Introduction. the Original Content presented was realized through the Universal Consciousness of the Universe and accessed through the Eternal Spirit. The Transcriber of the words and ideas presented is Christ David, a.k.a. Christian David, a.k.a. Christian Eugen Ignacio David. These books are dedicated to the entire Earth, every existence on Earth and the Earth itself. May the eternal energy and eternal love of God and the universe come be with you all. all of the words transcribed were directly inspired by the universe, through the all-knowing consciousness of the universe. everything written in these books is stand alone. Every statement or set of statements can stand on their own. Each statement represents the discovery which is made by understanding the statement. Read the entire books. The decryptions are not in order so that the meaning can combine from all sides as the essence collapses into a singularity inside your mind. Copyright ©God. Copyright ©God the Trinity. Copyright ©Christ David. Copyright ©Universal Transcendence. the binding seals of these books: - do not change the words in this book. Do not misrepresent the words written. - do not seek profit from the distribution of this book. the consciousness transcribed in these books is free for all to access. the words of these books are free for all to read and understand. - do not print this book on paper made out of trees. trees are sacred beings. - don’t let the absolute essence or the infinite meaning of the words written get lost in translation. keep the words true to their original purpose. Copyright ©God. Copyright ©God the Trinity. Copyright ©Christ David. Copyright ©Universal Transcendence. the Quantum Continuum - The Invisible Landscape. for if nothing does not exist, everything could not exist. nothing is free. the essence of nothing is nothing. nothing is nothing. The universe embodies the essence of existence. the essence of truth is absolute. the truth cannot be broken or removed. every existence comes from the original existence. The original existence is the origin of all existence. Existence itself is within a paradox. Christ creates the consciousness. The Spirit provides the energy. the Devil reveals the transformation. take 22 and divide by 7. always works. Chaos causes creation. Order transcends identity. you can only see, what you are allowed to see. are you prepared to be that which can see everything? sometimes improbability knocks reason into oblivion. personal bias comes from personal benefit. if you want to understand the true meaning of God, understand the true meaning of nothing. Come to know by exploring the depth of the words that can be written. study the world through objective language. Manifest the inspiration needed to reach the Spirit. the only way to find truth, to know the truth, is to experience the emotions of existence. David always defeats Goliath. The truth isn’t speculation. Every manifested existence has a unique identity. All of the identities come from the original set of identities. Existence manifests itself into many types of being. without order nothing exists, without chaos nothing evolves. consciousness is the ability to realize what is actually occurring in reality. there is only one origin. Come into being by becoming that which is. verbal abuse can cause psychological damage. verbal abuse is abuse. you’re different. i’m different. everyone can be special. Do you appreciate and/or inspire the uniqueness? That which detriments existence blocks the energy. If you plant a foul seed, then you shall reap a rotten fruit. Walk into where time stands still, no one leaves and no one will. there are no coincidences. there is only levels of synchronicity. focus on the process, not on the result. power prevents chaos. ignorance prevents order. art is creativity explored. be as creative as possible. To understand the creation before you, you must inspire the artist inside you. because the explanation of a deep emotion can only add to the beauty of understanding how deeply someone understands life. There is no room for corruption, violence or selfishness in a civilization. When everyone thinks of everyone else at all times, welcome to paradise. what is written in destiny cannot be erased. engage any force by simply getting out of the way. if the force has nothing to push, it will just keep going until it hits something else. the truth is powerful because it is the most powerful tool consciousness can attain. you can't cross the bridge before you build it, someone must get across to the other side first. Don’t let bad habits stop you from reaching good patterns. i have nothing to gain, because nothing you can’t lose. if it can stand on its own, it stands forever. We have a lot to learn from nature and it’s cycles. i am, therefore, i am. don’t climb the mountain higher unless you can handle the altitude. sharing is caring. The cure comes from within. The magic potions come from nature. do not suppress your feelings. do not act with haste. Words aren’t yours, words aren’t mine, which words can you combine? i am that which is what i am. we are all in this together. One love is forever. The tree has leaves. They stay one cycle and then they fall. the tree has fruits. You can experience their true essence only when they bloom. the tree has seeds that grow into other trees. when you have something profound to say, speak your mind. consciousness is an infinite sea. infinity is within many streams. be responsible for your choices. Teach others to do the same. words are actions. actions speak. if you don't know, don’t assume you know. ‘normality’ is stale. Stale things decompose. the universe and nature are one. it is nature that gave you life. The Spirit of the universe can renew your energy. the essence is deeper than the substance. connect. feel. realize. Be compatible so that you can connect. the truth is a virus. once unleashed, it infects everything and it can’t be killed. do more with less. be more with less. one for all, and all for one. appreciate all life. do not worship anything. show respect and appreciation for the things you admire. love is special only when it is. Don’t let the mistakes of the past haunt the future. just because something is taught doesn't mean it is the truth. Just because something is accepted by the majority doesn’t make it the truth. That which is true is the pure essence of existence. if you cannot see it, feel it. True meditation is deep reflection. always be ready to let go of everything that you have. an end is always a new beginning. don't validate mistakes. life comes first. energy unchains matter using consciousness. in order to be forgiven, you must learn to forgive yourself. nothing is the blank state where everything is still capable of becoming. Respect is mutual. trust is mutual. honesty is mutual. Only then, can a relationship blossom. use unreached perspectives as stepping stones towards higher existence. sometimes you need to understand someone else's footsteps, and sometimes you need to make your own. United as one, we are each other. The truth is eternal which means it has always been and it will always be. there is nothing you can know, but to know nothing is. Codes within language can allow one to access objective reality. The truth is recursive. The code is recursive. you cannot escape not having a destiny. the code within the changing codes does not change. order and chaos are woven into the same duality. the universe is a paradox. truth is a prerequisite for manifestation. Love is all that matters. best thing to do as a producer: learn to mix. best thing to do as a mixer: learn to produce. life is about having soul. Let the rhythm take control. You cannot see that which you are searching for. Divine energy requires divine instinct. everything is constantly changing according to everything that is constantly the same. update on reality: unexplained phenomenon happening everywhere. have less. do more. be more. sometimes the light at the end of the tunnel is the train coming the other way. Order and chaos provide balance. different energies emit different frequencies. God has no face. The Spirit has no form. the Devil has no soul. turbulence is always uniquely turbulent. explore the unknown. To find something you must first lose yourself in it. Everything changes in each instant. The past, present and future has the same origin. trinity - three identities forever into one zero. if you cannot treat life with respect, how do you expect life to respect you? sustainability, spirituality, simplicity. reality isn't what you believe reality to be. reality is actuality. the universe’s spectrum is the paradox between the known and the unknown. open your mind so that your eyes don’t blind you. the only eyes you have, are the ones you open with your mind. do not accept flawed logic. don’t waste life. don’t abuse life. Life has no beginning. Life has no end. Life is a time spiral. too much comfort makes you static. too much chaos makes you panic. Spiritual regeneration is reconnecting your soul to the Spirit. a line always has two directions. backward is forward backwards. everyone is capable of helping the world. don't hesitate. do not let your ego stop you from offering help to everyone who needs it. analyze the authenticity of the knowledge you are presented. only way to stay ahead is to be ahead. The more you learn, the more you can be shown. Reduce and expand. Each identity encompasses the essence in a unique way. A simple life is divine. minimalism allows you to expand. Nature is not laws. Physicalism is flawed. the original opens an umbrella of possibilities. duality means the original and the divergent both have the same origin and the same destiny. there is no independence. there is individuality. you can be your own, you cannot be separated from the world. everything that is, is everything that everything is. everything that is, is the way it is because of the way that everything is. you can never know what lurks in the world unknown. Committing Mortal Sins make you mortal. until you evolve past the limitations of the past, you cannot reach the present so you can remember how to get to the future. that which you input will imprint the output. most solutions only cause other problems which requires more solutions. Existence doesn’t need to be solved. Existence needs to be lived, experienced and cherished. the pattern the water makes when raindrops land on a lake. simplicity simplifies everything. free-will is a dependency because you cannot escape the fact that you have to make choices every day of your life, even if you choose not to choose. remove impurities to begin the search for divinity. The closer you are, the farther you can see. Unconditional love is paradise. if you can’t inherently wield the skill naturally, you must practice it. art is that which escapes words and lets you wonder inside a world full of creativity and inspiration. art is that which inspires people to be artists. i am dangerous because i know things no one else does. and now that you’ve read them and you can be just as dangerous as i am. the more you dig, the deeper the hole becomes. the blueprint for truth is rooted in identity. infinity is between 0 and 1. quantum creates energy flux. unified field generates power. the Spirit perpetuates energy. God the Son: Inspiration, Creation, Consciousness God the Spirit: Essence, Perpetuality, Illumination God the Father: Simplicity, Identity, Transcendence I Am who I Am. i am what i am. i am which i am. God the Creator – inspiration God the Spirit – illumination God the Psyche – realization everything is energy and space becoming one. everything comes from a source. everything cycles through a source. All sources are connected. god the creator - truth god the spirit - chaos god the psyche - order god the creator - seed god the spirit - core god the psyche - skin If you become content and accept the first set of beliefs you deem logical, you will not search further into the mystery of the unknown. Enlightenment isn’t achieved. Enlightenment is a state of mind that is installed within your very being. being in reality is a process. it does not start or stop at any point. all of existence is a paradox: one absolute continuum. existence is a consequence of itself. appreciate the things which can't be replaced. don’t make mistakes your existence can’t escape. You are Not Alone. connect with that which does not speak with words. the truth resonates into eternity. i have learned to learn from others. you must learn to do the same. Learn from all things because there are lessons and teachings everywhere waiting to be understood. do not cut down trees. trees are a living being. do not print on paper made from trees. nature has a grandiose diversity of plants which can be used for a variety of tools. learn the proper uses for everything. Discipline is control. Hurting or harming other things willingly is always a mistake you will eventually regret. Be willing to help all those who ask for it. remember your mistakes. Allow yourself to grow beyond them. unconditional love heals. only love can purify you and make you divine. only love can complete the emptiness. inspire the universe. The universe knows your energy. The universe knows your life story. Let the universe help you find the path. forgive others. forgive yourself. we can all do better. We can always do better. The world needs love. Love needs the world. do not attempt at controlling life because not even the universe controls it. trying to control something suffocates it. reach above the need to suffocate life from being what it was truly meant to be. remove the bad habits of your ego and pride.