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Preview 01 09 19 - LAUSD Motion on UTLA Strike Date

TARRETT K. GRTBN, Bur No. 148399 ADAM J, FISS, Tat No. 211799 TITTLER MENDELSON, P-C. 2049 Century Park ast 5m Floor aa Angeles, CA 90067.3107 Telephaine: 310.533.0508 PacNew: 310.353.3583 DAVID HOLMQUIS',, Bae No. 179873 AIEXANDER MOLINA, Gar No. 169198, ‘OfFICE OF THE GENERAL COUNSEL LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 'S, Beaudry Ave, 20th Floor Tog Angeles, CA 90817, ‘Tecphone:” 213.241.7698 Facsimile: 213.241.3308 ‘Antounsys Zor Plains? LOS ARGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISIKICT SUPCRIOR COURT OF CALITORNTA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES. LO$ ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, Plain, UNITED TEACHERS LOS ANGELES, and DOFS 1 Througt 100, inclusive, Defeadent Care No, ASSIGNED FOR ALL PURPOSES 10 fUDGE YLAIN TINE LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT'S EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER AND ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE RE PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION; MEMORANDUM OF POINYS AND AUTHORITIES Complsint fled: Fanuary 8 2019 Exempt dom filing foes pursuant to Gov, Code § 6103 1 TEE FARTE AVTUICATION FOR ORDER TO SHOW {UST AND TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER; “MEMORANDUNCOF POINTS AND ALTHORITIRS E AR PPLICATION The United ‘Teachecs Low Angeles {UULA) and the Low Angeles Unified Schon Distt (LAUSD) are parties to an egreemene thar somains a clonse prohibiting UTLA fiom suiking or encouraging any kind of swike, ‘The agreemencaflows “or the partes co reminate the agreement on 10 days? notice from one side tothe ofr Teo yeas ago, in May 2009, UTLA anaomeed a stike without providiog the notice of ‘ermination zequtedl under te agrecment. LALSD applied to this Court mer Laor Cade section 1126 to prohibit the strke until UTLA. compliod with tho roqucments ofthe agreemee. ‘On Moy 13, 2009, this Court granted che zequested relief enjoining the nike, (See LAUSD u UTEA, LASC Caw Ne, BC413702.) Tas partic latcx sttled hie bor disagroement, Now, tem yours iater, arly te exact same secnatio has occu. Plaintill LAUSD hereby applies ox parre fora temporary restsining or¢er and for an arder requiring Defeadant UTLA lo show cause why a preliminary injunction should not issue pending ‘tial in tis action, enjoining UTLA and is afficors, agents, roprescutatives, and msmbors ftom engaging ina strike amnounged by LITTA fo take place commencing January 10, 2038, oF from auibocizing, edvovating, eneveruging, or parivipa‘ing in x sbike and) work stoppage, as well as boycott, picketing, pula werk stoppages andor work slowdowns “This application i made bree om (Fe athority jo Tabor Code sozton 1126, aud psuut to (Califia Rules of Court 3.1150 wed 3.1200 et seg, on guards hal a srk woud be in volaton othe porte’ agreement, a injuneive relief isthe suhorized and apscoprints elo wo vray dhe reach ‘As se ford in tke atauhed bref; LAUSD is making jnlemse ufone 10 propare forthe Adestene she, but absent enforsernen of captacla rights, LACSD will be wsjudieeé ané many ven Uhosindseehidren wil be paced sk Defendant UTILA ie reprosand by Eu L. Golive, Eee, and Tosh Ades, Bag, of Bush Goltieb, 801 Nor Prand Roulevnd, Suite 950, Grande, CA 91207, aldyneshyalsh.com nd jadamugiushgodish ase, UCLA'S eure fink advised LAUSD) «mn January 7, 2019, 2 APPLICATION KOR QRDEIC 10 SHOW CAUCE AND THMPORARY REST RAINING ORD “MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES 1 | WTLA intended to apply ex parte on Fanuary 8, 2919, for declaratory relief that UTLA had eamptied 2 || with she requivements of the parties’ agreement, Counsel LAUSD replied to counsel for UTLA, 3 | chat LAUSD would oppose such an approach, and that LALSD would concuceadly seek a 4] comporsey restraining order and OSC re prclimicary injusction against UTLA based on 5 | noncompliance with the agreement. LAUSD provided notice of this Application to UTLA before 6 | 16:00 aan, on Jamusry 7, 2019. CTLA has sald it would eppose LAUSD's requested celle 7 | Dectsrntion of aren: K. Green §2, 3,4 8 The rulief sought hy LATISD is hae! upon this application sind memorelum of points and > | authorities, decinration of notice, the declarations filed in support af this spplicetion aad extibits 10 | trersto, uny other dovuments dul may be filed, and such evidence nnd argument thst may be 11 |) presented ator heliore the hearing, or of whieh the Covurt may lake judicial notice, Died: Tarunry 9, 2019 Respecttilly submited, LIVILER MENDELSON, B.C. 2 an ) C TKS % ADAM I. FISS: ‘Attomeys for Plait v LOS ANGELES UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 28 "EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR ORDER To SHOW CAUSE AND TEMIPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER; genes MEMORANDUM! OF EUINTS AND ALTHORTIS 1. SUMMARY oF ARGUMENT 1 Labor Coge seotien 1126 aulborizes the Court 19 sotoece terms of a coleaive betgxining agreement between un emplayer and a lahor orgunisaian, iachudiag injunctive waiet here ware 2. Goold cause exit forthe genating of injunctive relief wo bar a ste ‘hat UTLA has ‘re enccurayig ts mesmbers to engage tn and thats: to eomacence Jansary 10, 2019: The partes have a bargsting agtconcent that conaite a provision pobibiing LUTLA thom string or encouraging a stike during the patioe of the agreemenr, and requires UILA lo take stens to avert a stike; | tb. The aprocment eau be tenminated on 10 days’ natios ane party tet ocr c. Until the 1D days lnases, the agreemant i= noc tenniustod and UTLA is Jovhidden fom eucorraging astike; 4. UTLA as ss yotnot yrovided the 10-day uotie roquited under the agreemisit and therefore the pares’ sgresnent is sil in eect, Assuming arguend ext UTLA’s passing cefesonee ina Fanoary 3, 20:9 email t a teminerou constituted proper notes, UTLA isin beach of the apcemet bores, even before the 10 days has elapsed, UTLA has boea encouraging a strike; & LAUSD has no adequate remedy at law to enfores iis canhuctual right to the requisite 10-day poriod before s sto is eugeged in ox enoowinged. LAUSD shudouts are at exteme danger of harm if LAUSD is nat allowee the bargained-for notice 6 ecable it ea Fully prepace for the srentened action 3. Incontrast, thors is anto prejudice to UTLA in deioring the strike foc a ovie# amount of time to comply with its sontenetunl requirements, mi allow the Distriet ks lurgaineg tor notice. 4, Accontingly il ie requested Ihst the Courl issue a temporary restraining onie and OSC we pretinninery injunction resting UTLA fiom (a) requesting, encouraging, condoning or antifving auy surike, slow down or other work sloppage by ¢my unit member or siste-union, sl (b) ngging in any strike, slow down gs work slope, 4 re | TEX ARTE AFELICATION FOR ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE AND TEMPORARY RESTRANING ONDER “MEMORANDYM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES, STATEMENT OF FACTS, JS. Beeach Of Collective Bovganing Agreement. 1 The Parties. LAUSD is the largest public whoo! district in the State of Catfomia andthe second largest public cohoo] district dn the United States, Declaration of Robert Samples, (“Samples Decl”), | 9. | LAUSD serves over 50,000 studems, and employs approxinately 64,000 cmployees. Jet rhe Diswiet opersncs over 1,000 schools st the macmrary, miiédls, and high school levels. It also operates severe! hundted early and adult edvetion centers, aad special schools, ‘Ihe Liisaict uuthorizes aver 20M charte: schools. id. LAUSD is the socand largest omploycr in Los Angeles County, site dhe coumry gavernment, and sie Diswict's budget is in excess of $7 billion, 1. UTLA is the exclusive Labor representarive of the approximately 30,000 cemtificeted ereployees and teachers of the Disuict, includieg 24,060 classroom: soachers, and hundreds of libeatians, nurses, psychologists, counselors, sad other LAUSD cctticsted employocs. Samples eel, 4 1, 2. UTLA/LAUSD Bargaining Agreement Precluding Eucouragemeut OF Strikes, Aud Requiring CTLA To “Takc all Reasonable Steps To Avert A Steilee? LAUSD and UTLA are partes fo a bargrining contain’ng a provision under the vem of| hich UTLA agrood not co cngagein a suike or encourage a viike, Samples Decl, 11,13, ‘he agecarnent also provides thet fn Ute evenl of a Uhroalened strike, UTLA smut ike all reasonable stops to avert dhe stke, Samples Deol. 4 14 ‘The specific Innguege of he agrecment is contained in Article VI, Seution 1.9.4" the pads agreement and provides as ARTICLE VI- WORK STOPPAGE 1 Apart trom and ir addition to existing legal restrictions upon and zemedies for work stoppages, UTLA agtess the following: a Neither UTLA nor ils oftizers or representatives or affiliates ‘shall eause, cucournge, condone or participate iu any strike, slowdown of atker work stoppage dhwing the tot of this Agrccmont, ‘EX PARTE APSLICATIONSOR GRDCE TO SHOW CAUSE AND TEMROUARY BRSTRATNING ORDER: GRANDUM OF POIKTS AND AUTHORITIES oy Tn the event of any acizal or threstened strike, skedawn ar alter viork sterpage, UTA and ity officers, repreventutives unl afftiates swill take all reasonable ateps within theie control to avert ot end he sume; and bo. Any employee engaging ia acy atrike, slowdown, or other work Slappage during the (erm of this Agreement. shall be subject ta Siscipline gr farminatign under apples ln. Samples, ES. 1 Aatisle VL, Section 1.1 of che partics? agrociment provides that any disputes arising smder this Ale shall be handed through appropriate jucisial proceedings, 1s follows; LLU Disputes arising under this Atticle ate co be hanlled according ta appropriate judicial groceatingy rather than ihe grievance plovedures af Astle V, Samples, 16. ‘The initial agreement covered the 2014-15 vo 2016-17 school years will: “reeponcrs” in the 2015-36 end 2016-17 school year, Samples, $17 ‘The 2015-16 school year <oopensrs resulted in amendments to the agreement ia a Reopauer Agrocment enfstedicla on May 17, 2016. Somples, $18 Since that time, the parties have as yet not agrved om the tenis of 2016-:7 topeeens OF & smiceesyor ngreemnenl Sarcples, 119. ud Handle terna of “he ‘The partize’ agreement contzivs a clouse covering how the parties agreerent wnlil such line as w suacewor agreement is enlered into. ‘The elause explains chat he | segreersem shall remain in eee unil sath time as cine se gives the other side 10 days" aie of ‘ennination, Sample, $28, Fi. 12, ‘This language is alsin in Asie XXXXTT, Section 1.0, and provides a follow: 1,0 This Agioemenr shall be for a tom of tue (3) ves (20142015, fireugi: 20162017) Tk abal: beoome effective upen foal Roord adoption, cxcoping those seoviions hich spe! fy Ma: theyre the 6. EX PARTE APPLICATION FOR ORDUR TO SHOW CAUSE AND TEMPORARY BEST AITO OF ‘OINTS AND AUTHOR'TIES mds effeotive al iene dave, This Agreement ghall romain in full Jiovee and effect, pursuant to its toons, to and including Jaue 34, 2017 food thereafcr shall remain in effoct on a day-to-day basis until (crsminstud by either party upun cen (10) days? written autice, 19. Samples, ‘This termination provision is nat osly applicable co the stike clause, but also to all of the remaining provisions of the agsocment, including for exaraple the a-Sitraon pyovisian, which would not othenvise survive che expiration of the agreement, but with which LAUSD bas continced ¢o comply. (See, eg. State of Califernta (Doparamane of Yourk Authority) (1992) PERE Ds 962-8) fon Na, 3. Status OF Negoliutions On Sueeuar Agreement, Commencing Spring 2017 and through untl July 2018, CULA and LAUSD engaged in bargaining on a successor to the bargaining agrocment. Semples Decl. 22-2 ‘Thereafter, UTLA declared in Iuly 2018 tha the parties were at sa “impasse and Education Employment Relations Act ( ERA”) Stuc-mandated impesse procedures were implemented that ineleded thece mediation sessions in Septembor and October 2018, 2d. After ; cediation Aid net resoll ia w resolution of the impasse, tke partis proceeded oo “fotfinding,” a proves sel forth in the EBRA, whereby a neulra Zeetindee makes recommendations for scilemert of the dispute, Ja, A fastfinding eating vis held on Deceutber 3 snd 4, 2018, aud a dactinding report was issued on December 1%, 2018, conraining recommendations to resolve whe items in ispate, Samples Deel. 23. ‘Under the FIR amd agplicnble lav the fetiind:ng roport must be reviewed in good fait ia forcer 1p determine whether iL might help bresk (Fe impasse and allow: [bs parties to resolve dir disputes, (PERB vy, Modesto City Schools Disses (1982) 136 Cal. Appa 881: Mordesto City Schoals (1983) PERB Decision No. 291.) Aller the report wis issces L.AUSI ited UTLA ta revnm to the wible and work out their iffarcnves, UTLA initially refused and sled tha it planned to strike. However. UTLA eventually | agrend fa relnm to the table aed, on Jananry 7, 2028, Une prvties bad their fel post-fistfinding Iarysining session. ‘The second senso Gs sel lo kgmorrssy, January 9, 2019. Samples Deel. 24 2 EX FARTE APPLICATION FOR ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE ND TEMPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER, MEMORANDUM OF POUNYS AND AULUORITIES re) 8 4. Course OF Dealings Retated To ETLA’s Purported Notice OF ‘Termination OF Agreement. Ag ao time Som Juus 201? to the prescut has UTLA proviéed LAUSD s notice of terminacion of the partes’ agrosraeut. Saraples Deel. 125, Commenciry December 18, 2019 ight ailer the fact ng report ws Sacued), LAUSD sontinued to sock to reenasge UTLA io bargaining. Samples Deel. 26. During, thes surce time frame, UTTA slated that it planned la strike “F necessary,” suing ress releases containing such slalements us L. “TE we avike, ie wll be a suiks for our sledents,” (Deoember 19, 2018 UTLA Presa Relewve:) Sumples Decl. § 27, Tx, 4 2. "Mare than 24,000 experienced educators are prepared ty ga on s (Decersber 28, 2018 CTLA Press Release.) Samples Deel. $27, Dx. 5 3. “Uf the cisurie: Vorees ws to siike om Jamaury 10, itis erunia that every single ose a us participate in thet strike” (December 28, 2018 UTLA pas 1 €@ Unik mecnbers ) Somples Decl. 727,EX. 6 4. “IP sve save Ua trie, the UTLA Oitioers, Tee you, will be sacrificing pey every duy.” 1a. “very Life To Avoid A Suike, Dur We Will Win If We Have To Suite" 1. 6. “Hf we say disciplined, cused, and WHIM collective and partiigstny in sshatever ‘we do, upto and including a suike if ecessay, thee is grea oason for opus tat we wil vin? 1 7. “ft zuay cake a ste todo it but we wil win” Ud : 8, “We know that our memes arc ready to ake if we are forecd co.” Td ‘hereatter, in an cua dated January 3, 20:8, ULLA for che dist cime made a relerence to the termination clause in the agecoment. In the January 3, 2019 exe, UTLA claieved chat rofercnes in the faetfinding roport to the stats af the pants’ agrooment constiteted the nati teenination of the agreemert under Anicle XXXIL Section 1.0, Samples Decl. *|29, Ex. 8 ‘The UTLA cial provided in rolovant part, as follows: 8 SX PARHH AMrI:CATION FOR ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE AND TEMPORARY RESTRATUING ORDER; "~ “MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES 2 3 4 TER, Lite to follow up an our email exchanges about the cumect stems of ‘argalning, ane co healVkm the sugency a2 our exczent ciremmstanees, The neutral fact-fnder deciared on Deceraber 17, 72016 thar our contast has. capil, vod ih the Ucons wale eapomcema the next day of the Tanuary 10 stike date (whica te Distict Las acknovidedged end requested PEIUS to enjoin), the Distr: wae an notice that rho contract is camnated. This is to confi that notice an the Uniou's resolve, and to express the importance of gemuincly ‘edtqusting all bargaining avemues before a sike, which no cme vats to acc spac, Accordingly, I wact to eviterate ovr request thal LAUSD scud UITLA a detailed formal proposal as soon as possible, aay Up unil this mpl, (TTA had never mede any elaimt hat i¢ was termunating the ageeamens, and LAUSD had eee. operating under he assumption that the apeccincat was in effoet. Semples Decl $30, and Ex, 9. ‘Upon receipt ol the fanuery 2, 2019 email, LAUSD replied that ia 30 way could «statement jn factinding report by 2 panel menrber constitute the notice of termination under Section XXCXIL LAUSD"steply provided 2s fallovrs: Daw Tet, As you know, undor Article XXXIL, Section 1.0, the terms of “he Agrzement remain in ec until me purly provides wveitan native of ‘ertontion to Pe other sie, us Fellows ‘This Ayreemant shall remain in Cull foree and effect, pursuant to is letras, te and including Teme 30, 2017 anal thereafter shall remain in effect on n.day-to day basis urcl terminaced by eitber ary upd ien (10) dayh" written antic. A reterence in a faorfindieg report c the stam of negotiations isin na ‘way a entice vf terestation Under Seetion 1.0. Tt is ne Fram UTTa Wy LAUSD, nora nutice of terraination, Pleese be assured. that we will geek enforsement af the requirements of Article XXXL Seaton 1. ‘Wo look forward (o seeing yon athe Monday negotiations, which we sill ape will ral the ours issues, Rob aay Uhereate, yesedey, Jenoary 7, 2018, UTLA provided LAUSD ex pinte notice that UTTA 8 SPLICATION FOR ONDER To SQN CANTSF AND TRUPORARY RESTRAINING ORDER, “MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES infeoded to apply wo the cow: for declaratory relief to the effect that 209 ceil Jaanary comtlute a 10say nice under the agreement, aad thar UILA should st least bo able o stke on Moaday, Ssnuary 14, 2019, jut over 1 days later, (Gteeu Deel) LUTLA'sex pte notice explained ULA's legal zoscon as follows Ta sue, the Uaioa will argue da: 1. __No termination notice was needed becante the "no smike”™ srovislon of Amicle VI expited on June 30, 2017. 2, ven if Atle VI remained in efioct, the Distier received effective aitice of termination of the coauact a8 of cho date of its receipt of UTLA Executive Director Jeff Gond's July loner dealaring impasse 3. un aty even, based oa che email from Mr Good to Mr. Samples of January 3, the 10 dye" notice, if applicable, would be fulfilled by Jenmary 13, cemoving any coauectun. banier ftom the sutlce bop'nnling January 14, 2019. (Green Decl.) 5. UTLAYs Ongoing Noncompliauce With he Strike Provisions. Under Ure purties® agreement the lems athe agreement remain in effeut until 10 cays om the date one part gives notice tothe other party rier to wne during Ural J0-duy period, he ngraersent is in effect, including, the sik cause, ‘is men’s Tha unl the 10 days’ lapses orn ale of the notice, (I) UTEA may net strike or sncourage a strike, and (>) must take affimative steps to avert a suche, Once the 10-day aeriod ‘lepies, UTTA isn longer precluded Irom sriking! or fram encburuging, strike, and is np kimger quire lo “take all reasonable neps within thee contest avent the aie Corsiary 10 UTLAA‘E oommitecents, witkia atleast the past several weeks # nor longer, (1) UTLA has heen encnusuging « sce, and (2) UTA has failed to tke al. reasonable steps to avert the srk Instead, UTLA has been atively promoting che sre, ineluding amang other things: 1, Posting officiel messages on is web ste calling for and encouraging the ste: 2. TITLA officials sending emails to wait mambets promating the strikes "er the sgzrrael, This snl nvocesafon ba T-TEAYS ke apc otherwlacho aw 16, EX PARIT ABT ICAION FOR ORDRI To SHEDW CALSh AND TAMTORARY SERTRATNING ORDERS MEMORANDUM OP POINTS AND AUTHORITIES

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