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Driver Education Classroom and In-Car Curriculum Unit 10 Adverse Driving Conditions and Emergencies Unit 10 Adverse Driving Conditions and Emergencies Table of Contents Unit 10 Introduction………………………………………………………………………….10-4  Overview, Objectives and Words to Know  Teacher Information and Resources  Learning Activity 10.0: Key Words – Word Wall Part 1 Changing Weather and Conditions of Visibility……........…………………………10-8  Video Overview 10.1: Driving at Night  Video Review 10.1 and ANSWER KEY: Driving at Night  Fact Sheet 10.1: Changing Weather and Conditions of Visibility  Worksheet 10.1 and ANSWER KEY: Changing Weather and Conditions of Visibility Part 2 Advanced Automotive Technology………...……………………………...………..10-24  Video Overview 10.2.1: Stomp, Stay, Steer  Video Review 10.2.1 and ANSWER KEY: Stomp, Stay, Steer  Fact Sheet 10.2: Advanced Automotive Technology  Video Overview 10.2.2: Electronic Stability Program (ESP)  Video Review 10.2.2 and ANSWER KEY: Electronic Stability Program (ESP) Part 3 Changing Traction Conditions……………..……………………………….……...10-36  Fact Sheet 10.3: Changing Traction Conditions Part 4 Emergency Recovery………………………………………………………….…….10-42  Video Overview 10.4.1: Skidding  Video Review 10.4.1 and ANSWER KEY: Skidding  Fact Sheet 10.4: Emergency Recovery  Video Overview 10.4.2: Run-off the Road Crashes: Recognize, React, Recover Video Review 10.4.2 and ANSWER KEY: Run-off the Road Crashes: Recognize, React, Recover ADTSEA 3.0 Curriculum Copyright© 2012 All Rights Reserved 10-2 Unit 10 Adverse Driving Conditions and Emergencies Part 5 Controlling Consequences of a Crash...………………………………….……….. 10-58  Video Overview 10.5: Evasive Maneuvers  Video Review 10.5 and ANSWER KEY: Evasive Maneuvers  Fact Sheet 10.6: Controlling Consequences of a Crash Part 6 Vehicle Malfunctions………………......………………………………….……….. 10-68  Fact Sheet 10.6: Vehicle Malfunctions  Worksheet 10.6: Vehicle Malfunctions Part 7 Collision Reporting..………………......………………………………….………... 10-76  Video Overview 10.7: Handling Crashes  Video Review 10.7 and ANSWER KEY: Handling Crashes  Fact Sheet 10.7: Collision Reporting Part 8 Unit Review and Test………………………………………………...……………...10-84  Unit 10 Review Questions  Fact Sheet 10.8 Words to Know Definitions Page  Worksheet 10.8and ANSWER KEY: Unit 10 Words to Know Matchup  Unit 10 Review  Unit 10 Test and ANSWER KEY ADTSEA 3.0 Curriculum Copyright© 2012 All Rights Reserved 10-3 Unit 10 Adverse Driving Conditions and Emergencies Unit 10 Introduction Overview, Objectives and Words to Know Lesson Content Overview Unit 10 will introduce students to the problems associated with driving under conditions of inclement weather, limited visibility and limited traction. Specific attention will be directed to vehicular factors and increased time/space needs under such conditions. Technological advances in automotive design and their contribution to occupant safety in controlling consequences if a crash appears imminent will be reviewed. Information about vehicle system functions and malfunctions, and what to do if involved in a collision will be presented. Objectives The student will: 1. Demonstrate knowledge of the problems associated with reduced visibility such as driving at night, in fog, rain, snow, and glare conditions and describe conditions and strategies of driving in strong winds. 2. Demonstrate knowledge of technological advances in the design of motor vehicles that enhance occupant safety and ability to respond more effectively under conditions of limited time and space. 3. Demonstrate knowledge of weather, other physical conditions and driver actions that influence the level of traction or adhesion between tires, road surface and vehicle control. 4. Describe the characteristics of front wheel and rear wheel traction loss and run-off the road crashes and the actions to take in order to control the vehicle. 5. Demonstrate knowledge of actions necessary to better control the consequences if a crash appears imminent. 6. Describe the correct actions to take in response to driving emergencies caused by vehicle malfunction. 7. Describe the actions to take when involved in a collision. 8. Define key words associated with the unit objectives. Words to Know  ABS  Evasive action  Rear-wheel skid  Accelerator failure  Front-wheel skid  Sight distance rule  Brake failure  Glare  Skidding  Collision reporting  Hydroplaning  Tire blowout  Countersteer  Off-road recovery  Traction  Engine failure  Power steering failure  ESP ADTSEA 3.0 Curriculum Copyright© 2012 All Rights Reserved 10-4 Unit 10 Adverse Driving Conditions and Emergencies Lesson Overview Unit 10 Introduction Time Frame – 5 hours Teacher Information and Resources Slides PowerPoint Slides 10.1 – 10.52 Videos 10.1 Driving at Night 10.4.2 Run-off the Road Crashes: (3 minutes 21 seconds) Recognize, React, Recover 10.2.1 Stomp, Stay, Steer (3 minutes 51 seconds) (3 minutes, 4 seconds) 10.5 Evasive Maneuvers (4 minutes 49 seconds) 10.2.2 Electronic Stability Program (2 minutes, 28 seconds) 10.7 Handling Crashes 10.4.1 Skidding (2 minutes 21 seconds) (3 minutes 16 seconds) Video 10.2 Driving at Night 10.4.2 Run-off the Road Crashes: Review 10.2.1 Stomp, Stay, Steer Recognize, React, Recover 10.2.2 Electronic Stability Program 10.5 Evasive Maneuvers 10.4.1 Skidding 10.7 Handling Crashes Fact Sheets 10.1 Changing Weather and 10.5 Controlling Consequences of a Conditions of Visibility Crash 10.2 Advanced Automotive 10.6 Vehicle Malfunctions Technology 10.7 Collision Reporting 10.3 Changing Traction Conditions 10.8 Words to Know Definitions Page 10.4 Emergency Recovery Worksheets 10.1 Changing Weather and Conditions 10.8 Words to Know Matchup of Visibility 10.6 Vehicle Failures Learning 10.0 Key Words – Word Wall Activities Textbooks Other Textbooks: Drive Right: Chapters 12 and 13 Responsible Driving: Chapters 13, 14 and 16 Other Textbook: ______________________________________ Unit 10 Unit 10 Test – Adverse Driving Conditions and Emergencies – 10 questions Test ADTSEA 3.0 Curriculum Copyright© 2012 All Rights Reserved 10-5 Unit 10 Adverse Driving Conditions and Emergencies Unit 10 Activity Key Words Lesson Content Unit Objectives: Student will define the meaning of the key words in Unit 10. Lesson Content Materials and Resources Key Words  Learning Activity 10.0 Key Words – Word  Learning Activity 10.0 Wall Throughout the instruction of Unit 10, conduct learning activity to help students with vocabulary and spelling of key words. ADTSEA 3.0 Curriculum Copyright© 2012 All Rights Reserved 10-6 Unit 10 Adverse Driving Conditions and Emergencies Learning Activity 10.0 Key Words – Word Wall Topic Word Wall Information Students begin to assimilate a new language in driver and traffic safety education. Some words are familiar, but others are new. The use of a word wall helps students with vocabulary and spelling as well as provides students with a tool for reference without “giving away” answers. Materials Needed 1. Make word cards out of paper, poster board, or card stock cut in strips. 2. Markers in various colors. 3. A space to post words (i.e., bulletin board). 4. Tape or stapler and staples to affix cards on the word wall. Learning Activity 1. As the instructor introduces new words in a unit, the instructor should post these words on the word wall. a. The instructor should remind students to use the words on the wall for recall and correct spelling. b. When an instructor poses a question and a student correctly answers the question, the instructor should allow that student to make a word strip and post the strip in the designated location on the word wall. Because this is new learning, recalling words are part of the learning process. c. Students often enjoy decorating their word with a particular flair, color, or design. 2. Words may remain posted for just the unit or remain posted throughout the course. ADTSEA 3.0 Curriculum Copyright© 2012 All Rights Reserved 10-7 Unit 10 Adverse Driving Conditions and Emergencies Unit Objectives, Changing Weather and Conditions of Part 1 Visibility Lesson Content Lesson Objective: Student will demonstrate knowledge of the problems associated with reduced visibility such as driving at night, in fog, rain, snow, and glare conditions and describe conditions and strategies of driving in strong winds. Lesson Content Materials and Resources Unit Objectives  Slides 10.1 and 10.2  Slides 10.1 and 10.2: Title and Overview Give an overview of what students should know and be able to do by the end of this unit. Driving at Night  Video Review 10.1 and Answer Key:  Video Review 10.1 Driving at Night Duplicate and distribute Video Review 10.1. Students should complete the worksheet as they watch the video.  Slides 10.3 and 10.4 – Video 10.1  Slides 10.3 and 10.4: Video 10.1 Driving at Night Discuss the topics covered in Video 10.1 Play Video 10.1 Driving at Night (Time: 3 minutes 21 seconds) After viewing, review Video Review 10.1 to gauge student understanding of the video. ADTSEA 3.0 Curriculum Copyright© 2012 All Rights Reserved 10-8 Unit 10 Adverse Driving Conditions and Emergencies Changing Weather and Conditions of Visibility Video Overview 10.1 Video Overview 10.1: Driving at Night Title Driving at Night Time 3 minutes 21 seconds Topics Covered 1. How to use headlights at night. 2. How to check headlights to make sure they are working properly. 3. Overriding the headlights. 4. How to drive safely at night. Video Review 1. Have students complete a video review worksheet as they watch the video. 2. After viewing the video, review the worksheet to gauge students’ understanding of the video. Instructor Notes ADTSEA 3.0 Curriculum Copyright© 2012 All Rights Reserved 10-9 Unit 10 Adverse Driving Conditions and Emergencies Changing Weather and Conditions of Visibility Video Review 10.1 Video Review 10.1: Driving at Night Name Date 1. Dirt on the lens of headlights can reduce light by up to ___________________ percent? 2. How can you check to see if the lights are working properly? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. How far do high beams let us see? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4. What is the sight distance rule? _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 5. When driving at night, drivers need to leave more _______________________ than they would in the daytime. ADTSEA 3.0 Curriculum Copyright© 2012 All Rights Reserved 10-10

Adverse Driving Conditions and Emergencies. When an instructor poses a question and a student correctly answers the Drivers have difficulty seeing objects
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