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Wolfgang Simson A Prophetic Roadmap for an Apostolic Journey PDF

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A Prophetic Roadmap for an Apostolic Journey Wolfgang Simson T h e ST a r f iSh M a n i f eS To A Prophetic Roadmap for an Apostolic Journey Version 1.0 by Wolfgang Simson released October 2009 in Antioch The Starfish Publishing Agreement This book is free - but it will cost you! Starfish Publishing is a new resource function carried by contributing authors committed to this present reformation. It is the publishing arm of the “Starfish Partnership”, a global, informal network of followers of Jesus Christ, with the goal of seeing half the planet discipled through the starfish-type multiplication of organic/simple house churches, regional apostolic networks and a return to Kingdom economics. Starfish Edition exists to make vital materials towards this goal easily accessible and globally available for the empowerment of anyone. Starfish Publishing is a decentralized network and is based on the philosophy of a Christian gift economy. In the Kingdom of God, there is no buying and selling, but giving and receiving. Starfish materials are therefore not for sale. We loan them to you, and they become yours if you can honor the following risk-free moral agreement: • If you like the material, please “pay it forward” to at least ten others; secondly, strive to give to the world without copyright whatever God has given to you; thirdly, money is needed, but instead of simply buying another product, we invite you to invest financially into the Starfish Vision. The Starfish Foundation serves as a financial instrument to facilitate this (more in the appendix section). • If you don’t like the material, please simply delete it; there are no strings attached. All digital Starfish resources (e-books, newsletters etc.) are password protected PDF-files. You will have to type “ok” as a sign of your agreement to open them. CONTENTS PART I: INTRODUCTION AND VISION Starfish Publishing Agreement contents Foreword by Anderson Williams Foreword by author 1 I spy something 14 2 The Tale of the Mosquito Net 24 PART II: THE PROPHETIC DIMENSION 3 Spiritual Intelligence 30 GPS: God’s prophetic system Welcome to the 4th Industrial Revolution Prophetic pictures Prophetic warnings 4 Prophetic Signposts 50 Houston: The split pulpit Esther of India River Aare in Thun: the flood of the Holy Spirit Toronto: The disarmament of the Christian Militia Original purpose Erich’s vision of trees and the storm “Lothar” Why, God, such a massive Tsunami Devastation? Rain and gold PART III: THE PROBLEM 5 Unmasking the Problem 70 6 The Covenant Principle: - or why we got deported to Babylon 92 7 Blessing: The Power of God to be Fruitful, Multiply and Fill the Earth 104 8 Where Do We Go From Here? 112 9 Apostolic Migration 120 10 My own story 126 PART IV: THE APOSTOLIC DIMENSION 11 Apostolic Architecture 144 12 The Blueprint question – How does God build? 154 13 The Empire of God 168 14 Ekklesia: The Kingdom visible around Tables and in Stadiums 196 15 Apostles – The Master Builders of God 220 16 History of the Restoration of the Apostolic 270 17 False Apostolic Patterns: The three Apostles of Mammon, 298 Dominionism and the Dream of Social Transformation PART V: APOSTOLIC BUILDING PATTERNS 18 Identify God’s Master Builders today 322 19 The “Tarsus Principle” 328 20 Divine Romance – matching the Apostolic with the Prophetic ministry 336 21 The Gardens of God 350 22 Apostolic Finance Principles 364 23 Modeling the Kingdom 380 24 Apostolic Diaconia 396 PART VI: IMPLICATIONS AND APPLICATIONS 25 Repositioning from Within 426 26 Immediate Consequences 432 27 Organic Servanthood Development 466 28 Transitioning into an Apostolic Order 492 29 The Toolbox 508 30 The Starfish Partnership 520 Appendix 540 Foreword Beloved, while I was making every effort to write you about our common salvation, I felt the necessity to write to you appealing that you contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all handed down to the saints (Jude 3) The Global Church has arrived at an incredibly significant kairos-time in its evolution. It is a day of enlargement, spiritual redefinition, increased under- standing and total rightness – all aspects of life are being aligned with the template of the Kingdom. It is a day of unprecedented divine initiatives, as God seeks to reclaim His Church and enforce His purposes with an urgency never before seen. In these days of unparalleled eternal movings there is an urgent demand for all aspects of the faith to be brought into complete alliance with God’s divine will. The term that was coined to define the present initiative of God is “A Global Apostolic Refor- mation”. This present reformation cannot be defined as a “move” - moves come and moves go and like spiritual junkies the global church runs recklessly in search of another move. I choose to describe it as a divine process that incorporates and encapsulates ALL that God is seeking to achieve from now until the ultimate completion of His will in the earth. It is certainly a day of unprecedented advance! This advance, like all previous advances will not be without its unique breed of skandalon – those elements that seek to short-circuit the objective. In order to maintain the integrity of the present process we are encouraged by Jude to “contend earnestly for the faith…” But that earnest contention must be tooled – it must be Prophetically informed and Apostolically enforced. This powerful and relevant process has been mired in misunderstanding, misconception and misrepresentation. The barrage of confusion has left most of the Church with a false view of the present Spiritual initiative while others see the Church as nothing more than “opium of the people”. Manipulation is masquerading as leadership, Apostolic networks are no more than ultra-modern denominations, polished Pentecostalism is passing for Apostolic, merchandising and Christian network marketing is passing for evangelism, giftedness is elevated above cha- racter and religious imperialism has successfully disguised itself as missions. The result of this cacophony is a disfigured church that has not fulfilled its responsibility; a self indulgent, dispa- rate and divided Christianity that has deceived masses engaged in blind loyalty to a system that is in desperate need of reform. Against this backdrop of prevailing exaggerations and abuses it is refreshing to read The Starfish Manifesto. Wolfgang Simson strikes a deathblow on traditionalist, pseudo-apostolic companies, religi- ous despots and charlatans who celebrate an apostolic and prophetic competence that runs only skin deep. This book openly exposes the redundancy, irrelevance and inaccuracy of the “Church as we know it” and it powerfully provides us with God’s preferred alternative. It presents us with spiritual templates and workable solutions to centuries old inaccuracies. This book will certainly insult ignorance, inform our process, arm us to earnestly contend for the faith and provide us with clear revelational pathways that can lead us more precisely to the completion of all things. Then spake Haggai the Lord’s messenger in the Lord’s message unto the people, saying, I am with you, saith the Lord (Hag 1:13, KJV) The Starfish Manifesto is not a ventilation of brainpower neither is it an abstract collection of statistics, historical data, scriptures, experiences nor academically enriched paragraphs. It is however a spiritual life buoy that seeks to rescue the church from it desultory practices. It is the embodiment of the writer’s conviction. This puts an added premium on the book pri- marily because its impartational value is heightened by virtue of there being very little distance between declaration and lifestyle. In the words of Wolfgang “much of theology actually spells biography”. …having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Christ Jesus Himself being the corner stone (Eph 2:20, Every divine initiative in the earth will require a clear, seminal declaration of truth in order to dignify the process. When Israel marched through the wilderness the movement of the cloud determined their movement. It was the blast of the trumpet that informed the people of the cloud’s moving (Num 10). The trumpets then, represented the clear, articulate and unambi- guous prophetic declaration. Without that “chazon” or prophetic revelational declaration we are left with an aborted process or a move that has a relatively short shelf life - where divine intent is derailed and divine purpose is deferred. But prophetic revelation is not a stand-alone com- modity. When working in tandem with the Apostolic it becomes a lethal foundation on which divine architecture is actualized and built. These two competences have been preached into obsolescence by much of the Church. In other circles they (apostolic and prophetic) are com- peting with each other in an environment of perennial distrust and narcissistic power struggle. If these two ministries can truly die, then God’s Ekklesia and the world will be better for it. Wolfgang Simson has provided us with an exceptional book that allows us to look into the working reality of these two competences and the technology that will allow for God’s intent to be fully constructed in the earth. A rare voice among many echoes! Anderson Williams Trinidad and Tobago Foreword by author Whoever wishes to follow God will do it either God‘s way, or his own way. Many have boldly declared their own ways to be God‘s way, without asking his permission. In kind, God is doing something in our days without asking anyone’s permission. Those who sense it respond and either become revolutionaries, reformers – or rebels against their own King. The focus of this book is on the revolution that is happening out there. And it is causing those that watch it from inside established Christian systems to wish, believe and call for a reformation in their own camp. A revolution is a complete replacement of a system with a new one; a reformation, in comparison, merely changes and reshapes – reforms - that which already exists. However, I see the current Kingdom revolution, instigated by the King himself, as a benevolent and gracious act, calling both revolutionaries (the builders of new systems) and reformers (the re-shapers of existing ones) to march arm in arm, under the directives of their common King, Jesus Christ, into a common future. Today God’s revolutionaries inspire, challenge and dare all of us to go were no-one has gone before; in-house reformers restore their churches, Missions and net- works, while at the same time they help to redeem the rich spiritual legacy and heritage that each church and movement has accumulated in the past, striving to introduce their own spiri- tual gems into the public domain. When Karl Marx published his Communist Manifesto in 1848, the founding document of Communism, he opened it by saying: “A spectre is haunting Europe – the spectre of commu- nism.” In today’s world, God’s Spirit is haunting all of us; but not in the form of some ghostly phantom threatening to destroy and overthrow, but the Spirit of Jesus rallying all of us with stri- king, personalized invitations to individually and corporately engage in the biggest and most exciting endeavor of all of human history: the culmination and ultimate fulfillment of God’s purposes with mankind before His New Age begins. In 1996, I sensed I needed to start preaching, teaching, and writing about an imminent reformation that gradually starts by the return of house churches as a new, but actually age-old format of ekklesia. Since the book Houses That Change The World came out and was translated into nearly 20 languages, we have had a never ending stream of visitors at our house telling us we were expressing something that they had felt in their spirit loud and clear, something unspeakable they somehow felt was put into words by that book. Since then, hundreds of thousands of new house churches have been born around the world, and if research serves us right, it looks like this is only the beginning. The Starfish Manifesto is probably the last book I will write on the issue of ekklesia, and in many ways, it is the Big Brother of my former book on house churches. In 2001, God had asked my wife Mercy and me to completely quit Church-as-we-know-it (CAWKI) and even missions-as-we-know-it, and to go into an unknown future. We felt lost, vulnerable, insecure, and alone. But after some time, God started to speak to us that a time had arrived where age-old secrets of the Kingdom and “mysteries sealed up until the last days” would be revealed, divine insights that would bring about a dramatic and revolutionary shift in the way the church understands itself and the task God has for her. One of these mysteries is the rediscovery of healthy apostolic and prophetic ministries that had gone through God’s mill – not proud, triumphant, presentable and strong people and their ministries, but weak, crucified, no-name, faceless, and dead people, unimpressive folks. I have three specific groups of people in mind for whom this book is written: 1) Seekers of Church 2.0. There are many who have grown up in traditional churches or missions who feel excited in their spirit, knowing that what they have experienced and seen in Christianity so far cannot be “it.” It always has been church version 1.x, a slight upgrade, a cosmetic change of something that has posed as “church” for centuries. But there are literally millions that, either hiding it deep inside or voicing it aloud, know there must be more, some- thing you might call Church 2.0. Through all sorts of means they have been thrown into a search-mode, looking for something else, something that goes beyond their past experience and brings them into a closer relationship with God and what it truly means to be the church. If this is you, I have good news for you. 2) I see a generation of young people rising up today and asking new kinds of questions. They (OK; some!) are passionately in love with Jesus, but strangely at odds with the Church. They are looking for a cause, a dangerous mission, something worth risking their lives for. If this is you, then I have good news for you, too. It may feel a bit like Neo in the film “The Matrix.” He was offered the red and blue pill, took the red one (converted) and experienced how it was to be “born again” and rescued into the community of Zion on Morpheus’ ship. As Neo woke up and shook his head, this is what he heard: “The answers are coming!” So hang in there. 3) There are those who are coming to Christ today completely outside traditional church systems. Are you from a Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Indian, Jewish, New Age, or completely agnostic background and looking for a church that is unlike the church? For a liberating place under the shadow of God where your brothers and sisters would wish to be, too? Then I have good news for you as well. The Western kind of church that you have visited, read about, or seen advertised on TV, is not the real thing. Jesus was an Asian. And the kind of Church he started is much closer to your heart and culture than you probably thought possible. Finally, if you feel safe and comfortable in a position or role in traditional churches or missi- ons, this book will probably be either rather disturbing to you – or it will open a surprising back door to a Christianity you never believed existed. And show you a church you never knew. And if you are a house church enthusiast of the kind that relishes total independence, rejects each and any authority, and have become a holy island, a part of a harmless, self-centered religious bubble, this book might serve to burst that bubble and invite you to an apostolic dimension of organic Christianity that you probably both wanted and feared: wanted because small little bless-me-clubs can become rather boring, ingrown, and insignificant after some time; and feared, because this means change, huge change. But most of all, this book is written for all those followers of Christ who feel in between worlds and wish to dwell on a map of the Promised Land. It may be a bit like Columbus on his first journey to discover “India” after the point of no return, that particular spot in a journey where returning back is not an option anymore. The resources have run dry, and your only hope is that there is land ahead before all hope dies. For all those, I have a message. As Church-as- We-Know-It has faded into the distance long ago, there is a rumor that a new land has been spotted: Church-as-God-Wants-It. And that - God lives there. Where would you rather be for the rest of your life? Wolfgang Simson October 2009

and any authority, and have become a holy island, a part of a harmless, . just easy living, in the furnace of poverty, rejection, strife, war and calamities an Shortly before conquering Jericho, Joshua encountered an unknown China, and even imperialistic terrorist networks like Al Qaeda are all
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