GURU NANAK INSTITUTIONS TECHNICAL CAMPUS SECTION B: PREPARATION OF SELF-STUDY REPORT___ 1. Profile of the Affiliated / Constituent College 1. Name and Address of the College: me : Guru Nanak Institutions Technical us Address : Khanapur, Manchal Mandal City: Ibrahimpatnam Pin : 501506 State : Telangana Website : 2. For Communication: Tele phon e Designation Name with Mobile Fax Email STD Cod e Dr. M. Ramalimga O: 8497900081 040 27892633 Director.gnitc Director Reddy R: O: Vice Principal R: Steaming Prof. O: 8096175678 040 27892633 Committee Parrthasaradhy R: Co-ordinator 3. Status of the Institution Affiliated College: √ Constituent College: Any Other (specify) 4. Type of Institution: a. By Gender i. For Men ii. For Women iii. Co- education √ b. By Shift i. Regular √ ii. Day GURU NANAK INSTITUTIONS TECHNICAL CAMPUS iii. Evening 5. It is recognized minority institution? Yes No √ If yes specify the minority status (Religious / Linguistic/any other) and provide documentary evidence. NA 6. Sources of Funding Government Grant – in -aid Self- financing √ Any other 7. a. Date of establishment of the College: 16/09/2011 (dd/mm/yyyy) b. University to which the college is affiliated / or which governs the college (If it is a constituent college) Jawaharlal Technological University, Hyderabad c. Details of UGC recognition: Date, Month & year( Under Section Remarks(If any) DD-MM-YY) i.2 (f) 28, August 2014 Recognized ii. 12(B) 28, August 2014 Recognized (Enclose the Certificate of recognition u/s 2 (f) and 12 (B) of the UGC Act) d. Details of recognition / approval by statutory /regulatory bodies other than UGC (AICTE, NCTE, MCI,DCI, PCI,RCI etc.) Recognition / Approval Day, Month and Under details Institution/ Year Validity Remarks Section/ clause Department Programme (dd- mm-yyyy) i. AICTE 30/04/2016 2016-17 7 UG & 5 PG Programmes (F.No. South – Central/1- 2814049002/2016/EOA dated 30-04-2016) GURU NANAK INSTITUTIONS TECHNICAL CAMPUS (Enclose the recognition/ approval letter) 8. Does the affiliating university Act provided for conferment of autonomy ( as recognized by the UGC), on its affiliated colleges? Yes No √ If yes, has the College applied for availing the autonomous status? Yes √ No 9. Is the college recognized a. By UGC as a College with Potential for Excellence (CPE)? Yes No √ If yes, date of recognition: ………NA……………… (dd/mm/yyyy) b. For its performance by any other governmental agency? Yes No √ If yes, Name of the agency …………………….. and Date of recognition: ………NA……………….. (dd/mm/yyyy) 10. Location of the campus and area in sq.mts: Location Campus area in sq.mts 105744.3 (26.16 acres) Built up area in sq.mts 57797.18 ( Urban, Semi – urban , Rural, Tribal, Hilly Area, Any others specify) 11. Facilities available on the campus (Tick the available facility and provide numbers or other details at appropriate places) or in case the institute has an agreement with other agencies in using any of the listed facilities provide information on the facilities covered under the agreement. Auditorium / Seminar complex with infrastructural facilities: Sports facilities o Play ground YES - 03 o Swimming pool NO o Gymnasium YES - 03 Hostel GURU NANAK INSTITUTIONS TECHNICAL CAMPUS o Boys’ hostel i. Number of hostels : 06 ii. Number of inmates : 1125 iii. Facilities (Mention available Facilities) : Study Room, TV Room, Sports Complex, Indoor Sports facilities with Gym, TV Room, Mess Girls’ hostel i. Number of hostels : 03 ii. Number of inmates : 575 iii. Facilities (Mention available Facilities) : A/C Study Room, TV Room, Aerobic , Canteen, plus Indoor games Facility Working women’s hostel i. Number of inmates : NIL ii. Facilities (mention available facilities) : NA Residential facilities for teaching and non- teaching staff (give numbers available – cadre wise) Cafeteria – 04 Health center – 02 First aid, Inpatient, Outpatient, Emergency care facility, Ambulance ….. Health centre staff- √ Qualified doctor Full time Part time Qualified Nurse Full time √ Part time Facilities like banking, post office, book shops Available Transport facilities to cater to the needs of students and staff Available Animal House Available Biological waste disposal Available GURU NANAK INSTITUTIONS TECHNICAL CAMPUS Generator or other facility for management/ regulation of electricity and voltage Available Solid waste management facility Not Available Waste water management Available Water harvesting Available 12. Details of programmes offered by the college (give data for current academic year) Sl. Programme Name of Duratio Entry Medium of Sanctione No.of No Level the n Qualificatio instruction d / students Programm n approved admitted e Course student strength 1 Under- B.Tech 4 Years Intermediate English 1260 1223 Graduate B. Pharm 4 Years Intermediate English 100 88 2 Post- MBA 2 year Under English 60 44 Graduate Graduation M.Tech 2 Years B.Tech English 18 7 M. Pharm 2 Years B. Pharm English 36 14 Phaarm D 6 years Intermediate English 30 30 Integrated -- -- -- -- -- -- Programmes PG Ph.D -- -- -- -- -- -- M. Phil -- -- -- -- -- -- Ph.D -- -- -- -- -- -- Certificate -- -- -- -- -- -- Course UG Diploma -- -- -- -- -- -- PG Diploma -- -- -- -- -- -- Any other -- -- -- -- -- -- (specify and provide details) 13. Does the college offer self-financed programmes? Yes No √ If yes, ho√w many? UG – 08, PG- 9 GURU NANAK INSTITUTIONS TECHNICAL CAMPUS 14. New programmes introduced in the college during the last five years if any? Yes √ No Number 05 15. List the departments : ( respond if applicable only and do not list facilities like Library, Physical Education as departments, unless they are also offering academic degree awarding programmes. Similarly, do not list the departments offering common compulsory subjects for all the programmes like English, regional languages etc.) Faculty Departments UG PG Research (eg. Physics, Botany, History etc.) Science Humanities & Mathematics, Basic Sciences Arts -- Commerce -- 1. Computer Science & 76 03 Any other Engineering (Specify) 2. Electronics & Communication 87 00 Engineering 3. Information Technology 17 00 4. Electrical and Electronics 32 00 Engineering 5. Civil Engineering 49 02 6. Mechanical Engineering 72 00 7. Aeronautical Engineering 11 00 8. B. Pharmacy 29 NA 9. M. Pharmacy 11 10. Pharm D 14 11. MBA 28 16. Are there any UG and / or PG programmes offered by the college, which are not covered under autonomous status of UGC ? NO Give Details: NA 17. Number of Programmes offered under (Programme means a degree course like BA, B. Sc, MA, M.Com…..) Engineering, pharmacy and Management a. Annual system b. Semester system 17 c. Trimester system GURU NANAK INSTITUTIONS TECHNICAL CAMPUS 18. Number of Programmes with – As per University Guidelines a. Choice Based Credit System √ b. Inter / Multidisciplinary Approach c. Any other ( specify and provide details) 19.. Unit Cost of Education (Unit cost = total annual recurring expenditure (actual) divided by total Number of students enrolled) (a) Including the salary component Rs. Rs.69,050/- (b) Excluding the salary component Rs. Rs. 19725 20 Does the College have a department of Teacher Education offering NCTE recognized degree programmes in education? Yes No √ a. How many years of standing does the department have? _______ Years b. NCTE recognition details (if applicable) Notification no ……………………………… Date ……………. ( dd /mm /yyyy ) c. Is the department opting for assessment and accreditation separately? Yes No √ 21. Does the college have a teaching department of physical education offering NCTE recognized degree programme in Physical Education ? Yes No √ If yes, a. How many years of standing does the department have? _____ years b. NCTE recognition details (if applicable) notification No: Date : _____ (dd/mm/yyyy) c. Is the department opting for assessment and accreditation separately? NA √ GURU NANAK INSTITUTIONS TECHNICAL CAMPUS Yes No 22. Whether the college is offering profession programme ? YES (Engineering, Pharmacy and Management) 23. Has the college been reviewed by any regulatory authority? If so, furnish a copy of the report and action taken their upon. AICTE,PCI 24.Number of teaching and non- teaching positions in the Institution Teaching Faculty Non- Technical Positions Associate Assistant Professor Teaching Staff Professor Professor M F M F M F M F M F Sanctioned by the UGC/ University/ State Government Recruited Yet to recruit 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Sanctioned by the 50 -3 90 17 198 126 190 65 44 15 Management/ society or other authorized bodies Recruited Yet to recruit -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- M- Male * F- Female 25.Qualifications of the teaching Staff: Associate Assistant Highest Professor Professor Professor Total Qualification Male Female Male Female Male Female Permanent Teachers D.Sc. / D. Litt. 00 00 00 00 00 00 Ph. D. 18 00 10 03 02 01 M. Phil PG 12 02 49 10 261 116 Temporary NIL GURU NANAK INSTITUTIONS TECHNICAL CAMPUS teachers UG: Ph.D. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil M.Phil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil PG Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Temporary teachers NIL Ph.D. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil M.Phil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil PG Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Part-time teachers NIL Ph.D. Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil M.Phil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil PG Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil Nil 26.Number of Visiting Faculty / GUEST Faculty engaged with the college - 52 27. Furnish the number of the students admitted to the college during the last four academic years. Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 Categories Male Female Male Female Male Female Male Female SC 77 31 82 13 33 5 30 1 ST 52 11 53 5 37 1 38 3 OBC 466 114 440 124 489 100 379 47 General 374 99 347 134 608 190 443 156 Others - - - - - - - - 27.Details on students enrollment in the college during the current academic year: Type of students UG PG M.Phil Ph.D. Total Students from the same state where the 1122 45 - - 1167 college is located Students from other states of India 40 4 - - 44 NRI Students 0 - - - 0 Foreign Students 62 4 - - 66 GURU NANAK INSTITUTIONS TECHNICAL CAMPUS Total 1224 53 - - 1277 28. Dropout rate in UG and PG (average of the last two batches) 0.7% UG NIL PG: 29. Number of working days during the last academic year 323 30. Number of teaching days during the last academic year (Teaching days means days on which lectures were engaged excluding the examination days) 180 27. Is the college recognized as a study center for offering distance education programmes for any university (DEP) ? Yes No √ If yes, NA a) Name of the University: b) Is it a registered by the distance education council. (DEC) Yes No √ c) Indicate the Number of Programmes offered NIL 32.Provide Teacher –student ratio for each of the Programme / course offered B.Tech 1. Electrical and Electronics Engineering : 1:15 2. Civil Engineering : 1:15 3. Information Technology : 1:15 4. Computer Science and Engineering : 1:15 5. Electronics and Communications Engineering : 1:15 6. Mechanical Engineering : 1:15