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Who's Who and What's What in the Books of Dr. Seuss PDF

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Who’s Who& What’s What in the books of Compiled by Edward Connery Lathem Hanover, New Hampshire Dartmouth College 2000 This publication commemorates the seventy-fifth anniversary of the graduation from Dartmouth College of THEODOR SEUSS GEISEL and was made possible by the William L. Bryant Foundation established by William J. Bryant Dartmouth Class of 1925 Available on the Internet at http://www.dartmouth.edu/ ~drseuss/whoswho.pdf Title-page illustration and “Dr. Seuss” signature reproduced by courtesy of Audrey S. Geisel (Dartmouth L.H.D. 2000) and Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P. Who’s Who& What’s What The Dr. Seuss Books of Theodor Seuss Geisel AND TO THINK THAT I SAW IT ON MULBERRYSTREET (1937) THE 500 HATS OF BARTHOLOMEW CUBBINS (1938) THE SEVEN LADY GODIVAS (1939) THE KING’S STILTS (1939) HORTON HATCHES THE EGG (1940) McELLIGOT’SPOOL(1947) THIDWICK THE BIG-HEARTED MOOSE (1948) BARTHOLOMEW AND THE OOBLECK (1949) IF I RAN THE ZOO (1950) SCRAMBLED EGGS SUPER! (1953) HORTON HEARS AWHO! (1954) ON BEYOND ZEBRA(1955) IF I RAN THE CIR- CUS (1956) THE CAT IN THE HAT (1957) HOW THE GRINCH STOLE CHRIST- MAS (1957) YERTLE THE TURTLE AND OTHER STORIES (1958) THE CAT IN THE HAT COMES BACK! (1958) HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! (1959) GREEN EGGS AND HAM (1960) ONE FISH TWO FISH RED FISH BLUE FISH (1960) THE SNEETCHES AND OTHER STORIES (1961) DR. SEUSS’S SLEEP BOOK (1962) DR. SEUSS’S ABC (1963) HOP ON POP (1963) FOX IN SOCKS (1965) I HAD TROU- BLE IN GETTING TO SOLLASOLLEW (1965) THE CAT IN THE HAT SONG BOOK (1967) THE FOOT BOOK (1968) I CAN LICK 30 TIGERS TODAY! AND OTHER STORIES (1969) MY BOOK ABOUT ME (1969) I CAN DRAW IT MYSELF (1970) MR. BROWN CAN MOO! CAN YOU? (1970) THE LORAX (1971) MARVIN K. MOONEY WILL YOU PLEASE GO NOW! (1972) DID I EVER TELL YOU HOW LUCKYYOU ARE? (1973) THE SHAPE OF ME AND OTHER STUFF (1973) GREAT DAY FOR UP (1974) THERE’S A WOCKET IN MY POCKET! (1974) OH, THE THINKS YOU CAN THINK! (1975) THE CAT’S QUIZZER (1976) I CAN READ WITH MY EYES SHUT! (1978) OH SAY CAN YOU SAY? (1979) HUNCHES IN BUNCHES (1982) THE BUTTER BATTLE BOOK (1984) YOU’RE ONLYOLD ONCE! (1986) I AM NOT GOING TO GET UP TODAY! (1987) OH, THE PLACES YOU’LL GO! (1990) [AND POSTHUMOUSLY:] DAISY-HEAD MAYZIE (1994) MYMANY COLORED DAYS (1996) HOORAY FOR DIFFENDOOFER DAY! (1998) A Alice A Letter of the alphabet central to a ques- declares have come, as his throne is progres-   tion in The Cat’s Quizzer sively elevated, within his domain in “Yer- tle the Turtle,” as part of Yertle the Turtle and Aand S Man Designation at the Golden Other Stories 2: One of the contexts (“Up in Years Clinic of Dr. Ginns, as the physician  the air feet”) of the subject covered in The  specializing in “Antrums and Shins” in Foot Book You’re Only Old Once! airplane Vehicle that is the source of con- Abel, Curtis A. Name on a roadside sign fetti, dumped “while everyone cheers,” as (identifying Salina, Kansas, as “Birthplace /  part of Marco’s fantasizing in And to Think of / Curtis A. Abel”), being one of a multi- That I Saw It on Mulberry Street See also:  tude of directional indicators featured in I jet; plane Can Read with My Eyes Shut! a-la-hoop Description of the manner of abilities Among the subjects about which sleepwalking engaged in by the Hoop-Soup- information is to be provided by the vol-  Snoop Group in Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book  ume’s purported author in My Book About Me Alaric, Sir Keeper of the King’s Records  in The 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins Abrasion-Contusions Race cars said to be driven by Circus McGurkus’s Colliding- alarm Among the things (“The alarm can  Collusions in If I Ran the Circus ring.”) the narrator says will not cause him  to leave his bed in I Am NOTGoing to Get Act, Great Balancing Description and/or Up Today!  definition of the nature of Life in Oh, the Places You’ll Go! Alaska 1: Among the places, cited as hav- ing been confirmed by Principal Grumm’s address Among the things about which  research, where daisies it is said can grow information is to be provided by the vol- in Daisy-Head Mayzie 2: One of the states  ume’s purported author in My Book About about which the narrator declares, indiffer- Me  ently, “Let the kids get up” in I Am NOT Agent, Finagle the “Awheeler and dealer Going to Get Up Today! who knew every trick,” and who undertook Aldermen City officials who are present on the commercial representation of Mayzie a reviewing stand, as part of Marco’s fanta-  McGrew and her daisy in Daisy-Head  sizing in And to Think That I Saw It on Mayzie Mulberry Street Aghast, Bombastic Bird the egg of which Ali Fellow (“brave Ali”) who “fought his (“And I saved it for last . . .”) was secured by way through” to secure for Peter T. Hooper  Peter T. Hooper inScrambled Eggs Super!  an egg of the Mt. Strookoo Cuckoo in “Ah-a-a-a-a-a-h . . . Choo” Title of a Scrambled Eggs Super! See also: Sard, Ali  song in The Cat in the Hat Song Book  Alice Name of both Hooded Klopfers in air 1: Among the things King Yertle Happy Birthday to You! • 3 • all ape cakes all Among the words featured for use as with-the-Sky,” and basic to the story’s devel-   part of a phrase or sentence in Hop on Pop opment in Bartholomew and the Oobleck all-er Seussian expression of an extended, animal, big yellowand animal, one-horned more inclusive form of “all,” as well as a ren- Among the creatures about which questions  dering of “all are” (devised to rhyme with are asked in The Cat’s Quizzer  “taller”) in Happy Birthday to You! ankles Among the things the Cat in the  Allergy Whiz Characterization of Dr. Hat says, “You can read about . . .” in I Can Pollenin You’re Only Old Once! Read with My Eyes Shut! Annie, Aunt Name cited (as part of a all-est Seussian expression of a superlative phrase) in providing examples of use of the form of “all” (devised to rhyme with   letter A/a in Dr. Seuss’s ABC “tallest”) in Happy Birthday to You! Another Chance Among the things cited alligatorand alligators 1: Among the crea- (“Waiting for . . . Another Chance”) as rea- tures cited as associated with a state of being  sons for people being at the Waiting “up” in Great Day for Up 2: Creature cited  Place in Oh, the Places You’ll Go! (as part of a phrase) in providing examples  of use of the letter A/a in Dr. Seuss’s ABC Antrums One of the areas (together with Shins) constituting the medical specialty of alone State in which, it is said, “you’ll be  Dr. Ginns in You’re Only Old Once! quite a lot” and within which context may encounter things “that can scare you so ants Creatures the Cat in the Hat says one much you won’t want to go on”in Oh, the can read “all about”in I Can Read with My Places You’ll Go! Eyes Shut! alphabet 1: Subject central to the story’s ants’eggs Part of the charge (together with developmentin On Beyond Zebra 2: Sub- “bees’ legs,” “dried-fried clam chowder,” ject of the book’s coveragein Dr. Seuss’s and Poo-a-Doo Powder) said to have been  ABC used to load the Yooks’ Kick-a-Poo Kid in The Butter Battle Book anchors Among the things the Cat in the Hat says, “You can read about . . .”in I Can anywhere Among the locations asked Read with My Eyes Shut! about, as possibly being a place for liking  and/or eating the food treated of in Green And now Papa’s in the pail. Sentence cited Eggs and Ham in providing examples of use of the letter  Apartments, Fairfax Residence at Who-ville P/p in Dr. Seuss’s ABC  of Jo-Jo in Horton Hears a Who! anger 1: Among the subjects about which Apartment 12-J Fairfax Apartments location information is to be provided by the volume’s  of Jo-Jo in Horton Hears a Who!  purported author in My Book About Me 2: Emotion experienced by King Derwin ape cakes Alternative designation of throughout “The-Year-the-King-Got-Angry- “grape cakes”in Oh Say Can You Say? • 4 • apes back door keys apes Circus McGurkus’s creatures (Sir information is to be provided by the volume’s  Beers, Sir Bopps, Sir Dawkins, Sir Hawkins, purported author in My Book About Me Sir Hector, Sir Jawks, Sir Jeers, and Sir Vector) Audio-Telly-o-Tally-o Count Means cited  said to perform as its Tournament Knights as being that of determining the number of in If I Ran the Circus See also: horn-tooting  sleepers in Dr. Seuss’s Sleep Book apes Aunt Annie’s alligator Phrase cited in pro- appearance Among the subjects about  viding examples of use of the letter A/a in which information is to be provided by the Dr. Seuss’s ABC  volume’s purported author in My Book Australian fish Aquatic creature (“With a About Me kangaroo’s pouch”) Marco speculates he April 16, 1078 Date on which Lady Lulu might catchin McElligot’s Pool  “was kicked by her horse” in The Seven autograph collection Unit of the book Lady Godivas where specified entries are to be secured by  Arabella, Lady One of Lord Godiva’s the volume’s purported author in My Book daughtersin The Seven Lady Godivas About Me Ark, Noah’s whole Biblical vessel and its awfully awfully awful Characterization of cargo that, Gerald McGrew declares, people one’s condition “when you can’t make up  will ultimately regard McGrew Zoo as “bet- your mind” in Hunches in Bunches  ter than” in If I Ran the Zoo ax One of the words cited in providing examples of where it “comes in handy” to armament, combat Subject central to the   have the letter X/x in Dr. Seuss’s ABC story in The Butter Battle Book Baboona, Foona-Lagoona Creatures said to a-snooze Description of the sleeping state  be asleep at Foona-Lagoona in Dr. Seuss’s of the inhabitants of Who-ville when the Sleep Book Grinch made his Christmas Eve descent upon the townin How the Grinch Stole baby Among the words cited in providing  Christmas examples of use of the letter B/b in Dr. Seuss’s ABC Asso-see-eye-ation, Katroo Happy Birthday Organization said to have responsibility for back 1: Among the words featured for use the training of Birthday BirdsinHappy as part of a phrase or sentencein Hop on Birthday to You! Pop 2: One of the particularities (“Back  feet”) of the subject covered in The Foot Atrocious, Spotted Circus McGurkus crea- Book 3: Among the words featured as part ture it is said “chews up and eats with the  of a tongue-twisting sentence in Oh Say Can greatest of ease / Things like carpets and You Say?  sidewalks and people and trees” in If I Ran back door keys Among the things the girl the Circus  narrator cites by name in The Shape of Me attributes Among the subjects about which and Other Stuff • 5 • Back Room bandwagon Back Room Working area of the Boys con- Cat in the Hat 2: Among the objects that  stituting the weapons-planning groups of were, it is suggested, left to be supplied in I  the Yooks and the Zooks in The Butter Battle Can Draw It Myself 3: Among the words Book featured for use as part of a phrase or sen-  tence in Hop on Pop 4: Object (“a race / bad 1: Among the various kinds and on a horse / on a ball / with a fish”) it is  descriptions of fish cited in One Fish Two  suggested one might think about inOh, Fish Red Fish Blue Fish 2: Among the words the Thinks You Can Think! See also: base- featured for use as part of a phrase or sen- balls; Biggel-Ball; ping-pong ball; snow  tence in Hop on Pop balls; soccer balls Bad-Animal-Catching-Machine Device Ballew, Dr. One of the Golden Years Clinic Gerald McGrew fantasizes about building, to physicians about whom it is predicted “all be used in capturing for McGrew Zoo crea-  . . . will prescribe a prescription for you” in tures “too dangerous to catch with bare You’re Only Old Once!  hands” in If I Ran the Zoo balloon and balloons 1: Among the means baggy bears Among the kinds of bears of conveyance (“go / by balloon”) suggested with which Uncle Terwilliger is said to for departurein Marvin K. Mooney Will You  dance in “My Uncle Terwilliger Waltzes Please Go Now! 2: Among the things about with Bears,” as part of The Cat in the Hat Song which questions are askedin The Cat’s Book Quizzer 3: Among the things the boy nar-  rator cites by name in The Shape of Me and bagpipes Musical instrument that it is said Other Stuff 4: Among the objects (“red, Mrs. Fox “Makes . . . out of / straws and  blue and orange balloons”) that were, it is socks” in Hooray for Diffendoofer Day!  suggested, left to be supplied in I Can Draw bah, hoo-to foo-to boo-to Subject involved It Myself 5: Among the things cited as asso-   in the theft treated of in “Somebody Stole ciated with a state of being “up” in Great My Hoo-to Foo-to Boo-to Bah,” as part of The Day for Up See also: Marvin O’Gravel Cat in the Hat Song Book Balloon Face BAHH Seussian rendering of “Bah”in bananas 1: Among the things about which  Bartholomew and the Oobleck questions are asked in The Cat’s Quizzer 2: Among the things cited as pertaining to an Balancing Act, Great Description and/or  arithmetic calculation in “I Can Figure Fig-  definition of the nature of Life in Oh, the ures,” as part of The Cat in the Hat Song Book Places You’ll Go! band andbands Among the words fea- Balber Element of the magicians’ incanta- tured as part of tongue-twisting textsin Fox  tion “Malber, Balber, Tidder, Tudd” in The in Socks See also: Boom Bands; brass 500 Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins band; Butter-Up Band; Snore-a-Snort Band ballandballs 1: Among the objects bandwagon Vehicle Marco fantasizes  involved in the Cat’s Up-up-upgame in The about causing to be pulled by an elephant • 6 •

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