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Town of Arlington, Massachusetts 730 Massachusetts Ave., Arlington, MA 02476 Phone: 781-316-3000 webmasterftawn.arlington.ma.us Minutes 01/08/2013 [MINUTES MEETING JANUARY 8, 2013 Commits calod to order by Heather Leavell, Co-Chairman, on January8, 2013 at708 p.m. Members present Sarah Burks, Co-Chair, Heather Leavell, Co-Chair, Aimee Tabemer, Co-Chair, Geraldine Tremblay, Tay Shaoul, Roly Chapt, Dan Johnson, Jacqueline Baas, Ilrim Recording Secretary. MeGough, Tusioe Emeritus. ‘Guests: Ellon Aamodt, Tracy Skahan, Alicia Gaffney, Nick Batzll ‘Absent Christine Sharbrough, Paul McGafigan, Treasurer Mnutos of December 11 2012-8. Burks made a motion to approve the minutes of Becombar 11,2012 a correct A TTabemer second. Unanimously approved. ‘Treasurer's Report-G. Tremblay distributed the November and December easurers report tothe tustees in P. MoGafigar's absence, End of year status was also dietibuted, lating the expense ve revenue of 2012 evens and ‘ther annual empenses. R. Chaput made a moton to recele the reports A Taberner second. Unanimously ‘approved. A Tabemer submited a receipt for $22.99 for prntrink.H. Leavll made a motion to recommend tothe Corporation to reimburse A Tabemor fr $22.99 as stated above. . Tremblay second. Unanimously approved. . ‘Burks submited receipts fom Stapes inthe amount of $80 for annual appeal material, fom Ebayin te amountot $2.98 fora Scout postcard, and for git basketin the amount of $59.90 for Bob Shure. A Taberner made a mation to recommend tothe Corporation to reimburse. S Burks fora tla of $142.88 as stated above. G. Tremblay second bbySiglight Studios ave all sod rom our original order of 15. We uD. Johnson recommended thatwe create a marketing plan fora bigger purchase. Discussion on fis ensued, H. Lesvll reported tha he Pleasant Steet Church in Aington would Ike © ‘make a small donaton om the sale ofthe church tthe Corporation. HLeavell gave hem the appropriate Informaton. Discussion ensued onthe satogic plan proposal. H. Leael will contact the consultant for a possible interdew. We wil ote on moving forward with his project at he next meeting. A Srategic Planning sub-commitoe ‘was formed. Members ofhe sub-commitie are D. Johnson, 8. Burks, A Tabemer H. Leavll,G. Tremblay, and J Bates. {ACTION ITEMS FOR FEBRUARY: “+ Leavel wil begin working on 2013 budget with assistance ofA Taberer. They wll report back nex month 7H. Leavel wil talk to Skyight Studios about turther bust purchases to see what wil work forboth of ur organizations “H-Leavel wil setup a meeting wih strategie planning consultant Laura Roberts and the sub-commities Fundraising- H. Leavel reported that several donations have come in as a resultof annual appeal malings have ‘come back: H. Leavell wll contacP. MeGafigan about depositing donations thathave been made va PayPal. Volunteer Report-J. MoGough dstibuted te volunteer report A Taberner made a motion to accept te volunteer repor. J. Bales second, Unanimously approved. S. Burks notified the board that some contact information with ‘Alingion High School was incorrect. 8, Burks has updated it J. MeGough reported an upcoming tur of Acton Women's Club on January 24tn at noon (6-10 people) 2019 Event Calendar-S. Burks dstibuted a rough schedule of events for 2013. Sculpture eventis planned for 212572013, butifte date Is Unavailable twill be moved to 224. There wil be two sessions (11 aim. and 2 pin). [ACTION ITEMS FOR FEBRUARY: “A Tabermer check Cute Gallary for availabilty or sculpture ciass on 2/28 and report to H. Leave and S. Burks. “H. Leavell ang. Burks wil take care of advertising for sculpture event CColection-S. Burks bought a Kansas Cty Scout post card. G. Tremblay ook tt catalog it The rest of collections conversation has been moved tthe February meeting. Mscollanoous- Two of our uosts, Elen Aamodt and Tracy Skahan are intrestad inthe Socrtary positons (corresponding secreiaryand recording secretary). Atthis ime T. Shaoul explainad the rol of secretary. The board decided that going foward minutes willbe sent all tusaes and associate tusteas,noljuet voting members. ‘Secretary will also spect actonilame inte minutes and adda line in the agenda for revewing last month's acon toms to check for progress. Members updated membership ist wi all coroct contact info. Members considered Contacting Pat MeCabe about becoming an associate rust. G. Tremblay vlunisered to work on creating alistof Dalln family members wit contact information. R. Chaput brought up issue of repainting foors of gallos (ater the coling has beon fhed) the Board wil discuss exacty what his entails and ftis possible al the Fabruary meeting. The Board also discussed redesigning he ent yway, but wil revisit this nex month [ACTION ITEMS FOR FEBRUARY: “6. Tremblay wil follow up with te town about going the galarycoling feed and fgure out moving sculptures ‘ocommadate ti. ‘. Chaputwill paint the foors once the celing has been repaired. Meeting adjoumed at 05 p.m. Jacqueline Bates, Interim Recording Secretary

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