Agency 4 Kansas Department of Agriculture Articles 4-1. AGRICULTURALCHEMICALS. 4-2. AGRICULTURALSEED. 4-3. COMMERCIALFEEDINGSTUFFS. 4-4. COMMERCIALFERTILIZERS. 4-5. AGRICULTURALLIMINGMATERIALS. 4-6. CERTIFICATEOFFREESALE. 4-7. MILKANDDAIRYPRODUCTS. 4-8. NOXIOUSWEEDS. 4-9. CARCASSBEEF,CALF,VEAL;GRADES.(Notinactiveuse) 4-10. ANHYDROUSAMMONIA. 4-11. EGGS. 4-12. PESTCONTROL.(Notinactiveuse) 4-13. PESTICIDES. 4-14. HONEYBEES. 4-15. PLANTSANDPLANTPRODUCTS. 4-16. MEATANDMEATPRODUCTSINSPECTION. 4-17. POULTRYANDPOULTRYPRODUCTSINSPECTION. 4-18. LIVESTOCKREMEDIES. 4-19. SOILAMENDMENTS. 4-20. CHEMIGATION. 4-21. NUTRIENTUTILIZATIONPLANS. 4-22 to4-24.RESERVED. 4-25. GRAINWAREHOUSE. 4-26 to4-27.RESERVED. 4-28 FOODSAFETY. 4-29 to4-32.RESERVED. 4-33. MILLLEVYASSESSMENT. Article1.—AGRICULTURALCHEMICALS not be deemed to be agricultural chemicals (ec- onomic poisons). Substances which have recog- 4-1-1. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-2205; effec- nizedcommercialusesotherthanusesasagricul- tiveJan.1,1966;revokedMay1,1982.) tural chemicals shall not be deemed to be 4-1-2. Definitions. (a) Agricultural chemi- agriculturalchemicalsunlessthesesubstancesare: cals (poisons). ‘‘Agricultural chemicals’’ includes (1) Specially prepared for use as agricultural insecticides, fungicides, rodenticides, herbicides, chemicals; nematocides,defoliants,plantregulators,anddes- (2)labeled,represented,orintendedforuseas iccants. A product shall be deemed to be an ag- agriculturalchemicals;or ricultural chemical regardless of whether the (3) marketed in channels of trade where they productisintendedforuseaspackedorafterdi- will presumably be purchased as agricultural lution or mixture with other substances, such as chemicals. carriers or baits. Products intended only for use (b) Fungicide. The term ‘‘fungicide’’ shall not after further processing or manufacturing shall includealgaecides. 123 4-1-3 KANSASDEPARTMENTOFAGRICULTURE (c) Plant regulator. ‘‘Plant regulator’’ shall not qualified name and address given on the label includesubstancesintendedsolelyforuseasplant shall be considered as the name and address of nutrientsorfertilizers. themanufacturer.Iftheregistrant’snameappears (d) Activeingredient.An‘‘activeingredient’’is on the label and the registrant is not the manu- aningredientwhich: facturer, or if the name of the person for whom (1) Is capable in itself, and when used in the the agricultural chemical was manufactured ap- same manner and for the same purpose as di- pears on the label, it shall be qualifiedby appro- rected for use of the product, of preventing, de- priatewordingas‘‘packedfor . . .,’’‘‘distributed stroying,repelling,ormitigatinginsects,fungi,ro- by . . .,’’ or ‘‘sold by . . .,’’ to show that the dents,weeds,orotherpests; nameisnotthatofthemanufacturer.Whenaper- (2) Ispresentintheproductinanamountsuf- sonmanufacturesanagriculturalchemicalintwo ficienttoaddmateriallytoitseffectiveness;and (2)ormoreplacesorinaplacedifferentfromthe (3) Is not antagonistic to the activity of the manufacturer’sprincipaloffice,theactualplaceof principalactiveingredient.Thesecretarymayre- manufactureof eachparticularpackageneednot quire an ingredient to be designated as an active be stated on the label except when the failure to ingredient if, in his or her opinion, it sufficiently nameitmaybemisleadingtothepublic. increases the effectiveness of the agricultural (c) Name, brand, or trademark of agricultural chemicaltowarrantthataction. chemicals.Thename,brand,ortrademarkofthe (e) Rodent.‘‘Rodent’’meansanyanimalofthe agriculturalchemicalappearingonthelabelshall orderRodentia,including,butnotlimitedto,rats, be that under which the agricultural chemical is mice,rabbits,gophers,prairiedogs,andsquirrels. registered. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-2205; imple- (f) Authorized representative. ‘‘Authorized menting K.S.A. 2-2203; effective Jan. 1, 1966; representative’’ means any employee or agent of amendedMay1,1982.) the state authorized by the secretary to make in- 4-1-6. Ingredient statement. (a) Location vestigations in connection with the enforcement ofingredientstatement.Theingredientstatement of the act. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-2205; imple- shall appear on that part of the label displayed menting K.S.A. 2-2202; effective Jan. 1, 1966; undercustomaryconditionsofpurchaseexceptin amendedMay1,1982.) caseswherethesecretarydeterminesthat,dueto 4-1-3and4-1-4. (AuthorizedbyK.S.A.2- the size or form of the container a statement on 2205;effectiveJan.1,1966;revokedMay1,1982.) that portion of the label is impractical, and per- 4-1-5. Label. (a) Contents of label. The la- mits this statement to appear on another side or bel of every agricultural chemical shall show, panelofthelabel.Whensopermitted,theingre- clearlyandprominently,thenameoftheproduct; dient statement shall be in larger type and more the name and address of the manufacturer, the prominentthanwouldotherwisebepossible.The registrant,orpersonforwhommanufactured;the ingredientstatementshallrunparallelwithother net contents; the ingredient statement; and a printedmatteronthepanelofthelabelonwhich warning or caution statement which maybenec- itappearsandshallbeonaclearcontrastingback- essarytopreventinjurytohumansandotherver- groundandnotobscuredorcrowded. tebrate animals, useful vegetation, and useful in- (b) Names of ingredients. The well-known vertebrate animals. The label of any agricultural commonnameoftheingredientshallbegivenor, chemicalwhichishighlytoxictohumansshallalso if the ingredient has no common name, the cor- contain the skull and crossbones, and the word rectchemicalname.Ifthereisnocommonname ‘‘poison’’ in red on a contrasting background and andthechemicalcompositionisunknownorcom- theantidotestatementinimmediateproximityto plex, the secretary may permit the use of a new it.Theantidotestatementshallincludedirections or coined name which is appropriate for the in- tocallaphysicianimmediately.Thelabelofevery formationandprotectionoftheuser.Iftheuseof agricultural chemical if necessary to prevent in- aneworcoinednameispermitted,thesecretary jurytohumansandothervertebrateanimals,use- may prescribe the terms under which it shall be ful vegetation and useful invertebrate animals, used.Atrademarkortradenameshallnotbeused shall contain an appropriate warning or caution as the name of an ingredient except when it has statementasrequiredinK.A.R.4-1-8. becomeacommonname. (b)Nameandaddressofmanufacturer.Anun- (c) Percentages of ingredients. Percentages of 124 AGRICULTURALCHEMICALS 4-1-13 ingredientsshallbedeterminedbyweightandthe be submitted in advance to the control division, sumofthepercentagesoftheingredientsshallbe Kansasstateboardofagriculture,Topeka,Kansas. one hundred (100). Sliding scale forms of ingre- Theregistrantshalldescribetheexactchangesde- dientstatementsshallnotbeused. sired and the proposed effective date and, upon (d) Designation of ingredients. Active ingredi- request, shall submit a description of tests which ents and inert ingredients shall be so designated, justifythesechanges.Aftertheeffectivedateofa andtheterm‘‘inertingredient’’shallappearinthe changeinlabelingorformulatheproductshallbe samesizetypeandbeequallyasprominentasthe marketed only under the new claims or formula, term ‘‘active ingredients.’’ (Authorized by K.S.A. except that a reasonable time may be permitted 2-2205; implementing K.S.A. 2-2203; effective by the secretary to dispose of properly labeled Jan.1,1966;amendedMay1,1982.) stocksofoldproducts. (f)Claimsmustconformtoregistration.Claims 4-1-7. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-2205; effec- made for an agriculturalchemicalshallnotdiffer tiveJan.1,1966;revokedMay1,1982.) from representations made in connection with 4-1-8. Warning or caution statement. registration.(AuthorizedbyK.S.A.2-2205;imple- Thewarningorcautionstatementshallappearon menting K.S.A. 2-2204; effective Jan. 1, 1966; thelabelinaplacesufficientlyprominenttowarn amendedMay1,1982.) the user, and shall state clearly and in nontech- 4-1-10. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-2205; ef- nical language the particular hazard involved in fectiveJan.1,1966;revokedMay1,1982.) the use of the agricultural chemical and the pre- cautions to be taken to avoid accident, injury, or 4-1-11. Adulteration; valuable constitu- damage.Theword‘‘poison’’inredonacontrast- ent.(a)Avaluableconstituentshallbeconsidered ing background in immediate proximity to the aswhollyabstractedwheneverthelabelingofthe skull and crossbones and an antidote, including product represents the presence of the constitu- directions to call a physician immediately, shall entwithinitandthisconstituenthasbeenwholly appearonallagriculturalchemicalshighlytoxicto omitted in the preparation of the product or has humans. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-2205; imple- been wholly removed from the completed menting K.S.A. 2-2203; effective Jan. 1, 1966; product. amendedMay1,1982.) (b) A valuable constituent shall be considered as partly abstracted whenever the labeling of the 4-1-9. Registration. (a) Any manufacturer, productitrepresentsthepresenceoftheconstit- packer, seller, distributor, or shipper of an agri- uent within it and this constituent is not present cultural chemical may register this agricultural or in the amount indicated in the labeling. (Au- chemical. thorized by K.S.A. 2-2205; implementing K.S.A. (b)Ifanagriculturalchemicalisregisteredun- 2-2202; effective Jan. 1, 1966; amended May 1, der the act no further registration under the act 1982.) is required when the product is in the manufac- 4-1-12. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-2205; ef- turer’s or registrant’s original unbroken immedi- fectiveJan.1,1966;revokedMay1,1982.) ate container or the claims made for it and the directions for its use do not differ in substance 4-1-13. Enforcement. (a) Collection of fromtherepresentationsmadeinconnectionwith samples. Samples of agricultural chemicals shall registration. be collected by authorized representatives or by (c) Applications shall be submitted at least any authorized employee of the state, who has thirty(30)daysbeforethetimewhenitisdesired beendulydesignatedbythesecretary.Anofficial thatregistrationtakeeffect. representative sample shall be one taken by the (d)Responsibilityofaregistrant.Theregistrant secretary of the state board of agriculture, or a is responsible for the accuracy and completeness dulyauthorizedagent.Anunbrokenoriginalpack- of all information submitted in connection with ageshallbetakenastheofficialsamplewherethe the application for registration of an agricultural agriculturalchemicalispackedinsmallbottles,or chemical. small packages. Where the agricultural chemical (e) Changes in labeling or formulae. Changes is packed in large containers, portions for theof- in substances in the labeling or changes in the ficialsampleshallbetakenfromnotlessthanfive formulaofaregisteredagriculturalchemicalshall (5) separate original packages, unless there are 125 4-1-14 KANSASDEPARTMENTOFAGRICULTURE fewer than five (5) separate original packages in (2) Proposed date of shipment or proposed thelot,inwhichcase,portionsfortheofficialsam- shippingperiodnottoexceedoneyear; ple shall be taken from each original package. If (3) Identification of material to be covered by theagriculturalchemicalisinbulk,portionsshall permitwhichshouldapplytoasinglematerialor be taken from not less than five (5) different groupofcloselyalliedmaterials; placesinthelot. (4) Approximate quantity to be shipped and (b) Examination of samples. Methods of ex- types of tests such as greenhouse, orchard, or amination of samples shall be those adopted and field; publishedbytheassociationofofficialagricultural (5) A signed statement that the agricultural chemists, where applicable, and any other meth- chemical is intended for experimental use only; odsasmaybenecessarytodeterminewhetherthe and productcomplieswiththelaw. (6) Proposed labeling which, in addition to (c)Noticeofapparentviolation.If,fromanex- otherstatements,shallstatethattheproductisfor aminationoranalysis,anagriculturalchemicalap- experimentaluseonly. pearstobeinviolationoftheact,anoticeinwrit- (d)Apermitforshipmentofagriculturalchem- ing shall be sent to the person against whom icalsforexperimentalusemaybecanceledatany criminal proceedings are contemplated. The no- timefor anyviolation of theterms of the permit. tice shall state the manner in which the sample (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-2205; implementing fails to meet the requirements of the act and the K.S.A. 2-2207; effective Jan. 1, 1966; amended regulations. The person to whom the notice was May1,1982.) sent shall have the opportunity to offer a written 4-1-15and4-1-16. (AuthorizedbyK.S.A. explanation if he or she wishes to respond to the 2-2205; effective Jan. 1, 1966; revoked May 1, notice. That person may also file within twenty 1982.) (20) days of its receipt a written request for an opportunity to present his or her views orally in 4-1-17. Registration fee. The annual reg- connection with the notice. A notice or hearing istrationfeeforeachregisteredagriculturalchem- shall not be required before the seizure of any ical shall be $150.00 for registration periods be- agricultural chemical. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2- ginningonandafterJuly1,2002andthroughJune 2205; implementing K.S.A. 2-2206; effective Jan. 30, 2005, regardless of the date when the regis- 1,1966;amendedMay1,1982.) tration is received. The $150.00 annual registra- tion fee shall revert to $130.00 on and after July 4-1-14. Productforexperimentaluse.(a) 1, 2005, unless the termination date is modified An agricultural chemical sold for experimental by statute. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-2204, as use,isexemptfromtheprovisionsofsection3(a) amendedby2002SB438,§2andK.S.A.2-2205; oftheactwhen: implementingK.S.A.2-2204,asamendedby2002 (1) It is plainly and conspicuouslymarked‘‘for SB 438, § 2; effective, T-83-35, Nov. 10, 1982; experimentaluseonly’’; effective May 1, 1983; amended, T-88-46, Nov. (2)Bearsthemanufacturer’sorshipper’sname 10, 1987; amended May 1, 1988; amended, T-4- andaddress;and 6-22-89, June 22, 1989; amended Aug. 14, 1989; (3)Apermitforthisproducthasbeenobtained amended, T-4-6-27-02, July 1, 2002; amended fromthesecretary. Oct.25,2002.) (b) Permits shall be of two types, specific and general.Aspecificpermitshallbeissuedtocover Article2.—AGRICULTURALSEED a particular shipment on a specified date to a named person. A general permit shall be issued LABELING tocovermorethanoneshipmentoveraperiodof 4-2-1. Labelingprohibitions.Anyagricul- timetodifferentpersons. turalseedshallbedeemedmislabeledwithinthe (c) All applications for permits covering prod- meaning of the act if there appears on the label, ucts for experimental use shall be signed by the container,invoice,otheraccompanyingliterature, manufacturer or shipper or person making deliv- or any advertising media, any statement directly eryandshallcontainthefollowing: orindirectlyimplyingthatanyagriculturalseedis (1) Name and address of shipper and place or recommended or endorsed by the Kansas state placesfromwhichshipmentwillbemade; board of agriculture or its state seed laboratory, 126 AGRICULTURALSEED 4-2-11 or any of its other divisions. This regulation shall the methods of analysis shall be those published becomeeffectiveonJanuary1,1989.(Authorized by the association of official seed analysts in the by K.S.A. 2-1427; implementing K.S.A. 1987 followingsectionsof‘‘rulesfortestingseeds,’’ex- Supp.2-1417;effectiveJan.1,1966;amendedJan. cluding the appendices, dated October 1, 2006 1,1989.) andadoptedbyreference: 4-2-2. Labeling treated seed. Treated (1)Section2,analysisoftheseed; (2)section3,examinations; seedmustbelabeled.Ifseedhasbeenchemically (3)section4,germinationtests;and treated, each bag or container must be labeled bearingatruestatementasfollows:Therequired (4)section5,tolerances. informationshallbeintypenosmallerthaneight Copies of the material adopted by reference point and may be on the tag bearing the analysis maybeobtainedfromtheofficeoftheagricultural information or on a separate tag, or it may be commodity assurance program, inspections divi- printedinaconspicuousmanneronasideortop sion,oftheKansasdepartmentofagriculture. of the container. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1427; (b)Forthepurposeofthisregulation,theterm effectiveJan.1,1966.) ‘‘noxious-weedseed’’usedinthematerialadopted by reference in subsection (a) of this regulation SAMPLING shall mean ‘‘restricted weed seed’’ as defined in 4-2-3. General procedure. (a)Inorder to K.S.A.2-1415(k)andamendmentsthereto. secure a representative sample, equal portions (c)The followingrestrictionsshallapplyinad- shallbetakenfromevenlydistributedpartsofthe dition to tolerances for the testing of seed found quantity of seed to be sampled, unless so stored insection5of thematerialadoptedbyreference orpiledastomakethisimpossibleorimpractical. insubsection(a)ofthisregulation: (b) For free flowing seed in bags or bulk, a (1) Restricted weed seed tolerances shall not probeor trier longenoughto sampleallportions exceed the limitations set forth in K.S.A. 2- ofthebagshouldbeused. 1415(k)andamendmentsthereto. (c)Non-free-flowingseed,suchascertaingrass (2) No tolerance shall be applied to any seed seed, uncleaned seed, or screenings, difficult to component that is guaranteed as ‘‘none’’ on the samplewithaprobeortrier,shallbesampledby label. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2006 Supp. 2-1427; thrustingthehandintothebulkandwithdrawing implementing K.S.A. 2-1423; effective Jan. 1, representativeportions. 1966; amended May 1, 1983; amended Jan. 1, (d)Theportionsshallbecombinedintoacom- 1989; amended Dec. 12, 1994; amended Jan.18, positesampleorsamples. 2008.) (e) As the seed is sampled, each portion shall be examined, and, whenever there appears to be TOLERANCES lack of uniformity, additional samples shall be 4-2-9. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1427; effec- takentoshowsuchlackofuniformityasmayexist. tiveJan.1,1966;revokedMay1,1988.) (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1427; effective Jan. 1, 1966.) EXAMINATIONSINTHEADMINISTRATION 4-2-4. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1427; effec- OFTHEACT tiveJan.1,1966;revokedDec.12,1994.) 4-2-10. Indistinguishableseed.Whenthe 4-2-5. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1427; effec- identificationof the kind,variety,ortypeofseed is not possible by seed characteristics, identifica- tiveJan.1,1966;revokedDec.12,1994.) tion may be based upon the seeding, growing 4-2-6. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1427; effec- plant,ormatureplantcharacteristicsaccordingto tiveJan.1,1966;revokedDec.12,1994.) such authentic information as is available. (Au- 4-2-7. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1427; effec- thorizedbyK.S.A.2-1427;effectiveJan.1,1966.) tiveJan.1,1966;revokedMay1,1982.) 4-2-11. Origin. The presence of incidental weed seeds, foreign matter, or any other existing ANALYSESINADMINISTRATIONOFTHEACT circumstancesshallbeconsideredindetermining 4-2-8. Methodsofanalyses.(a)Subjectto the originofseed.(AuthorizedbyK.S.A.2-1427; theprovisionsofsubsection(c)ofthisregulation, effectiveJan.1,1966.) 127 4-2-12 KANSASDEPARTMENTOFAGRICULTURE GENERAL PURITY ONLY 4-2-12and4-2-13. (AuthorizedbyK.S.A. NOWXIITOHUS NWOEXEIODUSS 2-1427; effective Jan. 1, 1966; revoked May 1, WEED GERMINATION FULL EXAMINATION KIND EXAMINATION ONLY TEST ONLY 1982.) GAMAGRASS 9.00 13.00 17.00 5.00 INDIANGRASS 25.00 20.00 45.00 5.00 4-2-14. Seedofferedforsale.Agricultural LESPEDEZA 10.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 seedswhetherinbags,cartons,binsorothercon- LOVEGRASS 11.00 8.00 18.00 5.00 MILLETS 8.00 5.00 13.00 5.00 tainers exposed in salesrooms, storerooms, ware- OATS 9.00 5.00 14.00 5.00 houses, or other places where seeds are sold for ORCHARDGRASS 12.00 6.00 18.00 5.00 sowing purposes, shall be considered as seed of- RAPESEED 10.00 6.00 16.00 5.00 CANARYGRASS 9.00 6.00 15.00 5.00 fered or exposed for sale for planting purposes RYE 9.00 5.00 14.00 5.00 and subject to the provisions of the act, unless RYEGRASS 11.00 5.00 16.00 5.00 SUNFLOWER 8.00 5.00 13.00 5.00 clearly labeled otherwise. (Authorized by K.S.A. SORGHUM 9.00 5.00 14.00 5.00 2-1427;effectiveJan.1,1966.) SOYBEANS 9.00 5.00 14.00 —— SANDDROPSEED 11.00 8.00 18.00 5.00 4-2-15. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1425; ef- SUDANGRASS 9.00 5.00 14.00 5.00 fective Jan. 1, 1966; amended Jan. 1, 1972; SWITCHGRASS 10.00 7.00 17.00 5.00 TIMOTHY 8.00 5.00 13.00 5.00 amended, E-78-32, Dec. 7, 1977; amended May VETCH 7.00 5.00 12.00 5.00 1,1978;revokedMay1,1983.) VETCH(CROWN) 10.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 WHEAT 9.00 5.00 14.00 5.00 4-2-16. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1427; ef- WHEATGRASSES 13.00 7.00 20.00 5.00 TRITICALE 9.00 5.00 14.00 5.00 fectiveJan.1,1966;revokedMay1,1986.) SIDEOATSGRAMA 25.00 20.00 45.00 5.00 4-2-17. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1425; im- PRCAOIRNIEEFLOWER 10.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 plementingK.S.A.2-1425;effectiveMay1,1983; WINTERBERRY EUONONYMUS 10.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 revoked, T-4-7-5-89, July 5, 1989; revoked Aug. VEGETABLES —— 5.00 —— —— 14,1989.) CREEPING FOXTAIL —— 7.00 —— —— 4-2-17a. Schedule of charges for seed Fees for examining or testing crops not listed tests.(a)Anypersonmaysubmittothestateseed shallbechargedatsamerateasforsimilarspecies laboratory samples of agricultural seed for ger- listed. mination, puritytests, or both, or other examina- (b) Specialservicesandtests.Mixturesshallbe tion and receive the test upon paying to the sec- charged at 50% over normal rate of purity sepa- retary a fee per sample, test or examination. The rations,plusanadditional50%ofthenormalger- following charges shall be made for allseed tests mination charge for each additional crop specie onsamplessubmittedtothestateseedlaboratory: germinated. PURITY (1) ‘‘Purity ahead’’ on written report. A charge ONLY WITH NOXIOUS of $5.00 shall be made for each purity report that NOXIOUS WEEDS WEED GERMINATION FULL EXAMINATION ispreparedandmailedpriortogerminationreport. KIND EXAMINATION ONLY TEST ONLY (2) ‘‘Purityahead’’oranyotherinformationre- AUS.WINTERPEAS $9.00 $5.00 $14.00 —— quested by telephone. Acharge of $1.00 shallbe ALFALFA 10.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 madeforeachlongdistancetelephonecallviathe AGROTRITICUM 9.00 5.00 14.00 5.00 BARLEY 9.00 5.00 14.00 5.00 Kans-a-nsystem.* BLUESTEM(BIG, (3) ‘‘Tetrazoliumtest.’’‘‘Tetrazoliumtests’’(TZ LITTLE,CAUC.) 25.00 20.00 45.00 5.00 BERMUDA& tests)shallbehandledasarushservicewhenever BENTGRASS 12.00 5.00 17.00 5.00 possible. TZ testing shall be limited to small BLUEGRASS, grains, corn, soybeans, sorghums, bromegrass, REDTOP 12.00 5.00 17.00 5.00 BUFFALOGRASS 11.00 11.00 22.00 5.00 fescues and switch-grass. The charge shall be BROMEGRASS 12.00 6.00 18.00 5.00 $10.00.AllresultsofTZtestswillbereportedby CANARYGRASS 9.00 6.00 15.00 5.00 CLOVERS 10.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 telephonefreeofcharge. CORN —— 5.00 —— —— (4) ‘‘Soybean stress test.’’ The charge for AA- CORDGRASS 13.00 6.00 19.00 5.00 stress test will be $5.00 if submitted separately,or COWPEAS 7.00 5.00 12.00 5.00 DROPSEED 11.00 8.00 18.00 5.00 $9.00forbothanAAtestandastandardgermina- FESCUE 10.00 5.00 15.00 5.00 tionperformedonthesamesampleconcurrently. BLUEGRAMAGRASS 17.00 12.00 29.00 5.00 128 COMMERCIALFEEDINGSTUFFS 4-3-3 (5) ‘‘Allstatesnoxiousweedexamination.’’The Article 3.—COMMERCIALFEEDING chargeforthistestshallbe$5.00extrapersample. STUFFS (6) ‘‘Anystatenoxiousweedexamination.’’The chargeforthistestshallbe$5.00extrapersample. DEFINITIONS (7) ‘‘Excessivetime.’’Noadditionalchargewill 4-3-1. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1013; effec- be made for difficult samples when the seed ap- tiveJan.1,1966;revokedMay1,1982.) pears to be fit for seeding purposes or when the seedcanbeprocessedtoasalablequality. 4-3-2. Definitions. (a) International chick (8) ‘‘Caryopsis count Buffalo grass.’’ The unit of vitaminD is the activityproducedbyone charge for this test shall be $10.00 extra per unitofvitaminDintheU.S.pharmacopoeia‘‘vi- sample. taminDreferencestandard’’determinedaccord- (9) ‘‘Filledseedcount.’’Thechargeforthistest ingtothemethodoftheassociationofofficialag- shallbe$5.00extrapersample. riculturalchemists. (10) ‘‘Rushcharge.’’Thechargeforthisservice (b) ‘‘U.S.P.’’ means the United States pharma- shallbe$5.00extrapersample.Thischargeshall copoeia,volumeXIII. apply to all tests for which expedited service is (c) ‘‘Crude protein’’ and ‘‘protein’’ means the requested. productoftheamountofnitrogentimesthefactor (c) This regulation shall be in force and effect 6.25. on and after July 1, 1989. (Authorized by K.S.A. (d) ‘‘Person’’ means individuals, partnerships, 2-1427;implementingK.S.A.2-1425asamended associationsorpersons,andcorporations. by 1989 HB 2133; effective, T-4-7-5-89, July 5, (e) Livestock. ‘‘Livestock’’ means and includes 1989;effectiveAug.14,1989.) horses,mules,cattle,sheep,swineandgoats. 4-2-18. Labelrequirementsforseedde- (f) Poultry. ‘‘Poultry’’ means fowl raised for livered to wholesalers. Seed delivered in bulk meat, eggs, or feathers, and includes chickens, to a wholesaler after conditioning shall be com- ducks, guineas, geese, turkeys and pigeons. (Au- pletely labeled by an invoice or master label at- thorized by K.S.A. 2-1013; implementing K.S.A. tached to the bulkcontainer.Seeddeliveredtoa 2-1001; effective Jan. 1, 1966; amended May 1, wholesalerinbagsorothercontainersmaybela- 1982;amendedMay1,1983.) beled by an invoice or master label that bears a LABELING lotnumberandallotherinformationrequiredby law provided that each individual bag or other 4-3-3. Legibility and conspicuousness. containerisproperlyidentifiedwiththelotnum- (a) A word, statement, or other information re- ber shown on the invoice or master label clearly quired by or under the authority of the act or and readably stenciled on each individual bag or theseregulationstoappearonthelabelmaylack other container. Each bag or other container thatlegibilityandconspicuousnessbyreasonof: which does not bear a lot number that corre- (1) The failure of this word, statement, or in- spondstoaninvoiceormasterlabelshallbecom- formation to appear on the part or panel of the pletely labeled. This regulation shall become ef- label which is presented or displayed under cus- fectiveonJanuary1,1989.(AuthorizedbyK.S.A. tomaryconditionsofpurchase; 2-1427;implementingK.S.A.1987Supp.2-1417; (2) The insufficiency of label space for the effectiveJan.1,1989.) prominent placing of this word, statement, or in- 4-2-20. Adoption by reference. The fol- formationresultingfromtheuseoflabelspacefor lowingsectionsof7C.F.R.part201,asrevisedon any word, statement, design, or device which is January1,2007,areherebyadoptedbyreference: not required by or under authority of the act to (a) 201.39; appearonthelabel;and (b) 201.40; (3)Smallnessofstyleortypeinwhichthisword, (c) 201.41; statement, or information appears, insufficient (d) 201.42;and background contrast; obscuring designs or vi- (e) 201.43. gnettes; or crowding with other written, printed, (AuthorizedbyK.S.A.2006Supp.2-1427;imple- or graphic matter. (AuthorizedbyK.S.A. 2-1013; menting K.S.A. 2-1423; effective Dec. 12, 1994; implementing K.S.A. 2-1002; effective Jan. 1, amendedJan.18,2008.) 1966;amendedMay1,1982.) 129 4-3-4 KANSASDEPARTMENTOFAGRICULTURE 4-3-4. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1013; effec- turer,orifthenameofthepersonforwhomman- tiveJan.1,1966;revokedMay1,1982.) ufacturedappearsonthelabel,itshallbequalified 4-3-5. Thename.(a)Thenameshallnotbe by appropriate wording such as ‘‘packed for . . .,’’ ‘‘distributed by . . .,’’ or ‘‘sold misleadingordeceptive,ortendtomisleadorde- by . . .,’’toshowthatthenameisnotthatofthe ceiveastothematerialsofwhichthecommercial manufacturer.Whenapersonmanufacturescom- feeding stuffs is composed. The name of a non- mercial feeding stuffs in two (2) or more places medicatedfeedshallbeconsideredmisleadingor or in a place different from the manufacturer’s deceptiveif: principal office, the actual place of manufacture (1) It includes or suggests the name of one or of each package need not be stated on the label more but not all of the ingredients, even though except when the failure to name it may be mis- thenamesofalltheseingredientsarestatedelse- leading to the public. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2- whereonthelabel; 1013; implementing K.S.A. 2-1002; effective Jan. (2)Itindicatesorsuggeststhatthecommercial 1,1966;amendedMay1,1982.) feedingstuffsisintendedoradaptedforaspecific use, unless the character, quality and nutritive 4-3-7. Ingredient statement.(a)Thespe- composition of the product is satisfactory for the cificnameofeachingredientorcollectivetermor purpose; termsshallbeshownonthelabel.Whenacollec- (3)Itcontainstheword‘‘vitamin’’oracontrac- tive term or terms for a group of ingredients is tion of it, or any word suggesting vitamin, unless used on the label, individual ingredients within theproductisrepresentedsolelyasavitaminsup- the group shall not be listed on the label. The plementandislabeledwiththeminimumvitamin manufacturershallprovideuponrequestalisting contentguaranteedasspecifiedinK.A.R.4-3-8; of individual ingredients within a defined group. (4)Theword‘‘dehydrated’’appearsinthename Thespecificnameorcollectivetermortermsshall ofanalfalfaproductorinconnectionwithit,un- be those products for which a definition or stan- less the product has been produced from the dardhasbeenadopted.Iftheingredientisaprod- freshlycutalfalfaplant,havingamoisturecontent uct that has not been defined, the name shall be of not less than fifty (50) percent and had been descriptiveandasapprovedbythesecretary. artificially dried at a temperature of at least one (b)Ifscreeningsareusedasaningredient,the hundred(100)degreescentigradeortwohundred sourceandconditionshallbeindicated. and fifteen (215) degrees fahrenheit for a period (c)Astatementofqualityorgradeofaningre- of not more thanforty (40) minutes andcontain- dient shall not appear on the ingredient ingnoadmixtureofsun-curedproducts; statement. (5) The germ has been wholly or partially re- (d)Astatementofvitamincontentofaningre- moved from the product, unless the word ‘‘de- dientshallnotappearintheingredientstatement, germed’’precedesthename; oranyotherpartofthelabel,unlessthisstatement (6) The word ‘‘defluorinated’’ is used as a part isaguaranteeofminimumvitamincontentofthe ofit,andtheproductcontainsmorethanone(1) entire product given in terms as specified in partoffluorine(F)toforty(40)partsofphospho- K.A.R.4-3-8. rus(P); (e)Statementsorwordsexplainingorqualifying (7) Superlative, ambiguous, or doubtful terms thenameofaningredientshallnotbeused.(Au- areusedasapartofit,suchas‘‘perfect’’or‘‘best,’’ thorized by K.S.A. 2-1013; implementing K.S.A. unlessfollowedbytheword‘‘brand’’;and 2-1002; effective Jan. 1, 1966; amended Jan. 1, (8) The word ‘‘iodized’’ is used as a part of it 1972;amendedMay1,1982.) unless the product contains more than .007% io- 4-3-8. Vitamin products, carriers and dine (I), uniformly distributed. (Authorized by preparations. Vitamin products, carriers and K.S.A. 2-1013; implementing K.S.A. 2-1002; ef- preparationsshallbelabeledtoshowinformation fectiveJan.1,1966;amendedMay1,1982.) or guaranties as to vitamin content in milligrams 4-3-6. Name and address of manufac- per pound, except that vitamin A shall be stated turer.Anunqualifiednameandaddressgivenon inUnitedStatespharmacopoeia(U.S.P.)unitsper thelabelshallmeanthenameandaddressofthe pound,vitaminDinproductsofferedforpoultry manufacturer.Iftheregistrant’snameappearson feedingininternationalchickunitsperpound,vi- the label and the registrant is not the manufac- taminDforotherusesinU.S.P.unitsperpound. 130 COMMERCIALFEEDINGSTUFFS 4-3-13 (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1002; effective Jan. 1, further registrationisrequiredbypersons selling 1966.) theproduct,provideditremainsintheregistrant’s 4-3-9. Feeds containing drug ingredi- properly labeled, original unbroken, immediate container. ents. Commercial feeding stuffs containing drug (b) Registration shall be effective on the date ingredientsintendedorrepresentedforthecure, theregistrationisissued. mitigation,treatmentorpreventionofanydisease (c)Thesecretarymayrefuseregistrationif: or ailment of livestock and/or poultry, and sub- (1)Thename,brandortrademarkismisleading stances other than feeds intended to affect the ordeceptiveormaytendtomisleadordeceiveas structure or anyfunctionofthebodyoflivestock tothematerialsofwhichtheproductiscomposed; and/or poultry, shall be labeled to show, in addi- (2)Thepersonalreadyhasaproductregistered tiontotheotherinformationrequiredbytheact: underthesamename;or (a)Thenameofeachtherapeuticallyactivein- (3) The copy of label does not show the infor- gredient or agent stated as such and listed sepa- mation as required by the act and these regula- ratelyfromotheringredients. tions or fails to conform to any of the require- (b)Adequatedirectionsforuse. ments of the act. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1013; (c)Adequatewarningsagainstuseunderthose implementing K.S.A. 2-1003; effective Jan. 1, conditions in which its use may be dangerous to 1966;amendedMay1,1982.) health: Provided,however,Thattheterms‘‘drug’’and 4-3-12. Permit system. (a) The permit ‘‘substance’’ as used herein do not apply to vita- holdershallkeeptherecordsofsalesavailablefor min, mineral, or other materials used solely for inspectionforaperiodofthreeyears. nutritionalpurposes,andnotpresentintherapeu- (b)Thesecretarymaycancelthepermitif: ticamounts.(AuthorizedbyK.S.A.2-1002;effec- (1) The holder fails to report and pay the in- tiveJan.1,1966.) spection fee within thirty days after due and 4-3-10. Urea.Ureaandammoniumsaltsof payable; (2) Refuses to permit the secretary or his duly carbonic and phosphoric acids are acceptable in- authorizedrepresentativetoexaminetherecords; gredients in proprietary cattle, sheep and goat or feeds only; that these materials shall be consid- (3) Makes a false report of tonnage of feeding eredadulterantsinproprietaryfeedsforotheran- stuffs sold on which the inspection fee was due. imals andbirds;andthatthefollowingstatement (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1013; implementing of guaranty of crude protein for feeds containing K.S.A. 2-1004; effective Jan. 1, 1966; amended thesematerialsbeused: Jan. 1, 1972; amended Feb. 15, 1977; amended CrudeProtein,notlessthan percent.(Thisincludes May1,1982.) notmorethan percentequivalentproteinfromnon- proteinnitrogen.) ADMINISTRATION Iffeedcontainsmorethanthreepercentofurea, 4-3-13. Hearing.(a)Thenoticeofhearing or if the equivalent protein contributed by urea as specified in K.S.A. 2-1010, shall be in writing, exceeds 1⁄3 of the total crude protein, the label andmailedfirstclasstotherecordaddressofthe shall bear a statement of proper usage, and the manufacturer or dealer. The person so notified following statement in type of such conspicuous- shallbegivenanopportunitytopresenthisviews ness as to render it likely to be read and under- inwritingorbyrepresentative. stood by ordinary individuals under customary (b)Uponrequestreasonablymade,bytheper- conditionsofpurchaseanduse: sontowhomanoticeappointingatimeandplace WARNING: Thisfeedshouldbeusedonlyinaccordancewith forthehearingasprovidedbyK.S.A.2-1010,has directionsfurnishedonthelabel. been given, or by his representative, such time (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1002; effective Jan. 1, and place, or both such time and place, may be 1966.) changed if the request states reasonable grounds therefor. Such request shall be received by the REGISTRATION secretary,orhisagentwhoissuedthenotice. 4-3-11. Registration. (a) After a commer- (c)Nonoticeofhearingshallberequiredprior cial feeding stuffs is registered under the act, no to the seizure of any commercial feeding stuffs. 131 4-3-14 KANSASDEPARTMENTOFAGRICULTURE (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1013; effective Jan. 1, 4-3-35. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1013; ef- 1966.) fective Jan. 1, 1966; amended Jan. 1, 1972; re- vokedMay1,1981.) GENERAL 4-3-36. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1013; ef- 4-3-14. Artificial color. Artificial colors fectiveJan.1,1966;revokedMay1,1981.) shallbeconsideredanadulterantinacommercial feeding stuffs whereby its use would tend to en- 4-3-37 to 4-3-40. (Authorized by K.S.A. hance the natural color or conceal inferiority. 2-1013; effective Jan. 1, 1966; amended Jan. 1, Dyescertifiedforuseunderthefederalfood,drug 1972;revokedMay1,1981.) andcosmeticactmaybeusedtoindicatethedis- 4-3-41. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1013; ef- tribution of a valuable ingredient or ingredients, fective Jan. 1, 1966; amended Jan. 1, 1972; ortoincreaseoraidinproperintakeofafeeding amendedMay1,1980;revokedMay1,1981.) stuffs.(AuthorizedbyK.S.A.2-1013;effectiveJan. 1,1966.) 4-3-42and4-3-43. (AuthorizedbyK.S.A. 2-1013; effective Jan. 1, 1966; amended Jan. 1, 4-3-15. Name of unmixed by-product 1972;revokedMay1,1981.) feedscontainingscreeningsorscourings.Un- mixed by-product feeds, to which either screen- 4-3-44and4-3-45. (AuthorizedbyK.S.A. ings or scourings or both have been added, shall 2-1013; effective Jan. 1, 1966; revoked May 1, belabeledtoclearlyindicatethisfactinthename. 1981.) The word ‘‘screenings’’ or ‘‘scourings’’ together 4-3-46. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1013; ef- withthe kind of screeningsor scouringsshallap- fectiveJan.1,1972;revokedMay1,1981.) pearasapartofthenameandshallbeprintedin the same size and face of type as the remainder 4-3-47. Adoption by reference. The text of the name. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1013; im- titled ‘‘official feed terms’’ on pages 237 through plementing K.S.A. 2-1002; effective Jan.1, 1966; 250 and ‘‘official names and definitions of feed amendedMay1,1982.) ingredients as established by the association of American feed control officials’’ on pages 254 4-3-16 to 4-3-18. (Authorized by K.S.A. through 359 in the ‘‘2007 official publication,’’ 2-1013; effective Jan. 1, 1966; revoked May 1, copyrighted in 2007 by the association of Ameri- 1982.) canfeedcontrolofficialsincorporated,isadopted byreferenceandshallapplytocommercialfeed- DEFINITIONSFORCOMMERCIAL ingstuffsinthisstate. FEEDINGSTUFFS Copies of these definitions and terms may be 4-3-19and4-3-20. (AuthorizedbyK.S.A. obtained from the office of the agricultural com- 2-1013; effective Jan. 1, 1966; amended Jan. 1, modityassuranceprogram,Kansasdepartmentof 1972;revokedMay1,1981.) agriculture, Topeka, Kansas. (Authorized by 4-3-21and4-3-22. (AuthorizedbyK.S.A. K.S.A. 2-1013; implementing K.S.A. 2-1002 and K.S.A.2006Supp.2-1013;effectiveMay1,1981; 2-1013; effective Jan. 1, 1966; revoked May 1, amended May 1, 1982; amended May 1, 1984; 1981.) amended May 1, 1988; amended Oct. 21, 1991; 4-3-23 to 4-3-29. (Authorized by K.S.A. amendedDec.12,1994;amendedJune15,2001; 2-1013; effective Jan. 1, 1966; amended Jan. 1, amendedJan.18,2008.) 1972;revokedMay1,1981.) 4-3-48. Official and tentative defini- 4-3-30. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1013; ef- tions. Despite the designation of various defini- fectiveJan.1,1966;revokedMay1,1981.) tions of feed ingredients as ‘‘official’’ or ‘‘tenta- 4-3-31 to 4-3-33. (Authorized by K.S.A. tive,’’inthe‘‘OfficialPublicationofAssociationof American Feed Control Officials Incorporated’’ 2-1013; effective Jan. 1, 1966; amended Jan. 1, adopted by reference in K.A.R. 4-3-47, all defi- 1972;revokedMay1,1981.) nitions shall become effective upon the adoption 4-3-34. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1013; ef- of this regulation. (Authorized by K.S.A. 2-1013 fective Jan. 1, 1966; amended Jan. 1, 1972; as amended by L. 1987, Ch. 7, Sec. 1; imple- amendedMay1,1980;revokedMay1,1981.) mentingK.S.A.2-1002and2-1013asamendedby 132