Federal Aviation Administration, DOT Pt. 65 (p) Course operator approvals. An applicant 65.46 Use of prohibited drugs. for approval of a flight engineer ground 65.46a Misuse of alcohol. course, or flight course, or both, must meet 65.46b Testing for alcohol. all of the requirements of this appendix con- 65.47 Maximum hours. cerning application, approval, and con- 65.49 General operating rules. tinuing approval of that course or courses. 65.50 Currency requirements. (q) Practical test eligibility. An applicant for a flight engineer certificate and class rating Subpart C—Aircraft Dispatchers under the provisions of §63.37(b)(6) is not eli- gible to take the practical test unless he has 65.51 Certificate required. successfully completed an approved flight 65.53 Eligibility requirements: General. engineer ground school course in the same 65.55 Knowledge requirements. type of airplane for which he has completed 65.57 Experience or training requirements. an approved flight engineer flight course. 65.59 Skill requirements. 65.61 Aircraft dispatcher certification [Doc. No. 6458, 30 FR 14560, Nov. 23, 1965, as courses: Content and minimum hours. amended by Amdt. 63–15, 37 FR 9758, May 17, 65.63 Aircraft dispatcher certification 1972] courses: Application, duration, and other general requirements. PART 65—CERTIFICATION: AIRMEN 65.65 Aircraft dispatcher certification OTHER THAN FLIGHT CREW- courses: Training facilities. MEMBERS 65.67 Aircraft dispatcher certification courses: Personnel. 65.70 Aircraft dispatcher certification SPECIAL FEDERAL AVIATION REGULATION NO. courses: Records. 58 [NOTE] SPECIAL FEDERAL AVIATION REGULATION NO. Subpart D—Mechanics 100 [NOTE] 65.71 Eligibility requirements: General. Subpart A—General 65.73 Ratings. 65.75 Knowledge requirements. Sec. 65.77 Experience requirements. 65.1 Applicability. 65.79 Skill requirements. 65.3 Certification of foreign airmen other 65.80 Certificated aviation maintenance than flight crewmembers. technician school students. 65.11 Application and issue. 65.81 General privileges and limitations. 65.12 Offenses involving alcohol or drugs. 65.83 Recent experience requirements. 65.13 Temporary certificate. 65.85 Airframe rating; additional privileges. 65.14 Security disqualification. 65.87 Powerplant rating; additional privi- 65.15 Duration of certificates. leges. 65.16 Change of name: Replacement of lost 65.89 Display of certificate. or destroyed certificate. 65.91 Inspection authorization. 65.17 Tests: General procedure. 65.92 Inspection authorization: Duration. 65.18 Written tests: Cheating or other unau- 65.93 Inspection authorization: Renewal. thorized conduct. 65.95 Inspection authorization: Privileges 65.19 Retesting after failure. and limitations. 65.20 Applications, certificates, logbooks, reports, and records: Falsification repro- Subpart E—Repairmen duction, or alteration. 65.21 Change of address. 65.101 Eligibility requirements: General. 65.23 Refusal to submit to a drug or alcohol 65.103 Repairman certificate: Privileges and test. limitations. 65.104 Repairman certificate—experimental Subpart B—Air Traffic Control Tower aircraft builder—Eligibility, privileges Operators and limitations. 65.105 Display of certificate. 65.31 Required certificates, and rating or 65.107 Repairman certificate (light-sport qualification. aircraft): Eligibility, privileges, and lim- 65.33 Eligibility requirements: General. its. 65.35 Knowledge requirements. 65.37 Skill requirements: Operating posi- Subpart F—Parachute Riggers tions. 65.39 Practical experience requirements: 65.111 Certificate required. Facility rating. 65.113 Eligibility requirements: General. 65.41 Skill requirements: Facility ratings. 65.115 Senior parachute rigger certificate: 65.43 Rating privileges and exchange. Experience, knowledge, and skill require- 65.45 Performance of duties. ments. 137 VerDate Aug<04>2004 06:40 Feb 25, 2005 Jkt 205044 PO 00000 Frm 00137 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Y:\SGML\205044T.XXX 205044T §65.1 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–05 Edition) 65.117 Military riggers or former military tinued airworthiness of a U.S.-reg- riggers: Special certification rule. istered civil aircraft. 65.119 Master parachute rigger certificate: Experience, knowledge, and skill require- [Doc. 65–28, 47 FR 35693, Aug. 16, 1982] ments. 65.121 Type ratings. §65.11 Application and issue. 65.123 Additional type ratings: Require- (a) Application for a certificate and ments. appropriate class rating, or for an addi- 65.125 Certificates: Privileges. 65.127 Facilities and equipment. tional rating, under this part must be 65.129 Performance standards. made on a form and in a manner pre- 65.131 Records. scribed by the Administrator. Each 65.133 Seal. person who is neither a U.S. citizen nor APPENDIX A TO PART 65—AIRCRAFT DIS- a resident alien and who applies for a PATCHERCOURSES written or practical test to be adminis- AUTHORITY: 49 U.S.C. 106(g), 40113, 44701– tered outside the United States or for 44703, 44707, 44709–44711, 45102–45103, 45301– any certificate or rating issued under 45302. this part must show evidence that the SOURCE: Docket No. 1179, 27 FR 7973, Aug. fee prescribed in appendix A of part 187 10, 1962, unless otherwise noted. of this chapter has been paid. (b) An applicant who meets the re- SPECIALFEDERALAVIATIONREGULATION quirements of this part is entitled to NO. 58 an appropriate certificate and rating. (c) Unless authorized by the Adminis- EDITORIALNOTE: For the text of SFAR No. trator, a person whose air traffic con- 58, see part 121 of this chapter. trol tower operator, mechanic, or para- chute rigger certificate is suspended SPECIALFEDERALAVIATIONREGULATION may not apply for any rating to be NO. 100 added to that certificate during the pe- riod of suspension. EDITORIALNOTE: For the text of SFAR No. 100, see part 61 of this chapter. (d) Unless the order of revocation provides otherwise— EFFECTIVE DATE NOTE: By Doc. No. FAA– (1) A person whose air traffic control 2003–15431, 68 FR 36906, June 20, 2003, SFAR 100 was added, effective June 20, 2003, tower operator, aircraft dispatcher, or through June 20, 2005. parachute rigger certificate is revoked may not apply for the same kind of cer- Subpart A—General tificate for 1 year after the date of rev- ocation; and §65.1 Applicability. (2) A person whose mechanic or re- pairman certificate is revoked may not This part prescribes the requirements apply for either of those kinds of cer- for issuing the following certificates tificates for 1 year after the date of and associated ratings and the general revocation. operating rules for the holders of those certificates and ratings: [Doc. No. 1179, 27 FR 7973, Aug. 10, 1962, as (a) Air-traffic control-tower opera- amended by Amdt. 65–9, 31 FR 13524, Oct. 20, tors. 1966; Amdt. 65–28, 47 FR 35693, Aug. 16, 1982] (b) Aircraft dispatchers. (c) Mechanics. §65.12 Offenses involving alcohol or drugs. (d) Repairmen. (e) Parachute riggers. (a) A conviction for the violation of any Federal or state statute relating to §65.3 Certification of foreign airmen the growing, processing, manufacture, other than flight crewmembers. sale, disposition, possession, transpor- A person who is neither a U.S. citizen tation, or importation of narcotic nor a resident alien is issued a certifi- drugs, marihuana, or depressant or cate under subpart D of this part, out- stimulant drugs or substances is side the United States, only when the grounds for— Administrator finds that the certifi- (1) Denial of an application for any cate is needed for the operation or con- certificate or rating issued under this 138 VerDate Aug<04>2004 06:40 Feb 25, 2005 Jkt 205044 PO 00000 Frm 00138 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\205044T.XXX 205044T Federal Aviation Administration, DOT §65.16 part for a period of up to 1 year after who has been issued a Final Notifica- the date of final conviction; or tion of Threat Assessment. (2) Suspension or revocation of any (2) The FAA will revoke any certifi- certificate or rating issued under this cate, rating, or authorization issued part. under this part after the TSA has (b) The commission of an act prohib- issued to the holder a Final Notifica- ited by §91.19(a) of this chapter is tion of Threat Assessment. grounds for— (1) Denial of an application for a cer- [Doc. No. FAA–2003–14293, 68 FR 3775, Jan. 24, tificate or rating issued under this part 2003] for a period of up to 1 year after the date of that act; or §65.15 Duration of certificates. (2) Suspension or revocation of any (a) Except for repairman certificates, certificate or rating issued under this a certificate or rating issued under this part. part is effective until it is surrendered, [Doc. No. 21956, 50 FR 15379, Apr. 17, 1985, as suspended, or revoked. amended by Amdt. 65–34, 54 FR 34330, Aug. 18, (b) Unless it is sooner surrendered, 1989] suspended, or revoked, a repairman certificate is effective until the holder §65.13 Temporary certificate. is relieved from the duties for which A certificate and ratings effective for the holder was employed and certifi- a period of not more than 120 days may cated. be issued to a qualified applicant, pend- (c) The holder of a certificate issued ing review of his application and sup- under this part that is suspended, re- plementary documents and the issue of voked, or no longer effective shall re- the certificate and ratings for which he turn it to the Administrator. applied. [Doc. No. 22052, 47 FR 35693, Aug. 16, 1982] [Doc. No. 1179, 27 FR 7973, Aug. 10, 1962, as amended by Amdt. 65–23, 43 FR 22640, May 25, 1978] §65.16 Change of name: Replacement of lost or destroyed certificate. §65.14 Security disqualification. (a) An application for a change of (a) Eligibility standard. No person is name on a certificate issued under this eligible to hold a certificate, rating, or part must be accompanied by the appli- authorization issued under this part cant’s current certificate and the mar- when the Transportation Security Ad- riage license, court order, or other doc- ministration (TSA) has notified the ument verifying the change. The docu- FAA in writing that the person poses a ments are returned to the applicant security threat. after inspection. (b) Effect of the issuance by the TSA of (b) An application for a replacement an Initial Notification of Threat Assess- of a lost or destroyed certificate is ment. (1) The FAA will hold in abey- made by letter to the Department of ance pending the outcome of the TSA’s Transportation, Federal Aviation Ad- final threat assessment review an ap- ministration, Airman Certification plication for any certificate, rating, or Branch, Post Office Box 25082, Okla- authorization under this part by any homa City, OK 73125. The letter must— person who has been issued an Initial (1) Contain the name in which the Notification of Threat Assessment by certificate was issued, the permanent the TSA. (2) The FAA will suspend any certifi- mailing address (including zip code), cate, rating, or authorization issued social security number (if any), and under this part after the TSA issues to date and place of birth of the certifi- the holder an Initial Notification of cate holder, and any available informa- Threat Assessment. tion regarding the grade, number, and (c) Effect of the issuance by the TSA of date of issue of the certificate, and the a Final Notification of Threat Assessment. ratings on it; and (1) The FAA will deny an application (2) Be accompanied by a check or for any certificate, rating, or author- money order for $2, payable to the Fed- ization under this part to any person eral Aviation Administration. 139 VerDate Aug<04>2004 06:40 Feb 25, 2005 Jkt 205044 PO 00000 Frm 00139 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\205044T.XXX 205044T §65.17 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–05 Edition) (c) An application for a replacement (4) Take any part of that test in be- of a lost or destroyed medical certifi- half of another person; cate is made by letter to the Depart- (5) Use any material or aid during the ment of Transportation, Federal Avia- period that test is being given; or tion Administration, Civil Aeromedical (6) Intentionally cause, assist, or par- Institute, Aeromedical Certification ticipate in any act prohibited by this Branch, Post Office Box 25082, Okla- paragraph. homa City, OK 73125, accompanied by a (b) No person who commits an act check or money order for $2.00. prohibited by paragraph (a) of this sec- (d) A person whose certificate issued tion is eligible for any airman or under this part or medical certificate, ground instructor certificate or rating or both, has been lost may obtain a under this chapter for a period of 1 telegram from the FAA confirming year after the date of that act. In addi- that it was issued. The telegram may tion, the commission of that act is a be carried as a certificate for a period basis for suspending or revoking any not to exceed 60 days pending his re- airman or ground instructor certificate ceiving a duplicate certificate under or rating held by that person. paragraph (b) or (c) of this section, un- [Doc. No. 4086, 30 FR 2196, Feb. 18, 1965] less he has been notified that the cer- tificate has been suspended or revoked. §65.19 Retesting after failure. The request for such a telegram may be An applicant for a written, oral, or made by prepaid telegram, stating the practical test for a certificate and rat- date upon which a duplicate certificate ing, or for an additional rating under was requested, or including the request this part, may apply for retesting— for a duplicate and a money order for (a) After 30 days after the date the the necessary amount. The request for applicant failed the test; or a telegraphic certificate should be sent (b) Before the 30 days have expired if to the office prescribed in paragraph the applicant presents a signed state- (b) or (c) of this section, as appropriate. ment from an airman holding the cer- However, a request for both at the tificate and rating sought by the appli- same time should be sent to the office cant, certifying that the airman has prescribed in paragraph (b) of this sec- given the applicant additional instruc- tion. tion in each of the subjects failed and that the airman considers the appli- [Doc. No. 7258, 31 FR 13524, Oct. 20, 1966, as cant ready for retesting. amended by Doc. No. 8084, 32 FR 5769, Apr. 11, 1967; Amdt. 65–16, 35 FR 14075, Sept. 4, 1970; [Doc. No. 16383, 43 FR 22640, May 25, 1978] Amdt. 65–17, 36 FR 2865, Feb. 11, 1971] §65.20 Applications, certificates, §65.17 Tests: General procedure. logbooks, reports, and records: Fal- sification, reproduction, or alter- (a) Tests prescribed by or under this ation. part are given at times and places, and by persons, designated by the Adminis- (a) No person may make or cause to trator. be made— (1) Any fraudulent or intentionally (b) The minimum passing grade for false statement on any application for each test is 70 percent. a certificate or rating under this part; (2) Any fraudulent or intentionally §65.18 Written tests: Cheating or other unauthorized conduct. false entry in any logbook, record, or report that is required to be kept, (a) Except as authorized by the Ad- made, or used, to show compliance ministrator, no person may— with any requirement for any certifi- (1) Copy, or intentionally remove, a cate or rating under this part; written test under this part; (3) Any reproduction, for fraudulent (2) Give to another, or receive from purpose, of any certificate or rating another, any part or copy of that test; under this part; or (3) Give help on that test to, or re- (4) Any alteration of any certificate ceive help on that test from, any per- or rating under this part. son during the period that test is being (b) The commission by any person of given; an act prohibited under paragraph (a) 140 VerDate Aug<04>2004 06:40 Feb 25, 2005 Jkt 205044 PO 00000 Frm 00140 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\205044T.XXX 205044T Federal Aviation Administration, DOT §65.35 of this section is a basis for suspending (a) Holds an air traffic control tower or revoking any airman or ground in- operator certificate issued to him structor certificate or rating held by under this subpart; that person. (b) Holds a facility rating for that control tower issued to him under this [Doc. No. 4086, 30 FR 2196, Feb. 18, 1965] subpart, or has qualified for the oper- §65.21 Change of address. ating position at which he acts and is under the supervision of the holder of a Within 30 days after any change in facility rating for that control tower; his permanent mailing address, the and holder of a certificate issued under this part shall notify the Department of For the purpose of this subpart, oper- Transportation, Federal Aviation Ad- ating position means an air traffic con- ministration, Airman Certification trol function performed within or di- Branch, Post Office Box 25082, Okla- rectly associated with the control homa City, OK 73125, in writing, of his tower; new address. (c) Except for a person employed by the FAA or employed by, or on active [Doc. No. 10536, 35 FR 14075, Sept. 4, 1970] duty with, the Department of the Air Force, Army, or Navy or the Coast §65.23 Refusal to submit to a drug or Guard, holds at least a second-class alcohol test. medical certificate issued under part 67 (a) General. This section applies to an of this chapter. employee who performs a function list- ed in appendix I or appendix J to part [Doc. No. 10193, 35 FR 12326, Aug. 1, 1970, as 121 of this chapter directly or by con- amended by Amdt. 65–25, 45 FR 18911, Mar. 24, 1980; Amdt. 65–31, 52 FR 17518, May 8, 1987] tract for a part 121 certificate holder, a part 135 certificate holder, an operator §65.33 Eligibility requirements: Gen- as defined in §135.1(c) of this chapter, eral. or an air traffic control facility not op- To be eligible for an air traffic con- erated by the FAA or the U.S. mili- trol tower operator certificate a person tary. must— (b) Refusal by the holder of a certifi- (a) Be at least 18 years of age; cate issued under this part to take a (b) Be of good moral character; drug test required under the provisions (c) Be able to read, write, and under- of appendix I to part 121 or an alcohol stand the English language and speak test required under the provisions of it without accent or impediment of appendix J to part 121 is grounds for— speech that would interfere with two- (1) Denial of an application for any way radio conversation; certificate or rating issued under this (d) Except for a person employed by part for a period of up to 1 year after the FAA or employed by, or on active the date of such refusal; and duty with, the Department of the Air (2) Suspension or revocation of any Force, Army, or Navy or the Coast certificate or rating issued under this Guard, hold at least a second-class part. medical certificate issued under part 67 [Amdt. 65–37, 59 FR 7389, Feb. 15, 1994] of this chapter within the 12 months before the date application is made; Subpart B—Air Traffic Control and Tower Operators (e) Comply with §65.35. [Doc. No. 10193, 35 FR 12326, Aug. 1, 1970, as SOURCE: Docket No. 10193, 35 FR 12326, Aug. amended by Amdt. 65–25, 45 FR 18911, Mar. 24, 1, 1970, unless otherwise noted. 1980; Amdt. 65–31, 52 FR 17518, May 8, 1987] §65.31 Required certificates, and rat- §65.35 Knowledge requirements. ing or qualification. Each applicant for an air traffic con- No person may act as an air traffic trol tower operator certificate must control tower operator at an air traffic pass a written test on— control tower in connection with civil (a) The flight rules in part 91 of this aircraft unless he— chapter: 141 VerDate Aug<04>2004 06:40 Feb 25, 2005 Jkt 205044 PO 00000 Frm 00141 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\205044T.XXX 205044T §65.37 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–05 Edition) (b) Airport traffic control procedures, (10) The application of the prescribed and this subpart: radar and nonradar separation stand- (c) En route traffic control proce- ard, as appropriate. dures; [Doc. No. 10193, 35 FR 12326, Aug. 1, 1991, as (d) Communications operating proce- amended by Amdt. 65–36, 56 FR 65653, Dec. 17, dures; 1991] (e) Flight assistance service; §65.39 Practical experience require- (f) Air navigation, and aids to air ments: Facility rating. navigation; and (g) Aviation weather. Each applicant for a facility rating at any air traffic control tower must §65.37 Skill requirements: Operating have satisfactorily served— positions. (a) As an air traffic control tower op- erator at that control tower without a No person may act as an air traffic facility rating for at least 6 months; or control tower operator at any oper- (b) As an air traffic control tower op- ating position unless he has passed a erator with a facility rating at a dif- practical test on— ferent control tower for at least 6 (a) Control tower equipment and its months before the date he applies for use; the rating. (b) Weather reporting procedures and However, an applicant who is a member use of reports; of an Armed Force of the United States (c) Notices to Airmen, and use of the meets the requirements of this section Airman’s Information Manual; if he has satisfactorily served as an air (d) Use of operational forms; traffic control tower operator for at (e) Performance of noncontrol oper- least 6 months. ational duties; and [Doc. No. 1179, 27 FR 7973, Aug. 10, 1962, as (f) Each of the following procedures amended by Amdt. 65–19, 36 FR 21280, Nov. 5, that is applicable to that operating po- 1971] sition and is required by the person performing the examination: §65.41 Skill requirements: Facility rat- (1) The airport, including rules, ings. equipment, runways, taxiways, and ob- Each applicant for a facility rating structions. at an air traffic control tower must (2) The terrain features, visual check- have passed a practical test on each points, and obstructions within the lat- item listed in §65.37 of this part that is eral boundaries of the surface areas of applicable to each operating position Class B, Class C, Class D, or Class E at the control tower at which the rat- ing is sought. airspace designated for the airport. (3) Traffic patterns and associated §65.43 Rating privileges and ex- procedures for use of preferential run- change. ways and noise abatement. (a) The holder of a senior rating on (4) Operational agreements. August 31, 1970, may at any time after (5) The center, alternate airports, that date exchange his rating for a fa- and those airways, routes, reporting cility rating at the same air traffic points, and air navigation aids used for control tower. However, if he does not terminal air traffic control. do so before August 31, 1971, he may not (6) Search and rescue procedures. thereafter exercise the privileges of his (7) Terminal air traffic control proce- senior rating at the control tower con- dures and phraseology. cerned until he makes the exchange. (8) Holding procedures, prescribed in- (b) The holder of a junior rating on strument approach, and departure pro- August 31, 1970, may not control air cedures. traffic, at any operating position at the (9) Radar alignment and technical op- control tower concerned, until he has eration. met the applicable requirements of §65.37 of this part. However, before meeting those requirements he may 142 VerDate Aug<04>2004 06:40 Feb 25, 2005 Jkt 205044 PO 00000 Frm 00142 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\205044T.XXX 205044T Federal Aviation Administration, DOT §65.46a control air traffic under the super- visor with the training specified in vision, where required, of an operator that appendix. with a senior rating (or facility rating) (c) No employer may knowingly use in accordance with §65.41 of this part in any person to perform, nor may any effect before August 31, 1970. person perform for an employer, either directly or by contract, any air traffic §65.45 Performance of duties. control function while that person has (a) An air traffic control tower oper- a prohibited drug, as defined in appen- ator shall perform his duties in accord- dix I to part 121 of this chapter, in his ance with the limitations on his cer- or her system. tificate and the procedures and prac- (d) No employer shall knowingly use tices prescribed in air traffic control any person to perform, nor may any manuals of the FAA, to provide for the person perform for an employer, either safe, orderly, and expeditious flow of directly or by contract, any air traffic air traffic. control function if the person has a (b) An operator with a facility rating verified positive drug test result on or may control traffic at any operating has refused to submit to a drug test re- position at the control tower at which quired by appendix I to part 121 of this he holds a facility rating. However, he chapter and the person has not met the may not issue an air traffic clearance requirements of appendix I to part 121 for IFR flight without authorization of this chapter for returning to the per- from the appropriate facility exer- formance of safety-sensitive duties. cising IFR control at that location. (e) Each employer shall test each of (c) An operator who does not hold a its employees who performs any air facility rating for a particular control traffic control function in accordance tower may act at each operating posi- with appendix I to part 121 of this chap- tion for which he has qualified, under ter. No employer may use any con- the supervision of an operator holding tractor to perform any air traffic con- a facility rating for that control tower. trol function unless that contractor tests each employee performing such a [Doc. No. 10193, 35 FR 12326, Aug. 1, 1970, as function for the employer in accord- amended by Amdt. 65–16, 35 FR 14075, Sept. 4, 1970] ance with that appendix. [Doc. No. 25148, 53 FR 47056, Nov. 21, 1988, as §65.46 Use of prohibited drugs. amended by Amdt. 65–38, 59 FR 42927, Aug. 19, (a) The following definitions apply 1994] for the purposes of this section: (1) An employee is a person who per- §65.46a Misuse of alcohol. forms an air traffic control function for (a) This section applies to employees an employer. For the purpose of this who perform air traffic control duties section, a person who performs such a directly or by contract for an employer function pursuant to a contract with that is an air traffic control facility an employer is considered to be per- not operated by the FAA or the U.S. forming that function for the em- military (covered employees). ployer. (b) Alcohol concentration. No covered (2) An ‘‘employer’’ means an air traf- employee shall report for duty or re- fic control facility not operated by the main on duty requiring the perform- FAA or by or under contract to the ance of safety-sensitive functions while U.S. military that employs a person to having an alcohol concentration of 0.04 perform an air traffic control function. or greater. No employer having actual (b) Each employer shall provide each knowledge that an employee has an al- employee performing a function listed cohol concentration of 0.04 or greater in appendix I to part 121 of this chapter shall permit the employee to perform and his or her supervisor with the or continue to perform safety-sensitive training specified in that appendix. No functions. employer may use any contractor to (c) On-duty use. No covered employee perform an air traffic control function shall use alcohol while performing unless that contractor provides each of safety-sensitive functions. No em- its employees performing that function ployer having actual knowledge that a for the employer and his or her super- covered employee is using alcohol 143 VerDate Aug<04>2004 06:40 Feb 25, 2005 Jkt 205044 PO 00000 Frm 00143 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\205044T.XXX 205044T §65.46b 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–05 Edition) while performing safety-sensitive func- must be relieved of all duties for at tions shall permit the employee to per- least 24 consecutive hours at least once form or continue to perform safety-sen- during each 7 consecutive days. Such sitive functions. an operator may not serve or be re- (d) Pre-duty use. No covered employee quired to serve— shall perform air traffic control duties (a) For more than 10 consecutive within 8 hours after using alcohol. No hours; or employer having actual knowledge (b) For more than 10 hours during a that such an employee has used alcohol period of 24 consecutive hours, unless within 8 hours shall permit the em- he has had a rest period of at least 8 ployee to perform or continue to per- hours at or before the end of the 10 form air traffic control duties. hours of duty. (e) Use following an accident. No cov- ered employee who has actual knowl- §65.49 General operating rules. edge of an accident involving an air- (a) Except for a person employed by craft for which he or she performed a the FAA or employed by, or on active safety-sensitive function at or near the duty with, the Department of the Air time of the accident shall use alcohol Force, Army, or Navy, or the Coast for 8 hours following the accident, un- Guard, no person may act as an air less he or she has been given a post-ac- traffic control tower operator under a cident test under appendix J to part 121 certificate issued to him or her under of this chapter, or the employer has de- this part unless he or she has in his or termined that the employee’s perform- her personal possession an appropriate ance could not have contributed to the current medical certificate issued accident. under part 67 of this chapter. (f) Refusal to submit to a required alco- (b) Each person holding an air traffic hol test. No covered employee shall control tower operator certificate shall refuse to submit to a post-accident, keep it readily available when per- random, reasonable suspicion, or fol- forming duties in an air traffic control low-up alcohol test required under ap- tower, and shall present that certifi- pendix J to part 121 of this chapter. No cate or his medical certificate or both employer shall permit an employee for inspection upon the request of the who refuses to submit to such a test to Administrator or an authorized rep- perform or continue to perform safety- resentative of the National Transpor- sensitive functions. tation Safety Board, or of any Federal, State, or local law enforcement officer. [Amdt. 65–37, 59 FR 7389, Feb. 15, 1994] (c) A certificated air traffic control §65.46b Testing for alcohol. tower operator who does not hold a fa- cility rating for a particular control (a) Each air traffic control facility tower may not act at any operating po- not operated by the FAA or the U.S. sition at the control tower concerned military (hereinafter employer) must unless there is maintained at that con- establish an alcohol misuse prevention trol tower, readily available to persons program in accordance with the provi- named in paragraph (b) of this section, sions of appendix J to part 121 of this a current record of the operating posi- chapter. tions at which he has qualified. (b) No employer shall use any person (d) An air traffic control tower oper- who meets the definition of covered em- ator may not perform duties under his ployee in appendix J to part 121 to per- certificate during any period of known form a safety-sensitive function listed physical deficiency that would make in that appendix unless such person is him unable to meet the physical re- subject to testing for alcohol misuse in quirements for his current medical cer- accordance with the provisions of ap- tificate. However, if the deficiency is pendix J. temporary, he may perform duties that [Amdt. 65–37, 59 FR 7389, Feb. 15, 1994] are not affected by it whenever another certificated and qualified operator is §65.47 Maximum hours. present and on duty. Except in an emergency, a certifi- (e) A certificated air traffic control cated air traffic control tower operator tower operator may not control air 144 VerDate Aug<04>2004 06:40 Feb 25, 2005 Jkt 205044 PO 00000 Frm 00144 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\205044T.XXX 205044T Federal Aviation Administration, DOT §65.55 traffic with equipment that the Admin- (b) To be eligible for an aircraft dis- istrator has found to be inadequate. patcher certificate, a person must— (f) The holder of an air traffic control (1) Be at least 23 years of age; tower operator certificate, or an appli- (2) Be able to read, speak, write, and cant for one, shall, upon the reasonable understand the English language; request of the Administrator, cooper- (3) Pass the required knowledge test ate fully in any test that is made of prescribed by §65.55 of this part; him. (4) Pass the required practical test prescribed by §65.59 of this part; and [Doc. No. 1179, 27 FR 7973, Aug. 10, 1962, as (5) Comply with the requirements of amended by Amdt. 65–31, 52 FR 17519, May 8, §65.57 of this part. 1987] §65.50 Currency requirements. §65.55 Knowledge requirements. The holder of an air traffic control (a) A person who applies for an air- tower operator certificate may not per- craft dispatcher certificate must pass a form any duties under that certificate knowledge test on the following aero- unless— nautical knowledge areas: (1) Applicable Federal Aviation Regu- (a) He has served for at least three of lations of this chapter that relate to the preceding 6 months as an air traffic airline transport pilot privileges, limi- control tower operator at the control tations, and flight operations; tower to which his facility rating ap- plies, or at the operating positions for (2) Meteorology, including knowledge which he has qualified; or of and effects of fronts, frontal charac- teristics, cloud formations, icing, and (b) He has shown that he meets the upper-air data; requirements for his certificate and fa- (3) General system of weather and cility rating at the control tower con- NOTAM collection, dissemination, in- cerned, or for operating at positions for terpretation, and use; which he has previously qualified. (4) Interpretation and use of weather charts, maps, forecasts, sequence re- Subpart C—Aircraft Dispatchers ports, abbreviations, and symbols; (5) National Weather Service func- SOURCE: Docket No. FAA–1998–4553, 64 FR tions as they pertain to operations in 68923, Dec. 8, 1999, unless otherwise noted. the National Airspace System; (6) Windshear and microburst aware- §65.51 Certificate required. ness, identification, and avoidance; (a) No person may act as an aircraft (7) Principles of air navigation under dispatcher (exercising responsibility instrument meteorological conditions with the pilot in command in the oper- in the National Airspace System; ational control of a flight) in connec- (8) Air traffic control procedures and tion with any civil aircraft in air com- pilot responsibilities as they relate to merce unless that person has in his or enroute operations, terminal area and her personal possession an aircraft dis- radar operations, and instrument de- patcher certificate issued under this parture and approach procedures; subpart. (9) Aircraft loading, weight and bal- (b) Each person who holds an aircraft ance, use of charts, graphs, tables, for- dispatcher certificate must present it mulas, and computations, and their ef- for inspection upon the request of the fect on aircraft performance; Administrator or an authorized rep- (10) Aerodynamics relating to an air- resentative of the National Transpor- craft’s flight characteristics and per- tation Safety Board, or of any Federal, formance in normal and abnormal State, or local law enforcement officer. flight regimes; (11) Human factors; §65.53 Eligibility requirements: Gen- (12) Aeronautical decision making eral. and judgment; and (a) To be eligible to take the aircraft (13) Crew resource management, in- dispatcher knowledge test, a person cluding crew communication and co- must be at least 21 years of age. ordination. 145 VerDate Aug<04>2004 06:40 Feb 25, 2005 Jkt 205044 PO 00000 Frm 00145 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\205044T.XXX 205044T §65.57 14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–05 Edition) (b) The applicant must present docu- §65.61 Aircraft dispatcher certifi- mentary evidence satisfactory to the cation courses: Content and min- administrator of having passed an air- imum hours. craft dispatcher knowledge test within (a) An approved aircraft dispatcher the preceding 24 calendar months. certification course must: (1) Provide instruction in the areas of §65.57 Experience or training require- knowledge and topics listed in appen- ments. dix A of this part; An applicant for an aircraft dis- (2) Include a minimum of 200 hours of patcher certificate must present docu- instruction. mentary evidence satisfactory to the (b) An applicant for approval of an Administrator that he or she has the aircraft dispatcher course must submit experience prescribed in paragraph (a) an outline that describes the major of this section or has accomplished the topics and subtopics to be covered and training described in paragraph (b) of the number of hours proposed for each. this section as follows: (c) Additional subject headings for an (a) A total of at least 2 years experi- aircraft dispatcher certification course ence in the 3 years before the date of may also be included, however the application, in any one or in any com- hours proposed for any subjects not bination of the following areas: listed in appendix A of this part must (1) In military aircraft operations be in addition to the minimum 200 as a— course hours required in paragraph (a) of this section. (i) Pilot; (d) For the purpose of completing an (ii) Flight navigator; or approved course, a student may sub- (iii) Meteorologist. stitute previous experience or training (2) In aircraft operations conducted for a portion of the minimum 200 hours under part 121 of this chapter as— of training. The course operator deter- (i) An assistant in dispatching air mines the number of hours of credit carrier aircraft, under the direct super- based on an evaluation of the experi- vision of a dispatcher certificated ence or training to determine if it is under this subpart; comparable to portions of the approved (ii) A pilot; course curriculum. The credit allowed, (iii) A flight engineer; or including the total hours and the basis (iv) A meteorologist. for it, must be placed in the student’s (3) In aircraft operations as— record required by §65.70(a) of this (i) An Air Traffic Controller; or part. (ii) A Flight Service Specialist. §65.63 Aircraft dispatcher certifi- (4) In aircraft operations, performing cation courses: Application, dura- other duties that the Administrator tion, and other general require- finds provide equivalent experience. ments. (b) A statement of graduation issued (a) Application. Application for origi- or revalidated in accordance with nal approval of an aircraft dispatcher §65.70(b) of this part, showing that the certification course or the renewal of person has successfully completed an approval of an aircraft dispatcher cer- approved aircraft dispatcher course. tification course under this part must be: §65.59 Skill requirements. (1) Made in writing to the Adminis- An applicant for an aircraft dis- trator; patcher certificate must pass a prac- (2) Accompanied by two copies of the tical test given by the Administrator, course outline required under §65.61(b) with respect to any one type of large of this part, for which approval is aircraft used in air carrier operations. sought; The practical test must be based on the (3) Accompanied by a description of aircraft dispatcher practical test the equipment and facilities to be used; standards, as published by the FAA, on and the items outlined in appendix A of (4) Accompanied by a list of the in- this part. structors and their qualifications. 146 VerDate Aug<04>2004 06:40 Feb 25, 2005 Jkt 205044 PO 00000 Frm 00146 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8002 Y:\SGML\205044T.XXX 205044T