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01272021 Meeting materials PDF

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Preview 01272021 Meeting materials

Arlington Contributory Retirement Board Meeting Minutes for Decamber 16, 2020, Conducted by remote participation Board Mlembars present: Chairperson Kenneth Hughes, Richard Keshian Kenneth Steele, Ida Cody and Robert Jefferson ‘Chairperson Kenneth Hughes callod tho regular meeting to order at 4:30 and read the required intreduction per the Governors Order for remote Motion and vote to approve Expense Warrants #20, 21,22 and December 2020 Payroll Warrant After review and discussion, Mr. Steele made 2 motion to approve the Expense Warrants # 20, 21,22 and the December 2020 Payrall Warrant for payment, seconded by Mr. Keshian, The motion was approved by unanimous roll call vote Mr. Jefferson |, Mr. Keshian |, Mr. Steele I, Ms Cady and Chalrman Hughes | Mefion and vote to approve Minutes for November 18, 2020 Aiter review and discussion, Mr. Steele made a motian to approve the November 18, 2020 Minutes, seconded by Mr. Kesbian. Tae motion was approved by Unanimous rofl call vote Mr. Jefforson |, Mr. Keshian |, Mr. Steels I, Ms Cody and Chairman Hughes | Motion and Vote October 2020 Trlal Balance After review and discussion, Ms, Cady made a motion to approve the October 2020 Tiial Balances, seconded by Mr. Steele. The motion was approved by Unanimous roll call vote Mr. Jefferson I, Mr. Keshian I, Mr. Stoale |, Ms Cody and Chaimman Hughes 1 Motion and Vote on proposed Retirement Budget for 2021 Alffer review and discussion, Ms. Keshian made a motion to approve the 2024 Calendar budget and staff increases, seconded by Mr. Jefferson, The motion was approved by unanimous roll call vote Mr. Jefferson |. Mr. Keshian |, Mr, Steele ‘Ms Cody and Chairman Hughes | Mation to approve new fown members. After review and discussion Mr. Keshian mage a motion (o approve new school members, seconded by Mr. Steele. The motion was approved by unanimous roll call vote Mr. Jefferson I, Mr. Keshian J, Mi. Steefe i, Ms. Cady | ang Ghaitman Hughes 1 Name Date of Membership Percentage Position | JeRon are 1210772020 S¥2% Asst. Colloctor Ecibe TAX [Michael Cunningha_t1/oa2020 842% Deputy Town Counsel Motion to approve new school members Affor roviow and discussion Mi. Jefferscn made a motion to approve new school members, seconded by Mr, Steele, The molian was approved by unanimous rall ceil vote Mr. Jefferscn |, Wr. Keshian 1 Mr, Steele I, Ms, Cody | and Chairman Hughes | | Peter Antonakas _spioriig’ "——saih____Teaoho; Agsatart’ [Amanda Barrera 11902020 612%" Teachor Assistant Dylan Carrier 10/02/0020 “G43 Teacher Assistant Heather Elswor” 10012020 _"—_ge2¥% Trae Supervisor liam Marti, 10262900 +24 "Teacher Assistant “Patrick McGarity 10/26/2520 S2% Teacher Assistant Lindsay Metcat 11/16/2020 62% Teacher Assistat Samantha Morin. 1210712000 42% Teacher Assia [enrifer Obasohan 12ri4/2020 942% Maustafa Osman —_11/182000____»2% Teacher Assistant Patricia Pagan 1-/001z020 2% Teacher Assistant [Evvkah Santiago dsizaro020 2% Teacher Assistant Khali Tabor “4072020 825% HR/Payrol! Specialist Kistopher Uzzell_—ferazo20 2% Teacher Assistant Kathy Way 1028/2020 842% Teacher Acsistant Motlon to approve the retirement applications for Francos Reidy and “Ken Steele Mr, Steele recued himself, Affer review and discussion Mr. Keshian made ‘a motion ‘0 approve Ms. Roidy and Me. Steele's retirement applications, seconded by Ms. Cody. The motian was approved by unanimous rol cal vole Mi. defferson |, Mr. Keshian |, Ms, Cody land Chairman Hughes } Name Deparment’ —-Retirervent | Delo __ Postion ‘Option Franoos Soiect Board? Reidy Office Manager | __¢ 01252021 Ken Retirement” Steele Goard Member A ozjorv2024 Motion and Vote Accidental Disability Application for Mr. Bornard Ryan a firefighter applying for ADR under §84A and §945. After review and discussion Mr, Jefferson made a motion to approve Mi. Ryan's application for Disability, secondod by Ms. Gody. The motion was approved by tunanimous roll call vote Mr. Jefferson |, Mr, Keshia |, Mr. Steele |, Ms. Cody and Chairman Hughes 1 Acknowledgement of retirees and survivors who have passed since the last Board Meeting Claudette Lahale and Lililan Ftzgerald and Howard Horton The Chairman asked for a moment of silence for Ms. Lahle, Ms. Fitzgerald and Mr. Hartan, Tate of Deparment’ | Retirement Decoased_| Death Position Date Status Claudette! ‘School! Vanaie 1174/2070 ‘Nurse 1071811998 Retlee Howard DPW | Horton 1128/2000 | Maintenance! 6/29/1984 Retiree Lilian DPW Survivor of Fitzgerald 12/05/2020 12.2D 12105020: Richard Motion and Vote on Rollover of Accumulated Deductions Motion and vote of a rollover of accumulated deductions for Judith Bohn in the amount of $23,233.45 Ms. Behn had 7 years of creditable service ‘working for the Schaol Department as a Volunteer Geordinator. After review and discussion Mr. Steele made 2 motion to approve the rollover of ccurnulated deductions for Ms. Bohn, seconded by Ms. Cody. The motion was approved by unanimous (ol call vote Mr. Jefferson |, Mr. Keshian J, Mr. Steele I, Ms. Cody and Chairman Hughes | Motion and vote of a rollover of accumulated deductions for Jochua Kraus in the amount of § 11,979.68 Mr. Kraus had 2 years and 9 months of creditable service working for the School Department as a Teacher Assistant. ‘After review and discussion Mr. Keshtan made a motion to approve the sollover of faccumuleted deductions for Ms. Kraus, seconded by Mr. Jefferson. The motion was approved by unanimous rol wall vote Mi. Jefferson |, Mr. Keshian J, Mr. Steele 1, Ms. Cody and Chairman Hughes | Now Business Sth Member Applicants Mr. Greco told the Boa’d that there are 3 applicants for the this position and he had forward the Board the resures Mr, Greco also taki the Board that he resarved maating space on the Town's ZOOM account for January 13, 2021 Hf the Board wants to do the interviews at a separate meeting from the regular meeting January 27,2021 Atter review and discussion Mr. Keshian made a motion fo have the interviews take place cn January 13, 2021, seconded by Ms. Cody. The motion was approved by unanimous roll call vote Mr. Jefferson |, Mr. Keshia | Mr. Steele |, Ms. Cody and Chairman Hughes | Robert Largenton Excess Earnlags Mr. Greco tald the Board that he received notification that Mr. Robert Largenton had excess eamings under Scction 914 for 2019 of $2,184.68. Mr. Greco fold the Board had been notified and chose to pay the amount back in two payments deducted from his January and February 2021 Retirernent Allowances. 2021 Warrant Articles Mr. Keshian mada @ motion to have Mr. Greco submit Warrant Aiticle for SOACDE and the OPEB Funding Article Adjourn Mr. Steele made motion to adjourn the meeting at #:40 PM, seconded by Mr. Jefferson. Tho motion was approved by unanimous vote. 5 togton Cash Disbursements Warrant FEE, Roan era ‘arrenttumeer 1-2021 ee aris mbar Fgeetamace iS veneer ese Amount sore riacine nck ero gee Redeem Ged oso sot tama cnee Gtr Heated ae aaa “The wnesianed, on oath sar that the ntormation contained in tie witrantis rum and aecurata tthe hest of tsr Keowee, vwoceer sent. Cosh Disbursements Warrant rosie} 1 Remeron Mionant Nari 282000 eer tases Ee feet Teas adept arnt ‘en tans ch ae S6 Alea sere cry Razors Rponeaon: 2 “The unsereigne, on ash, wear hat he information consined ins Wacont ate and aecutata to the best of hs krowiodge, Kernan nughes -chagcraon Fi Aton Cash Disbursements Warrant see ‘et Retard Boars ‘orrant Number 29-2000, Uso: tacos woman GymeneTenatenr YG vendoribeesition Amount Firat Meade sonnes ‘Tha undersigned on oat, esr thatthe information contsined inthis warrants true and accurate 1 the best of ter knowledge sey Hag Dolnace Payroli Warrant Foe Posting Number 01/29/2021 ym oat sg na) Yeemn emeeneiees SENG gee Fedak tray Baur "Souk cout alow _sanaty thw hema ron tT onl eoh?5 TomtNet eee vouge Ueterias Toal Vow 020 “The unrsigmed on oath, swear thal the Information cortalned Inthe wartan a wus aa scours to the Leto is Rowe eacoay ae tr van se Ei Atogton ‘a Reta Boars ‘Trial Balance For Pere 1013020 Trough T8mt80 wc soctngg_ Sess Date on ae {INH Fre po CHEST Tawa Sago aaaatan evo eyeechr con eee VRS “mE whe crete vais «ase ems tal “1188-6003 Par Capel Fung raReihe30.72 703t9.19682 eC0.00R0G 17a.S3,ea.4 sora Terres | asaiyane | age Teiaames San ygee ee sd i er Bian Ahciaricdoctahnne ae Sn cn asashont sos wanes aamwar frst apap ‘seam meine Shes ea sepa one oo He ee meannereel ‘eee oc vate he QUOT Unieaized Sains rw ort a0 ORT op sac 4e0es -51075,64498 ‘eras Uncatey ane ita Sie cm emeneae Siem tone octans ‘Sms Se amaieSeate Scie She uceiperctn caine Se ans 2006-0050 e irva Fram Cor Sera “367 800.25 an cid 573025 eee EScsrorcomntatatae ed oe to TUR ot corer oe agamaat Soienae seeamt lWanageea Feeders Hs, eanasttd raa8.9 ‘on sereiczy Hae censtectsetes Shon ok om stan Sitone Se Eee fast as oe dame Ssiposes Stig ese “e030 a or “Eien SBesaica aos Eon ata ane stm ease SIS0-030 frie Paid ste 3tb25 PR ArSS no aranyaees Seema Ese eae Sieases = Tihase ts Gueeee! ecre ee Ure oa Ba os erase Sista teninc Cola nats Soin ween co Shere Seas eat! wisi TAM sounds el task ears aus acion someone Grund Tort ‘TSAase\08r-20 15,660,087.23,

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