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TRANSLATED WITH COMMENTARY BY RICHARD BERTSCHINGER Y Richard Bertschingerhas been working on this ‘The great strength of Richard Bertschinger’s rendition of the Yijing is that it T For the Chinese, the destiny of each individual translation for 30 years. He studied with the is both a personal interpretation and one that is based on scholarship of the R i and the cosmos have always been inextricably A j Taoist sage and Master, Gia-fu Feng. A practising Chinese language. For millions of Chinese who have read the Yijingover the N i linked, and for two thousand years the Yijing, or n acupuncturist, teacher of the healing arts and millennia, understanding its ideas has been part of a lived experience, a S The Book of Change, has exercised the best minds L personal journey. This edition also encourages the reader to place themselves g translator of ancient Chinese texts, he lives with A in the Orient. Richard Bertschinger has worked at the centre of understanding; to understand it from the inside, not as an T Yijing, his family in the hills of south west England. He E , from the classical commentaries to make a fresh is the author of The Secret of Everlasting Life, also external observer.’ D and up-to-date translation for the modern – Ian Appleyard, course director of degree programmes at the S published by Singing Dragon. W world. Marriage, business ventures, journeys, London Confucius Institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine h I T disputes, world affairs, personal problems, H a health and money issues all are grist to the C m mill of The Book of Change. Through pondering ‘Richard Bertschinger’s new translation of The Book of Changeis poetical and O perceptive, revealing aspects of this enigmatic work that may easily pass M Shamanic the lines, studying their poetry and devoting a unnoticed. Whether the reader is interested in the cosmology of the Change, M ourselves to their meaning, the heart of the n or wants to experiment with it as a divination manual, they will find inspiration E ancients is clear. We pick up, perhaps in a way N in this translation.’ i we never could have conceived of, how to T c – Fabrizio Pregadio, Taoist scholar and translator, and A guide and direct our lives. researcher at the University of Erlangen, Germany R With an introduction that explains the Y O B underlying structure and philosophy of The Book Y r of Change, as well as its history, and a detailed Oracle of ‘As a scholar and practitioner, Richard Bertschinger has devoted much time R a explanation of how to throw the yarrow sticks or I and interest to researching ancient Chinese philosophy. This new translation C c the coins, the novice reader is given everything H and commentary on the Yijingis an exceptionally fine piece of work, creating l A they need to take their first steps in consulting an easy-to-understand interpretation of the shamanic oracle of China for e R the ancient oracle. Those already familiar with modern times.’ D – Dr Jidong Wu, PhD, senior lecturer in Traditional B o established translations will find this new Chinese Medicine, Middlesex University E f translation from the original texts clear and R T China illuminating. S C C H h I N i G n E a R A NEW BOOK OF CHANGE 116 Pentonville Road London, N1 9JB, UK 400 Market Street, Suite 400 Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA www.singingdragon.com SINGING Cover design: Black Dog Design DRAGON Front cover calligraphy: Xiao Bai Li ‘The great strength of Richard Bertschinger’s rendition of the Yijing is that it is both a personal interpretation and one that is based on scholarship of the Chinese language. For millions of Chinese who have read the Yijing over the millennia, understanding its ideas has been part of a lived experience, a personal journey. This edition also encourages the reader to place themselves at the centre of understanding; to understand it from the inside, not as an external observer.’ – Ian Appleyard, course director of degree programmes at the London Confucius Institute for Traditional Chinese Medicine ‘Reading through this translation of the Yijing by my old friend Richard Bertschinger, I was struck by his deep respect for the wisdom and living spirit of this ancient text, always allowing the oracle to speak for itself. Our practice is to become still enough to hear its voice.’ – Shi Jing, 31st generation Dragon Gate priest and Chairman of the British Taoist Association ‘Richard Bertschinger’s new translation of The Book of Change is poetical and perceptive, revealing aspects of this enigmatic work that may easily pass unnoticed. Whether the reader is interested in the cosmology of the Change, or wants to experiment with it as a divination manual, they will find inspiration in this translation.’ – Fabrizio Pregadio, Taoist scholar and translator, and researcher at the University of Erlangen, Germany ‘An essential book for anyone interested in humanity’s relationship with heaven and earth. Richard’s scholarship opens a door to the rich imagery of the Yijing, illuminating its relevance for our time. Its insights guide us in adapting to change, whilst orienting ourselves with the awareness of that which is beyond change.’ – Alan Hext, acupuncturist, zero balancer and co-author of Jing Shen ‘As a scholar and practitioner, Richard Bertschinger has devoted much time and interest to researching ancient Chinese philosophy. This new translation and commentary on the Yijing is an exceptionally fine piece of work, creating an easy-to-understand interpretation of the shamanic oracle of China for modern times.’ – Dr Jidong Wu, PhD, senior lecturer in Traditional Chinese Medicine, Middlesex University Shaman Fu Xi, originator of the trigrams. Watercolour by Ma Lin (13th century) by the same author The Secret of Everlasting Life The First Translation of the Ancient Chinese Text on Immortality Richard Bertschinger ISBN 978 1 84819 048 1 of related interest Seeking the Spirit of The Book of Change 8 Days to Mastering a Shamanic Yijing (I Ching) Prediction System Master Zhongxian Wu Foreword by Daniel Reid ISBN 978 1 84819 020 7 The 12 Chinese Animals Create Harmony in your Daily Life through Ancient Chinese Wisdom Master Zhongxian Wu ISBN 978 1 84819 031 3 Yijing, Shamanic Oracle of China A New Book of Change Translated with commentary by Richard Bertschinger London and Philadelphia Photo of Chinese coins on p.15 is reproduced by license from Shutterstock. Photo of yarrow sticks on p.18 is reproduced by permission of Renee Hella – www.helladelicious.com. Photo of the creative and receptive forces on p.29 is reproduced by license from Shutterstock. Photo of song porcelain bowl on p.36 is reproduced by permission of Ben Janssens Oriental Art. First published in 2012 by Singing Dragon an imprint of Jessica Kingsley Publishers 116 Pentonville Road London N1 9JB, UK and 400 Market Street, Suite 400 Philadelphia, PA 19106, USA www.singingdragon.com Copyright © Richard Bertschinger 2012 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means and whether or not transiently or inci- dentally to some other use of this publication) without the written permission of the copyright owner except in accordance with the provisions of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 or under the terms of a licence issued by the Copyright Licensing Agency Ltd, Saffron House, 6–10 Kirby Street, London EC1N 8TS. Applications for the copyright owner’s written permission to reproduce any part of this publication should be addressed to the publisher. Warning: The doing of an unauthorised act in relation to a copyright work may result in both a civil claim for damages and criminal prosecution. Library of Congress Cataloging in Publication Data Yi jing. English Yijing, shamanic oracle of China : a new Book of change / translated with commentary by Richard Bertschinger. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references. ISBN 978-1-84819-083-2 (alk. paper) I. Bertschinger, Richard. II. Title. PL2478.D27 2012 299'.51282--dc23 2011033067 British Library Cataloguing in Publication Data A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library ISBN 978 1 84819 083 2 eISBN 978 0 85701 066 7 Contents Why a Book of Change? 11 Why another Translation? 13 How to Cast the Oracle 15 Introduction 21 First Book 1. Qian / The Creative 57 2. Kun / The Receptive 62 3. Tun / The Hesitant 67 4. Meng / The Innocent 72 5. Xu / Waiting 76 6. Song / The Lawsuit 80 7. Shi / The Army 84 8. Bi / Relating 88 9. Xiaoxu / Small Cultivation 92 10. Lu / Stepping 97 11. Tai / Flourishing 101 12. Pi / Decline 106 13. Tongren / Fellowship 110 14. Dayou / Great Possession 115 15. Qian / Humility 119 16. Yu / Harmony 123 17. Sui / Following 127 18. Gu / Corruption 131 19. Lin / Approach 136 20. Guan / The Observing 140 21. Shihe / Biting Through 144 22. Bi / Adornment 148 23. Bo / Tearing Apart 153 24. Fu / The Restored 157 25. Wuwang / The Unerring 161 26. Daxu / Great Cultivation 165 27. Yi / The Jaws 169 28. Daguo / Great Excess 173 29. Kan / The Double Trap 177 30. Li / The Adhering 181 Second Book 31. Xian / Affection 187 32. Heng / Constancy 191 33. Dun / Withdrawal 195 34. Dazhuang / Great Strength 199 35. Jin / The Advancing 203 36. Mingyi / A Darkening Light 208 37. Jiaren / The Family 212 38. Kui / Separation 216 39. Jian / Obstruction 221 40. Jie / Release 225 41. Sun / Decrease 229 42. Yi / Increase 234 43. Guai / Breaking Through 238 44. Gou / Encounter 243

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