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120.0 2 Correspondence with the Federal Advisory Council - Fraser PDF

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F.D. 12A.3 /020.0 No Federal Reserve Bank STRo /V G pE re_S District No. 2 Correspondence Files Division SUBJECT 62.) (Alp (3 u -r-o S-n2.6 G - Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ENV. I 1.2006,1,6 AFTER 5 DAYS. RETURN TO FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK FEDERAL RESERVE P. 0. STATION NEW YORK CITY, I, Y. FILE IF PERSONAL FIL7.8 OF BENJ. STRONG i'vr-t4ne -RARBURG, PAUL M. B.P-s441,-44,4-an from Federal Reserve Board Letters to Benj. Strong dated 8.13.18 and 8.14.17' Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis WOODLANDS WHITE PLAINS, NEW YORK 4 ,42, oKLet /4;a-a aegw- Zd,,Ezi hu22 /4- 66-fr e-VAtzit ct,td-z7 ,0,77 .7/ `47 zelirk-,69( - .P.Zz /74 f(rzat 4-; ,;_fAA 4.14760-e-r-e-1: 44 Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis ett dx",<,-t tzAZ- 0(4f?' egfee ei,GcAravz hefAere 40-7/ e /2e0-e a/i4 t ,,,eot° ,e4V < c%, 7 K&A eXe X7-jr 4_ 6e, 4- 4,,A4 <-4f, h. 6-- /fey e; #'1.e,i4 ca. Zi-Cde-4-e- fAeek., cees.7 f .06e_ ZeG(.5, a0-7/keicez;,6-et) /Cc 4-ve letezd,r ceMit Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis / Az- iee? X4/4/ 4.-ve 46, e.,iii.m...ez,e774, 1U)ti/t a-fiet&L 44. q a/r7-7 cy,_;.0 AI/ 04e-tics_ s riLA yaiY1- A icz_a( A, Xe_ ie.424 ezh_6(z- efreiuce /0- zair____A ere" ptt- Digitized for FRASER 4 4e-0( C ettL http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ ilezez./ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PAUL M.WARBURG WASHINGTON,D.C. Au.3ust 14, 1918. Dear Strong: I wrote York, and upon my return you yesterday from New find here your two very dear letters of Au'..ust 9th and 10th -also your letter of Alr--rnst 12th. I will do my best, old man, to live up to your wise taaohings. Of course you realize that it is easier to teach than to do things, but you yourself have shown me what courage can do in patience and tryin times. I trust you will not find me wanting either. As to going back to "money grabbing", quite between you and me nd the angels, it does not appeal to me at all. On the other hand, will take me sometime to find my it bearings. It is impossible--to concentrate your whole being upon one thing as much as I have done and then all of a sudden wipe it out and be ready to something r._() else. It will take time to find new ground under my feet and to develop some new interests. It cant be done in a jiffy, and it is for this reason that ram going to gat away. I wish you could yesterday, on Tues- along. We are leavin as I believe I wrote you , day eyeing from :ea York, goin; via the Canadian Rockies to Lake there Louise, and from to Lqke T-thoe, where we expect to stay for a fortni-ht. What I shall do /then I return to New York I do not yet know, but probably I shall remain in the country very quietly, and put benefit of my 'own in writing for the grandchildren my connection Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis - with monetary reform since 1907. I have written in a rough draft a pamphlet which deals with Senator Owen's hearing in connection with the so-called foreign exchange Federal Reserve bank. It is enough to blow this "S.O.B" out of the water, but T have some doubts as to the advisability of my getting balled up with a discussion of this kind, which most believe I have started out of spite. If I can of the people will get some one else to do it, I shall be only too happy to send them the material. Maybe I will send you the stuff as soon as I get a little further advanced with it, because I would like to get your reaction as to what you advise me to do with it. As to Chapman: he has been made an Assistant to Broderick, however, so far his salary has not been increased and to stay where he is now will mean a loss as a7airst what he carnd before, together cecie with what I gave him in ac ition. He is a live-wire, loyal and i(- intelligent and I should be only too happy to see him get an oppor- that I will tunity for a broader future. If you can offer him be very glad to have you do so. Thouzh, I believe that if the Board will only give him a chance, there is sufficient field for a very useful activity for him 'in Broderick's office. God knows they need Enouh have left, and I wish for able men who"know the ropes". Broderick that the Board would enable him to keep Chapman where he can be useful to him. In any case, an offer from you will at this time be of help to him. Take mod care of yourself and don't get bitter about this un- fortunate intermezzo, as far as I am concerned. It is discouraging Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis -3- and aF7ravating that in a work that we have done unselfishly and to the very best of our ability, there should be such a thing as a rouH7h and not entirely unselfish hand which interferes with securing the best results, but some how or other I have a f-aling that at some time our roads will converge again, and that good work done is nev'er lost. 2enj. Strong, Esq., Woods Hole, ass. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis PAUL M WARBURG WASHINGTON,O.G. Hartsdale, 7. Y., rovAla0 er 1, 1918. a 4 -7, 141e .. rear ?trona: NOV - Yesterday tried to look you up at the 2. Tlaza but found your placs empty. I dropped 'n at the bank and had a talk with 1,1r. Treman, .no told me about the brilliant risults of your a,mpaign, upon which I congratulate you vary ,:incerely. He also told the that you had gone to Lenox, and I am glad that you are taking a rest, thouh I do regret that you did not take it out here. ometime ago I spoke to you about the article that I had written on Cwen's investi- gation. Inasmuch as you may have a slow tithe where you are, I send you this thing herewith. If you care to read it, do - if you don't, don't. I shall be glad to hear about your future plans. Please don't forget that with the 7arburgs, frisndships outlast official relations. r'ith best wishes for a pleasant holiday, Always ncerely yours, Eenj. Stron:-, Esq., New York. Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis On Juno 0, 1918, at 8sliator Oweits reovst 1 appeared before the Committee on Nuking and Currency- oS the U. S. jenate in order to eive testimony concerning tthe advisability i of the eetabliehment of the Federal J!oreign exchange bank, proposed by the Senator for the purpose of' "eel nt a ining the rate of the ciol4ar at per in fareiert cow-Aries and of removing "unfair exchanee profits" alleged by the Senator to be levied by Pena ri oen beaks from Amer ic at 0 owner co en d trade. I presented 'myself before the committee in company with Governor Harding, ifiveletent Secretary Crochy, Mr. l.bert 'Streams end T. F. T. flente Mr. 'Crosby, in eecretery Illcit e-- ---; edoole absence ena in view of a 10.043r written to the Notate by the PreshAnt, cud not feel at liberty to e- re himself froEly; on the other hand Governor ,,erding a full eta tenant concerning the problem of the die- gave man% of the dollar' exCennge in, neutral countries. He shewed himeelf reads and anxiety to discuss tho pending bill whoa 6ena1,or On adjourned the heering In doing that, 'the senator veld that he realeed the bill ill its Digitized for FRASER http://fraser.stlouisfed.org/ AL Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis .

4, ro you get accommodations as los aa the British . prob1i4m of banking machinery, but 4ith a difficult and ex- .. The Board asked for poser to enforce the .
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