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04.Survival Russian a Course in Conversational Russian PDF

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N. B. Karavanova SURVIVAL RUSSIAN A.Course.in Conversational Russian H. 6. Kapapanosa Hype pyccno# pa3sroBopHon Pa peun SURVIVAL RUSSIAN H. B. Hapapanopa TOBOPHTE NIPABWIbHO | Hype pyccroi pasroBopHoli peun Ge wsnanne, crepeoranAge N. B. Karavanova SURVIVAL RUSSIAN A Course in Conversational Russian 6st edition, stereotype YEE 808.2-8(075.8)-064.6 [BBE §1.2Pye-023 aL Tiepenag wa amenuitexmt auto: A. hfopaanm (CUTA} Kapsnamea HE. ‘Kai Tonopime nparnasaol: Kype pyecwott pearosopmot pom (aa ronopam a surmickox 230K). 6-2 Hoa. NEDO. — Mh Pyocem sone, Kypes, 2008.— 304 ISBN 5-88297-028-1 oae, mpscearenn neem st eee resis gOS 1 eae teapernnn x O80 stygeeusetemopaiene THER, sen Recpedunee Be SRY ESOIEONEL Hm ges, Si a er, Rann Lae Sia THRE Pt Mpeaucaosve ‘YanGnine aShrvivad Russlgns wperwannasen 1 caMoro aMHpO- Doro DYTA ANU FAYTAIONIR HECK FONIK, HTO MOTyT Keo eae i eryaenTll (a MaGacLAO% H epemMeN arane a€yseMus). 79K a Gremeemenes ¥ KDHUpLIS MILO UPeEIH AN CHC TeERLHEECRDIO Dy: ‘enue sana. Ow nonocaer Ssterpa owaaes PYCOWHN HaMNNS Te, EEO Resvoor a ww wuraxara npeneTannedtte. HON-TE, KTO ROCTERIHO 20- ponte RIAICCT PYOERIN SKID, HABRYT 7a SCG KaFOTS ROROTA MT ‘Yeebuwe cocrot 33 16 yponos, ouunaTousL ore nye ‘ony vuln suasoNetay, opmetroMiA W Luposte upauaedite ssyocte, s rearp ta, Spox mouosuer: * serypinonmecin msenrapni, of acimnnan pean ye cexoit anni, eamiannate e onperenéern Tome; 1 nonin, arnneRMIyWes K NARROH TeHETNES + Tpeocstirsectice raGnean w parame MpHOATTLeCACe KOMMERT a + yon ro ppansarie n He suapenaenne nex 1 var aT TeNy CHoTONATORASEN MS UETESHOH MR xo crpasenerina, ‘ recng, ¢ voouese SOTepLeK KUO UPRepHTS ASMA BU A 1B wasane yee aanat mparesh uurae-preenat Tewanrvcer enogupa m enoupe mauanee sacra ynorpoSerene rmaconoe, rpm: rareaesiax, a Take ipa oecra HaNBoRDS WaerA EIPOATONMICS nampa. TAR "79,030 Y Pas onAcea RET RPC Ra [eC STK, 1 ORETC ROCTNAEAORATLCK TONLAD Z7MROH HNNEDEATAM, Keone 10:0, a mane yoeGunea wabren peter agua, @ TUE NpHIEpHID cna TReTcrANE np ow EONNETH® PYECHNY H AMETHMERH DBVKOD. KOH ie yee ay 2ex ro mmepenyea ce pyCCKn PUNT, rea Kpureue rpasoarorsecnue emereMAa a Beex METRY Pe ‘obruve rpansarguectene-TaGmmes, Taw 3e COnEpRATCA RBITEHE Cue ti © pyeesal Gouermee, ocanauste aagoHa upeK HOU PECAN ‘ayo, 6 reece YneBins noorpoot npencatir eto m poe, 2 HEH Her HiseL suger eorereraiouere, D yupacneme str Ms ue BEDE user HecaiBMHUIO WW BIE. wo$ upeMUapuee MO AAO H KeEEA ‘s2enom Guoxe oGeaceuo 8 rpauaamnseceon Grone R yreBwae Her eKyceTReNHO gocrannenynrT TexeTnn, Ree THAAOTT AAD Ha OCHO ie unol! PazraRopHO PNK a ME KUIFUNAATTES HOM RAKHLMHD RU ErpY KUM, KHK 210 aopeaxt Gur # yaeGwRaX. Tone pu com Crausena pMaTALCCROMK FIpAKEIET MR MOCRApAMC TT. WETOMSO- RTL cagyte ARTUBRa KOVR Reno perm. HapanbeRsHHS CREME pacar wtSrnocrenena or spank ypory. K oKuHHuMIE KAT no pawreny yaeBaery net Ryuere ofasure Kovtun senacow onan 2 cHOSHAUMH CHeneRIIAN HO pycesolT rpassuUNe, couatere JerHo of uisrica eauotl cram Haru reeanounsiy ene He 1048 iO rowopieT, MO H Suite yoepeMIAMA, x0 LL DUOPATE UPAOAL IO. 8 ‘nuance pyeceate Dae Take MOINTAIOT NPABHAL HO, Saldesnce 1a OTaMy PIOGHNY, RAT RSTE MRyTATA O-TAMRED NORA, RO YO [omsernit, NOTEMTY WTO KENAI ACH Ha NpURTURE FACETS RET CRAM DPearesae pesynsruts, 1 samo uocodn co Nomucranace yseers MeAOCHIARY MD ene enwars veFunKoe pycenoro AatKR aa MocspaTiensBo-ep- are, a upardino, B yeeSuanns pyocKoTo emeA A MoeTANNEY NET RETA ALZHCROSTPAKORENISCION HPN KS) POTTUCERTE ON LMeRRpHCR. Bar MOKETE OPTI TROINTE erPYGEKN HC-TEM RE MCHCE TROMATATH B IpIEMHEE AOKI, Ho A, KAN BOOTH COE w TOM TA ‘oie enamine Poooun (eax npetera ronnperh no Tenerony, necri cof 8 ucrax uc). Oxumurreuasolt H oNeHs sucHOH JeUTeMHOS ow 21010 yaeGunca umierta vo, 470 8 HEHE ‘PHN, OH NOxBOAIT BAM lle TOTLIkO NOALAKOMETLA ¢ pCR 77H [BETOH, PYCCK™MHPORITOHAN, OW HAYTAT ERC NPABHALIO HOM sunaré mpentaraenyie saxon W rpanwaraey. ROweTOpTI, HEOERO- skoun twee, 470 nepenus arora yHeGAKA Re ABENTTON A ask ‘cream He pyeetun mependasuncun, d uoeareHes HBL IIepHIEAK ‘eof more ner penne! x Pace xopouie aural pycemHN srr, wc poannnsn pyootad ovum, ToTOMy' Dts WORere BLE Yue onan procera neremiccnn cooTseTereMh HrpeansaMANectn oGLAC. era ‘Rast rosceres, amtuns mo ocrouuern 101g yx ua am ners 1uto, 10 M0 sesty Modoto paGorart TE TAMERS ¢ HpeuoAawRE EH, HO DaMverouressne, MEO HUNHCAM OF ORNS RRET/TRO. 1 sceru, w20 y40ORH NANACIDN AUTOPOM, w TOME palo aware € ver pasami pH RALLMOAB gereit Apri enpnua 1HaRDM € TPYAREOTANM, NTA NEARTREOT mmacrparrisr npH naynNM pyceraro saute. Marepaama yueSRMie SGar0m anpoSpoRalrs ie OREATHEE 60 STSRSUTAYN-HEOCTPSMRNC aman cTpM ‘erga, a THERE TH BANATHEK 6 GmUcENCUsNE, paBaTaLe- iueics Woexbe. Stor PISGKUk MaMYINA cane HeNOMTETLAIE OT Dusia Ka ¢o cTopowGI MpeTozaDarete, Tax A co eTOponE cry ‘ow w Bumecheuow TL, snr yseGunx mus prowess sce! Des aut eye 2 anysacro pears ane p emieh erpane, am nw Gyner oxeHe Tae reper nes'yoitr Poccian, Hom aT oS paBTaCrE wre TECK R Poe con on coxosesrnae OitcTpee amanmaporeTiea pyc rcermaTeM. novia, Paiwoneu, eo at ue ayssete pxCeA Ok, x ypUeND HLT pecyetece Puccnelt ow LasvOMD HOC E BYECHTA pupae, uA ne, ncofleueneasos UREREH PYENIDE& DASHA CHYOREEX ‘Aenaea yerexan! Preface Survivat Rusion: A Course in Conversational Russian is itensed tora very wide audicnee of Rurwian language aides. can be wed by those suing Russian atthe beginning, intermediate, ae advanced lev ls, and alan by businesspeople wh have itl time fr intensive study of the language. twill help people who have lite or no kamwledge of ‘Russian te quicly become profione People who already knovr Russian ‘well wil algo find much chat is uew and intersting, Im this exthook, we have addressed the doticicnsies of many Rus- sion Iauguage textbooks, Fist, faw Risen Iauguage Cexrbooks contain cultural eommentizy. One can speale Russian well, bul stl end up in sssleward situations hecanse ofa lock of enlaral knowledge (pane at qucte, being x guest, tc.) This textbook will not only supply you with ‘backgsound on etiquette dnd aitions ut wil each you te vocabulacy und grammar to put your culloal kaowhedge i> use, (Neat, this extbvok is divided into chupters nol about rueumer, but boul themes covering the must eatentisl aspects uf everyday Lie, such ‘av meeting people, geltigg wround the city, shupping, et bach Tewun Includes the following material on a given theme: * cultural omnrentary, vvncabulary list arama] tables, commentary and exescsas; ‘hematic dialogues using te given vocnbolacy aed gram, ‘izes to test your knpwledge. ‘Al the beginning of the texthook there Se short English-Russian thomati dictionary with the most popular neuns, verbs, adjectives, and phrases used when conversing ou. piven theme. So if you have lis tune or ewdying Russian, you cau focus oa hese maerials, Ifyou would Like 1 more detiled explanation of Russian ummar or phonelics, you may teler (othe chupters tthe end of the textbook. The textboe’ is lid out very clearly and simply. n the exersivevand dialogues, you wil not tid anything tat Bas nat boon proscuted first ia

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