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321 Pages·2013·2.08 MB·English
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Praise for Working With Adoptive Parents: Research, Theory, and Therapeutic Interventions “With adoption, including those that across international boundaries, on the rise, the salutary impact of human kindness as well the tragic potential for developmental complications has greatly increased. Brabender and Fallon, the editors of this well-organized volume, are keenly aware of this. They have cast their net wide and brought together the perspectives of attachment theory, empirical research, and clinical experiences to deepen our understanding of the challenges faced by adoptive parents. Conceptually rich and yet unabashedly pragmatic, their book addresses the issues of parent-child bonding, the subjec- tive dilemmas of adoptive mothers, the role of adoptive fathers, and parenting children with special health care needs. Attention is also given to the specific tasksinvolvingtheadoptionofveryyoungchildrenaswellastotheresurgence of difficulties during adopted children’s adolescence. This wide-ranging dis- course consistently maintains a tone of respect, concern, and shared humanity of all of us. A most impressive contribution to the adoption literature indeed!” Salman Akhtar, MD, Professor of Psychiatry, Jefferson Medical College, Training and Supervising Analyst, Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia “This book is a tour de force, a must read for all involved in the world of adoption. A comprehensive history of adoption, including current controver- sies, sets the stage. Every chapter is a gem, but contributions on research to informbestpractices,theroleoftheadoptivefather,diversity,andadoptionof childrenwithspecialhealthcareneeds,helpfillsignificantgapsintheadoption literature. Rich clinical material and the practical points summarized throughout, demonstrate the wisdom of seasoned practitioners.” Jennifer Bonovitz, PhD, Supervising and Training Analyst, Psychoanalytic Center of Philadelphia “This volume is a major contribution to our understanding of adoptive par- enting. The book is thorough, full of helpful insights, case studies, and per- spectives on the complicated dance involved for adoptive parents and their children.Theportraitofadoptiveparentingisbothhopefulandrealistic,andis framed with thoughtful attention to what we actually know from careful research. This book should be a helpful guide and resource for both mental health professionals and adoptive parents.” Sam Osherson, PhD, Professor of Psychology, Fielding Graduate University, Cambridge, MA WORKING WITH ADOPTIVE PARENTS Research, Theory, and Therapeutic Interventions EDITED BY Virginia M. Brabender April E. Fallon CoverDesign:Wiley CoverImage:©iStockphoto.com/JamesBrey Thisbookisprintedonacid-freepaper. Copyright©2013byJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.Allrightsreserved. PublishedbyJohnWiley&Sons,Inc.,Hoboken,NewJersey. PublishedsimultaneouslyinCanada. Nopartofthispublicationmaybereproduced,storedinaretrievalsystem,ortransmittedinanyformor byanymeans,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,scanning,orotherwise,exceptaspermitted underSection107or108ofthe1976UnitedStatesCopyrightAct,withouteitherthepriorwritten permissionofthePublisher,orauthorizationthroughpaymentoftheappropriateper-copyfeetothe CopyrightClearanceCenter,Inc.,222RosewoodDrive,Danvers,MA01923,(978)750-8400,fax(978) 646-8600,oronthewebatwww.copyright.com.RequeststothePublisherforpermissionshouldbe addressedtothePermissionsDepartment,JohnWiley&Sons,Inc.,111RiverStreet,Hoboken, NJ07030,(201)748-6011,fax(201)748-6008. 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Brabender,AprilE.Fallon. 1onlineresource. Includesbibliographicalreferencesandindex. DescriptionbasedonprintversionrecordandCIPdataprovidedbypublisher;resourcenotviewed. ISBN978-1-118-41891-8(ebook)—ISBN978-1-118-41615-0(ebook) ISBN978-1-118-61169-2(ebook)—ISBN978-1-118-10912-0(pbk.:alk.paper) 1. Adoptiveparents. 2. Parenting. 3. Parentandchild. I. Brabender,Virginia II. Fallon, April. HV875 362.734—dc23 2013000371 PrintedintheUnitedStatesofAmerica 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 Virginia dedicates the book to two of her favorite adoptive parents, John and Rebecca Brabender, and to a very loving foster mother, Dona Aida Barrientos. April dedicates the book to Hafeez and Theo Shaikh, whose generosity were instrumental in our adoptive process. Contents Foreword xi Preface xiii Acknowledgments xxi About the Editors xxiii Contributors xxv Chapter 1 Setting the Stage: The Adoptive Parent in Context 1 Virginia M. Brabender and April E. Fallon Characteristics of Adoptive Parents 2 Serving the Needs of Adoptive Parents 5 History of Adoption 8 Contemporary Controversies 16 Practical Points 20 Conclusions 21 Chapter 2 Theoretical Contributions to the Understanding of Parent-Child Bonding in Adoption 23 April E. Fallon and Barbara L. Goldsmith Before the Family Becomes a Unit: Daniel Stern and Intrapsychic Reorganization 23 The Case of Dora 25 Bowlby and the Importance of Secure Attachment in Healthy Development 26 The Parallel Caregiving System: Contributions of George and Solomon 28 Ego Psychology and the Significance of Adaptation 32 Contributions of D. W. Winnicott 33 Kohut and the Development of Self-Esteem 37 vii viii Contents Mentalization: Holding the Adopted Child in Mind 38 Separation-Individuation and the Contributions of Margaret Mahler 41 Practical Points 43 Conclusions 44 Chapter 3 Using Research to Inform Best Practices in Working With Adoptive Families 45 Hal S. Shorey, Sanjay R. Nath, and Meridith Carter The History of Research on Attachment and Parent-Child Interactions 46 Research on Adoption 50 Attachment-Based Interventions for Use in Adoption 56 The Circle of Security 57 Practical Points 59 Conclusion 59 Chapter 4 The Adoptive Mother 61 Virginia M.Brabender, AmandaSwartz, Mary Winzinger,andApril E. Fallon The Eras of Adoptive Motherhood 61 Adolescence 80 Practical Points 84 Conclusion 85 Chapter 5 The Adoptive Father 87 Rao Gogineni and April E. Fallon Important Role Functions of the Father 87 Becoming and Being an Adoptive Father 92 Practical Points 103 Conclusion 104 Chapter 6 Recognizing Diversity in Adoptive Families 105 Virginia M. Brabender, April E. Fallon, Alicia Padovano, and Phil Rutter Identity Variables Within the Addressing Framework 106 Family Structure 125 Practical Points 127 Conclusion 127 Chapter 7 Adoption of Children With Special Health Care Needs 131 S. Ileana Lindstrom, Sonia Voynow, and Bret A. Boyer Three Approach Classes 132 Comparison to Children in the General Population 134 Contents ix Disruption of Adoption for Children With SHCN 134 Who Are the Families Who Adopt These Children? 135 Commitment 135 Preparation 137 Coping and Stress 140 Existential Issues 142 Posttraumatic Stress 142 Ambiguous Loss 143 Posttraumatic Growth 144 Marital Satisfaction 145 Practical Points 145 Conclusion 147 Chapter 8 Parenting the Young Child 149 Elaine Frank and Denise Rowe Ghosts in Adoptive Families 149 Intervention With Adoptive Families: Developmental Guidance, Parent-Child Groups, and Parent-Child Therapy 153 Parenting Cornerstones for Adoptive Families 156 Enhancing the Parent-Child Relationship in Adoptive Families: Developing an Adoption Dialogue 163 Practical Points 168 Conclusion 168 Chapter 9 Adoptive Parenting of Teenagers and Young Adults 169 Joseph White Developmental Themes of Adolescence and Early Adulthood 169 Individuation, Independence, and the Adoptive Parent-Child Relationship 172 Insights for Parents and Therapists 174 Identity Formation in International, Transcultural, and Transracial Adoptees 177 Practical Points 180 Conclusions 180 Chapter 10 Therapeutic Interventions With Adopted Children and Adoptive Parents: A Psychoanalytic Developmental Approach 181 Theodore Fallon Jr. Introduction 181 Development of the Human Mind 181

Practical techniques for guiding parents through the stages of adoption and beyond "This book makes a significant contribution to both a greater understanding of adoption and its complex dynamic constellations as well as to serving those who are or come across adoption families, many of whom count o
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