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Preview 11. Socio Cultural Challenges Faced By Women In Patricentric Society

International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Configuration, ISSN: 2582-8649, Vol. 2, No.1, January 2022 Socio-cultural Challenges Faced by Women in Patricentric society Gayatri Saini*, Dr. Tanu Rajpal** *Research Scholar, Department of English, Career Point University, Kota, Rajasthan, India; **Associate Professor, Department of English, Aklank College, Kota, Rajasthan, India Corresponding Author: [email protected] DOI: 10.52984/ijomrc2111 ABSTRACT: Despite the fact that our constitution guarantees equality before the laws, we still have strong gender-bias and gender inequality. The social system is based on hierarchy, where the male dominates and curtails women’s freedom. Women are made to feel inferior from the moment they are born. Right from their childhood, they have occupied a secondary place in the family. They have been told to be obedient, unquestioning, meek and submissive. They are made to accept everything, even defeat, gracefully. After marriage, they are expected to adjust with the changing family ways and surroundings. They have to live miserable and pathetic lives and remain unsuccessful to fulfill their personal desires. Thus, women strive hard for equal status and freedom throughout their whole life. The present paper is an attempt to study the types of gender oppression and the socio-cultural challenges faced by women, whether married or unmarried, in patricentric society. The female psyche is constantly tormented by the social mind. The paper is a critical analysis of many ugly practices prevalent in Indian society with regards to gender oppression. The paper will also throw light on the means to overcome this malicious circle of existence. KEYWORDS: secondary place, gender oppression, socio-cultural challenges, patricentric society. INTRODUCTION: females begins when the doctor says, It’s a girl”. “Life is a challenge, It has to be met”. The saying is far Shirley Chisholm more true in the case of a woman. For a woman life is There are strict rules and always a challenge and since regulations in the country to ages she has been subjected to prevent violence against women, the many challenges thrown by but due to their lack of effective society, customs, traditions and implementation, the violence is men. Tradition, the world over, not stopping. Stereotyping of has assigned a lover and women begins right from the subordinate position to women moment of their birth. They are in its social set up. made to feel inferior from their childhood because the Indian Sasibala society believes that the men have the power and cultural dominance “The emotional, sexual and in the society. They are psychological stereotyping of marginalized through cultural institutions and religious rituals. 104 International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Configuration, ISSN: 2582-8649, Vol. 2, No.1, January 2022 Though, Women are educated the Indian women for self liberation and today but they are still under the self dignity. They are compelled to live impact of traditional values, are according to the traditional roles assigned not able to rise above them. Even for women. The research aims to analyse when they want to raise their types of gender oppression and socio- voice against the unjust social cultural challenges faced by women in system, their voices have been patriarchal society. crushed by the patricentric society Socio-cultural Challenges Faced by because women are treated as one Women in patricentric society of their possessions. Right from The status of women in Indian society their birth, they have occupied a has been changing with the course of secondary place in the family. time. They have to face many socio- They have been told to be cultural challenges, such as: obedient, unquestioning, meek and submissive. They have to Violence, Abusement and accept everything, even defeat, Insecurities gracefully in the patriarchal society. In India almost 75 percent of women Because of the dowry system in our face a variety of problems in society. society, domestic violence is more They are increasingly subjected to common. Dowry death and bride harsh behaviour not only at home but burning are one of the significant in society also. Gender inequality still issues in India. They are subjected to exists in other sectors also like exploitation, abuse and harassment not educational, socio-political and only at home, workplace but in society economical. Socially women's voices also. Acid cases are continuously being have become crushed, the term silence committed in India. is a part of the constitution of female Unequal pay identity that subjectivity is a crucial One of the major problems faced by factor to women. As Sophocles says, the females is of Poor economic “Silence gives the proper grace to conditions. They are provided an women”. unequal pay for the same job as men. Patriarchal concepts can be found not only in the social, legal, political and Misunderstandment and longing of economic organization of all nations love but also in literary works. There has They are often Misunderstood not by already been a lot of research done on their husbands, parents, children, but women’s issues. In the light of by their family members also. They Patriarchy, Indian Writing in English suffered from a longing of love and plays an important role. Mulk Raj understanding from their parents, Anand, R. K. Narayan, Anita Desai, especially from their husbands. Toru Dutt, Salman Rushdie, Vikram Ill health Seth, Amitav Ghosh, Arundhati Roy, Females are given low nutrition foods Kiran Desai and many others are in comparison to male. They have little among the Indian authors who have control over their reproductive health. written in english. Another health issues faced by the women in the patriarchal society are- At present time most of the females are female foetus, low immunization. hypersensitive, isolated, helpless and Alienation tormented by the male dominating society. We can even see the yearnings of 105 International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Configuration, ISSN: 2582-8649, Vol. 2, No.1, January 2022 Sense of distance and alienation from communication, mental isolation and her family members are faced by the physical solitude. They are treated like females in the society. cage birds and the idea of freedom is Body objectification out of their understanding of these In society too much emphasis is given women. on their looks and colour. Their A longing for love and judgement is based on their understanding especially from appearance. husband Feeling of inadequacy in educated They are totally devoted towards their women husband’s family but they are often Some families allow their females to misunderstood. They long for love, seek education and employment both, especially from their husband. while some have limited their girls to Humiliation of a childless lady education only. It can be seen how women in Indian Problem Faced by Career-oriented society are under a lot of pressure to Woman bear children. The humiliation and Promilla Kapor found in her study that harassment of barren ladies in the though the majority of the husbands traditional Indian society are well wanted their wives to work mainly for known. Sometimes they are treated like financial gain to the family, they were damaged goods to be sent back to their not prepared to share in household family. responsibilities and in looking after the The victim of old tradition children's family. They are regarded as subservient in the Conscious Modernity and eyes of their family members. Their unconscious tradition relationship with their mother-in-laws The modern educated woman is caught is an invalid sense of duty, of honour, in the horns of a dilemma. One hand of concern. The relationship with their she finds herself caught in the chain of husbands is filled with loneliness and a old values and conventions and on the desperate urge. The family restricts other side the influence of education them within the ritual of an ideal wife. and modern culture weakened their Injured self-esteem and mental faith in the old tradition. agony Stereotypes thinking In the new family no one is there to Our society describes the quality of console their depressed mind. There is women as ideally sympathetic, gentle, a total lack of sympathy by their-in- warm, passive and dependent. They are laws. They are alienated in a joint always expected to be kind and nice. family, whose heart is always in thirst Restriction of married women for love. Patriarchy restricts females Mean existence individuality and binds her within the There is no purpose in the lives of ritual of an ideal wife and homemaker. these women. As there is no escape Marriage as the traditional bond from the miserable lives, sometimes In a society dominated by men, they commit suicide to bring out marriage can be seen as a traditional themrselves from silent suffering. bond, which has been arranged on the Thus, they live in a society where basis of property and money which no rooms are made for women’s sometimes ended in failure. sensibility and individuality. They are The oppressive domestic considered as second-class citizens in environment terms of freedom of choice, political The lives of women are full of and social power sharing. They are trivialities, with lack of exploited in both physical and 106 International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Configuration, ISSN: 2582-8649, Vol. 2, No.1, January 2022 psychological ways because the socio- silently. Violence against women will cultural construction of society is in no be end only when instead of a burden way sympathetic and favourable to they are considered as the exes of women. In order to survive in the family and society. patricentric society, they are forced to The study addresses that both genders find their own way. In their failure, need to be equally treated because they become some time neurotic or humans, as a species, cannot progress rather commit suicide. without either of them. If all the RESEARCH METHODOLOGY women of the country will come To analyse the problem of the study together and bring about a feminist pschoanalytic feminist criticism is revolution, perhaps things would be applied, which will answer the research better for all of us. question dealing with many ugly REFERENCES: practices prevalent in Indian society 1. Beauvoir, Simone De. “The with regards to gender oppression. Second Sex”, Trans, and ed. H.M. Parshley, Penguin, The proposed research will be pursued London, 1978. by using the basic methods of literary 2. Bhat, Yashoda and Rao. research such as close reading, Yamuna Raja: “The Image interpretation, explication, analysis and of Woman in Indian evolution. A thorough analysis will Literature”, B. R. Publishing also be made of the bibliographical and House . New Delhi. 1993. electronic resources needed for literary 3. Jayaseela, “P. Socio-political research, including reference works, Realities in the novels specific glossaries, consultation of of Anita Desai and Kiran catalogues from research libraries, use Desai: A Comparative of databases of literary texts study”, 2009. corresponding to different aspects of 4. Kapoor, Promilla. “ Marriage the research, and periodicals relevant and the Working Women in to different areas of this proposed India”, Vikas Publication, study. Delhi, 1970. 5. Kapoor, Promilla. “The CONCLUSION Changing Status of Thus, Indian women are caught in the Working Women in India”, multi-layered trap of family and Vikas Publishing House, society. There is no one consistent Delhi, 1974. pattern for the women to follow in this 6. Patil, Kailas Shravan society. They have to strive hard for “Evolving feminine self in equality, dignity and self-respect but Anita Desai’s novels”, 2012. finally they lose the battle. In their 7. Woolf, Virginia, “A Room of failure they are left to be alienated and One’s Own”, Penguin become the victim of mental disorder. Books, Harmondsworth, 1975. No one has time to stop and think that 8. https://www.brainyquote.com/ they are an individual, with needs and quotes/shirley_chisholm_1014 desires of their own. Indian women 0 struggle all their lives to have a 9. https://www.economicsdiscuss dignified existence and still they forget ion.net/gender/7-forms -of - to advise their daughter to be strong. gender-inequality- They also suffer too much from the discussed/11884 existential dilemma, they react sometimes violently and sometimes 107 International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research Configuration, ISSN: 2582-8649, Vol. 2, No.1, January 2022 108

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