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Preview 1.3 kilobases of the lung type I cell T1[agr] gene promoter mimics endogenous gene expression

DEVELOPMENTALDYNAMICS215:319–331(1999) a 1.3 Kilobases of the Lung Type I Cell T1 Gene Promoter Mimics Endogenous Gene Expression Patterns During Development but Lacks Sequences to Enhance Expression in Perinatal and Adult Lung MARIAI. RAMIREZ,1*YU XIACAO,1 AND MARY C. WILLIAMS1,2 1ThePulmonaryCenter,DepartmentofMedicine,BostonUniversitySchoolofMedicine,Boston,Massachusetts 2ThePulmonaryCenter,DepartmentofAnatomy,BostonUniversitySchoolofMedicine,Boston,Massachusetts ABSTRACT TheT1ageneisoneoffewmark- cis-elements for forkhead proteins (TGT3) (Hackett et ers for the type I cell phenotype in the adult al., 1995; Zhou et al., 1996; Ye et al., 1997), thyroid mammalian lung. Type I cells form a large, thin transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) (Kimura et al., 1996), epitheliallayerthatfacilitatesgasexchangeand andSp1/Sp3(MarganaandBoggaram,1997)arepres- transport of fluids between the air spaces and ent in the 21- to 2170-bp enhancer. These transcrip- capillaries. The T1a gene has a complex pattern tion factors are believed to be important regulators of ofdevelopmentalexpressioninlungandbrain;in lungmorphogenesis. vitro studies indicate that expression is regu- RegulationofexpressionoftheT1ageneisespecially lated in part by thyroid transcription factor 1, interesting,bothingeneralandinthecontextofthegas forkhead proteins, and Sp1/Sp3 proteins. To ex- exchange area of the mammalian lung. The gene is plore the mechanisms that confine T1a expres- developmentally regulated and changes from a wide- sioninintactadultanimalstoalveolartypeIand spreadpatternofexpressioninearlyratembryos(e.g., choroidplexusepithelialcells,wegeneratedmice neuroepithelium of the central nervous system (CNS), bearing a 1.3-kb T1a promoter-chloramphenicol lung epithelium, and other foregut derivatives) to a acetyltransferase (CAT) gene. In situ hybridiza- highly restricted pattern in the adult (choroid plexus tion and RNase protection assays show that the epithelium, ciliary epithelia of the eye, alveolar type I 1.3-kbpromoterconfersapatternofCATexpres- cells, osteoblasts) (Rishi et al., 1995; Williams et al., sionthatlargelymatchestheendogenousT1ain 1996). In the late fetal lung, type I cells undergo embryos and mid-term fetuses in lung and cen- morphogenesis and T1a, having been gradually down- tral nervous system. However, the 1.3-kb pro- regulatedintheupperairways,isrestrictedtothiscell moter lacks elements important for perinatal type(Meneghettietal.,1996;Williamsetal.,1996). up-regulationofT1ainthelungandmaintenance In alveolar injuries in adult rodents, type I cells are of that expression in the adult lung and brain. preferentiallydamagedbutareregeneratedbydifferen- ThefinaladultpatternofT1aexpressionmaybe tiation of the postmitotic progeny of nearby alveolar directedbyelementsoutsidethe1.3-kbfragment, epithelialtypeIIcells(Evansetal.,1975).Thisdenovo perhaps those 5’ to the 1.3-kb fragment as we acquisitionofthetypeIcellphenotypeismimickedby show herein, or in 3’ and intronic regions. Dev typeIIcellswhenplacedinmonolayerculture.Invitro Dyn1999;215:319–331. r1999Wiley-Liss,Inc. studies of isolated type II cells show that T1a can be reversibly induced or repressed, depending on culture Keywords: lung;brain;development;transgenic; conditions (Borok et al., 1998a). These features make type I cells; alveoli; choroid plexus; T1a a good marker gene for studies on transcriptional T1a; gas exchange; epithelium; pro- controloftypeIcelldifferentiationduringdevelopment moter;transcription andinadultanimals. ThetypeIandtypeIIcellstogetherformthealveolar INTRODUCTION epithelium of the mammalian lung. Flattened type I The 1.3 kb promoter of T1a, a gene expressed by cells,apparentlyunabletodivideinvivo(Weibel,1971), facilitate the rapid exchange of gases between air and alveolar epithelial type I cells of the adult lung, con- blood and are important in the transepithelial water tains regulatory elements important for tissue- and permeability (Dobbs et al., 1998a). Cuboidal type II cell-specific expression. Deletion, gel retardation, and mutationalanalysisincelllines(Ramirezetal.,1997) and primary alveolar epithelial cell cultures (Vander- Grant sponsor: NHLBI; Grant number: HL47049; Grant sponsor: biltandDobbs,1998)showthattworegions(2170-bp, FrancisFamiliesFoundation. 2789-bpto21.3-kbfragments)accountformostofthe *Correspondenceto:MariaI.Ramirez,ThePulmonaryCenterR-3, 80 East Concord Street, Boston, MA 02118. E-mail: mramirez@ transcriptional activity of this promoter in vitro. Our bupula.bu.edu previous study showed that functionally important Received1March1999;Accepted17May1999 r1999WILEY-LISS,INC. 320 RAMIREZETAL. cellssynthesizeandsecretesurfactantandotherprod- ucts (Mason and Voelker, 1998) and act as stem cells that can proliferate and differentiate into type I cells (Evansetal.,1975).Therelationshipbetweenthetwo celltypesinadultanimals,therefore,isclearinterms of adult cell lineage, but this relationship is less well understoodintheembryo(Evansetal.,1975;Boroket al.,1995;Dantoetal.,1995;Masonetal.,1997). InvitroT1amRNAandproteinlevelsaremodulated bysolublefactorsandchangesincellshapeinparallel withothermarkersofalveolarepithelialcellphenotype (Boroketal.,1998a).T1aremainsloworisreducedby agents such as rat serum or KGF that promote reten- tionofthetypeIIphenotype,e.g.,expressionofsurfac- tant protein genes that are hallmarks of the type II phenotype.MechanicalforcesalsoincreaseT1amRNA expression while reducing surfactant protein expres- sion in primary type II cell cultures (Gutierrez et al., 1998). In vitro these changes in phenotype are revers- ible. These kinds of data generated in cell lines cannot reveal exactly how T1a is regulated in vivo, however. Fig.1. A:Designofthe1.3-kbT1a-chloramphenicolacetyltransfer- ase(CAT)CATtransgene.ThehatchedbarindicatestheT1apromoter Forthatreason,wechosetousetransgenictechnology fragmentunderstudy(-1251bpto1101bp).Thisfragmentwasinserted toevaluatepromoterfunctioninaphysiologicalenviron- intothepCATvectorcontainingtheCATcodingsequence(filledbar)and ment.Thisapproachalsoprovidesawaytocharacter- theSV40smallTantigen(openbar)asdescribedintheExperimental ize the molecular information required for the initial Procedures section. The black line indicates the 1386-bp fragment onsetofgeneexpressionearlyindevelopment,anissue obtainedafterdigestionofgenomicDNAwithScaI.Thisfragmentwas usedtoidentifytransgenicanimalsinSouthernblotanalysis.B:Trans- for which tissue culture models are uninformative genecopynumber.SouthernblotanalysisofgenomicDNA(5µg)isolated (Brinster,1993). fromF1andF2miceusedintheseexperiments.Thecalibrationcurve We therefore generated transgenic mice in which wasproducedbydigestingdifferentamountsof1.3-kbT1a-CATvectorin 1.3-kb promoter of the T1a gene drives expression of 5µgofcarrierDNAwithScaI.Themembranewashybridizedwithaprobe for the CAT sequence as described in the Experimental Procedures chloramphenicol acetyl transferase (CAT). By in situ section. hybridizationandRNaseprotectionassays(RPAs),we demonstratethat1.3kboftheT1apromotercanconfer mostifnotallofthecharacteristicexpressionpatterns of the endogenous gene during early to mid-develop- CATTransgeneandEndogenousT1amRNA ment.However,thisfragmentlackscis-elementsimpor- ExpressionDuringMouseDevelopment tantforenhancingtheexpressionoftheT1ageneinthe By using in situ hybridization, immunohistochemis- lung right before birth and for achieving the normal tryandWesternblots,wehavepreviouslyreportedthe patterns of expression in adult lung and brain. In developmentalpatternsofexpressionofT1aintherat principle, the missing elements could be 5’, 3’, or (Rishi et al., 1995; Williams et al., 1996) but were intronic. Additional in vitro studies on a 10-kb 5’ uncertainwhethertheseobservationswouldpertainto promoter fragment suggest that 5’upstream elements mouse.Forthatreason,weanalyzedtransgenicmouse increasethespecificityforexpressioninlungepithelial embryos(11.5,15.5,and19.5day)byinsituhybridiza- cells and are likely to provide additional regulatory tion for both CAT mRNAand endogenous T1a mRNA. informationinvivo. We compared the two expression patterns on adjacent tissue sections from the transgenic animals. The pat- RESULTS terns of endogenous T1a mRNAexpression in murine TransgenicMice brain and lung are identical to those previously re- Transgenicmicebearinga1.3-kbfragmentoftheT1a portedfortherat(Rishietal.,1995;Meneghettietal., promoterdrivingexpressionofCATreportergene(Fig. 1996;Williamsetal.,1996). 1A) were generated to define the promoter elements thatregulateT1agenetranscriptioninvivo.Fourteen Lung foundermiceweregenerated.BySouthernblotanaly- Developmentofthelunginmicestartsatday9–10of sis, these animals were shown to contain one or two gestation as an epithelial evagination from the poste- copies of the transgene per genome (data not shown). rior pharyngeal wall into undifferentiated mesen- One mouse bearing one copy per genome was bred to chyme.Byday11.5,formationoflunglobeshasalready generate a line that was used in most of the studies been initiated and the first branches of the main (Fig.1B). bronchi are observed (Ten Have-Opbroek, 1991; Kauf- TRANSCRIPTIONALCONTROLOFT1aEXPRESSIONINTRANSGENICMICE 321 whole brain is reduced compared with the 11.5 brain, and the grains are more concentrated in some regions such as the forming choroid plexus. T1a and CAT mRNAlevelsaredown-regulatedinlatebraindevelop- ment. This down-regulation is clearly seen in the T1a andCATRPAanalysesoftotalbrainRNA(seebelow). Thisissimilartotheratinwhich,byfetalday16,T1a protein expression in the neural derivatives is greatly diminished but still detectable at low concentrations (Williamsetal.,1996). OtherTissues Gut derivatives.Transgenic embryos show expres- sion of CAT in the forming stomach by day 11.5 of development(Fig.6A).Expressionisalsodetectablein theepitheliallayeroftheforminggut,intheprimitive smooth muscle (Fig. 6B), and in the pancreas on day Fig. 2. In situ hybridization analysis of an 11.5-day embryo shows 15.5(Fig.6C,D).Byinsituhybridization,theseorgans transgene expression. The pattern and timing of expression at this developmentalagemimicsthatoftheendogenousT1agene.Chloram- are negative for endogenous T1a mRNA(Fig. 6E). We phenicolacetyltransferase(CAT)mRNAwasdetectedintheepitheliumof havepreviouslyshowninday-13ratembryosthatT1a theforminglungandstomach(smallarrowheads)andtheneuroepithe- isexpressedintheprimitivestomach;intheadultrat, liumoftheformingbrainvesiclesandspinalcord(largearrowheads).The T1amRNAisdetectedinintestineafterasecondround circlemarksbirefringentredbloodcellsintheheart,whichisnegativefor transgeneexpression.Originalmagnification,320. of amplification by reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (PCR) by using nested oligonucleotides (Rishietal.,1995). man,1992).Insituhybridizationofsagittalsectionsof Salivary gland.In situ hybridization showed that 11.5 day embryos shows binding of both CAT (Figs. 2, theepitheliumofsalivaryglandandductsexpressboth 3A,B) and T1a riboprobes (data not shown) to the endogenousT1aandtheCATtransgenebyday15.5of epithelium of the forming bronchi, similar to the pat- gestation. In rat, expression in salivary gland has not ternsshownin14dayratembryos(Rishietal.,1995). beenobservedbyinsituhybridization. By day 15.5, terminal bronchioles are formed within Formingbones.TwogeneshomologoustoT1awere which endogenous T1a mRNA could be detected (Fig. cloned from osteoblastic cell lines. Mouse OTS-8 gene 3D,E).HighlevelsofCATmessagearedetectedinthe (Noseetal.,1990)andratE11gene(Wetterwaldetal., lungatthisgestationalage(Fig.3C),althoughthereis 1996) were shown to be expressed in osteoblasts and a higher level of expression in the main bronchi com- newly embedded osteocytes. In our present in situ pared with the more distal bronchioles. No signal for hybridizationexperiments,wedetectedCATandendog- eitherCATorT1amRNAisdetectableinmesenchymal enous T1a mRNA in the cartilage primordium of the tissue surrounding the lining epithelial cells of the developingribsbyday15.5(Fig.3C,E). bronchi/bronchiolesandalveoliatanygestationalage. Hair follicles.15.5-day embryos express CAT and endogenousT1aintheepitheliallayeroftheprimordial NeuralDerivatives folliclesofthevibrissa(Fig.4A,C). ThepatternsofexpressionofT1aandCATmRNAsin T1aandCATmRNAExpressioninAdultTissues the CNS appear to be identical throughout mouse development. Endogenous T1a and CAT mRNAs are T1amRNAiseasilydetectedbyNorthernblotoftotal detectedintheneuroepitheliumoftheformingvesicles, RNA of adult mouse lung and brain (Fig. 7C) (rat inthespinalcord,andinthedorsalrootgangliaofthe expression,Rishietal.,1995).AnalysisofCATmessage 11.5daymouseembryos.ExpressionlevelsintheCNS by Northern blot and in situ hybridization shows no are very high compared with that of the epithelium of detectable signal, suggesting that the level of CAT the forming lung bud (Figs. 2, 4A–C). This pattern of mRNAexpressionislowerthanthatoftheendogenous expressionisthesameasthatfoundintheratembryos T1a. Therefore, we studied expression of the CAT of the corresponding developmental age (Rishi et al., transgene by RPA of total RNA purified from adult 1995;Williamsetal.,1996). transgenic tissues. Because of its greater sensitivity, Onday15.5ofgestation,mouseembryoscontinueto RPA permits a semiquantitative comparison of the expressendogenousT1amRNAintheneuroepithelium expressionindifferenttissues.AnalysisbyRPAforCAT (not shown) and a high concentration of grains is infourdifferenttransgeniclinesshowthattheexpres- detectedintheformingchoroidplexusepithelium(Fig. sioninadultlungwaslowinalllines(datanotshown). 5F).Thus,CATmRNAmatchestheexpressionpattern The level of endogenous T1a mRNAin adult mouse andtimingoftheendogenousgene(Fig.5A,B,D,E).The lungissignificantlyhigherthanthelevelofexpression relativenumberofcellsexpressingT1aandCATinthe inbrain(Fig.7C),similartothatreportedinrat(Rishi 322 RAMIREZETAL. Fig. 3. In situ hybridization for chloramphenicol acetyltransferase formingribs(smallarrowheads).Originalmagnification,350.D:Phase (CAT)andendogenousT1amRNAsinthelung.A:Darkfieldimageofa imageofC.Originalmagnification,350.E:Darkfieldimageofa15.5-day 11.5-day embryo expressing CAT mRNA; lung epithelial layer (arrow- embryoexpressingT1amRNA;epitheliumofthedistalairways(arrow- heads),birefringentredbloodcellsinheart,liver,andaorta(diamonds). heads). Original magnification, 350. The 1.3-kb promoter confers the Originalmagnification,3130.B:PhaseimageofA.Originalmagnifica- correcttimingofonsetofexpressioninthelung.Onday15.5,CATand tion, 3130. C: Darkfield image of a 15.5-day embryo expressing CAT T1acanbedetectedinthedistalairways,althoughthereisadelayinthe mRNA;epitheliallayerinupperanddistalairways(largearrowheads)and down-regulationofCATexpressionintheproximalairways. TRANSCRIPTIONALCONTROLOFT1aEXPRESSIONINTRANSGENICMICE 323 etal.,1995).AnalysisofCATexpressionshowsthatthe relativeamountofCATmessageinthelungisreduced comparedwithbrain(Fig.7A,B).Theseresultssuggest that,althoughthe1.3-kbfragmentoftheT1apromoter directs transcription of the T1a gene at the correct developmental time and sustains expression through- out development in both lung and brain, it lacks information to drive the expected enhancement of the expressioninadultlung. T1aandCATmRNAExpressioninPerinatal LungandBrain We analyzed CAT and endogenous T1a mRNA by RPAduringtheperinatalperiodtodeterminewhether the1.3-kbpromoterhastheelementsthatup-regulate the expression of T1a before birth. The assay was performedontotalRNApurifiedfromlungandbrainof 16.5-day and 19.5-day embryos, 3-day-old newborns, and adults. We observed that, in the lung, the trans- gene is not up-regulated before birth as is the endog- enous gene and the level of expression remains low as in16.5dayembryoniclung(Fig.8A,B).Inbrain,onthe other hand, the pattern of expression of CAT mRNA matchestheendogenousT1aineverystagestudiedby RPA(Fig.8C,D). DeletionStudiesofthe10-kbT1aPromoterin LungEpithelialandFibroblastCellLines TheaboveRPAsindicatethatcriticalinformationfor up-regulationofT1amRNAexpressionbeforebirthand in the adult lung is absent from the 1.3-kb promoter under study. To test sequences upstream of the 1.3-kb promoter, two positive clones containing ,80-kb ge- nomicDNAwereobtainedbyPCRscreeningofaP1rat library with two oligonucleotides spanning part of the T1a 5’ untranslated region and first exon (Genome Systems, Inc., St. Louis, MO). After verifying by PCR that the clones contained the 1.3-kb promoter already cloned and sequenced in our laboratory, a restriction map of one of the clones was produced to identify smaller fragments to be used in expression studies. Threeconstructs,containing10kb,5kb,and2.5kbof theT1a5’flankingregiondrivingluciferaseexpression, were generated and their transcriptional activity was tested in SV40 TII, MLE-15, and IMR-90 cell lines (Ramirez et al., 1997) and compared with the 1.3-kb promoter(Ramirezetal.,1997)(Fig.9).Inlungepithe- lialcells,activityishigherthaninIMR-90cellsforall constructs.The10-kbfragmenthasanactivitysimilar tothe1.3-kbpromoterinMLE15,althoughinSV40TII cells the 10-kb fragment has half of the activity of the 1.3-kb fragment. In IMR-90 cells, the activity, usually lowerthaninSV40TIIcells,isstepwisereducedfrom 44-fold to 10-fold over background when promoter Fig. 4. In situ hybridization for chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) and endogenousT1a mRNAs in 11.5-day embryonic brain.The fragments from 1.3 kb to 10 kb were tested. These 1.3-kbpromotercanconferthesamepatternofCATmRNAexpressionas studies show that the 10-kb fragment is more specific thatoftheendogenousT1aatthisdevelopmentalage.A:Darkfieldimage for epithelial cells than for fibroblasts compared with of CAT mRNA. B: Phase image. C: Darkfield image of T1a mRNA. 1.3kb,becauseexpressionofthe1.3kbis1.9-foldlower, Arrowheadsindicateneuroepitheliumoftheformingbrain.Asectionofa whereasthe10kbis4.5-foldlowerinIMR-90cellsthan forebrain(diamond)thatwascutthroughtheependymallayerispositive forthetransgene.Originalmagnification,350. inSV40TII. 324 RAMIREZETAL. Fig. 5. In situ hybridization for chloramphenicol acetyltransferase epitheliumofthechoroidplexus(opentriangle).Originalmagnification, (CAT)andendogenousT1amRNAsin15.5-dayembryonicbrain.The 325.C:T1amRNAisexpressedintheforminghairfollicles(arrowhead). similarity between T1a and CAT expression patterns in the brain is Originalmagnification,340.D:Darkfieldimage.CATisexpressedinthe maintainedduringgestation.A:CATmRNAisexpressedintheforebrain epitheliumofthechoroidplexus(arrowheadsinD,E).Originalmagnifica- neuroepithelium(largearrowhead)aswellasforminghairfollicles(small tion,375.E:PhaseimageofD.Originalmagnification,375.F:T1ais arrowheads).Originalmagnification,325.B:CATmRNAisexpressedin also expressed in the epithelium of the choroid plexus (arrowheads). theneuroepitheliumoftheformingvesicles(largearrowhead)andinthe Originalmagnification,375. DISCUSSION Ourlong-termgoalinstudiesoftheT1apromoteris We show in these studies that the 1.3-kb T1a pro- to determine in detail how this gene is regulated, in boththeembryoandadult,byusingT1aasaprototype moter can direct the correct developmental decisions ofthetypeIcellgenesandphenotype.Wehavepreviously that result in appropriate patterns of gene expression shownthatthe1.3-kbT1apromotercandirectpreferen- inembryosandmid-termfetusesinlungandtheCNS. Ingeneral,thecorrectexpressionofanygenerequires tialexpressioninvitroinlungepithelialcellscompared regulation in space, time, and quantity such that the with fibroblasts (Ramirez et al., 1997). By using stan- transcripts are expressed in appropriate cells and dard promoter deletion, gel retardation, and muta- specific organs, at the correct developmental and/or tional analyses, we demonstrated that expression of postnataltimes,andintheproperamount.Inveryfew reporter genes driven by the 1.3-kb promoter is regu- cases have all of these aspects be studied for a single latedbymeansofSp1/Sp3,TTF-1,andTGT3elements. gene. There are, however, a number of limitations to in Anotable exception to this is the analysis of the sea vitro studies of promoter function including questions urchinendo16geneinwhichcis-actingelementshave abouttherelevanceofstudiesincelllines,thegeneral been identified that overall regulate where and when cellular milieu in vitro that may lack regulatory mol- thegeneisexpressedandhowmuchmRNAorprotein eculesofthenormalinvivoenvironment,andothers.In product is produced (Yuh et al., 1998). This elegant addition, in vitro studies provide little insight into analysisdemonstratestheconsiderableeffortrequired regulationofthenormalpatternsofexpressionduring to understand regulation of even a single gene. It also embryonic gene induction at the time of cell specifica- illustrates the complexity of the network of transcrip- tionandorganogenesis,aparticularlyimportantissue tionfactorsandcis-elements,bothactivatorsandrepres- forunderstandingregulationofT1aexpression. sors acting combinatorially, that control synthesis of a TheT1agenehasacomplexpatternofdevelopmen- geneproduct,inthiscaseendo-16transcripts. talexpression(Rishietal.,1995;Williamsetal.,1996) TRANSCRIPTIONALCONTROLOFT1aEXPRESSIONINTRANSGENICMICE 325 Fig. 6. Expression of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (CAT) and image of C; birefringent red blood cells (asterisks in C,D). Original T1agenesinothertissuesduringdevelopment.A:CATexpressioninthe magnification,395.E:EndogenousT1aisnotdetectedinthepancreatic epitheliallayerofthe11.5-dayembryonicstomach(arrowhead).Original epithelium. Original magnification, 3100. F: Darkfield image of CAT magnification,350.B:CATexpressioninthe15.5-dayembryonicgut; expressioninthebranchingepitheliumofthesalivarygland(arrowheads). epitheliallayer(largearrowheads);primitivesmoothmusclecells(small Originalmagnification,360.G:PhaseimageofF.Originalmagnification, arrowheads), P, pancreas. Original magnification, 335. C: Darkfield 360.H:EndogenousT1aexpressioninthesalivarygland(arrowheads). image of CAT expression in the epithelium of the 15.5-day embryonic Originalmagnification,360. pancreas (arrowheads in C,D). Original magnification, 395. D: Phase both as to timing of expression and to sites of expres- thechoroidplexusepitheliumandciliaryepitheliumof sion.Itinvolvesbothhighlevelsofgeneactivationand theeyewhereexpressionissustainedinadults. repression in several different tissue sites and organs. In the lung the pattern of expression is largely Wehavepreviouslypublisheddetailedinsituhybridiza- reversedfromthatoftheCNS.Asistruefortheearly tion and immunohistochemical studies that map out embryonic CNS, T1a transcripts can be detected very sitesofT1aexpressioninembryonicandadultrats.In early in rodent development at the time the lung bud summary, T1a mRNA and protein are found at high forms from the foregut. In contrast to the CNS, which levels throughout the neuroepithelium of the forming containshighlevelsofbothproteinandmRNAinearly brainandspinalcordinearlyembryos(day10rat).By development,expressionislowinthelunguntilthelast mid-gestation, expression in the nervous system is 2–3daysofgestationwhenthereisadramaticincrease greatlydiminished,presumablybyrepressionorlossof inamountofbothmRNAandprotein.Thus,asexpres- genetranscriptionduetomethylation,resultinginloss sion in the fetal CNS decreases and is extinguished, of expression in the entire nervous system, excepting expressioninthelungincreases.Thatbothpositiveand 326 RAMIREZETAL. Fig.7. Chloramphenicolacetyltransferase(CAT)andT1amRNA expressioninadulttissues.A:TotalRNA(20µg)purifiedfromadult tissues was analyzed by RNase protection assay by using a CAT probe. C, control SV40T II cells transfected with 1.3-kb T1a-CAT construct;H,heart;K,kidney;S,salivarygland;L,lung;B,brain.B: Thedatashowthemean6SEofthedensitometricanalysisoffour differentmice.ThelowlevelofCATexpressioninthelungsuggests thatthe1.3-kbpromoterlackselementscriticalfortranscriptioninthe adultlung.C:TotalRNA(10µg)fromadulttissueswasanalyzedby NorthernblotbyusingaT1acDNAprobe. negative regulation occur simultaneously in the em- patterns in a mouse line carrying a 10-kb promoter- bryoindifferentorganssuggeststhatthesechangesare CAT transgene.An additional, level of regulation may not hormonally induced or due to other circulating be provided by mechanisms of gene regulation other molecularsignals.Inadditiontoexpressioninlungand than direct interaction with DNAof protein transcrip- brain in normal animals, T1a is also expressed in the tion factors. Preliminary data from our lab indicate formingstomachandotherforegutderivatives,butitis that the T1a gene is silenced by methylation in some notexpressedintheseorgansintheadult.T1aexpres- nonexpressing cell lines. Thus, we currently believe sion in rat fetal kidney was detected by immunostain- thatMLE15cellscontaintranscriptionfactorsthatcan ing and a very low level of expression was detected by activate transfected promoter constructs; they do not nestedPCRinadultratkidney(Williamsetal.,1996). express endogenous T1a, probably because the proxi- Similarly, we detected a very low level of T1a expres- malpromoterofthegeneismethylated. sion in mouse adult kidney. There is no expression in The perinatal period is a critical one for successful liverineitherembryosoradults. lungdevelopmentbecauseitmarksthetransitionfrom By using transgenic technology, we now show that afluid-filledtoanair-breathinglung.Anumberofother the 1.3-kb promoter carries information that confers lunggenesinducedearlyindevelopment,includingthe the correct timing of onset of expression and approxi- surfactant-associated proteins (Rooney et al., 1994; mately normal patterns of expression during develop- McGowan et al., 1997), undergo a dramatic up- ment. The 1.3-kb promoter lacks, however, regulatory regulationimmediatelybeforebirth.Insomecases,the activitythatcontrolsperinatalchangesinexpressionin signal for the increased perinatal gene expression lung and brain, the major sites of expression in the appears to be a rise circulating glucocorticoids (Pierce adult animal. These observations suggest that ele- etal.,1995;Yeeetal.,1996).Sequenceanalysisshows mentswedefinedearlierinthe1.3-kbpromoterarenot that the 1.3-kb T1a promoter lacks glucocorticoid re- fundamentallyinvolvedintheperinatalandpostnatal sponse elements (GREs), although we currently lack changesinT1aexpression,atleastwithoutinputfrom detailedinformationonmore5’sequences. regulatory information 5’ to those in the 1.3-kb frag- There are a few minor differences between the pat- ment.Basedondeletion-expressionstudiesofthe10-kb ternsoftransgeneexpressionweobservedandthoseof promoter, we can also conclude that there are addi- theendogenousgene.Inparticular,wenotedadelayin tional important elements yet to be identified in the the down-regulation of transgene expression in the region5’tothe1.3-kbpromoterandperhapsinintronic proximalairwaysofthedevelopinglungaspartofthe or 3’ regions. We are currently analyzing expression process that targets the final site of T1a to alveoli.As TRANSCRIPTIONALCONTROLOFT1aEXPRESSIONINTRANSGENICMICE 327 Fig. 8. Perinatal expression of chloramphenicol acetyltransferase showthatelementsthatup-regulateT1aexpressioninthelungbefore (CAT)andT1agenesinlungandbrain.A:RNaseprotectionassayoflung birthareabsentinthe1.3-kbpromoterfragment.dpc,dayspostcoitum.C: RNAisolatedfrom16.5-and19.5-dayembryos,3-day-oldpostnatal,and Same analysis as in A but using brain total RNA. D: Densitometric adultmice.TenmicrogramsoftotalRNAwerehybridizedwithT1aorCAT analysisoffourdifferentbrainsofeachdevelopmentalage.Endogenous probesasdescribedintheExperimentalProceduressection.B:Densito- T1a,filledbars;CAT,hatchedbars.CATmRNAmimicsthepatternofT1a metricanalysisofthreetofourdifferentlungsofeachdevelopmentalage. mRNAin the perinatal period. Both are down-regulated at the end of Endogenous T1a, filled bars; CAT, hatched bars. These experiments gestationandremainlowintheadultbrain. suppressionofexpressioninupperairwaysiskeytothe endodermalderivativesotherthanlung,therefore,are finalpatternofexpressionoftheendogenousgene,we absentfromthe1.3-kbpromoter. suspectthatthismayrequireatissue-andcell-specific The T1a gene serves as a marker for the molecular ‘‘finetuning’’bymeansofelementsthatareabsentfrom phenotypeofthealveolartypeIcell(Dobbsetal.,1988b). the1.3-kbpromoter. Little is known about the molecular functions of this We do not know the molecular mechanisms that celltype,becauseithasprovendifficulttoisolatethecells silence this gene during late development but they and study them in vitro (Dobbs et al., 1998). These cells couldincludeactivetranscriptionalrepression,absence are critical to lung function, however, because they form of the appropriate transcriptional activators and gene the cellular surface for O -CO exchange from blood to 2 2 methylation (Avisar et al., 1999; Walsh and Bestor, inspiredair(Gehretal.,1978)andhaveaveryhighwater 1999). We observed expression of the CAT transgene permeability(Dobbsetal.,1998a).Inhumans,typeIcells but not the endogenous gene in developing pancreas have a composite surface area of ,65–70m2 an area 35- and intestinal epithelia. Elements that silence T1a in to55-foldthatoftheskin(Crapoetal.,1982). 328 RAMIREZETAL. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES TransgenicMice 1.3-kb T1a-CAT transgene was generated by diges- tion of 1.3-kbT1a-Luc (Ramirez et al., 1997) with HindIIIandXhoI.Thispromoterfragmentspans1251 bpoftheT1apromoterand101bpoftheuntranslated region. It was inserted in the HindIII-SalI sites of the basicpCATvector(Promega,Madison,WI).The1.3-kb T1a-CATplasmidwaspurifiedbyCsClmethod,andits transcriptionalactivitywastestedbytransienttransfec- tionintheSV40TIIcellline(usingpCATbasicvector as control). The 1.3-kb T1a-CAT fusion gene was ex- cised by HindIII and BamHI digestion, isolated by agarose gel electrophoresis and electroelution, and furtherpurifiedandconcentratedonElutipDminicol- umns (Schleicher & Schuell Inc., Keene, NH) and ethanol precipitation. Two to four picoliters of DNA(3 Fig. 9. Deletion studies of the 10-kb T1a promoter. The indicated deletionfragmentsofthe10-kbT1apromoterdrivingexpressionofthe µg/ml) dissolved in injection buffer (10 mM Tris-HCl, luciferase reporter gene were transiently transfected in SV40T II cells pH7.4,0.1mMEDTA,pH8)wereinjectedinfertilized (filledbars),MLE-15cells(hatchedbars),andIMR-90cells(openbars). donor eggs obtained from superovulated FVB mice at Activity of the luciferase reporter gene, normalized for b-galactosidase Boston University Transgenic Mice Facility. The eggs activity,isexpressedrelativetothepromoterlessplasmid0-bpLuc(pGL3) were reimplanted into pseudopregnant Swiss-Webster in each cell line. Data are expressed as the mean of three or more transfectionswithduplicateassays6SE.Thedatashowthatthe10-kb females. Experiments were performed with heterozy- fragmentconfersadditionalepithelialspecificitytothepromoter.Theratio gousmicefromtheF2andF3generations. ofactivityinSV40TIIcellsvs.fibroblastsofthe10-kbfragment(4.5-fold) ishigherthantheratioobservedwiththe1.3-kbfragment(1.9-fold). IdentificationofTransgenicAnimalsand EstimationofTransgeneCopyNumber Afewgenes,namelyT1a(Dobbsetal.,1988;Rishiet WeidentifiedtransgenicanimalswithSouthernblots. al., 1995), aquaporin 5 (AQP-5) (Nielsen et al., 1997), DNA (10 µg), isolated from tails of 3- to 4-week-old carboxypeptidaseM(Nagaeetal.,1993),andcaveolin1 pups, was digested with ScaI, electrophoresed on a (Newmanetal.,1999)havebeenidentifiedthatdistin- 0.8% agarose gel, and blotted. Hybridization was per- guishthetypeIcellphenotypefromthatofotherlung formedwitha679-bp32P-labeledCATprobe,labeledby cells. Because caveolin-1 and carboxypeptidase M are hexamerrandomprimemethod(Sambrooketal.,1989), also expressed in endothelial and airway cells respec- spanning the CAT sequence from XbaI to ScaI sites. tively, T1a andAQP-5 appear to be the markers most PCR was also used to identify transgenic mice by useful for exploration of the type I cell phenotype. In amplification of a 427-bp fragment from the CAT gene vitro T1a andAQP-5 show strong similarities in their (oligonucleotide Y1, 5’ TTCTTGCCCGCCTGATGAAT- patternsofexpression.FGF-7(fibroblastgrowthfactor GCTC 3’ and Y2, 5’ TTCTGCCGACATGGAAGCCATC 7,keratinocytegrowthfactor),homologousserum,and 3’) and a 331-bp fragment from b-actin as an internal cuboidalcellshaperepressexpressionofbothgenesin control (oligonucleotide Y3, 5’ TCTACAATGAGCTGC- primaryculturesoftypeIIcells(Boroketal.,1998a,b). GTGTGGCC 3’, and Y4, 5’ CAGGATCTTCATGAGG- In contrast, heterologous serum and squamous cell TAGTCCG 3’). Transgenic embryos were identified by shapedramaticallyup-regulateT1aandAQP-5.These PCR analysis of DNA purified from a paw. Each paw similarities led us to suspect that groups of type I cell was incubated in 20 µl of digestion buffer (PCR buffer genesmayberegulatedbysimilarmolecularsignalsas [Perkin Elmer, Foster City, CA], 0.5% Tween 20, 100 expressionofthenewcellularphenotypeisinitiated. µg/mlproteinaseK[BoehringerMannheim,Indianapo- Inbothhumansandexperimentalanimals,viraland lis,IN])at55°Cfor2hr.ProteinaseKwasinactivated bacterialinfections(BachofenandWeibel,1977;McEl- at 95°C and 1–2 µl of the digested samples were royetal.,1995),inhalationoftoxicgases(Evansetal., amplified (30 cycles, 94°C 1 min, 58°C 1 min, 72°C 2 1975; McElroy et al., 1997), high concentrations of O min, 2.5 mM Mg21). The number of copies of the 2 (Harrisetal.,1991),andotherinsultscausetypeIcell transgeneinsertedpergenomewasestimatedbySouth- deathanddesquamation.Thekeyeventsinlungrepair ern blot analysis of tail DNA by using a calibration aftertheseinjuriesareformationofnew,highlyattenu- curveof1.3-kbT1a-CATconstructdigestedinthesame ated type I cells and restoration of the type I cell conditionsasthegenomicDNA. molecular phenotype. The importance of the repair InSituHybridizationAnalysisofMouse process in humans with respiratory failure and in EmbryosandAdultTissues alveolar biology supports continued efforts to define precisely what regulates expression of T1a and other Heterozygoustransgenicmales(F2generation)were typeIcellgenes. crossedwithnormalFVBfemalestogenerateembryos

cells, osteoblasts) (Rishi et al., 1995; Williams et al.,. 1996). In the late fetal . terns shown in 14 day rat embryos (Rishi et al., 1995). Academic Press. Kimura S . Wikenheiser KA, Vorbroker DK, Rice WR, Clark JC, Bachurski CJ,.
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