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1. Abelian categories Most of homological algebra can be carried out in the setting of abelian ... PDF

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Preview 1. Abelian categories Most of homological algebra can be carried out in the setting of abelian ...

1. Abelian categories Most of homological algebra can be carried out in the setting of abelian categories, aclassofcategorieswhichincludesontheonehandallcategories of modules and on the other hand categories of (abelian) sheaves. In this section we give a quick introduction to abelian categories. There are three layers of structure, and we discuss each in succession. 1.1. Pre-additivecategories. InageneralcategoryCthehomsetsC(A,B) are simply sets; however, in many specific cases we find that these sets carry some additional structure. For example, consider the category Pos of posets and order-preserving functions. For two posets A,B, the homset Pos(A,B) is again an ordered set if we let f ≤ g ⇔ f(x) ≤ g(x) for all x ∈ A. Sim- ilarly, in the category Rel of sets and relations we may define an ordering on Rel(A,B) by saying that R ≤ S if and only if R (as a subset of A×B) is contained in S, i.e. if aRb implies aSb. Also, in the category of abelian groups, the homset AbGrp(A,B) is more than a mere set: it is itself an abelian group under the operation of pointwise addition. More generally, in any category of modules we have that R−Mod(A,B) is an abelian group. Thephenomenonthatcategoriesmayhavehomsetswithadditionalstruc- ture goes by the name of enrichment: we say that the category Rel is en- riched in posets, or that the category of R-modules is enriched in abelian groups. We will not go into the theory of enriched categories in general (a standard reference is Max Kelly’s book “Enriched Category Theory”) but only concentrate on the abelian group case. Definition 1.1. A category C is called pre-additive (equivalently: enriched in abelian groups) if for each pair of objects A,B of C the homset C(A,B) is an abelian group; moreover, it is required that the composition functions C(B,C)×C(A,B) −→ C(A,C) are additive in each variable. Explicitly, the condition on composition means that given a diagram g (cid:47)(cid:47) f (cid:47)(cid:47) k (cid:47)(cid:47) A B (cid:47)(cid:47) C D h we have (g+h)f = gf +hf; k(g+h) = kg+kh. Note that pre-additivity is really an extra piece of structure on the cat- egory: in particular, a category may be pre-additive in different ways. To see this, take a category with two objects A,B and let Hom(A,A) = 0 = Hom(B,B), and Hom(A,B) a 4-element set. Then since we have Z/4Z (cid:54)∼= Z/2Z⊕Z/2Z there are two different abelian group structures on Hom(A,B). Examples 1.2. (1) As mentioned earlier, any category of R-modules is pre-additive when we define a pointwise group structure on the homsets. In particular the category of abelian groups is pre-additive. 1 2 (2) Recallthataone-objectcategoryisthesamethingasamonoid. Now a one-object pre-additive category is the same thing as a monoid which also has the structure of an abelian group, in such a way that the multiplication (which is the composition in the one-object category) preserves addition. Such a structure is commonly called a ring. So, if you like, you can regard a pre-additive category as a “multi-object” ring. (3) If C is pre-additive then so is the opposite category Cop. (4) If C is pre-additive then so is any functor category CD. Exercise 1. Work out the last example. Exercise 2. Show that pre-additive structure on a category C corresponds to a lift of the Hom-functor of C, as in AbGrp (cid:115)(cid:57)(cid:57) (cid:115) (cid:115) (cid:115) U (cid:115) (cid:15)(cid:15) Cop×C (cid:47)(cid:47) Set C(−,−) where U is the forgetful functor. Definition 1.3 (Additive functor). Let F : C −→ D be a functor between pre-additive categories. We say F is additive whenever for each pair of objects A,B of C the induced function C(A,B) −→ D(FA,FB) is an additive map. The apparent terminological mismatch (pre-additive vs. additive) will be cleared up in the next section. Examples 1.4. (1) The forgetful functor R−Mod −→ AbGrp is additive. (2) When C and D are both pre-additive categories, then we may con- siderthe(full)subcategoryofCD onthoseobjectswhichareadditive functors C −→ D. This is again a pre-additive category. (3) Let R be a ring, considered as one-object pre-additive category. By the previous example the category of additive functors from R to the category of abelian groups is again a pre-additive category. (4) For any pre-additive category with terminal object, the global sec- tionsfunctorfactorsadditivelythroughthecategoryofabeliangroups. Exercise 3. Show that global sections is an additive functor. Exercise 4. Prove that the category of additive functors from R to AbGrp is equivalent (via an additive functor!) to the category of R-modules. Exercise 5. Let A be an object of a pre-additive category C. Show that End(A) = C(A,A) is a ring. 3 1.2. Additive categories. We now add some extra structure to our pre- additive categories: Definition 1.5 (Additive category). A pre-additive category C is additive if it has finite products and a zero object. Most examples of pre-additive categories given before are in fact additive: for any ring R, the category of R-modules is additive; if C is additive then so is CD for any D, and so is the subcategory on the additive functors D −→ C if D is also (pre-)additive. The correct notion of functor between additive categories is the same as for pre-additive categories. The reason is that, as we shall see below, any additive functor automatically preserves finite products and zero objects. We now show that the notion of additive category is, in spite of the apparent non-duality of the definition, is self-dual. For that, we show that any additive category not only has products but also has finite coproducts. In fact: Lemma 1.6. If C is additive, then C has biproducts. Proof. Given two objects A,B write A⊕B for the product of A and B. We shall show that A⊕B is (the vertex of) a coproduct of A and B. Define coproduct inclusions by (cid:104)1 ,0(cid:105) : A −→ A⊕B; (cid:104)0,1 (cid:105) : B −→ A⊕B. A B Given morphisms f : A −→ C and g : B −→ C define [f,g] : A⊕B −→ C as fπ +gπ . Remaining details are left as exercise. (cid:3) A B Exercise 6. Complete the proof. We now obtain: Corollary 1.7. If C is additive then so is Cop. Notethatweusedthatadditivestructureonhomsets(andthezeromaps) to define the coproduct structure. Thus, the additive structure on C and the finite products are related! To make this clearer, consider two parallel maps f,g : A −→ B. On the one hand, since our category is pre-additive, we may use the abelian group structure on C(A,B) to form f +g. But on the other hand we can consider δ [f,g] A −−→ A⊕A −−−−→ B. Here, δ is the diagonal map. From the construction of [f,g] it is clear that f +g = [f,g]δ. Thus, the addition on C(A,B) can be recovered from the biproduct structure. Moreover, the map A −→ 0 −→ B is indeed the unit element of C(A,B) (check!). This means that in an additive category the pre-additive structure (i.e. the abelian group structures on C(A,B) is uniquely determined. Conse- quently, unlike for pre-additive categories, it is impossible for a category to be additive in more than one way. Exercise 7. Let F : C −→ D be an additive functor between additive cate- gories. Show that F preserves finite products and the zero object. 4 1.3. Abelian categories. The final step to make is to add to the notion of additive category some exactness properties: Definition 1.8 (AbelianCategory). AnadditivecategoryCiscalledabelian if: (i) every map in C has a kernel; (ii) every map in C has a cokernel; (iii) every monomorphism in C is the kernel of its cokernel; (iv) every epimorphism in C is the cokernel of its kernel. Note that this definition is again self-dual so that C is abelian if and only if Cop is. The conditions on monomorphisms and epimorphisms imply that these are regular; in particular, an abelian category is balanced, in the sense that any morphism which is at the same time mono and epi is an isomorphism. Examples 1.9. (1) The leading example of an abelian category is R−Mod for any ring R. (2) If C is abelian then so is CD for any D. (3) If C is abelian and D is (pre-)additive then the category of additive functors D −→ C is again abelian. (Thus the fact that R−Mod is abelian is a consequence of the fact that this category is of the form AbGrpR and that AbGrp is abelian.) (4) The category of finite abelian groups is abelian. (5) Thecategoryoffreeabeliangroupsisadditivebutnotabelian(check!). We begin with a few easy consequences of the definition. Lemma 1.10. In an abelian category, every morphism factors as an epi- morphism followed by a monomorphism. Moreover, such factorization is essentially unique. i Proof. Consider a morphism f : A −→ B. First form the kernel Ker(f) −→ e A. Next, take the cokernel of the result, as to obtain A −−→ Coker(Ker(f)). Since fi = 0, the universal property of the cokernel induces a factorization f = me where m : Coker(Ker(f)) −→ B. Usually, one writes Im(f) for Coker(Ker(f)). It is now straightforward to check that m is a monomor- phism. Moreover, given any other factorization f = m(cid:48)e(cid:48) with m(cid:48) monic, e(cid:48) epi, we get a diagram Im(f) (cid:60)(cid:60) (cid:31) (cid:70) (cid:121)(cid:121)(cid:121)(cid:121)e(cid:121)(cid:121)(cid:121)(cid:121)(cid:121) (cid:31)(cid:31) (cid:70)(cid:70)(cid:70)(cid:70)m(cid:70)(cid:70)(cid:70)(cid:34)(cid:34) (cid:31) A (cid:71)(cid:71)(cid:71)e(cid:71)(cid:48)(cid:71)(cid:71)(cid:71)(cid:71)(cid:71)(cid:35)(cid:35) (cid:15)(cid:15)(cid:31)(cid:31)(cid:31) (cid:119)(cid:119)(cid:119)(cid:119)(cid:119)m(cid:119)(cid:119)(cid:48)(cid:119)(cid:119)(cid:59)(cid:59) B D where the dotted arrow arises from the universal property of the cokernel. Using the universal property of e(cid:48) one obtains an arrow in the opposite direction and it is readily seen that these are inverse. (cid:3) 5 Exercise 8. Complete the details. Let C be an additive category. Then a subcategory D is called an additive subcategory of C if D is itself additive and the inclusion functor preserves the additive structure. Forexample,thefullsubcategoryofR−ModontheprojectiveR-modules is an additive subcategory, as is the full subcategory on the free R-modules. Exercise 9. If S is a subring of R, show that S−Mod may be regarded as an additive subcategory of R−Mod. Similarly, a subcategory of an abelian category is called an abelian sub- category if it is itself abelian and when the inclusion functor preserves all structure. For example, the category of finite abelian groups is an abelian subcategory of the category of all abelian groups. Exercise 10. LetRbearing,andconsiderthecategoryoffinitelygenerated R-modules. Show that this is an additive subcategory of R −Mod. Note that in general it will not be abelian since it need not contain all kernels (a submodule of a finitely generated module need not be finitely generated again). You might expect a corresponding definition of abelian functor (say as and additive functor which preserves kernels and cokernels) but that’s too quick: first, while almost all functors that naturally arise between abelian categoriesareadditive, manyofthemarenotexact(i.e. preservethekernels and cokernels). Second, from the point of view of homological algebra the exact functors are not the most interesting ones: rather, the focus is on understanding how far certain additive functors are from being exact. We thus make the following definitions: Definition 1.11 (Exact Functor). Let F : C −→ D be an additive functor between abelian categories. Then F is called (i) left exact if F preserves kernels (ii) right exact if F preserves cokernels (iii) exact if it is both left- and right exact. Many interesting functors are either left- or right exact, but not both. As an important example, consider the functor Hom (A,−) : R−Mod −→ AbGrp, R f for a fixed R-module A. Recall that on arrows B −−→ C, this functor is defined to act by postcomposition, i.e. Hom (A,f) : Hom (A,B) −→ R R Hom (A,C) sends k : A −→ B to fk. We shall often write f∗ for this map. R It is easy to see that this functor takes values in abelian groups, because postcompositionpreservestheabeliangroupstructure. Forthesamereason, Hom (A,−) is additive: the map R R−Mod(B,C) −→ AbGrp(Hom (A,B),Hom (A,C)) R R is a homomorphism, since for f,g : B −→ C we have (f +g)∗(k) = (f +g)k = fk+gk = f∗k+g∗k so that (f +g)∗ = f∗+g∗. 6 m To see that Hom (A,−) is left exact, consider a kernel Ker(f) −−→ M R f m∗ −−→ N. We wish to show that Hom (A,M) −−−→ Hom (A,Ker(f)) is the R R kernel of Hom (A,f). Thus take p : A −→ M. Then f∗(p) = 0, that is, R pf = 0, if and only if p factors through Ker(f), if and only if p is of the form m∗(q). However, Hom (A,−) is typically not right exact. Indeed, consider an R epimorphism M −−→e N. To say that e∗ : Hom (A,M) −→ Hom (A,N) is R R surjective is to say that every f : A −→ N is in the image of e∗, i.e. is of the form f = ef for some f : A −→ M. See the diagram (cid:62)(cid:62)M (cid:125) f (cid:125) (cid:125) e (cid:125) (cid:15)(cid:15)(cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:47)(cid:47) A N. f Thus, we see: Proposition 1.12. For a fixed R-module A, the (covariant) hom-functor Hom (A,−) : R−Mod −→ AbGrp is left exact. Moreover, it is exact if and R only if A is projective. We may dualize all of the above, and consider, for a fixed R-module B, the (contravariant!) functor Hom (−,B) : (R−Mod)op −→ AbGrp. R UsingthefactthatkernelsinCoparecokernelsinC,onefindsthatHom (−,B) R preserves kernels but in general not cokernels. Therefore: Proposition 1.13. For a fixed R-module B, the contravariant hom-functor Hom (−,B) : (R−Mod)op −→ AbGrp is left exact. Moreover, it is exact if R and only if B is injective. Exercise 11. Consider the forgetful functor R − Mod −→ AbGrp. Is this functor left exact? Right exact? Exercise 12. Suppose F : C −→ D is an additive functor which has a left adjoint. Prove that F is left exact. Formulate and derive a dual statement. 1.4. The Freyd-Mitchell embedding theorem. Categories of modules are not only the motivating example of abelian categories, but they are also a universal example, in the sense that for most questions about abelian categories can be settled in categories of modules. More concretely, there are several related embedding theorems (for the reader interested in more information on this, see Peter Freyd’s book on Abelian Categories, freely available online). We state one useful version here: Theorem 1.14. Let C be a (small) abelian category. Then there exists a ring R and a full embedding C −→ R−Mod. This embedding preserves all abelian structure (i.e. is additive and preserves kernels and cokernels). So,everysmallabeliancategoryisafullabeliansubcategoryofacategory of modules. The power of this result lies in the fact that we can now reduce 7 problems about abelian categories in general to problems about categories of modules. More precisely, in order to show that a given statement holds in an arbitrary abelian category it suffices to show that it holds in categories of modules. As an illustration, consider Lemma 1.10: we gave a general arrow-theoretic proof of this, but in a category of modules there is a more intuitive proof using elements and functions (by using the usual surjective- injective factorization of a homomorphism). The embedding theorem now saysthatitwouldhavebeensufficienttoprovethelemmaonlyforcategories of modules. There are a few things to keep in mind: first, one cannot use the theo- rem to generalize every possible statement about categories of modules to arbitrary abelian categories. For example, consider the statement “Abelian categories are complete”. Certainly categories of modules are complete, but not every abelian category is (for example, the category of finite abelian groups is not). The problem here is that the statement is a statement about arbitrarily large collections of objects and arrows, while the embedding the- orem only applies to small abelian categories. By contrast, a statement like “In an abelian category the pullback of an epimorphism is again an epimor- phism” works fine, since this involves only finitary data about objects and arrows in the category. In short, the embedding theorem works if you have a statement which is really a statement about small subcategories of abelian categories. Note that given a small set of objects and arrows of a given abelian category we mayalwaysconsidertheabeliansubcategorygeneratedbytheseobjectsand arrows, and that this subcategory is again small. Exercise 13. Give examples of statements which are true in some abelian categories but not in all categories of modules. Exercise 14. Give an example of an abelian category which does not have enough projectives. Why does the embedding theorem not apply? 8 2. Chain complexes and homology In the previous section we saw that the hom functor Hom(A,−) is in general not exact, but only left exact: if the object A is projective, then all the necessary liftings exist and Hom(A,−) is exact; thus we may regard the failure of exactness as a result of obstructions to forming certain liftings. We would like to have a way to measure how far Hom(A,−) is from being exact or, equivalently, how far A is from being projective. More generally, given a left exact functor F, we would like to measure and describe what the obstructions are to F being exact. Homological algebra achieves this by associatingtoF asequenceoffunctorscalledderivedfunctors. Thesederived functors are defined using resolutions, which in turn are a special kind of chain complexes. Roughly speaking, the purpose of chain complexes is to capture and organize the relevant information about the objects/functors in question. In this section we introduce the key notions of chain complexes and ho- mology, leaving resolutions and derived functors for the next section. We discuss matters on the level of abelian categories, but the reader may pretend that we’re working in a category of modules. In fact, we will often do so ourselves with no loss of generality because of the Freyd-Mitchell embedding theorem. 2.1. Chain complexes. We begin by defining the notion of a chain com- plex, and of a chain map between chain complexes. Let C be an abelian category. Then a Z-graded object in C is a family (Cn)n∈Z of objects in- dexed by the integers. Clearly, a Z-graded object is the same thing as a diagram in C of type Z, regarded as a discrete category. Given two Z-graded objects C = (C ),D = (D ), a graded map of degree n n p from C to D is a Z-indexed family of morphisms f : C −→ D . Of n n n+p particular importance is the case p = 0; the category of Z-graded objects Z and graded maps of degree 0 is simply the functor category C . A differential on a graded object C = (C ) is a degree −1 map d from C n to itself. Explicitly, this is a family of maps d : C −→ C indexed by the n n n−1 integers. Thus, a picture of a graded object C equipped with a differential d looks like: ··· (cid:47)(cid:47) C dn+1 (cid:47)(cid:47) C dn (cid:47)(cid:47) C dn−1 (cid:47)(cid:47) ···. n+1 n n−1 Definition2.1(ChainComplex). Achaincomplex inCisaZ-gradedobject C = (C ) equipped with a differential d = (d ) subject to the requirement n n that d2 = 0 (meaning: d d = 0 for all n ∈ Z). n n+1 We usually write (C,d) for chain complexes; it is also customary to sup- press subscripts in d = d as much as possible. n The condition d2 = 0 ensures that we have an inclusion Im(d ) ⊆ n+1 Ker(d ). (Strictlyspeaking,onehastoexpressthismorecarefullyifworking n in a general abelian category, by saying that the inclusion of Im(d ) into n+1 C factors through Ker(d ).) Thus we may form the quotient n n H (C) = Ker(d )/Im(d ). n n n+1 9 Thisiscalledthen-thhomology object ofC. Inacategoryofmodules,thisis thus a quotient module; in a general abelian category it may be constructed as the cokernel of the inclusion Im(d ) −→ Ker(d ). n+1 n Since we have an object Hn(C) for each n ∈ Z, H(C) = (Hn(C))n∈Z is itself a Z-graded object of C. The following notation and terminology is standard, especially in cate- gories of modules: Z = Z (C) is the object Ker(d ) ⊆ C , and is called n n n n the object of n-cycles of C; B = B (C) is the object Im(d ) ⊆ C , and n n n+1 n is called the object of n-boundaries of C; in concrete cases we call elements of Z n-cycles and elements of B n-boundaries. If two elements of Z differ n n n by a boundary (i.e. if a−b ∈ B for a,b ∈ Z ) then we say that a and b n n are homologous. Finally, the elements of H (C) = Z (C)/B (C) are called n n n homology classes of C. Examples of chain complexes will be given below. For now, we note the p q following: given any composable pair of maps A −−→ B −−→ C, we say that this diagram is exact at B if Ker(q) = Im(p). In a chain complex C, we only have Im(d ) ⊆ Ker(d ), so C is not necessarily exact at C . The n+1 n n homologyobjectH (C)measureshowfarC isfrombeingexactatC . This n n explains the following definition and terminology: Definition 2.2 (Exact Complex, Acyclic Complex). A chain complex C n is exact if it is exact at each C . It is called acyclic if H (C) = 0 for all n. n n Clearly a chain complex is exact if and only if it is acyclic. The term acyclic stems from the fact that if the homology H (C) (cycles modulo n boundaries) vanishes, then all cycles are killed by some boundary. Next, we need to organize chain complexes into a category. Definition 2.3 (Chain Map). A morphism of chain complexes from (C,d) to (D,d(cid:48)) is a graded morphism f : C −→ D which commutes with the differentials. Explicitly, for each n ∈ Z, the following diagram is required to commute: C fn (cid:47)(cid:47) D n n d d(cid:48) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:47)(cid:47) C D . n−1 n−1 fn−1 Morphisms of chain complexes are usually simply called chain maps. It is clear that such maps compose and that the degreewise identity is a chain map. Thus we obtain a category Ch(C) of chain complexes in C and chain maps between them. Exercise 15. Show that the category Ch(C) is a full subcategory of the diagramcategoryCZop whereZ istheposetofintegersregardedascategory. The following exercise collects a few elementary facts about boundaries, cycles and homology: Exercise 16. Let (C,d) be a chain complex. Show that (i) the graded object Z = (Z ) of cycles can be made into a subcomplex n of C; 10 (ii) the graded object B = (B ) of boundaries can be made into a sub- n complex of C; (iii) the graded object H = (H ) can be made into a complex, but has n trivial differential. Exercise 17. Let (C,d) be a chain complex of R-modules. Suppose c are n elements of R, and define a new differential by letting d(cid:48) = c d . Check n n n that (C,d(cid:48)) is again a chain complex. Now suppose that every c ∈ {1,−1}. n How does the homology of (C,d(cid:48)) relate to that of (C,d)? Moreover, the condition on morphisms that they commute with the dif- ferentials ensures the following: Exercise 18. Any chain map f : C −→ D sends cycles to cycles and bound- aries to boundaries, and induces morphisms in homology H (f) : H (C) n n −→ H (D). n As a consequence of the preceding exercise, we find that the assignment C (cid:55)→ H (C) is a functor Ch(C) −→ C for each n ∈ Z. This is useful for n various reasons; for example, one now knows that if two chain complexes are isomorphic, then they have isomorphic homology. Example 2.4 (Simplicial homology). The following example of a chain complex stems from topology. Consider the CW-complex X which looks like • (cid:64) • (cid:64) (cid:64) (cid:64) (cid:64) (cid:64) (cid:64) • That is, X is obtained by glueing three copies of the unit interval into a triangle. We think of this space as consisting of three vertices (0-cells), labelled a,b,c and three edges (1-cells), labelled f,g,h and no higher cells. Thus the picture becomes: f a(cid:62) b (cid:62) (cid:62) (cid:62) (cid:62) (cid:62)(cid:62) g (cid:62) h c WenowbuildachaincomplexS(X)fromX. WedefineS(X) tobethefree 0 abelian group on the generating set {a,b,c} and we let S(X) be the free 1 abelian group on the generating set {f,g,h}. We let S(X) be 0 in all other degrees. (We say that the chain complex S(X) is concentrated in degrees 0,1). Writing (cid:104)a,b,c(cid:105) for the free abelian group on {a,b,c} and so on, we thus obtain (cid:47)(cid:47) (cid:47)(cid:47) d (cid:47)(cid:47) (cid:47)(cid:47) ··· 0 (cid:104)f,g,h(cid:105) (cid:104)a,b,c(cid:105) 0 (cid:47)(cid:47) (cid:47)(cid:47) d (cid:47)(cid:47) (cid:47)(cid:47) ··· 0 S(X) S(X) 0 1 0 We must now define a differential d : S(X) −→ S(X) ; it suffices to 1 0 specify d(f),d(g) and d(h), since S(X) is free on {f,g,h}. Define d(f) = 1 b−a, d(g) = c−b and d(h) = c−a. Note how this chain complex captures

Second, from the point of view of homological algebra the exact functors are not the most interesting . capture and organize the relevant information about the objects/functors in question. In this section we is surjective, we may pick an element b ∈ B with e(b) = c. Then apply q to this element
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