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Articles in PresS. J Neurophysiol (May 2, 2012). doi:10.1152/jn.00592.2011 1 2 From Anticipation to Action, the Role of Dopamine in Perceptual Decision-Making: 3 an fMRI - Tyrosine Depletion Study 4 5 6 Atsuko Nagano-Saito1,2, Paul Cisek3, Andrea S. Perna2, Fatemeh Z Shirdel1, Chawki 7 Benkelfat2, Marco Leyton2, Alain Dagher1 8 9 1. Montreal Neurological Institute, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada 10 2. Department of Psychiatry, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada 11 3. Département de Physiologie, Université de Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada 12 13 Running head: Dopamine and Decision-making 14 15 Contact information: 16 Alain Dagher MD, 17 Montreal Neurological Institute, 18 3801 University St., 19 Montreal QC, 20 H3A 2B4 Canada. 21 Tel: (514)398-1726. Fax: (514)398-8948 22 Email: [email protected] 23 24 Tables: 4 25 Figures: 7 26 27 28 29 30 Copyright © 2012 by the American Physiological Society. p. 2 31 Abstract 32 During simple sensorimotor decision-making, neurons in parietal cortex extract evidence 33 from sensory information provided by visual areas until a decision is reached. Contextual 34 information can bias parietal activity during the task and change the decision-making 35 parameters. One type of contextual information is the availability of reward for correct 36 decisions. We tested the hypothesis that the frontal lobes and basal ganglia use contextual 37 information to bias decision-making in order to maximize reward. Human volunteers 38 underwent fMRI while making decisions about the motion of dots on a computer monitor. 39 On rewarded trials subjects responded more slowly by increasing the threshold to 40 decision. Rewarded trials were associated with activation in the ventral striatum and 41 prefrontal cortex in the period preceding coherent dot motion, and the degree of 42 activation predicted the increased decision threshold. Decreasing dopamine transmission, 43 using a tyrosine-depleting amino acid mixture, abolished the reward-related cortico- 44 striatal activation, and eliminated the correlation between striatal activity and decision 45 threshold. These observations provide direct evidence that some reward-related fMRI 46 signals in the striatum are the result of dopamine neuron activity and demonstrate that 47 mesolimbic dopamine transmission can influence perceptual and decision-making neural 48 processes engaged to maximize reward harvest. 49 50 Keywords: basal ganglia, reward, motion discrimination, decision-makin 51 52 53 54 p. 3 55 Introduction 56 Brains make predictions about upcoming events in order to optimize behavioral choices 57 (Llinas 2002). Prior information about likely outcomes can bias behavioral choice as can 58 contextual information such as the likelihood of reward, allowing individuals to 59 maximize the ratio of effort to reward. Reward anticipation can influence motivational 60 states, decision-making, and behavior. This transfer – from anticipation to action – is 61 thought to involve the basal ganglia (Kawagoe et al. 1998; Lau and Glimcher 2008; 62 Lauwereyns et al. 2002; Mogenson et al. 1980; Samejima et al. 2005; Satoh et al. 2003; 63 Takikawa et al. 2002). Basal ganglia and frontal lobes form a cortico-striatal system 64 involved in both motor control and reward learning, making this network ideally suited to 65 bias actions and decisions in favor of potentially rewarding outcomes. Dopamine plays a 66 key role in this process, as dopamine released in the striatum by reward predicting cues 67 appears to drive and promote the appropriate reward-seeking behavior (Goto and Grace 68 2005; Nicola et al. 2005; Phillips et al. 2003). 69 In recent models it has been proposed that simple decisions involve an 70 accumulation of neural activity building to a decision threshold (Bogacz and Gurney 71 2007; Carpenter and Williams 1995; Cisek 2007; Cisek et al. 2009; Lo and Wang 2006; 72 Ratcliff 1978; Reddi et al. 2003; Shadlen et al. 1996; Usher and McClelland 2001). 73 Tradeoffs between speed and accuracy can be achieved by raising or lowering the 74 decision threshold or by changing the accumulation rate. Modifying these parameters 75 (decision threshold and accumulation rate) based on prior information is a simple strategy 76 to link anticipation and behavior. Recent human imaging evidence implicates the frontal 77 lobes (Domenech and Dreher 2010) along with the striatum (Forstmann et al. 2008; p. 4 78 Forstmann et al. 2010) in the incorporation of predictive information to modulate 79 decision parameters. Lo and Wang (Lo and Wang 2006) devised a computer simulation 80 of a commonly used decision-making task in which an individual has to detect the 81 direction of motion of dots on a computer screen. In their model the cerebral cortex 82 accumulates visual motion information until a motor response is triggered. They showed 83 that the basal ganglia could modify the decision threshold and proposed that dopamine 84 afferents to the striatum, carrying reward information, could affect response speed by 85 modulating cortico-striatal synaptic strength. Inspired by this model we designed the 86 following functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) experiment for human subjects. 87 88 We conducted rapid event-related fMRI in subjects performing a version of the 89 moving dots task (Figure 1) on two occasions, once after ingestion of an amino acid 90 mixture deficient in dopamine precursors and once after ingestion of a nutritionally 91 balanced control mixture. Because monetary reward on successful trials will activate 92 dopaminergic regions (Knutson et al. 2001), and because lowering dopamine 93 transmission can decrease preferential responding for rewards (Frank et al. 2004; Leyton 94 et al. 2007), we designed and pilot-tested our task to be easy enough to yield a constant 95 success rate across conditions allowing us to attribute any changes in fMRI signal to 96 lowered dopamine rather than performance differences. Our results show that the 97 possibility of obtaining a monetary reward leads to activation of the cortico-striatal 98 system during an anticipatory period, which in turn predicts a change in the decision 99 threshold during the decision period. This link between anticipatory cortico-striatal p. 5 100 activation and subsequent decision threshold was abolished by transient lowering of 101 dopamine levels. 102 103 Methods 104 Subjects 105 Twenty healthy right-handed subjects (mean age, 23.6 ± 4.4 years; range, 19- 34, eleven 106 males) were recruited for the study, however three (one male and two females) had to be 107 eliminated from the final analysis because one fell asleep during scanning, and two 108 regurgitated the amino acid drink. No subject had a history of neurological or 109 psychiatric disorder. Only nonsmokers and social smokers (fewer than 5 cigarettes per 110 day) participated. Social smokers were asked to refrain from smoking for at least 24 h 111 before each scan. Drug use, with the exception of occasional marijuana (< once a month), 112 was an exclusion criterion, and subjects were asked to refrain from using marijuana one 113 week before each session. All subjects gave informed consent to the protocol, which 114 was reviewed and approved by the Research Ethics Boards of the Montreal Neurological 115 Institute. 116 117 Acute dopamine precursor depletion 118 Dopamine transmission was lowered using the acute phenylalanine / tyrosine depletion 119 method (APTD) (Leyton et al. 2004; Leyton et al. 2000; Nagano-Saito et al. 2008). This 120 method reduces dopamine levels by at least 30%, based on studies in animals (McTavish 121 et al., 1999b) and humans (Leyton et al., 2004). Subjects were tested twice, on separate 122 days at least 3 days apart. The day before each test session, subjects ate a low-protein diet p. 6 123 provided by the investigators and fasted after midnight. On the test days, subjects arrived 124 at 9:00 A.M. and had blood samples drawn to measure plasma amino acid concentrations. 125 They ingested one of two amino acid drinks in a randomized, double-blind manner. One 126 drink was a nutritionally balanced amino acid mixture (BAL), and the other was tyrosine 127 and phenylalanine deficient (APTD) but otherwise identical. Peak dopamine reduction 128 occurs during a period four to six hours after ingestion of the amino acid mixture (Leyton 129 et al., 2004). After ingestion of the amino acid drink, around 9:40 A.M., subjects 130 remained awake in a room with relatively neutral videos and reading material available to 131 them until they performed simple reaction time tasks (described below), starting at 12:40 132 P.M., in the same room, to assess the effect of tyrosine depletion on pure motor function. 133 This was followed by fMRI scanning starting at 1:30 P.M. At the end of the fMRI test 134 session, at 3:00 P.M., subjects had a second blood sample drawn to measure plasma 135 amino acid concentration. Eight subjects received BAL on the first day, and nine 136 subjects received APTD first. All female subjects except one participated while in the 137 follicular phase of their menstrual cycle. Subjective effects of amino acid drinks were 138 measured with the bipolar Profile of Mood States (Lorr et al. 1982) at the time of arrival 139 at the laboratory, immediately before the fMRI scan, and after the fMRI scan. 140 141 Motion Discrimination task 142 The task involved detecting the direction of horizontal motion of a random-dot stimulus 143 (Figure 1). A proportion of the dots moved either to the left or the right, and the subject’s 144 task was to indicate the direction with a button press as soon as they thought they knew it. 145 There were two types of trials based on the probability of motion: in 75/25 trials one p. 7 146 direction had a 75% chance of being the correct one; in 50/50 trials the two directions 147 were equiprobable. There were an equal number of leftward and rightward motion trials 148 for each type. The actual outcomes were consistent with the stated probabilities. The 149 motion probability was conveyed to subjects at the start of each trial, prior to the dots 150 appearing on the screen, with a 500ms auditory and visual (AV) cue. There were three 151 AV cues: descending musical scale with a blue triangle indicated 75% chance of motion 152 to the left; musical chord with a green star indicated 50/50 probability; ascending scale 153 with a red circle indicated 75% chance of motion to the right. Subjects learned the cues 154 beforehand, and there was no feedback during fMRI. In addition, trials could be rewarded 155 or not, as indicated by the color of the screen background, white for non-reward and 156 yellow for reward. In rewarded trials, subjects received 20 cents for every correct 157 response, which amounted to roughly $25 per session (subjects also received $100 for 158 participating in the experiment, irrespective of performance). Thus for every trial, the AV 159 cues informed subjects of the likely coherent direction and the possibility of obtaining a 160 monetary reward for a correct decision. Only the 75/25 trials were rewarded (when 161 correctly performed), and half of these (one third of all trials) were reward trials. There 162 were equal numbers of 75/25 left, 75/25 right, and 50/50 trials. All subjects learned the 163 cues well at least three days before the first fMRI session, and were reminded of them in 164 a 10-min training session before the scan on each scanning day. Cue-outcome 165 combinations were identical for all subjects and sessions. After the AV cue, subjects 166 looked at a square in the centre of the screen, in which 500 sky-blue dots moved 167 randomly for a variable duration between 500-1500 ms (random motion period). After 168 this anticipation period, all dots turned purple, indicating that a portion of the dots started p. 8 169 moving coherently to the left or right. The percentage of dots exhibiting coherent 170 motion was constant for each subject (3 to 8%), but individually adjusted to produce 171 similar performance for all subjects. We adjusted the percentage of dots exhibiting 172 coherent motion so that subjects would complete between 100 and 120 trials in one 8 min 173 run, with a success rate above 90%. The coherence was adjusted based on a test session 174 on a separate day prior to scanning. Coherence was varied repeatedly until subjects 175 achieved a 90% or better success rate with at least 100 responses per 8 min session, and 176 faster RT to the 75% direction than the 25% direction. Subjects were asked to indicate the 177 coherent motion direction by pressing one of two buttons using the right index and 178 middle fingers. They were told to press the answer button as soon as they had decided on 179 the dot motion and were encouraged to try to be as accurate and as fast as possible in 180 responding. After each response, the next AV cue was shown after a 1100 ms intertrial 181 interval. 182 The visual stimuli were projected on a screen at the foot of the MRI couch. 183 Subjects viewed this screen via a mirror placed on the head coil. All dots were presented 184 inside a square of dimension 14 cm by 14 cm at default setting. When the participants 185 preferred, it was zoomed by 20%. The distance between the isocenter of the head coil of 186 the MRI camera and the screen was 127 cm. Thus, the degree of view was between 12.3° 187 and 14.7°. The diameter of each dot was 1/40 of the square. Note that while the number 188 of coherent dots was constant throughout each trial, the particular assignment of which 189 dots were coherent changed on every video frame to prevent visual tracking of individual 190 dots that would render the task trivial. Note that the variable duration of the random 191 motion period introduces jitter into the fMRI design, thus desynchronizing fMRI data p. 9 192 acquisition from the neural events related to task performance. The task was programmed 193 in LabView (National Instruments Corporation, Texas, USA). 194 195 Simple reaction time tasks 196 Before the fMRI, at 12:40, subjects were asked to carry out two simple reaction time 197 (RT) tasks. The aim of these two tests was to investigate the effect of APTD on motor 198 function. The two tasks were as follows: following a fixation period (1 sec), one orange 199 circle appeared on the computer screen. After a waiting interval, the circle turned green 200 and subjects had to press a key on the computer as rapidly as possible. In the first RT 201 task, the waiting interval was randomly varied from 1 sec to 5 sec. This task lasted 5 202 min. The second RT task had constant waiting intervals of 1 sec and lasted 3 min. The 203 data from these two tasks were analyzed with two-way repeated measures ANOVA (task 204 x drink). These tasks were programmed in LabView (National Instruments Corporation, 205 Texas, USA). 206 207 fMRI scanning 208 Subjects were scanned at the Montreal Neurological Institute using a 3T Siemens 209 (Erlangen, Germany) Magnetom Trio MRI scanner. Each scanning session began with 210 three sets of acquisition of echoplanar T2*-weighted images with blood oxygenation 211 level-dependent (BOLD) contrast (echo time, 30ms; flip angle, 90°), followed by a high- 212 resolution, T1-weighted, three-dimensional volume acquisition for anatomical 213 localization (1mm3 voxel size). After the anatomical scan, four more sets of BOLD 214 acquisitions were performed. The first and the second-to-last BOLD acquisitions were p. 10 215 resting state measurements to be reported elsewhere; therefore, a total of five BOLD 216 acquisitions were conducted for the motion discrimination task in each session. The 217 volumes were acquired continuously every 2.4 s within each run, and 200 volumes were 218 acquired for each run. Volumes contained 40 slices each of 3.5 mm thickness (matrix 219 size, 64 x 64 pixels; voxel size, 3.5 x 3.5 x3.5mm3). Stimulus presentation and 220 scanning were synchronized at the beginning of each run. 221 222 Behavioral analyses 223 Motion Discrimination task (fMRI) 224 Individual average response times and accuracy were analyzed with a repeated measures 225 ANOVA. The effect of reward and directional precue were investigated with a three- 226 way repeated measures ANOVA with reward x directional probability x drink as factors. 227 Decision making score – T-index and A-index 228 An influential theory of decision-making is the "accumulation-to-threshold" model 229 (Bogacz and Gurney 2007; Carpenter and Williams 1995; Lo and Wang 2006; Ratcliff 230 1978; Shadlen and Newsome 1996; Usher and McClelland 2001). According to this 231 model, neural activity associated with each of two possible decisions grows at a rate 232 related to the sensory evidence for each choice, and decisions are made when one of these 233 reaches a threshold. Here we assume that the sensory evidence signal grows linearly to a 234 fixed threshold at a rate that is subject to gaussian noise, a model referred to by Carpenter 235 as “Linear Approach to a Threshold with Ergodic Rate” (LATER) (Reddi et al. 2003). 236 (Please see http://www.cudos.ac.uk/later.html for details of the model and analysis.) 237 Carpenter and Williams (1995) fit this model to human response time distributions and

From Anticipation to Action, the Role of Dopamine in Perceptual from sensory information provided by visual areas until a decision is reached. These tasks were programmed in LabView (National Instruments Corporation, methyl-p-tyrosine and a tyrosine-free amino acid load on extracellular
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