version 5.4. The library provides implementations of - A fuzzy set renderer property was added Mathpaqs - November 2010 smart pointers, directed graphs, sets, to prefix the rendered value with a maps, stacks, tables, string editing, string; From: Gautier de Montmollin unbounded arrays, expression analyzers, <[email protected]> - Fuzzy set renderer commits changes lock-free data structures, synchronization Date: Wed, 10 Nov 2010 13:11:45 -0800 when Enter is pressed while no drop primitives (events, race condition free PST down has been popped up; pulse events, arrays of events, reentrant Subject: Mathpaqs release 10-Nov-2010 mutexes, deadlock-free arrays of - Procedure Get added to Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada mutexes), pseudo-random non-repeating Gtk.Generic_Fuzzy_Linguistic_Set_Me Hello, numbers, symmetric encoding and asure_Tree_View and There is a new release of mathpaqs, a set decoding, IEEE 754 representations Gtk.Generic_Fuzzy_Linguistic_Set_Me of various mathematical packages in Ada support. It grew out of needs and does not asure_Editor to get dimensioned set of including algebra, finite elements, random pretend to be universal. Tables linguistic variables as a dimensionless variables, probability dependency models, management and strings editing are set and scale; unlimited integers. described in separate documents see - Fuzzy.Stream_IO provides conversions Tables and Strings edit. The library is In this release, the main change is a bug in to stream elements arrays; kept conform to both Ada 95 and Ada the Gaussian copula simulation which has 2005 language standards. - Minor bug fixes in been fixed. Fuzzy.Abstract_Edit.Named. http://www.dmitry-kazakov.de/ada/ http://sf.net/projects/mathpaqs/ components.htm [see also "Fuzzy Sets for Ada v5.4" in AUJ 30-3 (Sep 2009), p.142 —mp] Ada Server Faces The version 3.10 extends the package Object.Handle.Generic_Set and provides AVR-Ada 1.1.0 port with From: Stephane Carrez some bug fixes. AVR-GCC 4.3.2 for Date: Thu, 11 Nov 2010 23:21 +0100 [see also "Simple Components for Ada OpenBSD Subject: Ada Servlet Example v3.9" in AUJ 31-3 (Sep 2010), p.156 URL: http://blog.vacs.fr/index.php?post/ —mp] 2010/11/11/Ada-Servlet-Example From: Tero Koskinen Fuzzy sets for Ada v5.5 <[email protected]> To write a web application, Java Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 04:00 developers can use the servlet API. Subject: AVR-Ada 1.1.0 port with AVR-GCC From: Dmitry A. Kazakov The servlet technology, created around 4.3.2 for OpenBSD <[email protected]> 1997, is a simple and powerful framework URL: http://tero.stronglytyped.org/ Date: Sun, 31 Oct 2010 10:09:22 +0100 on top of which many web applications Subject: ANN: Fuzzy sets for Ada v5.5 I updated my AVR-Ada port to version and higher web frameworks have been Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada 1.1.0. It consists of three parts: created. The current version includes distributions - AVR-GCC 4.3.2 with Ada support - This article shows how to write the same of string edit, interval arithmetic and http://bitbucket.org/tkoskine/avr-gcc kind of web application in Ada. simple components packages. It provides - AVR-Ada 1.1.0 runtime files - Ada Servlet Framework implementations of: http://bitbucket.org/tkoskine/avr-ada-rts The Ada Servlet framework is provided 1. Confidence factors with the operations - AVR-Ada 1.1.0 library files (AVR.* by Ada Server Faces. It is an adaptation not, and, or, xor, +, *; packages) - http://bitbucket.org/ and implementation of the JSR 315 (Java 2. Classical fuzzy sets with the set- tkoskine/avr-ada-lib Servlet Specification) for the Ada 05 theoretic operations and the operations For now, only Arduino (atmega328p) is language. of the possibility theory; supported in avr-ada-lib package. The Ada API is very close to the Java API as it provides the Servlet, Filter, Request, Ada User Journal Volume 31, Number 4, December 2010 230 Ada-related Tools Response and Session types with quite the New in QtAda 3.1.0: I do not use Ada myself so I can't really same methods. It should be quite easy for say more. This wrapper should do the job - support for QtOpenGL module someone who is familiar with Java if you do use Ada. servlets to write an Ada servlet. - support for QDir, QFileInfo, Thanks a lot to Reto Buerki, the author of QProcessEnvironment, QSettings, QUrl The Ada Servlet implementation uses the the Ada wrapper, for writing the sample classes of QtCore module Ada Web Server as a web server. In the code for me. future other other web servers such as - support for Apache or Lighthttpd could be used. QAbstractTextDocumentLayout, P2Ada QColorDialog, QGraphicsObject, [download the sources of the project, QGraphicsSimpleTextItem, From: Gautier de Montmollin available under the Apache License 2.0, at QGraphicsTextItem, QImage, <[email protected]> http://code.google.com/p/ada-asf/ —mp] QImageReader, QImageWriter, Date: Mon, 6 Sep 2010 14:34:58 -0700 PDT Ada binding for the shapelib QPlainTextDocumentLayout, QRgb Subject: ANN: P2Ada August 2010 classes of QtGui module Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada library - support for additional operations of Hello. classes of QtCore and QtGui modules From: Ian Clifton Source codes and now binaries of P2Ada <[email protected]> - support for mixed GtkAda/QtAda for Windows and Mac PPC / Intel are Date: Fri, 01 Oct 2010 21:29:49 +0100 applications on X11 platform available on Source Forge web (Aug- Subject: Ada shapelib binding? 2010): - bug fixes and performance speedups Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada http://sourceforge.net/projects/p2ada/files/ [see also "QtAda 3.0 and 2.2" in AUJ Has anyone got an Ada binding to the 30-3 (Sep 2009), p.145 —mp] P2Ada is a set of helpful tools used to shapelib library for ESRI shapefiles for translate Pascal source code in Ada source geographic data? Ada bindings for cURL code. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shapefile P2Ada includes : From: Tero Koskinen or any other way of reading shapefiles <[email protected]> - aflex lexer from Ada. I probably only want to read Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 19:23 polygons. I could bite the bullet and - ayacc parser Subject: Ada bindings for cURL cobble together some partial thin routines, URL: http://tero.stronglytyped.org/ - NewP2Ada translator for ISO standards I as just wondering if anyone has anything better already. […] I put my Ada bindings to libcurl available - ObjP2Ada translator for Delphi and FPC at http://hg.stronglytyped.org/curl-ada/. NewP2Ada translator is well known and From: Tom Moran <[email protected]> Date: Fri, 1 Oct 2010 21:47:59 +0000 UTC At the moment, they are pretty simple and stable. Subject: Re: Ada shapelib binding? contain only a small subset of libcurl, but ObjP2Ada translator is new with a very Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada they allow me to fetch data over http/https preliminary release. and that is good enough for my current […] Feel free to send feedback on web site: purposes. I did one several years ago to read BLM http://sourceforge.net/projects/p2ada/ The bindings should work with GNAT data for Scout. It's at: support and Janus/Ada on 32-bit and 64-bit http://home.comcast.net/~tommoran4/ systems. […] shp.zip The build scripts are less than optimal, but libsparkcrypto 0.1.0 QtAda 3.1.0 with some effort you should figure out how to build the bindings. From: Alexander Senier <[email protected]> From: Vadim Godunko PC/SC WinSCard API Date: Thu, 9 Sep 2010 00:08:53 +0200 <[email protected]> Subject: ANN: libsparkcrypto Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2010 07:17:50 -0700 Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada From: Ludovic Rousseau's blog PDT Date: Fri, 20 Aug 2010 05:32 CEST Hello, Subject: Announce: QtAda 3.1 Subject: PCSC sample in Ada Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada I'm happy to announce the first release of URL: http://ludovicrousseau.blogspot.com/ libsparkcrypto. We are pleased to announce the 2010/08/pcsc-sample-in-ada.html immediate availability of the QtAda 3.1.0. Further information, license and source Here is the PC/SC [WinSCard —mp] You can download multi platform source code is available here: sample in Ada language I promised […]. code package or Microsoft Windows http://senier.net/libsparkcrypto/ binary package from the our download Installation page: Version 0.1.0 of libsparkcrypto can be The PCSC/Ada project is hosted at downloaded here: http://www.qtada.com/en/download.html http://www.nongnu.org/pcscada. http://senier.net/libsparkcrypto/ QtAda is an Ada2005 language bindings PCSC/Ada is available as package in libsparkcrypto-0.1.0.tgz to the Qt libraries and a set of Debian testing/unstable and Ubuntu development tools. QtAda allows easily to 10.04. libsparkcrypto is a formally verified create cross-platform powerful graphical implementation of several widely used The API documentation is available user interface completely on Ada 2005. symmetric cryptographic algorithms using online at QtAda applications will work on most the SPARK programming language and popular platforms -- Microsoft Windows, http://www.nongnu.org/pcscada/api/ toolset. For the complete library proofs of Mac OS X, Linux/Unix -- without any index.html. the absence of run-time errors like type changes and platform specific code. […] range violations, division by zero and QtAda allows to use all power of visual numerical overflows are available. Some GUI development with Qt Designer. of its subprograms include proofs of partial correctness. Volume 31, Number 4, December 2010 Ada User Journal Ada-related Products 231 The distribution contains test cases for all - A "thick" binding to a subset of each of http://www.dmitry-kazakov.de/ada/ implemented algorithms and a benchmark the supported messaging protocols that fuzzy_ml.htm to compare its performance with the includes a callback-based OpenSSL library. The achieved speed has publish/subscribe and client/server Ada-related Products been found to be very close to the reference implementation. optimized C and Assembler - A "thin" binding to a subset of the implementations of OpenSSL. AdaCore — GNATbench WireAPI protocol that is supplied as part […] of the OpenAMQ message broker 2.4.1 for Wind River distribution. Workbench ssprep-1.5.3 - The STOMP protocol is simply a definition of a text-based protocol, and From: AdaCore Press Center From: Per Sandberg the TOMI_4_Ada.STOMP_Adapter Date: Tue, 21 Sep 2010 <[email protected]> package implements it. An externally Subject: AdaCore Upgrades GNATbench for Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 17:11:02 +0200 supplied transport protocol (such as Wind River Workbench Subject: ANN: ssprep-1.5.3 TOMI_4_Ada.Transport.TCP_Connect) URL: http://www.adacore.com/2010/09/21/ Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada and supporting messaging broker, such gnatbench-241/ ssprep contains a few helpers to manage as Apache ActiveMQ, is then required to New platforms and features benefit Ada and generate projects based on GNAT convey messages utilizing the STOMP developers on Wind River Workbench project files. protocol. NEW YORK and PARIS, September 21, ssprep: which is a tool to generate project In addition a number of simple test 2010 – Embedded Systems Conference structures from templates using the programs are provided in the 'test' Boston […] templates_parser. directory that exercise various aspects of AdaCore, a leading supplier of Ada getbuildorder: Which is a tool that takes a the thick bindings. These can be used as a development tools and support services, set of GNAT project files and calculates starting point for implementing one's own today announced a major update to the build order it could be used to application-specific messaging. GNATbench, the Ada plug-in that brings automatically perform a make/make TOMI_4_Ada was developed on Linux the advantages of AdaCore’s GNAT Pro install in correct order. (Ubuntu 10.04) using the GNAT GPL toolset to Wind River’s Workbench From: Per Sandberg 2010 compiler and verified in that integrated development environment for <[email protected]> environment with the Apache ActiveMQ embedded systems running VxWorks. Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2010 17:51:53 +0200 broker, the OpenAMQ broker, and Per The latest version of GNATbench, 2.4.1, Subject: Re: ANN: ssprep-1.5.3 Sandberg's ZeroMQ binding. is now available as part of the recent Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada TOMI_4_Ada 0.10 is considered an alpha GNAT Pro 6.3.2 release, and is supported Sorry missed the link: release, but currently has no known on Wind River Workbench 3.1 / 3.2, outstanding bugs. It is available on hosted on Windows, Linux, and Solaris. http://sourceforge.net/projects/ssprep/ SourceForge at “AdaCore is one of Wind River’s […] http://sourceforge.net/projects/tomi4ada/ strategic partners, and our business files. relationship goes back many years,” said TOMI_4_Ada 0.10 Robert Dewar, AdaCore President and […] CEO. “Maintaining this relationship is an From: Marc A. Criley <[email protected]> ongoing process, it involves making Fuzzy machine learning Date: Mon, 25 Oct 2010 19:13:12 -0500 critical contributions to our joint Subject: Announce: TOMI_4_Ada 0.10 framework v0.1 technology and enhancing our products to Initial Release meet customers’ growing needs. Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada From: Dmitry A. Kazakov Our new version of GNATbench meets <[email protected]> TOMI_4_Ada is "Text-Oriented both these goals.” Date: Sun, 7 Nov 2010 10:42:05 +0100 Messaging Interfaces 'for' Ada", Subject: ANN: Fuzzy machine learning “We’ve introduced support for significant providing a basic Ada interface to existing framework v0.1 new Wind River platforms as well as for a messaging middleware providers, and a Newsgroups: comp.lang.ada new version of an existing major framework for expanding support to platform,” said Dr. Patrick Rogers, currently unsupported ones. While most Fuzzy machine learning framework is a GNATbench Project Lead. “These messaging middleware supports binary as library and a GUI front-end for machine platforms address the application domains well as text messaging (text being simply learning using intuitionistic fuzzy data. within which Ada is most advantageous. a subset of binary), TOMI_4_Ada focuses The approach is based on the intuitionistic We’ve also enhanced our integration with exclusively on textual transfers so as to fuzzy sets and the possibility theory. the Wind River project builder and simplify the interface, but remaining well- Further characteristics are: fuzzy features replaced the underlying Ada compilation equipped to support the broad domain of and classes; numeric, enumeration engine.” text-based messaging protocols, i.e. XML, features and features based on linguistic HTML, JSON, raw text, etc. variables; user-defined features; derived GNATbench 2.4.1 now supports three and evaluated features; classifiers as new Wind River platforms: VxWorks Out of the box TOMI_4_Ada provides features for building hierarchical systems; 653, version 2.3; VxWorks Cert, version interfaces to the text messaging automatic refinement in case of dependent 6.6.2; and VxWorks MILS, version 2.1. capabilities of three protocols: features; incremental learning; fuzzy In addition, GNATbench now supports - STOMP protocol via the Apache control language support; object-oriented VxWorks 6.8 (General Purpose Platform ActiveMQ broker software design with extensible objects 3.8) and Workbench 3.2. Tutorials for - AMQP via the OpenAMQ broker and automatic garbage collection; generic these new platforms are now provided, as data base support through ODBC; text I/O - ZeroMQ (brokerless) well as new tutorials for building shared and HTML output; advanced graphical libraries. TOMI_4_Ada provides the following user interface based on GTK+; examples capabilities: of use. GNATbench now uses the Wind River default “flexible” managed build type for Ada User Journal Volume 31, Number 4, December 2010

to attend the tutorial on the same topic during the conference .. tutorials and giant programs would be helpful. Wind River VxWorks 653 Platform, version 2.3.
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