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1 AMAZING GRACE F Amazing grace! PDF

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Preview 1 AMAZING GRACE F Amazing grace!

1 3 AMAZING GRACE F HE GIVETH MORE GRACE C Amazing grace! how sweet the He giveth more grace when the sound, burdens grow greater. That saved a wretch like me! He sendeth more strength when I once was lost, but now I’m found, the labours increase. Was blind, but now I see. To added afflictions He addeth His ’Twas grace that taught my heart mercies, to fear, To multiplied trials He multiplies And grace my fears relieved; peace. How precious did that grace appear CHORUS The hour I first believed! His love has no limit, Through many dangers, toils and His grace has no measure, snares, I have already come; His power has no boundary ’Tis grace hath brought me safe known unto man, thus far, For out of His infinite riches in And grace will lead me home. Jesus, He giveth and giveth and giveth When we’ve been there ten more grace. thousand years, Bright shining as the sun; When we have exhausted our We’ve no less days to sing God’s store of endurance, praise When our strength has failed, Than when we first begun. And the day is done. When we’ve reached the end of 2 our hoarded resources, JESUS I LOVE YOU SO A Our Father’s full giving has only begun. I know a man who’s like no other 4 man, He died to save this world from HE CAME TO ME A sin, And I’ll dedicate my life to serving He came to me, He came to me, Him, When I could not come to where He died so I could live. He was He came to me; CHORUS That’s why He died on Calvary, When I could not come to where Jesus, I love You so, He was, He came to me. And I want You to know, What You’ve done for me is not in vain, 5 And I will stake my claim, HE COULD HAVE CALLED A On Your Holy name. Oh, how I love, I love You so. He could have called ten When I think of how You took my thousand angels place, To destroy the world and set Him I marvel at the wonders of Your free; grace, He could have called ten Your sacrifice for me I can’t thousand angels, replace, But He died alone for you and Oh, what a gift You gave to me. me. 6 8 LIVING BY FAITH D IN EVERYTHING A I care not today what the morrow Of all the good things that have may bring, come his way, If shadow or sunshine or rain, It is no wonder you can hear Job The Lord I know ruleth o’er say, everything, And all of my worry is vain. “The Lord giveth and taketh away, I’ll still give Him thanks;” CHORUS But when the table was all turned around, Living by faith, in Jesus above, Trusting, confiding In His great And Job’s world came crashing love; down; From all harm safe in His His faith in God caused Job to say, sheltering arm, “I’ll still give Him thanks.” I’m living by faith and feel no alarm. CHORUS Though tempest may blow and the In everything give Him } storm clouds arise, thanks, } Obscuring the brightness of life, I’m never alarmed at the overcast Give Him thanks, }2x God always has a reaso skies, In the good times praise His name, The Master looks on at the strife. In the bad times do the same, In everything give the King of I know that He safely will carry me through, Kings, All the thanks. No matter what evils betide, Why should I then care, though the When trouble comes and there’s tempest may blow, no one around, If Jesus walks close to my side. Satan, he tries to tell me that my God let me down; Our Lord will return to this earth Through every dark hour the best some sweet day, thing I’ve found, Our troubles will then all be o’er, It was to give God the thanks. The Master so gently will lead us For He has never, never, never away, failed me yet, Beyond that blest heavenly shore. So why should I start now to worry 7 or fret; HE’S ALIVE G In everything I will never forget, To give God the thanks. Hallelujah, Jesus is alive, Death has lost its victory, 9 And the grave has been denied; STANDING IN THE GAP D And Jesus is forever, He’s alive, He’s alive. I’ll be standing in the gap for you, He’s the Alpha and Omega, Just remember someone The First and Last is He; somewhere The curse of sin is broken, Is praying for you, We have perfect liberty, Calling out your name, The Lamb of God has risen; Praying for your strength, He’s alive, He’s alive, I’ll be standing in the gap for you. Hallelujah, Jesus is alive. Worthy is the Lamb 10 12 We are redeemed by his precious Since brother Branham has come blood and gone church, where are we? WE HAVE COME D IT IS WELL WITH MY SOUL A Have you the token, its token time He is our Kinsman Redeemer as far as we see (Oh can’t you see?) When peace like a river He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah We are now in the second fold We have come into His house attendeth my way, underneath the Seventh Seal To magnify His name and worship When sorrows, like sea billows O let us sing And all the Bride prophecies are Come let us sing unto the Lord becoming history Him, roll; Come let us praise and adore Him We have come into His house Whatever my lot, Seven thunders uttered outside the Thou hast taught me to say, Come let us magnify the Lord To magnify His name and worship seven church ages “It is well, it is well with my soul.” Come let us worship him Revealing new things, releasing all Him, Come let us sing unto the Lord God’s fullness CHORUS We have come into His house Come let us praise and adore Him We know the whole counsel of God, Come let us magnify the Lord operating the spoken word To magnify His name and worship It is well with my soul, Come let us worship him And proving this is that promise Christ the Lord, It is well, it is well with my soul. since June the third We sing worthy Worship Him, Christ the Lord. Tho’ Satan should buffet, The Seventh Seal were never Worthy is the Lamb Tho’ trials should come, We are redeemed by his precious sItp wokaesn h, iidt dweans b ae tswecereent the sixth and So forget about yourself, Let this blest assurance control: blood seventh trumpet Concentrate on Him and worship That Christ hath regarded He is our Kinsman Redeemer A prophet saw it in the shout and Him; My helpless estate, He is the Lion of the Tribe of Judah was commissioned to echo it out So forget about yourself, And hath shed His own blood for And Spirit-spoken words came out my soul. Come let us sing unto the Lord of his mouth Concentrate on Him and worship We the destined ones are crossing Come let us praise and adore Him Him; My sin, oh, the bliss of this glorious over Jordan Come let us magnify the Lord Entering into the blessed third pull So forget about yourself, thought, Come let us worship him land Concentrate on Him and worship My sin not in part, but the whole Is nailed to the cross, 1169 Christ the Lord, And I bear it no more; **** Worship Him, Christ the Lord. Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, SEVEN THUNDER… O my soul. Let us lift up holy hands, Seven thunders in chapter 10 of Magnify His Name and worship And Lord, haste the day Revelation When my faith shall be sight. Was prophesied and is now fulfilled Him; The clouds be rolled back as a in this end time Let us lift up holy hands, scroll. The seventh angel heard the shout, Magnify His Name and worship The trump shall resound, knew what it said and uttered it out And all the mysteries that was Him; AEnvedn t hseo ,L iot rids wshealll lw dieths cmeyn dso, ul. sealed up are now opened Let us lift up holy hands, Magnify His Name and worship But Lord, ‘tis for Thee, CHORUS Christ the Lord; For Thy coming we wait, Seven thunder people walking to Worship Him, Christ the Lord. The sky, not the grave, is our goal; perfection Oh, the Shout of the Angel! Seven thunder people walking to Oh, the Voice of the Lord! 11 adoption Blessed hope! Blessed rest of my We have seen our names within soul! JESUS I’LL NEVER FORGET F And our lives are free from sin Seven thunder people walking to 13 translation (walking to full Jesus, I’ll never forget redemption) TOUCHING JESUS F What You’ve done for me, Showers of revelation rained in 1980 Jesus, I’ll never forget Touching Jesus is all that matters, And your life will never be the And our eyes were made to see our How You set me free, same. own prophecy That we are a super race, an Jesus, I’ll never forget There is only one way to touch Him, invincible army How you brought me out, Just believe when you call on His Name. And our captain is our King Theopany Jesus I’ll never forget, no never. 14 16 Be the perfect sacrifice to atone for all mankind I am the Lord that healeth thee JUST A CLOSER WALK C FAITH OF OUR FATHERS F In God's thoughts the work's And by my stripes you are healed already done I am weak but Thou art strong, Faith of our fathers! living still, Creation was made to reveal Jus t keep the vision of your slain Jesus keep me from all wrong; In spite of dungeon, fire and his redemption enemy I’ll be satisfied as long, sword; His perfect plan was to make Who was destroyed on Calvary As I walk, let me walk O how our hearts beat high with His love known unto man. Now we’ll walk in sweet joy, Close to Thee. Whene’er we hear that glorious BRIDGE communion at your table to supp Word! with thee CHORUS When it seems the enemy is And when you stoop to wash each CHORUS after me other’s feet just remember Calvary Just a closer walk with Thee, I see him drown in the Red Grant it, Jesus, is my plea; Faith of our fathers, holy faith! Sea Daily walking close to Thee, We will be true to thee till death! God destroyed my enemy Let it be, dear Lord, let it be. Our fathers, chained in prisons Should sickness try to afflict dark, this body Thru this world of toil and snares, Were still in heart and conscience I see Christ lifted up on If I falter, Lord, who cares? free; Calvary's tree Who with me my burden shares? How sweet would be their Healing paid for me None but Thee, dear Lord, children’s fate, For any condition body, spirit None but Thee. If they like them, could die for thee! and soul Forever settled in heaven, is When my feeble life is o’er, Faith of our fathers! we will love God's eternal word Both friend and foe in all our strife; Time for me will be no more; It all comes down to the Guide me gently, safely o’er And preach thee too as love completeness knows how, To Thy kingdom shore, Of his redemptive work. By kindly words and virtuous life! To Thy shore. 1167 1168 17 **** 15 HALLELUJAH PRAISE THE...C WORSHIP OF KING LAMB I NEED THEE EVERY HOUR G JESUS LOVES ME C Lord you knew what you were CHORUS Jesus loves me! this I know, IM noeset dg rTahceioeu esv Leoryrd h; our, doing Now is the time of worship to King For the Bible tells me so; No tender voice like Thine when you carried the cross that was Lamb Little ones to Him belong, Can peace afford. meant for me Now is the time to lift up the name They are weak but He is strong. It was divine intervention and mercy of Jesus Christ CHORUS for us to be redeemed Let all heaven and all earth sing CHORUS I need Thee, O I need Thee; That bitter walk up Golgotha’s hill With our voices we raise His praises Ev’ry hour I need Thee! opened the window for me to look Now is the time of worship to King Yes, Jesus loves me, O bless me now, my Saviour, Lamb Yes, Jesus loves me, I come to Thee! and live Yes, Jesus loves me, You ripped the seals from off our Let the redeemed of the Lord I need Thee every hour, The Bible tells me so. lives and now our hearts can only Shout and sing His praises Stay Thou near by; Temptations lose their pow’r sing Our robes he’s made clean and white Jesus loves me! He who died, When Thou art nigh. We are delivered free from sin Heaven’s gates to open wide; CHORUS: He is victorious I need Thee every hour, He has conquered death, hell and the He will wash away my sin, In joy or pain; grave Let His little child come in. Come quickly and abide, Hallelujah praise the Lamb Now a new day has dawned Or life is vain. Now robed in his righteousness we And we know our Redeemer lives Jesus loves me! loves me still. stand I need Thee every hour, Though I’m very weak and ill; Most Holy One; He didn’t have to take my place BRIDGE From His shining throne on high, O make me Thine indeed, But because of amazing love he did (2x) Comes to watch me where I lie. Thou blessed Son. We sing worthy But unto true perfection 18 20 BRIDGE It is a fearful thing to fall GOD LEADS US ALONG C HAVE I DONE MY BEST F Into the hands of the living He was the slain lamb, that I wonder, have I giv’n my best to God stayed death's wrath in In shady, green pastures, so rich But call to remembrance the Eygpt's land and so sweet, Jesus, And the mighty Red Sea, that God leads His dear children along; Who died upon the cruel tree? former days drowned our enemies Where the water’s cool flow bathes To think of His great sacrifice at After you were illuminated ye The Rock smitten once, in the the weary one’s feet, Calvary, endured a great fight of midst of the elders God leads His dear children along. I know my Lord expects the best affliction And held true to your Bringing forth it's living waters from me. confession The brazen serpent lifted, so C HORUS CHORUS we could look and live Some through the waters, some Then the Ark in the midst of through the flood, How many are the lost that I Jordan, smitting death the last Some through the fire, but all have lifted? enemy through the blood; How many are the chained I’ve And in the new land we'll Some through great sorrow, but helped to free? keep the Communion God gives a song, I wonder, have I done my best In the night season and all the day for Jesus, long. When He has done so much for me? Sometimes on the mount where the sun shines so bright, The hours that I have wasted are God leads His dear children along; so many, Sometimes in the valley in the The hours I’ve spent for Christ so darkest of night, few. God leads His dear children along. Because of all my lack of love for Jesus, 1165 **** 1166 Tophpoo’ sseo,r rows befall us, and Satan I wonder if His heart is breaking too? HIS PERFECT PLAN God leads His dear children along; T HE FINISH WORK IS… C Through grace we can conquer, I wonder, have I cared enough In his wounding he thought of defeat all our foes, for others, I lift my eyes to Calvary my transgressions God leads His dear children along. Or have I let them die alone? Where the sin question was settled As he was being bruised, he The great Masterpeice of God thought of my iniquities Away from the mire, and away I might have helped a wanderer from the clay, to the Saviour; was smitten when he was being chastised Without reservation the lamb he thought of my peace God leads His dear children along; The seed of precious Life I might Away up in glory, eternity’s days, have sown. gave up His life as he took those stripes, of God leads His dear children along. Now every need I have He every sickness that could No longer will I stay within the will supply afflict me 19 valley, For in his dying, he had in I’ll climb to mountain heights CHORUS: mind AS THE MOUNTAINS Bm above Making provisions for my All the way from earth to glory } entire earthly life As the mountains are around } The world is dying now for want The finish work is sufficient Jerusalem; } of someone He thought of everything for me } The Lord is all around His people}2x T o t e l l t h em of the Saviour’s (repeat 2) It is sufficient for me}2x (Absolutely everything) He CHORUS matchless love. knew I'd ever need. All the blessings He made secure From this time forth forevermore, 21 He will not withold it from me The Lord is all around His people. CHORUS: From this time forth it shall always REMEMBER ME G I see before me a vision of Calvary be, The Lord is And know I know I have no Before the foundation of the all around His people. Remember me, Almighty One, need of fear world Remember me, Almighty One. Presenting my token with my As Mt. Zion in the midst of } prayer T'was written in the heavens Jerusalem } Speak now to me, Almighty One, that he would We shall not be moved.}2x }2x I'll look and live! Speak now to me, Almighty One. 22 24 That set me free In watchings, in fastings WHEN I SEE THE BLOOD A WHAT A FRIEND D Sometimes when I feel the guilt of By pureness, by knowledge, by sin honor Christ our Redeemer died on the What a friend we have in Jesus, Going through my mind And dishonor, by evil report and cross, All our sins and griefs to bear! And my memory seems to take me good report Died for the sinner, paid all His due; What a privilege to carry back As deceivers and yet true Sprinkle your soul with the blood Everything to God in prayer! To all my wasted time As unkown but yet well-known of the Lamb, O what peace we often forfeit, It’s there Jesus came and showed As dying but behold we live And I will pass, will pass over O what needless pain we bear, me As chastened and not killed you. All because we do not carry It’s not what I’ve done Yet we live Everything to God in prayer! To deserve His love, His Blood, His CHORUS We then as workers together with grace Have we trials and temptations? Him Nor the strength to run this race When I see the blood, Is there trouble anywhere? Always beseech you that receive not When I see the blood, We should never be The Grace of God in vain The life I lived there When I see the blood, discouraged, Giving no offence in anything that I will pass, I will pass over you. Take it to the Lord in prayer. Can’t compare with the grace god the ministry be not blamed Can we find a friend so faithful, has shown As sorrowful yet always rejoicing Chiefest of sinners, Jesus will Who will all our sorrows share? And the joys that Jesus given me As poor, yet making many rich save; This world will never know Jesus knows our every weakness, All He has promised, that will He Take it to the Lord in prayer. They told me I’ve been justified BRIDGE do; my life is free from sin Wash in the fountain opened for Are we weak and heavy laden, He said child you are my bride What can separate us from the love sin, Cumbered with a load of care? You are my queen, you’re my own in Christ Jesus And I will pass, will pass over you. Precious Saviour, still our refuge, You’ll sit with me upon my throne Shall tribulation, distress, Take it to the Lord in prayer. persecution Judgement is coming, all will be Do thy friends despise, forsake Now I’m free I say nothing at all there, thee? Because the Son has set me free 1164 Each one receiving justly his Take it to the Lord in prayer; Yes through His blood **** due; In His arms He’ll take and shield I’m having daily victory FOR YET A LITTLE WHILE Hide in the saving, sin-cleansing thee, It was love that made him blood, Thou wilt find a solace there. Bring it down to me Cast not away therefore your And I will pass, will pass over It was love, It was blood, It was you. 25 mercy confidence Which is ye great recompence That set me free Oh, great compassion! O LET ME WALK WITH YOU D of reward boundless love! For ye have need of patience, O loving kindness, faithful and I’ve been on the mountain with 1163 That after ye have done the true! Jesus, will of God Find peace and shelter under the And I’ve been in this valley so low; ALWAYS DELIVERED TO DEATH Ye might receive the promise blood, But never one time has He failed After, that which ye have And I will pass, will pass over me, CHORUS heard you. To Him with my troubles I go. 23 C HORUS We are always delivered unto death (2x) CHORUS That the life of Jesus could reign Let me walk with You Jesus, KNOW YE NOT D Don’t ever leave me alone, within our bodies For yet a little while For without You I could never, That the life of Jesus could reign He that shall come, will come Know ye not, know ye not} No never make heaven my home. within our souls And will not tarry ye are the temple? }3x We are always delivered unto death (2x) Ye are the temple of the Holy You found me when I was so Now the just shall live by Ghost. lonely, But in all things, approving faith You found me when I was so ourselves But if any man draw back Filled with grace, filled with} blue, In much patience, in afflictions, in God shall have no pleasure in power, filled with glory. }3x You found me when no one stripes him would love me, Ye are the temple of the Holy And no one knew just what to do. In imprisonments, in tumults, in But we are not of them that Ghost. labour draw back unto perdition 1160 26 28 **** I’ve fed you on fresh-kill meat WALK IN THE LIGHT C where there’s no poison of deceit CLOSE TO THEE F THE OLD RUGGED CROSS G Where so ever the carcass is Move spirit move upon my earth There have I gathered you Thou, my everlasting portion, On a hill far away stood an old Uncover the face of my deep You felt the power of my love More than friend or life to me, rugged cross, Move spirit move upon my earth Set your affections on things that’s All along my pilgrim journey, The emblem of suffering and Flutter your wings come in now above Saviour, let me walk with Thee. shame, king of all lights drive away my night You are a heavenly bird (4x) Close to Thee, close to Thee, And I love that old cross where let the new day be realize Close to Thee, close to Thee; the dearest and best, Walk in the light All along my pilgrim journey, For a world of lost sinners was He is the light Saviour, let me walk with Thee. slain. And you will become light Not for ease or worldly pleasure, C HORUS Let there be no part dark in me Nor for fame my prayer shall be; So I’ll cherish the old rugged Father take over my soul Let the glory that I once shared with Gladly will I toil and suffer, cross, thee long ago Only let me walk with Thee. Till my trophies at last I lay down; Be now awaken in me Close to Thee, close to Thee, I will cling to the old rugged King of all lights Drive away my night Close to Thee, close to Thee; cross, Let this new day be realized Gladly will I toil and suffer, And exchange it some day for a Only let me walk with Thee. This is the promise of the day star that crown. had risen in the west Lead me through the vale of shadows, Oh, that old rugged cross, so Arise and shine thy light has come (2x) Bear me o’er life’s fitful sea; despised by the world, Can you see it Has a wondrous attraction for Do you believe it Then the gate of life eternal, me; Can you accept it May I enter, Lord, with Thee. For the dear Lamb of God left It is yours Close to Thee, close to Thee, His glory above, 1161 1162 Close to Thee, close to Thee; **** Then the gate of life eternal T o bear it to dark Calvary. YOU ARE A HEAVENLY BIRD ALL ALONG IT WAS MERCY May I enter, Lord, with Thee. In the old rugged cross, stained with blood so divine, Spread your wings and fly 27 You belong to the sky I’ve lived a life of sin and shame A wondrous beauty I see. Spread your wings and fly All the way I knew I was wrong LORD PLEASE USE ME G F o r ’ t w as on that old cross Come up here on high My heart was black, my ears were Jesus suffered and died, Don’t stay on the ground with all deaf Oh Lord, please use me, To pardon and sanctify me. those barnyard chickens around Had eyes and I could not see And don’t refuse me, You are a heavenly bird (2x) I was running from the one For surely there’s a work that I To the old rugged cross I will ever Who could save my soul must do, be true, I’ve given you prophetic eyes I did not know Him then Though it makes me ever so humble, Its shame and reproach gladly So you won’t believe those lies But He still reached down His Help my poor heart to crumble, bear; I’ve given you half an hour space loving Hand And though the cost be great, Then He’ll call me some day to my You can mount to a heavenly place And opened my eyes to see I'll work for You. home far away, Lift yourselves on the mountain High where none of those buzzards CHORUS You’re the Lily of my Valley, Where His glory forever I’ll share. cannot fly You’re my Bright and Morning Star, 29 You are a heavenly bird (2x) All Along it was mercy You’re the Fairest of Ten That Jesus showed on Calvary Thousand to my soul, I JUST CAME TO PRAISE C I’ve already overcome And it was blood You’re the Beautiful Rose of Set your eyes on the sun I’ve taken you from your nest That he shed to set me free Sharon, I just came to praise the Lord, You made a right turn at the west It was love that made Him You’re my all and all in all, I just came to praise the Lord, I’ve fed you well in this age, Bring it down to me And most of all, I just came to praise His holy No one can ever put you back in a cage It was love, it was blood, it was You’re my soon coming King. name, You are a heavenly bird (2x) mercy I just came to praise the Lord. 30 32 Time goes by so quickly, the days Always standing at your post of duty, go by so fast shouting from the ‘Amen corner’ NEAR THE CROSS F WHERE NEVER GROW OLD C Now your chapters have been But not one jot or one tittle of His written, Jesus, keep me near the cross, I have heard of a land on the far word will pass And the book of your life is closed There’s a precious fountain, away strand, He ever lives to make his presence You’ll hear Him say ‘well done my Free to all, a healing stream, ’Tis a beautiful home of the soul; sure child, you have overcome as I’ Flows from Calvary’s mountain. Built by Jesus on high, there we He ever watches over His word Remembering your years of CHORUS never shall die, And he said my sheep hear my voice ’Tis a land where we’ll never grow old. And no other will they follow sacrifice and service to the Bride In the cross, in the cross, We saw it was the life of Christ Be my glory ever, CHORUS displayed before our eyes Till my raptured soul shall find I pledge my life to Him with my Your dedication and commitment to Rest beyond the river. Never grow old, never grow old, whole heart the cause for which you stood Gives us faith to press on to the end In a land where we’ll never grow That by His love and His grace Near the cross, a trembling soul, knowing we'll meet you soon again old; I’ll seek Him daily without ceasing Love and mercy found me; There the Bright and Morning Star Never grow old, never grow old, Till I feel His requirements BRIDGE Sheds its beams around me. In a land where we’ll never grow old. Flowing through this little stature of mine You were a servant to the cause, Near the cross! O Lamb of God, In that beautiful home where we’ll The work and ministry of the Lord Till I manifest the living Christ Bring its scenes before me; nevermore roam, The beauty of Israel on display, For He became sin like me Help me walk from day to day, We shall be in the sweet by and by; A live voice thundering forth With its shadows over me. Happy praise to the King, through That I might become His Today we bless our God on high for eternity sing, righteousness your fervent princely life Near the cross I’ll watch and wait, ’Tis a land where we never shall die. God’s promise will be our anchor in Hoping, trusting, ever, faith, Till I reach the golden strand, When our work here is done and Our brother (sister) we’ll meet in the Just beyond the river. the life - crown is won, skies. 31 And our troubles and trials are o’er, 1158 **** 1159 **** All our sorrows will end, and our THE ETERNAL IS CALLING C THE BLOOD JESUS SHED A voices will blend, WE SALUTE YOU G With the loved ones who’ve gone An open Door is what I seek The Blood that Jesus shed for me, on before. In great respect and honour for this To satisfy my inner deep Way back on Calvary; noble life you've lived Another realm a higher life The Blood that gives me strength 33 We know that this is not the end, Perfect faith, perfect love from day to day, we’ll see soon someday It shall never lose its power. SURELY GOODNESS C Now you’re no longer trapped in time, It is here I can tell I can feel the atmosphere but you’re blended with eternity In this in this unknown CHORUS Surely goodness and mercy We say to you ‘until dear soldier, go We walk by faith Shall follow me, and rest in your Theophany’ The celestial world is our home It reaches to the highest All the days, mountain, All the days of my life. CHORUS So father just led Me And it flows to the lowest valley; You know the way Surely goodness and mercy The Blood that gives me strength We salute a soldier of the cross Help me surrender from day to day, Shall follow me all the days, A mighty gentile warrior All of my ways It shall never lose its power. All the days of my life. A brother, (sister)a father (mother) Father just lead us And I shall dwell in the House of you know the way and a friend It soothes my doubts and calms the Lord forever, We salute a victorious overcomeir Help us to keep our eyes my fears, only on your face And I shall feast at the table A battle-scarred warrior And it dries all my tears; spread for you and me, Our brother, (God's soldier) we The eternal is calling me The Blood that gives me strength Surely goodness and mercy salute you To do the things I've never dreamed from day to day, Shall follow me all the days, To go a place Eyes never seen It shall never lose its power. Through the testing and the trials, All around me feel strange All the days of my life. you faith only grew stronger The eternal is calling me In the Spirit of prophecy And if children then heirs, heirs of 34 36 Let us set the captives free God 1155 And joint-heirs with Christ PASS ME NOT F JESUS BREAKS FETTER F **** If so be that we suffer with Him ANGEL OF GOD C We’ll reign Pass me not, O gentle Saviour, I am now on the altar,}3x Hear my humble cry; Which was made for me. Angel of God you've led me For the earnest expectation While on others Thou art calling, To my place Of the creature Do not pass me by. C HORUS Angel of God I could not run this race Waiteth for the manifestation Jesus breaks every fetter,}3x You should me a vision of my CHORUS standing and my state Of the sons of God For He sets me free! Angel of God keep me in the way For the creature itself (I will ever, ever praise Him.) Saviour, Saviour, Was made subject to vanity (I will give God the glory......) Are not these your ministering spirit Not willingly, but by reason of Him Hear my humble cry; (I will shout Hallelujah ........) Sent forth to the heirs of salvation Who had subjected in hope While on others Thou art calling, we are conscious of the unseen Do not pass me by. I will never doubt my Saviour, }3x presence that is amongst us no need For He cleanses me. to ponder,we have no need fear Let me at Thy throne of mercy There is more standing here with us Find a sweet relief; I will rest on His promise,}3x than the enemy Kneeling there in deep contrition, Which is given to me. Help my unbelief. Elijah's servant was stricken in fear On the other side of Jordan, by the enemy Trusting only in Thy merit, In the sweet fields of Eden He could not see the angelic hosts Would I seek Thy face; Where the Tree of Life is blooming, around God's prophet There is rest for me. Trapped by his birth in a realm they Heal my wounded, broken spirit, call reality Save me by Thy grace. Then Elijah cried out Lord open up his eyes 37 There more standing here with us Thou the Spring of all my comfort, than the enemy More than life to me, 1156 FRIENDSHIP WITH JESUS C Whom have I on earth beside Thee? **** 1157 Whom in heaven but Thee? ABBA FATHER F **** A friend of Jesus, O, what bliss, That one so vile as I APPRECIATION G For as many as are led by the spirit 35 Should ever have a friend like this God To lead me to the sky. They are the sons of God All that my Lord has done for me BLEST THE TIE THAT BINDS F For the Spirit itself beareth witness I don’t want to let Him down CHORUS With our spirits Oh how he came and set me free Blest be the tie that binds, That we are the children of God Turn my life around Our hearts in Christian love; Friendship with Jesus, The fellowship of kindred minds Fellowship divine, Oh how he found me when I was CHORUS Is like to that above. O what blessed, sweet communion, lost Jesus is a friend of mine. He redeemed my soul Before our Father’s throne, For we have not received Oh how marvelous is His love We pour our ardent prayers; A friend when other friendships cease, The spirit of bondage again to fear He promised He won’t leave me Our fears, our hopes, our aims A friend when others fail, But we have received the spirit of alone are one, A friend who gives me joy and peace, adoption Our comforts and our cares. A friend when foes assail. Whereby we cry Abba Father CHORUS We share our mutual woes, A friend when sickness lays me low, Abba, Abba Father Our mutual burdens bear; A friend when death draws near, Abba, Abba, Abba Father Grace is what he has done for me And often for each other flows A friend as thru the vale I go, Abba, Abba, Abba, Father Works is what I do in appreciation The sympathizing tear. A friend to help and cheer. (He’s my salvation) For I reckon that sufferings When we asunder part, Grace is what he has done for me A friend when life’s short race is o’er, Of this present time It gives us inward pain; A friend when earth is past, Are not worthy, to be compared Works is what I do in appreciation But we shall still be joined in A friend to meet on Heaven's shore, With the glory revealed in us heart, A friend when home at last. And hope to meet again. 38 40 Like Ruth coming out of a broken, We came from God and go back to barren land, God THE GREAT PHYSICIAN C THE HEALER D I came in to the house of God’s bread To live eternally On the Cross crucified, in great Though I be a stranger, I followed Not just an ordinary housewife The great Physician now is near, sorrow He died; the voice inside Not just an ordinary father The sympathizing Jesus, The Giver of life was He. I was instructed, to the feet of the Not just an ordinary builder He speaks the drooping heart to Yet my Lord was despised and one who would change my life But through our lives and cheer, rejected of men, So I laid my claim upon the word occupation Oh, hear the voice of Jesus. This Jesus of Calvary. which I was thought God is revealing to us, our eternal With all my heart I believe for he destination CHORUS CHORUS hath proven faithful before In the home of the just Sweetest note in seraph song, With a promise that he would not He was wounded for our CHORUS Sweetest name on mortal tongue; transgressions, rest until it’s done Sweetest carol ever sung, He did exactly as was promised – oh Spirit daughters of a Spirit God He was bruised for our iniquities; Jesus, blessed Jesus. lord! I could never repay such love Living in a flesh body Surely He bore our sorrows, We came from God and go back to God Your many sins are all forgiven, And by His stripes we are healed. Count the cost of what Jesus did for To live eternally Oh, hear the voice of Jesus; Price for healing was paid, you and me Not just an ordinary housewife Go on your way in peace to heaven, As those cruel stripes were made, Count the cost of what Jesus did for Not just an ordinary father And wear a crown with Jesus. Within Pilate’s judgement hall, you and me at Calvary Not just an ordinary carpenter or an Now His suffering affords perfect Count the cost as he left his home in ordinary builder All glory to the dying Lamb! healing for all, glory, redemption story for you and me But through our lives and I now believe in Jesus; This wonderful Healer’s mine. Count the cost as he left his throne occupation I love the blessed Saviour’s name, on high, came down to die for you God is revealing to us, our eternal I love the name of Jesus. Came the leper to Christ, saying and me destination “Surely I know, In the home of the just BRIDGE His name dispels my guilt and fear, That Thou, Lord, can’st make me 1154 No other name but Jesus; whole.” On Easter morning he rose from the **** O how my soul delights to hear When His great faith was seen, grave LET US RISE AND PRAISE...Am The charming name of Jesus. Jesus said, “Yes I will’” Restoring access to the tree of life And touched him and made him That since in Eden was taken away, CHORUS 39 clean. but now It’s given back to the bride Let us rise and praise the Lord JESUS PAID IT ALL C He has healed my sick soul, Let us rise and praise the Lord The title deed has been restored Made me every whit whole, Give Him honour, give Him glory, I hear the Saviour say, And He’ll do the same for you. Now we can look and live forever more! give Him praise Let us rise and praise the Lord “Thy strength indeed is small, He’s the same yesterday and 1153 Let us rise and praise the Lord Child of weakness, watch and pray, today and forever, **** Give Him honour, give Him glory, Find in Me thine all in all.” This Healer of men today. SPIRIT SONS OF A SPIRIT GOD G give Him praise CHORUS 41 We have seen the Cloud When the world looks this is what Thirty miles up in the sky Jesus paid it all, COME MY BROTHER COME C they see. Yes He has returned All to Him I owe; God’s ordinary people living Redemption draweth nigh Come my brother come; Sin had left a crimson stain; Come my sister too, ordinary lives Judgment to the world He washed it white as snow. Come run into the storehouse, Meek humble and simple But mercy to the Bride But when I look this is what I see Our bodies will be changed A double portion awaits you; Lord, now indeed I find, Bring your earthen vessels The blood wash saints of God W e’ll take our flight into the skies Thy power and Thine alone, Refill them again and again, Elohim’s Attributes expressed in CHORUS Can change the leper’s spots, All other barns are empty, flash again And melt the heart of stone. Only Joseph's barn has grain. All the mysteries are revealed CHORUS Under the 7th seal I just came to love the Lord, In the mirror now we see Since nothing good have I I just came to love the Lord, Spirit sons of a Spirit God Mama look…. It’s me Whereby Thy grace to claim, I just came to love His holy Living in a flesh body I’ll wash my garments white, name, Let’s ride this trail again In the blood of Calv’ry’s Lamb. I just came to praise the Lord. For not much time remains

'Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, If Jesus walks close to my side Just believe when you call on His .. Don't stay on the ground with all.
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