OF SUPPORT TO BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA HIGHER EDUCATION THROUGH ADC - WUS AUSTRIA COLLABORATION OF SUPPORT TO BOSNIAN & HERZEGOVINIAN HIGHER EDUCATION THROUGH ADC - WUS AUSTRIA COLLABORATION CONTENTS • FOREWORDS 2 • Austrian Development Agency 3 • WUS Austria • • ADC AND WUS AUSTRIA COLLABORATION 4 1.1 About ADC 5 1.2 About WUS Austria 7 1.3 Cooperation History 9 1.4 Cooperation Achievements: Overview of Implemented • Projects and Activities • • RESULTS OF ADC-WUS AUSTRIA COOPERATION – HIGH- • LIGHTS IN BIH HIGHER EDUCATION 14 2.1 University of Banja Luka 20 2.2 University of Bihać 26 2.3 University Džemal Bijedić in Mostar 32 2.4 University of East Sarajevo 38 2.5 University of Mostar 44 2.6 University of Sarajevo 50 2.7 University of Tuzla 56 2.8 University of Zenica • 62 CONCLUSION: SUMMING UP THE YEARS • 66 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS • 67 IMPRESSUM Forewords Foreword by ADA Foreword by WUS Austria Austrian Development Cooperation has success- leading to improved results and facilitating the After almost 20 years that I have been active in technological development of the universities in BiH. fully been engaged in Bosnia and Herzegovina acceptance of recommendations at the policy the field of higher education of citizens of Bosnia Before the Bologna Process in BiH since 1992. As Bosnia and Herzegovina’s devel- level. and Herzegovina, I am glad and proud to see the officially started, WUS introduced the Bologna opment agenda is driven by the prospect of her results of the cooperation and assistance initiated Process in 2002 – meaning the modification of future integration into the European Union, we Now we stand at the beginning of a new era in and implemented by WUS Austria, which from the the curricula, changing of the methodological have also supported our partners in their efforts to our bilateral cooperation with Bosnia and Herze- very beginning were supported by the Austrian approaches, ECTS, monitoring of quality of new modernize the educational sector. The promotion govina. Both countries have agreed to a gradual Government. 15+, 15 years of cooperation, which programs, all of which were a major turning of youth and making the sector relevant for the phasing out of traditional development coopera- are highlighted with this publication as a final point in solving tasks within the reform processes. labor market were among the targets set. Austrian tion until the end of 2013. manifestation of projects supported by ADA, are Development Cooperation assisted in the imple- ending. This support was continuous and consist- Today, after a series of joint actions, WUS can be mentation of the Bologna process, participated in Ongoing programs will carefully be brought to a ent in accordance with the needs of the academic proud that it has been part of those processes at the development of a Quality Assurance System in successful end and will be handed over to Bosnia community in BiH, and it will hopefully continue the universities, where it managed to contrib- Bosnia and Herzegovina and linked the country’s and Herzegovina in 2013. in another form. ute to restoring and improving the undermined institutions with relevant partners in Austria and quality and restore the concept and system of the EU. We will encourage and support our partners It is difficult to single out one thing that was quality assurance, while responding to the needs to make increased use of existing alternative special. Everything was special, every attempt, of the universities. Good education and continued learning are instruments of Austrian cooperation such as every task, and every step. Today, our friends, necessary preconditions for young graduates to Business Partnerships, NGO co-operation, regional former students and scholars, are distinguished We would like to thank the Austrian Develop- be successful in the national and international co-operation, EU Twinning and loan funding professors, vice-rectors, deans, ambassadors, ment Agency for recognizing the need and for labor markets. Consequently Austrian Develop- provided by the Oesterreichische Entwicklungs- directors, presidents, engineers, etc. Some of them working together in implementing the Austrian ment Cooperation made particular efforts to sup- bank. have taken over, at their own institutions, the Development Cooperation fund. We also thank the port young people and, in doing so, cooperated very activities they were involved in together with Austrian Development Agency staff in Sarajevo with the World University Service Austria (WUS We are looking forward to many more years of WUS. Those who have once had language and for their good communication, flexibility and Austria) and the public universities in Bosnia and fruitful cooperation between Austrian Develop- computer classes, now hold classes as guest understanding. Last, but not least, I would like to Ambassador Brigitte Öppinger-Walchshofer Professor Wolfgang Benedek, PhD, Chairman of WUS Herzegovina. ment Cooperation and Bosnia and Herzegovina. Managing Director of Austrian Development lecturers at prestigious universities around the thank the WUS Austria staff for their enthusiastic Austria Agency world. approach, understanding, learning by doing, and As the principle of ownership is important for moving from chapter to chapter in recognizing us, Austrian Development Cooperation has One of the important steps for Bosnia and the importance of their mission. involved the main stakeholders and beneficiaries Herzegovina was the action of providing quality in the design and implementation of program - Internet links after the war. Furthermore, and project - activities. This has contributed to projects like Telemedicine, Distance Learning sustainable institutional capacity development Center, eContent, are parts which supported the 2 ADC AND WUS AUSTRIA COLLABORATION 15+ YEARS OF SUPPORT TO BIH HIGHER EDUCATION 3 ADC and WUS Austria Collaboration 1.2. About WUS Austria reforming the higher education system in the 1.1 About ADC - Austrian Development Bosnia and Herzegovina signed on 4 Novem- target countries, with particular emphasis on Cooperation ber 2009 embodies the framework of coop- World University Service (WUS) is an associa- the Bologna Declaration. In the course of this eration between both countries. This strategy tion committed to the promotion of the human process, the context of WUS Austria’s activi- Austrian Development Cooperation promotes sets out Austria’s approach towards rendering right to education based on academic freedom ties shifted from one of construction to that of sustainable development by reducing poverty. assistance to Bosnia and Herzegovina in the and university autonomy. medium term EU-expansion, which now forms Bilateral development cooperation concen- period of 2011–2013. The main objective is a the framework of cooperation in the field of HE trates on partner countries in Africa, Asia and well prepared and successful phasing out of Since its establishment as a non-profit organi- in SEE. Central America as well as in South Eastern and bilateral programs of Austrian Development zation in Graz in 1983, WUS Austria has been Eastern Europe. Cooperation. The priorities are education working on the promotion of higher education WUS Austria focuses on four core areas: Higher (higher education and vocational educational (HE) in various countries all over the world. Education Development, Linking Higher Educa- In South Eastern Europe Austrian Development training), economic development and employ- Since 1994, following the conflict in former tion and Economy, Arts and Culture and Higher Cooperation supports countries in their social, ment, as well as governance and gender as Yugoslavia, WUS Austria has developed a Education and Human Rights. economic and democratic development and cross cutting issues. Ongoing programs will be regional focus on South Eastern Europe (SEE). helps them prepare for their accession to the carefully brought to a successful end and will While higher education and South-East Europe European Union. The main priorities of coop- be handed over to Bosnia and Herzegovina in WUS Austria implements its activities main- remain at the center of WUS Austria’s work, eration with South Eastern Europe lie in the 2013. ly in Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Kosovo, the organization is now looking to extend the fields of business and employment, education, Montenegro and Serbia, while some programs scope and geographic focus of its services. environment and the rule of law. At the beginning of a new era in bilateral co- have been extended to many other countries, This refers particularly to an enhanced knowl- operation Austrian Development Cooperation mainly in Central, Eastern and South Eastern edge transfer between universities, the busi- Austrian Development Cooperation with Bos- will encourage and support the Bosnian and Europe. To this end WUS Austria has set up ness world and society at large, and to WUS nia and Herzegovina Herzegovinian partners to make increased use local offices in Belgrade, Podgorica, Prishtina Austria’s efforts to revive its activities in Africa of existing alternative instruments of Austrian and Sarajevo. Today, WUS Austria employs and Latin America. By virtue of a shared history and intense in- cooperation such as Business Partnerships, approximately 35 permanent staff and adminis- stitutional and economic relations, Austria NGO co-operation, regional co-operation, EU ters an annual budget of 2.5 million EUR. Within the scope of these projects, WUS has close ties with Bosnia and Herzegovina. Twinning and loan funding provided by the Austria cooperates above all with the Austrian Austria supports the country’s convergence Oesterreichische Entwicklungsbank. Through its continuing efforts in the field of Federal Ministry for European and Internation- with Europe along with that of other countries HE in SEE, WUS Austria has been playing an al Affairs, the Austrian Development Agency, in the region. integral part in the reconstruction and the Austrian Ministry for Science and Research, advancement process of HE in this region. the European Union and other (inter) national The bilateral agreement on technical coop- Following the emergency and reconstruction organizations, as well as with universities in eration between the Republic of Austria and phases in the 1990s, efforts concentrated on SEE, Austria and the EU. 4 ADC AND WUS AUSTRIA COLLABORATION 15+ YEARS OF SUPPORT TO BIH HIGHER EDUCATION 5 From Humanitarian Aid to Support to Strategic Reforms of BiH Higher Education The Austrian Development Cooperation and WUS prevent extreme brain drain. The „Lifeline“ kind of Austria proudly look back at seventeen years of projects have characterized the first out of three successful cooperation focused on support to periods of ADC/WUS cooperation. Higher Education (HE) in BiH. The joint efforts encompassed a variety of different projects which The second phase of our work in BiH can be called all had one thing in common: the belief that the reconstruction and stabilization phase, sustainable prosperity needs the Academia as one which focused mainly on purchasing of infra- of its main preconditions – and that the invest- structure, enabling the start of academic mobility 1.3 Cooperation History ment in this sector does matter. And – that it did and inspiring excellence through smaller support make a difference. projects. This „difference“ is now called „the impact of The third and still ongoing phase of ADC-WUS projects“ and is defined as „change in people’s Austria cooperation is characterized by an lives“. In the HE sector, the change caused through advanced approach initiating and enabling our projects is extremely difficult to isolate from reforms at BiH universities. Through a variety of other influences and to put into a certain time measures such as building up and developing frame. It has been driven by many influences in Quality Assurance structures and systems, inter- the past decades and the results are surely inter- nationalization, linking HE with the economic woven with those of many other initiatives. The sector and modernization of curricula, the BiH story of our cooperation with the ADC and the public HE sector has been strongly supported on BiH Universities is thus told through a number its way towards the European Higher Education of examples and testimonies throughout this Area (EHEA). publication enabling the readers to make their own impression about what we have jointly Almost two decades of ADC-WUS cooperation achieved. have, in our own opinion, been characterized by an approach which stands for sustainabil- The good intentions of the Austrian Government, ity, dignity, quality and a long-lasting friendship now called „Austrian Development Cooperation“, between BiH and the Republic of Austria. have started as an „Academic Lifeline“ Project back in 1994, financed by the Austrian Federal We would like to express our appreciation and Chancellery of the Republic of Austria. In order gratitude to the Republic of Austria for the to implement this and other projects that came immense support given to the HE sector in BiH, and Mag. Nina Beširević, Project Coordinator and Member afterwards, the WUS Austria Office in Sarajevo the “difference” enabled through their support. of Executive Board, WUS Austria was founded in the summer of the same year. In those turbulent times, Austria and WUS were the first to recognize the urgent need to provide humanitarian aid for academic survival and 6 ADC AND WUS AUSTRIA COLLABORATION 15+ YEARS OF SUPPORT TO BIH HIGHER EDUCATION 7 Academic Lifeline Program for Bosnia and tion of manifestations such as international Herzegovina conferences, workshops and seminars, as well as events that aimed to improve academic The Academic Lifeline Program for exchange and the reform process of the Bosnia and Herzegovina, by improving educational sector. curricula through purchase of books, teaching aids and helping the restoration of classrooms Academic Mobility Grant / Support (AMG/ and laboratories, aimed at reducing the brain- AMS) drain from BiH and creating better possibilities 1.4 Cooperation Achievements: Overview for students and teachers to continue their The AMG /AMS program served to help break education and work at their home universities. the isolation of BiH universities by assisting of Implemented Projects and Activities teaching staff and students to take part in Ideas for Action (IFA) international scientific events in Europe and around the world in order to reestablish The IFA program aimed at supporting student academic contacts and cooperation. In order volunteers helping to rebuild higher education to make their presence at different interna- in BiH. Through this Program scholarships were tional congresses, conferences, and workshops offered to full-time students at all BiH universi- possible, ADC-WUS Austria provided financial ties for projects proposing cultural and human- support to cover their travel costs. itarian activities and assistance to faculties and students on the basis of voluntary work. Postgraduate Students’ Grants (PSG) Innovative Students Ideas (ISI) The PSG was a scholarship program for post- graduate students studying at universities in The ISI program aimed at giving the BiH. Scholarships were granted to students students of BiH universities a unique chance to with good performances at their faculties influence their immediate environment at their and who were at the end of their studies. The universities, faculties or student associations. number of scientific publications, frequent The Program supported students’ projects that participation in international scientific events aimed at improving the existing conditions of and three recommendation letters were part studying. of the selection criteria as well. In addition, the social situation of the candidate and the Support to Academic Events (SAE) formal quality of the application were taken into consideration. The SAE aimed at supporting various kinds of academic events or events linked to universi- ties. The program supported the organiza- 8 ADC AND WUS AUSTRIA COLLABORATION 15+ YEARS OF SUPPORT TO BIH HIGHER EDUCATION 9 1.4 Cooperation Achievements: Overview of Implemented Projects and Activities Doctoral Studies Support (DSS) Support to Small Projects (SSP) circumstances were given preference in the Academic Cooperation Center for Sarajevo selection process. Students (ACCESS) The DSS program met the most urgent The SSP was an integrated intervention needs of local students in assisting young primarily aimed at sustainable development Establishment of Human Rights Center at The ACCESS center was located in the academics in their postgraduate and doctoral of BiH university institutions through the the University of Sarajevo building renovated with the support of the studies. The Program was developed to provide support of diverse faculty projects such as pro- Austrian Federal Chancellery and Hope ’87 in financial aid to postgraduate students and in curing of laboratory equipment, books, comput- The Human Rights Center project focused on the UNSA campus. ACCESS consisted of a Coun- such a way support the development of new ers and other items and even supporting visiting activities aimed at the development of human seling and Information Center, which advised academic generations. professors. rights education at the University of Sarajevo. students and academics on opportunities of The Center included a library and human rights academic cooperation, exchange possibilities, Visiting Professors Program (VPP) Centers of Excellence Projects (CEP) documentation which was made available to all scholarship schemes, academic events, etc., members of the University, (non)governmental an Internet Café which served as a meeting The VPP aimed at supporting the visits of The CEP motivated faculties to develop organizations, and the public in general. place, but also gave online access to all the in- professors from abroad who came to teach new concepts leading to higher standards of formation sources on the Internet, and a copy courses not available at local faculties in BiH quality in teaching and research as well as to Establishment of WUS Interlink Center at center which assured cheap copying services to and to fill urgent gaps in the local teaching open up new fields of activities. The BiH uni- the University of Sarajevo students. On the upper floor, there was a library capacities. This part of international scientific versity institutions, at the time, were often and reading room with international literature exchange and cooperation was considered missing the most basic “hardware” for their “Interlink” aimed at educating students and and magazines, as well as internet access for important for the development of local academic work, such as books and technical establishing direct internet connection for the work in a quieter environment. ACCESS also universities. equipment. CEP provided support in the de- Rectorate of the University of Sarajevo, Faculty offered academic and cultural activities, such velopment of centers of excellence at those of Law and Center for Human Rights, in order to as scientific workshops and seminars, as well as Balkan Case Challenge (BCC) faculties which were able to demonstrate they improve their communication with the rest of the concerts, exhibitions, book presentations, etc. had a development plan and a concept of world. Computer and internet courses were regu- The BCC project was an annual internation- making optimal use of the equipment (e.g. by larly held at the center, making it possible for fac- Networking Infrastructure Projects (NIP) al case study competition and recruitment sharing it with other university institutions). ulty staff and students to establish international event with a focus on South-Eastern Europe contacts with other universities, as well as access The NIP aimed at creating and improving (SEE). It aimed at opening up opportunities Excellent Students’ Program (ESP) to databases useful for teaching and research. the internet infrastructure of the universities and new perspectives for excellent students in BiH. The underlying mission of the project from SEE through strengthening links between The ESP aimed at supporting active students Establishment of Unilink Center at the was to supplement current internet projects, higher education and employment and by the and promising undergraduates with yearly University of Banja Luka covering the support of not only hardware, provision of concrete job opportunities. scholarship schemes. The selection criteria but also software organization and transfer of Excellent students from SEE and Austria had were based on study success and achieve- “Unilink”, a walk-in computer center at know-how. the opportunity to compete in the following ments, relevance of studies for the recon- the Faculty of Electrical Engineering at the four academic disciplines: Law Moot Court, struction of higher education and sciences in University of Banja Luka, aimed at providing free Business Case Competition, Model European BiH, as well as the social situation of the ap- internet access to University members, as well Council, and ICT (Information and Communica- plicants. Students disabled in the war who as offering computer and internet courses on a tion Technology) Case Competition. were doing well in their studies despite difficult regular basis. 10 ADC AND WUS AUSTRIA COLLABORATION 15+ YEARS OF SUPPORT TO BIH HIGHER EDUCATION 11 1.4 Cooperation Achievements: Overview of Implemented Projects and Activities Support for University Network Program European standards. This program encouraged BiH eLearning - “Fine Tuning” • Strategic and Structural Development (SUN) the faculties to introduce new subjects, and to of Quality Assurance in BiH Higher Educa- apply innovative approaches - in content and The BiH eLearning - “Fine Tuning” program tion 2008-2011 - focused on furthering the The SUN, implemented by WUS Austria methodology - to already existing courses. The aimed at promoting a set of Recommenda- development of quality assurance in BiH and the Interlink Center, aimed at providing CDP placed particular emphasis on interdis- tions by the BiH eLearning Task Force for the higher education. The project represented internet connection to the individual ciplinary teaching, transnational cooperation purpose of showcasing practical aspects of follow up action to previously established faculties which were willing to join the and networking between academics. eLearning in university education and lifelong QA structures at BiH universities and a push academic-cooperation network. This provid- learning. The Recommendations covered a wide forward to the BiH Agency for Higher Educa- ed a useful and long-term investment to the Brain Gain Program / Brain Gain Program range of activities that were important for the tion Development and Quality Assurance. The network infrastructure of a university. Plus (BGP / BGP+) creation of a collaborative environment among project intervention logic followed a specific, BiH universities, as well as between BiH demand-led approach, whereby BiH univer- BiH eLearning “eLearning Program” - The BGP aimed at opening the higher edu- academic eCommunity and universities world sity institutions were given the opportunity to eContent Program (eCP) cation sector in BiH by inviting emigrated wide. propose and implement measures they deemed academic staff to provide courses which were necessary for upgrading their QA systems. The eLearning program was oriented at not available at public universities in BiH. The Degree Development Structure (DDS) raising awareness and promoting eLearn- BGP was an important tool for strengthening ing within the BiH academic community. The the institutional cooperation between higher The DDS project’s main objective was to help eContent Program was a an evolutionary education institutions of BiH and universities install the methodology for developing II and merging of eLearning Program and CDP+, from around the world from which the visiting III cycle degree study programs and to initiate which aimed at transforming suitable CDP+ professors came. the creation of new master and PhD programs processed courses or their parts into online at BiH public universities. Particular emphasis educational content, as a supplementary Distance Learning (DL) was placed on linking higher education and the educational tool. eContent developers were labor market, to the aim of providing better trained in order to assure the sustainability of The DL program was concerned with the appli- career opportunities for graduate students. eLearning centers and make use of eLearning cation of advanced information technologies, infrastructure which was accumulated in the whose focal point was on the service aspect. Quality Assurance (QA) projects previous project years. Above all, the aim was The far-reaching aims of the program were: to further promote the general and specific development and integration of information • Structural Development of Quality aspects of eLearning within the university staff and computer technologies (ICT) in educa- Assurance in Higher Education 2006-2008, and students’ community. tion and teaching, development of flexible financed by the Austrian Development Coop- user-friendly infrastructure, advancement of eration and Liechtenstein Government, aimed Course Development Program / Course “digital” education of the academic community at ensuring the transfer of know-how and Development Program Plus (CDP / CDP+) and development of a high-quality teaching expertise from EU experts to BiH Universities content, which could be integrated into the in the field of internal quality assurance (QA) The CDP supported the improvement of current European e-learning process. and supporting them in the development of curricula, with the objective to facilitate the institutional QA guidelines. transition of higher education in BiH towards 12 ADC AND WUS AUSTRIA COLLABORATION 15+ YEARS OF SUPPORT TO BIH HIGHER EDUCATION 13 2.1 University of Banja Luka is why we have the special honor and pleasure Within the program Austrian Support to S T to look back at the most important results and BiH Higher Education in 2008-2011 or more H G experiences in the past 15 years. specifically its component Degree Develop- LI H Modernization of our work and increasing quality ment Structure (DDS) and under the coordi- G of studies at our faculties in the period 1996-2006 nation of prof. Zdenka Babić, the Faculty of HI has been to a great extent supported through Electrical Engineering developed a doctoral e WUS Austria activities. Some very important study program “PhD in ICT” in close coopera- th results were achieved: tion with their twinning partner, University of at ” • (1997) - the project “Implementation of EU Paderborn, and 3 labor market partners. T C Standards for Quality of Food in the Curricula of n I the Faculty of Technology and in Practice”; To the aim of designing and delivering a D i • (1997) - the project “Modernization of the high-quality, market-relevant and Bologna Ph University Library in Banja Luka”; Exhibition of Students’ Projects supported through Process-compliant study program, a number of – “ • (1999) - Establishing the Human Rights Center Brain Gain Program I support measures were made available to the BL Rector: Professor Stanko Stanić, PhD at the Faculty of Law; applicant Faculty within the ADC-WUS Austria N U Address: Bulevar vojvode Petra Bojovića 1a, • (2001) – the project “Managing the Sustainable Since the launch of the Brain Gain Program project: expert consulting and guidance in aca- t a 78000 Banja Luka 2.1 University of Banja Luka Network of Student Unions in BiH”; (BGP) in 2002, UNBL used the opportunity of demic and administrative issues, scholarships m PFahxo:n e: ++338877 5511 332151 617944 • Participation of students at the Balkan Case inviting and hosting guest lecturers 11 times. for study program lecturers, study visits to EU gra eMail: [email protected] The University of Banja Luka (UNBL), estab- Challenge, etc. Prof. Milena Stavrić from the Graz University universities, purchase of literature, teacher ro p Web: www.unibl.org lished in 1975, is the second largest university Implementation of the Bologna process in of Technology remains one of the most sought- training activities, etc. BL al in BiH, consisting of 16 faculties and enrolling higher education institutions in BiH has put new after and frequent BGP lecturers, participating N or more than 17,000 students. Approximately challenges before our University. We manage as many as 7 times as a BGP lecturer at the at U doct 6m0in0i sptrraotfievses owrso,r k4e0rs0 aarses isctuarnrtesn talyn de m45p0lo yaedd- tcoa ndt esaul pwpiotrht tohfe sWe UcSh aAlulesntrgieas. Iwt itihs pthaert isciuglnairfily- Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering. held e 1st aBto UloNgnBaL . pInro tchees sa cwaadse minitcr oydeuarc e2d0 0w6it/h2i0n0 a7,l lt hites tahsesu craasnec ew aitnhd sdpeevceifilocp pmroejnetc tosf rseplaecteifidc tcou rqruicaulliaty, ‘g‘Aufetsetr l5e cytuearerrs aotf tphaer tFiacicpualttyio nof iAn rcthheit eBcGtuPr,e aasn da sfully n of th sotpuedrya tperso agsr aamn si.n Atesg oraf tJeadn uuanriyv e1rssti t2y0. U08N,B ULN hBaLs ensicpaetciioanll yT eIIcIh cnycolleo gstiuesd iaets oinu Irn Ffoarcmulatyti oonf -ECloecmtrmicua-l Ca ivriel mEnagrkinaebelrei ndge, vite lios pwmitehn pt letahsautr et othoakt Ip olabcsee rvaet ucces tatio 54 licensed study programs and it remains fully Engineering, which was introduced in 2009. my host Faculty. Thanks to the project’s longev- s s en creosmeamrcithte adn dto k tnhoew ildeedag eo fe ax cbhoarndgeer leins sE uarreoap ef.or Scounmcmluidneg tuhpa tt hthe er ecsouoltpse oraf taiolln t hweasse vaecrtyiv situiecsc,e wsse- isttyr uwcteu mre ainna ggeedo mtoe teryst aabnldis hd iag imtaol dmerend itae awchhiinchg P) visit mplemering uka ‘Ule‘arTnashtitveeioed rn scssio tinyion cp aeeB nrtodahst eniWo ianbU eSag bniAnedunt wsiHnteregeira nz oe hfg atoWhsv eiUcn oSaB n Ata(iBunnisjuHater )id.a LT auhonkpada-t faRSutnealcd,n t uofkrsroie e fonSutfdla ,lt ynhh.i’ei’ćg hUlny ipverorsfeitsys ioonf a lB bauntj aa lsLou kpale, aPsaronft. lsnmtferhteiduueex d nstltt edo oCneln Aymtg 2sDa-’p t nwhewFdrauoom stprriukk ozssrsese uhi t ttphochivpopaaeonstt r afwtterht erimblieslsyn uo a wclsWlteapsin oUhsig neSpb r oeLeais ni npeas dirgtbee eUslxa.ee hNn Tnoi hBbtneeeiLxltdyr.it’eo r’dafenoumtsr e tee h,tol oyefI 010 Gain Program (BG nuary 2009 development and iof Electrical Engine sity of Banja L FUeneidvebrascitky ofb yT echPnroofl.o gyM, iBleGnPa LecSttuarverrić, Graz EBxrahiinb iGtiaoinn Porfo gSrtaumde InIts’ Projects supported through by 211 Brain In JaStart of Faculty Univer 14 ADC AND WUS AUSTRIA COLLABORATION 15+ YEARS OF SUPPORT TO BIH HIGHER EDUCATION 15 2.1 University of Banja Luka In 1998, WUS Austria first encountered S T H prof. Zdenka Babić from the Faculty of G Electrical Engineering, as a successful appli- LI H cant within the project Ideas for Action. Ever G since then Prof. Babić has remained a loyal and HI avid user of ADC-WUS Austria projects and one of the most tireless reformers in BiH higher education. After a CEP project in 2002, the g cooperation continued in 2004-2005 through rin e Course Development Program+ (CDP +) within e n which prof. Babić, together with her colleague, gi n prof. Ferid Softić, successfully developed two E courses: “Digital Image Processing” and al c Official contract signing for the project Degree Development Structure „PhD in ICT“ in Banja Luka in January 2009 “Electronics Materials and Components”. ctri Both CDP+ courses were later transformed into Ele The final outcome of the project is a developed Assurance Forum at the La Sapienza Univer- eCourses through the eLearning - eContent of 05 doctoral program - the first licensed III cycle sity of Rome in November 2007, organized by Program; eContent developed by prof. Babić y 0 study program at the University of Banja Luka European University Association (EUA), in coop- for the course “Digital Image Processing” has cult 4-2 a 0 – which will soon provide its first generation of eration with European Association for Quality been awarded as the Best eContent project in F 0 e 2 graduates. Assurance in Higher Education - ENQA, the period 2005 – 2007. Today, prof. Babić is h H European Association of Institutions in Higher a project coordinator of a PhD study program m t Bi vel oInp m2e0n0t6 ,o wf itQhuina liittys pArsosjuercat nScter uicntu rHali gDheer- EUdnuiocnat -io EnS U-, aEnUd REAuSroHpEe, anE uCroompemainss ioSntu. dents’ supported by WUS Austria. R ec oTmhme enindatetirovnesn otfi othne BlioHg eicL eaorfn intgh eTa sekL Feoarcrening kGnuoidwe lfeodr dgeev edloaptmabeanst eosf ,e Cloocnatetnet /n eeCeoduersdes resourc- NBL Babić fro ogram in oQElturiresdnraAphduiivr nmiceecnianseoratesgniotion ttorfn itdooera, ri sftan iW,Qav tas e UAQtUesoS m,ANs r Mt iA BacnaueffrLat.ns r attMstFhren iarariador cn a ouusMdtsugl tlUhpscay.o Npv s nBot BoDufrlLfeatdr ernaayTednk gen vdaictcićhs hepŠ,iesn trkQ .soo ie UApvtlsooiiNt d ncagEBeobayUdL--,, Pacerp“eeo LroscoLemrulgteaeemlrraatadnsrrum ilnobnynfi y gin atit ntyhgrhT t e aieaBcS sp niuBtkHrdrl ioaHa Fgtr–to eerCe radcFogcmo ieuydnm ,n e e(wfmcme oihTLlear uTion cnFnfBhdd) iM .nia w HotgOiiafn” o .nswi nBs eFosati uHffie soorr ctfsfbah i, ca atetwhalhsrldeeyamed e s so eBm utrnohipeiHndec-, eaaOihnnmseng il admo nS.nA adAegpt m tiruoutielnnsi nneisv1da ,8 eterqhtr dhusei in imbtzi 2yzeB 0e (smaes)0.n,.o g5jar,.a uet daoLtinh uos ak hnaeaan L 8rdwee0 aa vtprseind axseritunt,o icgc gcmi rpeaTasapstrnhefatuirsiciln alsiy-t,l urance concept at U n with prof. Zdenka tion in eLearning Pr uka cU2o0nn0idv7u.e cKrtsaeihtdyo a iS nsin tBute dLlyige ivvueimsni tfU rtonomi vKe Marshaityoy 2 Sw8i natots JLcuhineoevs ee0nn1 tdahsae at i pboranossjie”cc –gt uraei dcseuollritene edd foioncru “emBLieeHna rten dLienTsgFi g aRnneedcd eo tCmoo mnseteervnne-t cionopgvm eienren dat c Saat drnaeutmemgicby e cfroo mor fmB diuHiffn, eitWrye,E neBtL tBeoaaprsniecidsn: g Te rDLaeienavirennlg-- ality ass operatio participa anja L btrCFpieuaaoogrsrnnattef hirdecrdeeir p reoftmaonnotrc oemtqerdhu e i e,naas cUlt fiL oatNtoyrhcenB tea ddL tsS ohsQvenuaeAc tari o nrycBnn oe2chdol0egi rg0)Edi uhu7ianm .rt (a oe tthphsopieerg,e a hMMcneiar ir.nQl lDieyusdr taaweulgrciiiittaaćhy-,l SUtnuidvye rvsiistyit ibny G UhNenBtL, rBeeplrgeisuemnt,a inti vJeusn teo 2 K0a0h7o Sint Lieven tPernotf. pZrdoejenckta in B Naboivće mrecbeeirv 2in0g0 7her Award for Best eCon- dBSUSSyCoeaNsfOvsBtteeweRLdlmoM a prso iem mn( iL senpMtnt laohetSnr emad)d teaeaR rntnreh dtdtcoee oo dblmbef rovtomaLrew ielen saonecerfddon aaa niLnn ttuMidgeon nsSnietv sMC ae orrtapcslonlhiaa ta cybutgk.hosearermoga uitetnighvngheet, –demeriLPi nseeuSgtnatrb adirtlbnrniacauitdanditaotigioirtno,din osns Cns ofo aoifn pilr no yc nvdroeeileugiLrnvrhieeefistae lcsocr a nopmtiinimnnoat gnteeee n nrLapttien,a,r aoldD prc inianeegicstvnikostaga,a l ,elug TMviarRniatdaeginotec senooafr em nioiarnd--fl 2006 Introduction of qu 2004-2005A success story: Co 2004 – 2005 UNBL’s successful University of B 16 ADC AND WUS AUSTRIA COLLABORATION 15+ YEARS OF SUPPORT TO BIH HIGHER EDUCATION 17