1-State Error-Trellis Decoding of LDPC Convolutional Codes Based on Circulant Matrices Masato Tajima Koji Okino Takashi Miyagoshi Graduate School of Sci. and Eng. Information Technology Center Graduate School of Sci. and Eng. University of Toyama University of Toyama University of Toyama 3190 Gofuku, Toyama 930-8555, Japan 3190 Gofuku, Toyama 930-8555, Japan 3190 Gofuku, Toyama 930-8555, Japan Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] 0 1 Abstract—We consider the decoding of convolutional codes ML error path can be correctly decoded using the degenerate 0 using an error trellis constructed based on a submatrix of a error trellis, if the syndrome-subsequence computed from 2 given check matrix. In the proposed method, the syndrome- the remaining submatrix is utilized as side information for subsequencecomputedusingtheremainingsubmatrixisutilized n decoding. In particular, consider check matrices proposed by as auxiliary information for decoding. Then the ML error path a J is correctly decoded using the degenerate error trellis. We also Tanneretal.[10].Ifwetakeanyrowforthepurposeoferror- show that the decoding complexity of the proposed method is trellis construction for decoding, each column (i.e., entry) of 9 basically identical with that of the conventional one based on the row has a factor of the form Dl. Then factoring out these the original error trellis. Next, we apply the method to check ] factors, a particular submatrix (i.e., row) with all 1 entries is T matrices with monomial entries proposed by Tanner et al. By obtained and the number of states of the corresponding error choosinganyrowofthecheckmatrixasthesubmatrixforerror- I . trellisconstruction, a 1-state error trellisisobtained. Noting the trellis is one. We propose a sub-optimal decoding algorithm s fact that a likelihood-concentration on the all-zero state and the basedona1-stateerrortrellis.Applyingtheproposedmethod, c [ states with many 0’s occurs in the error trellis, we present a aconsiderabledecoding-complexityreductionisrealizedcom- simplifieddecodingmethodbasedona1-stateerrortrellis,from pared to the conventional one. 3 which decoding-complexity reduction is realized. v 5 II. ERROR TRELLIS CONSTRUCTED BASED ON A 9 I. INTRODUCTION SUBMATRIX OF A CHECK MATRIX 9 Tanner et al. [10] presented a class of algebraically con- Consider an (n,n m) convolutionalcode C over GF(2) 4 structedquasi-cyclic(QC)LDPCcodesandtheirconvolutional defined by a canonic−al [5], [6] check matrix H(D) of size . 2 counterparts. Owing to their construction, check matrices of m n.Letν betheoverallconstraintlengthofH(D).Denote 1 obtained LDPC convolutional codes have monomial entries by×HT(D) (T means transpose) the correspondingsyndrome 9 0 and theneach column(row)hasa commonfactor of the form former. Assume that HT(D) has the form : Dl. On the other hand, Ariel and Snyders [1] showed that v whensome“column”ofapolynomialcheckmatrixH(D)has HT(D)=(HT(D),HT(D)), (1) 1 2 i X afactorDl,thereisapossibilitythatstate-spacereductioncan wherethe sizeofH (D)(i=1,2)ism n(m=m +m ) r be realized. For the same case (i.e., some column of H(D) i i× 1 2 a has a factor Dl), the authors [9] showed that the results of and the overall constraint length of Hi(D) (i = 1,2) is νi (ν =ν +ν ).AssumethatH (D)(i=1,2)isalsocanonical. [1] can be equally obtained using shifted error-subsequences. 1 2 i In this case, for the time-k errore and ζ =(ζ(1),ζ(2)), we These ideas can be directly applied to check matrices with k k k k have monomial entries obtained from the construction of Tanner et al. Actually, H(D) can be modified as H′(D) with the e HT(D) = (e HT(D),e HT(D)) error-correctingcapabilitybeingpreserved.LetH′′(D)bethe k k 1 k 2 factored-out version of H′(D). Then we [8] showed that the = (ζ(k1),ζ(k2)). (2) state-spacecomplexityoftheerrortrellisbasedonH′′(D)can Here, it is assumed that given a received data z = z , k be controlled to some extent. However, the overall constraint the equation z HT(D) = ζ(i) (i = 1,2) holds. The a{bov}e lengthofH′′(D)isstilllargeandthereforetheuseof“trellis- k i k relation implies that the original error path e associated based” decoding is not feasible. Hence, another complexity { k} with HT(D) can be represented using the error trellis based reductionmethodisrequiredfortrellis-baseddecoding.Inthis on either HT(D) or HT(D). paper, we present a decoding method using an error trellis 1 2 For example, consider the (3,1) convolutional code C constructed based on a “submatrix” of a given check matrix. defined by the check matrix Note that since some of check conditions are not taken into account, the degenerate error trellis contains additional error 1+D D 1+D H(D)= . (3) pathsnotallowedintheoriginalerrortrellis.Weshowthatthe (cid:18) D 1 1 (cid:19) t=k-1 t=k t=k-1 t=k t=k-1 011 t=k t=k-1 010 t=k (00) 000 (00) 101 (0) 000 (0) 001 111 010 111 110 100 101 (01) 101 (01) 000 010 111 010 011 011 110 001 000 (10) 100 (10) 001 (1) 110110 (1) 110101 110 011 ζ=0 ζ=1 (11) 001 (11) 100 k k ζ(k1)ζ(k2)=00 ζ(k1)ζ(k2)=01 Fig.3. Theerror-trellis modulesassociated withH2T(D). t=k-1 t=k t=k-1 t=k (00) 011 (00) 110 t=0 011 t=1 011 t=2 010 t=3 011 t=4 010 t=5 100 001 (0) 000 000 001 000 001 111 111 110 111 110 100 100 101 100 101 (01) 110 (01) 011 001 100 010 010 011 010 011 001 001 000 001 000 (10)010101 (10) 100110 (1) 110110 110110 110101 110110 110101 101 000 ζ(12)=0 ζ(22)=0 ζ(32)=1 ζ(42)=0 ζ(52)=1 (11) 010 (11) 111 ζ(k1)ζ(k2)=10 ζ(k1)ζ(k2)=11 Fig.4. Adegenerate errortrellis basedonH2T(D). Fig.1. Theerror-trellis modulesassociated withHT(D). As stated above, the original error paths e can be equally k { } t=0 t=1 t=2 t=3 t=4 t=5 representedusingtheerrortrellisbasedonH2T(D).Thesetof (00) 000 011 011 error-trellis modules associated with HT(D) and the overall 111 100 110 100 110 2 001 001 error trellis are shown in Fig.3 and Fig.4, respectively. Since σ(2) =0, the error trellis in Fig.4 is terminated in state (0) at (01) 101 110 011 110 0 11 tim5 e 5. We remark that the additionalerror paths not allowed 010 001 100 001 100 in the original error trellis are included in the error trellis in Fig.4. This is because the condition e HT(D) = ζ(1) is not 000 k 1 k 011 000 101 101 taken into account for error-trellis construction. (10) 100 111 010 111 010 III. STRUCTURE OF DEGENERATEERROR-TRELLIS 110 101 000 101 000 MODULES (11) 001 010 111 010 111 A. Observer Canonical Form of a Syndrome Former and ζ(11)ζ(12)=00 ζ(21)ζ(22)=10 ζ(31)ζ(32)=11 ζ(41)ζ(42)=10 ζ(51)ζ(52)=11 Degenerate Error-Trellis Modules Consider the trellis modules with values ζ(1)ζ(2) =00 and Fig.2. Anexampleerrortrellis basedonHT(D). k k 10 in Fig.1. We see that these trellis modules degenerate into the trellis module with value ζ = 0 in Fig.3, if two states k with the same second component are identified. In the same AnerrortrellisofC isconstructedbyconcatenatingtheerror- trellis modules [1] associated with HT(D). The set of four way, two trellis modules with values ζk(1)ζk(2) = 01 and 11 error-trellis modules associated with HT(D) and an example in Fig.1 degenerate into the trellis module with value ζk =1 in Fig.3. That is, the trellis modules associated with HT(D) error trellis are depicted in Fig.1 and Fig.2, respectively. It is 2 areobtainedfromthetrellismodulesassociatedwith HT(D). assumed that the corresponding code trellis is terminated in In this case, two trellis modules with the same syndrome bit the all-zero state at time 5. Hence, the error trellis in Fig.2 is terminated in state (00), which correspondsto the syndrome- former state σ = (σ(1),σ(2)) (cf. Fig.5). From Fig.2, we 5 5 5 + σ(1) + ζ(1) have eight admissible error paths. e = 000 100 000 100 000 k k corresponds to the ML error path eˆ. e(k1) e(2) Now, partition HT(D) vertically into two submatrices, i.e., k e(3) k 1+D D + σ(2) + ζ(2) HT(D) = D 1 k k 1+D 1 Fig.5. Adjoint-obviousrealization(observercanonicalform)ofthesyndrome =△ (HT(D),HT(D)). (4) formerHT(D)in(3). 1 2 ζ(2) degenerate into the identical trellis module with value B. Relationship Between Degenerate Error-Trellis Modules k ζ(2). This fact is derived from an adjoint-obvious realization and the Original Error-Trellis Modules k (observercanonicalform[3])ofthesyndromeformerHT(D) (seeFig.5).Notethattwopairs(σ(1),ζ(1))and(σ(2),ζ(2))are Consideranybranch,e.g.,thebranchek =000inthetrellis independent of each other, from wkhichkthe abovekobsekrvation module with value ζk = 0 in Fig.3. Let σk(2−)1 = (0) be the is obtained. In general, error-trellis module degeneration is state at time k 1 of the branch. If this trellis module is closely related to a realization of the syndrome former. Let obtained from th−e trellis module with value ζk(1)ζk(2) = 00, then σ(1) = 0 is used as the first component of the state. k−1 HT(D)=(hT(D),hT(D), ,hT(D)) (5) On the other hand, if this trellis module is obtained from the 1 2 ··· m trellis module with value ζ(1)ζ(2) = 10, then σ(1) = 1 is k k k−1 andconsiderthe observercanonicalform[3] of the syndrome used as the first component of the state. We observe that all formerHT(D)(cf.Fig.5).Denotebyν(q) andLthemaximum possible patterns of σ(1) , i.e., 0 and 1 appear (a pattern of k−1 dtheegrmeeaxaimmuomngdtehgerepeoalymnoonmgitahlseeonftrhieqs(Dof)H(1(D≤),qre≤spemct)ivaenlyd. σk(1−)1 dependson the error ek in general).These observations can be generalized. Since equations e hT(D) = ζ(q) (1 q m) are indepen- dent of one anothker,qa realizatkion of≤HT(≤D) is obtained by Proposition 2: Consider any branch ek in the degenerate trellis module with value ζ(1). Denote by σ(1) the state at combining the realizations of hT(D) in a parallel way (cf. k k−1 q time k 1 of the branch. Assume that this degenerate trellis eFliegm.5e)n.tLseitnσtk(hqpe) r(e1al≤izapti≤onLo)fbheTqt(hDe)c.o(nFtoerntasnoyffithxeedmqe,mσok(rq1y) Tmhoednul2eν−i2s/o2bmta2inpeadttefrronms othfeσt(kr2e−)l1lisamreoudsueledwwihthenvavluieewζe(kd1)fζr(ko2m). represents the memory element which is closest to the output the original trellis module. These sets of patterns are disjoint ζk(q).) Using σk(qp), the state [9] of HT(D) is defined as for differentvalues of ζ(k2) and everypossible patten of σ(k2−)1 appearswhenζ(2) runsoverthe2m2 values.Thetotalnumber σk =(σk(11),···,σk(m1),···,σk(1L),···,σk(mL)). (6) of patterns of σk(k2−)1 is (2ν2/2m2)×2m2 =2ν2. Here, if a memoryelementis missing, the correspondingσk(qp) Proof: Consider any branch ek : σ(k1−)1 → σ(k1) in the is set to zero. Hence, the size of σ is ν =ν(1)+ +ν(m). degeneratetrellis module with value ζ(1). When viewed from k k ··· In the following, HT(D) is assumed to have the form the originaltrellis module,giventheek, the syndromeformer goes from σk−1 = (σ(k1−)1,σ(k2−)1) to σk = (σ(k1),σ(k2)) and HT(D)=(H1T(D),H2T(D)), outputs the syndrome ζk = (ζ(k1),ζ(k2)). Here, the mapping: ζ(2) σ(2) is one-to-one. Since the number of values of where the same conditions as in Section II are assumed. k 7→ k−1 Denote by σ(i) and ζ(i) the state and syndrome at time ζ(k2) is 2m2, the numberof patternsof σ(k2−)1 correspondingto k correspondikng to HTk(D) (i = 1,2), respectively. From a particular value of ζ(2) is 2ν2/2m2. i k the definition of σ , σ(i) (i = 1,2) may not consist of Corollary 1: Assume that a degenerate trellis module with k k consecutive components of the state σ . However, the total value ζ(1) is obtained from a particular trellis module with k k of σk(i) (i=1,2) coincides with σk as a whole. We have the value ζ(k1)ζ(k2) and consider the state σ(k1) at time k in following. the degenerate trellis module. Then the number of branches Proposition 1: The error-trellis module with value ζ(1) as- entering state σ(1) is 2n−m 2ν2 when viewed from the sociatedwithHT(D)isobtainedfromtheerror-trellismkodule corresponding orkiginal trellis m×odule. 1 swtaitthe v(aσlu(1e),ζσ(k1(2)ζ))(k2t)oasthsoecisatateted wσi(t1h).HInT(tDhis) bcaysere,dtuhceintgreltlhies a degPernoeorfa:teAtrbelrlainscmhocdounlneeccotirnregspstoantedsσt(ko1−)21ν2to/2smta2tebrσan(k1c)heins k k k modules with the same syndrome component ζ(1) degenerate when viewed from the originaltrellis module. Also, since the k into tPhreooidf:enAtiscsaulmtreelltihsatmtohdeulseynwdirtohmvealfuoermζ(ke1r).HT(D) is in ssitzaeteoσf(1H)1i(sD2)n−ismm1.1 ×n, the number of branches entering k state σk−1 =(σ(k1−)1,σ(k2−)1) and an errorek is inputtedto the Corollary 2: Assume that a degenerate trellis module with syndromeformer.Thenit goesto state σk =(σ(k1),σ(k2)) and value ζ(k1) is obtained from a particular trellis module with outputs the syndrome ζk = (ζ(k1),ζ(k2)). Here, owing to the value ζ(k1)ζ(k2). In this case, the manner of branches entering independence of the first component from the second one, if the state σ(1) in the degenerate trellis module is equivalent k e is inputted to the syndrome former HT(D), then it goes to the manner of 2n−m branches entering each of the 2ν2 k 1 from state σ(k1−)1 to state σ(k1) and outputs the syndrome ζ(k1) extended states σk =(σ(k1),σ(k2)). independentlyofthesecondcomponent.Thisfactimpliesthat Proof:Thenumberoforiginalstatesσ correspondingto k the degenerate trellis module with value ζ(1) associated with the degeneratestate σ(1) is 2ν2. Also, since the size of H(D) k k HT(D)isobtainedfromthetrellismodulewithvalueζ(1)ζ(2) is m n, the number of branches entering state σ in the as1sociated with HT(D). k k origin×al trellis module is 2n−m. k t=0 t=1 t=2 t=3 t=4 t=5 t=6 IV. DECODING BASED ONA DEGENERATEERROR 000 000 001 000 001 000 TRELLIS 011 011 010 011 010 011 101 101 100 101 100 101 A. Decoding Method 110 110 111 110 111 110 ζ(2)=0 ζ(2)=0 ζ(2)=1 ζ(2)=0 ζ(2)=1 ζ(2)=0 Consider the decoding based on an error trellis constructed 1 2 3 4 5 6 from a submatrix H (D) of H(D). In this method, the decoding is carried ou1t by restoring the original trellis mod- Fig.6. A1-stateerrortrellis basedonH2′T(D). ules using Proposition 1. For the purpose, the syndrome- subsequence ζ(2) computed from HT(D) is utilized as { k } 2 V. DECODING BASED ON A 1-STATEERROR TRELLIS auxiliary information for decoding. Let σ(1) be the initial k−1 A. Check Matrices Based on Circulant Matrices and 1-State state of any branch in the degenerate trellis module. Since thereare2ν2 possibilitieswith respectto thepatternsofσ(2) Error Trellises k−1 (cf. Proposition 2), we retain 2ν2 survivors for the degenerate Tanner et al. [10] proposed LDPC convolutional codes state σ(1) . The decoding procedure is given as follows. defined by check matrices whose entries are all monomials. k−1 As an example [10, Example 7], take Decoding based on a degenerate trellis Step 1: Consider any state σ(1) at time k in the degenerate 1 D D3 k H(D)= , (7) trellis module. The state σ(1) has 2n−m1 incoming branches. (cid:18) D3 D2 1 (cid:19) k Take one such incoming branch. Denote by σ(k1−)1 the state at where a common factor in each row has been removed. time k 1 of the branch. Note that 2ν2 survivors are retained (Remark:TheaboveH(D)isnotbasicandthennotcanonical. for the−state σ(1) . Extend these survivors along the branch k−1 However, the preceding argument is also effective.) In this underconsideration.Thenwehave2ν2 extendedpaths.Repeat case, if we choose any row of H(D) for the purpose of thisprocedureforeachbranchenteringstateσ(k1).Asaresult, constructing an error trellis for decoding, then a 1-state error we have 2ν2 2n−m1 extended paths in total. trellis is obtained by factoring out a factor Dl from each × Step2:Discardtheextendedpathswhicharenotconsistent entry of the row. In order to clarify the idea, again consider with the value of ζ(2). The number of remaining paths is the check matrix H(D) given in (3). Since the first entry of k H (D) = (D,1,1) has a factor D, we can apply the error- (2ν2 ×2n−m1)/2m2 =2n−m×2ν2. tre2llis construction method in [9]. Let e′k(1) =△ De(k1) = e(k1−)1 Step3:Classifytheremainingpathsinto2ν2 groupsaccord- and define as e′ =△ (e′(1),e(2),e(3)). We have k k k k ing to the patterns of σ(k2), where each group contains 2n−m 1+D−1 1 paths. Then the best path among each group is selected and ζ = (e′(1),e(2),e(3)) D 1 the 2ν2 survivors for the state σ(1) are newly determined. k k k k k 1+D 1 Step 4: Repeat Step 1 ∼ Step 3 for each state σ(k1). =△ e′(H′T(D),H′T(D))=e′H′T(D). (8) Remark: Step 2 and Step 3 correspond to Corollary 1 and k 1 2 k Corollary 2 in Section III-B, respectively. Since H′(D) = (1,1,1), the error paths associated with 2 HT(D) are represented using a 1-state error trellis [9]. A 1- 2 B. Decoding Complexity state error trellis equivalent to the one in Fig.4 is shown in Fig.6.SincethetwotrellisesinFig.4andFig.6areequivalent, We evaluate the decoding complexity based on the error the decoding method stated in Section IV-A can be mapped trellis associated with HT(D). We have the following. 1 on the error trellis in Fig.6. Actually, we can regard H′(D) Proposition 3: The total number of survivors required in as a given check matrix and then apply our method to it. the decoding based on H1T(D) is 2ν. Since the constraint length of H′(D)=(1+D−1,D,1+D) Proof: 2ν2 survivors are retained for each state in the 1 is 2, if 4 survivors are retained, then ML decoding is ac- trellis based on HT(D). 1 complished. Applying the method, we have the decoded path Proposition 4: The number of compare-and-select compu- eˆ′ = 000 000 100 000 100 000 (cf. eˆ). Though the ML tations required in the decoding based on HT(D) is 2ν, 1 decoding is realized using the above method, the decoding where one path is selected from among 2n−m paths in the complexityisnotreducedcomparedtotheoriginalone.Inthe computation. following,therefore,weproposeasimplifieddecodingmethod Proof: A direct consequence of Step 3 in the decoding taking into account a feature of error trellises. procedure. In the proposed method based on HT(D), a kind of list B. Likelihood Distribution of the Trellis-State and Sub- 1 decoding [4] is required. However, the decoding complexity Optimal Decoding of the proposed method remains unchanged, except for the Note that only eight paths in the error trellis in Fig.6 are additional complexity of discarding the extended paths which admissible. As a result, the principle of optimality does not are not consistent with the value of ζ(2). hold for the error trellis in Fig.6. That is, the error path k TABLEI q¯0∼q¯6ANDTHEIRSUMVERSUSǫ. Step3:Ordertheremainingpathsbytheirmetrics(weights) and select the best M paths as the survivors at time k+ν(1). A Viterbi algorithm makinguse of a likelihood distribution ǫ q¯0 q¯1∼q¯4 q¯5∼q¯6 6i=0q¯i of the state in a code trellis was proposed in [7]. A similar 0.1 0.49 0.02 0.01 P0.59 idea combined with the M-algorithm is described in [11]. It 0.05 0.6225 0.055 0.0275 0.8975 0.01 0.9049 0.0182 0.0091 0.9959 is shown [11] that M can be reduced to 16 within a very 0.005 0.951225 0.00955 0.004775 0.998975 small degradation compared to ML decoding for a (2,1,8) 0.001 0.990049 0.001982 0.000991 0.999959 convolutional code (cf. the number of trellis states S =256). (It is stated [2] that M √S is asymptotically optimal for ≈ large codes.) Since a likelihood-concentrationoccurs in error with minimum weight which is consistent with the values trellises, the method is also effective for error trellises. of ζ(1) k is not necessarily consistent with the values of ζ({1)tN}t=a1t the final time N. However, it is reasonable to VI. CONCLUSION { t }t=1 imaginethatanerrorpathwithlowweightwhichisconsistent We havepresenteda decodingmethodusingan errortrellis with ζ(1) k is likely to become the overall optimal path constructed based on a submatrix of a given check matrix. In at tim{etN}.tH=1ere, take notice of a feature of error trellises. thismethod,thegivencheckmatrixispartitionedintotwosub- Again consider the check matrix H(D) given in (7). Let matricesandoneisusedforerror-trellisconstruction,whereas e′(2) =△ De(2) = e(2) and e′(3) =△ D3e(3) = e(3) . Also, the other is used for generation of auxiliary information for dkefine as e′k=△ (e(1)k,−e′1(2),e′(3)k). Then wekhave k−3 decoding. We have shown that the ML error path is correctly k k k k decodedusingthedegenerateerrortrellisbasedonthe former 1 D3 submatrix, if the syndrome-subsequence computed from the ζ = (e(1),e′(2),e′(3)) 1 D latter is utilized as side information for decoding. Next, we k k k k 1 D−3 have applied the method to check matrices with monomial =△ e′(H′T(D),H′T(D))=e′H′T(D). (9) entriesproposedby Tanneret al. Itis shown thatby choosing k 1 2 k any row of the check matrix as the submatrix for error-trellis The time-k state of the error trellis based on H′T(D) is construction, a 1-state error trellis is obtained. Taking into 2 expressed as account a significant feature (i.e., a likelihood-concentration σ′ = (e(1) +e′(2), e(1) +e′(2), e(1)+e′(2), on the all-zero state and the states with many 0’s), we have k k−2 k k−1 k+1 k k+2 proposed a simplified decoding method (M-algorithm) based e(1) +e′(2), e(1) , e(1) ). (10) on a 1-state error trellis, from which decoding-complexity k+1 k+3 k+2 k+3 reduction is realized. Let ǫ =△ P(e(i) = 1) be the channel crossover probability. k REFERENCES aDlle-nzoetreobstyatqe¯0ananddthqe¯i s(t1ate≤wiith≤0’6s)etxhceepptrofborabtihlietieitshoefnttrhye, [1] M.ArielandJ.Snyders,“Error-trellises forconvolutionalcodes–PartI: Construction,” IEEETrans. Commun., vol. 46, no. 12, pp.1592–1601, respectively. q¯0 ∼q¯6 are given as follows. Dec.1998. [2] T. 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