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100% Melbourne PDF

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100% Melbourne 100% Melbourne WelCoMe 4 WelCoMe 5 A messAge A messAge from the from City of IndIgenous melbourne elders Welcome to 100% Melbourne, a production that puts faces to Womin Jeka mirambeekbeek. boonwurrung nairm derp the stories of our city. The City of Melbourne is proud to borduprenuther willam. Welcome to my country, the land of present this project that reflects our city’s creative spirit. the great bay of the boon Wurrung people, our beautiful home. on behalf of the boon Wurrung, a clan of the greater 100% Melbourne brings together 100 Melburnians on stage Kulin nations, I welcome you to our land. Melbourne and to represent statistically correct information about its surrounds are special places which continue to carry “us”. Who they are and how they are linked makes for a forward the spirit of our tradition. This land will challenging search. While the statistics of our births and always be protected by the creator, bunjil, who travels deaths are usually confined to pie charts and graphs, 100% as an eagle, and by Waarn, who protects the waterways and Melbourne explores and amplifies our city – its cultural travels as a crow. As the spirit of my ancestors lives, diversity, culinary delights, its pets and parks, shops let the wisdom and the spirit of generosity which bunjil and bars, parents and children and so much more. Presented taught us influence the opportunities that may arise at in the Melbourne Town Hall, the spectacle is part-real this meeting place. Womin Jeka mirambeekbeek. boonwurrung life, part-game, part-theatre and places Melburnians at nairm derp bordpuren uther willam. Welcome! the centre of the work. Aunty Carolyn briggs It is a privilege to work with the internationally Arweet - boon Wurrung elder renowned theatre group rimini Protokoll to create this compelling production for the first time in Australia. on behalf of the Wurundjeri people, I would like to We invite you to enjoy the people, stories and data that acknowledge the Traditional owners of the land on which make up Melbourne. we are gathered and pay my respects to their elders both robert Doyle past and present. The name Wurundjeri is constructed from lord Mayor ‘Wurund’ – the white manna gum that feeds along the river flats; and ‘Jeri’ – the grub, similar to the witchetty grub. We are a people who share and learn our traditional cultural Cr Jennifer Kanis practices and in that spirit of sharing you are most welcome. Future Melbourne (People and Creative City) Aunty Diane Kerr Committee Chair Wurundjeri elder WelCoMe 6 7 A messAge CONTENTS from the Premier & minister for the Arts Trams, laneways, cafes, the iconic MCG and the magnificent 100% STATS 8-23 Arts Centre spire. They are all distinctly “Melbourne”. but what’s a city without people to enliven it? MeeT Melbourne: A STATISTICAl looK AT your CITy How do you define a Melburnian? We’re known as black-clad, sports-mad arty types who love their footy and crave good coffee. In truth, of course, we’re so much more. 100% Melbourne 24-41 100% Melbourne will take us beyond the stereotypes and WHAT, WHo, WHy statistics, and put the people of our city centre stage. leArn AbouT THe SHoW one hundred everyday Melburnians will take part in this dynamic community-based theatre project, creating a 100% PeoPle 42-251 fascinating – and enlightening – portrait of our city. It’s a great example of how the arts can hold a mirror MeeT your CAST to our lives and the world around us – and the Victorian Government is proud to support it. Find out more about the people who give life to our great 100% In THe MAKInG 252-265 city, and enjoy 100% Melbourne. Ted baillieu MlA MeeT THe 100% Melbourne Premier of Victoria FAMIly AnD SuPPorTerS and Minister for the Arts 8 9 100% STATS MeeT Melbourne: A STATISTICAl looK AT your CITy 100% STATS 10 100% STATS 11 50% 50% MELBOURNE POPULATION $1242 75% 4,077,036 MediuM FaMily  of melbourne’s incoMe  houses are ($ Weekly) detached 50% WoMen / 50% Men aBS 2006 dwellings AbS reGIonAl PoPulATIon GroWTH 2001-2010 abs 2006 0.4% InDIGenouS AbS 2006 84% AuSTrAlIAn CITIzenS AbS 2006 39% 1.64 4000 24% SPeAK A lAnGuAGe oTHer THAn enGlISH AT HoMe AbS 2006 Couples BABIES BORN $ Physically with Children FOR EVERY homeless Census 2006 WOMAN IN PeoPle in The Melbourne MELBOURNE melbourne area was firsT ABS 2006 council for the inhabiTed aT homeless Persons 2004 leasT 31,000 WOMEN MEN years ago 99% 21.7% In 2004 THe deparTMenT of CHeAPeST 10% planning and OF MELBOURNE’S FREIGHT IS CARRIED of ALL oF HouSInG Since 2006, $3.21 36.9 C(aobMoMruingiiTnya ld eavfeflaoiprMse nT THROUGH THE ROAD NETWORK contAineriSed SAleS Were Melbourne’S YRS viCToria) MELBOURNE ATLAS DEpARTMENT OF SUSTAINABILITy commoditieS 35KM FroM pgtrhooapwnul na attf aioaSnnt yehr a S TlfyoaprTi Tceaa lcca apcpfuoécs ciTn o MINE DIMAELNB OAGUER N E ACNODM MEUNNvIITRyO NDMEEvNETL O&p MDEENpTA R2T0M0E7NT OF pLANNING AND etmehxLepb oopruotrrentde ofwfre onmt DSMTeeuHlPSAbTeAro ITunMrCAenbbneIT DlA IToTlFyA S tiMe over the price index Tm 2012 ABS JUNE 2010 to chinA AnD enVIronMenT & laSt 40 yearS port of meLbourne DePArTMenT oF PlAnnInG corporAtion AnnuAL AnD CoMMunITy abS 2006; 2011 $11.90 report 2010 - 2011 DeVeloPMenT 2007 TEMPERATURE RAIN FALL COST OF A $17.50 DAILY TRAM 17% oF LITRES OF WATER USED PER PERSON TICKET MelburnIAnS PER DAY MELbOURNE WATER unDerTAKe AVG COST OF A ZOnE OnE & TwO DAILY ADuLT METLInK 2012 unPAID CINEMA TICKET VolunTAry WorK. INNEr CITy CINEMAS oF MelburnIAnS $17.50 WHo VolunTeer, H 58% Are WoMen $4 $35.65 A1V0G0 %C OMESLTB OOFU RAN E AnD 42% Are Men 501 L 227 L AVG COST OF A TICKET DMeelPAbroTuMrenneT A TolFA S 19.8ºC 650mm TYPICAL COST TICKET TO AN SuSTAInAbIlITy Of A LOAf AFL MATCH 100% ADenPDA reTnMVeIrnoTn MoFe nPTl A&n nInG MELBOURNE ANNUAL Of BREAD MCG ROUND 1 2012 AnD CoMMunITy 1981 2007 AVG MAX TEMP RAINFALL CARLTOn MILk BAR 2012 RESEVED SEATING DeVeloPMenT 2007 BUREAU Of METEROLOGy BUReAU oF MeteRoLogy 100% STATS 12 100% STATS 13 CounTry oF bIrTH oF MelburnIAnS nuMber oF 0 – 5,000 5,001 – 15,000 15,001 – 30,000 30,001 – 150,000 150,001 – 2,306,100 PerSonS SourCe: AbS 2006 100% STATS 14 100% STATS 15 WORLD CITIES POPULATION POPULATION & NUMBER & AREA OF VEHICLES  MANILA, THE PHILIPPINES    Melbourne, AuSTrAlIA  APPROX 460KM2  PoPulATIon 4,100,000   POPULATION 11.6 MILLION  VeHICleS: 2,400,515  NEW YORK, USA  POPULATION: 8,391,881   santiago, CHiLE   VEHICLES: 1,767,091  aPPRoX 1440KM2  PoPULation 5.0 MiLLion   TOKYO, JAPAN  POPULATION: 12,900,000  VEHICLES: 2,500,000   Berlin, GerMAnY   APPrOX 1150KM2   LONDON, ENGLAND  POPUlATiOn 3.5 MilliOn  POPULATION: 7,700,000  VEHICLES: 2,810,000  Melbourne, AuSTrAlIA    BERLIN, GERMANY  APProX 7700KM2  POPULATION: 3,443,000  PoPulATIon 4.1 MIllIon  VEHICLES: 1,080,000  AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND  POPULATION: 1,354,900  VEHICLES: 803,000  VANCOUVER, CANADA  POPULATION: 568,985  VEHICLES: 327,968  BEIJING, CHINA  POPULATION: 19,000,000  VEHICLES: 2,200,000  SourCe: AbS 2010; unDP 2007-2010; GADM.orG 2011 SourCe: AbS 2010, VArIouS 100% STATS 16 100% STATS 17 household bicycle expendITuRe commuting Breakdown of average MELBOURNE 2003-04 Melbourne weekly household expenditure in MelBourne Number of riders reported to Abs duriNg Current housing Costs 2.0 10.3 14.4 the ceNsus 3.0 DfoomoeD st&i Cn ofnu-eall C&o hpoolwieCr 13.1 22000016 14,443 20,592 alCoholiC beverages + 42.57% 17.5 tobaCCo proDuCts SyDney Clothing & footwear 15.2 householD furnishings 2.6 4.5 & equipment 5.4 1.2 6.1 4.8 misCellaneous gooDs & serviCes 22000016 11,131 12,132 transport Melbourne’s average weekly reCreation expenditure is generally higher + 8.99% than for the rest of victoria, personal Care especially on housing and food. brISbAne meDiCal Care & health expenses 22000016 7,890 8,889 + 12.66% SOURCE: MElbOURnE AtlAS DEpARtMEnt Of SUStAinAbility An EnviROnMEnt & DEpARtMEnt plAnning AnD COMMUnity DEvElOpMEnt 2007 SourCe: AbS AnD bICyCle VICoTrIA 100% STATS 18 100% STATS 19 percentage AIR QUALITY of unemployment PArTICulATe ConCenTrATIonS days of 30 per capita DAIly 24-Hour PM10 exceedence SYDNEY 20 MELBOURNE BRISBANE 10                                  e% n% o% d% y% s% n% n% r% a% k% n9 i3 k8 n9 e4 i4 o7 e8 e6 n6 r8 r. l. y. a. n. r. d. g. v. n. o. u5 r2 o4 l6 d6 a8 n7 a5 u7 e6 y8 bo be1 t ck sy p lo nh co vi W  0 l u e n e e a p a n m co v 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 SourCe: oeCD 2009 crimes AGAiNsT A PersON Flora & Fauna reCorDeD oFFenCeS For > The porT philip region supporTs 296 ThreaTened flora 128 CrIMeS AGAInST THe PerSon ThreaTened fauna species. Per 100,000 PoPulATIon SourCe: CoMMunITy InDICATorS > VicToria has a large and ThriVing Koala populaTion. (dse) VICTorIA June 2006 > due To a loss of Their habiTaT and lacK of reliable food supply HIGHeST rATe: in new souTh wales and Queensland,grey-headed flying-foxes haVe Inner Melbourne been coming To melbourne for more Than 100 years. (dse) 3,652 > royal boTanic gardens cranbourne is home To one of melbourne’s lasT remaining secure populaTions of The naTionally endangered souThern brown bandicooT. > less Than one Third of pre-european VegeTaTion remains in 176.0 – 505.0 The melbourne region afTer land clearing for urbanisaTion 505.1 – 720.0 and agriculTure. 720.1 – 844.0 844.1 – 1,062.0 1,062.1 – 3,652.0

100% STATS. 8-23. MeeT Melbourne: A STATISTICAl looK AT your CITy. 100% Melbourne. 24-41. WHAT, WHo, WHy. leArn AbouT THe SHoW. 100% PeoPle. 42-251 24% SPeAK A lAnGuAGe oTHer. THAn enGlISH AT HoMe .. time, speed, movement and ageing. rather than professional actresses
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