Council of the European Union Brussels, 7 September 2018 (OR. en) 11737/18 ADD 4 BUDGET 23 EXPLANATORY MEMORANDUM Subject: Draft budget of the European Union for the financial year 2019: Council position of 4 September 2018 Technical annex (Commission expenditure - Detailed figures by policy area ) 11737/18 ADD 4 JPS/kg 1 ECOMP.2.A EN CONTENTS TITLE 01 — ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL AFFAIRS........................................................ 6 TITLE 02 — INTERNAL MARKET, INDUSTRY, ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SMES . 10 TITLE 03 — COMPETITION ................................................................................................. 17 TITLE 04 — EMPLOYMENT, SOCIAL AFFAIRS AND INCLUSION ............................... 19 TITLE 05 — AGRICULTURE AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT.......................................... 26 TITLE 06 — MOBILITY AND TRANSPORT ....................................................................... 35 TITLE 07 — ENVIRONMENT ............................................................................................... 40 TITLE 08 — RESEARCH AND INNOVATION .................................................................... 45 TITLE 09 — COMMUNICATIONS NETWORKS, CONTENT AND TECHNOLOGY...... 50 TITLE 10 — DIRECT RESEARCH ........................................................................................ 57 TITLE 11 — MARITIME AFFAIRS AND FISHERIES ........................................................ 61 TITLE 12 — FINANCIAL STABILITY, FINANCIAL SERVICES AND CAPITAL MARKETS UNION ...................................................................................................................................... 66 TITLE 13 — REGIONAL AND URBAN POLICY ................................................................ 69 TITLE 14 — TAXATION AND CUSTOMS UNION ............................................................ 77 TITLE 15 — EDUCATION AND CULTURE ........................................................................ 80 TITLE 16 — COMMUNICATION .......................................................................................... 86 TITLE 17 — HEALTH AND FOOD SAFETY ....................................................................... 89 TITLE 18 — MIGRATION AND HOME AFFAIRS .............................................................. 94 TITLE 19 — FOREIGN POLICY INSTRUMENTS ............................................................. 100 TITLE 20 — TRADE ............................................................................................................. 104 TITLE 21 — INTERNATIONAL COOPERATION AND DEVELOPMENT ..................... 106 TITLE 22 — NEIGHBOURHOOD AND ENLARGEMENT NEGOTIATIONS ................ 113 TITLE 23 — HUMANITARIAN AID AND CIVIL PROTECTION .................................... 118 TITLE 24 — FIGHT AGAINST FRAUD .............................................................................. 122 TITLE 25 — COMMISSION’S POLICY COORDINATION AND LEGAL ADVICE ...... 124 TITLE 26 — COMMISSION’S ADMINISTRATION .......................................................... 126 TITLE 27 — BUDGET .......................................................................................................... 131 TITLE 28 — AUDIT .............................................................................................................. 133 TITLE 29 — STATISTICS .................................................................................................... 135 TITLE 30 — PENSIONS AND RELATED EXPENDITURE .............................................. 137 TITLE 31 — LANGUAGE SERVICES ................................................................................ 139 TITLE 32 — ENERGY .......................................................................................................... 141 TITLE 33 — JUSTICE AND CONSUMERS ........................................................................ 146 11737/18 ADD 4 JPS/kg 2 ECOMP.2.A EN TITLE 34 — CLIMATE ACTION ......................................................................................... 150 TITLE 40 — RESERVES....................................................................................................... 153 SECTION III - COMMISSION .............................................................................................. 155 11737/18 ADD 4 JPS/kg 3 ECOMP.2.A EN Column headings AB: Amending budget DB: Draft budget DA: Differentiated appropriations NDA: Non-differentiated appropriations FF: Multiannual financial framework c/a: Commitment appropriations (in euro, except for (%) column) p/a: Payment appropriations (in euro, except for (%) column) 11737/18 ADD 4 JPS/kg 4 ECOMP.2.A EN SECTION III - COMMISSION 11737/18 ADD 4 JPS/kg 5 ECOMP.2.A EN Title 01 — Economic and financial affairs 11737/18 ADD 4 JPS/kg 6 ECOMP.2.A EN Section III - Commission 1 2 3 3-2 3/1 Title Chapter Article Item Title 01 — Economic and financial affairs (AB No 1/201B8u dtog eAtB 2 0N1o8 3/2018 incl.) DB 2019 Couonnc Dil'Bs p20o1si9t ion D(aifmfeoruenntc)e Diff(e%re)n ce NDDAA FF c/a p/a NDDAA FF c/a p/a NDDAA FF c/a p/a c/a p/a c/a p/a Title 01 — Economic and financial affairs 01 01 Administrative expenditure of the ‘Economic and financial affairs’ policy area 01 01 01 Expenditure related to officials and temporary staff in the NDA 5.2 68 650 802 68 650 802 NDA 5.2 70 417 869 70 417 869 NDA 5.2 69 810 381 69 810 381 - 607 488 - 607 488 +1,69% +1,69% ‘Economic and financial affairs’ policy area 01 01 02 External personnel and other management expenditure in support of the ‘Economic and financial affairs’ policy area 01 01 02 01 External personnel NDA 5.2 3 577 871 3 577 871 NDA 5.2 3 353 018 3 353 018 NDA 5.2 3 208 517 3 208 517 - 144 501 - 144 501 -10,32% -10,32% 01 01 02 11 Other management expenditure NDA 5.2 5 627 727 5 627 727 NDA 5.2 5 633 727 5 633 727 NDA 5.2 5 321 047 5 321 047 - 312 680 - 312 680 -5,45% -5,45% 01 01 03 Expenditure related to information and communication technology equipment and services, and specific expenditure in the ‘Economic and financial affairs’ policy area 01 01 03 01 Expenditure related to information and communication technology NDA 5.2 4 437 814 4 437 814 NDA 5.2 4 706 639 4 706 639 NDA 5.2 4 611 744 4 611 744 - 94 895 - 94 895 +3,92% +3,92% equipment and services, and specific expenditure 01 01 03 04 Expenditure related to specific electronic, telecommunication and NDA 5.2 440 000 440 000 NDA 5.2 500 000 500 000 NDA 5.2 500 000 500 000 +13,64% +13,64% information needs Total Chapter 01 01 82 734 214 82 734 214 84 611 253 84 611 253 83 451 689 83 451 689 - 1 159 564 - 1 159 564 +0,87% +0,87% 01 02 Economic and Monetary Union 01 02 01 Coordination and surveillance of, and communication on, the DA 1.a 11 500 000 11 500 000 DA 1.a 12 000 000 11 500 000 DA 1.a 11 730 000 11 500 000 - 270 000 +2,00% economic and monetary union, including the euro 01 02 02 European Union guarantee for Union borrowings for balance- NDA 1.a p.m. p.m. NDA 1.a p.m. p.m. NDA 1.a p.m. p.m. of-payments support 01 02 03 European Union guarantee for Union borrowings for financial NDA 1.a p.m. p.m. NDA 1.a p.m. p.m. NDA 1.a p.m. p.m. assistance under the European financial stabilisation mechanism 01 02 04 Protecting euro banknotes and coins against counterfeiting and DA 1.a 1 055 100 953 200 DA 1.a 1 072 400 980 000 DA 1.a 1 072 400 980 000 +1,64% +2,81% related fraud 01 02 05 Enforced budgetary surveillance proceeds to be transferred to NDA 1.a p.m. p.m. NDA 1.a p.m. p.m. NDA 1.a p.m. p.m. the European Stability Mechanism 01 02 77 Pilot projects and preparatory actions 11737/18 ADD 4 JPS/kg 7 ECOMP.2.A EN Section III - Commission 1 2 3 3-2 3/1 Title Chapter Article Item Title 01 — Economic and financial affairs (AB No 1/201B8u dtog eAtB 2 0N1o8 3/2018 incl.) DB 2019 Couonnc Dil'Bs p20o1si9t ion D(aifmfeoruenntc)e Diff(e%re)n ce NDDAA FF c/a p/a NDDAA FF c/a p/a NDDAA FF c/a p/a c/a p/a c/a p/a 01 02 77 01 Preparatory Action — Capacity development and institution DA 1.b p.m. 700 000 DA 1.b p.m. 140 000 DA 1.b p.m. 140 000 -80,00% building to support the implementation of economic reforms Total Chapter 01 02 12 555 100 13 153 200 13 072 400 12 620 000 12 802 400 12 620 000 - 270 000 +1,97% -4,05% 01 03 International economic and financial affairs 01 03 01 Participation in the capital of international financial institutions 01 03 01 01 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development — Provision DA 4 — — DA 4 p.m. p.m. DA 4 p.m. p.m. of paid-up shares of subscribed capital 01 03 01 02 European Bank for Reconstruction and Development — Callable DA 4 p.m. p.m. DA 4 p.m. p.m. DA 4 p.m. p.m. portion of subscribed capital 01 03 02 Macro-financial assistance DA 4 42 086 000 42 086 000 DA 4 42 000 000 42 000 000 DA 4 22 000 000 42 000 000 - 20 000 000 -47,73% -0,20% 01 03 03 European Union guarantee for Union borrowings for macro- NDA 4 p.m. p.m. NDA 4 p.m. p.m. NDA 4 p.m. p.m. financial assistance to third countries 01 03 04 Guarantee for Euratom borrowings to improve the degree of NDA 4 p.m. p.m. NDA 4 p.m. p.m. NDA 4 p.m. p.m. efficiency and safety of nuclear power stations in third countries 01 03 05 European Union guarantee for European Investment Bank NDA 4 p.m. p.m. NDA 4 p.m. p.m. NDA 4 p.m. p.m. loans and loan guarantees for operations in third countries 01 03 06 Provisioning of the Guarantee Fund for external actions NDA 4 137 800 722 137 800 722 NDA 4 48 222 935 48 222 935 NDA 4 7 222 935 7 222 935 - 41 000 000 - 41 000 000 -94,76% -94,76% 01 03 07 European Union guarantee for the European Fund for NDA 4 p.m. p.m. NDA 4 p.m. p.m. NDA 4 p.m. p.m. Sustainable Development (EFSD) 01 03 08 Provisioning of the EFSD Guarantee Fund NDA 4 p.m. p.m. NDA 4 25 000 000 25 000 000 NDA 4 25 000 000 25 000 000 Reserve (40 02 40) 25 000 000 25 000 000 -100,00% -100,00% 25 000 000 25 000 000 Total Chapter 01 03 179 886 722 179 886 722 115 222 935 115 222 935 54 222 935 74 222 935 - 61 000 000 - 41 000 000 -69,86% -58,74% Reserve (40 02 40) 25 000 000 25 000 000 -100,00% -100,00% 204 886 722 204 886 722 -73,54% -63,77% 01 04 Financial operations and instruments 01 04 01 European Investment Fund 01 04 01 01 European Investment Fund — Provision of paid-up shares of DA 1.a p.m. p.m. DA 1.a p.m. p.m. DA 1.a p.m. p.m. subscribed capital 01 04 01 02 European Investment Fund — Callable portion of subscribed capital DA 1.a p.m. p.m. DA 1.a p.m. p.m. DA 1.a p.m. p.m. 11737/18 ADD 4 JPS/kg 8 ECOMP.2.A EN Section III - Commission 1 2 3 3-2 3/1 Title Chapter Article Item Title 01 — Economic and financial affairs (AB No 1/201B8u dtog eAtB 2 0N1o8 3/2018 incl.) DB 2019 Couonnc Dil'Bs p20o1si9t ion D(aifmfeoruenntc)e Diff(e%re)n ce NDDAA FF c/a p/a NDDAA FF c/a p/a NDDAA FF c/a p/a c/a p/a c/a p/a 01 04 02 Nuclear safety — Cooperation with the European Investment DA 1.a p.m. p.m. DA 1.a p.m. p.m. DA 1.a p.m. p.m. Bank 01 04 03 Guarantee for Euratom borrowings NDA 1.a p.m. p.m. NDA 1.a p.m. p.m. NDA 1.a p.m. p.m. 01 04 04 Guarantee for the European Fund for Strategic Investments DA 1.a p.m. p.m. DA 1.a p.m. p.m. DA 1.a p.m. p.m. (EFSI) 01 04 05 Provisioning of the EFSI Guarantee Fund DA 1.a 1 905 092 000 1 800 000 000 DA 1.a 166 879 000 1 150 000 000 DA 1.a 166 879 000 1 150 000 000 -91,24% -36,11% Reserve (40 02 41) 105 185 000 -100,00% 2 010 277 000 -91,70% 01 04 06 European Investment Advisory Hub (EIAH) and European DA 1.a 20 000 000 20 000 000 DA 1.a 20 000 000 22 300 000 DA 1.a 20 000 000 22 300 000 +11,50% Investment Project Portal (EIPP) 01 04 07 Fees due to the European Investment Fund for increased DA 1.a 8 000 000 8 000 000 DA 1.a p.m. p.m. DA 1.a p.m. p.m. -100,00% -100,00% assistance under the European Fund for Strategic Investments 01 04 51 Completion of programmes in the field of small and middle- DA 1.a p.m. 49 900 000 DA 1.a p.m. 32 300 000 DA 1.a p.m. 32 300 000 -35,27% sized enterprises (SMEs) (prior to 2014) 01 04 77 Pilot projects and preparatory actions 01 04 77 02 Pilot project — State asset management DA 1.a p.m. p.m. DA 1.a p.m. p.m. DA 1.a p.m. p.m. Total Chapter 01 04 1 933 092 000 1 877 900 000 186 879 000 1 204 600 000 186 879 000 1 204 600 000 -90,33% -35,85% Reserve (40 02 41) 105 185 000 -100,00% 2 038 277 000 -90,83% Total Title 01 2 208 268 036 2 153 674 136 399 785 588 1 417 054 188 337 356 024 1 374 894 624 - 62 429 564 - 42 159 564 -84,72% -36,16% Reserve (40 02 40, 40 02 41) 130 185 000 25 000 000 -100,00% -100,00% 2 338 453 036 2 178 674 136 -85,57% -36,89% 11737/18 ADD 4 JPS/kg 9 ECOMP.2.A EN Title 02 — Internal market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs 11737/18 ADD 4 JPS/kg 10 ECOMP.2.A EN