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14MS2025 AMA Sale-WEB_Standard Default PDF

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14MS2025 AMA Sale-WEB_Standard Default 10/20/14 11:46 AM Page 1 14MS2025 Introducing the NEW AMA Buying Program To Order: 1.800.P.SCHEIN (1.800.772.4346)8am–9pm, et To Fax:1.800.329.9109 24 Hrs www.henryschein.com/ama JOIN OUR COMMUNITY 14MS2025 AMA Sale-WEB_Standard Default 10/20/14 11:47 AM Page 2 What is the AMAs buying program? Henry Schein and the AMA have partnered with GroupSource to bring you even more table of competitive savings on all the medical supplies that you love, as well as brand-name and generic pharmaceuticals, from one convenient source. With this change, you will now gain contents access to hundreds of vendor contracts offering increased discounts on products and services that physicians purchase for daily use. This new program will leverage the collective purchasing power represented by thousands of physician groups, from single physician offices to large AMA Buying Program ....2 multi-specialty clinics, representing over $40 billion in purchases, and remember, you don’t need to have AMA Membership to take advantage of these fantastic cost savings. AMA Education..........2–7 Discover through this new partnership how you can start benefiting today from this unique service offering: Fall Calendar ................8 Henry Schein Value AMA Value GroupSource Value Social Responsibility ......9 Trusted Advisors: The American Medical Association GroupSource, in partnership with Our knowledgeable team can has expanded the MVP Program Henry Schein, is dedicated to help you in navigating today’s to bring you more resources helping you save money. Accurate Blood changing health care landscape and savings that fit you and GroupSource negotiates and Pressure ..............10–11 through: Revenue enhancement, your practice. executes thousands of individual cost containment, staff training, contracts each year. The savings technology & value-driving Mailing Savings Program: accrued allows our clients to Prediabetes ..........12–13 products and services. AMA value program members dedicate more of their resources save up to 36% with UPS®on a directly to patient care, hiring Price Integrity: broad portfolio of UPS services, additional doctors and nurses, Henry Schein With the new AMA Buying including air, international, and purchasing more advanced Brand Products ....14–21 Program your pricing will ground and freight shipping. products and technology. As part be extremely competitive and of the member buying group you we will be continually working Educational Tools: will be able to access savings Gloves ......................22 on your behalf to develop this AMA members save up to 30% off across numerous contracts purchasing plan and help deliver Kaplan's select USMLE, COMLEX, including: Infection Control....23–25 best value for your patients. and Internal Medicine courses. • Medical Supplies Guaranteed Fast Delivery: Hotels & Travel: • Office Supplies Hypodermics ........26–27 Orders received by 5PM local Discounts up to 10% off published • Printing time are shipped the same day. rates with periodic and seasonal • Cellular Phone Service Your products will arrive within specials. Hyatt Gold Passport® Bandages/Needles ......28 24-48 hours in most areas. provides exclusive benefits and • Physician Recruiting services at Hyatt hotels worldwide. • Publications Solutions ......29, 52–55 Vaccines, Pharmaceuticals, • Telecommunications and Diagnostics: Credit Cards, Auto Loans • Office Equipment We supply every adult and & Personal Loans: • Lighting Supplies Surgical................30–31 pediatric vaccine recommended Exclusive credit cards featuring by the ACIP. In addition, we can rich rewards on travel, cash-back • Data Storage fulfill flu vaccine needs with our or low APRs. Pharmaceuticals....32–35 Worry-Free Guarantee Influenza Vaccine Program. Computer & Technology Products: Vaccines ..............36–39 Solutions Hub: From 5% to 30% off small-business We offer a vast selection of technology and equipment to run Diagnostics ..........40–47 solutions to help you achieve your your practice. practice goals. Our commitment to helping you grow includes Car Rental: Equipment............48–51 focusing on key service areas Up to 25% off domestic and including revenue generation, international car rentals and cost containment, best practices Fee-waived membership in 3 and partnerships. Hertz Gold Plus Rewards. 14MS2025 2 www.henryschein.com/ama 14MS2025 AMA Sale-WEB_Standard Default 10/20/14 11:47 AM Page 3 Frequently Asked Questions What is the AMA buying program? The AMA’s buying program was launched by Henry Schein and the AMA to reduce operating expenses f r and enhance practice efficiencies for AMA members. e q The AMA buying program is powered by GroupSource, u one of the nation’s largest group purchasing organization. e n t l y What is a Group Purchasing Organization (GPO)? a A GPO is a cost management service designed to s help businesses reduce operating costs. Strategic vendor k e contract sourcing and collective bargaining lowers total d supply and service acquisition costs through a combination q of lower prices, labor realignment, reduced carrying costs, u e and payment term discounts. s t i o n What are the benefits of the AMAs buying program? s With the AMA’s EXCLUSIVE medical supply program, members have access to a comprehensive, high-quality, high-value portfolio of physician office supplies, in addition to numerous value added services which Henry Schein, the AMA, and GroupSource can offer. What is the difference between the AMAs buying program and other sales plans? Most GPOs are focused on acute care, but in recent times they have begun If you have any marketing to the non-acute care centers. However, by using the buying power of further questions please call us on: the AMA program, Henry Schein in partnership with GroupSource is able to negotiate superior pricing and terms on products and supplies which can help 1.800.772.4346 you run a successful practice.. What is the cost to participate in the AMAs buying program? There is no fee to join and take advantage of these fantastic savings. It is absolutely free. Is there a time commitment? How long is my membership? There is no time commitment, your membership in the AMA’s buying program will continue until you stop purchasing through the program. Does the AMA buying program only cover clinical products for my practice? No, the program contracts extend over many of the products, services, and equipment necessary to run your practice. This program aligns with many partners to provide you with a wide array of value-added solutions. To Order: 1.800.P.SCHEIN (1.800.772.4346) 14MS2025 3 To Fax:1.800.329.910924 Hrs 14MS2025 AMA Sale-WEB_Standard Default 10/20/14 11:47 AM Page 4 NEW REPORT: 2014 Work/Life Profiles of Today’s U.S. Physician N O Work and lifestyles I T A differ by age: C U Where do you fit? D E A M A Answers to these questions and many more can be found in the newly released report, the 2014 Work/Life Profiles of Today’s U.S. Physician at amainsure.com/worklife2014. The report is based on Do you work longer hours than your peers? a national survey created and conducted by AMA Insurance to better understand physicians, ages How do your retirement savings compare? 30-69, and their work and lifestyles, and life choices. No ‘one’ work/lifestyle profile Is your debt load higher or lower While the report produced a wide range of insights, than other physicians? the core finding is that there really is no ‘one’ profile for physicians when it comes to lifestyle. Rather, there are many and they relate specifically to different age What hobbies and activities do you share groups - under age 40, ages 40-59 and ages 60-69 with other physicians? – with some gender differences. Three profiles by age – Are your practice plans the same as compare yourself to your peers your peers’ plans? To better understand how you compare with your peers, we have created three brief summaries of report results on key topics, by age group. See page three of this article to check your age group profile to see where you fit. 14MS2025 4 www.henryschein.com/ama 14MS2025 AMA Sale-WEB_Standard Default 10/20/14 11:47 AM Page 5 AMAI Work/Lifestyle Trivia Quiz Test Your Knowledge About Your Peers A M A E 1. What is the most common medical school 6. How much more retirement savings do D loan debt carried by physicians under age 40? physicians over age 60 say they’d like to have? U C A. $75,000-100,000 A. $200,000 B. $100,000-150,000 B. $500,000 A C. $150,000-200,000 C. $1,000,000+ T I O 2. Which age group of physicians is most 7. Which schedule do most physicians work? N likely to have physician spouses? A. Day A. Physicians under age 40 B. Night B. Physicians ages 40-59 C. Combination of day, night C. Physicians ages 60-69 8. How many hours typically do physicians 3. What is the social media site used most work weekly? by physicians? A. 40-60 hrs A. Twitter B. 60-75 hrs B. Facebook C. 75-80 hrs C. LinkedIn 9. What products or services do physicians 4. What is the social media site used most by purchase most online? female physicians under age 40? A. e-books A. Facebook B. Travel services B. Pinterest C. Clothing C. Google+ D. Digital songs 5. What do physicians worry about most 10. Which technology/devices are most popular related to personal fi nance? with physicians? A. Protecting estate from taxes A. Windows PC tablet B. Retirement savings B. Android phone C. College fund savings C. iPad D. iPhone Answers: 1.C. 73% of physicians under physicians under age 40 carry a debt of $150,000-200,000. 2. A. Physicians under 40 are more likely to marry physicians than any other age group. 3. B&C. Facebook is most popular with physicians under 40 (71%) and about a quarter of all physicians use LinkedIn. Male physicians, especially under age 40, are more likely to use LinkedIn than female counterparts. 4. A. 76% of female physicians under 40 use Facebook vs. 66% of males. 5. B. Retirement savings is the top personal fi nancial concern of physicians of all ages (70% across all ages). 6. C. 44% of physicians ages 60-69 say they would like $1,000,000 or more in addition to what they have already saved. Two-thirds of physicians under 40 say they want incremental savings of $200,000-500,000. 7. A. Most (70%) work during the day; 1% works at night. 8. A. Most work 40-60 hours/week, but nearly 25% work 60 to 80+ hours per week. 9. B&C score the highest in all age groups. 10. C&D. Physicians are heavy iPhone and iPad users. To Order: 1.800.P.SCHEIN (1.800.772.4346) 14MS2025 5 To Fax:1.800.329.910924 Hrs 14MS2025 AMA Sale-WEB_Standard Default 10/20/14 11:47 AM Page 6 Compare yourself to your peers. (continued from previous page) PHYSICIANS UNDER AGE 40 PHYSICIANS AGES 40-59 PHYSICIANS AGES 60-69 GENDER: There is no gender gap in this group versus The gender split is 39% female, The gender split for this group is 22% female, other age groups. It is refl ective of the times, 61% male physicians in this group. 78% male physicians. i.e., more women are attending medical school than in the past. 75% ARE MARRIED with 26% married 82% ARE MARRIED. 84% ARE MARRIED. MARRIAGE/ to a physician. Over half are married to a One in four female physicians is married to Only 13% are married to a physician. FAMILY non-healthcare professional or full-time a physician. • 95% own their homes, with over 40% N homemaker. • Half are married to either a non-health owning a second home. O • They are more likely to marry a physician care professional or a full-time home than other age groups. maker. I • Two-thirds of them own a home; • 90% own a home and 36% own T A 20% own a second home. a second home. C WORK 40% WORK BETWEEN 40-50 HOURS 70% WORK THE DAY SHIFT with 29% 33% WORK 40- 50 HOURS PER WEEK U PER WEEK with 28% working days/nights working days/nights. 1% works nights. and 76% work days. D • 22% of female physicians with children at • Over one-third work 40-50 hours per • Nearly 50% would like to work fewer home work less than 40 hours per week. week; 26% work 61-80+ hours per week hours, but 39% are happy with their E • Nearly half of physicians in this age group • Over half would like to work fewer hours. current schedule. A would like to work fewer hours. M PRACTICE IN THE NEXT 5 YEARS, IN THE NEXT 5 YEARS, IN THE NEXT 5 YEARS, A PLANS 23% PLAN TO CHANGE EMPLOYERS. 13% PLAN TO CHANGE EMPLOYERS. 44% PLAN TO RETIRE. • 69% plan to continue practicing as they • 70% plan to continue practicing • 44% will continue to practice. do now. as they do now. • 7% plan to change employers Top fi nancial concerns are retirement savings Retirement savings is the top personal fi nan- Retirement savings is the top personal fi nan- followed by investment strategies and college cial concern, followed by managing retirement cial concern followed by protecting estates fund savings. options, investment strategies, protecting from taxes and managing retirement options. • RETIREMENT: 54% say they are behind money from taxes and long-term care. • RETIREMENT: Asked about more PERSONAL in saving for retirement. • RETIREMENT: Over half are behind where retirement savings, 44% would like to FINANCE • 65% said they’d like to have they would like to be in retirement have $1,000,000+ more than what they $ $200-500,000 more in savings at savings; only 6% consider have saved now. this point in their life. themselves ‘ahead of schedule.’ • Only 7% consider themselves ‘ahead • MEDICAL SCHOOL DEBT: 73% graduated • 41% would like to have of schedule’ in savings at this point in from medical school with debt. 47% of $500,000-1,000,000 more in their career. Nearly half consider them carry a debt of $100,000-200,000 retirement savings at this point in themselves ‘behind where I would like with 23% being over $200,000 in debt. their career. to be.’ 83% are still paying off the debt today. • MEDICAL SCHOOL DEBT: More than • In hindsight, 27% would have spent • COLLEGE SAVINGS: 59% have a college 60% had medical school debt. more time learning about fi nancial savings plan in place. • 41% had $50K-$150k in debt; planning. 41% had less than $50k in debt. • 25% are still paying off their loan. • COLLEGE SAVINGS: 65% have a college savings plan. TOP ACTIVITIES/ Half of physicians under age 40 run or 35% enjoy bicycling; 36% run or jog; Nearly one third of physicians ages 60-69 jog, with 25% enjoying bicycling and 24% 24% camp and/or hike. bicycle and 23% run and jog. HOBBIES camping/hiking. • More than half are avid book readers. • 64% are avid book readers. • Over half are avid book readers and • Gourmet cooking and owning a dog are • Gourmet cooking, walking for health and half list gourmet cooking as a top hobby. two other key interests. watching television are top interests of this group. For the full report and more details on each age group, visit amainsure.com/worklife2014 About the Survey: The national survey was sent to 125,000 practicing U.S. physicians up to age 69 in October 2013. The respondent profi le (N=4,950 physicians) showed almost equal representation across age segments (24% ages 30-39; 25% ages 40-49; 29% ages 50-59; 22% ages 60-69); a 62-38% male to female ratio; and 29% in family medicine and internal medicine, 11% in pediatrics, 7% in obstetrics/gynecology and 53% in other specialties and sub-specialties. Survey data was collected through Qualtrics®. There was an overall 95% confi dence interval with a margin of error +/- 4%. AMA Insurance Agency, Inc., specializes in meeting the insurance and fi nancial services needs of America’s 1,000,000 physicians, both AMA members and non-members. For more information, visit www.amainsure.com. 14MS2025 6 www.henryschein.com/ama 14MS2025 AMA Sale-WEB_Standard Default 10/20/14 11:47 AM Page 7 A M A E D U C A T $1.6 trillion, 10 million jobs: I O N Study shows physician impact on economy Each physician in the United States supports 13.84 jobs on and benefits, and state and local tax revenue. At the average and contributes $2.2 million in economic output, national level, physicians support greater economic output underscoring how physicians influence the health of both than the following industries: legal services, home health their patients and the economy, according to the AMA’s new care, higher education and nursing home and residential Economic Impact Study. care. The study, prepared by IMS Health and released this week, “Physicians carry tremendous responsibility as skilled focused on the roughly 720,000 physicians who primarily healers, trusted confidants and patient advocates, but their engage in patient care activities, as opposed to those who positive impact isn’t confined to the exam room,” said AMA focus on research or teaching. Nationally, these physicians President Ardis Dee Hoven, MD, in a statement. support $1.6 trillion in total economic output—that’s $2.2 million per physician—and 10 million jobs. “The new AMA study illustrates that physicians are strong economic drivers that are woven into their local communities The study also found that: by the commerce and jobs they create,” Dr. Hoven said. • Physicians support $775.5 billion in wages and benefits “These quality jobs not only support the caring role of at the national level. physicians, but also pay taxes that support schools, housing, transportation and other public services in local • Physicians contribute $65.2 billion in total state and communities.” local taxes nationally, or $90,449 in local and state tax revenue per physician. #KnowTheImpact: Visit the Economic Impact Study Web page to access an interactive map and see a specific break- The study estimated the total economic impact of patient down of economic contributions for each state. care physicians at the national level and for each of the 50 states and Washington, D.C., measuring output, jobs, wages ama-assn.org/go/eis To Order: 1.800.P.SCHEIN (1.800.772.4346) 14MS2025 7 To Fax:1.800.329.910924 Hrs 14MS2025 AMA Sale-WEB_Standard Default 10/20/14 11:48 AM Page 8 FALL 2014 Calendar of Health, Wellness & Awareness OCTOBER NOVEMBER DECEMBER National Breast Cancer American Diabetes Month DECEMBER 1 Awareness Month [email protected] World AIDS Day www.cancer.org www.diabetes.org/in-my- World AIDS community/american- Campaign diabetes-month.html 3rd Floor, 38 Hout Street, National Down’s Syndrome Cape Town Awareness Month Lung Cancer 8001 South Africa [email protected] Awareness Month + 27 21 487 3010 www.ndss.org [email protected] [email protected] www.lung.org www.worldaidscampaign.org OCTOBER 19–25 National Alzheimer's International Infection Prevention Week Disease Awareness Month [email protected] [email protected] www.iipw.site.apic.org/about www.alz.org HAVE YOU National Healthy GOTTEN Respiratory Care Week Skin Month [email protected] [email protected] YOUR FLU www.aarc.org/rcweek www.aad.org VACCINE? National Stomach OCTOBER 29 Cancer Awareness Month DECEMBER 8–14 World Psoriasis Day [email protected] National Influenza [email protected] www.nostomachforcancer.org Vaccination Week www.psoriasis.org [email protected] www.cdc.gov/flu/nivw/ FREE Online Webinars FREE WEBINAR FREE WEBINAR CONTINUING FREE WEBINAR EDUCATION PROGRAM Respiratory Hygiene: Risks of Infective Prevention of Cough, Protective Eyewear Best Practices Staff Protection and Regulatory Cold and Flu Protocols* for High-Level Compliance* Disinfection* COOL G *PRERECORDED *PRERECORDED *PRERECORDED *PRERECORDED www.henryschein.com/Incontrol 14MS2025 8 www.henryschein.com/ama 14MS2025 AMA Sale-WEB_Standard Default 10/20/14 11:50 AM Page 9 Together We’re Helping Health Happen S O C I A L R E S P O N S I B I L I T Y We seek to “help health happen” by expanding access to care for at-risk and underserved populations globally through our focus on three areas: • Wellness, prevention, treatment, and education • Emergency preparedness and relief • Building capacity in the training of professionals and the delivery of health care services Healthy Lifestyles, Healthy Communities We continue to expand our Healthy Lifestyles, Healthy Communities program, increasing service to more than 8,500 children and their caregivers in 14 cities across America. Through a partnership among the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC), Henry Schein Cares, and community clinics, we supply medical products, provide event support and increase awareness about the leading health concerns facing underserved children, from asthma to obesity, with screenings and wellness education. The Henry Schein Cares Foundation, is a tax-exempt organization under Section (501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended. Contributions GLOBAL CORPORATE SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY PROGRAM are tax-deductible as provided by law. To Order: 1.800.P.SCHEIN (1.800.772.4346) 14MS2025 9 To Fax:1.800.329.910924 Hrs 14MS2025 AMA Sale-WEB_Standard Default 10/20/14 11:50 AM Page 10 how to get the most accurate blood pressure measurement N O I T A C U D E A M A As a standard part of many physicians’ office workflows, measuring blood pressure may seem routine. But seemingly minor issues can impact blood pressure measurement, artificially inflating a patient’s blood pressure by anywhere from two to 40 mmHg. Now is a good time to reevaluate blood pressure measurement processes and talk to patients about managing their high blood pressure. Here are several ways you can make sure a patient’s blood pressure is accurately measured: 1. The patient’s feet are flat on the floor, and legs are uncrossed. 2. The patient’s arm and back are properly supported. 3. The patient doesn’t need to use the restroom and can comfortably remain still. 4. The patient’s arm is bare, and the sphygmomanometer cuff is on skin, Taking the checklist not over any clothing. approach to blood 5. The patient is not speaking and has had at least three minutes of quiet time pressure management prior to the measurement. can help ensure quality care in screening for If a patient talks during the measurement, for example, or if the patient’s feet aren’t flat on the floor, there’s a chance that blood pressure measurement will give a and treating patients falsely high reading. This could lead to a prescription for an unnecessary, with high blood potentially harmful, medication. At the same time, other factors can contribute to pressure, preventing the unidentified and untreated hypertension, which can be deadly. development of heart disease and stroke Incorporating these standardized principles into practice workflows is a key down the road. element of the AMA’s Improving Health Outcomes initiative. A pilot program involving multiple clinical sites in two states is implementing principles of safe 14MS2025 10 www.henryschein.com/ama

More than half are avid book readers. • Gourmet cooking and owning a dog are two other key interests. About the Survey: The national survey was
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