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City of Costa Mesa - Lighthouse Project Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration Appendix D: Hazards and Hazardous Materials FirstCarbon Solutions PHASE I ENVIRONMENTAL SITE ASSESSMENT 1620 AND 1644 WHITTIER AVENUE AND 970 16TH STREET COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA PREPARED FOR: CM Fund 3, LLC 2901 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 200 Newport Beach, California 92625 PREPARED BY: Ninyo & Moore Geotechnical and Environmental Sciences Consultants 475 Goddard, Suite 200 Irvine, California 92618 July 28, 2013 Project No. 208879001 July 28, 2013 Project No. 208879001 Mr. Bryan Coggins, CM Fund 3, LLC 2901 Pacific Coast Highway, Suite 200 Newport Beach, California 92625 Subject: Phase I Environmental Site Assessment 1620 and 1644 Whittier Avenue and 970 16th Street Costa Mesa, California Dear Mr. Coggins: In accordance with our proposal dated May 8, 2013 and revised proposal dated June 14, 2013, Ninyo & Moore has performed a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment of the above-referenced properties (site). The attached report presents our methodology, findings, opinions, and conclu- sions regarding the environmental conditions at the site. We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. Sincerely, NINYO & MOORE Patrick Cullip Beth A. Padgett Senior Staff Engineer Project Geologist John Jay Roberts, PG, CEG Senior Geologist PJC/BAP/JJR/lr Distribution: (1) Addressee (via e-mail) 1620 and 1644 Whittier Avenue and 970 16th Street July 28, 2013 Costa Mesa, California Project No. 208879001 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page EXECUTIVE SUMMARY .............................................................................................................1 1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................3 1.1. Purpose .........................................................................................................................3 1.2. Involved Parties ............................................................................................................4 1.3. Scope of Services ..........................................................................................................4 1.4. Limitations and Exceptions ..........................................................................................5 1.5. User Reliance ................................................................................................................6 1.6. Physical Limitations .....................................................................................................6 1.7. Data Gaps ......................................................................................................................6 2. GENERAL SITE CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................6 2.1. Location ........................................................................................................................6 2.2. Current Title Information .............................................................................................6 2.3. Environmental Liens and Activity and Use Limitations (AULs) Searches ..................6 2.4. Adjacent Properties .......................................................................................................6 2.5. Site Description and Current Site Uses/Operations ......................................................7 2.5.1. Site Description ...................................................................................................7 2.5.2. Occupants ............................................................................................................7 2.5.3. Heating and Cooling Systems .............................................................................7 2.5.4. Sewage Disposal/Septic Systems ........................................................................8 2.5.5. Potable Water ......................................................................................................8 3. USER PROVIDED INFORMATION ......................................................................................8 3.1. Title Records .................................................................................................................8 3.2. Environmental Liens or Activity and Use Limitations (AULs) ...................................8 3.3. Specialized Knowledge ................................................................................................8 3.4. Commonly Known or Reasonably Ascertainable Information ....................................8 3.5. Valuation Reduction for Environmental Issues ............................................................9 3.6. Previous Reports and Documents .................................................................................9 3.6.1. Environmental Resource Management (ERM), 1999 .........................................9 3.6.2. Closure Report: Wastewater Treatment Unit, ERM, August 2009 .....................9 3.6.3. Memorandum: Summary of Soil Gas Analysis, Costa Mesa Facility, Costa Mesa, California, ERM, dated March 27, 2013 ................................................10 3.6.4. Ninyo & Moore, Limited Results, July 28, 2013 ..............................................10 3.6.5. ERM, July 2013 ................................................................................................11 4. SITE RECONNAISSANCE ...................................................................................................12 4.1. Physical Limitations ...................................................................................................13 4.2. Use and Storage of Hazardous Substances and Petroleum Products ..........................13 4.3. Storage and Disposal of Hazardous Wastes ...............................................................13 4.4. Unidentified Substance Containers .............................................................................13 208879001 R Phase I ESA.doc i 1620 and 1644 Whittier Avenue and 970 16th Street July 28, 2013 Costa Mesa, California Project No. 208879001 4.5. Aboveground and Underground Storage Tanks (ASTs and USTs) ............................14 4.6. Evidence of Releases ..................................................................................................14 4.7. Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) .............................................................................14 4.8. Suspect Asbestos-Containing Materials (ACMs) .......................................................14 4.9. Lead-Based Paint (LBP) .............................................................................................14 4.10. Wastewater Systems ...................................................................................................14 4.11. Storm Water Systems .................................................................................................14 4.12. Wells ...........................................................................................................................15 4.13. Other On-Site and Off-Site Potential Environmental Concerns .................................15 5. PHYSICAL SETTING ...........................................................................................................15 5.1. Site Topography ..........................................................................................................15 5.2. Geology .......................................................................................................................15 5.3. Site Hydrology ............................................................................................................15 5.3.1. Surface Waters ..................................................................................................15 5.3.2. Groundwater ......................................................................................................16 6. HISTORICAL LAND USE ....................................................................................................16 6.1. Historical Aerial Photographs .....................................................................................17 6.2. City Directories ...........................................................................................................19 6.3. Building Records ........................................................................................................20 6.4. Historical Topographic Maps .....................................................................................21 6.5. Fire Insurance Rate Maps ...........................................................................................21 6.6. Oil and Gas Maps .......................................................................................................21 7. ENVIRONMENTAL DATABASE SEARCH.......................................................................22 7.1. National Priorities List (NPL): Distance Searched – 1 mile .......................................22 7.2. Proposed and Delisted National Priorities List (NPL): Distance Searched – 1 mile .22 7.3. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Information System (CERCLIS) List: Distance Searched – ½ mile ..............................................23 7.4. CERCLIS/No Further Remedial Action Planned (NFRAP) List: Distance Searched – ½ mile .........................................................................................................................23 7.5. Corrective Action Report (CORRACTS): Distance Searched – 1 mile .....................24 7.6. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Treatment, Storage and Disposal (TSD) Facilities List: Distance Searched – ½ mile ....................................................24 7.7. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) Generators List: Distance Searched – Site and Adjacent .....................................................................................24 7.8. Emergency Response Notification System (ERNS) List: Distance Searched – Site ..25 7.9. United States Engineering Controls: Distance Searched – ½ mile .............................25 7.10. United States Institutional Controls: Distance Searched – ½ mile .............................25 7.11. State Sites: Distance Searched – 1 mile ......................................................................26 7.12. State CERCLIS: Distance Searched – 1 mile .............................................................27 7.13. Solid Waste Landfill Sites (SWL): Distance Searched – ½ mile ...............................28 7.14. State Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST) Lists: Distance Searched – ½ mile29 7.15. Underground Storage Tank (UST) Registration List: Distance Searched – Site and Adjacent ......................................................................................................................30 208879001 R Phase I ESA.doc ii 1620 and 1644 Whittier Avenue and 970 16th Street July 28, 2013 Costa Mesa, California Project No. 208879001 7.16. Permitted Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) List: Distance Searched – Site and Adjacent ......................................................................................................................30 7.17. State Engineering Controls: Distance Searched – ¼ mile ..........................................30 7.18. State Institutional Controls: Distance Searched – ¼ mile ..........................................30 7.19. Brownfields: Distance Searched – ½ mile ..................................................................31 7.20. State Other: Distance Searched – ½ mile ...................................................................31 7.21. Indian Reservation: Distance Searched – 1 mile ........................................................31 7.22. Indian Leaking Underground Storage Tank (LUST): Distance Searched – ½ mile ..31 7.23. Indian Underground Storage Tank (UST): Distance Searched – ¼ mile ...................32 7.24. Additional Non-ASTM Databases ..............................................................................32 8. ENVIRONMENTAL RECORDS REVIEW ..........................................................................32 8.1. Costa Mesa Fire Department (CMFD) .......................................................................33 8.2. Orange County Health Care Agency (OCHCA) ........................................................33 8.3. California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC) ....................................33 8.4. Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (RWQCB) ..................................34 8.5. South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) ......................................34 8.6. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) ..................................................................34 9. INTERVIEWS ........................................................................................................................35 10. FINDINGS, OPINIONS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS .......................36 10.1. Findings ......................................................................................................................36 10.2. Conclusion ..................................................................................................................37 11. REFERENCES .......................................................................................................................38 12. ENVIRONMENTAL PROFESSIONAL STATEMENT .......................................................39 Tables Table 1 – Adjacent Properties ..........................................................................................................7 Table 2 – Summary of Historical Records Reviewed ....................................................................16 Table 3 – Aerial Photograph Review .............................................................................................17 Figures Figure 1 – Site Location Figure 2 – Site Plan Appendices Appendix A – Photographic Documentation Appendix B – User Provided Information & Questionnaires Appendix C – Environmental LienSearch™ Report Appendix D – Historical Land Use Records Appendix E – Environmental Database Search Appendix F – Regulatory Documentation Appendix G – Resumes of Professionals 208879001 R Phase I ESA.doc iii 1620 and 1644 Whittier Avenue and 970 16th Street July 28, 2013 Costa Mesa, California Project No. 208879001 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CM Fund 3, LLC (CM3, client), authorized Ninyo & Moore to perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) at 1620 and 1644 Whittier Avenue and 970 16th Street in the city of Costa Mesa, California (site; Figure 1). The Phase I ESA was conducted in general accordance with Ninyo & Moore’s proposal dated May 8, 2013 and revised proposal dated June 14, 2013. The following sections identify the purpose, involved parties, scope of services, and limitations and exceptions associated with the Phase I ESA. Based upon the results of this Phase I ESA the fol- lowing items were noted: The site is an approximately 5.6-acre, irregular-shaped property with addresses of 1620 and 1644 Whittier Avenue and 970 16th Street in the city of Costa Mesa, California. The site was vacant land prior to 1901. By 1935 the site appeared generally as vacant or agricultural land with scattered structures. Three commercial buildings were developed on the northwest cor- ner of the site by at least 1960 with numerous smaller structures along the western portion of the site. The current structures were constructed at the site by at least 1977. The site has been occupied by Servonics Instruments, Gulton Industries, and Ametek from at least 1959 who reportedly utilized the site to manufacture transducers and transmitters used in aircraft missiles, satellites, natural gas measurement, nuclear power generation and undersea appli- cations. Records indicate the former storage and use of chemicals, including solvents and generation of related hazardous wastes at the site. The former use, storage, and generation of hazardous wastes, and historic operations represent a recognized environmental condition (REC) for the site. Surface staining was not observed at the time of the site reconnaissance. Indications of sig- nificant storage or usage of hazardous materials were not observed during the site reconnaissance. Environmental Resource Management (ERM) installed 27 soil vapor probes in 1999, 19 soil vapor probes in March 2013, and 7 soil vapor probes and 4 groundwater monitoring wells in June 2013. Ninyo & Moore installed 16 soil vapor probes, collected three groundwater sam- ples, and collected shallow soil samples in May of 2013. Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were detected in soil gas and groundwater samples taken during the site investiga- tions, and are considered RECs for the site. Several liquid nitrogen aboveground storage tanks (ASTs) and one 13-ton carbon dioxide AST were observed on the site. Two exterior hazardous waste enclosures were observed on site, containing used car batteries, light bulbs, used hydraulic oil, isopropyl alcohol, and lead from solder. Staining or evidence of releases was not observed at the time of the site recon- naissance. 208879001 R Phase I ESA.doc 1 1620 and 1644 Whittier Avenue and 970 16th Street July 28, 2013 Costa Mesa, California Project No. 208879001 According to the EnviroStor database, the Costa Mesa Site Discovery Project (CMSDP), a regional groundwater plume impacted with VOCs, is located approximately ¼ mile north- east and upgradient of the site. CMSDP records reviewed to date indicate that groundwater flows southwest toward the site. It is conceivable that releases from the CMSDP facilities have contributed to impacts of groundwater and soil gas beneath the site. Significant data gaps were not encountered during this Phase I ESA. We have performed this Phase I ESA in general conformance with the scope and limitations of ASTM Practice E 1527-05, of the property with addresses of 1620 and 1644 Whittier Avenue and 970 16th Street in the city of Costa Mesa, California. Any exceptions to or deletions from, this practice are described in Sections 1.4 and 1.5 of this report. This assessment has revealed no evidence of RECs in connection with the property except for the following: The use of the site for industrial electronic-related purposes from at least 1960 through 2012 represents a REC. The historic uses included storage, use, and generation of hazardous wastes including solvents. Ninyo & Moore conducted limited soil, soil gas, and groundwater sampling at the site in May 2013, to augment the soil gas data collected by ERM in March 2013, as well as gain in- formation on groundwater from three deeper borings (to 50 feet below ground surface). Results of the investigations indicated VOC concentrations in soil gas and groundwater, and are considered RECs for the site. It is conceivable that releases from the CMSDP facilities have contributed to impacts of groundwater and soil gas beneath the site. 208879001 R Phase I ESA.doc 2 1620 and 1644 Whittier Avenue and 970 16th Street July 28, 2013 Costa Mesa, California Project No. 208879001 1. INTRODUCTION CM Fund 3, LLC (CM3, client), authorized Ninyo & Moore to perform a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment (ESA) at 1620 and 1644 Whittier Avenue and 970 16th Street in the city of Costa Mesa, California (site; Figure 1). The Phase I ESA was conducted in general accordance with Ninyo & Moore’s proposal dated May 8, 2013. The following sections identify the purpose, in- volved parties, scope of services, and limitations and exceptions associated with the Phase I ESA. 1.1. Purpose In accordance with the ASTM International (ASTM) E 1527-05 Standard Practice for ESAs: Phase I ESA Process (ASTM Standard E 1527-05), the objective of the ESA is to identify, to the extent feasible pursuant to ASTM Standard E 1527-05, recognized environmental condi- tions (RECs), which are defined by ASTM as “the presence or likely presence of any hazardous substance or petroleum products on a property under conditions that indicate an existing release, a past release, or a material threat of a release of any hazardous substances or petroleum products into structures on the property or into the ground, ground water, or surface water of the property.” The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has stated that ASTM Standard E 1527-05 is consistent with the Standards and Practices for All Appropriate Inquires (AAI), Final Rule (40 Code of Federal Regulations [CFR], Part 312) and is compliant with the stat- utory criteria for AAI. AAI, as defined in the AAI Final Rule, must be conducted by persons seeking the landowner liability protections under the Comprehensive Environmental Re- sponse, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA) prior to acquiring a property or seeking or receiving federal Brownfields grants under the authorities of CERCLA. The purpose of AAI, as defined in the AAI Final Rule, is to identify releases and threatened releases of haz- ardous substances which cause or threaten to cause the incurrence of response costs. 208879001 R Phase I ESA.doc 3

self, is designed to completely represent any aspect of the project described herein. Ninyo & Moore should be contacted if the reader requires any
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