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MCB Accepts, published online ahead of print on 22 January 2007 Mol. Cell. Biol. doi:10.1128/MCB.01313-06 Copyright © 2007, American Society for Microbiology and/or the Listed Authors/Institutions. All Rights Reserved. Tanaka et al., Intra-strand Annealing leads to the Formation of Large DNA Palindrome and determine the Boundaries of Genomic Amplification in Human Cancer. D Hisashi Tanaka1, 2, 4, 8, Yi Cao2, Donald A Bergstrom6, 7, Charles Kooperberg3, Stephen J. Tapscott2 and Meng-Chao Yao1, 5 E T Division of Basic Sciences1, Human Biology2, and Public Health Sciences3, Fred Hutchinson Cancer D o w P Research center n lo a d 1100 Fairview Ave. N., Seattle, WA 98109-1024 E e d f r 4 Department of Molecular Genetics, Cleveland Clinic Foundation, Cleveland, OH 44195 o m C h 5 Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, 128 Sec. 2 Academia Rd, Nankang, Taipei, Taiwan tt p : / C /m 6 Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Washington, Seattle, WA c b . a 7 (PresentA Address) MERCK Research Laboratories, West Point, PA 19486-004 s m . o r g / o n Running title; Intra-strand annealing and Gene Amplification A p r il 4 , 2 0 8 Corresponding author 1 9 b y Hisashi Tanaka g u e Department of Molecular Genetics, NE-20, Cleveland Clinic Foundation s t 9500 Euclid Ave, Cleveland OH 44195 [email protected] Phone, 216-444-9107 Fax, 216-444-0512 Word counts Introduction, Results and Discussion, 3148 Materials and Methods, 819 1 Tanaka et al., 1 Abstract 2 Amplification of large chromosomal regions (gene amplification) is a common somatic alteration 3 in human cancer cells and often is associated with advanced disease. A critical event initiating D 4 gene amplification is a DNA double strand break (DSB), which is immediately followed by the 5 formation of a large DNA palindrome. Large DNA palindromes are frequent andE non-randomly 6 distributed in the genomes of cancer cells and facilitate further increase in copy number. T D 7 Although the importance of the formation of large DNA palindromes as a very early event in o w P n lo 8 gene amplification is widely recognized, it is not known 1) how a DSB is resolved to form a large a d E e d 9 DNA palindrome; and 2) whether any local DNA structure determines the location of large DNA f r o m C 10 palindromes. We show here that intra-strand annealing following a DNA double-strand break h t t p : 11 leads to the formationC of large DNA palindromes and that DNA inverted repeats in the genome //m c b 12 determines the efficiency of this event. Furthermore, in human Colo320DM cancer cells, a DNA . a A s m 13 inverted repeat in the genome marks the border between amplified and non-amplified DNA. .o r g / 14 Therefore, an early step of gene amplification is a regulated process that is facilitated by DNA o n A p 15 inverted repeats in the genome. r il 4 , 16 2 0 1 9 17 Introduction b y g 18 Structural aberrations of chromosomes are a hallmark of cancer and result in either gain or loss u e s t 19 of chromosomal regions (1, 15, 21). Studies of gene amplification in cancer cells often focus on the 20 increased dosage of cellular oncogenes and its association with advanced stages of diseases, whereas, 21 in most cases the ‘gene’ amplification involves large chromosomal regions that span several Mb of 22 DNA (32, 38). Recent advances in the technology for genome-wide copy-number surveys have 23 identified a number of chromosomal regions in different cancer types as candidate loci for driving 2 Tanaka et al., 1 tumor progression. However, the molecular mechanisms and DNA contexts that initiate regional 2 amplification and establish boundaries of amplicons remain largely unknown. 3 Mammalian cells treated with either radiation, DNA replication inhibitors or other DNA D 4 damaging agents show increased frequencies of gene amplification, suggesting chromosome breaks as 5 initiating lesions (4, 12, 24, 39). In fact, either a chromosome break at a fragile sites oEr a site-specific 6 chromosomal DNA double strand break (DSB) induced by I-SceI endonuclease leads to gene T D 7 amplification by initiating the formation of large palindromic chromosomes (9, 37). Large palindromic o w P n lo 8 dicentric chromosomes generate further chromosome breaks during chromosome segregation (Fig 1a). a d E e d 9 These breaks are again resolved into large palindromic chromosomes (breakage-fusion-bridge cycle), f r o m C 10 establishing intrachromosomal gene amplification (9, 19, 29, 40). Thus, the formation of large h t t p : 11 palindromes occurs at aC very early stage of gene amplification as a consequence of illegitimate repair //m c b 12 of DSBs. How a DSB is processed to form a large palindrome remains unknown. A potential . a A s m 13 mechanism includes the joining of broken DNA ends of sister cromatids by non-homologous end .o r g / 14 joining (NHEJ) (Fig. 1a, right), a mechanism of chromosome end fusion in critically short telomeres o n A p 15 (30). However, palindromic gene amplification still occurs in mice deficient in non-homologous end r il 4 , 16 joining (NHEJ)(44), suggesting another, yet unknown mechanism for large DNA palindrome 2 0 1 9 17 formation in mammalian cells (Fig. 1a, left). b y g 18 Gene amplification in simple eukaryotes also involves the formation of large palindromes at a u e s t 19 very early stage. In Tetrahymena, amplification of the ribosomal RNA (rDNA) gene is initiated by the 20 formation of large palindromic chromosome with the developmentally regulated induction of a site- 21 specific DSB next to a short DNA inverted repeat (DNA IR) in the genome (42). DSBs initiate intra- 22 molecular recombination (intra-strand annealing) at the site of the short DNA IR, creating a large 23 hairpin molecule prior to DNA replication. This hairpin molecule is resolved into a large palindrome 24 following DNA replication, with the original DNA IR at a boundary between amplified and non- 3 Tanaka et al., 1 amplified DNA (6, 43). A short DNA IR is required for this process in Tetrahymena, as well as in S. 2 cerevisiae (5). Thus, a DNA IR in the genome is a critical cis-acting element for the formation of large 3 palindromes by an intra-molecular recombination pathway and sets a boundary of the amplicons in D 4 lower eukaryotes. 5 Large palindromes are widespread in cancer cells and provide a platform for suEbsequent gene 6 amplification (36). In our prior study, we showed that a short DNA IR adjacent to a DSB could T D 7 catalyze the formation of a large palindrome and subsequent gene amplification in mammalian cells o w P n lo 8 (37). Thus, gene amplification in cancer cells might proceed through the same intra-molecular pathway a d E e d 9 as the developmentally regulated gene amplification in single cell eukaryotes. To test this emerging f r o m C 10 model of mammalian gene amplification, it is necessary to show: 1) that a DNA IR in the genome h t t p : 11 facilitates large palindrCome formation through a process consistent with intra-strand annealing of //m c b 12 broken ends and 2) that a DNA IR in the genome marks the boundary between amplified and non- . a A s m 13 amplified DNA in spontaneous palindrome-associated gene amplification in human cancer cells. .o r g / 14 We have now developed a system to measure the efficiency of large palindrome formation after o n A p 15 DSB in the presence or absence of a short DNA IR at the same integration site in mammalian cells. r il 4 , 16 Analysis of multiple amplicons at very early stages of amplification indicates that large palindrome 2 0 1 9 17 formation after DSB is mediated by intra-strand annealing and that a DNA IR next to DSB b y g 18 significantly facilitates this process. We further determine that, in human colon cancer cells, the center u e s t 19 of large palindrome sets the boundary between amplified and non-amplified DNA, and a 26kb DNA IR 20 pre-existing in the human genome marks the region of recombination at the center of the palindrome. 21 Therefore, a newly discovered mechanism of mammalian gene amplification occurs through a process 22 similar to the intra-molecular recombination used by simple eukaryotes, resulting in an amplicon 23 bordered by a DNA IR in the genome. 24 Materials and Methods 4 Tanaka et al., 1 Constructs 2 To construct pD229IRScelox2, primer pairs either XbaIIR/XholoxIR or XhoCenPt/PstloxIR 3 were used to amplify each one of the two parts of the 229 base-pair inverted repeat (229IR) with D 4 pD229IRSce as a template (37). PCR products were cloned into pCRII-TOPO (invitrogen) using 5 TOPO TA cloning kit to generate pTOPOXbaIR and pTOPOPstIR. An XbaI-XhoI fraEgment of 6 pTOPOXbaIR was ligated into XbaI and XhoI sites of pTOPOPstIR to generate pTOPO229IRlox2. An T D 7 XbaI-PstI fragment of pTOPO229IRlox2 replaced an XbaI-PstI fragment of pD79IRSce to generate o w P n lo 8 pD229IRlox2Sce. DNA sequences of the PCR primers are available upon request. a d E e d 9 Cell cultures, transfections and DNA analysis f r o m C 10 DHFR-deficient CHO cells were transformed with pD229IRlox2Sce as described previously h t t p : 11 (37). Single-copy transCformants were determined by Southern analysis and were subject to tranfection //m c b 12 either with 5 µg of pCMV3xnls-I-SceI (16) for DSB induction using Superfect (QIAGEN, Chatsworth, . a A s m 13 CA). As a control, pCMVnoSce, a vector without the I-SceI coding sequence was transfected. Forty- .o r g / 14 eight hours after transfection, 1x105 cells were plated in the media with 0.2 µM MTX. Resistant o n A p 15 colonies were scored after 10-12 days. Colonies were picked and expanded in 24 well plates for further r il 4 , 16 genomic analysis. Genomic DNA extraction and Southern analysis were done as described previously 2 0 1 9 17 (37). Briefly, 2 µg of high molecular weight genomic DNA was digested with restriction enzyme, run b y g u 18 on either 0.8% or 0.6% agarose gel and blotted to nylon membrane. Snap-back DNA was prepared as e s t 19 follows; 2 µg of genomic DNA in 50 µl water with 100 mM NaCl was boiled for 7 minutes and 20 immediately transferred on ice. DNA was precipitated by ethanol, and digested with restriction 21 enzyme. A 2.5-kb Molecular Ruler (BIO-RAD), a 1-kb DNA ladder (New England Biolabs) or a 200 22 bp DNA stepladder (Promega) was used as a size marker. To generate a probe for Southern analysis, 23 human genomic DNA was amplified by PCR, and the fragment was cloned by using the TOPO TA 24 Cloning Kit (Invitrogen). For the sequence analysis of the centers of palindromes, either bisulphite- 5 Tanaka et al., 1 treated DNA or genomic DNA from each MTX-resistant clone was amplified using nested PCR. 2 Bisulfite treatment of genomic DNA was done following published procedures (23). DNA sequences 3 of the PCR primers are available upon request. D 4 Genome-wide Analysis of Palindrome Formation (GAPF) 5 The GAPF procedure was performed as described previously (36) with modifiEcations. After 6 snap-back treatment, 6 µl of S1 nuclease buffer, 4 µl of 3M NaCl and 100 units of S1 nuclease T D o 7 (Invitrogen) were added to the DNA and incubated at 37°C for 1h. S1 nuclease was inactivated by w P n lo 8 adding 10 mM EDTA and phenol/chloroform extraction. DNA was precipitated with ethanol, a d E e d 9 dissolved in water and digested with 40 units of MspI, TaqI or MseI (New England Biolab) for 16 h. f r o m C 10 DNA was precipitated, dissolved in 21 µl of water, and ligated to MspI-, TaqI- or MseI- specific linker h t t p : / 11 by adding 5 µl of 20 mCM linker, 3 µl of T4DNA ligase buffer and 400 units of T4 DNA ligase (New /m c b . a 12 England BAiolabs) at 16°C for 16 hs. DNA was precipitated and dissolved in 200 µl TE, followed by s m . o 13 application onto Microcon YM-50 spin column (Millipore) to remove excess linker. DNA was r g / o n 14 recovered in 20 µl H2O. Thus, for each Colo320DM and normal human foreskin fibroblast cell culture A p r 15 (HFF2), templates with three different linkers were prepared. For PCR, 2 µl of DNA, 0.5 µl of il 4 , 2 0 16 Faststart Taq DNA polymerase (Roche), 2.5 µl of 2 mM dNTP, 5 µl of 10xPCR buffer with MgCl (for 1 2 9 b y 17 Faststart Taq DNA polymerase, Roche), and 2 µM of a linker-specific primer were mixed with H O for 2 g u e s 18 a total reaction volume of 50 µl. For MspI-linker ligated DNA, 5 µl of GC-rich solution (for Faststart t 19 Taq DNA polymerase, Roche) was also included in the reaction mixture. PCR was performed at 96°C 20 for 6 min followed by 25 cycles of 96°C for 30 s, 55°C for 30 s and 72°C for 30 s on a GeneAmp PCR 21 system 9700 (Perkin-Elmer). PCR reactions using the same template with three different linker- 22 specific primers were concentrated using Microcon YM-50 spin column. DNA was recovered in 25 µl 23 H O, and fragmented using DNaseI (New England Biolab). After heat inactivation of DNaseI, DNA 2 6 Tanaka et al., 1 was labeled with biotin-11-dATP using terminal transferase (Roche). The procedure was performed in 2 triplicate to produce three independent preparations of DNA for hybridization onto GeneChip Human 3 Genome U133A arrays (Affymetrix). After hybridization, the microarrays were washed and then D 4 scanned with GENECHIP software (Affymetrix, Santa Clara, CA). Statistical analysis was done as 5 described previously (8). The PM (perfect match) probe intensities were corrected by ERMA, 6 normalized by quantile normalization, and summarized by medianpolish using the Affy package of T D 7 Bioconductor. The comparison of GAPF profiles between Colo320DM and normal human foreskin o w P n lo 8 fibroblasts was done using the LIMMA package of Bioconductor. The differentially expressed genes a d E e d 9 were selected to be significant according to a False Discovery Rate (FDR) (34) < 0.05. All microarray f r o m C 10 data have been deposited in the Gene Expression Omnibase database at NCBI (Accession GSE6274). h t t p : 11 Results C //m c b 12 Significant increase of MTX-resistant clones in response to DSBs . a A s m 13 To determine whether the formation of large palindromes is facilitated by the presence of DNA .o r g / 14 IRs in mammalian cells, we created a system to measure the efficiency of large palindrome formation o n A p 15 in the presence or absence of a 229 bp DNA IR (229IR) at the same integration site. In the construct, r il 4 , 16 pD229IRlox2Sce, one of the two parts of the repeat is flanked by a pair of loxP sites (Fig. 1b). This 2 0 1 9 17 construct was randomly integrated into the genome of dhfr-deficient Chinese hamster ovary cells b y g 18 (CHO dhfr–). For each single-copy transformant (229IRlox2-35 and -14, 229IR transformants), we u e s t 19 generated two independent sub-transformants in which one repeat element was excised by Cre 20 recombinase (noIR sub-transformants) (Supplementary fig. 1). Transformants were transfected with 21 either pCMV3xnlsI-SceI (16) for DSB induction at the I-SceI site or pCMVnoSce, a control vector 22 without I-SceI coding sequence, followed by MTX selection (0.2 µM) for 10-12 days before the 23 number of colonies was counted. Compared to the 229IR transformants, the numbers of MTX-resistant 24 colonies induced after DSBs were significantly decreased in the noIR sub-transformants, indicating 7 Tanaka et al., 1 that the 229IR promotes the generation of MTX-resistant colonies (Fig. 1c). The IR-mediated increase 2 in colony formation was 3.9-fold in D229IRlox2-35 (93.6±21.0 in 229IR and 24.0±4.0 in noIR-2) and 3 12 fold in D229IRlox2-14 (15.7±1.2 in 229IR and 1.3±0.6 in noIR-2). It should be noted, however, D 4 that I-SceI induced DSBs generated a significant increase in MTX-resistant colonies in both noIR sub- 5 transformants of D229IRlox2-35 (24.0±4.0 with DSB and 3.0±1.7 without DSB in noEIR-1; 16.3±4.9 6 with DSB and 0.3±0.6 without DSB in noIR-2, Fig. 1c left). T D 7 Intra-strand annealing for palindrome formation is facilitated by a 229IR o w P n lo 8 Southern analysis was used to analyze DSB-induced DNA rearrangements in MTX-resistant a d E e d 9 clones from the noIR sub-transformants. In contrast to a 1.9kb KpnI-AflII fragment in parental cells, f r o m C 10 MTX-resistant clones gave fragments of about 3.8-kb or a little smaller (Fig. 2a). The fragment in each h t t p : 11 MTX-resistant clone wCas converted to half-size after denaturing and rapid cooling (snap-back) (36), //m c b 12 indicating that a DSB alone, without an adjacent DNA IR, is sufficient to generate large palindromes. . a A s m 13 Heterogeneous sizes of palindromic fragments suggest variable processing of I-SceI-induced DSBs. .o r g / 14 The DNA sequences at the centers of large palindromes hold a key to identifying molecular o n A p 15 mechanisms. To determine the DNA sequences at the centers of palindromes, bisulphate modification r il 4 , 16 of genomic DNA was applied (25, 37). Bisulphite treatment converted cytosines to uracils, which 2 0 1 9 17 disrupted the palindromes to allow the center of palindromes to be amplified by PCR for subsequent b y g 18 sequencing analysis. Two clones (8 and 12) had an almost perfect palindrome with very small u e s t 19 deletions (less than 25-bps) from the I-SceI cutting site on both arms (Fig. 2b and 2c). This very small 20 loss of sequences is similar to the end of I-SceI induced DSB repaired by non-homologous end joining 21 (NHEJ) (16, 17). Thus, these large palindromes were probably generated by an inter-molecular 22 mechanism in which two sister chromatids became joined head-to-head by NHEJ. However, in the 23 other clones, the sequences at the junction showed biased processing of DSB ends: one end of the 24 palindrome arm had very small deletions (< 25-bps), while the other end had deletions of more than 8 Tanaka et al., 1 100 nucleotides from the I-SceI cutting site. To confirm the sequencing results obtained by bisulfite 2 sequencing and further facilitate the analysis of the centers of palindromes, we developed a PCR assay 3 using genomic DNA as templates. The centers of palindromes are difficult to amplify by regular PCR. D 4 We designed one PCR primer very close to the I-SceI cutting site with the other primer further 5 downstream, which minimized palindromic sequence in the PCR products. In two clonEes, deletions on 6 both arms are very small (5- and 14-bp in clone 8, and 11- and 20-bp in clone 12). In other clones, T D 7 deletion on one arm is much larger, between 496- and 98-bps. There was microhomology of several o w P n lo 8 nucleotides at the junction in five clones (clones 4, 5, 6, 9 and 15) and insertions of 1-, 22-, 64- or 372- a d E e d 9 bp were seen at the junction in the other four clones. In total, PCR products were obtained in 12 out of f r o m C 10 24 clones, among which 10 clones showed biased processing of DSB ends. Biased processing of the h t t p : 11 ends of DSB with the mCicrohomology at the junction strongly suggests intra-strand annealing; one end //m c b 12 of the DSB underwent a 5’-3’ resection of one strand, followed by intra-strand base pairing by . a A s m 13 microhomology and DNA replication to form large palindromes (Fig. 3b). Nucleotide insertions in .o r g / 14 four clones could have occurred by an addition of nucleotides to the free end, followed by a 5’ to 3’ o n A p 15 resection (27) and intra-strand annealing. r il 4 , 16 In contrast, MTX-resistant clones from D229IR transformants showed homogeneous sizes of 2 0 1 9 17 DNA fragments (Fig. 3a). A 2.2-kb KpnI-AflII fragment corresponding to the original construct was b y g 18 replaced with a 3.8-kb fragment. This 3.8kb fragment was converted into a half-sized fragment (1.9- u e s t 19 kb) after snap-back, indicating large palindromes nucleated by the 229IR. In summary, the majority of 20 MTX-resistant clones (15/23 clones from 229IRlox2-35 and 8/14 clones from 229IRlox2-14) had a 21 palindromes nucleated by the 229IR (Fig. 3a and data not shown). The increased frequency of large 22 palindrome formation in D229IR transformants strongly suggests that the length of homology 23 determines the frequency by facilitating intra-strand annealing. The average copy number of the DHFR 24 transgene in four MTX-resistant clones analyzed from 229IRlox2-35 remained low, between 3.3 and 9 Tanaka et al., 1 4.7 (data not shown). The fact that we recovered clones that had a single palindromic fragment with 2 low-copy amplification strongly supports the idea that large palindrome formation is an initial 3 rearrangement triggered by the I-SceI induced DSB. DNA sequence upstream of the I-SceI site was not D 4 amplified (data not shown), indicating that the 229IR formed the boundary of the amplicon. 5 A boundary of gene amplification in cancer cells is defined by the center of a paliEndrome 6 In order to investigate whether intra-strand annealing and recombination sets a boundary of T D 7 amplicons in cancer cells, Genome-wide Analysis of Palindrome Formation (GAPF) was used (22, 36). o w P n lo 8 GAPF identifies regions of the genome at or near centers of DNA palindromes. Genomic DNA from a d E e d 9 Colo320DM and HFF2 (a human foreskin fibroblast cell strain) were processed to enrich for DNA f r o m C 10 palindromes and hybridized to the GeneChip Human Genome U133A array. Among the 42 features h t t p : 11 that were significantly Cincreased in Colo320DM (FDR (34), false discovery rate<0.05) (Supplementary //m c b 12 table 1), four genes were located at 1q21, which is an amplified locus in Colo320DM (13, 36) (Fig. . a A s m 13 4a). CTSK was among the most significantly increased genes (FDR=0.00889). Digesting Colo320DM .o r g / 14 DNA with EcoRV and hybridizing with a probe covering the CTSK gene (Fig. 4b) yielded an o n A p 15 amplified16-kb fragment that was distinct from the normal fragment of 34 kb, indicating a DNA r il 4 , 16 rearrangement and gene amplification (Fig. 4c). This 16-kb fragment was converted to a half-sized (8- 2 0 1 9 17 kb) fragment after snap-back, confirming its palindromic structure. The palindrome extended in the b y g 18 direction of the centromere (Supplementary fig. 2). DNA sequence analysis at the center of palindrome u e s t 19 indicates that the palindrome has a small asymmetry of 1.8kb (Fig. 4d). Identical stretches of sequence 20 homology were not found. However, the genomic sequences at the proximal and distal end of the non- 21 palindromic region are highly AT-rich (72% and 73%, respectively). The distribution of adenine and 22 thymine has a strong strand-bias (Fig. 4d) with 47% (28/60) adenine in the proximal end of the non- 23 palindromic spacer (‘A-rich’ region) and 45% (27/60) thymine in the distal end (‘T-rich’region). The 24 AT-richness and strand-bias distribution of nucleotides might have promoted intra-strand annealing 10

gene amplification is widely recognized, it is not known 1) how a DSB is resolved to form a large. 8. DNA palindrome; and 2) whether any local DNA
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