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15-Minute Arabic: Learn in just 12 weeks PDF

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15-MINUTE ARABIC LEARN IN JUST 12 WEEKS MARION SARHAAN ISBN: 9781465462930 US_001_Half_Title.indd 1 19/05/20 2:36 PM CONTENTS How to use this book 4 Senior Editors Angeles Gavira, Christine Stroyan WEEK 1 Project Art Editor Vanessa Marr INTRODUCTIONS Jacket Design Development Manager Sophia MTT Jacket Designer Juhi Sheth Hello 8 Pre-Producer David Almond Relatives 10 Senior Producer Ana Vallarino My family 12 Publisher Liz Wheeler To be and to have 14 Publishing Director Jonathan Metcalf Review and repeat 16 Language content for Dorling Kindersley by g-and-w publishing. WEEK 2 This American Edition, 2018 EATING AND DRINKING First American Edition, 2009 Published in the United States by DK Publishing In the coffee house 18 1450 Broadway, Suite 801, New York, NY 10018 In the restaurant 20 18 19 20 21 22 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 To want 22 001—305458—Apr/2018 Dishes 24 Copyright © 2005, 2012, 2013, 2018 Review and repeat 26 Dorling Kindersley Limited DK, a Division of Penguin Random House LLC All rights reserved. WEEK 3 MAKING ARRANGEMENTS Without limiting the rights under copyright reserved above, no part of this publication may be reproduced, Days and months 28 stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or Time and numbers 30 transmitted in any form or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) Appointments 32 without the prior written permission of On the telephone 34 the copyright owner. Review and repeat 36 Published in Great Britain by Dorling Kindersley Limited. WEEK 4 A catalog record for this book is available from the Library of Congress. TRAVEL ISBN 978-1-4654-6293-0 At the ticket office 38 Going and taking 40 DK books are available at special discounts when purchased in bulk for sales promotions, premiums, fund-raising, or Taxi, bus, and metro 42 educational use. For details, contact: On the road 44 DK Publishing Special Markets, Review and repeat 46 1450 Broadway, Suite 801, New York, NY 10018 SpecialSales@dk.com Printed in China For the curious www.dk.com US_002-003_Contents.indd 2 19/05/20 2:36 PM WEEK 5 WEEK 10 GETTING AROUND AT HOME About town 48 At home 98 Directions 50 Inside the house 100 Sightseeing 52 The garden 102 At the airport 54 Animals 104 Review and repeat 56 Review and repeat 106 WEEK 6 WEEK 11 ACCOMMODATION SERVICES Booking a room 58 Post office and bank 108 In the hotel 60 Services 110 On the boat 62 To come 112 Descriptions 64 Police and crime 114 Review and repeat 66 Review and repeat 116 WEEK 7 WEEK 12 SHOPPING LEISURE AND SOCIALIZING Stores 68 Leisure time 118 In the bazaar 70 Sport and hobbies 120 At the supermarket 72 Socializing 122 Clothes and shoes 74 Review and repeat 124 Review and repeat 76 Reinforce and progress 126 WEEK 8 MENU GUIDE 128 WORK AND STUDY Work 78 ENGLISH–ARABIC DICTIONARY 138 The office 80 Academic world 82 THE ARABIC SCRIPT 152 In business 84 Review and repeat 86 USEFUL SIGNS 158 WEEK 9 Acknowledgments 160 HEALTH At the pharmacy 88 The body 90 At the doctor 92 At the hospital 94 Review and repeat 96 US_002-003_Contents.indd 3 19/05/20 2:36 PM 44 HOW TO USE THIS BOOK HOW TO USE THIS BOOK How to use this book This book teaches the Egyptian spoken dialect of Arabic (see page 9). The main 18 WEEK 2 EATING AND DRINKING 19 part of the book is devoted to 12 Fil kafiterya themed chapters, broken down into Warm up (1 minute) Useful phrases (5 minutes) In the coffee house five 15-minute daily lessons, the last of Count to ten. (pp.10–11) Learn these phrases. Read the English under the w12h iwche eisk sa yroeufe wreisllh hear vlees csoomn. pSloe,t eind ju st Rt“ogeo msoadiyn b“dyh eye.ol”l uo(pr”s pae.nl8fd –h 9o)w Tm(whaaelte et-rroa rodirei tn“iohtenudabl,b oAlefrf aebbrus bc Aabfrléea b”()ii lcp- aicphoewfsfea, )ea, n iondr tpbhelear chpkaa ptsets a ma, sgahainimslhyea tةcoتarرktوeaت suرkكkّسar poannicd tt uhtreees rsti gayhontud. r Tssaehylef .nth ceo pvehrr atshee iAn rAarbaicb iwc iatsh sthhoew flna p Ask “Do you (plural) have of backgammon or dominoes. In recent times, modern sugar the course. A concluding reference any children?” (pp.14–15) coffee houses have sprung up, catering to customers of .بيلح نودب ياش ذخآ all ages and genders. aakhud shay section contains a menu guide, an bidoon haleeb English-to-Arabic dictionary, and a Words to remember (5 minutes) بيلح نودب ةوهق guide to the Arabic script. Familiarize yourself with these phrases. ahwa bidoon haleeb I’ll have a black tea. black coffee بيلحب ياش tea with milk ؟ةيناث ةجاح Warm up shay bi-haleeb haaga tanya Each day starts with a warm up عانعنب ياش mint tea that encourages you to recall shay bi-naanaaa vocabulary or phrases you have شتيودنس sandwich بيلحب ةوهق Anything else? learned previously. To the right of sandawitsh acohfwfeae b wi-hitahle mebilk ؟لوف مكدنع the heading bar you will see how long ىبرمو تسوت toast and jam aandukum fool tost wi murabba you need to spend on each exercise. Do you have mashed Instructions fava beans? Each exercise is numbered and introduced ؟باسحلا ماك sboym ine sctarusecst iaodnds itthioant aelx ipnlfaoirnm wahtiaotn t ios dgoiv. eInn Cultural tip Traditional Arabic coffee is served in a small kaam il-hisaab cup, and is black and very strong. Brewed in a special jug, it about the language point being covered. comes in three basic styles: saada (without sugar); mazboot (medium sweet); and ziyaada (very sweet). How much is the bill? Cultural/Conversational tip In conversation (4 minutes) These panels provide additional insights into life in the Arabic-speaking world and language usage. .بيلح نودب ياش ذخآ ؟ةيناث ةجاح ؟ةسوبسب مكدنع .اندنع ،هويأ ب اسحلا ماك .اركش .كلضف نم ،هينج ةعست aakhud ahwa bi-haleeb haaga tanya aandukum basboosa aywah. aandina ؟كلضف نم tisaa ginayh, min fadlak min fadlak Anything else? Do you have basboosa Yes, we do. shukran. kaam il-hisaab Nine pounds, please. I’ll have a coffee with [semolina cake]? min fadlak milk, please. Thank you. How much is the bill, please? 124 WEEK 12 LEISURE AND SOCIALIZING 125 il-agweba RaagiA wi karrar il-agweba Answers Cover with flap Review and repeat Answers Cover with flap Animals Animals (3 minutes) To like (4 minutes) To like ❻❺❶ ❷ ❹ ❸ ةربةنبahsaokوaكطaeturافntmصlsمsقنلbaصfرaaكسoaأحabokعnra Nanaimmea lsth irnea bnAburitam❸bbic❶e❹.refcidsah t hor❷se❺bird ❻dog ❹Uv❶❸❷❺esr eeehheb nnnue tbtathywiaiy e y a a h d i i b f f b e r i ne n ii t l tith - l-k ki-tefsguoeo-shrnsoreaiamnrb atsiiassssea?-? noshatfae ltlnahcee s. ❹❺ ❸❷❶ بببيبbbbbbiiiiuبtttyhحhhhححححhiiiiiتbيتتأbbbbبببببbbbbbee How to use the flap The book’s cover flaps allow Preferences Preferences (4 minutes) An invitation (4 minutes) An invitation ythhoaauvte ty oroe cumo cneacmne bateel rsteht dew cAhoerratrhbeeiccrt lsyyoo. u ❶❷ ❹ ❸ ....hgeeghgسسةدnnhhhueررaaوyaaawوكطنy aaa bgتaيa wwwغلةha اmيmو afeyyوةلaاeaaaiايغids غضsو wwhgk dhا/ش غoeha aف يeoa أlr شب/مdrtiو tasا -انوtغمأهe nاينnأه is S❶❷❸❹a ySIIH thpleihker’esee’s f n fesnooorol tlcto tcei nwbentirnieg.ni rsoge. nsint de Aidv riiannbg fi.lco:wers. ❶ ❷ ❸ Yreop uISlOtflaa’a ymaaaafiyt nrzd cuyesgioiirmo by diuirne.n arretwv syyenAie, ite wser.wyg -aWodseoebahe u’tibr hmcolmedta ? fd atibobl -iatulnekliaosm hn vyzwaee.eomrri h.ns yJgehg oegia kitsonlh?lo ewidn Ee. t nhcgoelm icshoe n?pvreormsapttios.n, ❸ ❶❷ ؟..igtiamssناaمiaد--dabssياsجdلكaasafوha aaba ةغب-,anntع gشi a.hmاh س nسnمkoueaa oلاneاان alن gaمeيحmeea تاeجns i،يbةنب فس.اسعلاآبط Revision pages A recap of selected elements of previous lessons helps to reinforce your knowledge. US_004-007_How_To_Use.indd 4 19/05/20 2:36 PM WEEK 5 GETTING ABOUT 55 Put into practice (3 minutes) Join in this conversation. Read the Arabic on the left and follow the instructions to make your reply. Then test yourself by concealing the answers using the cover flap. ؟ةمدخ يأ ؟اهداعيم يف ةقرغلا ةلحر ayyi khidma rihlit il-gharda'a fi Can I help you? miaaad-ha Ask: Is the flight to Hurghada on time? .مدنف اي هويأ ؟ةباوب يأ نم ةلحرلا aywah yaa fendim ir-rihla min ayyi HOW TO USE THIS BOOK HOW TO USYEe s TsirH. IbSa wBwOaabOa K 55 Ask: Which gate does the flight leave from? 18 WEEK 2 EATING AND DRINKING 19 Fil kafiterya Match and repeat (4 minutes) Useful phrases Warm up (1 minute) Useful phrases (5 minutes) CRt“ogeoo msuoandiynt b “dtyho eye .otl”el uo(npr”.s pae(p.nl8fpd –h. 91o0)w–1 1) ITm(wnhaael te ett-rroah rodireei tn“ioht enucdabol,b oAleffrf aefbbreus bc Aeabfrléea b”h()ii lcp-o aicphouewfsfeas, )eae, n iondr tpbhelear chpkaa ptsets a ma, sgahainimslhyea tةcoتarرktوeaت Msuرkaكkّسatrch the Lpoanennicuad ttr uhmntree ets hbrsti egayeshonertud .e pr Tsshdaehryle af i.ntsthe eceso .m pvRehesrra a tdsth eoet h i Anet r hAEanrbeagicb liA iswch ria tuashn bstdhhieoecrw ftwlhnae p o rds in the panel.❶ Srhueene lدklldeepaوvecعr ayrttص sonestuudt a تa tnspoopdرoh اte.dكrhaaeks e tason pdic Aansyk c“Dhiold yreonu? (”p (lpupra.1l)4 h–1a5ve) ocof fbfeacek hgoaumsmeso hna over dspormuinngo ueps., Icna treercienngt t toim cuesst, ommoedres ronf bsougaarrding ❶ .بيلح نودب ياش ذخآ ❷ ةركذت all ages and genders. pass aakhud shay tazkara bidoon haleeb ❸ رفسلا زاوج Words to remember (5 minutes) بيلح نودب ةوهق Regaadw iataz is-safar Familiarize youبrseيlلf حwب iيthا شthesete pah wraitshe sm.ilk bahlawcak bciodfofeoen haleeb I’ll have a black tea. ؟ةيناث ةجاح ❹Thoh ةweطs etنشh pea Aneralsb eicx spclariipnt shay bi-haleeb haaga tanya wosrhkasn, tgaive tips for عانعنب ياش mint tea ❺re aيdلiلnوgرت it, and show shay bi-naanaaa usetrfoulll eseigns. شتيودنس sandwich بيلحب ةوهق Anything else? sandawitsh ahwa bi-haleeb coffee with milk ؟لوف مكدنع ىبرمو تسوت toast and jam ticket❷ aandukum fool Read it The sign tost wi murabba below reads mataar (airport). It is written passport❸Dfaova y bouea hnasv?e mashed (from right to left): م (m), ط (t), ا (aa), ؟باسحلا ماك Cultural tip Traditional Arabic coffee is served in a small kaam il-hisaab رfi r(rs)t. aN iost nicoet twharitt ttehne cup, and is black and very strong. Brewed in a special jug, it comes in three basic styles: saada (without sugar); mazboot (see page 25 for more (medium sweet); and ziyaada (very sweet). WEEK 6 How much is the bill? details on vowels in ACCOMMODATION 59 Arabic script). In conversation (4 minutes) Words to remember (4 minutes) ❹suitcase ❺cart Familiarize yourself with these words and test yourself by concealing the Arabic on the right using the cover flap. room ةفرغ ghurfa .بيلح نودب ياش ذخآ ؟ةيناث ةجاح ؟ةسوبسب مكدنع .اندنع ،هويأ ب اسحلا ماك .اركش .كلضف نم ،هينج ةعست amaiknh fuadd laahkwa bi-haleeb hAanaygtah itnagn eyalse? aDaon dyoukuu hma vbea bsbaosbosoaosa aYyews, awhe. a daon.dina ؟shكukلضranف. نkaمa m il-hisaab Ntisinaae gpionuanyhd,s m, pilne afasdel.ak TDeisxtti nsctytilvees text styles single room صخشل ةفرغ I’ll have a coffee with [semolina cake]? min fadlak differentiate Arabic ghurfa li-shakhs milk, please. Thank you. How much is the bill, please? and English, and the double room نيصخشل ةفرغ 124 WEEK 12 LEISURE AND SOCIALIZING 125 pronunciation guide. ghurfa li-shakhsayn iAl-nasgwweresb Caover with flap RReavaiegwi Aan wd ir ekpaerartar iAl-nasgwweresb Caover with flap bathroom مامح Animals Animals (3 minutes) To like (4 minutes) To like hammaam ❻❺❶ ❷ ❹ ❸ ةربةنبahsaokوaكطaeturافntmصlsمsقنلbaصfرaaكسoaأحabokعnra Nanaimmea lsth irnea bnAburitam❸bbic❶e❹.refcidsah t hor❷se❺bird ❻dog ❹❷Uv❶❺❸esr eeheehb nnnue tbatthywiaiy e y a a h d i i b f f b e r i ne n ii t l tith - l-k ki-tefsguoeo-shrnsoreaiamnrb atsiiassssea?-? noshatfae ltlnahcee s. ❹❺ ❶❸❷ بببيبbbbbbiiiiuبtttyhحhhhححححhiiiiiتbيتتأbbbbبببببbbbbbee IIrvplneolhu fcrclsaeaotbscnretauvistlne aeagrrdrs yh ead oatuiinawosldeno dg si n ؟fIesة etنhوh كebلraبe lه kaيo فbhnalacony? bsahlocwoneyr ةbشdنuaوlsدكkhلo بhna everyday situations appear throughout In these exeSrcaiyse ist Say it (2 minutes) breakfast روطف Preferences Preferences (4 minutes) An invitation (4 minutes) An invitation the book. you are asked to futoor ❶❷ ❹ ❸ ....hgeeghgسسةدnnhhhueررaaوyaaawوكطنy aaa bgتaيa wwwغلةha اmيmو afeyyوةلaاeaaaiايغids غضsو wwhgk dhا/ش غoeha aف يeoa أlr شب/مdrtiو tasا -انوtغمأهe nاينnأه is S❶❷❸❹a ySIIH thpleihker’esee’s f n fesnooorol tlcto tcei nwbentirnieg.ni rsoge. nsint de Aidv riiannbg fi.lco:wers. ❶ ❷ ❸ Yreop uISlOtflaa’a ymaaaafiyt nrzd cuyesgioiirmo by diuirne.n arretwv syyenAie, ite wser.wyg -aWodseoebahe u’tibr hmcolmedta ? fd atibobl -iatulnekliaosm hn vyzwaee.eomrri h.ns yJgehg oegia kitsonlh?lo ewidn Ee. t nhcgoelm icshoe n?pvreormsapttios.n, ❶ ❸ ❷ ؟..iaigtmssناaمiaد--dabssياsجdلكaasafوha aaba ةغب-,anntع gشi a.hmاh س nسnمkoueaa oلاneاان alن gaمeيحmeea تاeجns i،يbةنب فس.اسعلاآبط dihfafevreae pnlepta lvryon wceadhb,a uutl sayiornyug. DSIsi xod niyniognuhe trhs ai.nvcel uad seindg?le room, please? key حmاoتفftمaah Conversational tip Some Arabic words can be made plural by adding one of two endings, -aat or -een, as in hammaam/hammaamaat (bathroom/bathrooms) or muwazzaf/muwazzafeen (employee/employees). However, many other plurals are made by altering the vowel sounds within a word, as occurs in English with goose/geese or mouse/mice. Examples of this type of plural include layla/leyaalee (night/nights), ghurfa/ghuraf (room/rooms), and tifl/atfaal (child/children). You will need to learn these plurals individually. US_004-007_How_To_Use.indd 5 19/05/20 2:36 PM ؟ةليل ماك نيزواع .هيف ،هويأ .يلايل ثلاث .حاتفملا اولضفتا .يشام aywah, feeh. aawzeen talat leyaalee maashi. ittafaddaloo kaam layla Three nights. il-moftaah Yes, there is. How many That’s fine. Here’s the key. nights do you want? 66 HOW TO USE THIS BOOK HOW TO USE THE AUDIO APP 138 DICTIONARY ENGLISH TO ARABIC Dictionary DICTIONARY A mini-dictionary provides English to Arabic ready reference from English This dictionary contains the vocabulary from 15-Minute Arabic, together with many other frequently used words. You can find additional terms for food and drink in the to Arabic for 2,500 words. Menu Guide (pp.128–37). Arabic adjectives (adj) vary according to the gender of the word they describe and whether it is singular or plural. In general, you can add -a to refer to the feminine singular and the plural of objects. The most common ending for the plural of words that refer to people is -een. Verbs are shown in the masculine singular form of the 111122228888 MENU GUIDE present tense. MENU GUIDE UsefAo trrMha aibide srine ecgpnu fudeot igriidpsfeuyheuniie ldncaaseegsr. A ن ءكساpاجهرخضكمنداpذاسروخعفافب eص ةةةةةخرنبببططيةرررروصtلوووامللوتطسشششسiيحبعزzتبers, sMTymctz sstssshabooahhhaaoaaahaue btlluooosyihtmaaesneba rrrteu agttuebbbogmaoElairoprsuiiitoeor ttt r. pu ik ifn b ilydTkaleNfsaashi oaiekahha sw rau sae ,mea d lda aild aissy,dUdnraai t kan itesdkksoh gna hi t t h hatceh i eoafs eGny mn am Ai rte deroeU a samdbtc iisrvcc osio oIdssmncaesD rdmomhceccffgloaierip hhrnrgllusimuoninatueh iiEgavm Aincccttieletep solikk ks rne nlmtslj ga odepeeautu sibsrn udvuenoi.rmiace pca soutsselwn —ssaepos dhpauleupaardét esda l ad AaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaallllliiiiiiiggbccccccddddfffllllrrrrrrractttgccccchaa oiHiieaihmaod- clpeeeorllskdfhmcioeoeieiiler-Hpwruremanhdrrrronnhlu-obgilpormuae esntistsedewa-reta soibelnlyeof hst nsimsssalhotar iuctn(tmvedll,a ntsdah lkhir aa ta a Hoela moeegkt iDd k TaaAozhibavaeptAlق( mom n'tasn haa-o eoaHnesidrecalnbawiiapmsgdd es nrooةmyteHrlkt aa,وbT cيreTa aesarrakيed mةnaynمoww eoaaThdmsdeanraلomeo tczaنaei lm t'oلaسieaaيsTdaAauxeanمambltبoaadurدقaoareltrwriAdsaaجggDaoioوnn rmgsHninAueyممgg; naaةق'cةo o ea eرyiitayaa/ik AemarDيaAa aeنlyHa ayru Tab ضضضrوwةةرlftik-نbشa, saaaTa)t lsbeDعةرننeit l laiiwss t tbaiaبببlكrنbeug k mhشyan جججبيييaaaefhممaha) wلبببe s AnharwntdSaeweeee wryeaalyaa aaaAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaAaaaaaanmnnnnnpppprrrrrmnpppprpmmnnceeomrei(((aiw(kipppprtotaadserccilHaawmhpb:a:uiiinwv-eerrn rl t illeoqscii uddIe ymlieiwnulhintteedatrre tco(totiautuemmoS aaasrjdiinlannieelediipakil)cctamatsreeorr fmu ,be; tc;ir ttt et a iaaa teeHa na tmSmHogw m(n k(oittirs nEEa(innaafalao rccahmueislaaodagt)efeeaoinrgge iHettanhoA oeeyrsn ma(rmniweme yrnyymn) melfa shasberpywiant e fyafpphhest )lal(r Hoomhlieoeieam t alaoaAen tt-lamTmmr)uekmer-crr hienaca iami'mameyaenitamashnkkerni)aDahna,hny aAs iea e ehainanfe;haiasHAcA taens)suw mt)et aeuk amtqaeri icem rimt'af leelaodamrn)eiialala n e dmne-ta a aaean'ie aasran;kr aaeae)md rea yr ra ee aayae; naam;e' ea; aaaaaaaaAaAAAaaaaBbbbbbbwwuurrttsssxxaaaaaauuuu:tttlht l(hagi((a(iintgbbccd ergsssbiesllahdafwpabotsottkk-- uatyy uttt eu yakdr-mt bawt(m aorrri p c3towl dpa(s: lse(aTwlaaij aath tmf-dntaTaeu)ywat mfae:iahawellai wo rdea afHc iii yo vbshotawneeaapiralmker’ rakai)na,e,ciatntaese j g nc Hnt essay sear polran D-t dee’ gbhahfo gashasian!norobwcso(r)ns ;ra a lwcu,aam Df aaiota rewath)tnsamoffrhkaroa osaz mnnasateniu aAtaoasTaa ycrrg zamln TeDsiyuottmdeblan nfrssaiahlA))obci daifs-eeeaaaa i m)satiemfsrgwka eedapr tlniaaaboeshhycc'Au'a aadti!easA aeltaeldenergt e la eaaabeeof yya diAkTyl;ir)t y aal ma;afiay - aa;y lna alaaaei;dlr ykela lett; a;a b; يدلب ةطلس salata baladee Oriental mixed salad aallmsoo ksat mtaa'raenebaتnيلموأ aarrrt ifvaen ynohsal Bbaaiht rTauinA mil-baHrayn للخم mekhallil pickles always dayman ة جع art gallery metHaf fonoon bake yikhbiz س طاطب ةطلس salatit bataatis potato salad ة كوشكش ريجرج gargeer arugula ةطلس salata salad يحلاف ةنبج نيدرس sardeen sardines يتيجابسا ةنوركم ةبروش shorba soup ءاضيب ةنبج Pronunciation guide Many of the sounds in Arabic are similar to their English equivalents, but some, indicated in this book by special characters, have no English equivalent: h/H Arabic has two h sounds: h as in horse, and a second sound (H), as if breathing on glasses to clean them. s/S There are two s sounds: s as in silly, and S, which is more voiced. d/D There are two d sounds: d as in ditch, and D, which is more voiced. t/T There are two t sounds: t as in titch, and T, which is more voiced. z/Z There are two z sounds: z as in zebra, and Z, which is more voiced. kh A throaty h pronounced as in the Scottish loch. gh A sound produced as if pronouncing r from the back of the throat, rather than by rolling the tongue. ' A short pause or glottal stop as when the tt in bottle is dropped. A A uniquely Arabic guttural sound similar to the exclamation ah! Pronouncing these sounds correctly becomes easier the more you listen to spoken Arabic. US_004-007_How_To_Use.indd 6 19/05/20 2:36 PM HOW TO USE THIS BOOK HOW TO USE THE AUDIO APP 77 How to use the audio app All the numbered exercises in each your 15-minute lessons using the book lesson, apart from the Warm ups at the only, and then go back and work with beginning and the Say it exercises at the the audio and the book together, end, have recorded audio, available via a repeating the text in the gaps provided free app. The app also includes a and then recording yourself. Or you can function to record yourself and listen to combine the book and the audio right yourself alongside native speakers. from the beginning, pausing the app to To start using the audio with the read the instructions on the page as you book, first download the DK 15 Minute need to. Try to say the words aloud, and Language Course app on your smart– practise enunciating properly. Detailed phone or tablet from the App Store or instructions on how to use the app are Google Play. Open the app and type in available from the menu bar in the app. the book’s ISBN (see page 1) to add it to Remember that repetition is vital your Library. As soon as the ISBN is to language learning. The more recognized, the audio will download. often you listen to a conversation or There are two ways in which you can repeat an oral exercise, the more the use the audio. The first is to read through language will sink in. Menu, Help/How to Use, Your Library ARABIC 1 Getting started ARABIC 2 Lessons week The list of weeks by week will open when the Is-saaaa wil-arqaam Each numbered Time and Numbers audio has been exercise in a lesson downloaded. From is listed in the app as here you can tap into it appears in the each week’s lessons. book. Tap on an exercise to start. When all the lessons A check mark in a week have been indicates when completed, the week an exercise has button will be filled been completed. with color and show a check mark, so you can track your progress. Audio for Record yourself 3 ARABIC 4 ARABIC exercises When you are in Tap the play button Is-saaaa wil-arqaam the Your recordings Is-saaaa wil-arqaam Time and Numbers Time and Numbers to hear instructions, screen, you can then the exercise. record yourself You can pause the reading the words or الساعة واحدة الساعة واحدة audio at any point, is-saaaa waahda participating in the is-saaaa waahda one o’clock one o’clock and return to it. واحدة وخمسة conversations with واحدة وخمسة wfivaea phadsat woni ekhamsa native speakers, then wfivaea phadsat woni ekhamsa واحدة وربع listen back (and واحدة وربع waahda wi ruba waahda wi ruba quarter past one rerecord if desired). quarter past one واحدة وثلث واحدة وثلث You can tap wtwaeanhtdya p wasit t oilnte wtwaeanhtdya p wasit t oilnte any part of the واحدة ونص واحدة ونص waahda wi nuss Add recording waahda wi nuss exercise to play half past one half past one the audio from اiثtnنaيynن iإلllاa ر rبuعba Play recording اiثtnنaيynن iإلllاa ر rبuعba quarter to two quarter to two that point. US_004-007_How_To_Use.indd 7 19/05/20 2:36 PM 8 WEEK 1 INTRODUCTIONS Ahlan Warm up (1 minute) Hello The Warm Up panel appears at the beginning Arabs are generally very effusive on meeting. The of each lesson. It will wide variety of greetings are often accompanied by remind you of what you back-slapping, handshakes, hugging, and kissing. have already learned However, it is best to avoid physical contact with and prepare you for moving ahead with the opposite sex on first meeting to avoid causing the new subject. any unintentional offense. Words to remember (4 minutes) .ملاس salaam Look at these greetings and say them aloud. Hi! Conceal the text on the left with the cover flap and try to remember the Arabic. .ريخلا حابص Good morning. sabaah il-khayr .رونلا حابص Good morning. sabaah in-noor (reply) .ريخلا ءاسم Good evening/ masaa il-khayr afternoon. .رونلا ءاسم Good evening/ masaa in-noor afternoon. (reply) …يمسا انأ My name is… ena ismee… .انفرّشت Pleased to tusharrafna meet you. In conversation: formal (4 minutes) .ريخلا حابص .رونلا حابص .انفرّشت .دنلوه كيام يمسا انأ .مشاه ةنيمأ يمسا انأ tusharrafna sabaah il-khayr. ena ismee sabaah in-noor. ena ismee Pleased to meet you. mike holland ameena haashim Good morning. Good morning. My name is Mike Holland. My name is Amina Haashim. US_008-009_Hello_Arabic.indd 8 02/11/17 3:07 pm

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