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1 In the name of Allah All Merciful Most Merciful CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Dr. Khawaja Muhammad Saeed. Father Name: Khawaja Muhammad sharif. Designation: Assistant Professor Permanent Address: village Drake Post office Rawalakot district Poonch Azad Kashmir (Pakistan) Post code No. 12350 Mailing address: Department of Philosophy University of the Punjab, Lahore 54590Pakistan. Residential Address: 80. Medina Block, Hassan Town Main Bazar Multan Road, Lahore. 2 Residence in Lahore: B.161.Punjab University Housing Society 1.KM Raiwind Road Thokar Naiz Baig Lahore Pakistan (Inshallah) Date of Birth: 10th June 1956(10.06.1956). Date of Joining: 1st July 2003 (01.07.2003) NIC #: 82303-58581326-3 Passport #: BK 5973261 National Tax # 06-13-2104521 Phone # +92-42- 99230884(office) +92-42-8560321(Residence) +92-321-4036625(mobile) 05824-431291(Rawalakot) E-mail: [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Blood Group: O +ve Academic Qualification: 1. PhD, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.2000 2. M.A philosophy, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.1992 3. B.Sc (Hons) Horticulture, AJK University 1988 4. B.Ed (Teaching Practice) AJK university. 1989 5. F.Sc Lahore Board 6. Metric Lahore Board. Ph.D Thesis Evaluation: 1. Dr. Halil Toker Islamic university Edebiyat Fakultesi, Dgu Delleri, ve Edenbiyatlari Bolumu Beyazit. Istanbul. Turkey. 2. Professor A.M.S Moghni (Vice Chancellor) Sandal Nagar New Azimabad, colony. P.O. Mhendu Patna, 008 006, India Both experts recommended for publication of thesis in their reports. 3 Awards: 1. Presidential Award 2000 AJK 2. Nominated by Education Department AJK for Presidential award Azaz-i-Kamal on 14th August 2001. 3. Award of Excellence 2001, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. 4. 1st Meraj Khalid Excellence Award 2005, Superior University, Lahore, Pakistan. 5. Received Letter of appreciation Chief Minister Punjab Main Shabaz sharif No. DS (SD)/CMC/2008, dated 21.06.2008. 6. Leading Philosopher of 2009 Award. UK 7. Letter of appreciation from Vice Chancellor University of the Punjab for research papers. Training: 1. Certificate of completion HRDC Faculty Workshop in Human resources Development center, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. 2. Certificate of completion Sixth HRDC National Faculty Development program in Human resources Development center, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan under auspices of Higher Education commission Islamabad, Pakistan. 3. Certificate of training Coordinate Environmental Education program, under the auspices of Ministry of Education, Pakistan. 4. NCC training for two years. 5. Certificate of UNICEF network workshop at Rawalakot Azad Kashmir. 6. Certificates for participation in International philosophical Conferences / Seminars 4 Research Work: 1. Ibn Khuldun's philosophy of history unpublished Master's thesis. Under the supervision of Dr. abdul Khaliq Ex chairman, department of Philosophy, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. 2. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan's concept of religion (A Philosophical appraisal) unpublished Ph.D thesis. Under the supervision of Dr. abdul Khaliq Ex chairman, department of Philosophy, university of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. International Publications in HEC recognized journals. 1. , Fikr-o- Nazar, Aligarh Muslim University India. Vol. 41, No. 4 December 2004.pp 55-66(HEC Recognized) 2. , Fikr-o-Nazar, Aligarh Muslim University India. Vol.42 No. 3 September 2005. Pp.14-21(HEC Recognized) 3. , Fikr-o-Nazar, Aligarh Muslim University India. Vol. 43, No. 2, June 2006. pp. 30-48. (HEC Recognized) 4. , Maa'rf Darul Musannefine Shibli Academy Azamgarh India.Vol..178 issue 5, November 2006. Pp.325-349. (Many scholars appreciated this paper and sent me e-mails) (HEC Recognized) 5. , Maa'rf Darul Musannefine Shibli Academy Azamgarh India.Vol..179, issue 2, February 2007. Pp.85- 108(HEC recognized) 6. A critique of Analytical Moral Philosophy, Panjab University journal of Arts(PURJA), ISSN 0970- 5260, Panjab University Chandigarh, India. Vol. XXXIII. No.2 October, 2006. Pp.1-14 I presented this paper in Indian Philosophical congress. Journal is Peer review. 7.Ibn Rushd Reconciliation between Philosophy and Religion, Aligarh journal of Islamic Philosophy, ( Fulfill Criteria of HEC)Department of Philosophy Aligarh Muslim University India. No.12 December, 2006 pp.13-30 I presented this paper in International Seminar and got letter of appreciation from organizer of seminar. 8. , Department of Theology Aligarh Muslim University, India, 2008, pp.97-128 (paper appreciated by many International scholars) (peer review) 5 9. , , Zakir Hussain institute, Jamia millia Islamia University, Delhi, India July- September 2008. Vol.104. No.7,8,9 Pp.57- 86(HEC Recognized) 10. , Khuda Bakhsh Library journal, Patna India No. 152 April- June 2008 pp.1-22(HEC Recognized) 11. Zakir Hussain institute, Jamia millia Islamia University, Delhi, India. No. Vol. Pp. 12. , Jamia, Zakir Hussain institute, Jamia millia Islamia University, Delhi, India. Vol. No. pp. 2010 National Publications in HEC recognized journals. 1. , Tahkleeq Adab, Department of Urdu, NUML University, Islamabad, Pakistan. Issue, 5 pp. 57-73, January, 2008. (Paper appreciated by many International scholars)(HEC Recognized) 2. , Tahqiq Department of Urdu, University of Sindh Jamshoro Pakistan July- December 2009 Pp.335-352 No. 3Vol.17(HEC Recognized) 3. , Department of Urdu, University of Peshwar,Pakistan, shamara No.18 spring 2008 pp.1.22(HEC Recognized) 4. , , Islamic international university Islamabad Pakistan January-March 2010, pp.53-79 Vol.47 No.3. HEC Recognized) 5. Sufi Metaphysics, Al-Qalam, Department of Islamic studies University of the Punjab Lahore.Vol.14,No.14 2010 (HEC recognized Y. category) pp.75- International Publications: 1. Islamic Technology: An Appraisal on the Reciprocal Exchange Between the East and West, Academosophy , Ancient Philosophy Forum for lifelong learning and Education, UK, October, 2007, pp.11-13(Meet Criteria of HEC) 2. , JAMIA Zakir Hussain institute, Jamia millia Islamia University, Delhi, India 6 3. ,The Institute of Islamic Studies Aligarh Muslim University, India, 2004-2006, Vol.24-25 No.1-4, pp.101-109 6. , Maa'rf, Darul Musannefine Shibli Academy Azamgarh, U.P.India, June, 2009.Vol.183 No.6 Pp.221-234 (part.1) July 2009. Vol.184 No. 1 Pp. 5-29 (Part.2) 7. Zakir Hussain institute, Jamia millia Islamia University, Delhi, India. July 2009-Vol. No. Pp. 8. , , Zakir Hussain institute, Jamia millia Islamia University, Delhi, India. April 2009 Vol. 41 No. 2 Pp. 35-60 9. , , Zakir Hussain institute, Jamia millia Islamia University, Delhi, India.July 2009, Vol.41 NO.3 pp 69-87 10 , . 11.Islamic Art and Its spiritual Message, International Journal of Humanities and Social Science (IJHSS)USA (The journal is indexed with and included in DOAJ and Index Copernicus International.) Vol.1 No.2 Pp.227-233 February 2011 11. , Islamic International University Islamabad 2011 12. , Vol. 134 No. 11 November 2007 pp. 61- 76 13. , Dra-e-Arqam College Rawalakot Azad Kashmir No.2 August 2010 Pp.25-42 14. , Sarosh Mirpur AJK 2010 Publications in process: 1. , in the process of proof reading 2. , in process 3. Some Aspects of Methodology in Islamic Science. Chapters in Edited Books - International 1. Spiritual Experience and The Foundation of Education: A Tagorean approach, Analecta Husserliana, the year Book of Phenomenological research Volume 7 XCV. Education in Human Creative Existential Planning Edited by Anna Teresa Tymieniecka, Chapter 17, Section IV, pp. 267-278, 2008. Books in process: 1. , Will be publishing soon. 2. Islamic Mysticism, in composing stage 3. . Pages 296. Sa' far-na' mah: 1. , Published in Afkar-e- Mahlim, Vol. 18 No. 3 March 2005 and Urdu digest April 2005 Lahore. Sunday magazine The daily Jang, Pakistan May 2008. (Appreciated by many people all over the country). RESEARCH PROJECTS: 1. To promote the reformation and development of Islamic Philosophy in the light of Contemporary knowledge, International Society for Islamic Philosophy (ISIP).Two years project 2. To develop appropriate methodologies that will help Scholars of Islamic Philosophy to meet the challenges of globalization. International Society for Islamic Philosophy (ISIP). Two years project Participated and Presented Papers in International Philosophical Conference/ seminars: 1. Participated and presented paper entitled "Ibn Rushd Reconciliation Between Philosophy and Religion’ Keynote Paper in Ibn Rushd International Seminar held from 5-7 October, 2004 organized by Department of Philosophy, Aligarh Muslim University India, Sponsored by the Indian Council of Philosophical Research, New Delhi. I received letter of appreciation from Council. 2. Participated and presented paper entitled "Nurosciences", in 55th International congress of Phenomenology held from 17-21 August 2005, Nigmegen, Netherlands, sponsored by Institute of World Phenomenology USA. 3. Participated and presented paper entitled"Sir Sayed Ahmad Khan and Illm- ul-Kalam", in International seminar sir sayed ahmad khan vision and mission 8 held from 5-7 November, 2006.sponsored by department of history, Aligarh Muslim university India. 4. Participated and presented paper entitled" The Modern Western World and Myth", in world Philosophical Congress held from 15-18 December 2006. I am first teacher in the department of Philosophy who represented University of the Punjab in world Philosophical congress. 5. Participated and presented paper entitled " A Critique of Analytical Moral Philosophy", Indian Philosophical Congress held from 19-21 December 2006 in Delhi, India. 6. Participated and presented paper entitled" Universal Brotherhood in Islam" , in 1st International Seminar on Humanism and Universal Brotherhood in Persian Literature held from 3-5 March,2007 Aligarh Muslim University India. 7. Participated and presented paper entitled" Shibli and Illm-ul-Kalam", in International seminar organized by Shibli International college Azamgarh, India held from 24- 26 February, 2007 8. Participated and presented paper entitled" Islamic Art and its Spiritual Message"University of Daugavpil, Latvia, organized by the world Phenomenology institute USA held from August 24-26th, 2006. 9. Participated and presented paper entitled" Ethical application of Biotechnology" in International Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Informatics (BMEI 2008) held from 28-30 May 2008, Sanya,Hinan, China 10. . Participated and presented paper Sufi Metaphysics in International Conference on Sufism at Gujarat University, Pakistan 15- 17 July, 2008. 11. Participated and presented paper entitle International Conference organized by Shibli international College Azamgarh India from 25-26 February,2011 12. Participated in International Conference on Ethics, values and Society: Social Transformation organized by HEC & LUMS University from 31st March to 2nd April 2005, Lahore, Pakistan. 13. Participated in International Conference on Sufism as a Civilization Dialogue World Overlapping Paradigm held on 24th November 2006 Iqbal Academy, Pakistan. 9 14. Participated 1st International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education (1st ICAQHE) held from 11-13 December 2006 at University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. 15. Participated in International Conference Data Collection and Application of Statistics organized by institute of Statistics, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan. 16. Participated in International Conference Women's Empower and Social Transformation held on 23rd April 2007 at University of the Punjab, Lahore,Pakistan.. 17. Participated International Seminar on: Role of Arabic Language in the Unity of Muslim Ummah organized by Department of Arabic Language & Literature, Oriental College, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan on 2nd March 2010. 18. Participated in international conference advance in agriculture: and potentials of natural resources in food security organized by University of AJK August 11-13, 2009 Invitations Received to Participate in International Conferences: 1. Invitation to Participate in Seminar "On Faith and Reason", in our day, March, 2008 from the council for Research in Values and Philosophy P.O.Box 261, Cardinal Station, Washington, D.C. USA,20064 2. Invitation to participate on "National Philosophy Day", from Philosophy Forum Nepal 30th July, 2007 3. Invitation to participate in International Seminar” The Sacred and Secular: Complementary or Confliction in Global Time" by the council for Research in Values and Philosophy P.O.Box 261, Cardinal Station, Washington, D.C. USA, 20064 4. Invitation to participate and present paper entitled" Ethical application of Biotechnology", in International Conference on Biomedical Engineering in China, 2008. 10 5. Invitation to participate and present paper entitled" Metaphysical aspect of Existence: Islamic perspective" in International Conference "Philosophy Emerge from culture" in Soul Korea from July 27-29, 2008 6. Invitation from the council for Research in Values and Philosophy P.O.Box 261, Cardinal Station, Washington, D.C. USA, 20064 7. Invitation from Department of Educational Studies University of Glasgow 11 Eldon Street Glasgow G3 6NH. 8. Invitation to participate in Lecturer Topic: Sangkya Philosophy, Nepal. 9. Invitation received to participate in International Conference entitled “Internationalization of Higher Education by 2025 –Knowledge beyond nations” Sri Venkateswara University Tirupati India from 16th-17th November 2009. 10. Invitation received to participate The 60th International Congress of Phenomenology USA, Hosted by the University of Bergen Norway, August 10-13,2010. Topic: LOGOS AND LIFE PHENOMENOLOGY/ ONTOPOIESIS REVIVING ANTIQUITY. 11. Invitation received for participation international Conference “Religion in Public Sphere Institute of Philosophy, Adam Mickiewicz, Poznan, Poland. June 24-26,2010 12. Invitation received to participate “Globalization, Intercultural Philosophy, Race, Gender and Equality, University of cape Coast Ghana, 3rd to 5th February 2010. 13. Invitation received to participate The 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology 29th June-01 July Bradford UK 14. Received invitation to participate International conference on the Global Financial and Economic Crisis 7th -- 11th Dec. 2009 in Toronto, Canada.14th -- 18th Dec.2009 in New York, USA 15.1st Academic International Conference ‘Exploring Leadership & Learning Theories in Asia’ (ELLTA) Hosted by the Asia-Europe Institute, University of Malaya, Malaysia February 11-15 2011 16. Invitation received to participate Conference "Human Identity or Nature: Stable and/or Changing"-- October 11 - November 19, 2010; Washington, D.C. USA

Jul 1, 2003 learning and Education, UK, October, 2007, pp.11-13(Meet Criteria of HEC). 2. , JAMIA Zakir Hussain institute, Jamia millia. Islamia University
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