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12-Bit Input-Buffered 80 MSPS ADC with JESD204A Output Interface datasheet PDF

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Preview 12-Bit Input-Buffered 80 MSPS ADC with JESD204A Output Interface datasheet

ADS61JB23 www.ti.com SLOS755 –DECEMBER2012 12-Bit Input-Buffered 80 MSPS ADC with JESD204A Output Interface CheckforSamples:ADS61JB23 FEATURES APPLICATIONS 1 • Output Interface: • WirelessBase-stationInfrastructure – Single-LaneandDual-LaneInterfaces • TestandMeasurementInstrumentation – MaximumDataRateof1.6Gbps – MeetsJESD204ASpecification – CMLOutputswithCurrentProgrammable from2mA– 32mA • PowerDissipation: – 440mWat80MSPSinSingleLaneMode – PowerScalesDownwithClockRate • InputInterface:BufferedAnalogInputs • 71.7dBFSSNRat70MHzIF • AnalogInputFSR:2Vpp • ExternalandInternal(trimmed)Reference Support • 1.8VSupply(Analogand digital),3.3VSupply forInputBuffer • ProgrammableDigitalGain:0dB–6dB • StraightOffsetBinaryorTwosComplement Output • Package: – 6mmx6mm QFN-40 DESCRIPTION The ADS61JB23 is a high-performance, low-power, single channel analog-to-digital converter with an integrated JESD204A output interface. Available in a 6 mm x 6 mm QFN package, with both single-lane and dual-lane outputmodes,theADS61JB23offersanunprecedentedlevelofcompactness.Theoutput interfaceiscompatible to the JESD204A standard, with an additional mode (as per IEEE Std 802.3-2002 part3, Clause to interface seamlessly to the TI TLK family of SERDES transceivers. Equally impressive is the inclusion of an on- chip analog input buffer, providing isolation between the sample/hold switches and higher and more consistent inputimpedance. TheADS61JB23isspecifiedovertheindustrialtemperaturerange(–40°Cto85°C). 1 Pleasebeawarethatanimportantnoticeconcerningavailability,standardwarranty,anduseincriticalapplicationsof TexasInstrumentssemiconductorproductsanddisclaimerstheretoappearsattheendofthisdatasheet. PRODUCTIONDATAinformationiscurrentasofpublicationdate. Copyright©2012,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated Products conform to specifications per the terms of the Texas Instruments standard warranty. Production processing does not necessarilyincludetestingofallparameters. ADS61JB23 SLOS755 –DECEMBER2012 www.ti.com Thesedeviceshavelimitedbuilt-inESDprotection.Theleadsshouldbeshortedtogetherorthedeviceplacedinconductivefoam duringstorageorhandlingtopreventelectrostaticdamagetotheMOSgates. FUNCTIONALBLOCKDIAGRAM AVDD_3 V AVDD AGND CLKP CLKM DRVDD DRGND SYNC~PSYNC~M IOVDD CLOCKGEN PLL CML 10X/20X OUTPUTS INP ADC_OUTP<0> ADC_OUTM<0> Buffer 12 bitADC JESD204A Digital ADC_OUTP<1> INM ADC_OUTM<1> Signal level OVR detect DETECT<3:0> VCM REFERENCE CONTROL INTERFACE CMOS OUTPUTS T R E 01 F N A E C L TT E D N S S D SS R P A RE _SERF0_ FALIGN_I DATA_TEDATA_TE DFS_EXT PDN_ K _ SS L N C E S S 2 SubmitDocumentationFeedback Copyright©2012,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated ProductFolderLinks:ADS61JB23 ADS61JB23 www.ti.com SLOS755 –DECEMBER2012 RHAPACKAGE (TOPVIEW) > > > > <0> <1> <2> <3> TP<0 TM<0 TP<1 TM<1 T T T T U U U U C C C C O O D O O OVR DETE DETE DETE DETE ADC_ ADC_ OVD ADC_ ADC_ I 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 SYNC~M 1 30 DRVDD Pad is connected to DRGND SYNC~P 2 29 DRGND DFS_EXTREF 3 28 SDOUT_TEST1 PDN_ANA 4 27 DRVDD AVDD 5 26 RESET 4480QQFFNN AGND 6 25 SCLK_SERF0_SCR CLKP 7 24 SDATA_TEST0 CLKM 8 23 SEN_FALIGN_IDLE AGND 9 22 AVDD VCM 10 21 PDN 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 D P M D D D V D E D N N N N D N 3 D D D AG I I AG AV AG DD_ AV MO FAV V A PINFUNCTIONS PIN DESCRIPTION NAME NO. ADC_OUTM<1> 31 CMLoutputLane2–Negativeoutput ADC_OUTM<0> 34 CMLoutputLane1–Negativeoutput ADC_OUTP<1> 32 CMLoutputLane2–Positiveoutput ADC_OUTP<0> 35 CMLoutputLane1–Positiveoutput 5,6,9,11,14, AGND Analogground 16, AVDD 15,18,22 Analogsupply,1.8V AVDD_3V 17 Analogsupplyforinputbuffer,3.3V CLKM 8 Conversionclock–Negativeinput CLKP 7 Conversionclock–Positiveinput DRGND 29 Digitalground DRVDD 27,30 Digitalsupply,1.8V Copyright©2012,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated SubmitDocumentationFeedback 3 ProductFolderLinks:ADS61JB23 ADS61JB23 SLOS755 –DECEMBER2012 www.ti.com PINFUNCTIONS(continued) PIN DESCRIPTION NAME NO. DETECT<3> 36 DETECT<2> 37 Signalleveldetectoutputpins:Canbeusedtoeitheroutputa4-bitADCcodewithlowlatencyorto DETECT<1> 38 outputa16-levelRMSpowerestimate DETECT<0> 39 DFS_EXTREF 3 4-levelanalogcontrolforDataFormatselectandInternal/Externalreferencemode FAVDD 20 Fusesupply–connectexternallytoAVDD,1.8V IOVDD 33 CMLbuffersupply–1.2Vto1.9V INM 13 Analoginput-Negative INP 12 Analoginput–Positive MODE 19 4-levelcontrolforSerialinterface/Parallelinterfacemodesselection OVR 40 Over-rangeoutput PDN 21 FullchipPowerdown(alsoreferredtoasCompletePowerdownmode) Analogsectionpowerdown,JESDinterfacestillactive.Thisisreferredtoasfastrecoverypowerdown PDN_ANA 4 mode RESET 26 ChipResetinput SCLK_SERF0_ InSerialinterfacemode:SerialclockinputInparallelinterfacemode:4-levelcontrolforJESDmodes 25 SCR (single/duallane&scrambling) SDATA_TEST0 24 InSerialinterfacemode:SerialdatainputInparallelinterfacemode:JESDtestmode InSerialinterfacemode:Serialdataoutput(forregisterreadout)Inparallelinterfacemode:JESDtest SDOUT_TEST1 28 mode SEN_FALIGN_I InSerialinterfacemode:Serialenable(Chipselect)Inparallelinterfacemode:4-levelcontrolfor 23 DLE JESDmodes SYNC~M 1 JESDSynchronizationrequest–Negativeinput SYNC~P 2 JESDSynchronizationrequest–Positiveinput Commonmodeoutputforsettinginputcommonmode:1.95V,Referenceinputinexternalreference VCM 10 mode ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS(1) VALUE UNIT AVDD –0.3to+2.2 V DRVDD –0.3to+2.2 V Supplyvoltagerange IOVDD –0.3to+2.2 V AVDD_3V –0.3to+3.9 V VoltagebetweenAGNDandDRGND –0.3to+0.3 V VoltageappliedtoexternalVCMpin –0.3to+2.2 V Voltageappliedtoanaloginputpins –0.3tomin(3,AVDD_3V+0.3) V Voltageappliedtodigitalinputpins –0.3toAVDD+0.3 V Voltageappliedtoclockinputpins(2) –0.3toAVDD+0.3 V TA Operatingfree-airtemperaturerange –40to85 °C Peaksoldertemperature 260 °C Junctiontemperature 105 °C (1) Stressesabovetheseratingsmaycausepermanentdamage.Exposuretoabsolutemaximumconditionsforextendedperiodsmay degradedevicereliability. (2) WhenAVDDisturnedoff,itisrecommendedtoswitchofftheinputclock(orensurethevoltageonCLKP,CLKMislessthan|0.3V|. ThispreventstheESDprotectiondiodesattheclockinputpinsfromturningon. 4 SubmitDocumentationFeedback Copyright©2012,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated ProductFolderLinks:ADS61JB23 ADS61JB23 www.ti.com SLOS755 –DECEMBER2012 THERMAL INFORMATION ADS61JB23 THERMALMETRIC(1) UNITS QFN40PIN θ Junction-to-ambientthermalresistance 30.7 JA θ Junction-to-case(top)thermalresistance 17 JCtop θ Junction-to-boardthermalresistance 5.7 JB °C/W ψ Junction-to-topcharacterizationparameter 0.2 JT ψ Junction-to-boardcharacterizationparameter 5.7 JB θ Junction-to-case(bottom)thermalresistance 1 JCbot (1) Formoreinformationabouttraditionalandnewthermalmetrics,seetheICPackageThermalMetricsapplicationreport,SPRA953. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT SUPPLIES,ANALOGINPUTSANDREFERENCEVOLTAGES Analogsupplyvoltage,AVDD 1.7 1.8 1.9 V Digitalsupplyvoltage,DRVDD 1.7 1.8 1.9 V CMLbuffersupplyvoltage,IOVDD 1.2 1.8 1.9 V Analogbuffersupplyvoltage,AVDD_3V 3.0 3.3 3.6 V Differentialinputvoltagerange 2 V PP VCM Inputcommon-modevoltage V ±0.05 VCM(output)–Internalreferencemode(1) 1.95 V VCM(input)–Externalreferencemode 1.4 V CLOCKINPUT InputclockrateinJESD204Asinglelanemode 15.625 80 MSPS InputclockrateinJESD204Aduallanemode 31.25 80 MSPS Sinewave,ac-coupled 0.2 3.0 V PP Inputclockamplitudedifferential(VCLKP- LVPECL,ac-coupled 1.6 VPP VCLKM) LVDS,ac-coupled 0.7 VPP CMOS,single-ended,ac-coupled 1.5 V Inputclockdutycycle 35% 50% 65% DIGITALOUTPUTS 20x Outputdatarateinsingle-lanemode 312.5 (sample 1600 MBPS rate) 10x Outputdatarateindual-lanemode 312.5 (sample 800 MBPS rate) C MaximumexternalloadcapacitancefromeachpintoDRGND 5 pF LOAD R ExternalterminationfromeachoutputpintoIOVDD 50 Ω LOAD T Operatingfree-airtemperature -40 85 °C A HIGHSFDRMODE Writeregister2h,value71htogetbestHD3forinputfrequenciesbetween150MHzto 250MHz. (1) TypicalVCMreducesto1.85VafterHIGHSFDRMODEiswritten. Copyright©2012,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated SubmitDocumentationFeedback 5 ProductFolderLinks:ADS61JB23 ADS61JB23 SLOS755 –DECEMBER2012 www.ti.com ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS Typicalvaluesat25°C,MINandMAXvaluesareacrossthefulltemperaturerangeT =–40°CtoT =85°C,AVDD= MIN MAX 1.8V,AVDD_3V=3.3V,DRVDD=1.8V,IOVDD=1.8V,Clockfrequency=80MSPS,50%clockdutycycle,–1dBFS differentialanaloginput,internalreferencemode,CMLbuffercurrentsetting=16mA,unlessotherwisenoted. PARAMETER TESTCONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT REFERENCEVOLTAGES–INTERNAL VCManaloginputcommonmodevoltage(output) 1.95 V VCMoutputcurrent(resultinginaVCMchangeof±50mV) 2.5 mA REFERENCEVOLTAGES–EXTERNAL VCMreferencevoltage(Input) 1.4±0.1 V ANALOGINPUT Differentialinputvoltagerange 2.0 Vpp Differentialinputcapacitance 3 pF Analoginputbandwidth 480 MHz Analoginputcommonmoderange VCM±0.05 V Analoginputcommonmodecurrent(perinputpin) 1.6 µA DCACCURACY Offseterror –20 20 mV Duetointernalreference –2.5 2.5 %FS Gainerror inaccuracyalone Duetochannelalone 5 %FS Gainerrortemperaturecoefficient 0.006 mV/°C ACPowerSupplyRejectionRatio,PSRR 50mV signalonAVDDsupply >30 dB PP POWERDOWNMODES Completepowerdownmode 10 mW Fastrecoverypowerdownmode 210 mW Powerwithnoclock 115 mW DNLdifferentialnonlinearity –0.7 ±0.3 0.8 LSB INLintegralnonlinearity ±0.7 ±1.5 LSB POWERSUPPLYCURRENTS AVDDcurrent 105 122 mA AVDD_3Vcurrent 40 51 mA DRVDDcurrent 50 61 mA IOVDDcurrent 16 21 mA Totalpower 440 500 mW DYNAMICPERFORMANCE(1) IF=10MHz 80 dBc SFDR IF=185MHz 70 80 dBc IF=10MHz 71.7 dBFs SNR IF=185MHz 68 70.5 dBFs IF=10MHz 71.2 dBFs SINAD IF=185MHz 70.1 dBFs IF=10MHz 80 dBc HD3 IF=185MHz 70 80 dBc IF=10MHz 100 dBc HD2 IF=185MHz 70 80 dBc IF=10MHz 90 dBc Worstspur(excludingHD2,HD3) IF=185MHz 81 87 dBc (1) HIGHSFDRMODEisenabled. 6 SubmitDocumentationFeedback Copyright©2012,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated ProductFolderLinks:ADS61JB23 ADS61JB23 www.ti.com SLOS755 –DECEMBER2012 DIGITAL CHARACTERISTICS TheDCspecificationsrefertotheconditionwherethedigitaloutputsarenotswitching,butarepermanentlyatavalidlogic level0or1 PARAMETER TESTCONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT DIGITALINPUTS High-levelinputvoltage 1.2 V Low-levelinputvoltage 0.6 V SEN 0 High-levelinputcurrent μA SCLK,SDATA,RESET,PDN,PDN_ANA 10 SEN 10 Low-levelinputcurrent μA SCLK,SDATA,RESET,PDN,PDN_ANA 0 DIGITALOUTPUTS(SDOUT) DRVDD- High-leveloutputvoltage DRVDD V 0.1 Low-leveloutputvoltage 0 0.1 V CMLOUTPUTS–50ΩSINGLE-ENDEDEXTERNALTERMINATIONTOIOVDD IOVDDsupplyrange 1.2 1.8 1.9 V High-leveloutputvoltage IOVDD V IOVDD- Low-leveloutputvoltage V 0.4 Outputdifferentialvoltage,|VOD| 0.4 V IOVDD- Outputcommon-modevoltage,V V OCM 0.2 Transmitterterminalsshortedtoanyvoltagebetween Transmittershortcircuitcurrent -90 50 mA –0.25Vand1.45V Single-endedoutputimpedance 50 Ω Unitinterval,UI 625 3200 UI TotalJitter,T 0.35 p-pUI J Rise/falltimes 5pFsingle-endedloadcapacitancetoground 175 ps WAKE-UP TIMING CHARACTERISTICS PARAMETER TESTCONDITIONS MIN TYP MAX UNIT TimetovaliddataaftercomingoutofCOMPLETEPOWERDOWNmode 50 μs TimetovaliddataaftercomingoutofFASTRECOVERYPOWERDOWNmode 50 μs Wake-uptime TimetovaliddataaftercomingoutofSOFTWAREPOWERDOWNmode 10 μs Timetovaliddataafterstoppingandrestartingtheinputclock 5 μs Copyright©2012,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated SubmitDocumentationFeedback 7 ProductFolderLinks:ADS61JB23 ADS61JB23 SLOS755 –DECEMBER2012 www.ti.com DETAILED DESCRIPTION JESD204A OUTPUT INTERFACE The 12-bit ADC output is padded with 4 zeros on the LSB side to form a 16-bit output. Two 8B10B codes are formed–onefromthe8MSBsandtheotherfromthe6LSBsandthe2paddedzeros. ADCOUT<11:4> ADCOUT<3:0>,0,0,0,0 8B10B code1 8B10B code2 MSB octet LSB octet Figure1. MappingofADCOutputtoTwo8B10BCodes The two octets can be either transmitted on the same lane (single lane interface) or on two lanes (dual lane interface).Bydefault,thedeviceoperatesinsinglelaneinterface. Conversion clock (CLKP-CLKM) CMLoutput Lane1 (ADC_OUTP<0>- ADC_OUTM<0>) Dx.y Dx.y Dx.y Dx.y (ADC data N,MSB octet) (ADC data N,LSB octet) (ADC data N+1,MSB octet) (ADC data N+1,LSB octet) Figure 2. SingleLaneTiming Conversion clock (CLKP-CLKM) CMLoutput Lane1 (ADC_OUTP<0>- ADC_OUTM<0>) Dx.y Dx.y Dx.y Dx.y (ADC data N,MSB octet) (ADC data N+1,MSB octet) (ADC data N+2,MSB octet) (ADC data N+3,MSB octet) CMLoutput Lane2 (ADC_OUTP<1>- ADC_OUTM<1>) Dx.y Dx.y Dx.y Dx.y (ADC data N,LSB octet) (ADC data N+1,LSB octet) (ADC data N+2,LSB octet) (ADC data N+3,LSB octet) Figure3. Dual LaneTiming 8 SubmitDocumentationFeedback Copyright©2012,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated ProductFolderLinks:ADS61JB23 ADS61JB23 www.ti.com SLOS755 –DECEMBER2012 Thedetailedtimingdiagramintheduallanemodeisshownbelow: N+22 N+2 N+3 N+4 N+21 N+1 Sample N+20 N INPUT SIGNAL t a CLKP INPUT CLOCK CLKM 20clock cycles* t PDI CMLOUTPUT DATALANE 1 N-21 N-20 N-19 N-18 N-17 N-1 N N+1 N+2 CMLOUTPUT DATALANE 2 N-21 N-20 N-19 N-18 N-17 N-1 N N+1 N+2 *This is theADC latency.At higher sampling frequencies,t >1clock cycle. PDI Then,overall latency=ADC latency+1. Figure4. DataTimingDiagram-Dual LaneMode PARAMETER 30MSPS 40MSPS 60MSPS 80MSPS Aperturedelay–T 560ps 560ps 560ps 560ps A Aperturejitter(RMS)–T 125fs 125fs 125fs 125fs J Latency 20clocks 20clocks 20clocks 20clocks t Datapropagationdelay 33.3ns 26.2ns 18.9ns 15.3ns PDI Copyright©2012,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated SubmitDocumentationFeedback 9 ProductFolderLinks:ADS61JB23 ADS61JB23 SLOS755 –DECEMBER2012 www.ti.com Whenever there is a need to synchronize to the frame boundary of the output data stream, the receiver issues a synchronization request through the SYNC~P, SYNC~M pins. Below diagram shows how the transmission switches from normal data (D) to code group synchronization symbols K28.5 symbols during and after a synchronizationrequest. N+7 N+8 N+9 N+5 N+6 N+4 N+3 N+2 N+1 Sample INPUT N SIGNAL CLKP INPUT CLOCK CLKM t CLK-INT INTERNALCLOCK FOR LATCHING SYNC~ (CLK_INT) t SYNC-SU t SYNC-H SYNC~input (SYNC~P)-(SYNC~M) ‘SYNC~active’latency=9clock cycles tSYNC-PDI CMLOUTPUT DATALANE1 N-21 N-20 N-19 N-18 N-17 N-16 N-15 N-14 N-13 N-12 K28.5 CMLOUTPUT DATALANE2 N-21 N-20 N-19 N-18 N-17 N-16 N-15 N-14 N-13 N-12 K28.5 Figure5. SYNC~ACTIVETimingDiagram Table1.SYNC~FallingEdgeTimingat80MSPS PARAMETER DESCRIPTION TYP UNIT Delayfrominputclockrisingedgetotherisingedgeoftheinternalclock t 10.5 ns CLK-INT (CLK_INT)usedtolatchfallingedgeofSYNC~ t SYNC~activeedgesetuptime MinimumdelayrequiredfromSYNC~fallingedgetoCLK_INTrisingedge 2 ns SYNC-SU t SYNC~activeedgeholdtime MinimumdelayrequiredfromCLK_INTrisingedgetoSYNC~fallingedge 2 ns SYNC-H SYNC~activelatency NumberofclocksforK28.5toappearattheoutputafteraSYNC~request 9 clocks t SYNC~datapropagation Similartodatapropagationdelay 15.3 ns SYNC-PDI delay 10 SubmitDocumentationFeedback Copyright©2012,TexasInstrumentsIncorporated ProductFolderLinks:ADS61JB23

differential analog input, internal reference mode, CML buffer current setting .. loaded in multiple of 16-bit words within a single active SEN pulse 10-bit word replacing the output of the 8b/10b coder when FORCE_OUT_LANE1
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