asa Towne Petron MA- Te Carraniy larg Goup Minds 01202090 Town of Arlington, Massachusetts 730 Massachusetts Ave., Arlington, MA 02476 Phone: 781-316-3000 [email protected] Tri-Community Flooding Group Minutes 01/20/2010 ‘Tri-Community Flooding Group Meeting Minutes Jan. 42,2010, 6:00 pan. ‘Attendees: Clarissa Rowe, Jennifer Wight, Catherine Daly Woodbury, Roger Fike, Stephen Reviak. Meeting Schedule for 2010 (Ourplanned schedule fr 2010 meetings: March 9 May uly 13 (we may mow tothe Seloctmen's Chamber where there Is AC) ‘September 21 (avored by Ms. Wright, since the stale primaryis Sepiember 14) November Unless there are announcements tote contrary, meetings will begin at 18:00 pm. Mecting Minutes Website maintenance ‘Stephon Revlak has voluntoored take meoting minutos. ‘Avolunieer to maintain Te+-Communiys page on Google groups, <htpslaroups google com/rouptr.communite, would be appreciated (Goals for 2010 FEMA: Revised Rood Insurance Rate Maps ‘Alington wil approw the new Flood Insurance Rate Maps (FIRMS) dung ther regular town meeting In Ap ‘Align has already begun an outreach program, to inform residents ofthe map changes, and to make residents aware ofhow the map changes will affect them. bridge Is awating input and guidance tom FEMAbefore the they approve the new FIRMS. The Cityof Cambridge is ais planning o noUlyresidents again thatwil be affected bythe map changes. In addon noting property owners, Cambridge would also like to notfy renters ling in ood plains. ‘The new FIRMs become effective in June 2010; unl this point, communites are urged to use the more stringent maps. ‘hwas noted that insurance requirements are not tiggered bya municipal adoption ofthe ood insurance rato ‘maps. Ratha, insurance requirements are tiggored by he eflecive dato of he maps. Funding for Gauges Roger Frymire noted hat funding forthe Amelia Earhart Bam gauge is scheduled tobe dropped in July. This gauge Is one of welve whose funding willrun out. These gauges measure water depth, not water fow. Gauges cost approximatoly$7,500}0ar to operate. Clarissa Rowe suggested contacting one of the funder atthe wnarirgeera game DoarertaivirghrltA SCanrAECMate0°00% 29200 AeAPapet sats ‘Towne Pela, MA- Te Carraniy Pldrg Goup Minds 01202010 EEA (Exocuthe Office of Energy and Envronmental Airs) Wiliam Hinkley to see ifthere were any avenues for continuing to fund the gauges fom the Exon settlement funds. Jennifer Wright proposed thatwe inte someone from the USGS to our March meeting, so that we can diecuss ‘eploymentot gauges in and around the Mystc River area. Planning Intatives for Gobal Warming ‘ALourlast (Nov. 17, 2008) meeting, we began to discuss global warming, and how itmightafect oding in the ti- ‘community area. Tonight there was general support for this idea; it would be beneficial fr municipaliies to start thinking about he possibly of more frequent flooding events during the next iy years. |Whatkind of contingency planning needs fo be done? For example, should we advise home builders notto construct basements in their homes? Should we require impervious pavement fr paricular applications? Who aro the experts fat can holp wit local planning initaives? Roger ft thatit would bo useful to compare the now food insurance rata maps withthe Amy Corps of Enginoors dal maps. Ae global warming brings the possibiiy of iting sea levels and more Fequent huricane event, the ‘Anny Corps of Engineers tidal maps might provide some uselul insight. Other Business ‘lai Pond Jennifer Wright reports that he DC Is planning to le @ NOL in lato February forte Blair Pond work. Cambridge ‘will hold a pubic Rearing for the NOY, once is Been received from the DCR. ‘Cambridge Sewer Separation Catherine Daly Woodbury reports thatthe Cambridge DPW has put outa bd fr sewer separation inthe Whitmore ‘Avenue area: Cambridge expects fo award te contac sholy. Once this separation works done, fie CAN40O (CSO wil close. Cambridge is also planning to inatal foatable contol devas on CAN? and CAN-401B, which are (CSO outets near te intersection of Mass, Ave. and Awe Brock Parkway, Thess measures should have a signifcant postive eft on water qualiy This works scheduled to begin in une 2010, and should take approximatalyfour months to complete. Much ofthe ‘work willbe done at night, o minimize wafic disruption. Cambridge will contact the town of A‘ingon, re: afc, ‘managementin the Mass. Ave Awe Brook Parkway area, Hrbicides and Cyanobscteria Roger Frynire reports that ihe EPA and USGS have applied for funding odo research around the Mystic River ‘watershed. The research wl cus on water quali in parecular, onthe amount of cyanobacteria in he wate. "Theres a suspicion that certain herbicldes (eg, sonor) might have the side eect of promoting cyanobacteria ‘romh, Clarissa Rowe wil ask Atington's Spy Pond group to examine the use of sonar in SpyPond. Meeting Adjourned at 18:7. wnarirgeera game DoarertaivirghrltA SCanrAECMate0°00% 29200 AeAPapet