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0726 Chakravarthy, AK ; Lingappa, S. 1985. Behavioural responses of Adispira atkinsoni Moore to ... PDF

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yield. [TjIH] *0726 Chakravarthy, A.K. ; Lingappa, S. 1985. Behavioural responses of AIdNiSsEpCiTr aS CaItEkNiCnEs onAiN D MoIoTrS e APtPo LItChAeT IhOoNs,t pvl.a6n(tI,) :L7a9b-l8a2b. n ig[EenrJ Me!dEinc Akb,s tejx tr(aRcEtP.. MB-2501) the TLhaeb labbe hanviigoerr alp larnets poenxstersa cto f waAsd i stuersat edl aruvnadee r tlo abJoirfafteorreyn t cocnodnicteinotnrsa.i oTnhse of concentrated plant axtract did not elicit positive response from Adisura larvae. The [ijst instar Adisura larvae preferred 10% concentration of the extract over higher concentrations (that is more than 10%). First instar Adisura larvae were found more sensitive in discrlm-natitig non-host from the hcooswtp eat,h anf ablaa sto eainn,s tapri geloanrpveaae . aAndd isPuLrSa-2 4g,r avai df iefledm albeesan l a(iLd. rnio geerg)g s voanr iebtlya.c kTghriasm , study suggests that pigeonpea, cowpea, faba bean, blackgram and soybean are not thL primary host' of A. atkinsoni. [AS] *0727 Vekaria, M.V. ; Vyas, H.N. 1985. Chemical control of pod borer complex in greengran, VI1-na radiati (L) Wilczek with certalin insecticides alone av n.8d( 2i)n: 1c1o1m-1b1i3n.a tion' LEwni]t h(A l:a?Sir)a culan - a plant growth stimulant. LEGUME RESEARCH, Five insecticides alone and in combination with a plant growth stimulant (miraculun) were evaluated against pod borers infesting mungbean. Tile least number of pods damaged by all three pod borers (Heliothis armigera Hubner, Cydia ptychora Mayr and Haruca testulalis Geyer) was recorded in fenlalerate 0y.i0e1l%d +al smoi raicnudliacna tefdo lltohwazte d febny vafleeorvaatlee r0a.t0e1 %0 .0+1 %m iraalcounlea. n Pigoaviee d tdhae tah igohfe sgtr aiyni eld (357 kg/ha) followed by monocrotophos 0.04% + miracla.a 831 kg/ha), fenvalerate 0.01% (827 kg/ha), monocrotophos 0.04% (738 kg/ha) and endosulfan 0.07% + miraculan (727 kg/ha). [PLH/THHI APHIDS *07P8 Nagaraja Rao, K.R. 1959. The bean aphid control with systemic pesticides. MADRAS AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL, v.4b(1l):421-425. [En] (REP .MB-1223) Three systemic insecticides, viz., demeton, Metasystox and dimefox were tpeesstt edt hrini vecson to nr olDloilnigc hobse aln abalpanbi,d V(iAgpnhai s ucnrgaucicciuvloartaa), Aorna cGhliisr ichdyipao gemaanceu,l atVa.. The radiata, V. mungo, Medicago sativa, Indigofera sp. and some other leguminous crops. The direct application of demeton and MetasystoN dt 0.05% on the plants wpoasp uqlautiitoen ewffietchtiinv e4 8 inh . cTohnet rdorlelinacgh tthree atpmeesnt,t s caofu sibnogt h 98in stoe c9ti9c%i dreesd ugcatvioen thine the sdaimmee fovxe sutrietast mdeunrit,n g wah icwhe ekw.i. s Ap mlaacrekde d inr etdhuec tsioonil ina t poa pudleaptthi ono f wa15s ocmb.s eTrvheed in reduction reached the 100% level during 2 weeks. [THH] 190 *0729 Panda, N. ; Raju, A.K. 1972. Varietal resistance of green gram (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.) to Aphis craccivora (Koch) [Hung beansj. INDIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, v.42(b):670-673. [En] [En Abst] (REP.MB-0189) Twenty five varieties of mungbean (Vigna radiata) were screened for resistance to Aphis craccivora (Koch) under field conditions at Bhubaneswar during the winter season of 1969 and the summer and rainy seasons of 1970. The average nimber of aphids, both nymphs and adults, per plant was used to compare the level or resistance betwcen varieties. The intensity of damage by yellow mosaic virus was also recorded. 'BR 2', 'NP 18', 'Kopergaon' and 'Green (4 n)' were resistant to the aphid, whereas 'Shining', 'Khargaon', 'Balsakhi', 'T 51' 'Kiloga', 'Peru', 'Lincon' and 'Beerkun' were susceptible. 'Angul 3-6' proved moderately resistant to the aphid and to the yellow mosaic virus, an antibiosis study revealed that the fecundity of aphids feeding on resistant varieties was almost half that of the insect teeding on susceptille ones. The nymphal weight was lower and the duration of life cycle longer in insects fed on resistant entries. [ASJ *0730 Hamid, S. ; Shah, M.A. ; Anwar, A.M. 1977. Some ecological and behavioural studies on Aphis craccivora Koch (Hem.: Aphididae). COMMONWEALTH INSTITUTE OF BICLOGICAL CONTROL, TECHNICAL BULLETIM, no.18:99-Iil. [En] [En Abst] (REP.MB-2738) Investigations on biology, ecology, behaviour and natural enemies of Aphis craccivora Koch were conducted in Pakistan during 1967-1970. Aphis craccivora exhibited seasonal and crop-wise polymorphism. Anholocyclic infestations were maintained on 9 summer plants, 18 winter and 3 perennials. Of these Arachis hypogaea, Cyamopsis tetragonolobus, Vigna radiata and V. sinensis (summer), Medicago sativa (perennial), and Vicia faba (winter) were important. Host preference was related to reproduction on different olant species. Aphidius absinthii, Aphelinus basalis, Ephedrus sp. nr. cerasicola, Trioxys ? sJnensis, Lysiphlebus fabarum and Aphidencyrtus aphidivora parasitised the apl'id while two Anthocorids, one Chamaemyiid, one Chrysopid, nine Coccinellids and nine Syrphids preyed on it. Ants, Pheidole sp. and Monomorium Indicum, were associated with A. czaccivora in 90% of the sites examined. Their symbiotic influence appeared to work in favour of the aphid. [ASJTHH] *0731 Raju, A.K. ; Panda, N. i983. Observations on the biology of Aphis craccivora Koch on five varieties of greengram. INDIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, v.53(9):86g-869. [En] (A:VS) A laboratory study on the possible antibiosis of mungbeans to Aphis craccivora was conducted in India. On a susceptible variety, Shining, the adult aphid could significantly attain higher fecundity, higher body weight, shorter nymphal period and longer duration than the moderately resistant varieties of Angul 3-6 and NP 18 and r,sistant varieties of Kopergaon and Green 4n. There was no significant difference between Angul 3-6 and NP 18 in respect of oviposition. [THH] OTHER POLYPHALOUS INSECTS 191 *0732 Wolfenbarger, D. ; Sleesman, J.P. 1961. Resistance to the potato leafhopper in Lima bean lines, interspecific Phaseolus crosses, Phaseolus app., the cowpea, and the Bonavist bean. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY, v.54:1077-1079. [EnJ [En Abst] (REP.MB-0580) Nineteen Lima bean lines were resistant to hopperburn, although the varieties differed in resistance to nymphal infestation. All plants or interspecific crosses of resistant and susceptible species were susceptible to both hopperburn and nymphal infestations. Unidentified Phaseolus species differed in their reaction to both nymphal infestations and hopperburn injury. The Bonavist bean was resistant to hopperburn but susceptible to nymphal infestation. Although cowpea lines exhibited tolerance they were susceptible to nymphal infestacions and hopperburn injury. All domestic mungbeans were resistant to nymphal infestation and hopperburn injury. [AS/THH] *0733 Chaudhary, J.P. ; Sidhu, A.S. ; Ramzan, M. 1970. Seasonal activity and life history of Kutra hairy caterpillar in the Punjab. IN: Proceedings [of the] fourth workshop on pulse crops. New Delhi : ICAR. p.204-208 [En] [En Abst] (REP.MB-1459) MEETING: Workshop on Pulse Crops, 4th -- Ludhiana, India, Apr 7-10, 1970 belieSft udAimessa ctcao nmdoucotreedi Bduulrtienrg 1r9e6m7a inteo d 19a6c9t i vree vferaolme da btohuatt cthoen trenadr y oft o Juenaer liteo r the middle of October. There were two distinct races: one comprising 25-30% of the population was univoltine while the other had three broods. Eggs hatched in four days during July-August and in six days during September. Larvae molted 4-6 times and became full-grown in 17-30 days. Pupal period was very variable. mIunl tciavseo ltofi nuen irvaocle,t iniet wraasc e6 -i3t5 wadsa ysa boiun t t1h0e .5f irmsotn t htsw,o wbhreoroedass anidn caabsoeu t of9 mtohen ths in the third brood. Studies on light trap collection revealed that maximum number of moths were attracted during June-July when diipausing pupae of both the races emerged as moths together. About five times more males were attracted to light than the females. [AS] *0734 Saxena, H.P. ; Kumar, S. ; Prasad, S.K. 1971. Efficacy of some systemic granular insecticides against galerucid beetle, Hadurasia obscurella jacoby infesting kharif pulses. INDIAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY, v.33(4):470-471. [En] (REP.MB-1307) (NOTE: Also presented at the 3rd Annual Workshop Conference on Pulse Crops, in 1969, under the title: Chemical control of galerucid beetle on pulses, viz., mung, urid, and cowpea) During kharif 1968, granular systemic insecticides were tested to control galerucid beetle (Madurasia obscurella Jacaby), an important pest of kharif mungbean, blackgram and cowpea in India. ALdicarb, phorate (Thimet 10 G) and disulfoton (Solvirex and Disyston) were appiled to soil at the rate of 2 kg/ha, 1.5 kg/ha, 1 kg/ha, and 0.5 kg/ha. The application was done before sowing. The dose of 2 kg/ha of all insecticides tested proved better in all three crops. The results in mungbean and blackgram were significant. In the case of mungbean, phorate at 2 %g/ha recorded 38.4% of damaged leaves as against 84.7% in the control. The same dose of phorate at 2 kg/ha proved most effective in blackgram, the damaged leaves was 36.6% as compared to 68.6% in the control. In cowpea, phorate 2 kg/ha had significantly less damaged leaves than the control 192 but the difference in the average number of holes was not significant. [THHJ *0735 Pal, S.K. 1972. A note on leaf weevil Cyrtozenia cognata Marshall (Curculionidae: Coleoptera) infesting Kharif crops in dryland farming. ANNALS OF ARID ZONE, v.11(1/2):132. [EnJ (REP.MB-2569) The adult mungbean weevil is grey. It is 7 mm long and 4 mm wide. It nibbles the leaves and makes round and irregular holes, resulting in poor plant growth. The average population of weevils recorded on each plant was 2-6 and weevils were found hiding in the clods and around debris. The activity of the pest was maximum during morning and evening hours. Results obtained from the application of some insecticides revealed that 0.03% Phosphamidon (two sprays .t10-day interval) was quite effective in controlling the pest. [AS/THH] *0736 Enyi, B.A.C. 1975. Effects of defoliation on growth and yield in groundnut (Arachis hypogea), covpeau (Vigna unguiculata), soyabean (Glycine max) and green graw (Vigna aurens). ANNALS OF APPLIED BIOLOGY, v.79(1):55-66. [En] [En Abst] (REP.MB-0575) Defoliation reduced the dry weight of stems, pods, grains and size of individual grains in all four of the legume crops studied and the dry weight of flowering inflorescence stalk in the case of cowpeas and mungbean only. The adverse effect of defoliation was more pronounced when defoliation was complete than when half of the number of leaves were removed. The greatest reduction in grain yield occurred when the plants were defoliated during the early podding stage, the percentage reduction being 59.7, 79.0, 86.4 and 95.3 in groundnut, cowpeas, soybeans and mungbean, respectivaly, when completely defoliated at this stage and 43.3, 14.0, 42.4 and 46.1, respectively, when only half defoliated. The results show that assimilates produced by the leaves during the early stages of growth are used in the growth of stems and leaves, but the assimilates produced during the reproductive stage are used mainly for the growth of the pods. In groundnut, pod number and grain weight were positively 'correlatedwith stem weight. It appears that defoliation reduced pod number by depressing the growth of stems and this in turn reduced the number of flowering nodes. The reasons for the differences between the crops in their response to the defoliation treatments and the practical implications of the findings in relation to pest and disease control and plucking of leaves for human consumption are discussed. [ASI *0737 Sinha, M.M. ; Yadav, R.P. ; Singh, R. 1975. Laboratory studies on the effects of some varieties of mung (Phaseolus aureus Roxb.) on the growth and development of Bihar hairy caterpillar (Diacrisia obliqua Walker). LABDEV JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PART B: LIFE SCIENCE, v.13(3/4):375-178. [En] [En Abst] (PEP.MB-2679) In laboratory studies on nine different varieties of mungbean (Vigna radiata) for their relative suitability to support the growth and development of Diacrisia obliqua Walker during kharif, 1974 at the Agricultural Research Institute, Dholi (Bihar), all the varieties of mungbean showed differential behavior in respect of the growth and developmental pattern of this insect. Among the varieties studied, ML 2 was found to be the most suited food whereas No. 122 the least for the larval growth and development of the insect. In respect of pupal period, all the varieties behaved more or less alike. With 193 rreecgoarrddesd tot het hle owpeesrtc epnetracgeen toaf gea duolf t emeemregregnecnec e,w hihloew evSe.rS,. M.t heI vshaorwieedt y thNeo . hi1g22h est. [AS] *0738 Sinha, M.M. ; Yadav, R.P. ; Kumar, A. 1975. Outbreak of the Bihar hairy caterpillar, Diacrisia obliqua Walker in North Bihar. ENTOMOLOGISTS' NEWSLETTER, v.5(10/11):47. JEnJ (REP.MB-2762) ommabuilnzlgeqbI uena aan ned,aW rallsjyukot eyerbS.)ee apniIt,nne mcabnoe owprrpr teeh1al 9,i7B 5mi,ihs naw arear,eny t oInupfdiotietbalar,dte oa,kct raiuotaifsll e dBw i(ihSstaeehrsv aemr1h4uea m i rdiysan pms.aec)gca,ett iecsrtiupod nieflbslll oaawroce,nkr g,br( laDapmiec,aak cngruritas,mi ,a 0.05% dichlorvos, leptophos or quinalphos, 0.04% monocrotophos or phenthoate, 0.06% phosalone, 0.07% endosulfan and 0.01% formothion reduced the larval population considerably. [THH] *0739 Srivastava, A.S. ; Awasthi, B.K. ; Nigam, P.M. 1975. Incidence of Hyllocerus maculosus Desb., on leguminous crops (Coleoptera: Curculionidae). LABDEV JOURNAL OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, PART B: LIFE SCIENCE, v.13(3/4):215-216. [EnJ [En Abst] (REP.MB-2680) A monthly survey to monitor the incidence of adult Myllocerus maculosus DK2s7oae.yns0bpb-eu.4ar 5n o..nd0 i Psvetairnrr ciiecomntuut.sna ggTblehee eag nui,mnc ifrneosospoutsysa b tefiaocounrnn,o d p vsba lirnawifaceeskd sg trceaafdmrr orawmine edr2d e3 .co7oum-wtu2p n9egi.abn4 e;cad rnio,1fp 9fs.eb,5rl -ea4nrc4tek. sg0prl;eao cmc2t,a6il .vic0eot-lwi4ype6e.s.a 0P,o e faaa knn dd infestation was recorded in August. [AS] *0740 Pal, S.K. ; Kushwaha, K.S. 1977. Relative toxicity of some IinNDsIeAcNt icJiOdUeRsN ALt oO Fth eE NaTOdMuOlLtOs GYo,f mvo.o3n9g (4v)e:e3v8i1l,- 38C3y.r t oz[eEmn]i a (cRoEgP.nMaBta-2 5M95a)r shall. mecitaunonrndxsbgoieabsccLre,utay aliblnffco,saoir .nlda .llet oisoTnwA hrdteeyt ad on tttehbeot,eyshx tei smLmc Cooia nntdw9oouye0ccl r rrte(oosl Ltt eCcoov ooppef5nhhl0 doo,)Cuss yc,,drti itencpodddrhz iiooeccitsmarnopito phaetIhad onom pdcsihiot doahgowsa nna,taos tn caa l na ittdrhnMh bedaea e arrmnnsryodehelso al,tsla( ultgl,iptafov hmaxeaomni s a.cp lt, heHo aaC[xmfHTfi iH)ocHd wli]owelt naoey swv aeiondlftd h e6ob fym ost *0741 Yadav, R.P. ; Singh, R. 1977. Studies on the larval development of Bpliahnatrs haati rDyh oclait er(pNiolrltahr B i(hDaira)c.r i sSiCaI EoNbClEi quANaD WCaUlLkTeUrR)E ,i n vr.e4l3a(t5i)o:n2 3t3o- 2s3o4m.e ho[sEtn ] (REP.MB-2597) AWIacnancdldo kireaI12dr,n )i ,ndlt gaha yaebs t oo psr auoafrltttvhyoeeiprrsahy ela ghrorcaeaurtatsicre thi,einp rnegigs dta ut w,rre aicrtataeiliu loss noi w(bnSoisgfete shrsa velmevaBuderim rvh eaao lrns pd.ahpt)eema nrai wigraoedysd i fct afotan ehtderae er nvlbpteaai srrltvilf aeaoltorf ydo ow(dpeoD lifiap gclnhcrattrins ost.pai tsa f o6oir bn ld aiyqsu a larval development, followed by blackgram, sweet potato, soybean, sunflower, cowpea, mungbean, bhant (Clerodendron sp.), peanut and pigeonpea. [THH] 194 *0742 Mahadevan, N.R. ; Gopalan, M. ; Swamiappan, M. 1978. Re1ative incidence of galerucid beetle, Kadurasla obscurella Jacoby (Galerucide: coleoptera) on greengram and blackgram varieties. MADRAS AGRICULTURAL JOURNAL, v.65(I1):758-759. [En] (A:PS) Two randomised block trials were conducted with 21 varieties of mungbean and 9 varieties of blackgram to observe the relative incidence of galerucid beetle (Madurasia obscurella Jacoby) under field conditions in Tamil Nadu, India. The pest damage in mungbean and blackgram ranged from 35.8 to 53.9% and 26.9 to 45.4%, respectively. Mungbean varieties viz., Co 3, ML 6, Co 1, Madiar Mung, and blackgram, C2-48-12 showed significantly less incidence. [THH] *0743 Singh, O.P. ; Jakhmola, S.S. ; Gangrade, G.A. 1978. Neue Wirtspflanzen des Ringelbocks, Oberea brevis Swed. (Col., Cerambycidae, La-iinae) in Indien. = New host plants of the girdle beetle, Oberea brevis Swed. (Col., Cerambycidae, Lamiinea) ANZEIGER FUR SCHADLINGSKUNDE, PFLANZENSCHUTZ UMWELTSCHUTZ, v.51(6):88-89. [De] [En Abst] (REP.MB-2836) The girdle beetle, Oberea brevis, is recorded on soybean (Glycine max), beans (Lablab niger), cowpea (Vigna sicnensis), blackgram (V. mungo) and mungbean (V. radiata) growing in the areas of Uttar Pradesh, and Madhya Pradesh, India. The pest caused up to 36.5% plant mortality. In 1975 and 1976 studies were done to record the host range of 0. brevis. The infestation was ascertained by the presence of two parallel girdles, which are made by the female beetles to reduce the moisture content of the plant and to lay the eggs between the girdles. Due to girdling on the plants, the apical parts dry and later drop off and larvae make their tunnels in the lower parts of the plants. Eleven new host plants of 0. brevis were recorded. [AS] *0744 Gupta, B.M. ; Dabi, R.K. ; Gupta, H.C. ; Sharma, S.K. 1979. Effect of host plants on the larval development of Diacrisia obliqua Walker. JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGICAL RESEARCH, v.3(2):224-226. [En] [En Absti (REP.MB-2239) The effect of ten host plants on the larval development of Diacrisia obliqua Walker was studied. On the basis of percentage of larvae surviving, growth index and weight gained by larvae, sesamum was found to be the most preferred food followed by castor, groundnut, mungbean, moth bean, cowpea, pearl millet, cluster bean, pigeonpea and sun hemp. [AS] *0745 Parihar, D.R. 1979. Outbreak of Katra, Amsacta noorei pest in the Rajasthan desert. ANNALS OF ARID ZONE, v.18(1/2):140-141. [En] (REP.MB-2568) A serious outbreak of Amsacta moorei occurred in the desert region of Rajasthan, India in 1977. Pearl millet, sesame, cluster bean, moth bean and mungbean were severely damaged. The density of A. moorei on various crops was assessed at 4 ecologically different places. The occurrence of the pest was the highest at Nagaur, where the soils are heavy.. The infestation of larvae was maximum on mungbean and moth bean, and minimum on pearl millet at all 4 sites. This unusal outbreak of the pest was ascribed to an earlier onset of the monsoon, which caused wetting of soils during the hottest period of the year. This assisted adult emergence and provided ample of food in the form of weeds. A concomitant increase in reproductive activity must also have existed. [THH) 195 *0746 Prasad, D. ; Premchand 1980. Growth and development of Diacrisia obliqua Walker on various food plants. INDIAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY, v. 42(4):b11-blb. [EnJ [En Abst] (REP.MB-2870) The effect of nine food plants, viz., cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), groundnut (cAortatocnh is( Gohsyspyopgiauema ), sppsu.)n, floawlefar lf(aIH e(Mliaendtichaugso ansnaLuuivs)a,) , bslaocrgkhgurmam (S(Vorigghnuam mvuunglgoa),re), vgreolwvetht abneda n d(eivuecloupnma encto cohfi nDclinaicernissiias ) oabnlidq ulaa ntWanaalk er( Lawuaista nsat udcaiemda. ra)N, oneo notfh ethe larvae survived on sorghum, velvet bean anid lntalna. Oil tie basis of larval period, larval survival, larval weight, pupal period, pupal weight and stheex -freaatisot . oOf n D.t heo bbliaqsuias , ofs unthfleo wgeror wwtha s intdleex ,m ossitx faovf outhrea blree mfaoiondin ga ndfo ocdo wppelaanwtsas could be arranged in order of decreasing suitability. Sunflower, cotton, bfihalasvceokucgrt.ar abnline, agtoelrfna ellrfaaarl,,v alcf ooowsdup eravp ilavannadlts gwwerroheuic nh ad luwsote. r es uTitluhtesa bltbhee es ft oforf oo drr appthilead nddtsee vvweellhooipcpmhm eenwntte reooff tthhee insect produced more females and vice versa. [AS/TOO1i] *0747 Prasad, D. ; Premnchand 1980. Some observations on moulting behaviour and larval mortality of Diacrisia obliqua Walker on different foods. INDIAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY, v.42(4):82b-828. [Enj (REP.MB-28b9) DiacrLiasbioar atooblriyq usat udoni esc owonp e at,h e pemaonlutti,n g subenhfalvoiwoeurr, abnlda cklagrrvaaml, mcoortttaolni tayn d ofa lfalfa wpelarne tsc onedxuccetpet d suinn flIonwdeiar,. Tonh e whiincshe ctl arpvaases edh adt hroonulgy h 5 6 inlsatravrasl ainnds taprusp atone d all food Tmeohaerr tlaimleoirst.t y Oofen xtcleoantrdtveoadnl amupno dr ttoaa ll if12ta yl fdaaw ya sst .h eo Tbh4seeth r vheiadng dh eis5nt th t mheoin rtsfaitalrisr tt yw,we eree50 k..e7 x7O1te.nn, dc eowdaws p ebayr ecotohnere d edda y. on cotton. [AS] *0748 Premchand 1981. Presence of feeding deterrent in velvet bean, Mucua cochinensis Roxb. INDIAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY, v.43:217-219. [En] (REP.MB-2314) A study was conducted to assess if the leaves of velvet bean (Mucunz csuorcvhiivnec,h inceosnitsa)i,n e do n awnhyi cchh emtihec all aravcatei ngo f asD i aac rfieseidain go bldieqtuear reanrte. unIta blwaes tof ound that coating leaves of soybean, blackgram and rice bean with extracts from velvet bean leaves reduced the percentage of leaf area consumed by D. obliqua. Clohweemri caclo ncaneanltyrsaitsi onosf mofa tucroem povuenldvse t whbiecanh mliegahvte s bes h otweetdr athhyed rporiessoeqnucien oloif neLs-,D opaand, large amounts of phenolic material. These compounds probably acted as a feeding deterrent. [THIIJ *0749 Vyas, H.N. ; Saxena, H.P. 1982. Comparative efficacy of some ginrseeecntgircaimd.e s INaDgIaAiNn stJ OgUaRlNeArLu cOiFd AGbReIeCtUlLeT,U RMAaLd urSaCsIEiNaC EoSb,s c uvr.e5l2l(a1 OJ)a:c6o8b9y-,6 9i3n.f e st[Einn]g [En Abst] (A:PS) Seed treatment of mungbean [Vigna radiata (Linn.) Wilczek] with carbofuran 4% proved consistently effective against Madurasia obscurella Jacoby, followed 196 by disulfoton and phorate @ 1.5 kg a.i./ha as well as seed treatment with 4% of these chemicals. Foliar application with 0.04% monocrotophos also considerably reduced the pest damage. [AS] *0750 Gupta, P.K. ; Singh, J. 1984. Biology of Hadurasia obscurella Jacoby, an important pest of rainy-season pulses. INDIAN JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURAL SCIENCES, v.54(I0):931-934. [En] [En AbstJ (A:PS) The adult galerucid beetle, Madurasia obscurella Jacoby, was found to fees on the leaves and the grubs on the root nodules and root hairs of mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek], blackgram [Vigna mungo (L.) Hepper], cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. subsp, cylindrica (L.) Van-Eseltine], pigeoripea [Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.] and lablab bean [Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweetj. The incubation period varied from 3 to 5 days both in the laboratcry and in the field. There were 3 larval instars. The full-grown whitish laj:vae measured 3.72 to 4.00 mm long and 0.70 to 0.85 mm across the head. The larval period varied from 17 to 26 days. Pupation took place near the roots of host plants in the soil. The white pupae measured 3.13 to 3.58 mm long and 1.53 to i.86 mm across the mesothorax. The pupal period ranged from 8 to 14 days. In the tield two generations/year were noticed on mungbean. The total life cycle ranged from 32 to 44 days. [AS] *0751 Krishnaiah, K. ; Ramakrishnan, N. ; Reddy, P.C. 1984. Further trials on control of Spodoptera litura Fab. by nuclear polybedrosis virus on black gram and groundnut. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PROTECTION, v.12(i):81-83. [En] (REP.MB-2789) Field trials were carried out in Andhra Pradesh, India during the rabi (cool) season of 1983-84 on the effectiveness of nuclear polyhedrosis virus against the noctuid Spodoptera litura on blackgram (Vigna mungo) and groundnut. The virus applied at 1500 or 750 larval equivalents/ha was found to be as effective as the synthetic pyrethroids cypermethrin and fenvalerate, applied at 50 and 60 g/ha, respectively, in controlling the pest and increasing the yield. [PLH *0752 Chauhan, R. ; Dahiya, B. ; Singh, Ram ; Gupta, K.R. 1985. Occurrence and varietal incidence of tarsonemid mite on green gram at Hissar. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PLANT PROTECTION, v.12(2):156. LEn] (REP.MB-2786) The relative incidence of Tarsonemus sp. on 30 cultivars of mungbean (Vigna radiata) was assessed in Haryana, India, in 1982-1983. All cultivars were infested. Leaf infestation varied from 32.5% in HG 33 to 70.6% in HG 32, and in the remaining 28 cultivars from 40 to 60%. Population density on leaves did not differ significantly between the cultivars. [THH] *0753 Chhabra, K.S. ; Kooner, B.S. 1985. Problem of flower shedding caused by thrips, Megalurothrips distalis (Karny), on sumr mungbean, Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek, and its control. TROPICAL PEST MANAGEMENT, v.31(3):186-188. [En] [En Abst] (A:PS) Flower shedding in summer mungbean, Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek, is a common 197 feature caused by thrips, Megalurothrips distalis (Karny). Eleven insecticides were tested in field trials for the control of thrips in 1982-1984. All the treatments were significantly better in controlling the thrips, reducing flower shedding, increasing the pod numbers and grain yield, in comparison with the control. Increases in yield compared with the control during trials ranged from 85 to 89% (1982), 26 to 96% (1983) and 5 to 194% (1984). Dimethoate gave the highest increases in yield and profit followed by monocrotophos and endosulfan. [AS] *0754 Chhabra, K.S. ; Kooner, B.S. 1986. Comparative efficacy of different insecticides in controlling thrips, Megalurothrips distallo (Karny) on summer mungbean, Vigna radiata (L.) Wilczek. LEGUME RESEARCH, v.9(l):39-42. [En] [En Abst] (A:PS) Different doses of malathion, dimethoate, oxydemeton methyl and phosphamidon were tested in five field trials for controlling the thrips, Megalurothrips distalis Karny. Higher doses of malathion at 125 G and the rest of the insecticides at 75 g a.l./ha were significantly more effective in controlling thrips and gave substantially higher yields. Dimethoate fetched the maximum net profit of Rs. 2033/ha followed by phosphamidon (Rs. 1731/ha) malathion (Rs. 1662/ha) and oxydemeton methyl (Rs. 1661/ha). [AS/THHI STORED PESTS *0755 Chatterji, S. 1953. On some preservatives against Bruchid pests of stored mung. SCIENCE AND CULTURE, v.18(7):333. [En] (REP.MB-1114) Laboratory trials were carried out for controlling the bruchid pests of stored mungbean with both insecticides and vegetable oils. DDT and benzene hexachloride (1:100,000 parts by weight), copper carbonate (1:200), and sodium fluosilicate (1:1600) were quite successful in controlling the bruchids. All the vegetable oils, namely, castor, coconut and mustard oils at the rate of 225 g per 40 kg grains were very effective. [THH] *0756 Chatterji, S. 1953. On the infestation of bruchids in milled and unmilled pulse (mung). SCIENCE AND CULTURE, v.9:305. [En] (REP.MB-0112) In a laboratory rearing trial with Bruchus analis, the bruchid grubs were unable to complete their life cycle in broken grains of pulses. The reasons are first; the moisture content gets reduced when the grains are broken after milling and second; there is not enough space for pupation in the broken halves as a result of which most of the bruchid grubs die without reaching the adult stage. [THI] *0757 Mookherjee, P.B. ; Beri, Y.P. ; Sharma, G.C. ; Kumar, S.S. 1960. Relative efficacy of different types of jute bags against infestation by Callosobruchus maculatus Fab. in stored 'Mung' (Phaseolus aureus). INDIAN JOURNAL OF ENTOMOLOGY, v.22:237-238. [En] (REP.MB-0944) 198 The experiments were conducted-smal-1l--jute--bags which were prepared out of four different jute cloths. The bags were filled with sterilized mungbean and were stitched by a spiral seaming method so as not to give any access to the bruchids for entry from the stitched end. Then the bags were separately put in glass jars in which ten pairs of freshly hatched bruchids were introduced. All the jars were kept at a constant temperature of 30 C. Observations carried out for a period of 7 days showed that a number of eggs were laid on mungbeans which were exposed because of looseness of the weave of jute cloth. These studies showed that bruchid infestation in mungbeans stored in jute bags greatly dependent on the type of jute cloth used. [THH] *0758 Lin, T. 1964. Laboratory test of chemicals for Callosobruchus chinensis control. JOURNAL OF TAIWAN AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH, v.13(2):55-58. [Ch] [Ch Abst] (REP.MB-891) (NOTE: English summary by Chu, Y.I.) In a laboratory feeding preference trial of Callosobruchus chinensis, insect infestation was maximum on adzuki bean followed by mungbean and minimum on soybean. Pea and peanut were not infested. Mungbeans coated with bromocyclen, chlorbycyclen, premium malathion, malathion and lindane were tested for controlling the pest. On the basis of residual duration of newly hatched larvae, bromocyclen and chlorbycylen were the best and followed by lindane, malathion and premium malathion. A coating of 0.4 to 0.5 kg of 5% bromocyclen or 5% chlorbycylen on 1000 kg seeds was recommended for controlling the pest. This treatment would also prevent infestation of other stored pests. ITHH] *0759 Borkovec, A.B. ; Nagasawa, S. ; Shinohara, H. 1968. Sterilization of the adzuki bean weevil, Callosobruchus chlnensis, by metepa and hempa. JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC ENTOMOLOGY, v.61(3):695-698. [En] [En Abst] (REP.MB-0370) Adzuki bean weevils, Callosobruchus chinensis (L.), were sterilized with metepa by topical application, dipping, contact treatment, and fumigation. These methods are suitable for bioassay of metepa and for testing other candidate chemosterilants. The sterilizing effects were permanent and their intensity increased with time elapsed after treatment. With topical application, the median dose that inhibited oviposition was 29.499 microgram per weevil, the LD50 was 177.79 microgram per female and 117.64 microgram per male, and the median sterilizing dose was 0.940 microgram per weevil. When the weevils were dipped in solutions of metepa, hempa, and a 1:19 mixture of metepa and hempa the concentration-unhatchability regression lines were parallel, indicating a similar action of the 2 chemosterilants. In all experiments both sexes were treated with equal amounts of sterilant. Results were analyzed statistically, and appropriate regression equations were calculated. [AS] *0760 Jotwani, M.G. ; Bori, Y.P. ; Sircar, P. ; Dishpande, A.D.D. 1968. Neem seed as a protectant against bruchid Callosobruchus maculatus (Fab.) infesting some leguminous seeds. IN: Proceedings [of the] second annual workshop conference on pulse crops. New Delhi : ICAR. 2p. [En] (REP.MB-1424) MEETING: Annual Workshop Conference on Pulse Crops, 2nd -- New Delhi, India, Apr 1-3, 1968 199

(miraculun) were evaluated against pod borers infesting mungbean. Tile least study revealed that the fecundity of aphids feeding on resistant varieties was .. survive, contained any chemical acting as a feeding deterrent. Turmeric powder was tested for controlling the storage pest Callosobruchus.
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