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Preview 112th Convocation, June 10 1999

1999 Spring Convocation — Convocation at Carleton University 2 Thursday, June 10, 10:00 a.m. — Honorary Degree Recipient Dorothy E. Smith 4 — Order or Proceedings 5 Doctor of Philosophy, Master ofArts and Bachelor of Arts from the Departments of Psychology and Sociology and Anthropology of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences Thursday, June 10, 2:00 p.m. — Honorary Degree Recipient Walter Lichem 16 — Order of Proceedings 17 Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Arts and Bachelor of Arts from all Departments (other than the Departments of Psychology, and Sociology and Anthropology) of the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences; Bachelor of Music Certificate in French Language Studies; Certificate in the Teaching of English as a Second Language — Medallists in the Graduatinq Class 32 Convocation at Carleton University 1hei'on\oc.mon ceremony (jhccallingtogetherof the academic of the University,it is the Senatewhich has determined whether ISSembh has its roots inuniversitytraditionsot medievalEurope. the requirements have been met. The signatures of both the Chancellor and the President of the University appear on the he Miice / diploma: the Chancellor because of his role in conferring the 1 he mace is .» staff symbolizing authority. In the days of degree, and the President who, as Chair of Senate, certifies that knighthood, it u.1- .i wcapon,but alterthe 16thcenturyitbecame Senatehasenactedtherequiredmotiontoawardthedegree.The sold] a symbol of authority carried by a distinguished member Seal of the University is affixed to the diploma as a mark of ol .in assembly. It is used on ceremonial occasions to signify the authentication. right of an individual or institution to perform a certain — function in the case of universities, to grant degrees. Academic Dress The academic dress of Carleton University results from a At Convocation, the mace is carried ahead of the Chancellor as compromise between that found in the ancient foundations of he enters and leaves each ceremony. During the ceremony the Britain and Canada and the American Intercollegiate Code. All mace displayed on a special stand as an embodiment of the — — three hoods bachelor's, master's, and doctor's are of the authority of the University. simple or Oxford shape. The bachelor's hood is made of black ("arleton's mace was presented to the University in 1976 as a gift stuff; the master's and doctor's aremade of black silk and allare from the Chair of the Board of Governors at that time, Mr. lined with silver silk with two chevrons, one of red and one of in Soloway. It is a silver-plated staff approximately three black. From bachelor's to doctor's, the hoods are progressively teet long. At the upper end there is a bowl marked with the longer and opened to show more and more of the lining. University's coat ot arms and the University motto in both Latin — The velvet border of the hoods denotes the degrees granted and English "Opera Nobis Aeterna" and "Ours the Task Eternal." From the upper portion of the bowl rises a phoenix. according to the following colour combinations: architecture is Traditional oak leaves surround the lower end of the staff. cerise;artsiswhite;commerceiscamelbrown;computerscience is royal blue; engineering is orange; industrial design is dark ( oat of . \rms cardinal; international business is camel brown with a red cord The coat of arms was presented to the University by His sewnslightlyin fromthelowerborder;journalismiswhitewitha Excellency The Right Honourable Ramon John Hnatyshyn, black cord sewn slighdy in from the lower border; management Governor-General of Canada, on November 15, 1992 as partof studies is camel brown with a black cord sewn slighdy in from Carleton's 50thanniversarycelebrations. Itisdesenbedinheraldic the lower border; music is Venetian pink; public administration term- as follows: "SableamapleleafGulesirradiatedandcharged is peacock blue; science is golden yellow; social work is cream; with an open book Argent; And for a Crest: on awreathArgent and doctorof philosophyis purple. Sable and Gules a Phoenix Gules quilled and beaked Or issuing The master's and bachelor's gowns, to be worn with the above from flames proper; And for a Motto: Ours the Task Eternal; hoods, is of full length, made of black stuff, with a gathered And for Supporters: on a grassy mount on either side a raven yokebehind,andlongopen-fronted sleeves. Thedoctoralgown Sable beaked and membered or armed Gules." isof full-style, madeof fineroyalblueclothwith facings of light Theopenbookonthemapleleaf signifiesthatCarletonUniversity blue silk, with a full gathered yoke behind, and closed sleeves is in the nation's capital and that learningis open to allwho wish with an openingat the elbows. to partake of it. The phoenix, the legendary eternal bird, The two shades of blue in the doctoral gown are those of the symbolizes the renewing of learning from older foundations, in UnitedNations,andaremeanttorecognizetheUniversity'slong- recognitionof HenryMarshallTory's roleinthe foundingof the standing interest, from its earliest years, in international affairs Universitywhen hewas 82yearsold. "Ours theTask Eternal" is andissues.ThecolourswerechosenwhentheUniversityawarded taken fromaWalt Whitman poementitled "Pioneers" and ties in its firsthonorarydegree,in 1954,tothesecondSecretaryGeneral with the eternal quality of the phoenix. of theUnitedNations,thelateDagHammarskjold.Thetradition And so, the Carleton University coat of arms symbolizes sound of awarding honorary degrees to Secretaries General of the learning, good citizenship, and the highest hopes of humanity United Nations has continued since that time. The Diploma The gown of the honoraryDoctorof Laws, Literature, Science, ThediplomathegraduatesreceiveatConvocationisthecertificate Engineering, Architecture or Fine Arts is a full robe with bell- of qualification which publishes the fact that the student has shaped sleeves. It is made of fine royal blue cloth with facings fulfilledall therequirements andcompleted theprescribedcourse and sleeves in light blue silk. The hood is made of the same of study for the degree. As the senior academic legislative body material as thegown, has the same lining as that for the degrees 2 grantedbyexamination, andisborderedwith darkmauve forthe Rob Shields, B.Arch., M.A., Ph.D. degreeofDoctorofLaws;vibrantblueforthedegreeof Doctor Associate Professorof Sociology and Anthropology of Literature; red for the degree of Doctor of Science; orange and Beadle of Convocation for the degree of Doctor of Engineering, cerise for the degree of Doctor of Architecture, and dark cardinal for the degree of Susan Whitney, B.A M.A., Ph.D. , Doctor of Fine Arts. Associate Professor of History and Women's Studies and Beadle of Convocation Alumni Park Weather permitting, today's Convocation ceremonies are being held outdoors in Alumni Park which was dedicated in 1992, at Also assisting at Convocation: the initiative of the Carleton University Alumni Association, to commemoratetheUniversity's 50thanniversary.Thearbourunder Linda Backer which the Chancellor, the President and Vice-Chancellor, the Assistant Dean/Registrar representative of the Board of Governors, and the faculty are Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research seated is a generous gift from the Association. It provides a Denise McKenna, B.A., MA. permanentstageforCarleton'sConvocationceremoniesandother Assistant Dean ofStudents eventssuchastheatricalproductions,concerts,andthelike. Future Registrar, Division of Arts and Social Sciences plansfortheParkincludeanenhancementoftheexistingfountain areawiththeconstructionof aplazaand landscapingtoopen up Carol Corkran views to the Rideau River. June Drayton Callendar, B.Soc.Sc. Kathleen Hickey, B.A. ePresiding OfficerofConvocation is the ChaneeIlor Glendy Wong, B.A. ofthe University, ArthurKroeger, O.C., M.A., L.L.D. Registrar's Office, Faculty of Graduate Studies and Research Accompanying him on the podium are Ins Craig, B.A., Dianne Baird representing the Board of Governors, and Richard Van Loon, Amanda Cockburn J. B.Sc, M.A., Ph.D., President and Vice-Chancellor. Jennifer Deshaw, B.A. Susan Dunsmore Assisting the Chancellorare: Kitty Krupop, B.P.E. Chong H. Chan, B.Sc, M.A.Sc, Ph.D., REng. Vicki LeBlanc Professor of Engineering Brenda Stewart, M.Sc.Ed. Clerk ofSenate Registrarial Services, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences and Marshal of Convocation Anne-Marie Lepiiie Y. Aleksandra Bennett, M.A., Ph.D. Lisa Tsotroudis, B.A. Associate Professor of History Norman Smithley and Assistant Marshal of Convocation Records and Registration Sen-ices Timothy A. Pychyl, B.Sc, B.Ed., M.A., Ph.D. Pamela Mallon Assistant Professorof Psychology Patrick O'Brien, B.A., DPA and Assistant Marshalof Convocation Gail Stanton Office ofthe President Robert Coplan, B.Sc, M.A., Ph.D. J. Assistant Professor of Psychology Heather Brown, B.A. and Beadle of Convocation Allister Ham, B.A., M.A. NanciJolicoeur Nancy Doubleday, B.Sc, B.Ed., LL.B, M.E.S. Tambrae Knapp Lecturer of Geography and Environmental Studies MaryAnne Pomainville and Beadle of Convocation Janet Weichel McKenzie, B.A. Karen March, B.A., M.A., Ph.D., University Communications Associate Professor of Sociology and Anthropology Cathy Pearen and Beadle of Convocation Senate Office 5 Dorothy E. Smith Dorothy E. Smith, B.Sc, Ph.D., D.Litt., LL.D., ProfessorofSociologyandEquityStudiesinEducation, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University ofToronto, will be awarded the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, at the 10:00 a.m. ceremony on Thursday,June 10, "in recognition of an outstanding contribution to intellectual and political life in Canada and internationally." 4 The following awards Backelor of Arts with Honours were made by Senate after publication ofthe Lucie Kocum 1998 Fall Convocation Highest Honours in Music and Psychology program. Pauli Thurner Honours in Environmental Studies Bachelor of Social Work with Honours Melanie Dawn Smith Backelor of Arts Carolyn Rose Almeida Sociology and Anthropology Jodi-Lynn Amy Armitage Psychology Michelle Canning English Andrea Lynn Cook English MelissaAnn Franke Art History and Architecture Catherine Anne Hemsworth English Dana Kathleen McQuaid Psychology MatthewJames Overton 1listory Robert Vicente Pinilla English and Psychology Marcia Spence English Kirsten Grace Taylor Economics •\ ij CuJuliJjl.STS t.rl U.1Il T\\h\eud(irod\acnrnnuoarUGyetnoertahle'sstMudeedntalst-anBdaicnhgealtotrh'eshLeeavdeolf thegraduatingclass at the ; . bachelor's level. I iraduot}YIQ V. /i755 Donor: His F.xcellencv dieGovernorGeneralof Canada Maria De Rosa 'IononrsChemistry The Chancellor'sMedal Awarded annually in the name of the Chancellorof the University to agraduating studentof outstandingacademic achievement. Jason Roger Haley BachelorofComputerScience Software (Co-op) ThePresident'sMedal Awarded annually in the name of the Presidentof the Universityto the studentwith the highest standingin a pass programof studies. MichaelJoseph Kameka BachelorofArts Psychology UniversityMedalforOutstanding Graduate Work-Ph.D. Level Awarded, when merited, for outstandinggraduate work at the doctorallevel. James Andrew Cherry ElectricalEngineering UniversityMedalforOutstandingGraduate Work—Master'sLevel Awarded, when merited, foroutstandinggraduatework at the master's level. Cynthia Anne Waldie History UniversityMedals (Undergraduate) Awarded annually, when merited, to the graduating students standing highestin interfaculty studies, arts and internationalbusiness, science, engineering, architecture, commerce, computer science, industrial design, journalism, music, public administration, and socialwork. University Medalin Interfaculty Studies Julie C. Richard Honours BachelorofScience BiologyandPsychology University Medalin Arts Laurie Thomas HonoursAnthropologyandEnglish University Medal in Arts Elizabeth Lynn Hay Honours Psychology University Medalin Science Mona Shafey Honours BiochemistryandBiotechnology University Medalin ComputerScience Nikhiljohn D'Mello Hardware (Co-op) University Medalin Commerce Kevin O'Connor 32 Doctor of Philosophy Tony Leroux B.Sc:, M.Sc: (Montreal) (presented by Professor R.C. Blockley, Psychology Dean ofthe Faculty ofGraduate Behavioural and electrophysiological Studies and Research) study ofbinaural hearing in patients with unilateral cerebrovascular Degrees conferred atSpringConvocation accident are awardedby Senatein Februaryandin Supervisor: Kelly June. Degrees awardedin February are J. denoted byan asterisk (*). Lynda Anne Robertson BA. (Prince EdwardIsland), MA. Jennifer Monique Arnold (Carleton) Psychology BA. (Bishop's), Socially Desirable Responding in the M.Sc. (Universite de Sherbrooke, P.Q.) Context of Self-Report Anger Psychology Measures in a Forensic Setting Specialization in Neuroscience Supervisors: D. Robinson and Donald Changes in Connexin 32 Protien and Andrews Gene Expression Following Cocaine Self-Administration Robert Edward Watkins Supervisor: DCS. Roberts BA., M.Sc (Calgary) Psychology Patricia Ann Cross MA. A Social Psychological Examination B.A., (Carleton) of the Relationship Between Athletic Psychology Participation and Delinquent Understanding Sadomasochism: Behaviour An Examination of Current Supervisor: Donald Andrews Perspectives Supervisor: K. Matheson * Marilee Danielle Zaharia *Jenna Marie Griffiths BA. (Winnipeg), M.Sc (Carleton) Psychology BA. (MiMaster), M.Sc: (Carleton) Specialization in Neuroscience Psychology Stressor Effects on Immune and Specialization in Neuroscience Endocrine Parameters in Normal and Dysthymia: Behavioral, Depressed Individuals: Influence of Neuroendocrine and Immune Factors Behavioral Characteristics Supervisor: Hymie Anisman Supervisor: Hymie Anisman Daryl Gordon Kroner * Ivan Zinger BA. (Alberta), MA. BA. (Carleton), LL.B. (Ottawa) (North Carolina Central) Psychology Psychology The Psychological Effects of 60 Days Affective Processing of Violent in Administrative Segregation Psychopaths Supervisor: Donald Andrews Supervisor: A. Forth Benedicte Clara Marie Bucio * Susan Lacosta BA., MA. (Montreal) B.Sc (Ottawa), B.A., M.Sc: (Carleton) Sociology Psychology Ambivalences de la pobtisation d'un Specialization in Neuroscience Behavioural, Neuroendocrine and corporatisme social - La Asamblea de Central Neurotransmitter Changes Barrios de la ciudad de Mexico Supervisor:Jacques Chevalier Associated with Immune Activation and Cytokine Challenge *David Hubka Supervisor: Hymie Anisman BA., MA. (Alberta) Sociology Globalization ofCultural Production: Children's Animated Television, 1978 to 1995 Supervisor: John 1 Iarp Dominioue Muson SteffanJonathanJones * Ebyan Salah BLA, ALA (Ltmil) B.Sc. (Trent) BA. (Carleton) Sociology Psychology Sociology \\ t(h and Despite- the State: Doing The Effects of Work and the Khat: Somali Perspective Women's Movement Politics in Local Workplace Control on Employee Service Ciroups in the l°80s in Satisfaction and Performance (.Quebec Bachelor of Arts Supervisor: H.J. Maronev Chantal Martccn Langevin BA. (Carleton) (with Honours) aWLe,nMd.]S.W1 .l,ieMnAM.K(eCaernleton) APsyPcrohfoilloegoyf Alcohol-Abusing A(spsroecsienatteedDbeyaPnrooffetshseorFaRc.uBl.tyWeolflsA,rts Sociology Offenders The Canadian Poverty Debate: and Social Sciences) 1 he Shaping of Feminist Political Donna Lynne Mailloux Degrees conferredatSpringConvocation Interests (1<T0 to 1995) B.A. (Carleton), B.P.E.(McMaster) are awardedbySenatein Februaryandin Supervisor: Wallace Clement Psychology June. Degrees awardedin February are Victimization, Psychopathy and denotedbyan asterisk (*). Coping as Plausible Explanations for Master of Arts Violence Among Female Offenders Candice Maureen Acheson (presented hy Professor R.C. Blochley, * Brigitte N. Patry Honours in Sociology l\\in of the Faculty ofGraduate B.A. (Ottawa) Studies and Research) Psychology Brad Annis J. Temporal Memory and Executive Highest Honours in Psychology D< ;rces conferred atSpring< onvocation Function in FIigh-Functioning Minorin History are awarded by Senatein February and in Parkinsonian Patients inn Degrees awarded in Februaryarc dIenoted by an asterisk (*). Brian E. Paynter BLiAs.a Anne Atkinson (Carleton) B.A. (Carleton) Honours in Sociology Psychology * Vanessa Heather Candy Goggin BAA.nt(Shtr.oTphoolmoagsy) DReovoemloDpemseingtnaUtnidliUtsyability Test of a LorHioAnonunrLsyinnnPsByacehtozlogy Cindv Leigh Mutch Stephanie Robertson Bart M. Bagrowicz B.A. (Windsor) B.A. (Carleton) High Honours inPsychology Psychology Anthropology Assessing Procriminal Sentiments in Jennifer Lynn Barber DavidJ. Riddell Young Offenders: A Comprehensive BA. (Carleton) B.Sc. (SorthernArizona) Examination of the Psychometric Honours in Psychology Properties of a Battery of Attitudinal Anthropology 1labitauon and Boundary- Symbolism Scales Christopher David Bell in the Northeastern Woodlands: Highest Honours in Linguistics and Johanna Karin Segerstrom An Archaeological Case Study of the Applied Language Studies and Haagsma Site (AeHI-33), ca. 1350 A.D. B.A. (Carleton) Psychology Psychology * Sandra Christine Smeltzer Should We Integrate? A User Tracy Lee Bennett BA. (Western Ontario) Evaluation of Web and Desktop Highest HonoursinAnthropology Integration Strategies Anthropology Negotiating the Local and the Global: * A. Petek Berksoy Christopher David Hay Television in Tanzania (Televesheni va Honours in Film Studies and lamia va warn) B.A. (Alberta) Psychology Sociology Sanela Dursun Catarina Biondi * Sue Marie McCoy B.A. (Sarajevo) Honours in Biology and Psychology BA. (Alberta) Psychology The Role of Cognitive, Motivational Sociology * Steven Paul Bolton and Affective Factors in Intergroup Honours in Psychology * Michael Patterson Behaviour: A Study of Opposing MA. B.A. (Ottawa), (Carleton) Bosnian Groups Sociology 8

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