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Annual integrated report 2014 Standard Bank Group About Standard Bank Contents Africa is our home, and we are focused on driving her growth. 1 Our reports 98 Transparency and 2 About this report accountability With a heritage of over 3 • Integrated thinking 100 Chairman’s overview 150 years, we are a leading integrated financial services 102 Corporate governance report group on the African continent. 4 Our business 104 • Board of directors We have an on-the-ground 6 How we create value 124 • Executive committee presence in 20 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, fit-for- 8 Our group strategic construct 133 Remuneration report purpose representation 10 Our operating context outside Africa and a strategic 12 Realising the Africa opportunity 162 Shareholder information partnership with ICBC. This 14 Measuring our strategic progress 164 Chairman’s letter to shareholders unique footprint supports our strategy to connect African 16 Responding to our stakeholders 165 Notice to members markets to each other and to 18 Our socioeconomic impact 173 Proxy forms pools of capital globally. 20 Our indirect environmental impact 173 • Ordinary shareholders 175 • Preference shareholders We continue to position the group for the future, putting 22 Our performance 177 Shareholder analysis our customers and clients at the 179 Share statistics 24 Chairman’s report to stakeholders centre of everything we do. In 180 Shareholders' diary line with the realities of risk, 27 Group chief executives’ report regulation, technology and 32 Business unit reviews 181 Instrument codes competition that are shaping 32 • Personal & Business Banking the African landscape, we are Additional information 38 • Corporate & Investment Banking 182 investing significantly in our diversified operations, our 43 • Liberty and Wealth 184 Directorate of key subsidiaries people and culture, our systems 46 Human capital report 185 Credit ratings and infrastructure, and our 52 IT report 186 Financial and other definitions brand. We understand that our commercial success over the 54 Financial review 189 Acronyms and abbreviations long term depends on our 73 Key accounting concepts 192 International representation social relevance and outcomes 76 Summarised annual financial 195 Pro forma information as a financial services statements 196 Contact details organisation that serves the 84 Summarised risk and capital real economies of this continent we call home. management report 2014 2013 Headline earnings – continuing operations Rm 21 068 17 613 Headline earnings Rm 17 323 17 194 Group return on equity (ROE) % 12.9 14.1 ROE – rest of Africa % 21.5 19.7 Dividend per share cents 598 533 Tier I capital adequacy ratio % 12.9 13.2 Net asset value per share cents 8 625 8 089 IT costs as a % of operating expenditure % 25.3 24.7 Staff costs as a % of operating expenditure % 53.3 54.9 The financial results and related commentary is presented on a normalised basis, unless indicated as being on an IFRS basis. For further details regarding the dividend, refer to page 69. Our reports We produce a full suite of reporting publications to cater for the diverse needs of our broad stakeholder base. The following reports, which support our annual integrated report, are tailored to meet our readers' specific information requirements. Frameworks applied Assurance Cross-referencing I nternational <IR> Framework While the annual integrated Annual integrated report AIR S outh African Companies Act report is not audited, it (this report) 71 of 2008 (Companies Act) contains information extracted JSE Listings Requirements from the audited consolidated As our primary report, our annual integrated K ing Report on Corporate annual financial statements. report provides an integrated assessment of Governance (King Code) Certain externally assured the group’s ability to create value over time. S outh African Banks Act 94 of information has been www.standardbank.com/reporting 1990 (Banks Act) extracted from the sustainability report. Risk and capital management V arious regulations relating to Selected information in the RCM financial services, including risk and capital management AFS report Basel III report forms part of the International Financial audited annual financial Provides a detailed discussion of the Reporting Standards (IFRS) statements. management of strategic risks related to the King Code group’s banking and insurance operations, including capital and liquidity management and regulatory developments. www.standardbank.com/reporting IFRS KPMG Inc. and Annual financial statements Companies Act PricewaterhouseCoopers Inc. J SE Listings Requirements have audited the annual Sets out the full audited annual financial King Code financial statements and statements for Standard Bank Group (the expressed an unmodified group or SBG), including the report of the opinion for the year ended group audit committee (GAC). 31 December 2014. www.standardbank.com/reporting Global Reporting KPMG Services Proprietary Sustainability report SR Initiative G4 Limited have provided Standard Bank Group assurance over selected Presents a balanced and comprehensive sustainability information in analysis of the group’s sustainability the 2014 sustainability report performance in relation to issues material to and expressed an unmodified Sustainability Report 2014 the group and its stakeholders. opinion. www.standardbank.com/sustainability 195405 Sustainability 2014.indd 1 2015/03/24 11:48 AM Financial results presentation and booklet Provides management’s analysis of financial results for the period and the performance of the group’s divisions. The above icons www.standardbank.com/reporting. refer readers to information The Standard Bank of South Africa Limited annual report elsewhere in this report, or in The Standard Bank of South Africa (SBSA) is the group’s largest subsidiary. The group’s other subsidiaries also other reports produce their own annual reports, some of which are available at www.standardbank.com/reporting. that form part of the group’s suite As a separate listed entity, Liberty Holdings Limited (Liberty) prepares its own integrated report which is available of reporting at www.libertyholdings.co.za. publications. For the latest financial information, refer to our investor Indicates that additional information is relations page at www.standardbank.com/reporting available online. or scan the QR code to be taken there directly. Denotes text in the risk and capital management report that forms part of the group’s audited financial statements. 1 About this report In determining the content to be included in this report, we consider the pertinent developments and initiatives, and the related performance indicators and future expectations that relate to our material issues. We consider an issue to be material if it is likely to impact our ability to achieve our strategy, and to remain commercially sustainable and socially relevant. In particular, material issues are As a financial services group those that have a strong bearing on our stakeholders’ assessments of focused on Africa, we play a the extent to which we fulfil their needs over the long term. We also fundamental role in the take into account the factors that affect the economic growth and social stability of the countries and regions in which we do business. socioeconomic development In 2013 we undertook an extensive consultative process to determine of the continent we serve. the material issues that affect our longer-term sustainability. These The success of our customers and issues are outlined in relation to our operating context on page 10, and form the lens for the narrative in this report. The specific clients, and the trust and support short- to medium-term matters that relate to how we deliver on our of all our stakeholders, underpin strategy and manage each of these sustainability issues, are discussed with leadership every year in producing the annual integrated report. our commercial sustainability. This year, we broadened this process with the aim of connecting risk disclosure more specifically to the strategic narrative. Based on our leadership engagement, governance processes and our formal and informal stakeholder engagement initiatives, particularly with investors, we are confident that all material matters have been This interdependence requires that we conduct our business identified and disclosed in this report. The group audit committee ethically and responsibly to create value in the long-term interest recommends the integrated report for approval to the board. The of society. Although our annual integrated report is aimed principally board and various subcommittees review the report to ensure all at providers of capital, it is also considered to be of interest to a material matters have been disclosed and appropriately discussed. diverse range of other stakeholders. Scope and boundary Statement of the board of directors of Standard The 2014 annual integrated report covers the period 1 January 2014 Bank Group Limited to 31 December 2014. All material matters up to group board of directors (board) approval on 4 March 2015 are included. The annual integrated report discusses our operations in South Africa, The board acknowledges its responsibility to ensure the the rest of Africa and outside Africa; the terms we use to describe integrity of the annual integrated report. In the board’s the geographic regions in which we operate. The acronyms and opinion, the report addresses all material issues and matters, abbreviations used in this report are explained on page 189. Unless and fairly presents the group’s integrated performance. indicated otherwise, all data pertains to the group, which includes On behalf of the board: our banking operations, subsidiaries and Liberty. Any restatements of comparable information are noted as such. While group financial information is prepared according to IFRS, non-financial information deemed material is also included. Information relating only to SBSA, the group’s largest subsidiary and contributor to headline earnings, Fred Phaswana Sim Tshabalala Ben Kruger has been clearly marked. Chairman Group chief Group chief executive executive Materiality determination Our annual integrated report aims to present a balanced and succinct 4 March 2015 analysis of our strategy, performance, governance and prospects. We welcome the views of our stakeholders on the annual integrated report. Please contact us at [email protected] with your feedback. A limited number of printed risk and capital management report and annual financial statements books are available Feedback on request. Please contact our investor relations department, using the details at the back of this report, and we will gladly make arrangements to provide a copy to you. Standard Bank Group 2 Annual integrated report 2014 Integrated thinking Our commercial sustainability depends on our effectiveness in interest of maintaining stable and thriving African economies assisting Africa’s people, businesses and institutions to fulfil their and societies. economic potential by facilitating payments, managing risk and We believe that a community-minded worldview is integral to creating and preserving wealth. We intermediate between our legitimacy and represents a consistent and considered level providers of capital and employers of capital, providing the of integrated thinking, which we continue to deepen within our former with competitive returns on their investments, and the organisation through our group strategic construct set out on latter with access to the liquidity and capital they need to realise page 8. In effect it corresponds to the capitals model of value their objectives. creation, adopted by the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) in the International <IR> Framework. While we These functions of our core business can in no way be separated have not formally adopted the six capitals categorisation, based from our developing social and environmental context – whether on our understanding of the IIRC’s guidance, our report explains at local, national, regional or global level. Strong institutions are our dependence and impact on the forms of capital that are essential to ensure market outcomes that are socially beneficial fundamental to our ability to create value over the long term. in both the short and long term. These institutions include both We have not structured this report using the capitals but have formal regulatory institutions and informal social institutions embedded them within each section to enable us to plot the such as civil society structures. Well-functioning businesses and interrelationships and trade-offs between them in relation to markets require appropriate regulation to continue as constructive our group and business unit strategies. The capitals are organs of society, to restore trust and to participate in the shared introduced below. is the money we obtain from providers refers to our people and how we select, Financial of capital that we use to support our Human manage and develop them. This enables capital business activities and invest in our capital them to utilise their skills, capabilities, strategy. Financial capital, which includes knowledge and experience to improve reserves generated through share capital, and develop products and services that other equity-related funding and retained meet the needs of our customers and profits generated from our operations, is clients across the diverse regions in used to fund our business activities. which we operate. relates to the natural resources on which is the cooperative relationships with Natural we depend to create value and returns for Social and our customers, clients, capital providers, capital our stakeholders. As a financial services relationship regulators and other stakeholders that group we must deploy our financial capital capital we create, develop and maintain to in such a way that promotes the remain socially relevant and operate preservation or at least minimises the as a responsible corporate citizen. destruction of natural capital. is our tangible and intangible which includes the knowledge of our Manufactured infrastructure that we use to conduct Intellectual people and our intellectual property, capital our business activities, including our capital brand and reputation, is closely related to IT assets. financial, human and manufactured capital given the nature of our business. 3 Our business 6 How we create value 8 Our group strategic construct 10 Our operating context 12 Realising the Africa opportunity 14 Measuring our strategic progress 16 Responding to our stakeholders 18 Our socioeconomic impact 20 Our indirect environmental impact Standard Bank Group 4 Annual integrated report 2014 5 Leveraging information technology SnapScan allows users to charge purchases to their credit or cheque card by scanning a unique vendor code at point of sale using their smartphone. Vendors do not need a bank account as payments can be redeemed as Instant Money vouchers at any Spar store or Standard Bank ATM, making SnapScan especially useful to smaller traders. Developed in partnership with FireID, SnapScan stands as an example of the innovations that our efforts to build a digital bank in Africa are enabling. 5 Our business How we create value Income Principal risks arising Business activity statement impact from this activity For more detail 32 63 84 refer to page: Lending enables our individual customers to create wealth by acquiring assets which either grow in value over time or which support their ability to Wctthhoeeen slpgterrrnoaeidusncp trms,i b fooerfond mea rvy eaw gtilohua ilbcoahluteo r w rccyeau p esdintteoavrmlii rvaoeennr dsimn awteennitrdthe scis.n tlTi eiohnnuictsros c rmwirseeikta hotaeivpnsep traeh sttesiimt eete sa. nfodr Iaicmnhntadper argceirresmestd eiinnt ct ome Credit risk est rate risk uidity risk gwsbpuaerhaspnieccpeh.t ori Wacsreuttees p i enptinmh omcerpot ilctmsoio gytenh a.rt teeFiiniosnrupr gc ioo tosnuymors a cimsbinmaledela r alcgll-neira nodald wn sediutnn hsmgv ti oearpofdirn niatuamhcmbteeii-iclsnrieit tzbsyae u ldaa sn nrieidndsn  ekhttseshas revipeneirrs ipm,rs oerceol oe(cjneS hitcMnart insbdE iurs)ti hmtvciainlsnite g giwnn tet eopsm ,lfj aoiplnecbleano n cdytrcmioene aega.tn siesotin nsaat,n bdsdluei sessttc rateohisnnesaomebmdl e ticco us gmusrtpoaopwnmlaytehg or esifn wag Anoofdorrk diccinslai ge.a nnFctodasr p,s icaetoanrvrld pic cowoernesa s taaternp adcpiln iltetyhsn e gta slnc,oo dlber pcanaold srbihanet gfesl ott wax, We source funding from deposits placed by customers and nter Liq Caguastionmste tr hdee peorsoistsio ena ronf i nctaeprietsatl adtu rea tteos indfelpateionnd.in Wg eo np atrhteic itpyaptee oinf seaqvuinitgys a onrd i ndveebstt mcaepnitta pl rmodarukcett as ntdo t shoeu srizcee ofuf nthdein dge,p owshitic phl accoendt rwibhiucthe ms titoi gtahtee s other funders to enable lending. This creates liabilities, which Interest expense I continued functioning of the broader financial system. Our capital and liquidity management framework ensures that we are able to meet our funding generate future interest expenses. requirements and payment obligations under both normal and stressed conditions, protect our depositors’ funds and reduce systemic risk in the domestic banking system. s t n mpairme Wkneo pwrloevdigdee- tbraasnesda csteirovnicael sb taon koiunr gc ufsatcoimliteiress a anndd c lients. Ncreoevmte mnfeuieses aionnd ocial risk esrWeelervevce itcfnraoeucsne,ii l caic tlfolaooltrlweme cotst huiooerf n cmpu aasoygtvomeemnemenceirtes na satn nvdoid afp cmsrloeieovlfnin-dtseiseny rgt,ov ic ecbaenes ahneb elmelfinciattg nrf oarcongumiesctm ocoemhunaertn r enss exeaprlnsve diicrn eic eslain.e ncOnuetums ra tbnkoend rao tcowrcflae eAcsdkfsgr iertceh-abcneoa icrsro edfud uon nstnedr iretsvh siic,en ea scna,od wmn ohtafiinfncehner en ibnrtac .m lnWukodeiesn t agc lcos oosrpe nforvavrecaincitleeiite saan dtttoev it smpooa rutyyhl mtaeinnemdna, tt lboisoy atn noea n slnt arabutlciintougnr ianlg t i or s companies and donor agencies operating on the continent. Income after credi WofiWbaanoncuuseertdrstei ivr oecingugilatfeiamniefrsei ennnesesr,stn .x r sitmcone sthncv.oaal e urpnsnkdrguoueiepnpte,pg e aoc frsocrrthtoycm o,emt mrhpst es-rooi ivdarata inhnbttdyeedu, r s lec roinsriqnseoeugkdusi- tsirmtty c,er eeairitnmqsnit udg eliii annrrseetkstisrmueoatrd tenare nan tgpottceisre c,o o aouiidnnnprucvd eclec uorestadrtqstemi uinto iogetn n ys t TOrtahdeinr gre rveevneuneue Credit risk Market risk e risk uding compliance, environmental and/ Business and reputational risk bafotPBaioc pruyncot esiamo vvriininnnaidottcdveiinieninesuaseggssil,tt e t cwpii isnsfunre,eo s ogd p tri tteon oiehinvmsvncee ietvaetilisoirecvro tspestr nitilaeinvynm nsa ig itodnmen im uendocprslat naic de r c-eikoinntcvsetitotn ehtsoasrg rewn e s rsAo id iuofttfn hchirpdc h aiepa ic nmvmatao esii.paron rTtArlsn ouoktfi yhf renthimyecthie t aertoali.pohen crS dusteco u igeianutrpsnhha rpse dr aco,yrc tlit r oi scehtfsnokionenur out g tptsremr a sptxawxerioan ae ebmrodssataff.ipt n sehtnlegerheo. . re artWT mhc mhetreaioecav lourm sibktegniaeue horrtssik mis lfneioklseuytsnt s ic lnaasottrgh nucoesedaap t l io cneiceonorrhqnea neeustatri qtiioeatneuinnnee iastdtns ,yd itvt nsd eoopu ixt tlrcaraicohoanthvd ni alaiiiidantnnslie t ggepvese sra ra,Aosnl cu wpfattreoeiteiv.ic r oiratotanyinfei,afs seclpe orear ciunqrvaindauspttk iitrce tiyamae enlsi,inq t bweivugeeniiatt sayhtmtib ooagolrnner r bedespa arptssotthreerdoe,aru ntmw coeoht gupstini cpocwhc o iehg nrcdirvtcro ueehwwsna hetti mentteinhaeseb e ns lit er Wpshreao rdoeufhfcoetlrds ilnaognn dign -a Ldaibvniedsr otsyrh.yo sret-rtveicrems itnhsrouuragnh coeu, ri n5v4e.3st%m ent Iimlninfvaceeon ismantgsmeue emrfarnoentmnc et and Insuranc ational risk, incl aTLplihrsboroeot rauetngcy thaa ctlssthhoiveo eomrt f-pfs eaearrnlstvd iecm islpoe aandnngict-da ti lne ta rhtmidhe ,ei irn l ipfsderuei vrapaasnetsecnu edre,aa qninnucvtietsey as,a tnpgmdraoe ripnneetts irtprte yrlomo adsenusndc to t osfpt rahionnedcdru o sacmtdtrsave tiw sedohguriiycceh sit neaovrs veisilsciltsnemtse eiswnnsed to imhvr ieadalrtpuk earoetlsust. ritr oec umrseetmnotam.i neAr sps a rbonu daiusldsce taitv naedn mdp repomotrebtfceotrl isot h omefa irsn o awcgieeerat,y ltw hae.n a d r e activities er p O We are a significant employer in many of the countries in which we operate. We aim to hire locally whenever possible as we believe that employees We invest in developing and retaining our people in who reflect the diversity of communities within which we operate enables us to better meet the needs of our customers and clients. Through our training and order to execute our strategy and deliver to our customers Staff costs development programmes we enhance the level of financial services and related skills in Africa. The employment multiplier effect means that for each and clients. job that we create we sustain, directly and indirectly, a number of other jobs in the local economy. As active consumers and taxpayers, our employees make s a significant contribution to their local economies. e s n e xp Our ongoing investment in our business ensures that we remain competitive and sustainable, and thus able to continue to make a positive E We invest in our operations, which includes IT systems contribution to our host countries. Our substantial investments in transforming our core banking platforms position us to serve our customers and Other operating clients more effectively and to innovate, strengthening our competitive position. We are a significant procurer of goods and services in the markets and infrastructure, to improve efficiency and deliver relevant costs in which we operate, given the scale of our operations. In South Africa, we focus on increasing our procurement spend with black suppliers and in the rest products and services to our customers and clients. of Africa we aim to procure locally wherever possible. Our suppliers in turn create and sustain employment and form part of the corporate tax base in the countries in which they operate. Dividends to our shareholders Net profit Retained equity which is reinvested to sustain and grow our business Taxes to governments Standard Bank Group 6 Annual integrated report 2014 Linking our profitability to socially beneficial outcomes Lending enables our individual customers to create wealth by acquiring assets which either grow in value over time or which support their ability to Wctthhoeeen slpgterrrnoaeidusncp trms,i b fooerfond mea rvy eaw gtilohua ilbcoahluteo r w rccyeau p esdintteoavrmlii rvaoeennr dsimn awteennitrdthe scis.n tlTi eiohnnuictsros c rmwirseeikta hotaeivpnsep traeh sttesiimt eete sa. nfodr Iaicmnhntadper argceirresmestd eiinnt ct ome Credit risk est rate risk uidity risk pgwsbuaerhaspnieccpeh.t ori Wacsreuttees p i enptinmh omcerpot ilctmsoio gytenh a.rt teeFiiniosnrupr gc ioo tosnuymors a cimsbinmaledela r alcgll-neira nodald wn sediutnn hsmgv ti oearpofdirn niatuamhcmbteeii-iclsnrieit tzbsyae u ldaa sn nrieidndsn  ekhttseshas revipeneirrs ipm,rs oerceol oe(cjneS hitcMnart insbdE iurs)ti hmtvciainlsnite g giwnn tet eopsm ,lfj aoiplnecbleano n cdytrcmioene aega.tn siesotin nsaat,n bdsdluei sessttc rateohisnnesaomebmdl e ticco us gmusrtpoaopwnmlaytehg or esifn wag Anoofdorrk diccinslai ge.a nnFctodasr p,s icaetoanrvrld pic cowoernesa s taaternp adcpiln iltetyhsn e gta slnc,oo dlber pcanaold srbihanet gfesl ott wax, We source funding from deposits placed by customers and nter Liq Caguastionmste tr hdee peorsoistsio ena ronf i nctaeprietsatl adtu rea tteos indfelpateionnd.in Wg eo np atrhteic itpyaptee oinf seaqvuinitgys a onrd i ndveebstt mcaepnitta pl rmodarukcett as ntdo t shoeu srizcee ofuf nthdein dge,p owshitic phl accoendt rwibhiucthe ms titoi gtahtee s other funders to enable lending. This creates liabilities, which Interest expense I continued functioning of the broader financial system. Our capital and liquidity management framework ensures that we are able to meet our funding generate future interest expenses. requirements and payment obligations under both normal and stressed conditions, protect our depositors’ funds and reduce systemic risk in the domestic banking system. We facilitate the movement of money, enabling customers and clients to access their funds in a manner most convenient to them, by enabling Wkneo pwrloevdigdee- tbraasnesda csteirovnicael sb taon koiunr gc ufsatcoimliteiress a anndd c lients. Ncreoevmte mnfeuieses aionnd ocial risk esreelervvceitcnroeusne,i cac lfoloolrlwme cost uioorf n cpu aasygtomemneencirtes a san nvdid ap csrloeievlfni-dtsisen rgtov ic cbaees hne elmefciatt nrfoarongmiecm coehunartn ensexeprlsve iicrnei esan. ncOueum ra bnkendro towrfla eAcdkfgr ierce-abcnoa csroedud on stner iretvhsic,e ea scn,od wn ohtfiifnceher n ibntac. lnWukdeien agclos osrpe foravrcaicitleeit saa dttoevi smpoaruyyl mtainnedna ttloiso atnnoa slnt rautcitounrianlg or s companies and donor agencies operating on the continent. / d n baaWofiWnoncuuseertdrstei ivr oecingugilatfeiamniefrsei ennnesesr,stn .x r sitmcone sthncv.oaal e urpnsnkdrguoueiepnpte,pg e aoc frsocrrthtoycm o,emt mrhpst es-rooi ivdarata inhnbttdyeedu, r s lec roinsriqnseoeugkdusi- tsirmtty c,er eeairitnmqsnit udg eliii annrrseetkstisrmueoatrd tenare nan tgpottceisre c,o o aouiidnnnprucvd eclec uorestadrtqstemi uinto iogetn n ys t OTrtahdeinr gre rveevneuneue Credit risk Market risk e risk uding compliance, environmental a Business and reputational risk aPbBafotioc pruyncot esiamo vvriininnnaidottcdveiinieninesuaseggssi,ltt e t cwpii isnsfunre,eo s ogd p tri tteon oiehinvmsvncee ietvaetilisoirecvro tspestr nitilaeinvynm nsa ig itodnmen im uendocprslat naic de r c-eikoinntcvsetitotn ehtsoasrg rewn e s rsAo id iuofttfn hchirpdc h aiepa ic nmvmatao esii.paron rTtArlsn ouoktfi yhf renthimyecthie t aertoali.ophen crS dusteco u igeianutrpsnhha rpse dr aco,yrc tlit r oi scehtfsnokionenur out g tptsremr a sptxawxerioan ae ebmrodssataff.ipt n sehtnlegerheo. . re artWT mhc mhetreaioecav lourm sibktegniaeue horrtssik mis lfneioklseuytsnt s ic lnaasottrgh nucoesedaap t l io cneiceonorrhqnea neeustatri qtiioeatneuinnnee iastdtns ,yd itvt nsd eoopu ixt tlrcaraicohoanthvd ni alaiiiidantnnslie t ggepvese sra ra,Aosnl cu wpfattreoeiteiv.ic r oiratotanyinfei,afs seclpe orear ciunqrvaindauspttk iitrce tiyamae enlsi,inq t bweivugeeniiatt sayhtmtib ooagolrnner r bedespa arptssotthreerdoe,aru ntmw coeoht gupstini cpocwch o iehg nrcdirvtcro ueehwwsna hetti mentteinhaeseb e ns lit er Wpshreao rdoeufhfcoetlrds ilnaognn dign -a Ldaibvniedsr otsyrh.yo sret-rtveicrems itnhsrouuragnh coeu, ri n5v4e.3st%m ent Iimlninfvaceeon ismantgsmeue emrfarnoentmnc et and Insuranc ational risk, incl TLpalihrsboroeot rauetngcy thaa ctlssthhoiveo eomrt f-pfs eaearrnlstvd iecm islpoe aandnngict-da ti lne ta rhtmidhe ,ei irn l ipfsderuei vrapaasnetsecnu edre,aa qninnucvtietsey as,a tnpgmdraoe ripnneetts irtprte yrlomo adsenusndc to t osfpt rahionnedcdru o sacmtdtrsave tiw sedohguriiycceh sit neaovrs veisilsciltsnemtse eiswnnsed to imhvr ieadalrtpuk earoetlsust. ritr oec umrseetmnotam.i neAr sps a rbonu daiusldsce taitv naedn mdp rpeomotrebtfceotrl isot h omefa irsn o awcgieeerat,y lwt hae.n a d r e activities er p O We are a significant employer in many of the countries in which we operate. We aim to hire locally whenever possible as we believe that employees We invest in developing and retaining our people in who reflect the diversity of communities within which we operate enables us to better meet the needs of our customers and clients. Through our training and order to execute our strategy and deliver to our customers Staff costs development programmes we enhance the level of financial services and related skills in Africa. The employment multiplier effect means that for each and clients. job that we create we sustain, directly and indirectly, a number of other jobs in the local economy. As active consumers and taxpayers, our employees make a significant contribution to their local economies. Our ongoing investment in our business ensures that we remain competitive and sustainable, and thus able to continue to make a positive We invest in our operations, which includes IT systems contribution to our host countries. Our substantial investments in transforming our core banking platforms position us to serve our customers and Other operating clients more effectively and to innovate, strengthening our competitive position. We are a significant procurer of goods and services in the markets and infrastructure, to improve efficiency and deliver relevant costs in which we operate, given the scale of our operations. In South Africa, we focus on increasing our procurement spend with black suppliers and in the rest products and services to our customers and clients. of Africa we aim to procure locally wherever possible. Our suppliers in turn create and sustain employment and form part of the corporate tax base in the countries in which they operate. For specific examples of how our business activities contribute to broader value creation, see Realising the Africa opportunity on page 12, and for more information on our socioeconomic impact, see page 18. 7 Our business Our group strategic construct The ultimate test of our strategy is to deliver sustainable and superior financial performance over the long term, measured by earnings and ROE. The group’s strategy has evolved organically in line with the development of our franchises. The fundamentals of our strategy and its alignment to our code of ethics have therefore not changed. In our pursuit of leadership as an African financial services organisation, we continue to pursue growth – mainly organic growth – in Africa. Our businesses outside Africa exist primarily to link African enterprises to global pools of capital. Our purpose is the reason we exist, and the basis on which we plan our future: Our long-term profitability depends on the stability and wellbeing of our continent. Our pursuit of profit in a competitive market will lead to socially beneficial outcomes. We use the fundamental power of financial services to make life better for our fellow Africans. Purpose Africa is our home, we drive her growth Legitimacy To be the leading financial services Vision organisation in, for and across Africa, delivering exceptional Our values support our legitimacy, Values and are the basis for earning the customer and client experiences and trust of our stakeholders. superior value Serving our customers Working in teams Growing our people Respecting each other D elivering to our shareholders L iving the highest levels of integrity Being proactive Constantly raising the bar Guiding principles Business units Enabling functions Integrated pillars Pers o nBalu s i& n eBsas nking (PBBC)orp o Irantve e s t& Bmaennkit ng (CIB)Liber ty Waeanldt h Risk Finance IT OperationsHuman capitalMarketingCommunicationsComplianceLegal Our integrated pillars Clear strategies for each of our business units and enabling encompass our business units functions ensure that we deliver on our purpose. Business unit and enabling functions, which is strategies are discussed further in the business unit reviews. where our strategy is executed: These strategies are supported by changes made to our business architecture, which ensure that the strategies can be implemented effectively. Standard Bank Group 8 Annual integrated report 2014

AFS. Annual financial statements. Sets out the full audited annual financial The 2014 annual integrated report covers the period 1 January 2014 management report and annual financial statements books are available .. They are the single most important factor in attracting talent and clients.
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