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N A C G T A C G T A T A C T A u A C G T A C G T A T A C T A Uitnodiging c l A C G T A e A C T T A C G T A T A C C A A C T T A C G T A T A C C A o t A C T T A id voor het bijwonen van de e openbare verdediging van v a het proefschrift r i a G T G A A t G T G A A G C T T A A T A T io G T G A A G C T T A A T A T n G T G A G G T G A G G C T T A A T A A s G T G A G G C T T A A T A A Nucleotide variations in i n the human genome t h Suitable markers for tissue e h C id en tCifi ca ti onG a n d alTle lic T u instability testing m C T G T T C C G T T A T G C C C A A T a C C G T T A T G C C C A A T n C T G T T A T A C C C A A T g C T G T T A T A C C C A A T e Op dinsdag 22 oktober 2013 n o m T om 13T:4 5 u urC p rec ie s Tin de C e aula van het hoofdgebouw T T C T G S u van de Vrije Universiteit, it T T C T C A G C A C A T G A ab T T C T C A G C A C A T G A de Boelelaan 1105, le te Amsterdam. T T C T G A G C A C A C G A m T T C T G A G C A C A C G A a T C G G T r k e T N a a flCoo p va nT d e p ro mGo tie T r s f is er de gelegenheid tot o r t feliciteren. is s T C G G T T G T T A A T T A u T C G G T T G T T A A T T A e T C T G T T G T T A A T A A id T C T G T T G T T A A T A A A C G T A e n A C T T A t ifi Ronald Huijsmans c a Schapenbogert 8 t io n 4844 AK Terheijden an G r.h u ysTm an s@ jbGz .n l A A A C G T A C G T A T A C T A d A C G T A C G T A T A C T A a G T G A G A C T T A C G T A T A C C A lle A C T T A C G T A T A C C A lic in Paranimfen: s t a b ilit C Je ro enC P o od tG T T y 06-23455109 t C T G T T G T G A A G C T T A A T A T es G T G A A G C T T A A T A T [email protected] tin Nucleotide variations in the human genome G T G A G G C T T A A T A A g G T G A G G C T T A A T A A Suitable markers for tissue identification and allelic instability testing Jan Damen R on A 06 -2 0C97 1 59 8G T A a ld Ronald Huijsmans A j.d a mCen @ jb z.nTl T A H u C C G T T A T G C C C A A T ijs C C G T T A T G C C C A A T m a C T G T T A T A C C C A A T n C T G T T A T A C C C A A T s Nucleotide variations in the human genome Suitable markers for tissue identification and allelic instability testing Ronald Huijsmans The work in this thesis was conducted at the laboratory of Molecular Diagnostics at the Jeroen Bosch Hospital in close cooperation with the department of Medical Microbiology and Infection Control at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) University Medical Center. Financial support for the publication of this thesis was kindly provided by: - The Jeroen Bosch Academy - Roche Diagnostics Nederland B.V. - Roxane de Beaumont and Rob van der Meij - BioMérieux Benelux B.V. - Life Technologies ISBN 978-94-6108-485-9 Lay-out & printer Gildeprint drukkerijen, Enschede, The Netherlands Cover image Irma Verhoofstad VRIJE UNIVERSITEIT Nucleotide variations in the human genome Suitable markers for tissue identification and allelic instability testing ACADEMISCH PROEFSCHRIFT ter verkrijging van de graad Doctor aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, op gezag van de rector magnificus prof.dr. F.A. van der Duyn Schouten, in het openbaar te verdedigen ten overstaan van de promotiecommissie van de Faculteit der Geneeskunde op dinsdag 22 oktober 2013 om 13.45 uur in de aula van de universiteit, De Boelelaan 1105 door Cornelis Johannes Jacobus Huijsmans geboren te Roosendaal en Nispen Promotor prof.dr. P.H.M. Savelkoul Copromotor dr. M.H.A. Hermans Contents Chapter 1 General introduction 7 1.1 History of DNA research 9 1.2 Impact of molecular diagnostics in pathology 9 1.3 DNA variations 10 1.3.1. Single nucleotide polymorphisms 10 1.3.2. SNP associated traits and disorders 11 1.4 Somatic mutations and cancer 13 1.4.1. Loss of heterozygosity 13 1.4.2. Oncogene amplification 16 1.5 Applications of SNP detection in molecular diagnostics 16 1.5.1. SNP genotyping methods 16 1.5.2. Tissue identification 17 1.5.3. Cancer diagnostics 18 1.5.3.A. LOH of the JAK2 locus in myeloproliferative disease 18 1.5.3.B. HER2/TOP2A locus in breast cancer 19 Chapter 2 Comparative analysis of four methods to extract DNA from paraffin- 33 embedded tissues: effect on downstream molecular applications Chapter 3 Single nucleotide polymorphism profiling assay to confirm the identity 49 of human tissues Chapter 4 Single nucleotide polymorphism profiling assay to exclude serum 69 sample mix-up Chapter 5 Sensitive detection and quantification of the JAK2V617F allele by 81 real-time PCR: blocking wild-type amplification by using a peptide nucleic acid Chapter 6 Single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-based loss of heterozygosity 97 (LOH) testing by real time PCR in patients suspect of myeloproliferative disease Chapter 7 Allelic imbalance at the HER2/TOP2A locus in breast cancer 117 Chapter 8 8.1 Summary and general discussion 139 8.1.1. Technological advances 139 Chapter 2 | Optimizing DNA extraction 140 Chapter 3 and 4 | Confirming the identity of human tissues 141 Chapter 5 | Determining JAK2V617F mutational status 142 Chapter 6 | Loss of heterozygosity of the JAK2 genomic region 143 Chapter 7 | Allelic imbalance at the HER2/TOP2A locus 144 8.2 Venturing beyond the scope of this thesis: bacterial SNP genotyping 146 8.3 Concluding remarks 147 Chapter 9 Nederlandse samenvatting en discussie 157 Dankwoord 169 Curriculum vitae 171 List of Publications 173 1 General introduction 8 | Chapter 1 1.1 History of DNA research 1 During the winter of 1868-1869 Friedrich Miescher, a Swiss physician, performed experiments at Germany’s University of Tübingen on the composition of leukocytes, which eventually led to the discovery of DNA. Miescher noticed an unknown substance in the precipitates derived from the leukocytes. Further characterization showed that the substance was neither lipid nor protein. Because the nuclei were the source of isolation he named the novel substance Nuclein [1]. In 1919 the base, sugar and phosphate were identified by Phoebus Levene to be the building blocks of DNA [2]. It took more than 30 years thereafter before Watson and Crick revealed the 3D-structure of DNA in 1953 [3]. Since these basic discoveries, tremendous scientific progress has been made in the fields of genetics and biotechnology. These developments have led to a new era in science and medicine, accelerated by the development of DNA sequencing [4] and the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) [5]. Determining the sequence of a specific DNA stretch of interest was made possible by the introduction of DNA sequencing. Subsequently, the PCR technique made it possible to amplify small amounts of DNA and the variations therein, further enhancing the potential of DNA sequencing by combining both techniques. This allowed scientists to study specific DNA regions of interest. These developments resulted in the identification of variations in oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes (TSGs). A very important initiative was the Human Genome Project (HGP), which started in 1990. The completion of this project revealed the human genome sequence [6-8]. The results of the HGP have led to an extremely detailed dataset with regard to the similarities in and differences between human genomes. The human genome was estimated to consist of about 98.5% non-coding sequences and only 1.5% coding sequences and to contain approximately 30,000 genes. 1.2 Impact of molecular diagnostics in pathology Molecular diagnostics, referring to the field of detection and analysis of nucleic acids, is currently the most rapidly expanding discipline within the field of pathology. Advances in molecular biology led to the discovery of numerous types of DNA variations amongst individuals and DNA alterations in cancer, some of which confer a selective growth advantage to the affected (tumor) cell. These include mutations that lead to changes in DNA copy numbers such as gains and losses of a chromosomal locus [9]. The applications of molecular diagnostics in pathology therefore range from tissue identification to various purposes in oncology. The applications in oncology include disease diagnosis and prognosis of disease susceptibility, prognosis of clinical outcome and therapy selection and prediction of therapy efficacy. General introduction | 9

and Infection Control at the Vrije Universiteit (VU) University Medical Center. Financial Roche Diagnostics Nederland B.V.. - Roxane BioMérieux Benelux B.V. Duncan BK, Miller JH: Mutagenic deamination of cytosine residues in DNA.
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