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AMS / MAA CLASSROOM RESOURCE MATERIALS VOL 64 G Y SOFTWARE TESTERS O L O ENGINEERAIR N F O N T E CC HA L S DEVTREALNOSPPMORETNATTIOANDVDEIRRTEICSTINOGR UBLIC AF M A T I C E U T I RENEWABLE ENERGPY I N F O PR H A R MS AAL E S CYTBRAEDRER SFERCEEULARNITWCEYR PITREODRDATUA SCCEIERN TIS T NONPRCOUFITRRICUCLUOM NDEDVTEEALRNOPAEPRECTPRRTOOLDOEUUCMRER VERSITYFBLIIOONTSATANCTIICST TYE ICPILAANN NIN G a t i c s GCOAMMMUEN DITYE SCOIGLLNEGTEE A C HSE RO R S OMFATRWKETAINRGE UNIPI h e m S t a E NGINEER CICSGNESOSUOPVORRTEASNR CNEPM ERN TO F a r e e r s i n M D e a n nb ae rHt Ta uh no smp Epedrsitgooernrs ON E CONOMI 1 0 1 C d iti o n N R o M P U T E RL VECITSUIORENR TI E h E C I A C O HIGH SCHOOL SIMULAPHNATIONALSYCSECURITYISENICTIISAT N R FE oS uE rAtTR EC ILNHVE EMNCTOOARCYTOM NMHSAUMENLTMAMAGUINLEATIMTNCATERINOIYTMCLMAAPEWDUTIPCTIIHNOEEAERLRTNPHE CRSEAFSROCERMSIMIENGENI ADRTDITCSIASAELLT DANENPVHAIYLCSTYEISCSST INSURANCE N C I A N MATHEMATICAL MODELING FI GEOLOGY DAROPSEAUPURPSLYTA COHTTAMINIAO AANANTLTYISSOTIN ARSCTEUSTAERIIAAOCILLR AANCSDN GHAASLYCINGSTMEDIA CJOOMMU URNNICAATLIOINSS M DATA A A R R BICYCLE PLANNER O W NMEARN A GER BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE 101 Careers in Mathematics Fourth Edition AMS / MAA CLASSROOM RESOURCE MATERIALS VOL 64 101 Careers in Mathematics Fourth Edition Deanna Haunsperger Robert Thompson Editors Providence, Rhode Island Classroom Resource Materials Editorial Board Cynthia J. Huffman, Editor Jayadev Siddhanta Athreya Haseeb A. Kazi Bret J. Benesh Tamara J. Lakins Cristina Eubanks-Turner Jessica M. Libertini Joel K. Haack Brian Lins Christopher Hallstrom Darryl Yong Brian Paul Katz 2010 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 00-XX, 01-XX, 97-XX. For additional informationand updates on this book, visit www.ams.org/bookpages/clrm-64 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Cataloging-in-PublicationDatahasbeenappliedforbytheAMS. Seehttp://www.loc.gov/publish/cip/. Copying and reprinting. Individual readersofthispublication,andnonprofit librariesacting for them, are permitted to make fair use of the material, such as to copy select pages for use in teaching or research. Permission is granted to quote brief passages from this publication in reviews,providedthecustomaryacknowledgmentofthesourceisgiven. Republication,systematiccopying,ormultiplereproductionofanymaterialinthispublication ispermittedonlyunderlicensefromtheAmericanMathematicalSociety. Requestsforpermission toreuseportionsofAMSpublicationcontentarehandledbytheCopyrightClearanceCenter. For moreinformation,pleasevisitwww.ams.org/publications/pubpermissions. Sendrequestsfortranslationrightsandlicensedreprintstoreprint-permission@ams.org. (cid:2)c 2019bytheAmericanMathematicalSociety. Allrightsreserved. TheAmericanMathematicalSocietyretainsallrights exceptthosegrantedtotheUnitedStatesGovernment. PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica. (cid:2)∞ Thepaperusedinthisbookisacid-freeandfallswithintheguidelines establishedtoensurepermanenceanddurability. VisittheAMShomepageathttps://www.ams.org/ 10987654321 242322212019 Contents Introduction xi Charlotte Abrams 1 Xiaoling (Ling Ling) Lim Ang 3 Noelle Balandi 5 Brian T. Bares 7 Paige Bartholomew 9 Ben Baumer 11 Stacy Beaudoin 13 Ebonii Bell 15 Robert M. Bell 17 Nicholas Bennett 19 Nicole Bertram 21 Toni Bluher 23 Kate Brady 25 Marina Brockway 27 Sarah Brown 29 Lisa Byrne 31 Jenna P. Carpenter 33 Tim Chartier 35 Bill Correll, Jr. 37 Carla Cotwright-Williams 39 Mimi Cukier 41 Michael Dairyko 43 Kathleen Daly 45 v vi CONTENTS Joshua R. Davis 47 Erick Deras 49 Lizette Ortega Dickey 51 Alyson Doles 53 Samantha Drost 55 Kate Dyson 57 Berton Earnshaw 59 Chandra Erdman 61 Katie Evans 63 Jaquelyn Fernandez Rieke 65 Stephanie Fitchett 67 Kathie Flood 69 Tamara Fuenzalida 71 Angela Gallant 73 Skip Garibaldi 75 Sommer Gentry 77 Jennika Gold Thomas 79 Amanda (Quiring) Gonzales 81 Amanda Hanford 83 Harold Hausman 85 Ebony Hitch 87 Kelly Hobson 89 Marylesa Howard 91 Rachel Insoft 93 Eleisha Jackson 95 RDML (Ret) “CJ” Jaynes 97 Maribeth Johnson 99 Marina Johnson 101 Erin Jones 103 CONTENTS vii Barbara Jordan 105 Harlan Kadish 107 David Keyes 109 Stacey Faulkenberg Larsen 111 Dan Loeb 113 Aaron Luttman 115 Dana Mackenzie 117 Chad Magers 119 Alex McAdams 121 Carissa Mendoza 123 Carol Meyers 125 Erika Meza 127 Christopher Minck 129 George Mohler 131 David Moore 133 Tanya Moore 135 Walter Morales 137 Janeth Moran-Cervantes 139 Elizabeth Morgan 141 Carol Muehrcke 143 Grace Nabholz 145 Aisha N´ajera Chesler 147 Andy Niedermaier 149 Jacqueline Nolis 151 Kyle Novak 155 Dean Oliver 157 Laurel Paget-Seekins 159 Christine Papai 161 Yolanda Parker 163 viii CONTENTS Karoline Pershell 165 Cara D. Petonic 167 Jacqueline Pfadt 169 Ashley Pitlyk 171 Kimberly Plesnicar 173 Amanda Plunkett 175 Elizabeth Pontius 177 Emilie Purvine 179 Gregory Rae 181 Rachel Ramirez 183 Blake Rector 185 Mary Lynn Reed 187 Adam L. Rich 189 Christina Roberts 191 Shannon Rogers 193 Lucas Sabalka 195 Jeffrey Saltzman 197 Bonita V. Saunders 199 Kayli Schafer 201 Jeanette Shakalli 203 Julie Shapiro 205 Ali Shappy 207 Richard Sharp 209 Danielle Shepherd 211 Benjamin P. Simmons 213 Andrew Stein 215 Jean Steiner 217 Courtney Stephens 219 Sumanth Swaminathan 221 CONTENTS ix Rebecca Swanson 223 Shree Taylor 225 Alec Torigian 227 Robert Troy 229 Jane Turnbull 231 Jasmin Uribe 233 Liz Uribe 235 Kim Van Duzer 237 Andrea Walker 239 Clemmie B. Whatley 241 Beatrice White 243 Chris Wiggins 245 Bryan Williams 247 Donald C. Williams 249 Joyce Yen 251 Starting your job search 253 Preparing for an interview 257 Applying to graduate school 261 Contents by career area 265 Contents by highest degree earned 277

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