NY HNN Li Wm £25 Tux: | 212 963-3301 Ree! U.S. ATTORNEY'S OFFICE 555 2 Sireet, NAW ‘Washington, DU 20530 witnens, to pr Other unknown entities to Page of 15. ines 1 COSTSAND FEES: The US, Supreme Cent hus euled tht a natural individual ented fo relief is ented t free acces 1 is dca Vribunats ane public fees in every Sea inthe Cate (2 Blank 620, see alo Crandell Nevada, 6 Hall 35. Plain should aot be charged fees, of costs far the law ara constitutional right Yo petition tis cov? in this matter ie hich he is ented fo relief. a if anes tad che Rig fee rule ast inay implemented fr fictions eval sebjects of he State and shoud mot fe pln to te Plaontif ihe i a ncivrat inva eal enter eo refies Hale Henkel, 204 US. 427 Cause of Action: Rings ofthe one suprene Coun, Asticie 1 Seotion (are heing igrured by lower toured in the State of O7110: L, §, DISTRICT COURLS: U.S, DISTRICE AND BANKRUPTCY COURT, DISTRICT OF COLTMBLS : DFPARIMENT OF JUSTICE and the Congress of the United Stones, Many of these courts are using the decisioas of lower courts to override the decisions of the one supreme Court aad are Ihrowitg our eases involving peo #6 plaietf"s. Not to mection the fact Ura in the Prisom Reforms Act of 1995 is stated that no prove will ever win in caurt agen Theve anenklo corporate CourlvBanks are running Bond, Commodities and, C-TLS.LP, Trane s against all who enter there courts, (hereof and are using local oss and FAG Pane EA CrP 30 ‘dismiss ung’ actions fled oy # pr 3€ within these courscbanks; closed shops and none want anything t0 {Go with a Priviie ‘tomy Gesteral as ereated by Congress, Wappears these are no) standards ‘shereby these local rule ure the same foe these pseuclo earporste courts notion wise. ‘Lisle 1 cours bollshat by the adesnisustive Prococurs Act during the Borkruptey Acts of 1933, Lhese ate not jusges eather adlinistravors. Their jriiction is Contract Disputes. The com game forces you te cle jue another enurt which your case will then he deniod lor seme reason then another appeal which you hl alyy louse —all ut S400.00 ar more per pap. None of the mney. duuble dipping, over seturned Your the pro so, The judge receives 25% which be/she hides in her rvirement svemunt to avoid eorporis faves. “Pamke also soe The sud Tri) ~ ACT. Assoc on of Com FedFaal Fane ehorens these paeudo Corponale Cour(s) ate however un-vansttutionsl courifbuats haw can iL ase tpoafuly cher FEDERAT RULES OF C1V{l SCRIMINAT, PROCEDURES agains! anyone considsring the Goverment is de facto? What law(s) ane dhey pravicing, during court proecstatc, saint he Defendant(s} whereas they never disclose it? Is i Ronaa? Tmglish? French? Swiss? Cannon? Vat be t Comstsutionsl und of Common Law? - Or docs the Judge change iLeserys me ke‘she leaves the bench thewreturns? tl aow eppears chat all are foreign co any Plaintiff wr Defendant as these “Tulges™ ars teality Purists, Tax Colleclors fr tke Cros, Soe “inn of cout” BEACK'S T.AW DICLIONARY (page B15, Are thoy courts uso the Reveivets of Ure Baukruplcies? Conflel of eserest? "Punks rhe Clorkis) of these coactscbunks ate intentionally snisiling court Gocurnonts subsites ay the ‘lai (3) changing names Tied as eo-conspiralr to defendant(s} piving the judge the oppoetanity 2 ‘dnaniss the ewe for smpropet servive a fraud schems. Clerk js intentionally semoving ihe RIVAUE ATTORNEY GENFRAL (2A.C) and through dently the! cranginy the name tkorn the orivate mar avi lee, buose (non-corporation) P.A.G. etime vieti, corpus debols wo Duvid Lee uess: Plains Fomest Service Hand, Inintionsl Fraud, Misprision, Calfusion and RICO. This Plaintiff sis filed wit his canes u document: COMPLAINY CHARGING OFFENST: Violation of Ste and Tederal Law(s) ‘high the Courl slumped then Xec cnn ating the document. had no Tegal standing in Taw yet Hk 6 34e Sine document used in the state oF OO by Sheri’ co subunit their criminal changes against Tecandun(y so nccording This court everyone being elanged by the use of this document is [alse Unreut! This Plaiar used this samme dvcuntcer to advise she cow snd Departancat of Tustice ecimet Page 2 85. agains! rme and other crime vierims, pus det 86 ‘The goal, by Hands and Commodities, of these puedo corporare Court(s), Prosecutou(s) and 87 Attonney(s} we lo place PUTS against the National Get rather thao yaging eff the debt and are mao 88 lanndeting the moncy buick us the érown snd Vatican. ‘The cour wave is the Aeconrt by which dey fade 89 their Cimnmoditics, Bands on the Comumoditics Fxchange, D&M and Wall Street - owned by tae 9 AMFRICAN BAK Association and nosy reprsser cmiict of interest issue against ull who cover the 91 court system nation side thervor. Thave requested thei re-insuranoe and error and omissions imvurance 92 Pula refuse provide it 93. Whereas [ have conffontet several cours Ip prescar their Commodities license and Bousling Heenses 94 und all have setused it ismow my beliet tac the courts sel the Bonds ancl Commodities “shoe” in 95 exchange for a fangor pay off inthe snd, aka, Profiteering from public office. 1 also appear the jue is ‘96 invompatated and registered with THLD alsa a conltict of interes. to profitee fkom pulic office. T have 97 requested of the Congress of she Cited States and the Depastment of Tustice to audit all courts in thes 98 united Stales and the istrict ot Columb; no response to date, Trial Lawyers Ine. a registered 99 Commonint Organization en D&B, UU fn ihe year 1779 the united Slaves ecame & Corporation, without an amendiment, aa act oF Treason 101 against the Conon for the United Slules of Amoriciz 28 U S.C. @ 3002 Deficitions $5} Laited 162. States means A) a Federal Coeporation ulso seo By ond C), Congress has refined repsatedly to provide io the names af the 2 persons fesponsihle and to wher chi inconporatin is luv filly established my 104 jvvestigation leads ine to believe it to be a French Corporation. My Representatives ro the Camps are 1s Representative Robert Latla, Seeiutors Shermad Brown and Lob Portman and these unem mise 10 106 common‘eate relating lo anything | aliress thom in any commumicatious rather by Fa, Letter oF 107 Priority Mull. My request Zor audits oF all government aceaunts s ignored 0 bow var this 108 government doelore Bankrupley, nave 4, without audits ofall acerumis? Sell ofF Assets to preventit? 19 Their out Forsign Govemamens, Instrence Compsries, Businesses and other Caporatins? Give mon TIO io Foreygn Patties ond ignore the nvvds oP dhe msen and women of this nation’! When will zis pyramid, TI Ponzi Sehene ud? These goverment ersites sre home graven wettorisis within the Patsiol Act and the 112 msn, wawucn and children, et. oP those imion States now 50 are erime victim alka corpus clit 113 Congress has furthce refined 49 prove und prawide information us to howe much money ses ¢¥er 114 begiven Ihe United Slses in any Thurkesucy Aet~ ow and that any’ aetual Bankrupt. was ever 11S lawtly tiled into u Bankmpicy Court inleniiogal End against the men srornen aad chien ofthis Te lund. crime vutimsteorpus delet. Therefore the National Debt is money this Bankcupt Corporation, TL} de facto government, nov owes tothe mea and wornen aud chiklrea ofthis nation os the iegal 118 operation ofthis Fcieral Corponilin has boon without the knowledge anu consent of the ren and 119 omen of this land thercof, Remedy: We ure lavefully entitled to-eur money now Land iter 190 Whte ar the funds thas were 10 by given to the men. women und children of this land, folowing the 121 1954 Pankruprey, National Banking Act, Lhefl of the United States Tressury by Pravin D. 122 Roosevelt's Excculive Order 6142 Gold Suaelards tcl und those which proeodedtallowed and Lk fe hereof i the farm of the CEST QUE. Wits ERUST;, AKA, ONL: PEOPLI'S PUBLIC TRUS by which to lawlully pay ourdebus? Lhe Nulional Banking Act private bill, collusion ‘erwsen members oF Congress and haternations hunkers on Tekyll Island. did estabtish the largest ‘counuotiting ring ever aa fraud by trickery a plan to steal these Trust Funds. Whereis the Laeful ths Banks, 12. U.S. 411 (48 Sta. 227)? The Tedsral Reserve Sous wus newer Page 3 ra ie) 131 12 133 1M intended to be given us the public rather used hetsreen banks to balance their ws, Where is aur lavful money? The E13, Coagtoss, President and the Internutionel bankers neww engaged in cembezelement nail trad and extorsinn, Electronie Erasers, collusion and weason agains The ‘Constitution lr dhe Ustied States of America, Question here is how do sou physically transfer money ‘via ecirmies? Ate these not merely nunbers By wire? Traua by trickery: So howe do the fnehs Inimsler money 30 Pucrio Rivy offer Unan by wis transfer? Ten back tothe banks the next business ay go a8 To cours huséness? A coa-asime pertwrps? Income tax aud game? Pooof is required that any physical agscr way ever Irunsferied, The cou lode so would be so expensive there wot! he no Imnsiness condueted anywhere thercfore said pravess is scaun/sbum legal process — vorrest? Prosidert Roosevelt an 1933 did in vation of his Oath of Once as wel as routers of the Congress ccomnmitted Acts of Treason hy fuiling to presorve wna protect the Consttulin forthe Loita Sates af ‘America, Roosoveli did suspend dhe Constivation and declared Mantia! Luss. hen this ation as noe “war with imy foreign nation, did dechire "sta of emergency” Salis he ad the right uy do so because no declaration of pede wis declared flowing WWL Ovionsly tke President never hear of the Paris Peace ‘Talks, Congres ullowed this idiot tn gel by with this crap. Roosevelt had aleidy made an agreement wilh the G-S ts bankrupt the cutie werd ia or around 1929-20 rand hy tickers: pom being clock! tn olfice Roosevelt sith he nid a'Cangress ‘maplemented this plan by his “acentive ‘Odors, und Congress aided and «bool hy Legislation which fo lowed wia Kara T's, Administeative Proceslures Act, National Renking Act, Trading With the Inemnies Act yet na [awful Bankrupley was ‘ever filed into a Bumhrupley Covet to protect the men, women and children of cis mate, By suspending the Coustitntion the President rerminsled the Legislative, Pxecuuive and Julicil Trunches of Government ani began a do facto government Dictatorship und that continues to this TREASON, You now have voter flaud as bath Congress and the President in the Trading with the [Enomics Aet have declaced the “people” as enemy combatants. President Obama suid it bese when he sated m national LY thar “Tam so ghd tor this Democracy” as Socialist, Commmnnist Site; Ure jackass. TITLE 7 CHAPTER 6 SUBCHAPLER TI § 136(d) Definitions he term “auld reams al Yertohrvc and invertbeatesposies, including but aoe to maa aud other aman. birds, fish nd Slelligh MAWIS NOW ACOMMODITY 10 11. AND SELU! Is the Conpocalion now eam aa 35 fnimals AKA ails? The stifrs of this fay obvivusly werlooked the act thst 1 inchided thew the helsoons \Wherwas she yovecament can only regulate thar Which they ereate Congress established tbe ith Reupris Fraud scheme, Al bith the Hospital, Doctor uné aarse fill oot Record of |ve Tir wich ts then sent over In the SECRITIARY OF STATE DEPARIMENT OT VIAL STATISTICS. Lloro 4 BIKLH CERTIFICATE is made along with several copies, These conics are hes istribtec: | empy to the County Cornier, copy to Chumig Health Department | copy to the Nepartment of Commerce where other copies are made an distributed. The eopy sent the Census Bureau leads to the Creation of w Birth Bond in the anu of 81 4KK).000.00 which is then sold on the Commodities lixckange san the FEDERAT RESIRVE purehases every oe and then cnslaves this chill for Oe rest of bisther Ft Three tuys ali the Counly Cauner receives shis BIRT] CERIIICAT®, ceinbiethmert, the Coroner declares this chil dead so the FED and Counts can steal tae money through a variety of Vaud Schemes, To Further create astm Congress then écelared the “eiizen’” dond go the fraud sobre ond thei of Bond CLSTA QUE VIRTRUST, AKA, ONT PLOPLES PURTIC TRUSL money could continu, Your Birth Cerlticute eceates this child asa coepotee, straw run, trade mame Filion ake [OLN ALIEN DOT, Llobn Aller Dog], eta, dead covties, This identity then phased on eversthing Hiom Birth Ceniicates, Drivers Tieenses, Pass Ports, Marriage Licenses, Court Pocumears, TITLES, Page 4 steal Le trust aoebuunts such as the CESUS QUE 1 Feisalla fraud scheme null and void at nite DEEDS, Bills und tnvuiees, otal so cshers can ah VIE TRUST, uka, ONE PUOPLPS PUBLIC 1R ‘enone was the goverminenc?!Corpoeation ac te time of eancepiinn or fi Uhey sercw aver my/our suuthor ater sve pave bie? Reinkictament? Point heing ioversment?:Corpondion, the emstion by bodk far on whive paper tag never be anything to de with crowian ner conceptions there! thus Chnot regulate, Beense, tax. deed ct al anytbing but a ecuporaion also leek ink on white napcr Show Teele the Creator, COD, sold, angered, gave aodial title to any “government”, Cathalie Cully Hoe Reitlon, Taly See, shareol! Wherees you do np! own the land you have 0 jurisdiction bere etherofore have prewnd governments all ver the would thereaf, Prove Government 2/Corperations trade neambind, anvmeds, bids, dish, tes, cans alt a, sea, otal. not then whee did it all negin? “This now explainy wiry the “ypweminen.” swaps separation of Church andl State besanse GOD Frid aware question creation ss ansthing viher than a* theory” either by the church, backed by HOLY ‘SCRIPLURFS. ot Darwin ang his big bank Ureory? The Scripture sities that inthe “TRegienng” GOD tretbd the Tleaven und ears yet does not disclose how Got dic #v~ doos il? Who is now to say het GoD did not allow a super collision us happen to begin’ Tosta i ai anc bovh Seriptures awd Darwin are ath earreot? Camgtoas did after als declare Gris o bow Cha'stian, Nation and fhat my Trends act Sepuation of aurch and Ste. Congross shall make no Lave vegarding sosigion ber the Prato rete From sho Constitution Aaticte Ut [8] Oulkatirration of Ove ther go wo AHF BUT OF RuGTIS CAMLNDMTN? 1 Corgeess sbull aks no law respecting an establishment of religion of thodiee exercise nereof.. 90 what tight does a non-government entity “TRS” have to force amy religion fe form Corporations ~ frid by trickery! [AX FRAUD. This is why T da not belong tay re lion became [ll not associate wath any Handulent conveyances which the IRS and the Cemporarion puts tan Fplain sy the muneporaed Catholic Cull writes Carmo Law and believes in Renan T ave? The Predlaw af the Church is bicbrew called the 10 Commandments. Show me a J ia ebrew- Deveptions Cannon Tan only applies te the Compration AKA ChuretCull and their exemers, From what 1 bay St rough tn yout atention ace nt Cults axeble? GOD said “Ferry tilLJ eae” does that soul Tike GOD gave aay of his creation to governnect? The Chore, Calls, Mankind, el al? Jules, Lawyers, Adomeys members of the BAAR. - British Accreditation Reyiney? Amerivan Bos dee Ta) Mensbers of he Inn of Court Assaciation Focagutog, whatever; Porcign 10 us. ied te the Rees andon: Barristers tnx collectors: Reccivens of the Raakuplsies: Com-wune, Where are the OND nombre fur those eourts) as they all efuse fo provise them. AU demande pro se fle ia forma panpern form yet there ae ao OME anmbers on these frris fad ty vies to fore the Tmedventerinforied to adr in ving income and in violation of Key Case Ruling ofthis one Mipreme Cou, eal, and the Paperwork Reduction Aci 3500. 3520 specifically $351 Public Proteetion, US.» Lawrence 118.D.C Pesotia (7, Case Ko. 06 er 19029 (2005), and the eon never Jafpring mayo they are mol requred In fil oct ths fom _Sokentiond frag nisprisii, and col won The ena hen reports Io the INIPRNAL REVENUE SERVIC: (RS), « non goverment gone, Goverment poste tis perunn admits wo having income i he amon of SAKA ALT sad by Trickery ones! Service Fraud, Frau i te ieducement, Casio, Misgprsions and Cit LLCO, all fraud to name a few, “The nema Revenue Service conmerfeits thie seston othe Chde by amity it for thelr Notice of Tew and Lion om WAGTS, SALARIES AND OLETER INCOME 26 IRC 63314 ‘i 8 fe Fo pe Uy Hs Raley HESS pe 1 ora Property eet om ons 5 what the TRS served on chem which is nota lien, reaper service. : moar and starts with part b) Fraud the indncomes jaud, La visit ¢ HANCOCK RECORDER NIKKI Bole and the OHIO ty OF STATF: nwo actual “LIEN vas wver Uted with het 2011, Ths TRS una nder the Northam Trust Corporation; Co 1 Centeal Trust Company, NY owns the Nevrthecn ‘ust Corp. D688 Anderson. 477 US. §2: wing or summary judeme cg those portions: 2a the ubsence ofa genuiec issue af material lier, “Celocex Corp. v. Carli, 477 U.S. 217.328, 16 S.Ct 1 2548,1553, 91 LT 265 (1986); seo also Ped. R. Civ-P56.(8). the burden then sis a tks onmuving party la establish the existence of @ genuine issus for tial. Matsushita, 475 US. Al S85 106. 8. Ce at 1245-56; Wise v. [.1, DuPont De Neronrs & Cs 58 FA, 19 Cin, 1995). To reel tig bund, the nonmevant “anus do more han simply show tha there is soene metaphysical tloubt ag eo the material vis” by “coming forward with 'specific fuss showing thal there is a seating issue for irl, “Metsushi 475 U.S, At SR6-87, 106 S. Ct, al 1356-56 (quoting Hed, 8. Civ. P. SCE} ‘Summary judgmenm should be praned only ifthe evidence inlicates thal a reasonable fset-finder eed hot find in favor of the ronmoving party. Andersoa, 977 U.S. At2H8, 1048. Ck ut 2510; see ale Matsushita, 275, 106 S.Ct. ACTS ‘Due othe frauds commited hy the Clerk of the Cours and Judge in these matters, entity theft and ‘countering vour documents, an the fact ao pmo se will ever win in court of law, Prison Reform ‘Act 1995, Treason against dhe Constitution Zor the United Slates of America, inibility to read ard derstand the [RS CODE, insility to read und uasderstawd an Affidavit in Admiralty ~ utrtcbutled, Jability 29 road and underslanl the nilings oP this one Supreme Cour, presenti Herein, TRUS BILL AND INVOICE, this oovrr must now make this sewmary judgment in and (or the Aliant, david lec: amily of buess. The IRS could havo sotled this matter at first bvlingéetfidasit—velased, 287 Whereas no pro se wil ever win in eaurt them the court potted pro ve Attorney sill never wir as RE well va frame eps fs this hy the cond will rot alles you ro pick fram ait af pr hot attorneys? 589° Once ait entarmes has been ungined the pro se, Plath or Djendamy, ts considered facometert by 300 the conve wo how ca yon charge an imeninperent ar/wonot with erimes they da ot umderstar Dal econting fo this cout? Fh isnot the Attorney going io jail? Forced to sign paporwark which does 292 no sclase ose contract? How muuch fraual car ee mawivamnan stand By vse com arses? “Pur 203 Why are couts Jhalyes in thoge union States foreign enlites? Practising ave without a eens! Contet 244 of interest? Fraud by Trickery, ineational franc, collusion, RICO? Any Lawyse ot Artorney wee tepeeschts his clieal in a Coury Baris is disharred. Conic! of interest, lntendiaal Fraud. Phi is why vie bxe entity can crusr a Court Penk because the Courl/Rans cannot allow their Band, Commodities dnd CUS. fg scheme Io come te an endand by GOL any pro se shold ever augue wit 2 Furigetaeitstrator asthe Tulge!Ackministeator cast hold his BAR card hostage during a tal or CouitiBark proceedings sibereas Private Auorney Gens, pro se, does aot have one, BAR CARD. thus the cout is exiume prchudiee against ull pro se snd Private Astorney Geconils. Whereas man i a fanioml ye stat now come lo! before Kangaroo Courts ran hy lackasses? Animal Rights violations? \Wihy are there ao rulings of the one supreme Gout foun in the INLERNAL KRVENUT. CODE: Eopevully Code Section 26? Coasidering there sre uver 60 such rulings why ure they not Listes? heve key eases were peesenicl la che INTERNAL REVENUIF SERVICE, Congress aud the DEPARLMENT OUGUNTICT. yet ignored. — why? All caese entities hae refbso 1 avove the avdul establishmacas a? the NTERNALREVENUE STRVICE, nor the organic ae: of Congress, in which fis been lawful “rvatedL None have shoven a lany and coditication us to any Taw that reuse amy tim or woman {9 Fay tin inoomne lung US. v. Klugtin Case No, 03-CR-20111 U-S.0.C, Memphis: 2005) U. Sx. Long (199%, Check v. UNILED STALES 498 U.S, 192 (1991): US. v. Wall 2204 ov 05352 DDP-MAN and 2.03 ov OSD5-DDP-MAN US.D.C, CAL Q005). 311 The TRS Lave never been authorized to caillect tuxes or cnforue any tase — they are a private 312 Corporation repistred inthe State of Delaware Division of Corporations, home based ost of Pues B18 Rico, at hest 4 collections agency, they are nota U.S. Government emnity. Show me a bidding procedre 314 Page? 314 whorehy they became a sub contractor ta anything but a de fia government thar did not violate Slane 315 Law relating to bidding procedures. The LRS ag ure tke psoud Coroazale Courtsizamh ~ menuputies ? 316 his court hus sd it themes: 3IF At footuate23 in the cae of Chrysler Cam, ¥. Brose, 441 U.S, 281 (1979) the U.S. Supreme Court admitted 318 hat na argani Act Tor the INTERNAL REVENUL SERVICE sould be found, after tis’ arched for such a ug Actall the way bask tthe Civil Wa which ended inthe yeur [865 A.D. Waste Jn Me esi 177 Th tar2dy Come tae Se 385) “Toe State sinc gi the Ces hie ight ane hus cant ek fn aay 8 chooses. ne Stace et ea te Tedied dies ol yrucesures by which @etzen rust by eal Wik and Dus sxinotebogate or Breuer Hem us tral sell et og ative err donot eosin offend, Eut must confor t From the 18H aine-eanJursrucence. Scand Clin, Seaton 177 rhe general misconception ete ened By lgiorvs bean tho appranceo lw pont utes the a he tand-Phe US. Contin she spn lethal and any stat, ne ic sl be Meee is impossise ee {Gr bot te Constiten ant lw wlstng io B= val; ove nt preva This eset 3 ‘ne general rule nat sn unconstona stzua,houh hang the om and name oa, ety me fw, bt i whe 18 Send ocr ara purgooe ine oneanetaensy dae fom tn tinea ace nd not ry ror the Ta STtneaescon so tatning Lee urconeiosunal in legal enntemplaten 3: npersive a8 Med neds oer fatved, Such allt face fro aon that purest ela til 3b a he alr nek ben enact. Sirs an unconathlimel law fs vol, general pips flow tht tinpoves no dts, corers no Fah alee ne Sine Sesome na poms auorty on anyone, sora no prtelnn, od utes 0 sts pero ed ier R.A wor: cz ce cy conacint ttn tad one seta nw eel Operate supervace ay exsiag val: (Rice caer statute runs cool fo he tndameia i of an, auparsacos vere Hoon ound to cy au uncoratlifoes aw and ne cou ae Bound onic” any cou, somrmmert or govoinent eros whe asin later of, epposion cr conktion 0 ths toegoig, by Hi. oF Ay Gomacbone, centisieason and ivekow bie aaiteceeding Seotene 8 al ofthe 14th Amenamert areata he a the the duly of every lal Avian Cizon fo eppaae al! enon In Nation, eign an DOMISH, Roosevelt aad Congress eociautted leuscn against ihe Constitution in 1933, Violation of Oath of ve ly ewery legislative act wre thereof ag hus every President since by siding and abetting, ‘Why arc the Documents sigaed hy the President following his wearing in wol made mabtic to th general public immediatly? fs not the DISTRICT OF COLUMBLA, holding Vesstories. and NW YORE CITY, NY all Demoerati forms af goserauenl schereas the union stacs have a Republic Jor oI goverment and Congress writes lepisiation For both but “sil to inform the union Siabes whic ieistacion applics io whem? Honest Seeviee Fraud, Fraud by Trickerg, Misprision 9 confilerce game? learings hetore a sub-eomunictee, Eebmoiry 3, 1953. uf ihe committee on Ways and Veans House Representatives, Tniomal Revenue Investigation: rath oy Lrvight KE, ivis (ATH Ralert B. Ritter, wsistaar ATF, tax logal division, bareaw of Internal Re 354 IRS Form 1040 has no legal basis; Leary. USA (1051 Kederal Tyistrit Cour: Grand Rapids MI ‘rho Suprerne Court of the U sited Staies has rule the definition of the gain arrived from Capital, from labor or from both combinssl, provided it inende profit sunined from the sale of a expital asset." Key Case (1913) Stratton Indep. v. Huwbert 231 U the resull of Coeparate activities. Page ® Key Case Stanton v. Baltic Mining Cu., 240 U.S. 103: “wages” are wot income within the mewning of the income tax amendment fo the Constitution, or any otter provision of the ‘Constitution, station eutinot witer che Const Lwhu's Rimitatio ne that p ‘Case Lave Not Hound! inthe LS UNITED STATES SUPREME COURT D21SIGNS LOWER COURTS: SOFTOUND 1S SNTERNAI, REVENUT, CONE 11 LE 26; FRAT DIN THE INDICEMENT: 18 HSC Honest Serve Pd. Legal Maxim: “tix A Fraud To Conecal 8 Ta ‘This Document is Fur Zeuoarion OF the Gieezal Publis Only s Private Attney Geserals Mast Wher Filing A Caso Must Uoneli The Genera! Pupuavion. Bint And Keep he Handy You Are Not Fully Heated Qu Tac 1993 Bankcuptes Act: Adiminisorivs Procedures At Fading With The Cneiuy Act Gold Standards Act: Bank Folia And The Congressional Rovotts ot Husy As These Will rove Beyond Any Doub: Aes OF TREASON Aa Seton Have Bees Committad: Cellusioa: Civil RIO:Traudlotearonal PrioRICO: Tex, ‘Fraud Violsion G Oa And Bnet rauduleal Coneeyances:Thet:Grand TheflSlavers:estty ‘The® Fr All. When Cashing All Chocks Endeeset:ReJeert In Lasoiul Meney Pursuant lo Table 12 USCATT A Sa 337 The INTERNAL REVENGE SERVICE i DEPARTMENT OF IREASURY - UNITED NATIONS and Their Porson ‘ue Titned iy The Personnel Departusent Of the UNITED NATIONS ORGANIZATION The IRS Are.‘ Collestions Agescy Ard Fell Under Vides OF ‘The Uniza Slate Codes Thay Have No Teel Right To Use The IRS Code Agsinst Anyono. la 1909 AN Reverne Distrits And Hivsetors Were Abolished Including Weshinglan, D.C. Public Company Traded Ou DAB For Prof. | Desnancl Tes Law License OF ATIRS Agents: Judes LLawyors: Attorneys. All Practicing Lay Withoul A License. BAR Card Is No. A Law Eieerse ATAU 8,» Boavans (7S. 336 And (2945) Thooven a Alfisua y Fvsn.69 S.Ct, $7, $80, 321 18.652 89 1 Fe 1252 Eolas Tora Political Iunsditions For The U.S, Congress. U.S. Citta Are tesidence OF One OF The Halding Temito-ies Beienging To The United States (Guam: Paerig Rico: Vitgin Uslauis: Washington, D.C. ALKA AT 2)"The union Stes (20% ‘Comyess Wits Lee!slaon Corporate Palicy: Far Gell Bot Fal To Dissingusa ar Wheel Political lusiicton the Laxislaion: Corpora Policy Iho Leyisaion Is Being Writer Fo Feu Ly Taskers: Honest Service Fraud Thus Tic anion States (50) Ave Aseopting It Without {Queson As Must Legislaors Do Not Even Knovr Abou iS. « Beavans, Sy Yo Are A Fens oma 09 The Land fe Tho union Stale ONPULL. INT ALL CAPS NAME OF YOUR SUATEIE:CORPORATION. "TREASON: LATTRD S181 18 CODE, Tile 28 § 3002 Definitions (5i(ANRIUC). Unites States OP america AKA, Uniled Saree: De luvin Sos 1153 Banluyprey Act And Fxosuive Gren), ea, 6103 GF Provident Ruosesoh: Snspeuls The Consittion: ~The Gold Standards ‘See Criminal Pract Ts Stel Ihe Tentury OF Uhe Unf Sues: Viettion OL Oath And Fond, Treasne,: nuced Panic iy Varel OF A'31C.000.00 Fins. Hoard Sook (Jp Tho Meng $3003 Deriniions 115) Cited Staes” Meens- {1A Festeral Corporation UB} An Aguucy: Peparizeas, Commission, Board, Or Other Enity OF The Unized Siato: Or {Gj An Inscutenrti OF The Usted Sues. Page d 1. Brushsbee¥, Lnion FasificR.Co., 220 U.8, LIL GOOD 2. Mawel», Dow, [76 US. 581.20 SCL 48 (1900) 3. tescasv. White. 7 Wall 700; US. v.Callear 25 Case No, "9,796 4 Stans , Babe Ming Compay 240 1-8. 103, 112119) '. Uuyeers © Kerhangh-Limpce 277 ULS. 170, 174,174 (1926); Imre Charge to Cia 2 307. Case No. £8,215 {8S C.. Section 2)~- not now to be overt 6. Peak y Lone 247 US.165. 175, 0918) 1 Dye» Miche tro. 247 US. 179.783 (1918) 8. Dianer'y Macomber 252 J. 8.174, 163 (2918) 9. Byans ¥ Gore 253 LS, 50921) 0, Flirty Siome Tracy Ca. 220 CS, 107, 144,151-1 S42, Aan Cas, 19728 13 120915) FL, Marehanss (an Aush Trost Co. x. Smiewuka, 255 US. 50951 (422) 12 dlelverg y Falcon Bthers! Slowe, 8 Cir "33 F24 575 0943), 13, Somtheio Pacific v Lowe 247 {18 389, 335 (1918): Art 1, Sev. 8. C117 And AC TY, See. 5 CUD Art| See, BCI, 7: Ar WV See. 3 C115 USC 168th: 28 USC. 1335 on 135%: bale Claims Aut, 30031 1.8.6. 229(N7, $4, UNITHD SAILS y MERKSKY 261 (1S. 431, 4801960) IS. CALJFORNtA BANKFRS ASSN. y SCUUL/ 19 08.21. 26 C974) Th, FEDGRAL CROP INSURANCE CORP ¥. Memill, 132 U.S. 380,384 (197) LT. Uieh Parva Light Cav ined State, 391 7A. United Sats », Sows, WHR re Vogd Agseptanee, 13. Khowton ¥ Maur, 128 0.8.41, 170900): 19 CER 35 20, Butohor's Union Co, ¥ Cresona City Co, AULT. 48, 1561880 ZA TRUAX y CORRIGAN 257 U.S. 29,348 (192) 2, Sev Abeoms [BT Aek, 857271 SAW. 720, 779 1925) 23. Myorv STATE OF NEBRASKA 262 US. 360, $9 (1925) 24, Slater Honse Cares, 16 Wall 36 235 Butebe! Union Co.» Cressent Cty Ca. 4 Sup 0% 682 2. Vie Wo» Toph 6 Sup CL 1064 Minnesota v Baror 10 Sup C1862 Allogeyer« Lousiana 17 Sup C227 [oohner y New Work 25 Sup Cl, 539, 3 Ann Cas 1133 Tsing 4 Now frsey 29 Sup Ct 14 Chieags MRO RR. McGuire 11 Sup Ct, 25 rage Raich 36 Sep C7. LRA.1NTOD, 545 Ann. Cas. 1917 283 Adams «Tamer 37 Sup Ce 62 L.A. 1917. “163, Aun Cas, 1913 974 Now Yer Life ie. Gn Doadge 38 Sup CL 237. Ava Cas. 1S1SE.593 “Tou v Covrigan 42 Sap Cx. 24 36 Aadhine v Childress Hepa 43 Sup Ct 394.6% L.Ed cApeit , 1 Fr Wyeth y Cambriage Rourd Health 200 Mass 474,86 %. C.925 LR AINSI 17 38, MURDOCK y COMMONWLALTILOF PENNSYLVANIA S19 US, 109, 1155 63 Sup CL BPs #71, Bu 1298 CUBE 30, Tyler ef al Administrators Linited Sees, 281 US 497.502 (1420 4b, Pollack y Pansters Loan And Trust 3. 187 US 428, £42, 95S, 581 S73, 582, $45 (1695) 41, STRATTOWS INDEPENDANCE, ETD. V HOWMLRT?34 1.5.399, 417 09139 42. Main v Grand Twink R, Co. 35 Tu 8943 Ines, Com Rep. 807,12 Sup Ci. Reps lerprete in Cialvesion, HES A.X. Co, v, Texas, £2 SL ed. O81, LUSA78 Sup CL Rep. 638 43 U8 v WITTRINGH 25; US. 231 Ls. 4 70101) ‘Atv laly BOWERS 2:8 US. 470,481 1929) 45, COPPAGE « STATE OF KANSAS 2 2, 165.59 § Loa, 197429 Sop COLRep Sec.2:Arl 1 See! 28 A St, Rep. 42924 S4.28-240935) Page 1