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IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF RITCHIE COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA CIVIL CASE INFORMATION STATEMENT (Civil Cases Other than Domestic Relations) I. CASE STYLE: Case No. 19-C- 3 Plaintiff(s) Judge: Sweeney Scott A. \Vindoin 101 E. Main St Harrisville, \VV 26362 vs. Days to C) Co Defendant(s) Answer Type ofService C— Jason S. Harshbarger 20 Personal Service NJ Name .3 2551 Oxford Rd -a 0 1 n Street Address — Pullman, WV 26421 -- C -- City, State, Zip Code NJ II. TYPE OF CASE: General Civil D Adoption fl Mass Litigation [As de/bied in T.C.R. 26.04(a)] D Administrative Agency Appeal fl Asbestos D Civil Appeal from Magistrate Court L FELA Asbestos D Miscellaneous Civil Petition D Other: D Mental Hygiene fl Habeas Corpus/Other Extraordinary Writ D Guardianship fl Other:____________________________________________________________ D Medical Malpractice ILl. JURY DEMAND: H Yes No CASE WILL BE READY FOR TRIAL BY (Month/Year): / IV. DO YOU OR ANY IF YES, PLEASE SPECIFY: OF YOUR CLIENTS H Wheelchairaccessible hearing room and other facilites OR WITNESSES H Reader or other auxiliary aid for the visually impaired IN THIS CASE Interpreter or other auxiliary aid for the deafand hard ofhearing REQUIRE SPECiAL H Spokesperson or other auxiliary’ aid for the speech impaired ACCOMMODATIONS? H Foreign laaguagc interpreter-specie’ language: fl Yes No Other Attorney Name: Scott A. Windorn Representing: Finm Windom Law Offices, PLLC E Plaintiff fl Defendant Address: 101 E Main St. Hanisville. WV 26362 : H Cross-Defendant H Cross-Complainant Telephone: 304-643-4440 fl 3rd-Party Plaintiff 3rd-Party Defendant H Proceeding Without an Attorney Original and__a_copies ofcomplaint enclosed/attached. Dated: 1 / 24 I 2019 Signatur% SCA-C-100: Civil Case Information Statement (Other than Domestic Relations) Revision Date: 12/2015 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF RITCHIE COUNTY, WEST VIRGINIA SCOTT A. WINDOM, Plaintiff, v. CASE NO. 19-C-________ The Honorable Timothy L. Sweeney JASON S. HARSHBARGER, ‘t L Defendant. —?..*— p-) h— -Q COMPLAINT r Comes now the Plaintiff, SCOTT A. WINDOM, by and through counsel, Windôi’n Law Offices, PLLC, and for his Complaint herein, does now hereby state as follows: PARTIES I) Plaintiff, Scott A. Windom (“Windom”). is a resident of Ritchie County, West Virginia, with a mailing address of 5548 State Park Road, Cairo, West Virginia. 2) Defendant, Jason Harshbarger (“Harshbarger”), is a resident of Ritchie County, West Virginia, with a mailing address of2551 Oxford Road, Pullman, West Virginia, and the current Delegate for the 7th District which includes Ritchie and Pleasants counties. JURISDICTION & VENUE 3) This action is brought pursuant to the provisions ofthe “Uniform Declaratory Judgments Act,” W. Va. Code §55-13-I, et seq., and Rule 57 ofthe West Virginia Rules ofCivil Procedure, seeking a declaratory judgment confirming Plaintiffs rights under the First Amendment to the United States Constitution to participate in Facebook discussions on the Defendant’s Facebook page for “Delegate Jason Harshbarger” and that the Defendant’s actions to block the Plaintiffhave deprived the Plaintiff of his rights. Plaintiff respectfiully asks that the Court declare that the viewpoint-based exclusion ofthe Plaintiffviolates the First Amendment, and order the Defendant to restore Plaintiffs access to comment on the Facebook page. 4) This action is also brought pursuant to the “Equitable Remedies” provisions of W. Va. Code §53-5-1, ci seq., seeking injunctive relief to coercively protect Plaintiffs Constitutional rights from Defendant’s improper interference and attempts to inhibit, impede and deny Plaintiffs rightful use ofa public forum. 5) Substantive law ofthe State ofWest Virginia governs this civil action due to the domicile ofthe parties which is in Ritchie County, West Virginia. 6) The Circuit Court ofRitchie County, West Virginia, has general and personal jurisdiction over the parties to this civil action. 7) Venue is proper in the Circuit Court of Ritchie County, West Virginia, inasmuch as the events and actions giving rise to this cause of action are specifically linked and related to the actions ofthe parties in Ritchie County, \Vest Virginia. FACTUAL ALLEGATIONS 8) Harshbarger is an elected member of the West Virginia House of Delegates representing approximately 18,000 individuals from the 7th District which included Ritchie County and Pleasants County, West Virignia. 9) Harshbarger has a social media account on Facebook. His Facebook page known as “Delegate Jason S. Harshbarger”. 2 iianeInannen IflflflkI 44Uf MriuDanUcn .onw.. it 4wtieb:-seofDaWs - I Delegate Jason S. Harshbarger -is jascn.5.harstibargCr Home AteUt 4Slime I scie . SuggntEdits Endorsements Photos Photos community seeAfl r Videos IA inviteyourlilendstoIkeSuePage Posts uS SS9poIeWethn Community 1,00tp€ooIeIoflcsme 2.P. DEn, I ttarravWa. mb andAds WtWF.M:t)aUiettcn5rcbdiee(ii5vtt)?..,..:d.ir..1,-V:i-:I..g.-,-.I.e:i:y-:sl)!b.3:df.l.h-maMr-ATaqnrenie. AILboub0tiBuilonni¶25outtemendsVsseen I Ann. V:.. S.-;,.n. Pni Cat.. .-rgsed to 311 end 9 (3O4j€9-22t ‘I -nta,i :.r.tanule bu*innan; Mpb. &fla Phi and Pt - Politician ‘t.un.aes; YoungRapub — U.S. Navy. July 1S43 g SuggesiEdita ri. lb. Moos. of VouMy In 1954 RelatedPages 10) Facebook is a platform that allows its users to publish messages and articles, to republish or respond to others’ messages, and to interact with other Facebook users in relation to those messages. Speech posted on Facebook deals with a multitude of topics and interests, but particularly relevant here is that a significant amount ofspeech posted on Harshbarger’s Facebook page is by, to or about the government. 11) A Facebook account holder is an individual who has created an account on the platform. A user can post messages to their own account or reply to messages on pages that they “like” of “follow”. These posts can include photographs, videos and links to websites. The Facebook page for “Delegate Jason S. Harshbarger” has more than 1,000 followers and 859 people have liked the page. 3 12) A Facebook user’s webpage displays all posts generated by the user with the most recent posts appearing at the top of the page. This display is known as a user’s “tirneline.” When a user generates a post, the timeline updates immediately to include that post. Anyone who can view a user’s public Facebook page can the user’s timeline. Below is a screenshot ofpart ofthe timeline associated with the Facebook page for “Delegate Jason S. Harshbarger” or jason.s.harshbarger: I I AShare I Saw ., Suggesttots \i.n3SiOrtconrensa CDrwnunity SnAt 0 DelegateJasonS.Harttaoper 8 lnsiteyoorlriendsishketeapage MartiS 0 S etapeoplekkehus ALLSTATEFUEUCEMPLOYEESwiN,eceweaS%payraises’e1year. Rs ‘.503peoØ.blowas •Teacheo,,schoolsatepenomsd.sidsreboopensqlreceivea5% Delegate Jason S payraisebeçirj*çon.hiyI.2018 • fl Ethebudonandl2tamerhiend,iseths Harshbarger .AlIetherçtttetployeessire&wta5%payreelThtvtonAEy1. aaons.heahlwrger 2018.bagsU-oatreasiNbewovrteEtgetBa SeeMae Abosit SeeM QØ. JiCflnDaT.lnrwrd?8rtea llCmrne’is 33San Kane -. {30415t-ZZ3 Ahoul Sims - C Pslttisn Endsements MostRelevarr— SuggestE&a. Photos RelatedPages Debbie SparksTh*yctu! Videos 35” fla ThePenneheroNew, Fo Q JnJicnnTrrkyalt.umtfl a- Dianet.anpkm urUnat DO 2 ROllSASflea 3- I - Sc-cd • Mawrewoortrep]s NardevtPoliceDrpa- • DelegateJasonS.Hanbhaser DOwaiversshoddntbe Polo.Sbo thudwd lereaiathisisana,wataetProfantIallkeep myasopen mtnseteedais&thebjdget at. • EFenrriçftah•iJr:rleeElwirDoIaftPchtt1su {Sn,d) + RobertKochSNowwewarnsco eManyofsees P-racy-Tens idaatwkç AOtn. dese’vedatrue ban,yareoo,ap5.wgqrandutegor Cooles osoantoorret,yisa ianmeisao,theSwy To Parebocel2011 -n.eiresire’.wasa:abgUnnc*yand sa 5’— sweatsafeahewtheleaaerswere brainwashTherttefla.rMiytheywerteslInscbocI’M.tM 550*o,Ourhone 345 • Mawpreviousreptes PatsyEadeyGRetailKOON tjçrjnreadiesa(rang meg.-wearerLd’-ac-sinoternoftoebnt say SSieto reaches&tbwtCor:rtr tooc-erscnt.mosS Utsugtencks?Saciy 5n nhapessisU-rbeocf woesctsaSteen5’bett.ascaIsqp,m4ofat 0: C.- • Mamorertçeea 4 13) A Facebook user must have an account name associated with their Facebook webpage. When the Facebook user creates a post, there is a “button” that allows otherFacebook users to post comments and reply to comments. 14) The Facebook page also has a “button” to allow Facebook users to message the person who has the page. Those messages are sent privately and are seen through a mobile application or in a separate window on the Facebook page. 15) Harshbarger’s page and timeline are visible to everyone with internet access who has a Facebook account. However, Harshbarger can block some users from commenting or messaging his page, even though they can view the page and the timeline. 16) When a user comments or replies, the comment or reply can include photographs, videos, GIFs or text. Other users can then reply to that comment or reply, thereby allowing the users to have a dialogue and create a comment thread. 17) When users reply and comment on a post, those who are commenting on the same post are notified by Facebook that a comment or reply has been made to the post, thus encouraging further dialogue and bringing users back to the post for “views”. 18) A user whose account is public but who wants to limit the comments from certain other users, can block comments from a particularuser. Although Facebook makes the blocking feature available to all users, it is the user that decides whether to make use of the feature and against whom the feature will be used. A blocked user is thus prevented from commenting or replying to comments in the first user’s Facebook account. 19) Harshbarger established his account in our about 2016 and has used the account to engage with his followers and the public about legislation, public policy, his campaign and endorsements, among other topics. He uses the account as an instrument ofhis office, and during the legislative session, he uses it almost exclusively as a channel for communicating with the public about the ongoing legislative session. Because ofthe way that he uses his Facebook account, Harshbarger’s posts have become an important source ofnews and information about State government, and the 5 comment threads associated with the posts have become important forums for speech by, to and about the Legislature. 20) Harshbarger presents the account to the public as one that he operates in his official capacity ratherthan his personal page. The page is identified as “Delegate Jason S. Harshbarger.” The about link on the page appears as follows: [aSlur. I Soot / SlinocolEdIts About — Sogg.etEd.ts tAkS(n,’,Nr)I’U(SONALINFO — Pottrafob ControlCite DelegateJason S Cusreney HouseofDeteçntn.West Harshbarger Rumimqtot Wgrds.Distnct7 Repflan floonoharshbor0et INTERESTS 0 PnvodteOiala,a 9dentknessbntaiflitd.ilb’yadhi,busOMfltnldo About k-a‘itarose-,vuits.ehi tMhaça these idhanioçMad bSen Atet StheatttlNeMFinPm *o%, 0 Internals Rn3canr;.k0 hi.,; CONtACTINFO Posts Ccnrmtraty q0 Can(304)659-2203 InfoendAds Jndienshbargeçadcotn R3REINro 0 Ftathtow, PabnburW - ØAJ0ni 0 AtoA DeJeenJasonS HaittanerJttetPb.flad R arb.i F•WIHouseelD.w, Dai7 o Poqtd.tw, Caiservatse o RaJJgious‘eieVk Cliutun 0 Astivities FastCorporateeo.rdFrisamoolWasYrraHçh Cm.,YosurL..derse Noel.cun.rfyserwI5enme coepout.boat Lion.DotsolonserYcut,Ezt,.r;e ProenamHodFamit(ItalyZ10Found) Sets’rn.c,onFriPrta, PcTN50t3L.sa PCrty ti. 0 Gea Ma áPoflrnn 6 21) Harshbarger’s Facebook account is accessible to the public at large without regard to political affiliation or any other limitingcriteria. Harshbarger allows anyone to follow his account that chooses to do so. The account has over 1,000 followers and other members ofthe Facebook community can comment on the posts on Harshbarger’s page. The only users who cannot comment, reply or message on Harshbarger’s page are those users that Harshbarger chooses to block. 22) Windom was blocked by Harshbarger during the 2018 legislative session, apparently after a discussion to a post about the “co-tenancy” bill that Harshbarger supported. Harshbarger’s blocking ofWindom’s comments, replies or messages prevents or impedes Windom from replying to dialogue and discussion between Harshbarger and his constituents. In fact, in the comments below, Harshbarger referenced overwhelming support for a bill he voted for. He had blocked at least opponent of that bill from commenting on the Facebook page, thus limiting the dialogue between Harshbarger and his constituents. ,m.,. Mc.JWtesn• ousInHdIme::ara::rS iIW210CQOIO cn1.c.,..,1de1;apc.vot.a,dros::cnkS4:L3Ib;hy ,mmt,dyou aIDCoin;I, 1. r.c2u.edot-,n12‘a ‘cattiLlty.yh.a’5turpooSon.thevotetaitolSa, Move 0’ Delegate Jason5 — Har5hbarger uCtarger 0 ‘Os.lf..too.tn.Jh.i.taena,S.cHraeridItapwcs..dJAIILt. ‘SWeeFfel olfhicteap’haonlend,o.at*yll_t_.talI,44fleTrtjfOtwno..pC.n.Zc.diirh.GaO1J1 up0.151p.apeatrammapC..’ma.rfl&nf.a 0 ‘S. JnKe.n.ltd SOWpropertyc*frflWit loanye.My - popenyI,noimynSchoo,. 3— CI D*g..eJaw..S Hanhbapn e,zbi bsdon ad,,W Sot..a-atOpeocJa—tenCVeofOw royatyrtjmaior.lr.jp 2 1o.ydo Sr.me,n.ya.pnmrt., nfl40rOwire MS of‘ciwtw.Owr.nwtdevtcp Latrot 0 3— OeMfleikO.ni.nfl0 teapeJteo.Mtoily.vr..,as you.ontIZSbudpodirciju. tWihardIsbetaema yo.JCs,drty.tea.ontaty‘teds&be.‘fsaofViper0OwOW Isonielyojabbbsedvrb.ofu.&ch.rQ.OS of •ltJsflptflLIipo ,i.at&lper0ttcy. resayhsdtlidya.nonfl.&.aWard 7 23) The blocking of Windom violates Windom’s First Amendment rights by distorting the expressive forum in which Harshbarger and other non-blocked users participate and engage in discussions with their delegate. COUNT I: Violation of the First Amendment ofthe United States Constitution and Article III, § 7 ofthe Constitution ofWest Virginia 24) The Plaintiffincorporates by reference all previous paragraphs to this Complaintas iffilLy restated herein. 25) Defendant’s blocking of the Plaintiff from commenting, replying or messaging the Facebook page of Delegate Jason S. Harshbarger violates the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and Article III, § 7 of the West Virginia Constitution because it imposes a viewpoint-based restriction on the Plaintiffs participation on a public forum ofan elected official. 26) Defendant’s blocking of the Plaintiff from commenting, replying or messaging the Facebook page of Delegate Jason S. Harshbarger violates the First Amendment of the United Stales Constitution and Article III, § 7 of the West Virginia Constitution because it imposes a viewpoint-based restriction on the Plaintiffs ability to petition the government through his delegate for the redress ofgrievances. 27) Defendanl’s blocking of the Plaintiff from commenting, replying or messaging Delegale Jason S. Harshbarger’s Facebook page violates the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and Article III, § 7 ofthe West Virginia Conslitution because it imposes a viewpoint based restriction on the Plaintiffs right to free speech. 8 COUNT H: Declaratory Relief 28) The Plaintiffincorporates the preceding paragraphs as though fufly set forth herein. 29) There exists ajusticiablecontroversybetween the parties regardingthe Defendant’s violation ofthe PlaintifFs rights. 30) Plaintiffrespectfully requests, pursuant to W Va. Code §55-13-I, c/seq., the Court invoke itsjurisdiction and declare that Defendant has no legal right to block the Plaintiff, or others similarly situated, from commenting on the Facebook page of Delegate Harshbarger; that Defendant’s viewpoint-based blocking ofthe Plaintifffrom the Facebook page ofDelegate Jason S. Harshbarger to be unconstitutional; and, for an award of attorney fees to Plaintiff in such amounts at the Court determines arejust and reasonable. COUNT HI: Preliminary and Permanent Inlunctive Relief 31) The Plaintiffincorporates the preceding paragraphs as though fully set forth herein. 32) The Defendant has intentionally, recklessly, willfully, improperly and repeatedly violated the Plaintiffs rights to free speech. 33) The Plaintiff is entitled to a preliminary injunction to enjoin the Defendant from blocking Plaintiffs access to comment on the Delegate Jason S. Harshbarger Facebook page during the pendency ofthis litigation and a permanent injunction to enjoin the Defendant from the same in the future. PRAYER FOR RELIEF WHEREFORE. Windom respectfully prays that the Court: I) Declare Defendant’s viewpoint-based blocking ofthe Plaintifffrom the Facebook page of Delegate Jason S. Harshbarger to be unconstitutional; 9

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