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a W R I Optimising fermentation through simulation By Richard Muhlack*, Neil Scrimgeour, Eric Wilkes, Peter Godden and Dan Johnson The Australian Wine Research Institute, PO Box 197, Glen Osmond SA 5064 Managing director Dan Johnson *Email: [email protected] What if winemakers had advance warning of sluggish fermentation? What if winemakers could predict when a wayward ferment might arise and take steps to prevent it, before it happened? the aWRI ferment simulator is a powerful new weapon in the winemaker’s arsenal. It can be used to predict ferment behaviour, test and evaluate alternative ferment management strategies, and monitor refrigeration and electricity demand so that corrective action can be taken on time and on target. fERMENtatION: a CRItICal stEp Optimal fermentation performance efficiency and productivity of an entire requires significant resources, typically winery can be affected by stuck and Demanding, resource-intensive involving daily sample collection, sluggish fermentation. and sometimes unreliable: laboratory analysis and winemaker Australian winemakers can reduce fermentation is, arguably, the tastings. It also significantly affects such demands on their resources most important and critical step in the equipment availability, energy and water through process automation control winemaking process. use, and refrigeration capacity. The strategies. These are commonly used in other industries such as beer, at a glaNCE pharmaceuticals and dairy, where quality can be assessed and controlled through online monitoring in real-time. In the The AWRI’s Ferment Simulator is now available for download from the AWRI website: wine industry, problem fermentation • T wo versions are available – a lite version that provides basic simulation functionality, behaviour could be predicted through and a full version that models up to 100 concurrent ferments together with computer simulation, giving producers refrigeration demand profiles • P roblem fermentation behaviour can be predicted earlier (with both versions) and advance warning of pending issues controlled more effectively through computer simulation, giving winemakers advanced before they happen. warning of pending issues before they occur sIMulatION: a NEW WEapON • ‘ What if?’ analysis provides winemakers with the ability to simulate, evaluate and fine- tune alternative ferment management strategies The AWRI Ferment Simulator is the • T he full version also calculates refrigeration load profiles and peak electricity so that new weapon in the winemaker’s arsenal. wine producers are better informed to manage site electricity use more effectively and This novel tool gives winemakers minimise electricity demand tariffs the ability to predict fermentation • T he AWRI Ferment Simulator is a unique and powerful resource for real-time ferment performance and behaviour, test and management and maintaining product consistency. It helps winemakers achieve evaluate alternative management greater productivity and profitability. strategies, monitor refrigeration and Air to Water Liquid Chillers A new generation of efficient and intelligent chilling • High energy efficiency, even on part load • Low refrigerant charge for reduced carbon footprint • eDrive™ variable water flow for energy savings • Intelligent climatic control that continuously optimises power consumption • Lightweight, durable construction with a compact footprint Neosys™ • European designed and made • Glycol option to -10°C Ecolean™ • Up to 46°C ambient 20kW 1000kW 13 23 50 heatcraft.com.au 38 www.winebiz.com.au Wine & Viticulture Journal NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2013 V28N6 For an explosion of fruit flavour Result of a natural crossing between 2 Saccharomyces cerevisiae strains selected for specific winemaking properties, Uvaferm eXencetm is an excellent yeast to accelerate the natural process in the release of intense thiols aromas such as exotic fruits, peach, apricot and grapefruit for white and rosé wines. The research and selection were conducted by the Institute for wine biotechnology, University of Stellenbosch (Republic of South Africa) and Lallemand. Lallemand Australia Pty Ltd | 23-25 Erudina Ave, Edwardstown, South Australia 5039 | Australia | Tel: +61 8 8276 1200 Lallemand Oenology: Natural Solutions that add value to the world of winemaking / www.lallemandwine.com Lallemand Oenology: Natural Solutions that add value to the world of winemaking / www.lallemandwine.com a W R I figure 1. particle swarm analysis allows the simulator to rapidly converge on the optimal parameters, as shown here after one, 10 and 20 calculation steps, respectively, to enable rapid and accurate prediction of ferment status. electricity demand, and flag potential Simulator puts this theory into practice The AWRI Ferment Simulator problems so that corrective action can be by using biochemical equations to model incorporates new elements to address taken early, exactly when needed. fermentation performance. In this regard, heat transfer and hydro-dynamics – Two versions of the tool are now it is similar to other models that have factors that are important in commercial available for download from the AWRI been presented in scientific literature: winemaking. One such innovation is website: a lite version that provides basic see Boulton (1980), Caro et al. (1991), particle swarm analysis (PSA), which is simulation functionality and ‘what-if?’ Cramer et al. (2002), Sainz et al. (2003), used to adapt the simulation to changing capability, and a full version. The full Malherbe et al. (2004) and Coleman et al. commercial ferment conditions such as version offers all the features of the lite (2007). temperature, yeast, wine type, nutrient version and also allows modelling of up There are drawbacks to these other levels, agitation regime and tank size. to 100 concurrent ferments together models, however. They require users to PSA is a type of artificial intelligence with the ability to generate refrigeration estimate a large number of parameters, algorithm that has been used for a range demand profiles across the entire tank which can make them difficult to apply of problems across a number of industry farm. in a commercial situation. Some use sectors including mining, finance, artificial intelligence models to generate mapping, aerospace and defence. It is hOW DOEs It WORK? designed for modelling complex, non- relationships between variables; others linear problems and is well suited to The tool applies scientific principles use mathematical models without commercial wine fermentation. It allows relating to classic engineering process taking physical processes fully into the simulator to quickly and efficiently control theory. In order to make correct account. Above all, their fundamental determine the optimal parameters decisions on how to control a process limitation is that, generally, they assume that match the real-world ferment (in this case, a wine fermentation), perfect mixing and uniform conditions being modelled. It generates this key information on process conditions throughout the fermentation vessel. information with minimal computation, must be combined with knowledge of Such assumptions may be valid under as shown in Figure 1. how a process behaves under different laboratory conditions in a fermentation circumstances. From an engineering shake-flask or micro-fermentor, but What CaN It DO? perspective, this knowledge comes not they will rarely apply in a large-scale only from human experience, but from commercial ferment. Although these The AWRI Ferment Simulator process modelling and simulation. models can offer general insights into was developed over several vintages, Developing a model can help to the conditions affecting fermentation, incorporating input from industry promote better understanding and their ability to predict fermentation collaborators to determine its performance visualisation of the system that users performance in a commercial requirements and features. To test and would like to control. The AWRI Ferment environment can be limited. evaluate the model, a wide variety of ISECO Engineering Services Pty Ltd 723 Burwood Road iseco.com.au Hawthorn East email: [email protected] Specialist Refrigeration Consultants Victoria 3123 tel: (03) 9882 7340 Australia fax: (03) 9882 7339 With over 12 years of specialist winery engineering experience We provide reliable and impartial engineering design and review services for a range of winery size and type: • Energy Audits OEH Energy Saver panel member • Brine and glycol system design • Advice on alternative refrigerants and how to • Winery & tank farm refrigeration capacity • Cold rooms, grape & must cooling reduce winery refrigeration carbon emissions • Australian Refrigeration Standard • Hot water systems design • Engineering support for Clean Technology AS 1677 Compliance audits • Compressed air design Investment Program grant applications 40 www.winebiz.com.au Wine & Viticulture Journal NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2013 V28N6 a W R I commercial fermentation data – The full version of the simulator What aRE thE BENEfIts? across multiple production sites and allows wine producers to follow multiple vintages – was used to assess its concurrent ferments across a tank The primary benefit of computer performance under different operating farm, with a visual ‘traffic-light’ display simulation is that problem fermentation conditions. Its performance has been indicating the fermentation status of behaviour can be predicted earlier and evaluated on two fronts: the ability each active ferment. Winemakers can controlled more effectively than would to consistently fit a full fermentation also follow refrigeration load profiles otherwise be possible. Early warning gives profile and its capability to reliably (see Figure 2, see page 42) by tank or winemakers the opportunity to take action predict fermentation performance across all active ferments based on and prevent problems before they occur. from initial conditions. The risk of a wayward ferment is reduced fermentation progress and expected There has been a deliberate effort as a result. weather patterns. Warnings are given to minimise the information required If a potential issue is identified, ‘what when total refrigeration capacity is to run a simulation. The result is a if?’ analysis provides winemakers with expected to be exceeded. model that simply requires the user the ability to simulate, evaluate and fine- Both the lite and full versions to supply tank volume together with tune alternative ferment management include a ‘what if?’ analysis capability. initial temperature and Baume data. strategies. When using the full version, This allows winemakers to assess Users can also supply additional users can calculate refrigeration load the impact of management strategies information: initial cell mass and profiles and develop appropriate plans such as temperature adjustment, yeast nitrogen levels, information on DAP to mitigate the risk of exceeding peak nutrient addition and tank agitation. For additions, any external agitation electricity demand. This information can applied, the addition of nutrients, and example: make a significant difference to wine the inoculation date. Information on “What if I increase the temperature producers’ operating costs and profitability: wine or yeast type is not required. by 2°C on day 3?” or “What if I add DAP it offers early warning so that wineries During industry evaluation, the on day 4?” can manage electricity usage effectively ferment completion times predicted This capability means that changes (particularly on hot days) and take steps to by the simulator were found to be to processing can be simulated before schedule winery operations appropriately accurate. Using only two to three days they are implemented, to ensure that to avoid punitive electricity costs. of input data, the difference between the optimal strategy is chosen (Figure 3, The tool provides a unique and actual and simulated ferment times see page 43). powerful resource for continuous quality was one to 1.5 days or less, in most improvement and product consistency from cases. ferment to ferment. DiPel DiPel® DF has been widely used for many years in grape BIOLOGICAL INSECTICIDE production and continues to provide good cost effective control of lightbrown apple moth and vine moth. Resistance No re-entry No WHP, Safe to all Stops feeding management lnterval no residues beneficial immediately rotation option insects DiPel – Be Biorational Scan this QR code for more information www.sumitomo-chem.com.au about DiPel DF: DiPel® is a registered trademark of Valent BioSciences Corporation, Libertyville, IL, USA. ALLOWED INPUT 10332AI 41 V28N6 Wine & Viticulture Journal NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2013 www.winebiz.com.au a W R I figure 2. predicted refrigeration demand in relation to plant capacity over the coming 10 days. WhERE CaN I aCCEss thE aWRI Both versions can be downloaded as A LibreOffice version (compatible fERMENt sIMulatOR? Excel files. The lite version (compatible with v3.5 onwards) of the AWRI Ferment with Office 2003 onwards) provides basic Simulator – full version is also available The two versions of the AWRI Ferment simulation functionality; the full version for Linux operating systems. The source Simulator are now available from the (compatible with Office 2007 onwards) code has been unlocked, allowing AWRI website. offers more advanced features. wine producers to adapt the simulator For further information, please contact Kauri NZ Tel: 0800 KAURIWINE AUS Tel: 1800 127 611 NZ Fax: 04 910 7415 AUS Fax: 1800 127 609 Email: [email protected] Web: www.kauriwine.com 42 www.winebiz.com.au Wine & Viticulture Journal NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2013 V28N6 a W R I figure 3. after 3.5 days a sluggish ferment (of 14.5 days duration) is predicted (left). an increase in ferment temperature together with a Dap addition and a pump-over is shown to bring the ferment back ‘on-course’, with ferment now complete after eight days (right). functionality to interface directly with their matching funding from the Australian Coleman, M.C.; Fish, R. and Block, D.E. (2007) onsite LIMS/PLC/SCADA systems for Government. The AWRI is a member Temperature-dependent kinetic model for nitrogen- limited wine fermentations. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. automatic data acquisition if desired. of the Wine Innovation Cluster. The 73(18):5875-5884. To access and download the authors thank Sharon Mascall-Dare Cramer, A.C.; Vlassides, S. and Block, D.E. simulator and obtain further details, and Ella Robinson for their editorial (2002) Kinetic model for nitrogen-limited wine visit www.awri.com.au assistance. fermentations, Biotechnol. Bioeng. 77(1):49-60. Malherba, S.; Fromion, V.; Hilgert, N. and aCKNOWlEDgEMENts REfERENCEs Sablayrolles, J-M. (2004) Modelling the effects of assimilable nitrogen and temperature on This work is funded by Australian Boulton, R.B. (1980) Prediction of fermentation fermentation kinetics in enological conditions. winemakers and grapegrowers behaviour by a kinetic-model. Am. J. Enol. Vitic. 31: Biotechnol. Bioeng. 86(3):261-272. through their investment body, 40-45. Sainz, J.; Pizaro, F.; Perez-Correa, J.R. and Caro, I.; Perez, L. and Cantero, D. (1991) Development Agosin, E. (2003) Modelling of yeast metabolism and the Grape and Wine Research and of a kinetic-model for the alcoholic fermentation of process dynamics in batch fermentation, Biotechnol. Development Corporation, with must. Biotechnol. Bioeng. 38:742-748. Bioeng. 81(7):818-828. WVJ 40’ Refrigerated Container Proven Carrier Thinline Call us today for 69NT40 machinery expert advice and reliable service Sales and hire Temperature range +20°C / -25°C 11 Bellchambers road, Suitable for 1165 x 1165 x 150 Edinburgh North Pallets X 8 Call (08) 84478800 www.irssa.com.au 21’ Palletwide Reefer Proven Carrier Thinline 69NT40 541-403 machinery Double stacked Deck Beam storage capability with cargo securing devises (load locks) (500 kg even load distribution) Suitable for 1165 x 1165 x 150 pallets x 10 43 V28N6 Wine & Viticulture Journal NOVEMBER/DECEMBER 2013 www.winebiz.com.au

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